1 #include <iostream>
2 #include <algorithm>
3 #include "volm_io_tools.h"
4 //:
5 // \file
8 #include "vul/vul_file.h"
9 #include "vul/vul_file_iterator.h"
10 #include "vpgl/vpgl_utm.h"
11 #include <bkml/bkml_write.h>
12 #include "vil/vil_load.h"
13 #include "vil/vil_image_view.h"
14 #include "vil/vil_crop.h"
15 #include "vpgl/vpgl_lvcs.h"
16 #include "vpgl/vpgl_lvcs_sptr.h"
17 #ifdef _MSC_VER
18 #  include "vcl_msvc_warnings.h"
19 #endif
20 #include <vgl/algo/vgl_fit_lines_2d.h>
21 #include "vgl/vgl_intersection.h"
22 #include "vgl/vgl_line_segment_3d.h"
25 unsigned int volm_io_tools::northing = 0;  // WARNING: north hard-coded
27 static double eps = 1.0e-5;
near_zero(double x)28 inline bool near_zero(double x) { return x < eps && x > -eps; }
near_equal(double x,double y)29 inline bool near_equal(double x, double y) { return near_zero(x-y); }
near_eq_pt(vgl_point_2d<double> a,vgl_point_2d<double> b)30 bool near_eq_pt(vgl_point_2d<double> a, vgl_point_2d<double> b)
31 {
32   return (near_equal(a.x(),b.x()) && near_equal(a.y(), b.y()));
33 }
save_box_kml(const std::string & out_name)36 void volm_img_info::save_box_kml(const std::string& out_name) {
37     std::ofstream ofs(out_name.c_str());
38     bkml_write::open_document(ofs);
39     bkml_write::write_box(ofs, name, "", bbox);
40     bkml_write::close_document(ofs);
41   }
read_box(const std::string & bbox_file,vgl_box_2d<double> & bbox)43 bool read_box(const std::string& bbox_file, vgl_box_2d<double>& bbox) {
44   char buffer[1000];
45   std::ifstream ifs(bbox_file.c_str());
46   if (!ifs.is_open()) {
47     std::cerr << " cannot open: " << bbox_file << "!\n";
48     return false;
49   }
51   std::string dummy; double top_lat, bottom_lat, left_lon, right_lon;
52   for (unsigned kk = 0; kk < 22; kk++)
53     ifs.getline(buffer, 1000);
54   // top
55   ifs.getline(buffer, 1000);
56   std::stringstream top_edge_line(buffer);
57   top_edge_line >> dummy; top_edge_line >> dummy; top_edge_line >> dummy;
58   top_edge_line >> top_lat;
59   // bottom
60   ifs.getline(buffer, 1000);
61   std::stringstream bot_edge_line(buffer);
62   bot_edge_line >> dummy; bot_edge_line >> dummy; bot_edge_line >> dummy;
63   bot_edge_line >> bottom_lat;
64   // left
65   ifs.getline(buffer, 1000);
66   std::stringstream left_edge_line(buffer);
67   left_edge_line >> dummy; left_edge_line >> dummy; left_edge_line >> dummy;
68   left_edge_line >> left_lon;
69   // right
70   ifs.getline(buffer, 1000);
71   std::stringstream right_edge_line(buffer);
72   right_edge_line >> dummy; right_edge_line >> dummy; right_edge_line >> dummy;
73   right_edge_line >> right_lon;
75   vgl_point_2d<double> lower_left(left_lon, bottom_lat);
76   vgl_point_2d<double> upper_right(right_lon, top_lat);
77   bbox = vgl_box_2d<double>(lower_left, upper_right);
78   //std::cout << "bbox: " << bbox << std::endl;
79   return true;
80 }
load_naip_img(std::string const & img_folder,std::string const & name,vpgl_lvcs_sptr & lvcs,volm_img_info & info,bool load_resource)82 bool volm_io_tools::load_naip_img(std::string const& img_folder, std::string const& name, vpgl_lvcs_sptr& lvcs, volm_img_info& info, bool load_resource)
83 {
84   std::string filename = img_folder + "\\" + name;
85   std::string img_name = filename + "\\" + name + ".tif";
86   std::string tfw_name = filename + "\\" + name + ".tfw";
87   if (!vul_file::exists(tfw_name) || !vul_file::exists(img_name))
88     return false;
90   info.name = name; info.img_name = img_name;
91   std::string bbox_file = filename + "\\output_parameters.txt";
92   if (!read_box(bbox_file, info.bbox)) {
93     std::cerr << " cannot find: " << bbox_file << std::endl;
94     return false;
95   }
96   //std::cout << "NAIP bbox: " << info.bbox << std::endl;
97   // figure out utm zone
98   vpgl_utm utm; int utm_zone, zone_max; double xx, yy;
99   utm.transform(info.bbox.min_point().y(), info.bbox.min_point().x(), xx, yy, utm_zone);
100   utm.transform(info.bbox.max_point().y(), info.bbox.max_point().x(), xx, yy, zone_max);
101   if (utm_zone != zone_max) {
102     std::cout << "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WARNING! img: " << img_name << " has min and max points in different UTM zones, using zone of min point!\n";
104   }
106   vpgl_geo_camera *cam = nullptr;
107   if (!vpgl_geo_camera::init_geo_camera(tfw_name, lvcs, utm_zone, northing, cam))
108     return false;
109   info.cam = cam;
111   if (load_resource) {
112     vil_image_resource_sptr img = vil_load_image_resource(img_name.c_str());
113     std::cout << "ni: " << img->ni() <<" nj: " << img->nj() <<std::endl;
114     info.ni = img->ni(); info.nj = img->nj();
115   }
116   return true;
117 }
load_naip_imgs(std::string const & img_folder,std::vector<volm_img_info> & imgs,bool load_resource)119 bool volm_io_tools::load_naip_imgs(std::string const& img_folder, std::vector<volm_img_info>& imgs, bool load_resource) {
121   vpgl_lvcs_sptr lvcs = new vpgl_lvcs; // just the default, no concept of local coordinate system here, so won't be used
123   std::string in_dir = img_folder + "*";
124   for (vul_file_iterator fn = in_dir.c_str(); fn; ++fn) {
125     std::string filename = fn();
126     //std::cout << "filename: " << filename << std::endl;
127     std::string file = vul_file::strip_directory(filename);
129     volm_img_info info;
