2! Copyright (C) 2001-2020 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
10  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
11  !
12  ! The quantities needed in DFT+U and extended DFT+U calculations.
13  !
14  USE kinds,         ONLY : DP
15  USE upf_params,    ONLY : lqmax
16  ! FIXME: lqmax should not be used (see starting_ns* below)
17  USE parameters,    ONLY : ntypx, natx, sc_size
18  USE basis,         ONLY : natomwfc
19  USE ions_base,     ONLY : nat, ntyp => nsp, ityp
20  USE control_flags, ONLY : dfpt_hub
21  !
22  SAVE
23  !
25  !! atomic wfcs with U term
26  COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: d_spin_ldau(:,:,:)
27  !! the rotations in spin space for all symmetries
28  REAL(DP) :: eth
29  !! the Hubbard contribution to the energy
30  REAL(DP) :: Hubbard_U(ntypx)
31  !! the Hubbard U
32  REAL(DP) :: Hubbard_U_back(ntypx)
33  !! the Hubbard U on background states
34  REAL(DP) :: Hubbard_J0(ntypx)
35  !! the Hubbard J, in simplified DFT+U
36  REAL(DP) :: Hubbard_J(3,ntypx)
37  !! extra Hubbard parameters for full DFT+U:
38  !! * p: J(1)=J
39  !! * d: J(1)=J, J(2)=B
40  !! * f: J(1)=J, J(2)=E2, J(3)=E3
41  REAL(DP) :: Hubbard_alpha(ntypx)
42  !! the Hubbard alpha (used to calculate U)
43  REAL(DP) :: Hubbard_alpha_back(ntypx)
44  !! the Hubbard alpha (used to calculate U on background states)
45  REAL(DP) :: Hubbard_beta(ntypx)
46  !! the Hubbard beta (used to calculate J0)
47  REAL(DP) :: starting_ns(lqmax,2,ntypx)
48  !! starting ns
49  !! FIXME: allocate dynamically
50  REAL(DP) :: starting_ns_back(lqmax,2,ntypx)
51  !! starting ns on background states
52  !! FIXME: allocate dynamically, or better, remove
53  INTEGER :: nwfcU
54  !! total no. of atomic wavefunctions having U term
55  INTEGER :: niter_with_fixed_ns
56  !! no. of iterations with fixed ns
57  INTEGER :: lda_plus_u_kind
58  !! 0 --> Simplified rotationally-invariant formulation of DFT+U
59  !! 1 --> Full formulation of DFT+U
60  !! 2 --> Simplified rotationally-invariant formulation of DFT+U+V
61  INTEGER :: Hubbard_l(ntypx)
62  !! the angular momentum of Hubbard states
63  INTEGER :: Hubbard_l_back(ntypx)
64  !! the angular momentum of Hubbard background states
65  INTEGER :: Hubbard_l1_back(ntypx)
66  !! the angular momentum of the second channel of iHubbard background states
67  INTEGER :: Hubbard_lmax = 0
68  !! maximum angular momentum of Hubbard states
69  INTEGER :: Hubbard_lmax_back = 0
70  !! maximum angular momentum of Hubbard background states
71  INTEGER :: lback(ntypx)
72  !! the angular momentum of background states
73  INTEGER :: l1back(ntypx)
74  !! like above for the second background state
75  !! (there is a possibility to have two background states at the same U)
76  INTEGER :: ldmx = -1
77  !! max dimension of the manifold where the Hubbard correction
78  !! is applied (max of 2*Hubbard_l+1 over all atoms)
79  INTEGER :: ldmx_b = -1
80  !! like above for background states
81  INTEGER :: ldmx_tot
82  !! max value of ldim_u(nt) = ldim_u(nt) + ldim_back(nt) over all ntyp
83  INTEGER :: l0
84  !! index in the array of Hubbard states.
85  !! for every atom one has 2*Hubbard_l+1 + 2*Hubbard_l_back +1 = ldim_u states for example.
