1 //! `x86` and `x86_64` intrinsics.
3 use crate::{intrinsics, marker::Sized, mem::transmute};
5 #[macro_use]
6 mod macros;
8 types! {
9     /// 128-bit wide integer vector type, x86-specific
10     ///
11     /// This type is the same as the `__m128i` type defined by Intel,
12     /// representing a 128-bit SIMD register. Usage of this type typically
13     /// corresponds to the `sse` and up target features for x86/x86_64.
14     ///
15     /// Internally this type may be viewed as:
16     ///
17     /// * `i8x16` - sixteen `i8` variables packed together
18     /// * `i16x8` - eight `i16` variables packed together
19     /// * `i32x4` - four `i32` variables packed together
20     /// * `i64x2` - two `i64` variables packed together
21     ///
22     /// (as well as unsigned versions). Each intrinsic may interpret the
23     /// internal bits differently, check the documentation of the intrinsic
24     /// to see how it's being used.
25     ///
26     /// Note that this means that an instance of `__m128i` typically just means
27     /// a "bag of bits" which is left up to interpretation at the point of use.
28     ///
29     /// Most intrinsics using `__m128i` are prefixed with `_mm_` and the
30     /// integer types tend to correspond to suffixes like "epi8" or "epi32".
31     ///
32     /// # Examples
33     ///
34     /// ```
35     /// #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
36     /// use std::arch::x86::*;
37     /// #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
38     /// use std::arch::x86_64::*;
39     ///
40     /// # fn main() {
41     /// # #[target_feature(enable = "sse2")]
42     /// # unsafe fn foo() {
43     /// let all_bytes_zero = _mm_setzero_si128();
44     /// let all_bytes_one = _mm_set1_epi8(1);
45     /// let four_i32 = _mm_set_epi32(1, 2, 3, 4);
46     /// # }
47     /// # if is_x86_feature_detected!("sse2") { unsafe { foo() } }
48     /// # }
49     /// ```
50     #[stable(feature = "simd_x86", since = "1.27.0")]
51     pub struct __m128i(i64, i64);
53     /// 128-bit wide set of four `f32` types, x86-specific
54     ///
55     /// This type is the same as the `__m128` type defined by Intel,
56     /// representing a 128-bit SIMD register which internally is consisted of
57     /// four packed `f32` instances. Usage of this type typically corresponds
58     /// to the `sse` and up target features for x86/x86_64.
59     ///
60     /// Note that unlike `__m128i`, the integer version of the 128-bit
61     /// registers, this `__m128` type has *one* interpretation. Each instance
62     /// of `__m128` always corresponds to `f32x4`, or four `f32` types packed
63     /// together.
64     ///
65     /// Most intrinsics using `__m128` are prefixed with `_mm_` and are
66     /// suffixed with "ps" (or otherwise contain "ps"). Not to be confused with
67     /// "pd" which is used for `__m128d`.
68     ///
69     /// # Examples
70     ///
71     /// ```
72     /// #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
73     /// use std::arch::x86::*;
74     /// #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
75     /// use std::arch::x86_64::*;
76     ///
77     /// # fn main() {
78     /// # #[target_feature(enable = "sse")]
79     /// # unsafe fn foo() {
80     /// let four_zeros = _mm_setzero_ps();
81     /// let four_ones = _mm_set1_ps(1.0);
82     /// let four_floats = _mm_set_ps(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
83     /// # }
84     /// # if is_x86_feature_detected!("sse") { unsafe { foo() } }
85     /// # }
86     /// ```
87     #[stable(feature = "simd_x86", since = "1.27.0")]
88     pub struct __m128(f32, f32, f32, f32);
90     /// 128-bit wide set of two `f64` types, x86-specific
91     ///
92     /// This type is the same as the `__m128d` type defined by Intel,
93     /// representing a 128-bit SIMD register which internally is consisted of
94     /// two packed `f64` instances. Usage of this type typically corresponds
95     /// to the `sse` and up target features for x86/x86_64.
96     ///
97     /// Note that unlike `__m128i`, the integer version of the 128-bit
98     /// registers, this `__m128d` type has *one* interpretation. Each instance
99     /// of `__m128d` always corresponds to `f64x2`, or two `f64` types packed
100     /// together.
