1 /*
2  *  editdlgtypes.h  -  dialogues to create or edit alarm or alarm template types
3  *  Program:  kalarm
4  *  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2001-2021 David Jarvie <djarvie@kde.org>
5  *
6  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
7  */
9 #pragma once
11 #include "editdlg.h"
12 #include "preferences.h"
14 #include <KAlarmCal/AlarmText>
15 #include <KAlarmCal/KAEvent>
17 using namespace KAlarmCal;
19 class QAbstractButton;
20 class QGroupBox;
21 class QComboBox;
22 class EmailIdCombo;
23 class CheckBox;
24 class ComboBox;
25 class FontColourButton;
26 class ButtonGroup;
27 class RadioButton;
28 class Reminder;
29 class SoundPicker;
30 class SpecialActionsButton;
31 class CommandEdit;
32 class LineEdit;
33 class TextEdit;
34 class SoundWidget;
35 class MessageWindow;
36 class PickLogFileRadio;
38 class EditDisplayAlarmDlg : public EditAlarmDlg
39 {
40     Q_OBJECT
41 public:
42     explicit EditDisplayAlarmDlg(bool Template, QWidget* parent = nullptr, GetResourceType = RES_PROMPT);
43     EditDisplayAlarmDlg(bool Template, const KAEvent&, bool newAlarm, QWidget* parent = nullptr,
44                  GetResourceType = RES_PROMPT, bool readOnly = false);
46     // Methods to initialise values in the New Alarm dialogue.
47     // N.B. setTime() must be called first to set the date-only characteristic,
48     //      followed by setRecurrence().
49     void            setAction(KAEvent::SubAction, const AlarmText& = AlarmText()) override;
50     void            setBgColour(const QColor&);
51     void            setFgColour(const QColor&);
52     void            setNotify(bool);
53     void            setConfirmAck(bool);
54     void            setAutoClose(bool);
55     void            setAudio(Preferences::SoundType, const QString& file = QString(), float volume = -1, int repeatPause = -1);
56     void            setReminder(int minutes, bool onceOnly);
58     Reminder*       createReminder(QWidget* parent) override;
59     static CheckBox* createConfirmAckCheckbox(QWidget* parent);
61     static QString  i18n_lbl_DisplayMethod(); // text of 'Display method' label
62     static QString  i18n_combo_Window();      // text of 'Window' selection
63     static QString  i18n_combo_Notify();      // text of 'Notification' selection
64     static QString  i18n_chk_ConfirmAck();    // text of 'Confirm acknowledgement' checkbox
66 protected:
67     QString         type_caption() const override;
68     void            type_init(QWidget* parent, QVBoxLayout* frameLayout) override;
69     void            type_initValues(const KAEvent&) override;
70     void            type_showOptions(bool more) override;
71     void            setReadOnly(bool readOnly) override;
72     void            saveState(const KAEvent*) override;
73     bool            type_stateChanged() const override;
74     void            type_setEvent(KAEvent&, const KADateTime&, const QString& name, const QString& text, int lateCancel, bool trial) override;
75     KAEvent::Flags  getAlarmFlags() const override;
type_validate(bool trial)76     bool            type_validate(bool trial) override { Q_UNUSED(trial); return true; }
type_createConfirmAckCheckbox(QWidget * parent)77     CheckBox*       type_createConfirmAckCheckbox(QWidget* parent) override  { mConfirmAck = createConfirmAckCheckbox(parent); return mConfirmAck; }
78     bool            checkText(QString& result, bool showErrorMessage = true) const override;
80 private Q_SLOTS:
81     void            slotAlarmTypeChanged(int index);
82     void            slotDisplayMethodChanged(int index);
83     void            slotPickFile();
84     void            slotCmdScriptToggled(bool);
85     void            setColours(const QColor& fg, const QColor& bg);
87 private:
89     // Display alarm options
90     ComboBox*           mTypeCombo;
91     QWidget*            mDisplayMethodBox;
92     ComboBox*           mDisplayMethodCombo;
93     QWidget*            mFileBox;
94     QWidget*            mFilePadding;
95     SoundPicker*        mSoundPicker;
96     CheckBox*           mConfirmAck;
97     FontColourButton*   mFontColourButton;
98     SpecialActionsButton* mSpecialActionsButton {nullptr};
99     Akonadi::Item::Id   mAkonadiItemId;      // if email text, message's Akonadi item ID, else -1
100     bool                mReminderDeferral {false};
101     bool                mReminderArchived {false};
102     // Text message alarm widgets
103     TextEdit*           mTextMessageEdit;    // text message edit box
104     // Text file alarm widgets
105     LineEdit*           mFileMessageEdit;    // text file URL edit box
106     QPushButton*        mFileBrowseButton;   // text file browse button
107     QString             mFileDefaultDir;     // default directory for browse button
108     // Command output alarm widgets
109     CommandEdit*        mCmdEdit;
111     // Initial state of all controls