86  INTEGER :: l0b
87  !! like above for background states
88  LOGICAL :: is_hubbard(ntypx)
89  !! .TRUE. if this atom species has U correction
90  LOGICAL :: is_hubbard_back(ntypx)
91  !! .TRUE. if this atom species has U correction for background states
92  LOGICAL :: lda_plus_u
93  !! .TRUE. if DFT+U (or extended) calculation is performed
94  LOGICAL :: conv_ns
95  !! .TRUE. if ns are converged
96  LOGICAL :: reserv(ntypx), reserv_back(ntypx)
97  !! reservoir states
98  LOGICAL :: backall(ntypx)
99  !! if .TRUE. two l channels can be used in the background (lback and l1back should be
100  !! specified in input for all the types for which backall is .true.)
101  LOGICAL :: hub_back
102  !! .TRUE. if at least one species has Hubbard_U in the background states
103  LOGICAL :: hub_pot_fix
104  !! if .TRUE. do not include into account the change of the Hubbard potential
105  !! during the SCF cycle (needed to compute U self-consistently with supercells)
106  LOGICAL :: iso_sys
107  !! .TRUE. if the system is isolated (the code diagonalizes
108  !! and prints the full occupation matrix)
109  CHARACTER(len=30) :: U_projection
110  !! 'atomic', 'ortho-atomic', 'file'
111  CHARACTER(len=80) :: Hubbard_parameters
112  !! if 'input' then read Hubbard_V from input,
113  !! if 'file' read them from the file called 'parameters.in' (used only with lda_plus_u_kind = 2)
114  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: oatwfc(:)
115  !! specifies how input coordinates are given
116  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: oatwfc_back(:), oatwfc_back1(:)
117  !! specifies how input coordinates are given for background states
118  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: offsetU(:)
119  !! offset of atomic wfcs used for projections
120  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: offsetU_back(:), offsetU_back1(:)
121  !! offset of atomic wfcs used for projections (background states)
122  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ldim_u(:)
123  !! number of U states for each atom
124  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ldim_back(:)
125  !! number of U background states for each atom
126  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: ll(:,:)
127  !! ll(i=1:ldim_u) = Hubbard_l       if 0    <= i <= l0
128  !!                = Hubbard_l_back  if l0+1 <  i <= ldim_u
129  REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: q_ae(:,:,:)
130  !! coefficients for projecting onto beta functions
131  REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: q_ps(:,:,:)
132  !! (matrix elements on AE and PS atomic wfcs)
133  !!
134  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
135  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hubbard V part !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
136  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
137  !
138  ! Inter atomic interaction should be cut off at some distance
139  ! that is the reason of having so many unitcell information.
140  !
141  REAL(DP) :: Hubbard_V(natx,natx*(2*sc_size+1)**3,4)
142  !! The Hubbard_V(I,J,int_type) gives the interaction between atom I (in the unit cell)
143  !! with atom J (in the supercell).
144  !! If int_type=1, the interaction is between standard orbitals,
145  !! If int_type=2, the interaction is between standard (on I) and background (on J) orbitals,
146  !! If int_type=3, the interaction is between background orbitals,
147  !! If int_type=4, the interaction is between background (on I) and standard (on J) orbitals.
148  !! Hubbard_V(I,J,4) is equal to Hubbard_V(J,I,2). It is useful
149  !! in cases where Hubbard_V(I,J,2) /= 0 but I is outside the unit cell, J inside.
150  INTEGER :: num_uc
151  !! Number of unit cells in the supercell = (2*sc_size+1)**3
152  INTEGER :: max_num_neighbors
153  !! the maximum number of neighbors
154  REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: atom_pos(:,:)
155  !! matrix with dimensions nat x 3 with the atomic coordinates in
156  !! the primitive basis.
