1 /*
2    See the top of datum.h for information on this code.
3    N7TAP
5    Portions Copyright (C) 2000-2019 The Xastir Group
7 */
10 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
11   #include "config.h"
12 #endif  // HAVE_CONFIG_H
14 #include "snprintf.h"
16 #include <math.h>
17 #include <stdio.h>
18 #include <stdlib.h>
19 #include <ctype.h>
21 #include "xastir.h"
22 #include "datum.h"
23 #include "main.h"
24 #include "util.h"
26 // Must be last include file
27 #include "leak_detection.h"
31 //  ellipsoid: index into the gEllipsoid[] array, in which
32 //             a is the ellipsoid semimajor axis
33 //             invf is the inverse of the ellipsoid flattening f
34 //  dx, dy, dz: ellipsoid center with respect to WGS84 ellipsoid center
35 //    x axis is the prime meridian
36 //    y axis is 90 degrees east longitude
37 //    z axis is the axis of rotation of the ellipsoid
39 // The following values for dx, dy and dz were extracted from the output of
40 // the GARMIN PCX5 program. The output also includes values for da and df, the
41 // difference between the reference ellipsoid and the WGS84 ellipsoid semi-
42 // major axis and flattening, respectively. These are replaced by the
43 // data contained in the structure array gEllipsoid[], which was obtained from
44 // the Defence Mapping Agency document number TR8350.2, "Department of Defense
45 // World Geodetic System 1984."
47 /*
48    The above are the original comments by John Waers.
50    Curt Mills, WE7U wrote a perl version of this code and added more datums
51    from Peter H. Dana's website.
53    Reference Ellipsoids:
54    http://www.Colorado.EDU/geography/gcraft/notes/datum/elist.html
56    Reference Ellipsoids and Datums:
57    http://www.Colorado.EDU/geography/gcraft/notes/datum/edlist.html
59    I've loaded the numbers from that second, newer web page.
60    N7TAP
61 */
63 /* Keep the enum in datum.h up to date with the order of this array */
64 const Ellipsoid gEllipsoid[] =
65 {
66 //      name                         a            1/f
67   {  "Airy 1830",                  6377563.396, 299.3249646   },
68   {  "Modified Airy",              6377340.189, 299.3249646   },
69   {  "Australian National",        6378160.0,   298.25        },
70   {  "Bessel 1841",                6377397.155, 299.1528128   },
71   {  "Bessel 1841 (Namibia)",      6377483.865, 299.1528128   },
72   {  "Clarke 1866",                6378206.4,   294.9786982   },
73   {  "Clarke 1880",                6378249.145, 293.465       },
74   {  "Everest (India 1830)",       6377276.345, 300.8017      },
75   {  "Everest (India 1956)",       6377301.243, 300.8017      },
76   {  "Everest (Sabah Sarawak)",    6377298.556, 300.8017      },
77   {  "Everest (Malaysia 1969)",    6377295.664, 300.8017      },
78   {  "Everest (Malay. & Sing)",    6377304.063, 300.8017      },
79   {  "Everest (Pakistan)",         6377309.613, 300.8017      },
80   {  "Fischer 1960 (Mercury)",     6378166.0,   298.3         },
81   {  "Modified Fischer 1960",      6378155.0,   298.3         },
82   {  "Fischer 1968",               6378150.0,   298.3         },
83   {  "Helmert 1906",               6378200.0,   298.3         },
84   {  "Hough 1960",                 6378270.0,   297.0         },
85   {  "Indonesian 1974",            6378160.0,   298.247       },
86   {  "International 1924",         6378388.0,   297.0         },
87   {  "Krassovsky 1940",            6378245.0,   298.3         },
88   {  "GRS 67",                     6378160.0,   298.247167427 },
89   {  "GRS 80",                     6378137.0,   298.257222101 },
90   {  "South American 1969",        6378160.0,   298.25        },
91   {  "WGS 60",                     6378165.0,   298.3         },
92   {  "WGS 66",                     6378145.0,   298.25        },
93   {  "WGS 72",                     6378135.0,   298.26        },
94   {  "WGS 84",                     6378137.0,   298.257223563 }
95 };
101 /* Keep correct indices to commonly used datums in the enum in datum.h */
102 /* Feel free to add mnemonic indices for datums that you use */
103 const Datum gDatum[] =
104 {
105 //     name                                                             ellipsoid      dx       dy      dz
106   { "Adindan (Burkina Faso)",                                         E_CLARKE_80,   -118,    -14,    218 }, // 0
107   { "Adindan (Cameroon)",                                             E_CLARKE_80,   -134,     -2,    210 }, // 1
108   { "Adindan (Ethiopia)",                                             E_CLARKE_80,   -165,    -11,    206 }, // 2
109   { "Adindan (Mali)",                                                 E_CLARKE_80,   -123,    -20,    220 }, // 3
110   { "Adindan (MEAN FOR Ethiopia; Sudan)",                             E_CLARKE_80,   -166,    -15,    204 }, // 4
111   { "Adindan (Senegal)",                                              E_CLARKE_80,   -128,    -18,    224 }, // 5
112   { "Adindan (Sudan)",                                                E_CLARKE_80,   -161,    -14,    205 }, // 6
113   { "Afgooye (Somalia)",                                               E_KRASS_40,    -43,   -163,     45 }, // 7
114   { "Ain el Abd 1970 (Bahrain)",                                         E_INT_24,   -150,   -250,     -1 }, // 8
115   { "Ain el Abd 1970 (Saudi Arabia)",                                    E_INT_24,   -143,   -236,      7 }, // 9
116   { "American Samoa 1962 (American Samoa Islands)",                   E_CLARKE_66,   -115,    118,    426 }, // 10
117   { "Anna 1 Astro 1965 (Cocos Islands)",                                E_AUS_NAT,   -491,    -22,    435 }, // 11
118   { "Antigua Island Astro 1943 (Antigua (Leeward Islands))",          E_CLARKE_80,   -270,     13,     62 }, // 12
119   { "Arc 1950 (Botswana)",                                            E_CLARKE_80,   -138,   -105,   -289 }, // 13
120   { "Arc 1950 (Burundi)",                                             E_CLARKE_80,   -153,     -5,   -292 }, // 14
121   { "Arc 1950 (Lesotho)",                                             E_CLARKE_80,   -125,   -108,   -295 }, // 15
122   { "Arc 1950 (Malawi)",                                              E_CLARKE_80,   -161,    -73,   -317 }, // 16
123   { "Arc 1950 (MEAN FOR Botswana; Lesotho; Malawi; Swaziland; Zaire; Zambia; Zimbabwe)",      E_CLARKE_80,   -143,    -90,   -294 }, // 17
124   { "Arc 1950 (Swaziland)",                                           E_CLARKE_80,   -134,   -105,   -295 }, // 18
125   { "Arc 1950 (Zaire)",                                               E_CLARKE_80,   -169,    -19,   -278 }, // 19
126   { "Arc 1950 (Zambia)",                                              E_CLARKE_80,   -147,    -74,   -283 }, // 20
127   { "Arc 1950 (Zimbabwe)",                                            E_CLARKE_80,   -142,    -96,   -293 }, // 21
