1 /*****************************************************************************
2  *
3  *	 m65ce02.c
4  *	 Portable 65ce02 emulator V1.0beta3
5  *
6  *	 Copyright (c) 2000 Peter Trauner, all rights reserved
7  *   documentation preliminary databook
8  *	 documentation by michael steil mist@c64.org
9  *	 available at ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/cbm/c65
10  *
11  *	 - This source code is released as freeware for non-commercial purposes.
12  *	 - You are free to use and redistribute this code in modified or
13  *	   unmodified form, provided you list me in the credits.
14  *	 - If you modify this source code, you must add a notice to each modified
15  *	   source file that it has been changed.  If you're a nice person, you
16  *	   will clearly mark each change too.  :)
17  *	 - If you wish to use this for commercial purposes, please contact me at
18  *	   pullmoll@t-online.de
19  *	 - The author of this copywritten work reserves the right to change the
20  *	   terms of its usage and license at any time, including retroactively
21  *	 - This entire notice must remain in the source code.
22  *
23  *****************************************************************************/
24 /* 4. February 2000 PeT fixed relative word operand */
25 /* 4. February 2000 PeT jsr (absolut) jsr (absolut,x) inw dew */
26 /* 17.February 2000 PeT phw */
27 /* 16.March 2000 PeT fixed some instructions accordingly to databook */
28 /* 7. May 2000 PeT splittet into m65ce02 and m4510 */
30 /*
32 * neg is now simple 2er komplement negation with set of N and Z
34 * phw push low order byte, push high order byte!
36 * tys txs not interruptable, not implemented
38 */
40 #include <stdio.h>
41 #include "driver.h"
42 #include "state.h"
43 #include "m65ce02.h"
45 #include "ops02.h"
46 #include "opsc02.h"
47 #include "opsce02.h"
49 #define VERBOSE 0
51 #if VERBOSE
52 #define LOG(x)	logerror x
53 #else
54 #define LOG(x)
55 #endif
57 typedef struct {
58 	void	(**insn)(void); /* pointer to the function pointer table */
59 	PAIR	ppc;			/* previous program counter */
60 	PAIR	pc; 			/* program counter */
61 	PAIR	sp; 			/* stack pointer (always 100 - 1FF) */
62 	PAIR	zp; 			/* zero page address */
63 	/* contains B register zp.b.h */
64 	PAIR	ea; 			/* effective address */
65 	UINT8	a;				/* Accumulator */
66 	UINT8	x;				/* X index register */
67 	UINT8	y;				/* Y index register */
68 	UINT8	z;				/* Z index register */
69 	UINT8	p;				/* Processor status */
70 	UINT8	pending_irq;	/* nonzero if an IRQ is pending */
71 	UINT8	after_cli;		/* pending IRQ and last insn cleared I */
72 	UINT8	nmi_state;
73 	UINT8	irq_state;
74 	int 	(*irq_callback)(int irqline);	/* IRQ callback */
75 }	m65ce02_Regs;
78 int m65ce02_ICount = 0;
80 static m65ce02_Regs m65ce02;
82 /***************************************************************
83  * include the opcode macros, functions and tables
84  ***************************************************************/
86 #include "t65ce02.c"
m65ce02_reset(void * param)88 void m65ce02_reset (void *param)
89 {
90 	m65ce02.insn = insn65ce02;
92 	/* wipe out the rest of the m65ce02 structure */
93 	/* read the reset vector into PC */
94 	/* reset z index and b bank */
96 	PCH = RDMEM(M65CE02_RST_VEC+1);
98 	/* after reset in 6502 compatibility mode */
99 	m65ce02.sp.d = 0x01ff; /* high byte descriped in databook */
100 	m65ce02.z = 0;
101 	B = 0;
102 	m65ce02.p = F_E|F_B|F_I|F_Z;	/* set E, I and Z flags */
103 	m65ce02.pending_irq = 0;	/* nonzero if an IRQ is pending */
104 	m65ce02.after_cli = 0;		/* pending IRQ and last insn cleared I */
105 	m65ce02.irq_callback = NULL;
107 	change_pc16(PCD);
108 }
m65ce02_exit(void)110 void m65ce02_exit(void)
111 {
112 	/* nothing to do yet */
113 }
m65ce02_get_context(void * dst)115 unsigned m65ce02_get_context (void *dst)
116 {
117 	if( dst )
118 		*(m65ce02_Regs*)dst = m65ce02;
119 	return sizeof(m65ce02_Regs);
120 }
m65ce02_set_context(void * src)122 void m65ce02_set_context (void *src)
123 {
124 	if( src )
125 	{
126 		m65ce02 = *(m65ce02_Regs*)src;
127 		change_pc16(PCD);
128 	}
129 }
m65ce02_get_pc(void)131 unsigned m65ce02_get_pc (void)
132 {