157  REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: dist_s(:,:)
158  !! Distance between atoms in the 3x3x3 supercell (if sc_size = 1)
159  INTEGER,  ALLOCATABLE :: ityp_s(:)
160  !! Type of atoms in the 3x3x3 supercell (if sc_size = 1)
161  COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: nsg(:,:,:,:,:), nsgnew(:,:,:,:,:)
162  !! Generalized occupation matrices, which depend on two atomic sites.
163  !! These matrices nsg(at1,m1,viz,m2,sp) store the expectation value:
164  !! <C^\dagger_{at1,m1,sp}C_{viz,m2,sp}>, where sp = spin and
165  !! viz identifies the atom in the neighborhood of at1.
166  COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: v_nsg(:,:,:,:,:)
167  !! The kernel of the Hubbard potential (see above for the meaning of the
168  !! size of the array)
169  COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: phase_fac(:)
170  !! Phase factor (it is 1 if we have only Hubbard U)
171  INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: sc_at(:,:,:,:)
172  !! Matrix with ranges [1:nat], gives the corresponding atom in the supercell ordering
173  REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: eps_dist = 6.d-4
174  !! Threshold for comparing inter-atomic distances
175  !
176  TYPE position
177     INTEGER :: at, n(3)
178     !! Identifies the atom: it is equivalent to atom 'at' in the unit cell,
179     !! and it is located in the unit cell (n(1),n(2),n(3))
180  ENDTYPE position
181  !
182  TYPE at_center
183     integer :: num_neigh
184     !! Number of neighbours (i.e., other V-interacting atoms)
185     !! of the considered atom
186     integer, ALLOCATABLE :: neigh(:)
187     !! Vector indicating which are the neigbours
188  ENDTYPE at_center
189  !
190  TYPE(position), ALLOCATABLE :: at_sc(:)
191  !! Vector with all the atoms in the supercell
192  !
193  TYPE(at_center), ALLOCATABLE :: neighood(:)
194  !! Vector with the information about the neighbours
195  !! for all the atoms in the unit cell
196  !
198  !
199  SUBROUTINE init_lda_plus_u ( psd, nspin, noncolin )
200    !
201    !! NOTE: average_pp must be called before init_lda_plus_u
202    !
204    !
205    CHARACTER (LEN=2), INTENT(IN) :: psd(:)
206    INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nspin
207    LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: noncolin
208    !
209    INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: set_Hubbard_l, set_Hubbard_l_back
210    INTEGER :: na, nt
211    LOGICAL :: lba, lb
212    !
213    lba = .FALSE.
214    lb  = .FALSE.
215    hub_back = .FALSE.
216    !
217    is_hubbard(:) = .FALSE.
218    is_hubbard_back(:) = .FALSE.
219    !
220    IF ( .NOT. lda_plus_u ) THEN
221       Hubbard_lmax = 0
222       RETURN
223    ENDIF
224    !
225    Hubbard_lmax = -1
226    ! Set the default of Hubbard_l for the species which have
227    ! Hubbard_U=0 (in that case set_Hubbard_l will not be called)
228    Hubbard_l(:) = -1
229    !
230    ! Background part
231    !
232    Hubbard_lmax_back  = -1
233    Hubbard_l_back(:)  = -1
234    Hubbard_l1_back(:) = -1
235    ldmx_tot = -1
236    !
237    IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED (ldim_u) )    ALLOCATE(ldim_u(ntyp))
238    ldim_u(:)=-1
239    IF (.NOT.ALLOCATED (ldim_back) ) ALLOCATE(ldim_back(ntyp))
240    ldim_back(:)=-1
241    !
242    IF ( lda_plus_u_kind == 0 ) THEN
243       !
244       ! DFT+U (simplified)
245       !
246       DO nt = 1, ntyp
247          !
248          is_hubbard(nt) = Hubbard_U(nt) /= 0.0_DP          .OR. &
249                           Hubbard_U_back(nt)/= 0.0_dp      .OR. &
250                           Hubbard_alpha(nt) /= 0.0_DP      .OR. &
251                           Hubbard_alpha_back(nt) /= 0.0_dp .OR. &
252                           Hubbard_J0(nt) /= 0.0_DP         .OR. &
253                           Hubbard_beta(nt) /= 0.0_DP
254          !