130     if (load_naip_img(img_folder, file, lvcs, info, load_resource))
131       imgs.push_back(info);
132   }
133   return true;
134 }
load_lidar_img(const std::string & img_file,volm_img_info & info,bool load_image_resource,bool is_cam_global,bool load_cam_from_tfw,std::string const & cam_tfw_file)136 int volm_io_tools::load_lidar_img(const std::string& img_file, volm_img_info& info, bool load_image_resource,
137                                   bool is_cam_global,
138                                   bool load_cam_from_tfw, std::string const& cam_tfw_file)
139 {
140   vpgl_lvcs_sptr lvcs = new vpgl_lvcs; // just the default, no concept of local coordinate system here, so won't be used
142   if (load_image_resource) {
143     info.img_r = vil_load(img_file.c_str());
144     info.ni = info.img_r->ni(); info.nj = info.img_r->nj();
145   } else {
146     vil_image_view_base_sptr img_sptr = vil_load(img_file.c_str());
147     info.ni = img_sptr->ni(); info.nj = img_sptr->nj();
148   }
150   info.name = vul_file::strip_directory(vul_file::strip_extension(img_file));
151   info.img_name = img_file;
153   vpgl_geo_camera *cam = nullptr;
154   // try to load camera from image header first
155   vil_image_resource_sptr img_res = vil_load_image_resource(info.img_name.c_str());
156   vpgl_lvcs_sptr lvcs_dummy = new vpgl_lvcs;
157   vpgl_geo_camera::init_geo_camera(img_res, lvcs_dummy, cam);
159   if (!cam) {
160     if (!is_cam_global && !load_cam_from_tfw) {
161       vpgl_geo_camera::init_geo_camera(img_file, info.ni, info.nj, lvcs, cam);
162       info.cam = cam;
163     } else if (load_cam_from_tfw) {
164       vpgl_geo_camera::init_geo_camera(cam_tfw_file, lvcs, 0, 0, cam);
165       info.cam = cam;
166     } else if (is_cam_global) {
167       vpgl_geo_camera::init_geo_camera_from_filename(img_file, info.ni, info.nj, lvcs, cam);
168       info.cam = cam;
169     }
170   }
171   else
172     info.cam = cam;
174   // obtain the bounding box of current image
175   std::string name = vul_file::strip_directory(img_file);
176   name = name.substr(name.find_first_of('_')+1, name.size());
178   std::string n_coords = name.substr(0, name.find_first_of('_'));
179   std::string hemisphere, direction;
180   std::size_t n = n_coords.find('N');
181   if (n < n_coords.size())
182     hemisphere = "N";
183   else
184     hemisphere = "S";
185   n = n_coords.find('E');
186   if (n < n_coords.size())
187     direction = "E";
188   else
189     direction = "W";
191   double lat, lon;
192   cam->img_to_global(0.0, info.nj-1, lon, lat);
193   if (!is_cam_global) {
194     if (direction == "W")
195       lon = -lon;
196     if (hemisphere == "S")
197       lat = -lat;
198   }
199   vgl_point_2d<double> lower_left(lon, lat);
201   vpgl_utm utm; int utm_zone; double x,y;
202   utm.transform(lat, lon, x, y, utm_zone);
203   std::cout << " zone of lidar img: " << img_file << ": " << utm_zone << " from lower left corner: " << lon << ',' << lat << "!\n";
205   cam->img_to_global(info.ni-1, 0.0, lon, lat);
206   if (!is_cam_global) {
207     if (direction == "W")
208       lon = -lon;
209     if (hemisphere == "S")
210       lat = -lat;
211   }
212   vgl_point_2d<double> upper_right(lon, lat);
213   vgl_box_2d<double> bbox(lower_left, upper_right);
214   std::cout << "bbox: " << bbox << std::endl;
215   info.bbox = bbox;
217   return utm_zone;
218 }
load_lidar_imgs(std::string const & folder,std::vector<volm_img_info> & infos)220 void volm_io_tools::load_lidar_imgs(std::string const& folder, std::vector<volm_img_info>& infos) {
221   std::string in_dir = folder + "/lidar_*.tif";
222   for (vul_file_iterator fn = in_dir.c_str(); fn; ++fn) {
223     std::string filename = fn();
224     volm_img_info info;
225     volm_io_tools::load_lidar_img(filename, info, true, true, false);
226     infos.push_back(info);
227   }
228 }
load_nlcd_imgs(std::string const & folder,std::vector<volm_img_info> & infos)230 void volm_io_tools::load_nlcd_imgs(std::string const& folder, std::vector<volm_img_info>& infos)
231 {
232   std::string in_dir = folder + "*.tif*";  // sometimes .tif is written .tiff
233   for (vul_file_iterator fn = in_dir.c_str(); fn; ++fn) {
234     std::string filename = fn();
235     volm_img_info info;
236     load_geotiff_image(filename, info, true);
237     infos.push_back(info);
238   }
239 }
load_imgs(std::string const & folder,std::vector<volm_img_info> & infos,bool load_image_resource,bool is_cam_global,bool load_cam_from_tfw)240 void volm_io_tools::load_imgs(std::string const& folder, std::vector<volm_img_info>& infos, bool load_image_resource, bool is_cam_global, bool load_cam_from_tfw)
241 {
242   std::string in_dir = folder + "/*.tif";  // sometimes .tif is written .tiff
243   for (vul_file_iterator fn = in_dir.c_str(); fn; ++fn) {
244     std::string filename = fn();
245     std::string cam_tfw_file = vul_file::strip_extension(filename) + ".tfw";
246     volm_img_info info;
247     load_lidar_img(filename, info, load_image_resource, is_cam_global, load_cam_from_tfw, cam_tfw_file);
248     infos.push_back(info);
249   }
250   // also load .tiff
251   in_dir = folder + "/*.tiff";
252   for (vul_file_iterator fn = in_dir.c_str(); fn; ++fn) {
253     std::string filename = fn();
254     std::string cam_tfw_file = vul_file::strip_extension(filename) + ".tfw";
