1 /*****************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 2014-2020 OpenRCT2 developers
3  *
4  * For a complete list of all authors, please refer to contributors.md
5  * Interested in contributing? Visit https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2
6  *
7  * OpenRCT2 is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.
8  *****************************************************************************/
10 #pragma once
12 #include "../common.h"
13 #include "../drawing/Drawing.h"
14 #include "../localisation/Currency.h"
16 #include <string>
18 enum class MeasurementFormat : int32_t;
19 enum class TemperatureUnit : int32_t;
20 enum class ScaleQuality : int32_t;
21 enum class Sort : int32_t;
22 enum class VirtualFloorStyles : int32_t;
23 enum class DrawingEngine : int32_t;
25 struct GeneralConfiguration
26 {
27     // Paths
28     utf8* rct1_path;
29     utf8* rct2_path;
31     // Display
32     int32_t default_display;
33     int32_t window_width;
34     int32_t window_height;
35     int32_t fullscreen_mode;
36     int32_t fullscreen_width;
37     int32_t fullscreen_height;
38     float window_scale;
39     DrawingEngine drawing_engine;
40     ScaleQuality scale_quality;
41     bool uncap_fps;
42     bool use_vsync;
43     bool show_fps;
44     bool multithreading;
45     bool minimize_fullscreen_focus_loss;
46     bool disable_screensaver;
48     // Map rendering
49     bool landscape_smoothing;
50     bool always_show_gridlines;
51     VirtualFloorStyles virtual_floor_style;
52     bool day_night_cycle;
53     bool enable_light_fx;
54     bool enable_light_fx_for_vehicles;
55     bool upper_case_banners;
56     bool render_weather_effects;
57     bool render_weather_gloom;
58     bool disable_lightning_effect;
59     bool show_guest_purchases;
60     bool transparent_screenshot;
61     bool transparent_water;
63     // Localisation
64     int32_t language;
65     MeasurementFormat measurement_format;
66     TemperatureUnit temperature_format;
67     bool show_height_as_units;
68     int32_t date_format;
69     CurrencyType currency_format;
70     int32_t custom_currency_rate;
71     CurrencyAffix custom_currency_affix;
72     utf8* custom_currency_symbol;
74     // Controls
75     bool edge_scrolling;
76     int32_t edge_scrolling_speed;
77     bool trap_cursor;
78     bool invert_viewport_drag;
79     bool zoom_to_cursor;
81     // Miscellaneous
82     bool play_intro;
83     int32_t window_snap_proximity;
84     bool allow_loading_with_incorrect_checksum;
85     bool save_plugin_data;
86     bool debugging_tools;
87     int32_t autosave_frequency;
88     int32_t autosave_amount;
89     bool auto_staff_placement;
90     bool handymen_mow_default;
91     bool auto_open_shops;
92     int32_t default_inspection_interval;
93     int32_t window_limit;
94     int32_t scenario_select_mode;
95     bool scenario_unlocking_enabled;
96     bool scenario_hide_mega_park;
97     bool steam_overlay_pause;
98     bool show_real_names_of_guests;
99     bool allow_early_completion;
101     // Loading and saving
102     bool confirmation_prompt;
103     Sort load_save_sort;
104     utf8* last_save_game_directory;
105     utf8* last_save_landscape_directory;
106     utf8* last_save_scenario_directory;
107     utf8* last_save_track_directory;
108     utf8* last_run_version;
109     bool use_native_browse_dialog;
110     int64_t last_version_check_time;
111 };
113 struct InterfaceConfiguration
114 {
115     bool toolbar_show_finances;
116     bool toolbar_show_research;
117     bool toolbar_show_cheats;
118     bool toolbar_show_news;
119     bool toolbar_show_mute;
120     bool toolbar_show_chat;
121     bool toolbar_show_zoom;
122     bool console_small_font;
123     bool random_title_sequence;