255          is_hubbard_back(nt) = Hubbard_U_back(nt)/= 0.0_dp .OR. &
256                                Hubbard_alpha_back(nt) /= 0.0_dp
257          !
258          IF ( is_hubbard(nt) ) THEN
259             Hubbard_l(nt) = set_Hubbard_l( psd(nt) )
260             Hubbard_lmax = MAX( Hubbard_lmax, Hubbard_l(nt) )
261             ldmx = MAX( ldmx, 2*Hubbard_l(nt)+1 )
262             ldim_u(nt) = 2*Hubbard_l(nt)+1
263          ENDIF
264          !
265          IF ( is_hubbard_back(nt) ) THEN
266             lb = .TRUE.
267             hub_back = .TRUE.
268             !
269             ! if .not.backall set_hubbard_l_back determines the Hubbard_l_back; otherwise
270             ! Hubbard_l_back and Hubbard_l1_back are set from input (by lback and l1back).
271             !
272             IF (.NOT.backall(nt)) THEN
273                ! In this case there is only one Hubbard channel for background states
274                Hubbard_l_back(nt) = set_Hubbard_l_back( psd(nt) )
275                Hubbard_lmax_back = MAX( Hubbard_lmax_back, Hubbard_l_back(nt) )
276                ldmx_b = MAX( ldmx_b, 2*Hubbard_l_back(nt)+1)
277                ldim_back(nt) = 2 * Hubbard_l_back(nt) + 1
278             ELSE
279                ! In this case there are two Hubbard channels for background states.
280                ! Note: the same U_back is used for these two background channels.
281                lba = .TRUE.
282                Hubbard_l_back(nt) = lback(nt)
283                Hubbard_l1_back(nt) = l1back(nt)
284                Hubbard_lmax_back = MAX( Hubbard_lmax_back, Hubbard_l1_back(nt) )
285                ldmx_b = MAX( ldmx_b, 2*Hubbard_l_back(nt)+2*Hubbard_l1_back(nt)+2 )
286                ldim_back(nt) = 2 * (Hubbard_l_back(nt) + Hubbard_l1_back(nt) + 1)
287             ENDIF
288             ldim_u(nt) = ldim_u(nt) + ldim_back(nt) !2 * Hubbard_l1_back(nt) + 1
289             Hubbard_lmax_back = MAX( Hubbard_lmax_back, Hubbard_l_back(nt) )
290          ELSE
291             backall(nt) = .FALSE.
292          ENDIF
293          !
294          ldmx_tot = MAX( ldmx_tot, ldim_u(nt) )
295          !
296       ENDDO !nt
297       !
298       IF (ALLOCATED(ll)) DEALLOCATE (ll)
299       ALLOCATE(ll(ldmx_tot,ntyp))
300       !
301       ! ll is a label of all the Hubbard states telling the l of that states.
302       ! It is equal to Hubbard_l for the first 2*Hubbard_l+1 states,
303       ! lback for the next 2*Hubbard_l_back+1,
304       ! l1back for the next 2*Hubbard_l1_back+1
305       ! (if there are two channels in the background).
306       !
307       ll(:,:) = -1
308       DO nt = 1,ntyp
309          IF (Hubbard_l(nt).GE.0) THEN
310             ll(1:2*Hubbard_l(nt)+1,nt) = Hubbard_l(nt)
311             l0 = 2*Hubbard_l(nt)+1
312          ELSE
313             l0 = 0
314          ENDIF
315          IF (Hubbard_l_back(nt).GE.0) THEN
316             ll(l0+1:l0+2*Hubbard_l_back(nt)+1,nt) = &
317             Hubbard_l_back(nt)
318             l0b = l0 + 2*Hubbard_l_back(nt)+1
319          ELSE
320             l0b = 0
321          ENDIF
322          IF (backall(nt) .AND. Hubbard_l1_back(nt).GE.0) THEN
323             ll(l0b+1:l0b+2*Hubbard_l1_back(nt)+1,nt) = &
324             Hubbard_l1_back(nt)
325          ENDIF
326       ENDDO
327       !