255     volm_img_info info;
256     load_lidar_img(filename, info, load_image_resource, is_cam_global, load_cam_from_tfw, cam_tfw_file);
257     infos.push_back(info);
258   }
259 }
get_location_nlcd(std::vector<volm_img_info> & NLCD_imgs,double lat,double lon,double elev,unsigned char & label)261 bool volm_io_tools::get_location_nlcd(std::vector<volm_img_info>& NLCD_imgs, double lat, double lon, double elev, unsigned char& label)
262 {
263   bool found_it = false;
264   for (auto & NLCD_img : NLCD_imgs) {
265     if (NLCD_img.bbox.contains(lon, lat)) {
266       vil_image_view<vxl_byte> img(NLCD_img.img_r);
268       // get the land type of the location
269       double u, v;
270       NLCD_img.cam->global_to_img(lon, lat, elev, u, v);
271       //NLCD_imgs[i].cam->global_to_img(-lon, lat, elev, u, v);
272       auto uu = (unsigned)std::floor(u + 0.5);
273       auto vv = (unsigned)std::floor(v + 0.5);
274       if (uu > 0 && vv > 0 && uu < NLCD_img.ni && vv < NLCD_img.nj) {
275         label = img(uu, vv);
276         found_it = true;
277         break;
278       }
279     }
280   }
281   return found_it;
282 }
expend_line(std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double>> line,double const & w,vgl_polygon<double> & poly)284 bool volm_io_tools::expend_line(std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > line, double const& w, vgl_polygon<double>& poly)
285 {
286   std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > sheet;
287   std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > pts_u;
288   std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > pts_d;
289   unsigned n_pts = line.size();
290   for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_pts-1; i++) {
291     vgl_point_2d<double> s, e;
292     s = line[i];  e = line[i+1];
293     if (near_eq_pt(s,e))
294       continue;
295     vgl_line_2d<double> seg(s, e);
296     vgl_vector_2d<double> n = seg.normal();
297     vgl_point_2d<double> su, sd, eu, ed;
298     su = s + 0.5*w*n;  sd = s - 0.5*w*n;
299     pts_u.push_back(su);  pts_d.push_back(sd);
300     if (i == n_pts-2) {
301       eu = e + 0.5*w*n;  ed = e - 0.5*w*n;
302       pts_u.push_back(eu);  pts_d.push_back(ed);
303     }
304   }
305   // rearrange the point list
306   sheet.reserve(pts_u.size());
307 for (auto i : pts_u)
308     sheet.push_back(i);
309   for (int i = pts_d.size()-1; i >=0; i--)
310     sheet.push_back(pts_d[i]);
311   poly.push_back(sheet);
312   return true;
313 }
316 #include <volm/volm_geo_index2.h>
317 #include <volm/volm_osm_objects.h>
319 // a method to read the binary osm object file and also contstruct the volm_geo_index2, the method returns the root of the tree
read_osm_data_and_tree(const std::string & geoindex_filename_pre,const std::string & osm_bin_filename,volm_osm_objects & osm_objs,double & min_size)320 volm_geo_index2_node_sptr volm_io_tools::read_osm_data_and_tree(const std::string& geoindex_filename_pre, const std::string& osm_bin_filename, volm_osm_objects& osm_objs, double& min_size)
321 {
322   std::string filename = geoindex_filename_pre + ".txt";
323   volm_geo_index2_node_sptr root = volm_geo_index2::read_and_construct<volm_osm_object_ids_sptr>(filename, min_size);
324   // obtain all leaves
325   std::vector<volm_geo_index2_node_sptr> leaves;
326   volm_geo_index2::get_leaves(root, leaves);
327   // load the content for valid leaves
328   for (auto & leave : leaves) {
329     std::string bin_file = leave->get_label_name(geoindex_filename_pre, "osm");
330     if (!vul_file::exists(bin_file))
331       continue;
332     auto* ptr = dynamic_cast<volm_geo_index2_node<volm_osm_object_ids_sptr>* >(leave.ptr());
333     ptr->contents_ = new volm_osm_object_ids(bin_file);
334   }
336   // load the osm bin file to get real location date with unit of lon and lat, associated with ids stored in geo_index2
337   if (!vul_file::exists(osm_bin_filename)) {
338     std::cout << "ERROR: can not find osm binary: " << osm_bin_filename << std::endl;
339     return nullptr;
340   }
342   vsl_b_ifstream is(osm_bin_filename.c_str());
343   if (!is) {
344     std::cerr << "In volm_osm_object::volm_osm_object() -- cannot open: " << osm_bin_filename << std::endl;
345     return nullptr;
346   }
347   osm_objs.b_read(is);
348   is.close();
350 #if 0
351   if (is_kml()) {
352       std::stringstream kml_pts, kml_roads, kml_regions;
353       kml_pts << out_pre() << "/p1b_wr" << world_id() << "_tile_" << tile_id() << "_osm_pts.kml";
354       kml_roads << out_pre() << "/p1b_wr" << world_id() << "_tile_" << tile_id() << "_osm_roads.kml";
355       kml_regions << out_pre() << "/p1b_wr" << world_id() << "_tile_" << tile_id() << "_osm_regions.kml";
356       osm_objs.write_pts_to_kml(kml_pts.str());
357       osm_objs.write_lines_to_kml(kml_roads.str());
358       osm_objs.write_polys_to_kml(kml_regions.str());
359   }
360 #endif
362   return root;
363 }
365 //: load a geotiff file with .tif file and read its ortho camera info from its header, puts a dummy lvcs to vpgl_geo_cam object so lvcs is not valid
366 //  even though it reads the camera from filename with N/S and W/E distinction, it constructs a camera in global WGS84 coordinates, so the global coordinates should be used to fetch pixels, (i.e. no need to make them always positive)