128   { "Arc 1960 (MEAN FOR Kenya; Tanzania)",                            E_CLARKE_80,   -160,     -6,   -302 }, // 22
129   { "Arc 1960 (Kenya)",                                               E_CLARKE_80,   -157,     -2,   -299 }, // 23
130   { "Arc 1960 (Taanzania)",                                           E_CLARKE_80,   -175,    -23,   -303 }, // 24
131   { "Ascension Island 1958 (Ascension Island)",                          E_INT_24,   -205,    107,     53 }, // 25
132   { "Astro Beacon E 1945 (Iwo Jima)",                                    E_INT_24,    145,     75,   -272 }, // 26
133   { "Astro DOS 71/4 (St Helena Island)",                                 E_INT_24,   -320,    550,   -494 }, // 27
134   { "Astro Tern Island (FRIG) 1961 (Tern Island)",                       E_INT_24,    114,   -116,   -333 }, // 28
135   { "Astronomical Station 1952 (Marcus Island)",                         E_INT_24,    124,   -234,    -25 }, // 29
136   { "Australian Geodetic 1966 (Australia; Tasmania)",                   E_AUS_NAT,   -133,    -48,    148 }, // 30
137   { "Australian Geodetic 1984 (Australia; Tasmania)",                   E_AUS_NAT,   -134,    -48,    149 }, // 31
138   { "Ayabelle Lighthouse (Djibouti)",                                 E_CLARKE_80,    -79,   -129,    145 }, // 32
139   { "Bellevue (IGN) (Efate & Erromango Islands)",                        E_INT_24,   -127,   -769,    472 }, // 33
140   { "Bermuda 1957 (Bermuda)",                                         E_CLARKE_66,    -73,    213,    296 }, // 34
141   { "Bissau (Guinea-Bissau)",                                            E_INT_24,   -173,    253,     27 }, // 35
142   { "Bogota Observatory (Colombia)",                                     E_INT_24,    307,    304,   -318 }, // 36
143   { "Bukit Rimpah (Indonesia (Bangka & Belitung Ids))",                 E_BESS_41,   -384,    664,    -48 }, // 37
144   { "Camp Area Astro (Antarctica (McMurdo Camp Area))",                  E_INT_24,   -104,   -129,    239 }, // 38
145   { "Campo Inchauspe (Argentina)",                                       E_INT_24,   -148,    136,     90 }, // 39
146   { "Canton Astro 1966 (Phoenix Islands)",                               E_INT_24,    298,   -304,   -375 }, // 40
147   { "Cape (South Africa)",                                            E_CLARKE_80,   -136,   -108,   -292 }, // 41
148   { "Cape Canaveral (Bahamas; Florida)",                              E_CLARKE_66,     -2,    151,    181 }, // 42
149   { "Carthage (Tunisia)",                                             E_CLARKE_80,   -263,      6,    431 }, // 43
150   { "Chatham Island Astro 1971 (New Zealand (Chatham Island))",          E_INT_24,    175,    -38,    113 }, // 44
151   { "Chua Astro (Paraguay)",                                             E_INT_24,   -134,    229,    -29 }, // 45
152   { "Corrego Alegre (Brazil)",                                           E_INT_24,   -206,    172,     -6 }, // 46
153   { "Dabola (Guinea)",                                                E_CLARKE_80,    -83,     37,    124 }, // 47
154   { "Deception Island (Deception Island; Antarctia)",                 E_CLARKE_80,    260,     12,   -147 }, // 48
155   { "Djakarta (Batavia) (Indonesia (Sumatra))",                         E_BESS_41,   -377,    681,    -50 }, // 49
156   { "DOS 1968 (New Georgia Islands (Gizo Island))",                      E_INT_24,    230,   -199,   -752 }, // 50
157   { "Easter Island 1967 (Easter Island)",                                E_INT_24,    211,    147,    111 }, // 51
158   { "Estonia; Coordinate System 1937 (Estonia)",                        E_BESS_41,    374,    150,    588 }, // 52
159   { "European 1950 (Cyprus)",                                            E_INT_24,   -104,   -101,   -140 }, // 53
160   { "European 1950 (Egypt)",                                             E_INT_24,   -130,   -117,   -151 }, // 54
161   { "European 1950 (England; Channel Islands; Scotland; Shetland Islands)",         E_INT_24,    -86,    -96,   -120 }, // 55
162   { "European 1950 (England; Ireland; Scotland; Shetland Islands)",         E_INT_24,    -86,    -96,   -120 }, // 56
163   { "European 1950 (Finland; Norway)",                                   E_INT_24,    -87,    -95,   -120 }, // 57
164   { "European 1950 (Greece)",                                            E_INT_24,    -84,    -95,   -130 }, // 58
165   { "European 1950 (Iran)",                                              E_INT_24,   -117,   -132,   -164 }, // 59
166   { "European 1950 (Italy (Sardinia))",                                  E_INT_24,    -97,   -103,   -120 }, // 60
167   { "European 1950 (Italy (Sicily))",                                    E_INT_24,    -97,    -88,   -135 }, // 61
168   { "European 1950 (Malta)",                                             E_INT_24,   -107,    -88,   -149 }, // 62
169   { "European 1950 (MEAN FOR Austria; Belgium; Denmark; Finland; France; W Germany; Gibraltar; Greece; Italy; Luxembourg; Netherlands; Norway; Portugal; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland)",         E_INT_24,    -87,    -98,   -121 }, // 63
170   { "European 1950 (MEAN FOR Austria; Denmark; France; W Germany; Netherlands; Switzerland)",         E_INT_24,    -87,    -96,   -120 }, // 64
171   { "European 1950 (MEAN FOR Iraq; Israel; Jordan; Lebanon; Kuwait; Saudi Arabia; Syria)",         E_INT_24,   -103,   -106,   -141 }, // 65
172   { "European 1950 (Portugal; Spain)",                                   E_INT_24,    -84,   -107,   -120 }, // 66
173   { "European 1950 (Tunisia)",                                           E_INT_24,   -112,    -77,   -145 }, // 67
174   { "European 1979 (MEAN FOR Austria; Finland; Netherlands; Norway; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland)",         E_INT_24,    -86,    -98,   -119 }, // 68
175   { "Fort Thomas 1955 (Nevis; St. Kitts (Leeward Islands))",          E_CLARKE_80,     -7,    215,    225 }, // 69
176   { "Gan 1970 (Republic of Maldives)",                                   E_INT_24,   -133,   -321,     50 }, // 70
177   { "Geodetic Datum 1949 (New Zealand)",                                 E_INT_24,     84,    -22,    209 }, // 71
178   { "Graciosa Base SW 1948 (Azores (Faial; Graciosa; Pico; Sao Jorge; Terceira))",         E_INT_24,   -104,    167,    -38 }, // 72
179   { "Guam 1963 (Guam)",                                               E_CLARKE_66,   -100,   -248,    259 }, // 73
180   { "Gunung Segara (Indonesia (Kalimantan))",                           E_BESS_41,   -403,    684,     41 }, // 74
181   { "GUX 1 Astro (Guadalcanal Island)",                                  E_INT_24,    252,   -209,   -751 }, // 75