101     ///
102     /// Most intrinsics using `__m128d` are prefixed with `_mm_` and are
103     /// suffixed with "pd" (or otherwise contain "pd"). Not to be confused with
104     /// "ps" which is used for `__m128`.
105     ///
106     /// # Examples
107     ///
108     /// ```
109     /// #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
110     /// use std::arch::x86::*;
111     /// #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
112     /// use std::arch::x86_64::*;
113     ///
114     /// # fn main() {
115     /// # #[target_feature(enable = "sse")]
116     /// # unsafe fn foo() {
117     /// let two_zeros = _mm_setzero_pd();
118     /// let two_ones = _mm_set1_pd(1.0);
119     /// let two_floats = _mm_set_pd(1.0, 2.0);
120     /// # }
121     /// # if is_x86_feature_detected!("sse") { unsafe { foo() } }
122     /// # }
123     /// ```
124     #[stable(feature = "simd_x86", since = "1.27.0")]
125     pub struct __m128d(f64, f64);
127     /// 256-bit wide integer vector type, x86-specific
128     ///
129     /// This type is the same as the `__m256i` type defined by Intel,
130     /// representing a 256-bit SIMD register. Usage of this type typically
131     /// corresponds to the `avx` and up target features for x86/x86_64.
132     ///
133     /// Internally this type may be viewed as:
134     ///
135     /// * `i8x32` - thirty two `i8` variables packed together
136     /// * `i16x16` - sixteen `i16` variables packed together
137     /// * `i32x8` - eight `i32` variables packed together
138     /// * `i64x4` - four `i64` variables packed together
139     ///
140     /// (as well as unsigned versions). Each intrinsic may interpret the
141     /// internal bits differently, check the documentation of the intrinsic
142     /// to see how it's being used.
143     ///
144     /// Note that this means that an instance of `__m256i` typically just means
145     /// a "bag of bits" which is left up to interpretation at the point of use.
146     ///
147     /// # Examples
148     ///
149     /// ```
150     /// #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
151     /// use std::arch::x86::*;
152     /// #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
153     /// use std::arch::x86_64::*;
154     ///
155     /// # fn main() {
156     /// # #[target_feature(enable = "avx")]
157     /// # unsafe fn foo() {
158     /// let all_bytes_zero = _mm256_setzero_si256();
159     /// let all_bytes_one = _mm256_set1_epi8(1);
160     /// let eight_i32 = _mm256_set_epi32(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8);
161     /// # }
162     /// # if is_x86_feature_detected!("avx") { unsafe { foo() } }
163     /// # }
164     /// ```
165     #[stable(feature = "simd_x86", since = "1.27.0")]
166     pub struct __m256i(i64, i64, i64, i64);
168     /// 256-bit wide set of eight `f32` types, x86-specific
169     ///
170     /// This type is the same as the `__m256` type defined by Intel,
171     /// representing a 256-bit SIMD register which internally is consisted of
172     /// eight packed `f32` instances. Usage of this type typically corresponds
173     /// to the `avx` and up target features for x86/x86_64.
174     ///
175     /// Note that unlike `__m256i`, the integer version of the 256-bit
176     /// registers, this `__m256` type has *one* interpretation. Each instance
177     /// of `__m256` always corresponds to `f32x8`, or eight `f32` types packed
178     /// together.
179     ///
180     /// Most intrinsics using `__m256` are prefixed with `_mm256_` and are
181     /// suffixed with "ps" (or otherwise contain "ps"). Not to be confused with
182     /// "pd" which is used for `__m256d`.