328    ELSEIF ( lda_plus_u_kind == 1 ) THEN
329       !
330       ! DFT+U (full)
331       !
332       IF ( U_projection == 'pseudo' ) CALL errore( 'init_lda_plus_u', &
333            & 'full DFT+U not implemented with pseudo projection type', 1 )
334       !
335       IF (noncolin) THEN
336          IF ( .NOT. ALLOCATED (d_spin_ldau) ) ALLOCATE( d_spin_ldau(2,2,48) )
337          CALL comp_dspinldau()
338       ENDIF
339       !
340       DO nt = 1, ntyp
341          IF (Hubbard_alpha(nt)/=0.d0 ) CALL errore( 'init_lda_plus_u', &
342               'full DFT+U does not support Hubbard_alpha calculation', 1 )
344          is_hubbard(nt) = Hubbard_U(nt)/= 0.0_dp .OR. &
345                           ANY( Hubbard_J(:,nt) /= 0.0_dp )
347          IF ( is_hubbard(nt) ) THEN
348             !
349             Hubbard_l(nt) = set_Hubbard_l( psd(nt) )
350             Hubbard_lmax = MAX( Hubbard_lmax, Hubbard_l(nt) )
351             ldmx = MAX( ldmx, 2*Hubbard_l(nt)+1 )
352             ldim_u(nt) = 2*Hubbard_l(nt)+1
353             !
354             IF (Hubbard_U(nt) == 0.0_dp) Hubbard_U(nt) = 1.d-14
355             !
356             IF ( Hubbard_l(nt) == 2 ) THEN
357                IF ( Hubbard_J(2,nt) == 0.d0 ) &
358                     Hubbard_J(2,nt) = 0.114774114774d0 * Hubbard_J(1,nt)
359             ELSEIF ( Hubbard_l(nt) == 3 ) THEN
360                IF ( Hubbard_J(2,nt) == 0.d0 ) &
361                     Hubbard_J(2,nt) = 0.002268d0 * Hubbard_J(1,nt)
362                IF ( Hubbard_J(3,nt)==0.d0 )   &
363                     Hubbard_J(3,nt) = 0.0438d0 * Hubbard_J(1,nt)
364             ENDIF
365          ENDIF
366          !
367       ENDDO
368       !
369    ELSEIF ( lda_plus_u_kind == 2 ) THEN
370       !
371       ! DFT+U+V (simplified)
372       !
373       ! Number of cells in the supercell
374       num_uc = (2*sc_size+1)**3
375       !
376       ! Setup atomic positions in the primitive basis coordinates
377       !
378       CALL alloc_atom_pos()
379       !
380       ! In this case is_hubbard is set inside alloc_neighborhood
381       !
382       CALL alloc_neighborhood()
383       !
384       ldmx = 0
385       ldmx_b = 0
386       lba = .FALSE.
387       !
388       DO nt = 1, ntyp
389          !
390          ! Here we account for the remaining cases when we need to
391          ! setup is_hubbard
392          !
393          is_hubbard(nt) = is_hubbard(nt)              .OR. &
394                           Hubbard_alpha(nt) /= 0.0_dp .OR. &
395                           Hubbard_beta(nt) /= 0.0_dp  .OR. &
396                           Hubbard_J0(nt) /= 0.0_dp
397          !
398          is_hubbard_back(nt) = is_hubbard_back(nt)    .OR. &
399                                Hubbard_alpha_back(nt) /= 0.0_dp
400          !
401          IF (  is_hubbard(nt) ) THEN
402             !
403             IF (Hubbard_l(nt).EQ.-1) Hubbard_l(nt) = set_Hubbard_l( psd(nt) )
404             !