112     int                 mSavedType;             // mTypeCombo index
113     Preferences::SoundType mSavedSoundType;     // mSoundPicker sound type
114     bool                mSavedSound;            // mSoundPicker sound status
115     int                 mSavedRepeatPause;      // mSoundPicker repeat pause
116     QUrl                mSavedSoundFile;        // mSoundPicker sound file
117     float               mSavedSoundVolume;      // mSoundPicker volume
118     float               mSavedSoundFadeVolume;  // mSoundPicker fade volume
119     int                 mSavedSoundFadeSeconds; // mSoundPicker fade time
120     bool                mSavedCmdScript;        // mCmdEdit->isScript() status
121     int                 mSavedDisplayMethod;    // mDisplayMethodCombo index
122     bool                mSavedConfirmAck;       // mConfirmAck status
123     QFont               mSavedFont;             // mFontColourButton font
124     QColor              mSavedBgColour;         // mBgColourChoose selection
125     QColor              mSavedFgColour;         // mFontColourButton foreground colour
126     QString             mSavedPreAction;        // mSpecialActionsButton pre-alarm action
127     QString             mSavedPostAction;       // mSpecialActionsButton post-alarm action
128     int                 mSavedReminder;         // mReminder value
129     bool                mSavedAutoClose;        // mLateCancel->isAutoClose() value
130     bool                mSavedOnceOnly;         // mReminder once-only status
131     KAEvent::ExtraActionOptions mSavedPreActionOptions; // mSpecialActionsButton pre-alarm action options
132 };
135 class EditCommandAlarmDlg : public EditAlarmDlg
136 {
137     Q_OBJECT
138 public:
139     explicit EditCommandAlarmDlg(bool Template, QWidget* parent = nullptr, GetResourceType = RES_PROMPT);
140     EditCommandAlarmDlg(bool Template, const KAEvent&, bool newAlarm, QWidget* parent = nullptr,
141                         GetResourceType = RES_PROMPT, bool readOnly = false);
143     // Methods to initialise values in the New Alarm dialogue.
144     // N.B. setTime() must be called first to set the date-only characteristic,
145     //      followed by setRecurrence().
146     void            setAction(KAEvent::SubAction, const AlarmText& = AlarmText()) override;
148     static QString  i18n_chk_EnterScript();        // text of 'Enter a script' checkbox
149     static QString  i18n_radio_ExecInTermWindow(); // text of 'Execute in terminal window' radio button
150     static QString  i18n_chk_ExecInTermWindow();   // text of 'Execute in terminal window' checkbox
152 protected:
153     QString         type_caption() const override;
154     void            type_init(QWidget* parent, QVBoxLayout* frameLayout) override;
155     void            type_initValues(const KAEvent&) override;
156     void            type_showOptions(bool more) override;
157     void            setReadOnly(bool readOnly) override;
158     void            saveState(const KAEvent*) override;
159     bool            type_stateChanged() const override;
160     void            type_setEvent(KAEvent&, const KADateTime&, const QString& name, const QString& text, int lateCancel, bool trial) override;
161     KAEvent::Flags  getAlarmFlags() const override;
162     bool            type_validate(bool trial) override;
163     void            type_executedTry(const QString& text, void* obj) override;
164     bool            checkText(QString& result, bool showErrorMessage = true) const override;
166 private Q_SLOTS:
167     void            slotCmdScriptToggled(bool);
169 private:
170     // Command alarm options
171     CommandEdit*      mCmdEdit;
172     CheckBox*         mCmdDontShowError;
173     QGroupBox*        mCmdOutputBox;
174     ButtonGroup*      mCmdOutputGroup;     // what to do with command output
175     RadioButton*      mCmdExecInTerm;
176     PickLogFileRadio* mCmdLogToFile;
177     RadioButton*      mCmdDiscardOutput;
178     LineEdit*         mCmdLogFileEdit;     // log file URL edit box
179     QWidget*          mCmdPadding;
181     // Initial state of all controls
182     bool              mSavedCmdScript;        // mCmdEdit->isScript() status
183     bool              mSavedCmdDontShowError; // mCmdDontShowError value
184     QAbstractButton*  mSavedCmdOutputRadio;   // selected button in mCmdOutputGroup
185     QString           mSavedCmdLogFile;       // mCmdLogFileEdit value
186 };
189 class EditEmailAlarmDlg : public EditAlarmDlg
190 {
191     Q_OBJECT
192 public:
193     explicit EditEmailAlarmDlg(bool Template, QWidget* parent = nullptr, GetResourceType = RES_PROMPT);
194     EditEmailAlarmDlg(bool Template, const KAEvent&, bool newAlarm, QWidget* parent = nullptr,
195                       GetResourceType = RES_PROMPT, bool readOnly = false);
197     // Methods to initialise values in the New Alarm dialogue.