182   { "Herat North (Afghanistan)",                                         E_INT_24,   -333,   -222,    114 }, // 76
183   { "Hermannskogel Datum (Croatia -Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina)",    E_BESS_41_NAM,    653,   -212,    449 }, // 77
184   { "Hjorsey 1955 (Iceland)",                                            E_INT_24,    -73,     46,    -86 }, // 78
185   { "Hong Kong 1963 (Hong Kong)",                                        E_INT_24,   -156,   -271,   -189 }, // 79
186   { "Hu-Tzu-Shan (Taiwan)",                                              E_INT_24,   -637,   -549,   -203 }, // 80
187   { "Indian (Bangladesh)",                                           E_EVR_IND_30,    282,    726,    254 }, // 81
188   { "Indian (India; Nepal)",                                         E_EVR_IND_56,    295,    736,    257 }, // 82
189   { "Indian (Pakistan)",                                                E_EVR_PAK,    283,    682,    231 }, // 83
190   { "Indian 1954 (Thailand)",                                        E_EVR_IND_30,    217,    823,    299 }, // 84
191   { "Indian 1960 (Vietnam (Con Son Island))",                        E_EVR_IND_30,    182,    915,    344 }, // 85
192   { "Indian 1960 (Vietnam (Near 16N))",                              E_EVR_IND_30,    198,    881,    317 }, // 86
193   { "Indian 1975 (Thailand)",                                        E_EVR_IND_30,    210,    814,    289 }, // 87
194   { "Indonesian 1974 (Indonesia)",                                       E_IND_74,    -24,    -15,      5 }, // 88
195   { "Ireland 1965 (Ireland)",                                          E_MOD_AIRY,    506,   -122,    611 }, // 89
196   { "ISTS 061 Astro 1968 (South Georgia Islands)",                       E_INT_24,   -794,    119,   -298 }, // 90
197   { "ISTS 073 Astro 1969 (Diego Garcia)",                                E_INT_24,    208,   -435,   -229 }, // 91
198   { "Johnston Island 1961 (Johnston Island)",                            E_INT_24,    189,    -79,   -202 }, // 92
199   { "Kandawala (Sri Lanka)",                                         E_EVR_IND_30,    -97,    787,     86 }, // 93
200   { "Kerguelen Island 1949 (Kerguelen Island)",                          E_INT_24,    145,   -187,    103 }, // 94
201   { "Kertau 1948 (West Malaysia & Singapore)",                     E_EVR_MAL_SING,    -11,    851,      5 }, // 95
202   { "Kusaie Astro 1951 (Caroline Islands)",                              E_INT_24,    647,   1777,  -1124 }, // 96
203   { "Korean Geodetic System (South Korea)",                              E_GRS_80,      0,      0,      0 }, // 97
204   { "L. C. 5 Astro 1961 (Cayman Brac Island)",                        E_CLARKE_66,     42,    124,    147 }, // 98
205   { "Leigon (Ghana)",                                                 E_CLARKE_80,   -130,     29,    364 }, // 99
206   { "Liberia 1964 (Liberia)",                                         E_CLARKE_80,    -90,     40,     88 }, // 100
207   { "Luzon (Philippines (Excluding Mindanao))",                       E_CLARKE_66,   -133,    -77,    -51 }, // 101
208   { "Luzon (Philippines (Mindanao))",                                 E_CLARKE_66,   -133,    -79,    -72 }, // 102
209   { "M'Poraloko (Gabon)",                                             E_CLARKE_80,    -74,   -130,     42 }, // 103
210   { "Mahe 1971 (Mahe Island)",                                        E_CLARKE_80,     41,   -220,   -134 }, // 104
211   { "Massawa (Ethiopia (Eritrea))",                                     E_BESS_41,    639,    405,     60 }, // 105
212   { "Merchich (Morocco)",                                             E_CLARKE_80,     31,    146,     47 }, // 106
213   { "Midway Astro 1961 (Midway Islands)",                                E_INT_24,    912,    -58,   1227 }, // 107
214   { "Minna (Cameroon)",                                               E_CLARKE_80,    -81,    -84,    115 }, // 108
215   { "Minna (Nigeria)",                                                E_CLARKE_80,    -92,    -93,    122 }, // 109
216   { "Montserrat Island Astro 1958 (Montserrat (Leeward Islands))",      E_CLARKE_80,    174,    359,    365 }, // 110
217   { "Nahrwan (Oman (Masirah Island))",                                E_CLARKE_80,   -247,   -148,    369 }, // 111
218   { "Nahrwan (Saudi Arabia)",                                         E_CLARKE_80,   -243,   -192,    477 }, // 112
219   { "Nahrwan (United Arab Emirates)",                                 E_CLARKE_80,   -249,   -156,    381 }, // 113
220   { "Naparima BWI (Trinidad & Tobago)",                                  E_INT_24,    -10,    375,    165 }, // 114
221   { "North American 1927 (Alaska (Excluding Aleutian Ids))",          E_CLARKE_66,     -5,    135,    172 }, // 115
222   { "North American 1927 (Alaska (Aleutian Ids East of 180W))",       E_CLARKE_66,     -2,    152,    149 }, // 116
223   { "North American 1927 (Alaska (Aleutian Ids West of 180W))",       E_CLARKE_66,      2,    204,    105 }, // 117
224   { "North American 1927 (Bahamas (Except San Salvador Id))",         E_CLARKE_66,     -4,    154,    178 }, // 118
225   { "North American 1927 (Bahamas (San Salvador Island))",            E_CLARKE_66,      1,    140,    165 }, // 119
226   { "North American 1927 (Canada (Alberta; British Columbia))",       E_CLARKE_66,     -7,    162,    188 }, // 120
227   { "North American 1927 (Canada (Manitoba; Ontario))",               E_CLARKE_66,     -9,    157,    184 }, // 121
228   { "North American 1927 (Canada (New Brunswick; Newfoundland; Nova Scotia; Quebec))",      E_CLARKE_66,    -22,    160,    190 }, // 122
229   { "North American 1927 (Canada (Northwest Territories; Saskatchewan))",      E_CLARKE_66,      4,    159,    188 }, // 123
230   { "North American 1927 (Canada (Yukon))",                           E_CLARKE_66,     -7,    139,    181 }, // 124
231   { "North American 1927 (Canal Zone)",                               E_CLARKE_66,      0,    125,    201 }, // 125
232   { "North American 1927 (Cuba)",                                     E_CLARKE_66,     -9,    152,    178 }, // 126
233   { "North American 1927 (Greenland (Hayes Peninsula))",              E_CLARKE_66,     11,    114,    195 }, // 127
234   { "North American 1927 (MEAN FOR Antigua; Barbados; Barbuda; Caicos Islands; Cuba; Dominican Republic; Grand Cayman; Jamaica; Turks Islands)",      E_CLARKE_66,     -3,    142,    183 }, // 128
235   { "North American 1927 (MEAN FOR Belize; Costa Rica; El Salvador; Guatemala; Honduras; Nicaragua)",      E_CLARKE_66,      0,    125,    194 }, // 129
236   { "North American 1927 (MEAN FOR Canada)",                          E_CLARKE_66,    -10,    158,    187 }, // 130
237   { "North American 1927 (MEAN FOR CONUS)",                           E_CLARKE_66,     -8,    160,    176 }, // 131
