1 #ifndef	lint
2 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)unixtraps.c	4.4 88/09/22";
3 #endif
5 /* From Lou Salkind: compat/RCS/unixtraps.c,v 1.2 84/01/31 13:34:34 */
7 /*
8  * Function to execute version 6 and version 7 UNIX system calls from
9  * compatability mode on UNIX-32V.
10  *	Art Wetzel	August 1979
11  */
13 #include <stdio.h>
14 #include <signal.h>
15 #include <sys/types.h>
16 #include <sys/stat.h>
17 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
18 #include <sys/time.h>
19 #include <sys/dir.h>
20 #ifdef V6UNIX
21 #ifdef TRACE
22 #define	RTSNAME	"/../../../../usr/local/v6trc"
23 #else
24 #define	RTSNAME	"/../../../../usr/local/v6run"
25 #endif
26 #include "unix6sys.h"
27 #ifdef TRACE
28 #include "unix6sysn.h"
29 #endif
30 #endif
31 #ifdef V7UNIX
32 #ifdef TRACE
33 #define	RTSNAME	"/../../../../usr/local/v7trc"
34 #else
35 #define	RTSNAME	"/../../../../usr/local/v7run"
36 #endif
37 #include "unix7sys.h"
38 #ifdef TRACE
39 #include "unix7sysn.h"
40 #endif
41 #endif
42 #include "defs.h"
43 #define	CARRY	1
44 #define	MAXSARGS	100
45 #ifdef V6UNIX
46 #define	ARGVLEN	512
47 #define	ENVLEN	0
48 #endif
49 #ifdef V7UNIX
50 #define	ARGVLEN	5120
51 #define	ENVLEN	1000
52 #endif
53 char	argvs[ARGVLEN+ENVLEN];
54 int	args[MAXSARGS];
56 /* 32v type stat structure */
57 extern struct	stat	stat32v;
59 /* place for times data so we can reverse the longs */
60 struct timebuf {
61 	long	t1;
62 	long	t2;
63 	long	t3;
64 	long	t4;
65 } timebuf;
67 /* place for pipe file descriptors */
68 int	pipes[2];
70 /* wait status */
71 int	wstatus;
73 #ifdef	V6UNIX
74 /* version 6 style stat structure */
75 struct v6nod {
76 	dev_t	majmin;
77 	ino_t	inumber;
78 	unsigned short	flags;
79 	unsigned char	nlinks;
80 	unsigned char	uid;
81 	unsigned char	gid;
82 	unsigned char	size0;
83 	unsigned short	size1;
84 	unsigned short	addr[8];
85 	long	actime;
86 	long	modtime;
87 } *v6stat;
88 #endif
90 #ifdef	V7UNIX
91 /* version 7 style stat structure */
92 struct	v7stat {
93 	dev_t	v7st_dev;
94 	u_short	v7st_ino;
95 	u_short v7st_mode;
96 	short  	v7st_nlink;
97 	short  	v7st_uid;
98 	short  	v7st_gid;
99 	dev_t	v7st_rdev;
100 	int	v7st_size;
101 	int	v7st_atime;
102 	int	v7st_mtime;
103 	int	v7st_ctime;
104 } statv7;
106 struct timeb {
107 	time_t	time;
108 	u_short	millitm;
109 	short	timezone;
110 	short	dstflag;
111 } timeb;
112 #endif
114 #define	NFILES	20
115 #define	ODSIZE	16
117 off_t	olseek();
118 long	longrev();
120 struct odirect {
121 	u_short	od_ino;
122 	char	od_name[14];
123 };
125 struct fdflags {
126 	DIR	*fd_dirp;
127 	struct odirect	fd_od;
128 	off_t	fd_offset;
129 } fdflags[NFILES];
131 /* do the trap stuff for the trap with code */
dotrap(code)132 dotrap(code)
133 	int code;
134 {
135 	register unsigned short *argp, *savp, *savep;
136 	register int i, j, indirflg;
137 	register char *avp, *oavp;
138 	extern sigcatch();
139 	extern errno;
140 	extern int sigtrapped;
141 	DIR *dp;
143 	sigtrapped = 0;
144 	/* clear out condition codes of psl */
145 	psl &= ~017;
146 	/* special case of indirect sys call */
147 	if (code == 0) {
148 		/* remember this was indirect */
149 		indirflg = 1;
150 		/* point to args */
151 		argp = (unsigned short *)*(pc++);
152 		/* code for indirect sys call */
153 		code = *argp++;
154 		/* is it legit */
155 		if (code>>8 != TRAPS) {
156 			fprintf(stderr,"Bad indirect sys call at 0x%x\n",pc-2);
157 			pc++;
158 			/* set carry flag */
159 			psl |= CARRY;
160 			regs[0] = -1;
161 			return(-1);