405             IF (Hubbard_l(nt).GE.0) THEN
406                ldim_u(nt) = 2 * Hubbard_l(nt) + 1
407                Hubbard_lmax = MAX( Hubbard_lmax, Hubbard_l(nt) )
408                ldmx = MAX( ldmx, ldim_u(nt) )
409             ENDIF
410             !
411             IF ( is_hubbard_back(nt) ) THEN
412                !
413                lb = .TRUE.
414                hub_back = .TRUE.
415                !
416                ! if .not.backall set_hubbard_l_back determines the Hubbard_l_back; otherwise
417                ! Hubbard_l_back and Hubbard_l1_back are set from input (by lback and l1back).
418                !
419                IF (.NOT.backall(nt)) THEN
420                   ! In this case there is only one Hubbard channel for background states
421                   IF (Hubbard_l_back(nt).EQ.-1) &
422                      Hubbard_l_back(nt) = set_Hubbard_l_back( psd(nt) )
423                   IF (Hubbard_l_back(nt).GE.0)  &
424                      ldim_back(nt) = 2 * Hubbard_l_back(nt) + 1
425                ELSE
426                   ! In this case there are two Hubbard channels for background states.
427                   ! Note: the same Hubbard parameter is used for these two background channels.
428                   lba = .TRUE.
429                   IF (Hubbard_l1_back(nt).EQ.-1) THEN
430                      Hubbard_l_back(nt) = lback(nt)
431                      Hubbard_l1_back(nt) = l1back(nt)
432                   ENDIF
433                   ldim_back(nt) = 2 * Hubbard_l_back(nt) + 2 * Hubbard_l1_back(nt) + 2
434                   Hubbard_lmax_back = MAX( Hubbard_lmax_back, Hubbard_l1_back(nt) )
435                ENDIF
436                !
437                ldim_u(nt) = ldim_u(nt) + ldim_back(nt) ! 2 * Hubbard_l1_back(nt) + 1
438                ldmx_b = MAX( ldmx_b, ldim_back(nt) )
439                Hubbard_lmax_back = MAX( Hubbard_lmax_back, Hubbard_l_back(nt) )
440                !
441             ENDIF
442             !
443          ELSE
444             !
445             ldim_u(nt) = 0
446             ldim_back(nt) = 0
447             !
448          ENDIF
449          !
450          ldmx_tot = MAX( ldmx_tot, ldim_u(nt) )
451          !
452       ENDDO
453       !
454       ! The allocation should be moved into scf_mod ?
455       !
456       ALLOCATE ( v_nsg ( ldmx_tot, ldmx_tot, max_num_neighbors, nat, nspin ) )
457       ALLOCATE ( nsg   ( ldmx_tot, ldmx_tot, max_num_neighbors, nat, nspin ) )
458       ALLOCATE ( nsgnew( ldmx_tot, ldmx_tot, max_num_neighbors, nat, nspin ) )
459       ALLOCATE ( phase_fac(nat*num_uc))
460       ALLOCATE ( ll(ldmx_tot, ntyp))
461       !
462       ! ll is a label of all the Hubbard states telling the l of that states.
463       ! It is equal to Hubbard_l for the first 2*Hubbard_l+1 states,
464       ! lback for the next 2*Hubbard_l_back+1,
465       ! l1back for the next 2*Hubbard_l1_back+1
466       ! (if there are two channels in the background).
467       !
468       ll(:,:) = -1
469       !
470       DO nt = 1, ntyp
471          !
472          IF (Hubbard_l(nt).GE.0) THEN
473             ll(1:2*Hubbard_l(nt)+1,nt) = Hubbard_l(nt)
474             l0 = 2*Hubbard_l(nt)+1
475          ELSE
476             l0 = 0
477          ENDIF
478          !
479          IF (Hubbard_l_back(nt).GE.0) THEN
480             ll(l0+1:l0+2*Hubbard_l_back(nt)+1,nt) = Hubbard_l_back(nt)
481             l0b = l0 + 2*Hubbard_l_back(nt)+1
482          ELSE
483             l0b = 0
484          ENDIF
485          !