238   { "North American 1927 (MEAN FOR CONUS (East of Mississippi; River Including Louisiana; Missouri; Minnesota))",      E_CLARKE_66,     -9,    161,    179 }, // 132
239   { "North American 1927 (MEAN FOR CONUS (West of Mississippi; River Excluding Louisiana; Minnesota; Missouri))",      E_CLARKE_66,     -8,    159,    175 }, // 133
240   { "North American 1927 (Mexico)",                                   E_CLARKE_66,    -12,    130,    190 }, // 134
241   { "North American 1983 (Alaska (Excluding Aleutian Ids))",             E_GRS_80,      0,      0,      0 }, // 135
242   { "North American 1983 (Aleutian Ids)",                                E_GRS_80,     -2,      0,      4 }, // 136
243   { "North American 1983 (Canada)",                                      E_GRS_80,      0,      0,      0 }, // 137
244   { "North American 1983 (CONUS)",                                       E_GRS_80,      0,      0,      0 }, // 138
245   { "North American 1983 (Hawaii)",                                      E_GRS_80,      1,      1,     -1 }, // 139
246   { "North American 1983 (Mexico; Central America)",                     E_GRS_80,      0,      0,      0 }, // 140
247   { "North Sahara 1959 (Algeria)",                                    E_CLARKE_80,   -186,    -93,    310 }, // 141
248   { "Observatorio Meteorologico 1939 (Azores (Corvo & Flores Islands))",         E_INT_24,   -425,   -169,     81 }, // 142
249   { "Old Egyptian 1907 (Egypt)",                                        E_HELM_06,   -130,    110,    -13 }, // 143
250   { "Old Hawaiian (Hawaii)",                                          E_CLARKE_66,     89,   -279,   -183 }, // 144
251   { "Old Hawaiian (Kauai)",                                           E_CLARKE_66,     45,   -290,   -172 }, // 145
252   { "Old Hawaiian (Maui)",                                            E_CLARKE_66,     65,   -290,   -190 }, // 146
253   { "Old Hawaiian (MEAN FOR Hawaii; Kauai; Maui; Oahu)",              E_CLARKE_66,     61,   -285,   -181 }, // 147
254   { "Old Hawaiian (Oahu)",                                            E_CLARKE_66,     58,   -283,   -182 }, // 148
255   { "Oman (Oman)",                                                    E_CLARKE_80,   -346,     -1,    224 }, // 149
256   { "Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936 (England)",                     E_AIRY_30,    371,   -112,    434 }, // 150
257   { "Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936 (England; Isle of Man; Wales)",        E_AIRY_30,    371,   -111,    434 }, // 151
258   { "Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936 (MEAN FOR England; Isle of Man; Scotland; Shetland Islands; Wales)",        E_AIRY_30,    375,   -111,    431 }, // 152
259   { "Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936 (Scotland; Shetland Islands)",        E_AIRY_30,    384,   -111,    425 }, // 153
260   { "Ordnance Survey Great Britain 1936 (Wales)",                       E_AIRY_30,    370,   -108,    434 }, // 154
261   { "Pico de las Nieves (Canary Islands)",                               E_INT_24,   -307,    -92,    127 }, // 155
262   { "Pitcairn Astro 1967 (Pitcairn Island)",                             E_INT_24,    185,    165,     42 }, // 156
263   { "Point 58 (MEAN FOR Burkina Faso & Niger)",                       E_CLARKE_80,   -106,   -129,    165 }, // 157
264   { "Pointe Noire 1948 (Congo)",                                      E_CLARKE_80,   -148,     51,   -291 }, // 158
265   { "Porto Santo 1936 (Porto Santo; Madeira Islands)",                   E_INT_24,   -499,   -249,    314 }, // 159
266   { "Provisional South American 1956 (Bolivia)",                         E_INT_24,   -270,    188,   -388 }, // 160
267   { "Provisional South American 1956 (Chile (Northern; Near 19S))",          E_INT_24,   -270,    183,   -390 }, // 161
268   { "Provisional South American 1956 (Chile (Southern; Near 43S))",          E_INT_24,   -305,    243,   -442 }, // 162
269   { "Provisional South American 1956 (Colombia)",                        E_INT_24,   -282,    169,   -371 }, // 163
270   { "Provisional South American 1956 (Ecuador)",                         E_INT_24,   -278,    171,   -367 }, // 164
271   { "Provisional South American 1956 (Guyana)",                          E_INT_24,   -298,    159,   -369 }, // 165
272   { "Provisional South American 1956 (MEAN FOR Bolivia; Chile; Colombia; Ecuador; Guyana; Peru; Venezuela)",         E_INT_24,   -288,    175,   -376 }, // 166
273   { "Provisional South American 1956 (Peru)",                            E_INT_24,   -279,    175,   -379 }, // 167
274   { "Provisional South American 1956 (Venezuela)",                       E_INT_24,   -295,    173,   -371 }, // 168
275   { "Provisional South Chilean 1963 (Chile (Near 53S) (Hito XVIII))",          E_INT_24,     16,    196,     93 }, // 169
276   { "Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands)",                      E_CLARKE_66,     11,     72,   -101 }, // 170
277   { "Pulkovo 1942 (Russia)",                                           E_KRASS_40,     28,   -130,    -95 }, // 171
278   { "Qatar National (Qatar)",                                            E_INT_24,   -128,   -283,     22 }, // 172
279   { "Qornoq (Greenland (South))",                                        E_INT_24,    164,    138,   -189 }, // 173
280   { "Reunion (Mascarene Islands)",                                       E_INT_24,     94,   -948,  -1262 }, // 174
281   { "Rome 1940 (Italy (Sardinia))",                                      E_INT_24,   -225,    -65,      9 }, // 175
282   { "S-42 (Pulkovo 1942) (Hungary)",                                   E_KRASS_40,     28,   -121,    -77 }, // 176
283   { "S-42 (Pulkovo 1942) (Poland)",                                    E_KRASS_40,     23,   -124,    -82 }, // 177
284   { "S-42 (Pulkovo 1942) (Czechoslavakia)",                            E_KRASS_40,     26,   -121,    -78 }, // 178
285   { "S-42 (Pulkovo 1942) (Latvia)",                                    E_KRASS_40,     24,   -124,    -82 }, // 179
286   { "S-42 (Pulkovo 1942) (Kazakhstan)",                                E_KRASS_40,     15,   -130,    -84 }, // 180
287   { "S-42 (Pulkovo 1942) (Albania)",                                   E_KRASS_40,     24,   -130,    -92 }, // 181
288   { "S-42 (Pulkovo 1942) (Romania)",                                   E_KRASS_40,     28,   -121,    -77 }, // 182
289   { "S-JTSK (Czechoslavakia (Prior 1 JAN 1993))",                       E_BESS_41,    589,     76,    480 }, // 183
290   { "Santo (DOS) 1965 (Espirito Santo Island)",                          E_INT_24,    170,     42,     84 }, // 184
291   { "Sao Braz (Azores (Sao Miguel; Santa Maria Ids))",                   E_INT_24,   -203,    141,     53 }, // 185