162 		}
163 		code &= 0377;
164 	} else {
165 		/* remember this was not indirect */
166 		indirflg = 0;
167 		/* point to args */
168 		argp = pc;
169 	}
170 	/* check if code too high or bad sys code */
171 	if (code >= NSYSTRAPS || sysargs[code][0] == ILLSYS) {
172 		fprintf(stderr,"Unimplimented trap %d at 0x%x\n",code,argp);
173 		/* set carry bit */
174 		psl |= CARRY;
175 		regs[0] = -1;
176 		return(-1);
177 	}
178 	/* copy args to known locations */
179 	i=0;
180 	for (j=0; j<sysargs[code][0]; j++)
181 		args[i++] = regs[j];
182 	for (j=0; j<(sysargs[code][1]); j++)
183 		args[i++] = *argp++;
184 #ifdef TRACE
185 	fprintf(stderr,"pid %d ",getpid());
186 	if (indirflg)
187 		fprintf(stderr,"indirect ");
188 	fprintf(stderr, "%s (%d) from 0%o with %d args",
189 	    sysnames[code], code, pc-1, i);
190 	for (j=0; j<i; j++)
191 		fprintf(stderr," 0%o",args[j]);
192 	if (code==OPEN || code==STAT || code==CREAT || code==EXEC ||
193 	    code==UNLNK || code==LINK || code==CHDIR || code==MKNOD)
194 		fprintf(stderr," (%s)",args[0]);
195 #ifdef V7UNIX
196 	if (code==EXECE)
197 		fprintf(stderr," (%s)",args[0]);
198 #endif
199 	if (code==LINK)
200 		fprintf(stderr," (%s)",args[1]);
201 #endif
202 	/* go do whatever sys call it is */
203 	switch (code) {
204 	case FORK:
205 		/* indirect forks return pids on both sides - must do here */
206 		/* this is possibly a bug in 32V */
207 		i = fork();
208 		break;
210 	case WAIT:
211 		i = wait(&wstatus);
212 		args[0] = i;
213 		args[1] = wstatus;
214 		break;
216 	case EXEC:
217 #ifdef V7UNIX
218 	case EXECE:
219 #endif
220 		/*
221 		 *  have to do a lot of junk here to fix up an argv
222 		 *  for execute since (1) the pdp-11 argv consists of 16
223 		 *  bit pointers and (2) the argv itself is in the
224 		 *  pdp-11 program space where it would get clobbered
225 		 *  when a new program is read in and before its
226 		 *  argv is set up.
227 		 */
228 		avp = &argvs[0];
229 		savp = (unsigned short *)args[1];
230 #ifdef	V6UNIX
231 		for (i=1; args[i] = *savp++; i++)
232 			if (args[i] == 0177777)
233 				break;
234 #ifdef	TRACE
235 			else
236 				fprintf(stderr,"argv[%d]%s ",i-1,args[i]);
237 #endif
238 #endif
239 #ifdef	V7UNIX
240 		savep = (unsigned short *)args[2];
241 		for (i=1; args[i] = *savp++; i++)
242 #ifdef	TRACE
243 			fprintf(stderr,"argv[%d]%s ",i-1,args[i]);
244 #else
245 			;
246 #endif
247 #endif
248 		if (stat(args[0], &stat32v)) {
249 			/* return error here if file does not exist */
250 #ifdef	TRACE
251 			fprintf(stderr," does not exist\n");
252 #endif
253 			i = -1;
254 			break;
255 		}
256 		/* must have execute permission */
257 		if (stat32v.st_mode & (S_IEXEC>>6))
258 			goto experm;
259 		if (stat32v.st_mode & (S_IEXEC>>3)) {
260 			if (stat32v.st_gid == getegid())
261 				goto experm;
262 			if (geteuid() == 0)
263 				goto experm;
264 		}
265 		if (stat32v.st_mode & S_IEXEC) {
266 			if (stat32v.st_uid == geteuid())
267 				goto experm;
268 			if (geteuid() == 0)
269 				goto experm;
270 		}
271 		/* return failure if no exec permision allowed */
272 		i = -1;
273 experm:
274 		/* can't exec a directory */
275 		if ((stat32v.st_mode&S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
276 			i = -1;
277 		if (i == -1)
278 			break;
279 		args[i] = 0;
280 		for (j=1; j<i; j++) {
281 			oavp = (char *)args[j];
282 			args[j] = (int)avp;
283 			while (*avp++ = *oavp++)
284 				;
285 		}
286 #ifdef V7UNIX
287 		if (code == EXECE) {
288 			for (j = ++i; args[j] = *savep++; j++)