124     utf8* current_theme_preset;
125     utf8* current_title_sequence_preset;
126     int32_t object_selection_filter_flags;
127     int32_t scenarioselect_last_tab;
128 };
130 struct SoundConfiguration
131 {
132     utf8* device;
133     bool master_sound_enabled;
134     uint8_t master_volume;
135     uint8_t title_music;
136     bool sound_enabled;
137     uint8_t sound_volume;
138     bool ride_music_enabled;
139     uint8_t ride_music_volume;
140     bool audio_focus;
141 };
143 struct NetworkConfiguration
144 {
145     std::string player_name;
146     int32_t default_port;
147     std::string listen_address;
148     std::string default_password;
149     bool stay_connected;
150     bool advertise;
151     std::string advertise_address;
152     int32_t maxplayers;
153     std::string server_name;
154     std::string server_description;
155     std::string server_greeting;
156     std::string master_server_url;
157     std::string provider_name;
158     std::string provider_email;
159     std::string provider_website;
160     bool known_keys_only;
161     bool log_chat;
162     bool log_server_actions;
163     bool pause_server_if_no_clients;
164     bool desync_debugging;
165 };
167 struct NotificationConfiguration
168 {
169     bool park_award;
170     bool park_marketing_campaign_finished;
171     bool park_warnings;
172     bool park_rating_warnings;
173     bool ride_broken_down;
174     bool ride_crashed;
175     bool ride_casualties;
176     bool ride_warnings;
177     bool ride_researched;
178     bool ride_stalled_vehicles;
179     bool guest_warnings;
180     bool guest_left_park;
181     bool guest_queuing_for_ride;
182     bool guest_on_ride;
183     bool guest_left_ride;
184     bool guest_bought_item;
185     bool guest_used_facility;
186     bool guest_died;
187 };
189 struct FontConfiguration
190 {
191     utf8* file_name;
192     utf8* font_name;
193     int32_t x_offset;
194     int32_t y_offset;
195     int32_t size_tiny;
196     int32_t size_small;
197     int32_t size_medium;
198     int32_t size_big;
199     int32_t height_tiny;
200     int32_t height_small;
201     int32_t height_medium;
202     int32_t height_big;
203     bool enable_hinting;
204     int32_t hinting_threshold;
205 };
207 struct PluginConfiguration
208 {
209     bool enable_hot_reloading;
210     std::string allowed_hosts;
211 };
213 enum class Sort : int32_t
214 {
215     NameAscending,
216     NameDescending,
217     DateAscending,
218     DateDescending,
219 };
221 enum class TemperatureUnit : int32_t
222 {
223     Celsius,
224     Fahrenheit
225 };
227 enum class ScaleQuality : int32_t
228 {
229     NearestNeighbour,
230     Linear,
231     SmoothNearestNeighbour
232 };
234 enum class MeasurementFormat : int32_t
235 {
236     Imperial,
237     Metric,
238     SI
239 };
241 extern GeneralConfiguration gConfigGeneral;
242 extern InterfaceConfiguration gConfigInterface;
243 extern SoundConfiguration gConfigSound;
244 extern NetworkConfiguration gConfigNetwork;
245 extern NotificationConfiguration gConfigNotifications;
246 extern FontConfiguration gConfigFonts;
247 extern PluginConfiguration gConfigPlugin;
249 bool config_open(const utf8* path);
250 bool config_save(const utf8* path);
251 void config_get_default_path(utf8* outPath, size_t size);
252 void config_set_defaults();
253 void config_release();
254 bool config_save_default();
255 bool config_find_or_browse_install_directory();
257 bool RCT1DataPresentAtLocation(const utf8* path);
258 std::string FindCsg1datAtLocation(const utf8* path);
259 bool Csg1datPresentAtLocation(const utf8* path);
260 std::string FindCsg1idatAtLocation(const utf8* path);
261 bool Csg1idatPresentAtLocation(const utf8* path);
262 bool CsgIsUsable(const rct_gx& csg);
263 bool CsgAtLocationIsUsable(const utf8* path);