292   { "Sapper Hill 1943 (East Falkland Island)",                           E_INT_24,   -355,     21,     72 }, // 186
293   { "Schwarzeck (Namibia)",                                         E_BESS_41_NAM,    616,     97,   -251 }, // 187
294   { "Selvagem Grande 1938 (Salvage Islands)",                            E_INT_24,   -289,   -124,     60 }, // 188
295   { "Sierra Leone 1960 (Sierra Leone)",                               E_CLARKE_80,    -88,      4,    101 }, // 189
296   { "South American 1969 (Argentina)",                                E_S_AMER_69,    -62,     -1,    -37 }, // 190
297   { "South American 1969 (Bolivia)",                                  E_S_AMER_69,    -61,      2,    -48 }, // 191
298   { "South American 1969 (Brazil)",                                   E_S_AMER_69,    -60,     -2,    -41 }, // 192
299   { "South American 1969 (Chile)",                                    E_S_AMER_69,    -75,     -1,    -44 }, // 193
300   { "South American 1969 (Colombia)",                                 E_S_AMER_69,    -44,      6,    -36 }, // 194
301   { "South American 1969 (Ecuador)",                                  E_S_AMER_69,    -48,      3,    -44 }, // 195
302   { "South American 1969 (Ecuador (Baltra; Galapagos))",              E_S_AMER_69,    -47,     26,    -42 }, // 196
303   { "South American 1969 (Guyana)",                                   E_S_AMER_69,    -53,      3,    -47 }, // 197
304   { "South American 1969 (MEAN FOR Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil; Chile; Colombia; Ecuador; Guyana; Paraguay; Peru; Trinidad & Tobago; Venezuela)",      E_S_AMER_69,    -57,      1,    -41 }, // 198
305   { "South American 1969 (Paraguay)",                                 E_S_AMER_69,    -61,      2,    -33 }, // 199
306   { "South American 1969 (Peru)",                                     E_S_AMER_69,    -58,      0,    -44 }, // 200
307   { "South American 1969 (Trinidad & Tobago)",                        E_S_AMER_69,    -45,     12,    -33 }, // 201
308   { "South American 1969 (Venezuela)",                                E_S_AMER_69,    -45,      8,    -33 }, // 202
309   { "South Asia (Singapore)",                                      E_MOD_FISCH_60,      7,    -10,    -26 }, // 203
310   { "Tananarive Observatory 1925 (Madagascar)",                          E_INT_24,   -189,   -242,    -91 }, // 204
311   { "Timbalai 1948 (Brunei; E. Malaysia (Sabah Sarawak))",          E_EVR_SAB_SAR,   -679,    669,    -48 }, // 205
312   { "Tokyo (Japan)",                                                    E_BESS_41,   -148,    507,    685 }, // 206
313   { "Tokyo (MEAN FOR Japan; South Korea; Okinawa)",                     E_BESS_41,   -148,    507,    685 }, // 207
314   { "Tokyo (Okinawa)",                                                  E_BESS_41,   -158,    507,    676 }, // 208
315   { "Tokyo (South Korea)",                                              E_BESS_41,   -147,    506,    687 }, // 209
316   { "Tristan Astro 1968 (Tristan da Cunha)",                             E_INT_24,   -632,    438,   -609 }, // 210
317   { "Viti Levu 1916 (Fiji (Viti Levu Island))",                       E_CLARKE_80,     51,    391,    -36 }, // 211
318   { "Voirol 1960 (Algeria)",                                          E_CLARKE_80,   -123,   -206,    219 }, // 212
319   { "Wake Island Astro 1952 (Wake Atoll)",                               E_INT_24,    276,    -57,    149 }, // 213
320   { "Wake-Eniwetok 1960 (Marshall Islands)",                           E_HOUGH_60,    102,     52,    -38 }, // 214
321   { "WGS 1972 (Global Definition)",                                      E_WGS_72,      0,      0,      0 }, // 215
322   { "WGS 1984 (Global Definition)",                                      E_WGS_84,      0,      0,      0 }, // 216
323   { "Yacare (Uruguay)",                                                  E_INT_24,   -155,    171,     37 }, // 217
324   { "Zanderij (Suriname)",                                               E_INT_24,   -265,    120,   -358 }  // 218
325 };
329 static const double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;
335 /* As you can see this little function is just a 2 step datum shift, going through WGS84. */
datum_shift(double * latitude,double * longitude,short fromDatumID,short toDatumID)336 void datum_shift(double *latitude, double *longitude, short fromDatumID, short toDatumID)
337 {
338   wgs84_datum_shift(TO_WGS_84,   latitude, longitude, fromDatumID);
339   wgs84_datum_shift(FROM_WGS_84, latitude, longitude, toDatumID);
340 }
346 /*
347   Function to convert latitude and longitude in decimal degrees from WGS84 to
348   another datum or from another datum to WGS84. The arguments to this function
349   include a direction flag 'fromWGS84', pointers to double precision latitude
350   and longitude, and an index to the gDatum[] array.
351 */
wgs84_datum_shift(short fromWGS84,double * latitude,double * longitude,short datumID)352 void wgs84_datum_shift(short fromWGS84, double *latitude, double *longitude, short datumID)
353 {
354   double dx = gDatum[datumID].dx;
355   double dy = gDatum[datumID].dy;
356   double dz = gDatum[datumID].dz;
358   double phi = *latitude * PI / 180.0;
359   double lambda = *longitude * PI / 180.0;
360   double a0, b0, es0, f0;                     /* Reference ellipsoid of input data */
361   // a1 and b1 are never actually used, so don't declare them and set
362   // them (gcc warns about set-but-unused vars)
363   //double a1, b1, es1, f1;                     /* Reference ellipsoid of output data */
364   double es1, f1;                     /* Reference ellipsoid of output data */
365   double psi;                                 /* geocentric latitude */
366   double x, y, z;                             /* 3D coordinates with respect to original datum */
367   double psi1;                                /* transformed geocentric latitude */
369   if (datumID == D_WGS_84)                    // do nothing if current datum is WGS84
370   {
371     return;
372   }
374   if (fromWGS84)                              /* convert from WGS84 to new datum */
375   {
376     a0 = gEllipsoid[E_WGS_84].a;                            /* WGS84 semimajor axis */
377     f0 = 1.0 / gEllipsoid[E_WGS_84].invf;                   /* WGS84 flattening */
378     // a1 is never used except to set b1, which itself is never used
379     // a1 = gEllipsoid[gDatum[datumID].ellipsoid].a;
380     f1 = 1.0 / gEllipsoid[gDatum[datumID].ellipsoid].invf;
381   }
382   else                                        /* convert from datum to WGS84 */
383   {
384     a0 = gEllipsoid[gDatum[datumID].ellipsoid].a;           /* semimajor axis */
385     f0 = 1.0 / gEllipsoid[gDatum[datumID].ellipsoid].invf;  /* flattening */
386     // a1 is never used except to set b1, which is never used.