289 				;
290 			for (j = i; oavp = (char *)args[j]; j++) {
291 				args[j] = (int)avp;
292 				while (*avp++ = *oavp++)
293 					;
294 			}
295 		}
296 #endif
297 		/* SETUID and SETGID files must be started with a fresh RTS */
298 		if (stat32v.st_mode & S_ISGID || stat32v.st_mode & S_ISUID) {
299 			/* should add a check here for good magic # in header */
300 			args[1] = args[0];
301 			args[0] = (int)RTSNAME;
302 #ifdef TRACE
303 			fprintf(stderr," SETUID-GID");
304 #endif
305 			if (args[i])
306 				i = execve(args[0], &args[0], &args[i]);
307 			else
308 				i = execv(args[0], &args[0]);
309 			fprintf(stderr,"can't exec %s\n",RTSNAME);
310 			break;
311 		}
312 		i = execute(args[0], &args[1], &args[i]);
313 		/* shouldn't get here if exec works */
314 		break;
316 	case SEEK:
317 #ifdef	V6UNIX
318 		/* fix up negative offsets */
319 		if (args[2] != 0 && args[2] != 3)
320 			if (args[1] >= 32768)
321 				args[1] -= 65536;
322 		if (args[2] <= 2)
323 			i = olseek(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
324 		else
325 			i = olseek(args[0], args[1]*512, args[2]-3);
326 		if (i != -1)
327 			i = 0;
328 #endif
329 #ifdef	V7UNIX
330 		i = olseek(args[0], (args[1]<<16)|(args[2]&0177777), args[3]);
331 #endif
332 		break;
334 	case MKNOD:
335 		if ((args[1] & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
336 			i = mkdir(args[0], args[1] & 0777);
337 		else {
338 #ifdef	V6UNIX
339 			/*
340 			 * version 6 uses allocated bit which
341 			 * means regular file here
342 			 */
343 			if (args[1] & S_IFBLK)
344 				args[1] &= ~S_IFREG;
345 #endif
346 			i = mknod(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
347 		}
348 		break;
350 	case PIPE:
351 		i = pipe(pipes);
352 		args[0] = pipes[0];
353 		args[1] = pipes[1];
354 		break;
356 #ifdef	V6UNIX
357 	case TELL:
358 		i = lseek(args[0], 0L, 1);
359 		break;
361 	case STTY:
362 		i = stty(args[0], args[1]);
363 		break;
365 	case GTTY:
366 		i = gtty(args[0], args[1]);
367 		break;
368 #endif
372 	case STAT:
373 		i = stat(args[0], &stat32v);
374 		goto allstat;
376 	case FSTAT:
377 		/* do the syscall to a local stat buffer */
378 		i = fstat(args[0], &stat32v);
380 	allstat:
381 		/* reverse the longs */
382 		stat32v.st_size = longrev(stat32v.st_size);
383 		stat32v.st_atime = longrev(stat32v.st_atime);
384 		stat32v.st_mtime = longrev(stat32v.st_mtime);
385 		stat32v.st_ctime = longrev(stat32v.st_ctime);
386 #ifdef V7UNIX
387 		statv7.v7st_dev = stat32v.st_dev;
388 		statv7.v7st_ino = stat32v.st_ino;
389 		statv7.v7st_mode = stat32v.st_mode;
390 		statv7.v7st_nlink = stat32v.st_nlink;
391 		statv7.v7st_uid = stat32v.st_uid;
392 		statv7.v7st_gid = stat32v.st_gid;
393 		statv7.v7st_rdev = stat32v.st_rdev;
394 		statv7.v7st_size = stat32v.st_size;
395 		statv7.v7st_atime = stat32v.st_atime;
396 		statv7.v7st_mtime = stat32v.st_mtime;
397 		statv7.v7st_ctime = stat32v.st_ctime;
398 		/* copy out otherwise unchanged stat buffer */
399 		/* in two pieces with st_size as the breaking point */
400 		/* note that st_rdev is a short but due to alingnmemt */
401 		/* problems the rest of the structure is out of sync */
402 		j = (int)((char *)(&statv7.v7st_size) -
403 		    (char *)(&statv7.v7st_dev));
404 		bcopy(&statv7, args[1], j);
405 		bcopy(&statv7.v7st_size, args[1]+j-2, sizeof(struct v7stat)-j);
406 #endif
407 #ifdef	V6UNIX
408 		/* point to user area as v6stat structure */
409 		v6stat = (struct v6nod *)args[1];
410 		/* copy out piece by piece */