486          IF (backall(nt) .AND. Hubbard_l1_back(nt).GE.0) &
487             & ll(l0b+1:l0b+2*Hubbard_l1_back(nt)+1,nt) = Hubbard_l1_back(nt)
488          !
489       ENDDO
490       !
491    ELSE
492       !
493       CALL errore( 'init_lda_plus_u', 'Not allowed value of lda_plus_u_kind', 1 )
494       !
495    ENDIF
496    !
497    IF ( Hubbard_lmax == -1 ) CALL errore( 'init_lda_plus_u', &
498         'lda_plus_u calculation but Hubbard_l not set', 1 )
499    !
500    IF ( Hubbard_lmax > 3 ) &
501         CALL errore( 'init_lda_plus_u', 'Hubbard_l should not be > 3 ', 1 )
502    !
503    ! Compute the index of atomic wfcs used as projectors
504    !
505    IF ( .NOT.ALLOCATED(oatwfc)) ALLOCATE( oatwfc(nat) )
506    CALL offset_atom_wfc ( .FALSE., 1, oatwfc, nwfcU )
507    !
508    IF ( lb .AND. .NOT.ALLOCATED(oatwfc_back)) THEN
509       ALLOCATE ( oatwfc_back(nat) )
510       CALL offset_atom_wfc ( .FALSE., 2, oatwfc_back, nwfcU )
511    ENDIF
512    !
513    IF ( lba .AND. .NOT.ALLOCATED(oatwfc_back1)) THEN
514       ALLOCATE ( oatwfc_back1(nat) )
515       CALL offset_atom_wfc ( .FALSE., 3, oatwfc_back1, nwfcU )
516    ENDIF
517    !
518    ! nwfcU is set to natomwfc by the routine above
519    IF ( nwfcU /= natomwfc ) &
520         CALL errore( 'offset_atom_wfc', 'wrong number of wavefunctions', 1 )
521    !
522    ! For each atom, compute the index of its projectors (among projectors only)
523    !
524    IF ( .NOT.ALLOCATED(offsetU)) ALLOCATE( offsetU(nat) )
525    CALL offset_atom_wfc( .TRUE., 1, offsetU, nwfcU )
526    !
527    IF ( lb .AND. .NOT.ALLOCATED(offsetU_back)) THEN
528       ALLOCATE ( offsetU_back(nat) )
529       CALL offset_atom_wfc ( .TRUE., 2, offsetU_back, nwfcU )
530    ENDIF
531    !
532    IF ( lba .AND. .NOT.ALLOCATED(offsetU_back1)) THEN
533       ALLOCATE ( offsetU_back1(nat) )
534       CALL offset_atom_wfc ( .TRUE., 3, offsetU_back1, nwfcU )
535    ENDIF
536    ! nwfcU is set to natomwfc by the routine above
537    !
538    RETURN
539    !
540  END SUBROUTINE init_lda_plus_u
541  !
542  SUBROUTINE deallocate_ldaU( flag )
543  !
544  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: flag
545  INTEGER :: na
546  !
