1# Warning! Servers will not update or merge with the version controlled copy of
2# this file, so any parameters here, and code that uses them, need to come
3# without the assumption that they will be present in any given config.py on a
4# server. Furthermore, on a typical rebuild in a production server, a running
5# webtiles server *will not restart*, so you can't even assume that any config-
6# specific code that you've added will be consistently present. This
7# particularly impacts templated html files, which are loaded and called
8# dynamically, so *do* get updated immediately on a rebuild. If something like
9# client.html raises an exception, this will trigger 500 errors across the whole
10# server.
12# One useful workaround for all this is to get config paramters with the builtin
13# `getattr` function: e.g. `getattr(config, "dgl_mode", False) will safely get
14# this variable from the module, defaulting to False if it doesn't exist (and
15# not raising an exception). `hasattr` is also safe.
17import logging
18import os
20import yaml
23    from collections import OrderedDict
24except ImportError:
25    from ordereddict import OrderedDict # type: ignore
28dgl_mode = True
30bind_nonsecure = True # Set to false to only use SSL
31bind_address = ""
32bind_port = 8080
33# Or listen on multiple address/port pairs (overriding the above) with:
34# bind_pairs = (
35#     ("", 8080),
36#     ("localhost", 8082),
37#     ("", 8180), # All addresses
38# )
40logging_config = {
41#    "filename": "webtiles.log",
42    "level": logging.INFO,
43    "format": "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s"
46password_db = "./webserver/passwd.db3"
47# Uncomment and change if you want this db somewhere separate from the
48# password_db location.
49#settings_db = "./webserver/user_settings.db3"
51static_path = "./webserver/static"
52template_path = "./webserver/templates/"
54# Path for server-side unix sockets (to be used to communicate with crawl)
55server_socket_path = None # Uses global temp dir
57# Server name, so far only used in the ttyrec metadata
58server_id = ""
60# Disable caching of game data files
61game_data_no_cache = True
63# Watch socket dirs for games not started by the server
64watch_socket_dirs = False
66use_game_yaml = True
68# Game configs
70# You can define game configs in two ways:
71# 1. With a static dictionary `games`
72# 2. As extra games to append to this list from `load_games.load_games` (which
73#    by default loads games as defined in `games.d/*.yaml`).
75# All options in this config are documented in games.d/base.yaml.
76games = OrderedDict([
77    ("dcss-web-trunk", dict(
78        name = "Play trunk",
79        crawl_binary = "./crawl",
80        rcfile_path = "./rcs/",
81        macro_path = "./rcs/",
82        morgue_path = "./rcs/%n",
83        inprogress_path = "./rcs/running",
84        ttyrec_path = "./rcs/ttyrecs/%n",
85        socket_path = "./rcs",
86        client_path = "./webserver/game_data/",
87        # dir_path = ".",
88        # cwd = ".",
89        morgue_url = None,
90        show_save_info = True,
91        # milestone_path = "./rcs/milestones",
92        send_json_options = True,
93        # env = {"LANG": "en_US.UTF8"},
94        )),
98dgl_status_file = "./rcs/status"
100# Extra paths to tail for milestone updates. This is a legacy setting, you
101# should use `milestone_path` or `dir_path` for each game in the games dict.
102# (This setting can be a string or list of strings.)
103milestone_file = ["./milestones"]
105status_file_update_rate = 5
107recording_term_size = (80, 24)
109max_connections = 100
111# Script to initialize a user, e.g. make sure the paths
112# and the rc file exist. This is not done by the server
113# at the moment.
114init_player_program = "./util/webtiles-init-player.sh"
116ssl_options = None # No SSL
117#ssl_options = {
118#    "certfile": "./webserver/localhost.crt",
119#    "keyfile": "./webserver/localhost.key"
121ssl_address = ""
122ssl_port = 8081
123# Or listen on multiple address/port pairs (overriding the above) with:
124# ssl_bind_pairs = (
125#     ("", 8081),
126#     ("localhost", 8083),
127# )
129connection_timeout = 600
130max_idle_time = 5 * 60 * 60
132use_gzip = True
134# Seconds until stale HTTP connections are closed
135# This needs a patch currently not in mainline tornado.
136http_connection_timeout = None
138# Set this to true if you are behind a reverse proxy
139# Your proxy must set header X-Real-IP
141# Enabling this option when webtiles is NOT protected behind a reverse proxy
142# introduces a security risk. An attacker could inject a false address into the
143# X-Real-IP header. Do not enable this option if the webtiles server is
144# directly exposed to users.
145http_xheaders = None
147kill_timeout = 10 # Seconds until crawl is killed after HUP is sent
149nick_regex = r"^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,20}$"
150max_passwd_length = 20
152# Set to True to allow users to request a password reset email. Some settings
153# must be properly configured for this to work:
154allow_password_reset = False
155# Set to True to allow dgl admin users to generate password reset tokens in the
156# admin panel. Only use if you really trust your admin users!
157admin_password_reset = False
159# Set to the primary URL where a player would reach the main lobby
160# For example: "http://crawl.akrasiac.org/"
161# This is required for for password reset, as it will be the base URL for
162# recovery URLs. Use "http://localhost:8080/" for testing.
163lobby_url = None
165# Proper SMTP settings are required for password reset to function properly.
166# if smtp_host is anything other than `localhost`, you may need to adjust the
167# timeout settings (see server.py, calls to ioloop.set_blocking_log_threshold).
168# TODO: set_blocking_log_threshold is deprecated in tornado 5+...
169# Ideally, test out these settings carefully in a non-production setting
170# before enabling this, as there's a bunch of ways for this to go wrong and you
171# don't want to get your SMTP server blacklisted.
172smtp_host = "localhost"
173smtp_port = 25
174smtp_use_ssl = False
175smtp_user = "" # set to None for no auth
176smtp_password = ""
177smtp_from_addr = "noreply@crawl.example.org" # The address from which automated
178                                             # emails will be sent
180# crypt() algorithm, e.g. "1" for MD5 or "6" for SHA-512; see crypt(3). If
181# false, use traditional DES (but then only the first eight characters of the
182# password are significant). If set to "broken", use traditional DES with
183# the password itself as the salt; this is necessary for compatibility with
184# dgamelaunch, but should be avoided if possible because it leaks the first
185# two characters of the password's plaintext.
186crypt_algorithm = "broken"
188# The length of the salt string to use. If crypt_algorithm is false, this
189# setting is ignored and the salt is two characters.
190crypt_salt_length = 16
192login_token_lifetime = 7 # Days
194uid = None  # If this is not None, the server will setuid to that (numeric) id
195gid = None  # after binding its sockets.
197umask = None # e.g. 0077
199chroot = None
201pidfile = None
202daemon = False # If true, the server will detach from the session after startup
204# Set to a URL with %s where lowercased player name should go in order to
205# hyperlink WebTiles spectator names to their player pages.
206# For example: "http://crawl.akrasiac.org/scoring/players/%s.html"
207# Set to None to disable player page hyperlinks
208player_url = None
210# Only for development:
211# This is insecure; do not set development_mode = True in production!
212development_mode = False
214# Disable caching of static files which are not part of game data.
215no_cache = development_mode
216# Automatically log in all users with the username given here.
217autologin = None