411 		v6stat->majmin = stat32v.st_dev;
412 		v6stat->inumber = stat32v.st_ino;
413 		v6stat->flags = stat32v.st_mode;
414 		v6stat->nlinks = (unsigned char)stat32v.st_nlink;
415 		v6stat->uid = (unsigned char)stat32v.st_uid;
416 		v6stat->gid = (unsigned char)stat32v.st_gid;
417 		/* note size already reversed */
418 		v6stat->size0 = (unsigned char)(stat32v.st_size & 0377);
419 		v6stat->size1 = (unsigned short)(stat32v.st_size>>16);
420 		v6stat->actime = stat32v.st_atime;
421 		v6stat->modtime = stat32v.st_mtime;
422 		/* patch up flags */
423 		/* for now just set 100000 bit if not a plain file */
424 		if (v6stat->flags & 060000)
425 			v6stat->flags |= 0100000;
426 #endif
427 		break;
429 	case TIMES:
430 		i = times(&timebuf);
431 		timebuf.t2 = longrev(timebuf.t2) + timebuf.t1;
432 		timebuf.t3 = longrev(timebuf.t3);
433 		timebuf.t4 = longrev(timebuf.t4);
434 		bcopy(&timebuf.t2,args[0],sizeof(struct timebuf)-sizeof(long));
435 		break;
437 #ifdef	V6UNIX
438 	case SLEEP:
439 		/* do a sleep function - what about pwb which has alarm? */
440 		sleep(args[0]);
441 		break;
442 #endif
444 	case GETUID:
445 		args[0] = getuid();
446 		args[1] = geteuid();
447 #ifdef V6UNIX
448 		i = args[1]<<8 | (args[0] & 0377);
449 #endif
450 		break;
452 	case GETGID:
453 		args[0] = getgid();
454 		args[1] = getegid();
455 #ifdef V6UNIX
456 		i = args[1]<<8 | (args[0] & 0377);
457 #endif
458 		break;
460 		/* uids and gids are 8 bits in version 6 */
461 	case SETUID:
462 	case SETGID:
463 #ifdef V6UNIX
464 		args[0] &= 0377;
465 #endif
466 		if (code == SETUID)
467 			i = setuid(args[0]);
468 		else
469 			i = setgid(args[0]);
470 		break;
472 	case SIG:
473 		/* if it is a good signal code */
474 		if (args[0] <= NSIG) {
475 			/* get the current signal value */
476 			i = sigvals[args[0]];
477 			/* reset the signal to the new value */
478 			sigvals[args[0]] = args[1];
479 			/* actually do signal except don't reset SIGILL */
480 			if (args[0] != SIGILL) {
481 				if (args[1] == (int)SIG_DFL ||
482 				    args[1] & (int)SIG_IGN) {
483 					if ((int)signal(args[0],args[1]) == -1)
484 						i = -1;
485 				} else {
486 					if ((int)signal(args[0],sigcatch) == -1)
487 						i = -1;
488 				}
489 			}
490 		} else
491 			i = -1;
492 		break;
494 	case BRK:
495 		/* brk is successful unless we run over the stack */
496 		/* NB: this assumes register usage which need not be used */
497 		i = 0;
498 		if (args[0] >= regs[6])
499 			i = -1;
500 		break;
502 	/*
503 	 * the next bunch are to cope with sys calls removed from 4.2
504 	 */
505 	case TIME:
506 		i = time(0);
507 		break;
509 	case STIME: {
510 		struct timeval tv;
512 		tv.tv_usec = 0;
513 		tv.tv_sec = (args[0] & 0xffff) | ((args[1] & 0xffff) << 16);
514 		i = settimeofday(&tv);
515 		break;
516 	}
518 	case NICE:
519 		i = nice(args[0]);
520 		break;
522 #ifdef V7UNIX
523 	case ALARM:
524 		i = alarm(args[0]);
525 		break;
527 	case PAUSE:
528 		i = pause();
529 		break;
531 	case UTIME:
532 		i = utime(args[0], args[1]);
533 		break;
535 	case FTIME:
536 		i = ftime(&timeb);
537 		timeb.time = longrev(timeb.time);
538 		bcopy(&timeb, args[0], sizeof timeb - 2);
539 		break;
541 	case IOCTL:
542 		args[1] = mapioctl(args[1]);
543 		if (args[1] == 0)
544 			i = -1;
545 		else
546 			i = ioctl(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
547 		break;
548 #endif
550 #ifdef	V6UNIX
551 	case PWBSYS:
552 		/* ignore pwbsys for now */
553 		switch (args[2]) {
554 		case UNAME:
555 #ifdef	TRACE
556 			fprintf(stderr,"UNAME with %d %d\n",args[0],args[1]);
557 #endif
558 			strcpy(args[0],"pwbname");
559 			i = 0;
560 			break;
562 		case UDATA:
563 #ifdef	TRACE
564 			fprintf(stderr,"UDATA with %d %d\n",args[0],args[1]);
565 #endif
566 			i = 0;
567 			break;
569 		case USTAT:
570 fprintf(stderr,"USTAT with %d %d\n",args[0],args[1]);
571 			i = 0;
572 			break;
574 		case UTIME:
575 fprintf(stderr,"UTIME with %d %d\n",args[0],args[1]);
576 			i = 0;
577 			break;
578 		default:
579 fprintf(stderr,"bad PWBSYS %d\n",args[3]);
580 			i = -1;
581 			break;
582 		}
583 		break;
584 #endif
586 	default:
587 		/*
588 		 *	Many sys calls are easily done here since most
589 		 *	system call codes are the same on version 6 and 7 UNIX
590 		 *	as they are here.
591 		 */
592 		i = syscall(code,args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4]);
593 #ifdef V6UNIX
594 		/* allow read write access to created files for (IDIS v6 mod) */
595 		if (code==CREAT) {
596 			/* get actual file mode after create */
597 			fstat(i, &stat32v);
598 			close(i);
599 			/* ensure read/write access to owner */
600 			chmod(args[0], 0644);
601 			i = open(args[0], 2);
602 			/* change mode back the way it was */
603 			chmod(args[0], stat32v.st_mode);
604 		}
605 #endif
606 		break;
607 	case OPEN:
608 		/*
609 		 * check if we are opening a directory
610 		 */
611 		if (stat(args[0], &stat32v) >= 0  &&
612 		    ((stat32v.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR) &&
613 		    ((dp = opendir(args[0])) != NULL)) {
614 #ifdef DTRACE
615 			fprintf(stderr,"open directory fd %d\n", i);
616 #endif
617 			i = dp->dd_fd;
618 			fdflags[i].fd_dirp = dp;
619 			fdflags[i].fd_offset = 0;
620 		} else
621 			i = open(args[0], args[1]);
622 		break;
623 	case CLOSE:
624 		i = close(args[0]);
625 		if (i >= 0 && fdflags[args[0]].fd_dirp) {
626 			closedir(fdflags[args[0]].fd_dirp);
627 			fdflags[args[0]].fd_dirp = 0;
628 		}
629 		break;
630 	case READ:
631 		if ((unsigned)args[0] < NFILES && fdflags[args[0]].fd_dirp)
632 			i = oread(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
633 		else
634 			i = read(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
635 		break;
636 	}
637 #ifdef TRACE
638 	fprintf(stderr," sys val -> 0%o\n",i);
639 #endif
640 	/* set carry bit if sys error */
641 	if (i == -1)
642 		psl |= CARRY;
643 	/* if not an indirect sys call, adjust the pc */
644 	if (!indirflg && !sigtrapped)
645 		pc = argp;
646 	/* do alternate return on one side of fork */
647 	if (code == FORK && i != 0)
648 		pc++;
649 	/* do the various return value formats */
650 	switch (sysargs[code][2]) {
651 	case NORMRET:
652 		/* normal case only one return value in r0 */
653 		regs[0] = i;
654 		break;
655 	case LONGRET:
656 		/* return a long in r0 - r1 as in time */
657 		regs[1] = i;
658 		regs[0] = i >> 16;
659 		break;
660 	case TWORET:
661 		/* return two ints in r0 - r1 as in pipe */
662 		if (i == -1)
663 			regs[0] = i;
664 		else {
665 			regs[1] = args[1];
666 			regs[0] = args[0];
667 		}
668 		break;
669 	}
670 	if (i== -1)
671 		regs[0] = errno;
672 }
674 long
longrev(l)675 longrev(l)
676 	long l;
677 {
678 	/* function to reverse the halves of a long */
679 	union {
680 		long	lng;
681 		short	s[2];
682 	} u;
683 	register short t;
684 	u.lng = l;
685 	t = u.s[0];
686 	u.s[0] = u.s[1];
687 	u.s[1] = t;
688 	return(u.lng);
689 }
691 /*
692  * Note: these tables are sorted by
693  * ioctl "code" (in ascending order).