387     // a1 = gEllipsoid[E_WGS_84].a;                            /* WGS84 semimajor axis */
388     f1 = 1.0 / gEllipsoid[E_WGS_84].invf;                   /* WGS84 flattening */
389     dx = -dx;
390     dy = -dy;
391     dz = -dz;
392   }
394   b0 = a0 * (1 - f0);                         /* semiminor axis for input datum */
395   es0 = 2 * f0 - f0*f0;                       /* eccentricity^2 */
397   // b1 is never used
398   // b1 = a1 * (1 - f1);                         /* semiminor axis for output datum */
399   es1 = 2 * f1 - f1*f1;                       /* eccentricity^2 */
401   /* Convert geodedic latitude to geocentric latitude, psi */
402   if (*latitude == 0.0 || *latitude == 90.0 || *latitude == -90.0)
403   {
404     psi = phi;
405   }
406   else
407   {
408     psi = atan((1 - es0) * tan(phi));
409   }
411   /* Calculate x and y axis coordinates with respect to the original ellipsoid */
412   if (*longitude == 90.0 || *longitude == -90.0)
413   {
414     x = 0.0;
415     y = fabs(a0 * b0 / sqrt(b0*b0 + a0*a0*pow(tan(psi), 2.0)));
416   }
417   else
418   {
419     x = fabs((a0 * b0) /
420              sqrt((1 + pow(tan(lambda), 2.0)) * (b0*b0 + a0*a0 * pow(tan(psi), 2.0))));
421     y = fabs(x * tan(lambda));
422   }
424   if (*longitude < -90.0 || *longitude > 90.0)
425   {
426     x = -x;
427   }
428   if (*longitude < 0.0)
429   {
430     y = -y;
431   }
433   /* Calculate z axis coordinate with respect to the original ellipsoid */
434   if (*latitude == 90.0)
435   {
436     z = b0;
437   }
438   else if (*latitude == -90.0)
439   {
440     z = -b0;
441   }
442   else
443   {
444     z = tan(psi) * sqrt((a0*a0 * b0*b0) / (b0*b0 + a0*a0 * pow(tan(psi), 2.0)));
445   }
447   /* Calculate the geocentric latitude with respect to the new ellipsoid */
448   psi1 = atan((z - dz) / sqrt((x - dx)*(x - dx) + (y - dy)*(y - dy)));
450   /* Convert to geocentric latitude and save return value */
451   *latitude = atan(tan(psi1) / (1 - es1)) * 180.0 / PI;
453   /* Calculate the longitude with respect to the new ellipsoid */
454   *longitude = atan((y - dy) / (x - dx)) * 180.0 / PI;
456   /* Correct the resultant for negative x values */
457   if (x-dx < 0.0)
458   {
459     if (y-dy > 0.0)
460     {
461       *longitude = 180.0 + *longitude;
462     }
463     else
464     {
465       *longitude = -180.0 + *longitude;
466     }
467   }
468 }
474 #define deg2rad (PI / 180)
475 #define rad2deg (180.0 / PI)
481 /*
482   Source
483   Defense Mapping Agency. 1987b. DMA Technical Report: Supplement to Department of Defense World Geodetic System
484   1984 Technical Report. Part I and II. Washington, DC: Defense Mapping Agency
485 */
486 //
487 // Convert lat/long to UTM/UPS coordinates
ll_to_utm_ups(short ellipsoidID,const double lat,const double lon,double * utmNorthing,double * utmEasting,char * utmZone,int utmZoneLength)488 void ll_to_utm_ups(short ellipsoidID, const double lat, const double lon,
489                    double *utmNorthing, double *utmEasting, char* utmZone, int utmZoneLength)
490 {
491   //converts lat/long to UTM coords.  Equations from USGS Bulletin 1532
492   //East Longitudes are positive, West longitudes are negative.
493   //North latitudes are positive, South latitudes are negative
494   //Lat and Long are in decimal degrees
495   //Written by Chuck Gantz- chuck.gantz@globalstar.com
497   double a = gEllipsoid[ellipsoidID].a;
498   double f = 1.0 / gEllipsoid[ellipsoidID].invf;
499   double eccSquared = (2 * f) - (f * f);
500   double k0 = 0.9996;
502   double LongOrigin;
503   double eccPrimeSquared;
504   double N, T, C, A, M;
506   //Make sure the longitude is between -180.00 .. 179.9
507   double LongTemp = (lon+180)-(int)((lon+180)/360)*360-180; // -180.00 .. 179.9;
509   double LatRad = lat*deg2rad;
510   double LongRad = LongTemp*deg2rad;
511   double LongOriginRad;
512   int    ZoneNumber;
514   ZoneNumber = (int)((LongTemp + 180)/6) + 1;
516   if (coordinate_system == USE_UTM_SPECIAL
517       || coordinate_system == USE_MGRS)
518   {
520     // Special zone for southern Norway.  Used for military
521     // version of UTM (MGRS) only.
522     if ( lat >= 56.0 && lat < 64.0 && LongTemp >= 3.0 && LongTemp < 12.0 )
523     {
524       ZoneNumber = 32;
525     }
527     // Handle the special zones for Svalbard.  Used for military
528     // version of UTM (MGRS) only.
529     if (lat >= 72.0 && lat < 84.0)
530     {
531       if (LongTemp >= 0.0  && LongTemp <  9.0)
532       {
533         ZoneNumber = 31;
534       }
535       else if (LongTemp >= 9.0  && LongTemp < 21.0)
536       {
537         ZoneNumber = 33;
538       }
539       else if (LongTemp >= 21.0 && LongTemp < 33.0)
540       {
541         ZoneNumber = 35;
542       }
543       else if (LongTemp >= 33.0 && LongTemp < 42.0)
544       {
545         ZoneNumber = 37;
546       }
547     }
548   }
550   LongOrigin = (ZoneNumber - 1)*6 - 180 + 3;  //+3 puts origin in middle of zone
551   LongOriginRad = LongOrigin * deg2rad;
553   if (lat > 84.0 || lat < -80.0)
554   {
555     // We're in the UPS areas (near the poles).  ZoneNumber
556     // should not be printed in this case.
557     xastir_snprintf(utmZone,
558                     utmZoneLength,
559                     "%c",
560                     utm_letter_designator(lat, lon));
561   }
562   else    // We're in the UTM areas (not near the poles).