183     ///
184     /// # Examples
185     ///
186     /// ```
187     /// #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
188     /// use std::arch::x86::*;
189     /// #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
190     /// use std::arch::x86_64::*;
191     ///
192     /// # fn main() {
193     /// # #[target_feature(enable = "avx")]
194     /// # unsafe fn foo() {
195     /// let eight_zeros = _mm256_setzero_ps();
196     /// let eight_ones = _mm256_set1_ps(1.0);
197     /// let eight_floats = _mm256_set_ps(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0);
198     /// # }
199     /// # if is_x86_feature_detected!("avx") { unsafe { foo() } }
200     /// # }
201     /// ```
202     #[stable(feature = "simd_x86", since = "1.27.0")]
203     pub struct __m256(f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32);
205     /// 256-bit wide set of four `f64` types, x86-specific
206     ///
207     /// This type is the same as the `__m256d` type defined by Intel,
208     /// representing a 256-bit SIMD register which internally is consisted of
209     /// four packed `f64` instances. Usage of this type typically corresponds
210     /// to the `avx` and up target features for x86/x86_64.
211     ///
212     /// Note that unlike `__m256i`, the integer version of the 256-bit
213     /// registers, this `__m256d` type has *one* interpretation. Each instance
214     /// of `__m256d` always corresponds to `f64x4`, or four `f64` types packed
215     /// together.
216     ///
217     /// Most intrinsics using `__m256d` are prefixed with `_mm256_` and are
218     /// suffixed with "pd" (or otherwise contain "pd"). Not to be confused with
219     /// "ps" which is used for `__m256`.
220     ///
221     /// # Examples
222     ///
223     /// ```
224     /// #[cfg(target_arch = "x86")]
225     /// use std::arch::x86::*;
226     /// #[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
227     /// use std::arch::x86_64::*;
228     ///
229     /// # fn main() {
230     /// # #[target_feature(enable = "avx")]
231     /// # unsafe fn foo() {
232     /// let four_zeros = _mm256_setzero_pd();
233     /// let four_ones = _mm256_set1_pd(1.0);
234     /// let four_floats = _mm256_set_pd(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
235     /// # }
236     /// # if is_x86_feature_detected!("avx") { unsafe { foo() } }
237     /// # }
238     /// ```
239     #[stable(feature = "simd_x86", since = "1.27.0")]
240     pub struct __m256d(f64, f64, f64, f64);
242     /// 512-bit wide integer vector type, x86-specific
243     ///
244     /// This type is the same as the `__m512i` type defined by Intel,
245     /// representing a 512-bit SIMD register. Usage of this type typically
246     /// corresponds to the `avx512*` and up target features for x86/x86_64.
247     ///
248     /// Internally this type may be viewed as:
249     ///
250     /// * `i8x64` - sixty-four `i8` variables packed together
251     /// * `i16x32` - thirty-two `i16` variables packed together
252     /// * `i32x16` - sixteen `i32` variables packed together
253     /// * `i64x8` - eight `i64` variables packed together
254     ///
255     /// (as well as unsigned versions). Each intrinsic may interpret the
256     /// internal bits differently, check the documentation of the intrinsic
257     /// to see how it's being used.
258     ///
259     /// Note that this means that an instance of `__m512i` typically just means
260     /// a "bag of bits" which is left up to interpretation at the point of use.
261     pub struct __m512i(i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64, i64);
263     /// 512-bit wide set of sixteen `f32` types, x86-specific
264     ///
265     /// This type is the same as the `__m512` type defined by Intel,
266     /// representing a 512-bit SIMD register which internally is consisted of
267     /// eight packed `f32` instances. Usage of this type typically corresponds
268     /// to the `avx512*` and up target features for x86/x86_64.
269     ///
270     /// Note that unlike `__m512i`, the integer version of the 512-bit
271     /// registers, this `__m512` type has *one* interpretation. Each instance
272     /// of `__m512` always corresponds to `f32x16`, or sixteen `f32` types
273     /// packed together.
274     ///
275     /// Most intrinsics using `__m512` are prefixed with `_mm512_` and are
276     /// suffixed with "ps" (or otherwise contain "ps"). Not to be confused with
277     /// "pd" which is used for `__m512d`.
278     pub struct __m512(
279         f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32,
280         f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32, f32,
281     );
283     /// 512-bit wide set of eight `f64` types, x86-specific
284     ///
285     /// This type is the same as the `__m512d` type defined by Intel,
286     /// representing a 512-bit SIMD register which internally is consisted of
287     /// eight packed `f64` instances. Usage of this type typically corresponds
288     /// to the `avx` and up target features for x86/x86_64.