load_geotiff_image(const std::string & filename,volm_img_info & info,bool load_cam_from_name)367 void volm_io_tools::load_geotiff_image(const std::string& filename, volm_img_info& info, bool load_cam_from_name)
368 {
369   info.img_name = filename;
370   info.name = vul_file::strip_directory(info.img_name);
371   info.name = vul_file::strip_extension(info.name);
373   info.img_r = vil_load(info.img_name.c_str());
374   info.ni = info.img_r->ni(); info.nj = info.img_r->nj();
376   vpgl_geo_camera *cam;
377   vpgl_lvcs_sptr lvcs_dummy = new vpgl_lvcs;
378   if (load_cam_from_name) {
379     vpgl_geo_camera::init_geo_camera_from_filename(filename, info.ni, info.nj, lvcs_dummy, cam); // constructs in global WGS84 (no distinction of N/S or W/E)
380     std::cout << cam->trans_matrix() << std::endl;
381   } else {
382     vil_image_resource_sptr img_res = vil_load_image_resource(info.img_name.c_str());
383     vpgl_geo_camera::init_geo_camera(img_res, lvcs_dummy, cam);
384   }
386   info.cam = cam;
388   double lat, lon;
389   cam->img_to_global(0.0, info.nj-1, lon, lat);
390   vgl_point_2d<double> lower_left(lon, lat);
392   vpgl_utm utm; int utm_zone; double x,y;
393   utm.transform(lat, lon, x, y, utm_zone);
394   cam->img_to_global(info.ni-1, 0.0, lon, lat);
395   vgl_point_2d<double> upper_right(lon, lat);
396   vgl_box_2d<double> bbox(lower_left, upper_right);
397   info.bbox = bbox;
398 }
load_aster_dem_imgs(std::string const & folder,std::vector<volm_img_info> & infos)400 void volm_io_tools::load_aster_dem_imgs(std::string const& folder, std::vector<volm_img_info>& infos)
401 {
402   std::string file_glob = folder + "//*.tif";
403   for (vul_file_iterator fn = file_glob.c_str(); fn; ++fn) {
404     volm_img_info info;
405     volm_io_tools::load_geotiff_image(fn(), info);
406     infos.push_back(info);
407     //volm_img_info info;
408     //std::string folder = fn();
409     //std::string file_glob2 = folder + "//" + "*_dem*.tif";
410     //for (vul_file_iterator fn2 = file_glob2.c_str(); fn2; ++fn2) {
411     //  volm_io_tools::load_geotiff_image(fn2(), info);
412     //  infos.push_back(info);
413     //}
414   }
415 }
load_satellite_height_map(std::string const & filename,volm_img_info & info,bool const & load_cam_from_file)417 bool volm_io_tools::load_satellite_height_map(std::string const& filename, volm_img_info& info, bool const& load_cam_from_file)
418 {
419   info.img_name = filename;
420   info.name = vul_file::strip_directory(info.img_name);
421   info.name = vul_file::strip_extension(info.name);
423   info.img_r = vil_load(info.img_name.c_str());
424   info.ni = info.img_r->ni();  info.nj = info.img_r->nj();
425   std::cout << "satellite height image ni: " << info.ni << " nj: " << info.nj << std::endl;
426   // load the camera (either from a tfw file or from image header)
427   vpgl_geo_camera *cam;
428   vpgl_lvcs_sptr lvcs_dummy = new vpgl_lvcs;
429   if (load_cam_from_file) {
430     std::string cam_file = vul_file::dirname(filename) + "/" + info.name + "_geo.tfw";
431     if (!vul_file::exists(cam_file)) {
432       std::cerr << " can not find camera file: " << cam_file << "!\n";
433       return false;
434     }
435     vpgl_geo_camera::init_geo_camera(cam_file, lvcs_dummy, 0, 0, cam);
436   }
437   else { // load from image header
438     vil_image_resource_sptr img_res = vil_load_image_resource(info.img_name.c_str());
439     vpgl_geo_camera::init_geo_camera(img_res, lvcs_dummy, cam);
440   }
442   // defined the bbox of the image, use lower_left corner to define utm and northing of camera
443   double lat, lon;
444   cam->img_to_global(0.0, info.nj-1, lon, lat);
445   vgl_point_2d<double> lower_left(lon, lat);
446   vpgl_utm utm;
447   int utm_zone; double x, y;
448   utm.transform(lat, lon, x, y, utm_zone);
449   std::cout << " zone of satellite height image " << info.name << ": " << utm_zone << " from lower left corner!\n";
450   cam->img_to_global(info.ni-1,0.0, lon, lat);
451   vgl_point_2d<double> upper_right(lon, lat);
452 #if 0
453   int utm_zone_ur;
454   utm.transform(lat, lon, x, y, utm_zone_ur);
455   if (utm_zone_ur != utm_zone)
456     std::cout << " warning: satellite height image " << info.name << " crosses two utm zone: " << utm_zone << ", " << utm_zone_ur << std::endl;
457   unsigned northing = 1;
458   if (upper_right.x() < 0 && lower_left.x() < 0)
459     northing = 0;
460   if (upper_right.x() * lower_left.x() < 0)
461     std::cout << " warning: satellite height image " << info.name << " crosses the Equator (set it to be northing)" << std::endl;
462   cam->set_utm(utm_zone, northing);
463 #endif
464   info.cam = cam;
465   vgl_box_2d<double> bbox(lower_left, upper_right);
466   std::cout << "bbox: " << bbox << std::endl;
467   info.bbox = bbox;
469   return true;
470 }
load_satellite_height_imgs(std::string const & folder,std::vector<volm_img_info> & infos,bool const & load_cam_from_file,std::string const & keywords)472 bool volm_io_tools::load_satellite_height_imgs(std::string const& folder, std::vector<volm_img_info>& infos, bool const& load_cam_from_file, std::string const& keywords)
473 {
474   std::string file_glob;
475   if (keywords.compare("") == 0)
476     file_glob = folder + "//scene_*.tif";
477   else
478     file_glob = folder + "//scene_*" + keywords + ".tif";
479   for (vul_file_iterator fn = file_glob.c_str(); fn; ++fn) {
480     volm_img_info info;