547  IF ( flag ) THEN
548     IF ( ALLOCATED( oatwfc ) )        DEALLOCATE( oatwfc )
549     IF ( ALLOCATED( oatwfc_back ) )   DEALLOCATE( oatwfc_back )
550     IF ( ALLOCATED( oatwfc_back1 ) )  DEALLOCATE( oatwfc_back1 )
551     IF ( ALLOCATED( offsetU ) )       DEALLOCATE( offsetU )
552     IF ( ALLOCATED( offsetU_back ) )  DEALLOCATE( offsetU_back )
553     IF ( ALLOCATED( offsetU_back1 ) ) DEALLOCATE( offsetU_back1 )
554     IF ( ALLOCATED( q_ae ) )          DEALLOCATE( q_ae )
555     IF ( ALLOCATED( q_ps ) )          DEALLOCATE( q_ps )
556     IF ( ALLOCATED( d_spin_ldau ))    DEALLOCATE( d_spin_ldau )
557     IF ( ALLOCATED( ll ) )            DEALLOCATE( ll )
558     IF ( ALLOCATED( v_nsg ) )         DEALLOCATE( v_nsg )
559     IF ( ALLOCATED( nsg ) )           DEALLOCATE( nsg )
560     IF ( ALLOCATED( nsgnew ) )        DEALLOCATE( nsgnew )
561     IF ( ALLOCATED( phase_fac ) )     DEALLOCATE( phase_fac )
562     IF ( ALLOCATED( atom_pos ) )      DEALLOCATE( atom_pos )
563     IF ( ALLOCATED( at_sc ) )         DEALLOCATE( at_sc )
564     IF ( ALLOCATED( sc_at ) )         DEALLOCATE( sc_at )
565     IF ( ALLOCATED( neighood ) ) THEN
566        DO na = 1, nat
567           CALL deallocate_at_center_type ( neighood(na) )
568        ENDDO
569        DEALLOCATE( neighood )
570     ENDIF
571     IF ( ALLOCATED( ldim_u ) )        DEALLOCATE( ldim_u )
572     IF ( ALLOCATED( ldim_back ) )     DEALLOCATE( ldim_back )
573  END IF
574  !
575  IF ( ALLOCATED( wfcU ) )             DEALLOCATE( wfcU )
576  !
577  IF (.NOT.dfpt_hub) THEN
578     IF ( ALLOCATED( dist_s ) )        DEALLOCATE( dist_s )
579     IF ( ALLOCATED( ityp_s ) )        DEALLOCATE( ityp_s )
580  ENDIF
581  !
583  !
584  END SUBROUTINE deallocate_ldaU
585  !
586  SUBROUTINE deallocate_at_center_type (neighood_)
587  !
589  TYPE (at_center) :: neighood_
590  !
591  neighood_%num_neigh = 0
592  !
593  IF ( ALLOCATED( neighood_%neigh ) )  DEALLOCATE( neighood_%neigh )
594  !
596  !
597  END SUBROUTINE deallocate_at_center_type
598  !
599  SUBROUTINE copy_U_wfc( swfcatom, noncolin )
600  !
601  !  Copy (orthogonalized) atomic wavefunctions "swfcatom"
602  !  having a Hubbard U correction to array "wfcU"
603  !
605  COMPLEX(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: swfcatom(:,:)
606  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: noncolin
607  LOGICAL :: twice
608  INTEGER :: na, nt, m1, m2
610  IF ( PRESENT(noncolin) ) THEN
611     twice = noncolin
612  ELSE
613     twice = .FALSE.
614  ENDIF
615  !
616  DO na = 1, nat
617     nt = ityp(na)
618     IF ( is_hubbard(nt) ) THEN
619        m1 = 1
620        m2 = 2*hubbard_l(nt)+1
621        IF ( twice ) m2 = 2*m2
622        wfcU(:,offsetU(na)+m1:offsetU(na)+m2) = swfcatom(:,oatwfc(na)+m1:oatwfc(na)+m2)
623     ENDIF
624     IF (is_hubbard_back(nt)) THEN
625        m1 = 1
626        m2 = 2*Hubbard_l_back(nt)+1
627        wfcU(:,offsetU_back(na)+m1:offsetU_back(na)+m2) = &
628            swfcatom(:,oatwfc_back(na)+m1:oatwfc_back(na)+m2)
629        IF (backall(nt)) THEN
630           m1 = 1
631           m2 = 2*Hubbard_l1_back(nt)+1
632           wfcU(:,offsetU_back1(na)+m1:offsetU_back1(na)+m2) = &
633               swfcatom(:,oatwfc_back1(na)+m1:oatwfc_back1(na)+m2)
634        ENDIF
635     ENDIF
636  ENDDO
637  !
639  !
640  END SUBROUTINE copy_U_wfc
641  !