289     ///
290     /// Note that unlike `__m512i`, the integer version of the 512-bit
291     /// registers, this `__m512d` type has *one* interpretation. Each instance
292     /// of `__m512d` always corresponds to `f64x4`, or eight `f64` types packed
293     /// together.
294     ///
295     /// Most intrinsics using `__m512d` are prefixed with `_mm512_` and are
296     /// suffixed with "pd" (or otherwise contain "pd"). Not to be confused with
297     /// "ps" which is used for `__m512`.
298     pub struct __m512d(f64, f64, f64, f64, f64, f64, f64, f64);
300     /// 128-bit wide set of eight 'u16' types, x86-specific
301     ///
302     /// This type is representing a 128-bit SIMD register which internally is consisted of
303     /// eight packed `u16` instances. Its purpose is for bf16 related intrinsic
304     /// implementations.
305     pub struct __m128bh(u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16);
307     /// 256-bit wide set of 16 'u16' types, x86-specific
308     ///
309     /// This type is the same as the `__m128bh` type defined by Intel,
310     /// representing a 256-bit SIMD register which internally is consisted of
311     /// 16 packed `u16` instances. Its purpose is for bf16 related intrinsic
312     /// implementations.
313     pub struct __m256bh(
314         u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16,
315         u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16
316     );
318     /// 512-bit wide set of 32 'u16' types, x86-specific
319     ///
320     /// This type is the same as the `__m128bh` type defined by Intel,
321     /// representing a 512-bit SIMD register which internally is consisted of
322     /// 32 packed `u16` instances. Its purpose is for bf16 related intrinsic
323     /// implementations.
324     pub struct __m512bh(
325         u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16,
326         u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16,
327         u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16,
328         u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16, u16
329     );
330 }
332 /// The `__mmask64` type used in AVX-512 intrinsics, a 64-bit integer
333 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
334 pub type __mmask64 = u64;
336 /// The `__mmask32` type used in AVX-512 intrinsics, a 32-bit integer
337 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
338 pub type __mmask32 = u32;
340 /// The `__mmask16` type used in AVX-512 intrinsics, a 16-bit integer
341 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
342 pub type __mmask16 = u16;
344 /// The `__mmask8` type used in AVX-512 intrinsics, a 8-bit integer
345 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
346 pub type __mmask8 = u8;
348 /// The `_MM_CMPINT_ENUM` type used to specify comparison operations in AVX-512 intrinsics.
349 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
350 pub type _MM_CMPINT_ENUM = i32;
352 /// The `MM_MANTISSA_NORM_ENUM` type used to specify mantissa normalized operations in AVX-512 intrinsics.
353 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
354 pub type _MM_MANTISSA_NORM_ENUM = i32;
356 /// The `MM_MANTISSA_SIGN_ENUM` type used to specify mantissa signed operations in AVX-512 intrinsics.
357 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
358 pub type _MM_MANTISSA_SIGN_ENUM = i32;
360 /// The `MM_PERM_ENUM` type used to specify shuffle operations in AVX-512 intrinsics.