481     if (!volm_io_tools::load_satellite_height_map(fn(), info, load_cam_from_file))
482       return false;
483     infos.push_back(info);
484   }
485   return true;
486 }
load_geocover_imgs(std::string const & folder,std::vector<volm_img_info> & infos)488 void volm_io_tools::load_geocover_imgs(std::string const& folder, std::vector<volm_img_info>& infos)
489 {
490   std::string file_glob = folder + "//*.tif";
491   for (vul_file_iterator fn = file_glob.c_str(); fn; ++fn) {
492     volm_img_info info;
493     volm_io_tools::load_geotiff_image(fn(), info, false);  // last argument true so load camera from the file name
494     infos.push_back(info);
495   }
496 }
load_urban_imgs(std::string const & folder,std::vector<volm_img_info> & infos)498 void volm_io_tools::load_urban_imgs(std::string const& folder, std::vector<volm_img_info>& infos)
499 {
500   std::string file_glob = folder + "//Urextent_*.tif";
501   for (vul_file_iterator fn = file_glob.c_str(); fn; ++fn) {
502     volm_img_info info;
503     volm_io_tools::load_geotiff_image(fn(), info, true);
504     infos.push_back(info);
505   }
506 }
crop_and_find_min_max(std::vector<volm_img_info> & infos,unsigned img_id,int i0,int j0,int crop_ni,int crop_nj,double & min,double & max)508 void crop_and_find_min_max(std::vector<volm_img_info>& infos, unsigned img_id, int i0, int j0, int crop_ni, int crop_nj, double& min, double& max)
509 {
510 #if 0
511   vil_image_view<vxl_int_16> img(infos[img_id].img_r);
512   vil_image_view<vxl_int_16> img_crop = vil_crop(img, i0, crop_ni, j0, crop_nj);
513   for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < img_crop.ni(); ii++)
514     for (unsigned jj = 0; jj < img_crop.nj(); jj++) {
515       if (min > img_crop(ii, jj)) min = img_crop(ii, jj);
516       if (max < img_crop(ii, jj)) max = img_crop(ii, jj);
517     }
518 #endif
519   if (auto* img = dynamic_cast<vil_image_view<vxl_int_16>*>(infos[img_id].img_r.ptr())) {
520     vil_image_view<vxl_int_16> img_crop = vil_crop(*img, i0, crop_ni, j0, crop_nj);
521     for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < img_crop.ni(); ii++)
522       for (unsigned jj = 0; jj < img_crop.nj(); jj++) {
523         if (min > img_crop(ii, jj)) min = img_crop(ii, jj);
524         if (max < img_crop(ii, jj)) max = img_crop(ii, jj);
525       }
526   }
527   else if (auto* img = dynamic_cast<vil_image_view<float>*>(infos[img_id].img_r.ptr()) ) {
528     vil_image_view<float> img_crop = vil_crop(*img, i0, crop_ni, j0, crop_nj);
529     for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < img_crop.ni(); ii++)
530       for (unsigned jj = 0; jj < img_crop.nj(); jj++) {
531         if (min > img_crop(ii, jj)) min = img_crop(ii, jj);
532         if (max < img_crop(ii, jj)) max = img_crop(ii, jj);
533       }
534   }
537 }
find_min_max_height(vgl_point_2d<double> & lower_left,vgl_point_2d<double> & upper_right,std::vector<volm_img_info> & infos,double & min,double & max)539 bool volm_io_tools::find_min_max_height(vgl_point_2d<double>& lower_left, vgl_point_2d<double>& upper_right, std::vector<volm_img_info>& infos, double& min, double& max)
540 {
541   // find the image of all four corners
542   std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, std::pair<int, int> > > corners;
543   std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > pts;
544   pts.emplace_back(lower_left.x(), upper_right.y());
545   pts.emplace_back(upper_right.x(), lower_left.y());
546   pts.push_back(lower_left);
547   pts.push_back(upper_right);
549   for (auto & pt : pts) {
550     // find the image
551     for (unsigned j = 0; j < (unsigned)infos.size(); j++) {
552       double u, v;
553       infos[j].cam->global_to_img(pt.x(), pt.y(), 0, u, v);
554       int uu = (int)std::floor(u+0.5);
555       int vv = (int)std::floor(v+0.5);
556       if (uu < 0 || vv < 0 || uu >= (int)infos[j].ni || vv >= (int)infos[j].nj)
557         continue;
558       std::pair<unsigned, std::pair<int, int> > pp(j, std::pair<int, int>(uu, vv));
559       corners.push_back(pp);
560       break;
561     }
562   }
563   if (corners.size() != 4) {
564     std::cerr << "Cannot locate all 4 corners among these DEM tiles!\n";
565     return false;
566   }
567   // case 1: all corners are in the same image
568   if (corners[0].first == corners[1].first) {
569     // crop the image
570     int i0 = corners[0].second.first;
571     int j0 = corners[0].second.second;
572     int crop_ni = corners[1].second.first-corners[0].second.first+1;
573     int crop_nj = corners[1].second.second-corners[0].second.second+1;
574     crop_and_find_min_max(infos, corners[0].first, i0, j0, crop_ni, crop_nj, min, max);
575     return true;
576   }
577   // case 2: two corners are in the same image
578   if (corners[0].first == corners[2].first && corners[1].first == corners[3].first) {
579     // crop the first image
580     int i0 = corners[0].second.first;
581     int j0 = corners[0].second.second;
582     int crop_ni = infos[corners[0].first].ni - corners[0].second.first;
583     int crop_nj = corners[2].second.second-corners[0].second.second+1;
584     crop_and_find_min_max(infos, corners[0].first, i0, j0, crop_ni, crop_nj, min, max);
586     // crop the second image
587     i0 = 0;
588     j0 = corners[3].second.second;
589     crop_ni = corners[3].second.first + 1;