133 	return PCD;
134 }
m65ce02_set_pc(unsigned val)136 void m65ce02_set_pc (unsigned val)
137 {
138 	PCW = val;
139 	change_pc16(PCD);
140 }
m65ce02_get_sp(void)142 unsigned m65ce02_get_sp (void)
143 {
144 	return S;
145 }
m65ce02_set_sp(unsigned val)147 void m65ce02_set_sp (unsigned val)
148 {
149 	S = val;
150 }
m65ce02_get_reg(int regnum)152 unsigned m65ce02_get_reg (int regnum)
153 {
154 	switch( regnum )
155 	{
156 		case M65CE02_PC: return m65ce02.pc.w.l;
157 		case M65CE02_S: return m65ce02.sp.w.l;
158 		case M65CE02_P: return m65ce02.p;
159 		case M65CE02_A: return m65ce02.a;
160 		case M65CE02_X: return m65ce02.x;
161 		case M65CE02_Y: return m65ce02.y;
162 		case M65CE02_Z: return m65ce02.z;
163 		case M65CE02_B: return m65ce02.zp.b.h;
164 		case M65CE02_EA: return m65ce02.ea.w.l;
165 		case M65CE02_ZP: return m65ce02.zp.b.l;
166 		case M65CE02_NMI_STATE: return m65ce02.nmi_state;
167 		case M65CE02_IRQ_STATE: return m65ce02.irq_state;
168 		case REG_PREVIOUSPC: return m65ce02.ppc.w.l;
169 		default:
170 			if( regnum <= REG_SP_CONTENTS )
171 			{
172 				unsigned offset = S + 2 * (REG_SP_CONTENTS - regnum);
173 				if( offset < 0x1ff )
174 					return RDMEM( offset ) | ( RDMEM( offset + 1 ) << 8 );
175 			}
176 	}
177 	return 0;
178 }
m65ce02_set_reg(int regnum,unsigned val)180 void m65ce02_set_reg (int regnum, unsigned val)
181 {
182 	switch( regnum )
183 	{
184 		case M65CE02_PC: m65ce02.pc.w.l = val; break;
185 		case M65CE02_S: m65ce02.sp.w.l = val; break;
186 		case M65CE02_P: m65ce02.p = val; break;
187 		case M65CE02_A: m65ce02.a = val; break;
188 		case M65CE02_X: m65ce02.x = val; break;
189 		case M65CE02_Y: m65ce02.y = val; break;
190 		case M65CE02_Z: m65ce02.z = val; break;
191 		case M65CE02_B: m65ce02.zp.b.h = val; break;
192 		case M65CE02_EA: m65ce02.ea.w.l = val; break;
193 		case M65CE02_ZP: m65ce02.zp.b.l = val; break;
194 		case M65CE02_NMI_STATE: m65ce02_set_nmi_line( val ); break;
195 		case M65CE02_IRQ_STATE: m65ce02_set_irq_line( 0, val ); break;
196 		default:
197 			if( regnum <= REG_SP_CONTENTS )
198 			{
199 				unsigned offset = S + 2 * (REG_SP_CONTENTS - regnum);
200 				if( offset < 0x1ff )
201 				{
202 					WRMEM( offset, val & 0xfff );
203 					WRMEM( offset + 1, (val >> 8) & 0xff );
204 				}
205 			}
206 	}
207 }
m65ce02_take_irq(void)209 static INLINE void m65ce02_take_irq(void)
210 {
211 	if( !(P & F_I) )
212 	{
213 		EAD = M65CE02_IRQ_VEC;
214 		m65ce02_ICount -= 7;
215 		PUSH(PCH);
216 		PUSH(PCL);
217 		PUSH(P & ~F_B);
218 		P = (P & ~F_D) | F_I;		/* knock out D and set I flag */
219 		PCL = RDMEM(EAD);
220 		PCH = RDMEM(EAD+1);
221 		LOG(("M65ce02#%d takes IRQ ($%04x)\n", cpu_getactivecpu(), PCD));
222 		/* call back the cpuintrf to let it clear the line */
223 		if (m65ce02.irq_callback) (*m65ce02.irq_callback)(0);
224 		change_pc16(PCD);
225 	}
226 	m65ce02.pending_irq = 0;
227 }
m65ce02_execute(int cycles)229 int m65ce02_execute(int cycles)
230 {
231 	m65ce02_ICount = cycles;
233 	change_pc16(PCD);
235 	do
236 	{
237 		UINT8 op;
238 		PPC = PCD;
240 		/* if an irq is pending, take it now */
241 		if( m65ce02.pending_irq )
242 			m65ce02_take_irq();
244 		op = RDOP();
245 		(*insn65ce02[op])();
247 		/* check if the I flag was just reset (interrupts enabled) */
248 		if( m65ce02.after_cli )
249 		{
250 			LOG(("M65ce02#%d after_cli was >0", cpu_getactivecpu()));
251 			m65ce02.after_cli = 0;
252 			if (m65ce02.irq_state != CLEAR_LINE)
253 			{
254 				LOG((": irq line is asserted: set pending IRQ\n"));
255 				m65ce02.pending_irq = 1;
256 			}
257 			else
258 			{
259 				LOG((": irq line is clear\n"));
260 			}
261 		}
262 		else
263 		if( m65ce02.pending_irq )
264 			m65ce02_take_irq();
266 	} while (m65ce02_ICount > 0);
268 	return cycles - m65ce02_ICount;
269 }
m65ce02_set_nmi_line(int state)271 void m65ce02_set_nmi_line(int state)
272 {
273 	if (m65ce02.nmi_state == state) return;
274 	m65ce02.nmi_state = state;
275 	if( state != CLEAR_LINE )
276 	{
277 		LOG(("M65ce02#%d set_nmi_line(ASSERT)\n", cpu_getactivecpu()));
278 		EAD = M65CE02_NMI_VEC;
279 		m65ce02_ICount -= 7;
280 		PUSH(PCH);
281 		PUSH(PCL);
282 		PUSH(P & ~F_B);