361 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
362 pub type _MM_PERM_ENUM = i32;
364 #[cfg(test)]
365 mod test;
366 #[cfg(test)]
367 pub use self::test::*;
369 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
370 #[unstable(feature = "stdsimd_internal", issue = "none")]
371 pub(crate) trait m128iExt: Sized {
as_m128i(self) -> __m128i372     fn as_m128i(self) -> __m128i;
374     #[inline]
as_u8x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u8x16375     fn as_u8x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u8x16 {
376         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m128i()) }
377     }
379     #[inline]
as_u16x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u16x8380     fn as_u16x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u16x8 {
381         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m128i()) }
382     }
384     #[inline]
as_u32x4(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u32x4385     fn as_u32x4(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u32x4 {
386         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m128i()) }
387     }
389     #[inline]
as_u64x2(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u64x2390     fn as_u64x2(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u64x2 {
391         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m128i()) }
392     }
394     #[inline]
as_i8x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i8x16395     fn as_i8x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i8x16 {
396         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m128i()) }
397     }
399     #[inline]
as_i16x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i16x8400     fn as_i16x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i16x8 {
401         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m128i()) }
402     }
404     #[inline]
as_i32x4(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i32x4405     fn as_i32x4(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i32x4 {
406         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m128i()) }
407     }
409     #[inline]
as_i64x2(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i64x2410     fn as_i64x2(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i64x2 {
411         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m128i()) }
412     }
413 }
415 impl m128iExt for __m128i {
416     #[inline]
as_m128i(self) -> Self417     fn as_m128i(self) -> Self {
418         self
419     }
420 }
422 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
423 #[unstable(feature = "stdsimd_internal", issue = "none")]
424 pub(crate) trait m256iExt: Sized {
as_m256i(self) -> __m256i425     fn as_m256i(self) -> __m256i;
427     #[inline]
as_u8x32(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u8x32428     fn as_u8x32(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u8x32 {
429         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m256i()) }
430     }
432     #[inline]
as_u16x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u16x16433     fn as_u16x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u16x16 {
434         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m256i()) }
435     }
437     #[inline]
as_u32x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u32x8438     fn as_u32x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u32x8 {
439         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m256i()) }
440     }
442     #[inline]
as_u64x4(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u64x4443     fn as_u64x4(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u64x4 {
444         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m256i()) }
445     }
447     #[inline]
as_i8x32(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i8x32448     fn as_i8x32(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i8x32 {
449         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m256i()) }
450     }
452     #[inline]
as_i16x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i16x16453     fn as_i16x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i16x16 {
454         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m256i()) }
455     }
457     #[inline]
as_i32x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i32x8458     fn as_i32x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i32x8 {
459         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m256i()) }
460     }
462     #[inline]
as_i64x4(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i64x4463     fn as_i64x4(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i64x4 {
464         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m256i()) }
465     }
466 }
468 impl m256iExt for __m256i {
469     #[inline]
as_m256i(self) -> Self470     fn as_m256i(self) -> Self {
471         self
472     }
473 }
475 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
476 #[unstable(feature = "stdsimd_internal", issue = "none")]
477 pub(crate) trait m128Ext: Sized {
as_m128(self) -> __m128478     fn as_m128(self) -> __m128;
480     #[inline]
as_f32x4(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::f32x4481     fn as_f32x4(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::f32x4 {
482         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m128()) }
483     }
484 }
486 impl m128Ext for __m128 {
487     #[inline]
as_m128(self) -> Self488     fn as_m128(self) -> Self {
489         self
490     }
491 }
493 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
494 #[unstable(feature = "stdsimd_internal", issue = "none")]
495 pub(crate) trait m128dExt: Sized {
as_m128d(self) -> __m128d496     fn as_m128d(self) -> __m128d;
498     #[inline]