590     crop_nj = corners[1].second.second-corners[3].second.second+1;
591     crop_and_find_min_max(infos, corners[1].first, i0, j0, crop_ni, crop_nj, min, max);
592     return true;
593   }
594   // case 3: two corners are in the same image
595   if (corners[0].first == corners[3].first && corners[1].first == corners[2].first) {
596     // crop the first image
597     int i0 = corners[0].second.first;
598     int j0 = corners[0].second.second;
599     int crop_ni = corners[3].second.first - corners[0].second.first + 1;
600     int crop_nj = infos[corners[0].first].nj - corners[0].second.second;
601     crop_and_find_min_max(infos, corners[0].first, i0, j0, crop_ni, crop_nj, min, max);
603     // crop the second image
604     i0 = corners[2].second.first;
605     j0 = 0;
606     crop_ni = corners[1].second.first - corners[2].second.first + 1;
607     crop_nj = corners[2].second.second + 1;
608     crop_and_find_min_max(infos, corners[1].first, i0, j0, crop_ni, crop_nj, min, max);
609     return true;
610   }
611   // case 4: all corners are in a different image
612   // crop the first image, image of corner 0
613   int i0 = corners[0].second.first;
614   int j0 = corners[0].second.second;
615   int crop_ni = infos[corners[0].first].ni - corners[0].second.first;
616   int crop_nj = infos[corners[0].first].nj - corners[0].second.second;
617   crop_and_find_min_max(infos, corners[0].first, i0, j0, crop_ni, crop_nj, min, max);
619   // crop the second image, image of corner 1
620   i0 = 0;
621   j0 = 0;
622   crop_ni = corners[1].second.first + 1;
623   crop_nj = corners[1].second.second + 1;
624   crop_and_find_min_max(infos, corners[1].first, i0, j0, crop_ni, crop_nj, min, max);
626   // crop the third image, image of corner 2
627   i0 = corners[2].second.first;
628   j0 = 0;
629   crop_ni = infos[corners[2].first].ni - corners[2].second.first;
630   crop_nj = corners[2].second.second + 1;
631   crop_and_find_min_max(infos, corners[2].first, i0, j0, crop_ni, crop_nj, min, max);
633   // crop the fourth image, image of corner 3
634   i0 = 0;
635   j0 = corners[3].second.second;
636   crop_ni = corners[3].second.first + 1;
637   crop_nj = infos[corners[3].first].nj - corners[3].second.second;
638   crop_and_find_min_max(infos, corners[3].first, i0, j0, crop_ni, crop_nj, min, max);
640   return true;
641 }
643 //: use the following method to get the multiplier for conversion of meters to degrees, uses vpgl_lvcs internally
meter_to_seconds(double lat,double lon)644 double volm_io_tools::meter_to_seconds(double lat, double lon)
645 {
646   vpgl_lvcs_sptr lvcs = new vpgl_lvcs(lat, lon, 0, vpgl_lvcs::wgs84, vpgl_lvcs::DEG, vpgl_lvcs::METERS);
647   double lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, gz;
648   lvcs->local_to_global(0, 0, 0, vpgl_lvcs::wgs84, lon1, lat1, gz);
649   lvcs->local_to_global(1, 0, 0, vpgl_lvcs::wgs84, lon2, lat2, gz);
650   double dif_lon = lon2-lon1;
651   double dif_lat = lat2-lat1;
652   double dif = std::sqrt(dif_lon*dif_lon + dif_lat*dif_lat);  // 1 meter is this many degrees in this area
653   return dif;
654 }
find_intersect(vgl_box_2d<double> const & bbox,vgl_point_2d<double> const & s,vgl_point_2d<double> e,vgl_point_2d<double> & pt)656 bool find_intersect(vgl_box_2d<double> const& bbox, vgl_point_2d<double> const& s, vgl_point_2d<double> e, vgl_point_2d<double>& pt)
657 {
658   vgl_line_2d<double> line(s, e);
659   vgl_point_2d<double> pi0, pi1;
660   if (!vgl_intersection(bbox, line, pi0, pi1))
661     return false;
662   double x1 = s.x(),   y1 = s.y();
663   double x2 = e.x(),   y2 = e.y();
664   double xp = pi0.x(), yp = pi0.y();
665   double d1p = (xp-x1)*(xp-x1) + (yp-y1)*(yp-y1);
666   double d2p = (xp-x2)*(xp-x2) + (yp-y2)*(yp-y2);
667   double d12 = (x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1);
668   double diff = std::sqrt(d1p) + std::sqrt(d2p) - std::sqrt(d12);
669   if (diff < 1E-5) {
670     pt = pi0;
671     return true;
672   }
673   xp = pi1.x();  yp = pi1.y();
674   d1p = (xp-x1)*(xp-x1) + (yp-y1)*(yp-y1);
675   d2p = (xp-x2)*(xp-x2) + (yp-y2)*(yp-y2);
676   d12 = (x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1);
677   diff = std::sqrt(d1p) + std::sqrt(d2p) - std::sqrt(d12);
678   if (diff < 1E-5) {
679     pt = pi1;
680     return true;
681   }
682   return false;
683 }
line_inside_the_box(vgl_box_2d<double> const & bbox,std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double>> const & line,std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double>> & road)685 bool volm_io_tools::line_inside_the_box(vgl_box_2d<double> const& bbox, std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > const& line, std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double> >& road)
686 {
687   // obtain points that lie inside the bounding box
688   std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > line_in = vgl_intersection(line, bbox);
689   if (line_in.empty())
690     return false;
691   for (auto i : line_in)
692     road.push_back(i);
694   // find the intersection points
695   for (auto curr_pt : line_in) {
696     auto vit = std::find(line.begin(), line.end(), curr_pt);
697     if (vit == line.begin() ) {
698       vgl_point_2d<double> next = *(vit+1);
699       if (bbox.contains(next))
700         continue;
701       else {