283 		P = (P & ~F_D) | F_I;		/* knock out D and set I flag */
284 		PCL = RDMEM(EAD);
285 		PCH = RDMEM(EAD+1);
286 		LOG(("M65ce02#%d takes NMI ($%04x)\n", cpu_getactivecpu(), PCD));
287 		change_pc16(PCD);
288 	}
289 }
m65ce02_set_irq_line(int irqline,int state)291 void m65ce02_set_irq_line(int irqline, int state)
292 {
293 	m65ce02.irq_state = state;
294 	if( state != CLEAR_LINE )
295 	{
296 		LOG(("M65ce02#%d set_irq_line(ASSERT)\n", cpu_getactivecpu()));
297 		m65ce02.pending_irq = 1;
298 	}
299 }
m65ce02_set_irq_callback(int (* callback)(int))301 void m65ce02_set_irq_callback(int (*callback)(int))
302 {
303 	m65ce02.irq_callback = callback;
304 }
m65ce02_state_save(void * file)306 void m65ce02_state_save(void *file)
307 {
308 	int cpu = cpu_getactivecpu();
309 	/* insn is set at restore since it's a pointer */
310 	state_save_UINT16(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"PC",&m65ce02.pc.w.l,2);
311 	state_save_UINT16(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"SP",&m65ce02.sp.w.l,2);
312 	state_save_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"P",&m65ce02.p,1);
313 	state_save_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"A",&m65ce02.a,1);
314 	state_save_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"X",&m65ce02.x,1);
315 	state_save_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"Y",&m65ce02.y,1);
316 	state_save_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"Z",&m65ce02.z,1);
317 	state_save_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"B",&m65ce02.zp.b.h,1);
318 	state_save_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"PENDING",&m65ce02.pending_irq,1);
319 	state_save_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"AFTER_CLI",&m65ce02.after_cli,1);
320 	state_save_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"NMI_STATE",&m65ce02.nmi_state,1);
321 	state_save_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"IRQ_STATE",&m65ce02.irq_state,1);
322 }
m65ce02_state_load(void * file)324 void m65ce02_state_load(void *file)
325 {
326 	int cpu = cpu_getactivecpu();
327 	m65ce02.insn = insn65ce02;
328 	state_load_UINT16(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"PC",&m65ce02.pc.w.l,2);
329 	state_load_UINT16(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"SP",&m65ce02.sp.w.l,2);
330 	state_load_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"P",&m65ce02.p,1);
331 	state_load_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"A",&m65ce02.a,1);
332 	state_load_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"X",&m65ce02.x,1);
333 	state_load_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"Y",&m65ce02.y,1);
334 	state_load_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"Z",&m65ce02.z,1);
335 	state_load_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"B",&m65ce02.zp.b.h,1);
336 	state_load_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"PENDING",&m65ce02.pending_irq,1);
337 	state_load_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"AFTER_CLI",&m65ce02.after_cli,1);
338 	state_load_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"NMI_STATE",&m65ce02.nmi_state,1);
339 	state_load_UINT8(file,"m65ce02",cpu,"IRQ_STATE",&m65ce02.irq_state,1);
340 }
342 /****************************************************************************
343  * Return a formatted string for a register
344  ****************************************************************************/
m65ce02_info(void * context,int regnum)345 const char *m65ce02_info(void *context, int regnum)
346 {
347 	switch( regnum )
348 	{
349 		case CPU_INFO_NAME: return "M65CE02";
350 		case CPU_INFO_FAMILY: return "CBM Semiconductor Group CSG 65CE02";
351 		case CPU_INFO_VERSION: return "1.0beta";
352 		case CPU_INFO_CREDITS:
353 			return "Copyright (c) 1998 Juergen Buchmueller\n"
354 				"Copyright (c) 2000 Peter Trauner\n"
355 				"all rights reserved.";
356 		case CPU_INFO_FILE: return __FILE__;
357 	}
358 	return "";
359 }
m65ce02_dasm(char * buffer,unsigned pc)361 unsigned int m65ce02_dasm(char *buffer, unsigned pc)
362 {
363 	sprintf( buffer, "$%02X", cpu_readop(pc) );
364 	return 1;
365 }