as_f64x2(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::f64x2499     fn as_f64x2(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::f64x2 {
500         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m128d()) }
501     }
502 }
504 impl m128dExt for __m128d {
505     #[inline]
as_m128d(self) -> Self506     fn as_m128d(self) -> Self {
507         self
508     }
509 }
511 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
512 #[unstable(feature = "stdsimd_internal", issue = "none")]
513 pub(crate) trait m256Ext: Sized {
as_m256(self) -> __m256514     fn as_m256(self) -> __m256;
516     #[inline]
as_f32x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::f32x8517     fn as_f32x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::f32x8 {
518         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m256()) }
519     }
520 }
522 impl m256Ext for __m256 {
523     #[inline]
as_m256(self) -> Self524     fn as_m256(self) -> Self {
525         self
526     }
527 }
529 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
530 #[unstable(feature = "stdsimd_internal", issue = "none")]
531 pub(crate) trait m256dExt: Sized {
as_m256d(self) -> __m256d532     fn as_m256d(self) -> __m256d;
534     #[inline]
as_f64x4(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::f64x4535     fn as_f64x4(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::f64x4 {
536         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m256d()) }
537     }
538 }
540 impl m256dExt for __m256d {
541     #[inline]
as_m256d(self) -> Self542     fn as_m256d(self) -> Self {
543         self
544     }
545 }
547 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
548 #[unstable(feature = "stdsimd_internal", issue = "none")]
549 pub(crate) trait m512iExt: Sized {
as_m512i(self) -> __m512i550     fn as_m512i(self) -> __m512i;
552     #[inline]
as_u8x64(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u8x64553     fn as_u8x64(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u8x64 {
554         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m512i()) }
555     }
557     #[inline]
as_i8x64(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i8x64558     fn as_i8x64(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i8x64 {
559         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m512i()) }
560     }
562     #[inline]
as_u16x32(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u16x32563     fn as_u16x32(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u16x32 {
564         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m512i()) }
565     }
567     #[inline]
as_i16x32(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i16x32568     fn as_i16x32(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i16x32 {
569         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m512i()) }
570     }
572     #[inline]
as_u32x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u32x16573     fn as_u32x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u32x16 {
574         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m512i()) }
575     }
577     #[inline]
as_i32x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i32x16578     fn as_i32x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i32x16 {
579         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m512i()) }
580     }
582     #[inline]
as_u64x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u64x8583     fn as_u64x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u64x8 {
584         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m512i()) }
585     }
587     #[inline]
as_i64x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i64x8588     fn as_i64x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i64x8 {
589         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m512i()) }
590     }
591 }
593 impl m512iExt for __m512i {
594     #[inline]
as_m512i(self) -> Self595     fn as_m512i(self) -> Self {
596         self
597     }
598 }
600 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
601 #[unstable(feature = "stdsimd_internal", issue = "none")]
602 pub(crate) trait m512Ext: Sized {
as_m512(self) -> __m512603     fn as_m512(self) -> __m512;
605     #[inline]
as_f32x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::f32x16606     fn as_f32x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::f32x16 {
607         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m512()) }
608     }
609 }
611 impl m512Ext for __m512 {
612     #[inline]
as_m512(self) -> Self613     fn as_m512(self) -> Self {
614         self
615     }
616 }
618 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
619 #[unstable(feature = "stdsimd_internal", issue = "none")]
620 pub(crate) trait m512dExt: Sized {
as_m512d(self) -> __m512d621     fn as_m512d(self) -> __m512d;
623     #[inline]
as_f64x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::f64x8624     fn as_f64x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::f64x8 {
625         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m512d()) }
626     }
627 }
629 impl m512dExt for __m512d {
630     #[inline]
as_m512d(self) -> Self631     fn as_m512d(self) -> Self {
632         self
633     }
634 }
636 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
637 #[unstable(feature = "stdsimd_internal", issue = "none")]
638 pub(crate) trait m128bhExt: Sized {
as_m128bh(self) -> __m128bh639     fn as_m128bh(self) -> __m128bh;
641     #[inline]
as_u16x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u16x8642     fn as_u16x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u16x8 {
643         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m128bh()) }
644     }
646     #[inline]