702         vgl_point_2d<double> intersect_pt;
703         if (!find_intersect(bbox, curr_pt, next, intersect_pt))
704           return false;
705         // insert the intersect after current point
706         auto it = std::find(road.begin(), road.end(), curr_pt);
707         road.insert(it+1, intersect_pt);
708       }
709     }
710     else if (vit == line.end()-1) {
711       vgl_point_2d<double> prev = *(vit-1);
712       if (bbox.contains(prev))
713         continue;
714       else {
715         vgl_point_2d<double> intersect_pt;
716         if (!find_intersect(bbox, prev, curr_pt,intersect_pt))
717           return false;
718         // insert the intersect point before current point
719         auto it = std::find(road.begin(), road.end(), curr_pt);
720         road.insert(it, intersect_pt);
721       }
722     }
723     else if (vit != line.end()) {
724       vgl_point_2d<double> prev = *(vit-1);
725       vgl_point_2d<double> next = *(vit+1);
726       if (bbox.contains(next) && bbox.contains(prev))
727         continue;
728       else if (bbox.contains(next)) {
729         vgl_point_2d<double> intersect_pt;
730         if (!find_intersect(bbox, prev, curr_pt, intersect_pt))
731           return false;
732         auto it = std::find(road.begin(), road.end(), curr_pt);
733         road.insert(it, intersect_pt);
734       }
735       else if (bbox.contains(prev)) {
736         vgl_point_2d<double> intersect_pt;
737         if (!find_intersect(bbox, curr_pt, next, intersect_pt))
738           return false;
739         // insert the intersect after current point
740         auto it = std::find(road.begin(), road.end(), curr_pt);
741         road.insert(it+1, intersect_pt);
742       }
743       else {
744         vgl_point_2d<double> intersect_pt;
745         if (!find_intersect(bbox, curr_pt, next, intersect_pt))
746           return false;
747         // find and insert the intersection after current point
748         auto it = std::find(road.begin(), road.end(), curr_pt);
749         road.insert(it+1, intersect_pt);
750         // find and insert the intersection before current point
751         if (!find_intersect(bbox, prev, curr_pt,intersect_pt))
752           return false;
753         it = std::find(road.begin(), road.end(), curr_pt);
754         road.insert(it, intersect_pt);
755       }
756     }
757     else
758       return false;
759   }
760   return true;
761 }
form_line_segment_from_pts(std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double>> const & road,std::vector<vgl_line_segment_2d<double>> & road_seg)763 void form_line_segment_from_pts(std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > const& road, std::vector<vgl_line_segment_2d<double> >& road_seg)
764 {
765   unsigned num_pts  = road.size();
766   unsigned num_segs = num_pts - 1;
767   for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_segs; i++) {
768     vgl_point_2d<double> s = road[i];  vgl_point_2d<double> e = road[i+1];
769     if (near_eq_pt(s,e))
770       continue;
771     road_seg.emplace_back(s, e);
772   }
773 #if 0
774   // define a 2d line fit
775   unsigned min_pts = 3;
776   double tol = 5.0;  // in pixel unit
777   vgl_fit_lines_2d<double> fitter(min_pts, tol);
779   unsigned num_pts  = road.size();
780   unsigned num_segs = num_pts - 1;
781   if (num_pts <= min_pts) {
782     for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_segs; i++) {
783       vgl_point_2d<double> s = road[i];  vgl_point_2d<double> e = road[i+1];
784       road_seg.push_back(vgl_line_segment_2d<double>(s, e));
785     }
786   }
787   else {
788     fitter.add_curve(road);
789     fitter.fit();
790     road_seg = fitter.get_line_segs();
791     if (road_seg.empty()) {
792       // fitting failed form the segment directly
793       road_seg.clear();
794       for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_segs; i++) {
795         vgl_point_2d<double> s = road[i];  vgl_point_2d<double> e = road[i+1];
796         road_seg.push_back(vgl_line_segment_2d<double>(s, e));
797       }
798     }
799   }
800   fitter.clear();
801 #endif
802 }
find_junctions(vgl_line_segment_2d<double> const & seg,volm_land_layer const & seg_prop,std::vector<vgl_line_segment_2d<double>> const & lines,volm_land_layer const & line_prop,std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double>> & cross_pts,std::vector<volm_land_layer> & cross_prop)804 void find_junctions(vgl_line_segment_2d<double> const& seg,
805                     volm_land_layer const& seg_prop,
806                     std::vector<vgl_line_segment_2d<double> > const& lines,
807                     volm_land_layer const& line_prop,
808                     std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double> >& cross_pts,
809                     std::vector<volm_land_layer>& cross_prop)
810 {
811   vgl_line_segment_3d<double> l1(vgl_point_3d<double>(seg.point1().x(), seg.point1().y(), 0.0), vgl_point_3d<double>(seg.point2().x(), seg.point2().y(), 0.0));
813   unsigned n_seg = lines.size();
814   for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_seg; i++) {
815     vgl_line_segment_3d<double> l2(vgl_point_3d<double>(lines[i].point1().x(), lines[i].point1().y(), 0.0),
816                                    vgl_point_3d<double>(lines[i].point2().x(), lines[i].point2().y(), 0.0));
817     vgl_point_3d<double> pt;