563   {
564     //compute the UTM Zone from the latitude and longitude
565     xastir_snprintf(utmZone,
566                     utmZoneLength,
567                     "%d%c",
568                     ZoneNumber,
569                     utm_letter_designator(lat, lon));
570   }
572   eccPrimeSquared = (eccSquared)/(1-eccSquared);
574   if (lat > 84.0 || lat < -80.0)
575   {
576     //
577     // We're dealing with UPS coordinates (near the poles)
578     //
579     // The following piece of code which implements UPS
580     // conversion is derived from code that John Waers
581     // <jfwaers@csn.net> placed in the public domain.  It's from
582     // his program "MacGPS45".
584     double t, e, rho;
585     const double k0 = 0.994;
586     double lambda = lon * (PI/180.0);
587     double phi = fabs(lat * (PI/180.0) );
589     e = sqrt(eccSquared);
590     t = tan(PI/4.0 - phi/2.0) / pow( (1.0 - e * sin(phi)) / (1.0 + e * sin(phi)), (e/2.0) );
591     rho = 2.0 * a * k0 * t / sqrt(pow(1.0+e, 1.0+e) * pow(1.0-e, 1.0-e));
592     *utmEasting = rho * sin(lambda);
593     *utmNorthing = rho * cos(lambda);
595     if (lat > 0.0)  // Northern hemisphere
596     {
597       *utmNorthing = -(*utmNorthing);
598     }
600     *utmEasting  += 2.0e6;  // Add in false easting and northing
601     *utmNorthing += 2.0e6;
602   }
603   else
604   {
605     //
606     // We're dealing with UTM coordinates
607     //
608     N = a/sqrt(1-eccSquared*sin(LatRad)*sin(LatRad));
609     T = tan(LatRad)*tan(LatRad);
610     C = eccPrimeSquared*cos(LatRad)*cos(LatRad);
611     A = cos(LatRad)*(LongRad-LongOriginRad);
613     M = a*((1 -
614             eccSquared/4 -
615             3*eccSquared*eccSquared/64 -
616             5*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/256) * LatRad -
617            (3*eccSquared/8 +
618             3*eccSquared*eccSquared/32 +
619             45*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/1024) * sin(2*LatRad) +
620            (15*eccSquared*eccSquared/256 + 45*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/1024) * sin(4*LatRad) -
621            (35*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/3072) * sin(6*LatRad));
623     *utmEasting = (double)(k0*N*(A+(1-T+C)*A*A*A/6
624                                  + (5-18*T+T*T+72*C-58*eccPrimeSquared)*A*A*A*A*A/120)
625                            + 500000.0);
627     *utmNorthing = (double)(k0*(M+N*tan(LatRad)*
628                                 (A*A/2+(5-T+9*C+4*C*C)*A*A*A*A/24
629                                  + (61-58*T+T*T+600*C-330*eccPrimeSquared)*A*A*A*A*A*A/720)));
631     if (lat < 0)
632     {
633       *utmNorthing += 10000000.0;  //10000000 meter offset for southern hemisphere
634     }
635   }
636 }
642 // Handles UPS/UTM coordinates equally well!
643 //
utm_letter_designator(double lat,double lon)644 char utm_letter_designator(double lat, double lon)
645 {
646   // This routine determines the correct UTM/UPS letter designator
647   // for the given latitude.  Originally written by Chuck Gantz-
648   // chuck.gantz@globalstar.com
649   // Modified to handle UPS zones.  --we7u
650   char LetterDesignator;
652   if ((84 >= lat) && (lat >=  72))
653   {
654     LetterDesignator = 'X';
655   }
656   else if ((72  > lat) && (lat >=  64))
657   {
658     LetterDesignator = 'W';
659   }
660   else if ((64  > lat) && (lat >=  56))
661   {
662     LetterDesignator = 'V';
663   }
664   else if ((56  > lat) && (lat >=  48))
665   {
666     LetterDesignator = 'U';
667   }
668   else if ((48  > lat) && (lat >=  40))
669   {
670     LetterDesignator = 'T';
671   }
672   else if ((40  > lat) && (lat >=  32))
673   {
674     LetterDesignator = 'S';
675   }
676   else if ((32  > lat) && (lat >=  24))
677   {
678     LetterDesignator = 'R';
679   }
680   else if ((24  > lat) && (lat >=  16))
681   {
682     LetterDesignator = 'Q';
683   }
684   else if ((16  > lat) && (lat >=   8))
685   {
686     LetterDesignator = 'P';
687   }
688   else if (( 8  > lat) && (lat >=   0))
689   {
690     LetterDesignator = 'N';
691   }
692   else if (( 0  > lat) && (lat >=  -8))
693   {
694     LetterDesignator = 'M';
695   }
696   else if ((-8  > lat) && (lat >= -16))
697   {
698     LetterDesignator = 'L';
699   }
700   else if ((-16 > lat) && (lat >= -24))
701   {
702     LetterDesignator = 'K';
703   }
704   else if ((-24 > lat) && (lat >= -32))
705   {
706     LetterDesignator = 'J';
707   }
708   else if ((-32 > lat) && (lat >= -40))
709   {
710     LetterDesignator = 'H';
711   }
712   else if ((-40 > lat) && (lat >= -48))
713   {
714     LetterDesignator = 'G';
715   }
716   else if ((-48 > lat) && (lat >= -56))
717   {
718     LetterDesignator = 'F';
719   }
720   else if ((-56 > lat) && (lat >= -64))
721   {
722     LetterDesignator = 'E';
723   }
724   else if ((-64 > lat) && (lat >= -72))
725   {
726     LetterDesignator = 'D';
727   }
728   else if ((-72 > lat) && (lat >= -80))
729   {
730     LetterDesignator = 'C';
731   }
732   else
733   {
734     //
735     // We're dealing with UPS (N/S Pole) coordinates, not UTM
736     //
737     if (lat > 84)   // North Pole, Y/Z zones
738     {
739       if ((0 <= lon) && (lon <= 180))
740       {
741         LetterDesignator = 'Z';  // E or + longitude
742       }
743       else
744       {
745         LetterDesignator = 'Y';  // W or - longitude
746       }
747     }
748     else    // Lat < 80S, South Pole, A/B zones
749     {
750       if ((0 <= lon) && (lon <= 180))
751       {
752         LetterDesignator = 'B';  // E or + longitude
753       }
754       else
755       {
756         LetterDesignator = 'A';  // W or - longitude
757       }
758     }
759   }
760   return LetterDesignator;
761 }
767 // The following piece of code which implements UPS conversion is
768 // derived from code that John Waers <jfwaers@csn.net> placed in
769 // the public domain.  It's from his program "MacGPS45".
770 //
calcPhi(double * phi,double e,double t)771 static void calcPhi(double *phi, double e, double t)
772 {
773   double old = PI/2.0 - 2.0 * atan(t);
774   short maxIterations = 20;
776   while ( (fabs((*phi - old) / *phi) > 1.0e-8) && maxIterations-- )
777   {
778     old = *phi;
779     *phi = PI/ 2.0 - 2.0 * atan( t * pow((1.0 - e * sin(*phi)) / ((1.0 + e * sin(*phi))), (e / 2.0)) );
780   }
781 }
787 // Converts from UTM/UPS coordinates to Lat/Long coordinates.