as_i16x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i16x8647     fn as_i16x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i16x8 {
648         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m128bh()) }
649     }
651     #[inline]
as_u32x4(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u32x4652     fn as_u32x4(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u32x4 {
653         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m128bh()) }
654     }
656     #[inline]
as_i32x4(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i32x4657     fn as_i32x4(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i32x4 {
658         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m128bh()) }
659     }
660 }
662 impl m128bhExt for __m128bh {
663     #[inline]
as_m128bh(self) -> Self664     fn as_m128bh(self) -> Self {
665         self
666     }
667 }
669 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
670 #[unstable(feature = "stdsimd_internal", issue = "none")]
671 pub(crate) trait m256bhExt: Sized {
as_m256bh(self) -> __m256bh672     fn as_m256bh(self) -> __m256bh;
674     #[inline]
as_u16x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u16x16675     fn as_u16x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u16x16 {
676         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m256bh()) }
677     }
679     #[inline]
as_i16x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i16x16680     fn as_i16x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i16x16 {
681         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m256bh()) }
682     }
684     #[inline]
as_u32x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u32x8685     fn as_u32x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u32x8 {
686         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m256bh()) }
687     }
689     #[inline]
as_i32x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i32x8690     fn as_i32x8(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i32x8 {
691         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m256bh()) }
692     }
693 }
695 impl m256bhExt for __m256bh {
696     #[inline]
as_m256bh(self) -> Self697     fn as_m256bh(self) -> Self {
698         self
699     }
700 }
702 #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
703 #[unstable(feature = "stdsimd_internal", issue = "none")]
704 pub(crate) trait m512bhExt: Sized {
as_m512bh(self) -> __m512bh705     fn as_m512bh(self) -> __m512bh;
707     #[inline]
as_u16x32(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u16x32708     fn as_u16x32(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u16x32 {
709         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m512bh()) }
710     }
712     #[inline]
as_i16x32(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i16x32713     fn as_i16x32(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i16x32 {
714         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m512bh()) }
715     }
717     #[inline]
as_u32x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u32x16718     fn as_u32x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::u32x16 {
719         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m512bh()) }
720     }
722     #[inline]
as_i32x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i32x16723     fn as_i32x16(self) -> crate::core_arch::simd::i32x16 {
724         unsafe { transmute(self.as_m512bh()) }
725     }
726 }
728 impl m512bhExt for __m512bh {
729     #[inline]
as_m512bh(self) -> Self730     fn as_m512bh(self) -> Self {
731         self
732     }
733 }
735 mod eflags;
736 pub use self::eflags::*;
738 mod fxsr;
739 pub use self::fxsr::*;
741 mod bswap;
742 pub use self::bswap::*;
744 mod rdtsc;
745 pub use self::rdtsc::*;
747 mod cpuid;
748 pub use self::cpuid::*;
749 mod xsave;
750 pub use self::xsave::*;
752 mod sse;
753 pub use self::sse::*;
754 mod sse2;
755 pub use self::sse2::*;
756 mod sse3;
757 pub use self::sse3::*;
758 mod ssse3;
759 pub use self::ssse3::*;
760 mod sse41;
761 pub use self::sse41::*;
762 mod sse42;
763 pub use self::sse42::*;
764 mod avx;
765 pub use self::avx::*;
766 mod avx2;
767 pub use self::avx2::*;
768 mod fma;
769 pub use self::fma::*;
771 mod abm;
772 pub use self::abm::*;
773 mod bmi1;
774 pub use self::bmi1::*;
776 mod bmi2;
777 pub use self::bmi2::*;
779 #[cfg(not(stdarch_intel_sde))]
780 mod sse4a;
781 #[cfg(not(stdarch_intel_sde))]
782 pub use self::sse4a::*;
784 #[cfg(not(stdarch_intel_sde))]
785 mod tbm;
786 #[cfg(not(stdarch_intel_sde))]
787 pub use self::tbm::*;
789 mod pclmulqdq;
790 pub use self::pclmulqdq::*;
792 mod aes;
793 pub use self::aes::*;
795 mod rdrand;
796 pub use self::rdrand::*;
798 mod sha;
799 pub use self::sha::*;
801 mod adx;
802 pub use self::adx::*;
804 #[cfg(test)]
805 use stdarch_test::assert_instr;
807 /// Generates the trap instruction `UD2`
808 #[cfg_attr(test, assert_instr(ud2))]
809 #[inline]
ud2() -> !810 pub unsafe fn ud2() -> ! {
811     intrinsics::abort()
812 }
814 mod avx512f;
815 pub use self::avx512f::*;
817 mod avx512bw;
818 pub use self::avx512bw::*;
820 mod avx512cd;
821 pub use self::avx512cd::*;
823 mod avx512ifma;
824 pub use self::avx512ifma::*;
826 mod avx512vbmi;
827 pub use self::avx512vbmi::*;
829 mod avx512vbmi2;
830 pub use self::avx512vbmi2::*;
832 mod avx512vnni;
833 pub use self::avx512vnni::*;
835 mod avx512bitalg;
836 pub use self::avx512bitalg::*;
838 mod avx512gfni;
839 pub use self::avx512gfni::*;
841 mod avx512vpopcntdq;
842 pub use self::avx512vpopcntdq::*;
844 mod avx512vaes;
845 pub use self::avx512vaes::*;
847 mod avx512vpclmulqdq;
848 pub use self::avx512vpclmulqdq::*;
850 mod bt;
851 pub use self::bt::*;
853 mod rtm;
854 pub use self::rtm::*;
856 mod f16c;
857 pub use self::f16c::*;
859 mod avx512bf16;
860 pub use self::avx512bf16::*;