694  */
696 int tctls[] = {
704 	TIOCLBIS, 0
705 };
707 /*
708  * Map an old style ioctl command to new.
709  */
mapioctl(cmd)710 mapioctl(cmd)
711 	int cmd;
712 {
713 	register int *map, c;
715 	switch ((cmd >> 8) & 0xff) {
717 	case 'f':
718 		map = fctls;
719 		break;
721 	case 't':
722 		map = tctls;
723 		break;
725 	default:
726 		return (0);
727 	}
728 	while ((c = *map) && (c&0xff) < (cmd&0xff))
729 		map++;
730 	if (c && (c&0xff) == (cmd&0xff))
731 		return (c);
732 	return (0);
733 }
735 /*
736  * emulate a read of n bytes on an old style directory
737  */
oread(fd,buf,count)738 oread(fd, buf, count)
739 int fd, count;
740 char *buf;
741 {
742 	struct fdflags *fp;
743 	struct direct *dp;
744 	DIR *dirp;
745 	struct odirect *odp;
746 	register int nleft = count;
747 	int dir_off;
748 	int i;
750 	fp = &fdflags[fd];
751 	dirp = fp->fd_dirp;
752 	odp = &fp->fd_od;
753 	if (dirp == NULL)
754 		return(-1);
755 	dir_off = fp->fd_offset % ODSIZE;
756 	if (dir_off) {
757 		i = ODSIZE - dir_off;
758 		if (nleft < i)
759 			i = nleft;
760 		bcopy((caddr_t)odp + dir_off, buf, i);
761 		fp->fd_offset += i;
762 		if (i == nleft)
763 			return(i);
764 		buf += i;
765 		nleft -= i;
766 	}
767 	while (nleft >= ODSIZE) {
768 		if ((dp = readdir(dirp)) == NULL)
769 			return(count - nleft);
770 		odp->od_ino = dp->d_ino;
771 		strncpy(odp->od_name, dp->d_name, 14);
772 		bcopy((caddr_t)odp, buf, ODSIZE);
773 		fp->fd_offset += ODSIZE;
774 		buf += ODSIZE;
775 		nleft -= ODSIZE;
776 	}
777 	if (nleft > 0) {
778 		if ((dp = readdir(dirp)) == NULL)
779 			return(count - nleft);
780 		odp->od_ino = dp->d_ino;
781 		strncpy(odp->od_name, dp->d_name, 14);
782 		bcopy((caddr_t)odp, buf, nleft);
783 		fp->fd_offset += nleft;
784 		/* nleft = 0; */
785 	}
786 	return(count);
787 }
789 /*
790  * emulate the lseek system call
791  */
792 off_t
olseek(fd,n,whence)793 olseek(fd, n, whence)
794 int fd, whence;
795 off_t n;
796 {
797 	struct fdflags *fp;
798 	char buf[512];
799 	off_t newpos;
800 	int i, j;
802 	if ((unsigned)fd >= NFILES)
803 		return(-1);
804 	fp = &fdflags[fd];
805 	/*
806 	 * the system can handle everything
807 	 * except directory files
808 	 */
809 	if (fp->fd_dirp == NULL)
810 		return(lseek(fd, n, whence));
811 	switch (whence) {
812 	case 0:
813 		newpos = n;
814 		break;
815 	case 1:
816 		newpos = fp->fd_offset + n;
817 		break;
818 	case 2:		/* not yet implemented */
819 	default:
820 		return(-1);
821 	}
822 	if (newpos < 0)
823 		return(-1);
824 	if (newpos < fp->fd_offset) {
825 		rewinddir(fdflags[fd].fd_dirp);
826 		fp->fd_offset = 0;
827 	}
828 	i = newpos - fp->fd_offset;
829 	while (i > 0) {
830 		j = i < 512 ? i : 512;
831 		if (oread(fd, buf, j) != j)
832 			break;
833 		i -= j;
834 	}
835 	return(fp->fd_offset);
836 }