788 //
utm_ups_to_ll(short ellipsoidID,const double utmNorthing,const double utmEasting,const char * utmZone,double * lat,double * lon)789 void utm_ups_to_ll(short ellipsoidID, const double utmNorthing, const double utmEasting,
790                    const char* utmZone, double *lat,  double *lon)
791 {
792   // Converts UTM coords to lat/long.  Equations from USGS
793   // Bulletin 1532.  East Longitudes are positive, West longitudes
794   // are negative.  North latitudes are positive, South latitudes
795   // are negative Lat and Long are in decimal degrees.
796   // Written by Chuck Gantz- chuck.gantz@globalstar.com
797   // Modified by WE7U to add UPS support.
799   double k0 = 0.9996;
800   double a = gEllipsoid[ellipsoidID].a;
801   double f = 1.0 / gEllipsoid[ellipsoidID].invf;
802   double eccSquared = (2 * f) - (f * f);
803   double eccPrimeSquared;
804   double e1 = (1-sqrt(1-eccSquared))/(1+sqrt(1-eccSquared));
805   double N1, T1, C1, R1, D, M;
806   double LongOrigin;
807   // phi1 is never used, but is set.  Don't make gcc warn us
808   // double mu, phi1, phi1Rad;
809   double mu, phi1Rad;
810   double x, y;
811   int ZoneNumber;
812   char* ZoneLetter;
813   // Unused variable
814   // int NorthernHemisphere; // 1=northern hemisphere, 0=southern
817   //fprintf(stderr,"%s  %f  %f\n",
818   //    utmZone,
819   //    utmEasting,
820   //    utmNorthing);
822   x = utmEasting;
823   y = utmNorthing;
825   ZoneNumber = strtoul(utmZone, &ZoneLetter, 10);
827   // Remove any possible leading spaces
828   remove_leading_spaces(ZoneLetter);
830   // Make sure the zone letter is upper-case
831   *ZoneLetter = toupper(*ZoneLetter);
833   //fprintf(stderr,"ZoneLetter: %s\n", ZoneLetter);
835   if (       *ZoneLetter == 'Y'       // North Pole
836              || *ZoneLetter == 'Z'       // North Pole
837              || *ZoneLetter == 'A'       // South Pole
838              || *ZoneLetter == 'B')      // South Pole
839   {
841     // The following piece of code which implements UPS
842     // conversion is derived from code that John Waers
843     // <jfwaers@csn.net> placed in the public domain.  It's from
844     // his program "MacGPS45".
846     //
847     // We're dealing with a UPS coordinate (near the poles)
848     // instead of a UTM coordinate.  We need to do entirely
849     // different calculations for UPS.
850     //
851     double e, t, rho;
852     const double k0 = 0.994;
855     //fprintf(stderr,"UPS Coordinates\n");
858     e = sqrt(eccSquared);
860     x -= 2.0e6; // Remove false easting and northing
861     y -= 2.0e6;
863     rho = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
864     t = rho * sqrt(pow(1.0+e, 1.0+e) * pow(1.0-e, 1.0-e)) / (2.0 * a * k0);
866     calcPhi(lat, e, t);
868     *lat /= (PI/180.0);
870     // This appears to be necessary in order to get proper
871     // positions in the south polar region
872     if (*ZoneLetter == 'A' || *ZoneLetter == 'B')
873     {
874       *lat = -*lat;
875     }
877     if (y != 0.0)
878     {
879       t = atan(fabs(x/y));
880     }
881     else
882     {
883       t = PI / 2.0;
884       if (x < 0.0)
885       {
886         t = -t;
887       }
888     }
890     if (*ZoneLetter == 'Z' || *ZoneLetter == 'Y')
891     {
892       y = -y;  // Northern hemisphere
893     }
895     if (y < 0.0)
896     {
897       t = PI - t;
898     }
900     if (x < 0.0)
901     {
902       t = -t;
903     }
905     *lon = t / (PI/180.0);
907     /*
908             fprintf(stderr,"datum.c:utm_ups_to_ll(): Found UPS Coordinate: %s %f %f\n",
909                 utmZone,
910                 utmEasting,
911                 utmNorthing);
912     */
913     return; // Done computing UPS coordinates
914   }
917   // If we make it here, we're working on UTM coordinates (not
918   // UPS coordinates).
921   x = utmEasting - 500000.0; //remove 500,000 meter offset for longitude
922   y = utmNorthing;
925   if ((*ZoneLetter - 'N') >= 0)
926   {
927     // We never use this variable
928     // NorthernHemisphere = 1;//point is in northern hemisphere
929   }
930   else
931   {
932     // we never use NorthernHemisphere
933     // NorthernHemisphere = 0;//point is in southern hemisphere
934     y -= 10000000.0;//remove 10,000,000 meter offset used for southern hemisphere
935   }
937   LongOrigin = (ZoneNumber - 1)*6 - 180 + 3;  //+3 puts origin in middle of zone
939   eccPrimeSquared = (eccSquared)/(1-eccSquared);
941   M = y / k0;
942   mu = M/(a*(1-eccSquared/4-3*eccSquared*eccSquared/64-5*eccSquared*eccSquared*eccSquared/256));
944   phi1Rad = mu + (3*e1/2-27*e1*e1*e1/32)*sin(2*mu)
945             + (21*e1*e1/16-55*e1*e1*e1*e1/32)*sin(4*mu)
946             + (151*e1*e1*e1/96)*sin(6*mu);
947   // This variable is never used, it is just phi1Rad converted to degrees
948   //    phi1 = phi1Rad*rad2deg;
950   N1 = a/sqrt(1-eccSquared*sin(phi1Rad)*sin(phi1Rad));
951   T1 = tan(phi1Rad)*tan(phi1Rad);
952   C1 = eccPrimeSquared*cos(phi1Rad)*cos(phi1Rad);
953   R1 = a*(1-eccSquared)/pow(1-eccSquared*sin(phi1Rad)*sin(phi1Rad), 1.5);
954   D = x/(N1*k0);
956   *lat = phi1Rad - (N1*tan(phi1Rad)/R1)*(D*D/2-(5+3*T1+10*C1-4*C1*C1-9*eccPrimeSquared)*D*D*D*D/24
957                                          +(61+90*T1+298*C1+45*T1*T1-252*eccPrimeSquared-3*C1*C1)*D*D*D*D*D*D/720);
958   *lat *= rad2deg;
960   *lon = (D-(1+2*T1+C1)*D*D*D/6+(5-2*C1+28*T1-3*C1*C1+8*eccPrimeSquared+24*T1*T1)
961           *D*D*D*D*D/120)/cos(phi1Rad);
962   *lon = LongOrigin + (*lon) * rad2deg;
963 }