818     // check intersection
819     if (!vgl_intersection(l1, l2, pt)) {
820       // check whether connect at end point
821       if (near_eq_pt(seg.point1(), lines[i].point1()))
822         pt.set(seg.point1().x(), seg.point1().y(), 0.0);
823       else if (near_eq_pt(seg.point1(), lines[i].point2()))
824         pt.set(seg.point1().x(), seg.point1().y(), 0.0);
825       else if (near_eq_pt(seg.point2(), lines[i].point1()))
826         pt.set(seg.point2().x(), seg.point2().y(), 0.0);
827       else if (near_eq_pt(seg.point2(), lines[i].point2()))
828         pt.set(seg.point2().x(), seg.point2().y(), 0.0);
829       else
830         continue;
831     }
832     cross_pts.emplace_back(pt.x(), pt.y());
833     std::pair<int,int> key(seg_prop.id_, line_prop.id_);
834     cross_prop.push_back(volm_osm_category_io::road_junction_table[key]);
835   }
836 }
count_line_start_from_cross(vgl_point_2d<double> const & cross_pt,std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double>> const & rd,std::vector<std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double>>> const & net)838 unsigned count_line_start_from_cross(vgl_point_2d<double> const& cross_pt,
839                                      std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > const& rd,
840                                      std::vector<std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > > const& net)
841 {
842   unsigned cnt = 0;
843   // check current road first
844   vgl_point_2d<double> s = *(rd.begin());  vgl_point_2d<double> e = *(rd.end()-1);
845   if ( near_eq_pt(cross_pt, s) || near_eq_pt(cross_pt, e))
846     cnt++;
847   for (const auto & i : net) {
848     s = *(i.begin());  e = *(i.end()-1);
849     if ( near_eq_pt(cross_pt, s) || near_eq_pt(cross_pt, e))
850       cnt++;
851   }
852   return cnt;
853 }
search_junctions(std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double>> const & road,volm_land_layer const & road_prop,std::vector<std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double>>> net,std::vector<volm_land_layer> net_props,std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double>> & cross_pts,std::vector<volm_land_layer> & cross_props,std::vector<volm_land_layer> & cross_geo_props)855 bool volm_io_tools::search_junctions(std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > const& road, volm_land_layer const& road_prop,
856                                      std::vector<std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > > net, std::vector<volm_land_layer> net_props,
857                                      std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double> >& cross_pts, std::vector<volm_land_layer>& cross_props,
858                                      std::vector<volm_land_layer>& cross_geo_props)
859 {
860   unsigned n_rds = net.size();
862   // form the line segment for each road in the network
863   std::vector<vgl_line_segment_2d<double> > road_seg;
864   form_line_segment_from_pts(road, road_seg);
866   std::vector<std::vector<vgl_line_segment_2d<double> > > net_segs;
867   for (unsigned r_idx = 0; r_idx < n_rds; r_idx++) {
868     std::vector<vgl_line_segment_2d<double> > seg;
869     form_line_segment_from_pts(net[r_idx], seg);
870     net_segs.push_back(seg);
871   }
873   // find the cross for each segment
874   unsigned n_seg = road_seg.size();
875   for (unsigned s_idx = 0; s_idx < n_seg; s_idx++) {
876     vgl_line_segment_2d<double> curr_seg = road_seg[s_idx];
877     for (unsigned r_idx = 0; r_idx < n_rds; r_idx++) {
878       std::vector<vgl_line_segment_2d<double> > curr_net_seg = net_segs[r_idx];
879       std::vector<vgl_point_2d<double> > pt;
880       std::vector<volm_land_layer> prop;
881       find_junctions(curr_seg, road_prop, curr_net_seg, net_props[r_idx], pt, prop);
882       if (pt.empty())
883         continue;
884       if (prop.size() != pt.size())
885         return false;
886       for (unsigned p_idx = 0; p_idx < pt.size(); p_idx++)
887         if (std::find(cross_pts.begin(), cross_pts.end(), pt[p_idx]) == cross_pts.end()) {
888           cross_pts.push_back(pt[p_idx]);  cross_props.push_back(prop[p_idx]);  cross_geo_props.push_back(volm_osm_category_io::volm_land_table_name["4_way"]);
889         }
890     }
891   }
893    //check whether the cross pt are T_section
894    //principle, count the number of roads whose end points are on the cross_pt
895    //if there is 1 or 3 lines start from this cross pt, the cross is a T_section
896   for (unsigned c_idx = 0; c_idx < cross_pts.size(); c_idx++) {
897     unsigned num_lines = count_line_start_from_cross(cross_pts[c_idx], road, net);
898     if (num_lines == 1 || num_lines == 3) {
899       cross_props[c_idx] = volm_osm_category_io::volm_land_table_name["T_section"];
900     }
901   }
902   // define the geometric properties of intersections
903   for (unsigned c_idx = 0; c_idx < cross_pts.size(); c_idx++) {
904     unsigned num_lines = count_line_start_from_cross(cross_pts[c_idx], road, net);
905     if (num_lines == 1 || num_lines == 3) {
906       cross_geo_props[c_idx] = volm_osm_category_io::volm_land_table_name["T_section"];
907     }
908     if (num_lines == 2) {
909       cross_geo_props[c_idx] = volm_osm_category_io::volm_land_table_name["2_way"];
910     }
911   }
913   return true;
914 }