198     // N.B. setTime() must be called first to set the date-only characteristic,
199     //      followed by setRecurrence().
200     void            setAction(KAEvent::SubAction, const AlarmText& = AlarmText()) override;
201     void            setEmailFields(uint fromID, const KCalendarCore::Person::List&, const QString& subject,
202                                    const QStringList& attachments);
203     void            setBcc(bool);
205     static QString  i18n_chk_CopyEmailToSelf();    // text of 'Copy email to self' checkbox
207 protected:
208     QString         type_caption() const override;
209     void            type_init(QWidget* parent, QVBoxLayout* frameLayout) override;
210     void            type_initValues(const KAEvent&) override;
type_showOptions(bool)211     void            type_showOptions(bool) override  {}
212     void            setReadOnly(bool readOnly) override;
213     void            saveState(const KAEvent*) override;
214     bool            type_stateChanged() const override;
215     void            type_setEvent(KAEvent&, const KADateTime&, const QString& name, const QString& text, int lateCancel, bool trial) override;
216     KAEvent::Flags  getAlarmFlags() const override;
217     bool            type_validate(bool trial) override;
218     void            type_aboutToTry() override;
219     bool            checkText(QString& result, bool showErrorMessage = true) const override;
221 private Q_SLOTS:
222     void            slotTrySuccess();
223     void            openAddressBook();
224     void            slotAddAttachment();
225     void            slotRemoveAttachment();
227 private:
228     void            attachmentEnable();
230     // Email alarm options
231     EmailIdCombo*   mEmailFromList;
232     LineEdit*       mEmailToEdit;
233     QPushButton*    mEmailAddressButton; // email open address book button
234     LineEdit*       mEmailSubjectEdit;
235     TextEdit*       mEmailMessageEdit;   // email body edit box
236     QComboBox*      mEmailAttachList;
237     QPushButton*    mEmailAddAttachButton;
238     QPushButton*    mEmailRemoveButton {nullptr};
239     CheckBox*       mEmailBcc;
240     QString         mAttachDefaultDir;
242     KCalendarCore::Person::List mEmailAddresses;  // list of addresses to send email to
244     QStringList     mEmailAttachments;   // list of email attachment file names
246     // Initial state of all controls
247     QString         mSavedEmailFrom;        // mEmailFromList current value
248     QString         mSavedEmailTo;          // mEmailToEdit value
249     QString         mSavedEmailSubject;     // mEmailSubjectEdit value
250     QStringList     mSavedEmailAttach;      // mEmailAttachList values
251     bool            mSavedEmailBcc;         // mEmailBcc status
252 };
255 class EditAudioAlarmDlg : public EditAlarmDlg
256 {
257     Q_OBJECT
258 public:
259     explicit EditAudioAlarmDlg(bool Template, QWidget* parent = nullptr, GetResourceType = RES_PROMPT);
260     EditAudioAlarmDlg(bool Template, const KAEvent&, bool newAlarm, QWidget* parent = nullptr,
261                  GetResourceType = RES_PROMPT, bool readOnly = false);
263     // Methods to initialise values in the New Alarm dialogue.
264     // N.B. setTime() must be called first to set the date-only characteristic,
265     //      followed by setRecurrence().
266     void            setAction(KAEvent::SubAction, const AlarmText& = AlarmText()) override;
267     void            setAudio(const QString& file, float volume = -1);
269 protected:
270     QString         type_caption() const override;
271     void            type_init(QWidget* parent, QVBoxLayout* frameLayout) override;
272     void            type_initValues(const KAEvent&) override;
type_showOptions(bool)273     void            type_showOptions(bool) override  {}
274     void            setReadOnly(bool readOnly) override;
275     void            saveState(const KAEvent*) override;
276     bool            type_stateChanged() const override;
277     void            type_setEvent(KAEvent&, const KADateTime&, const QString& name, const QString& text, int lateCancel, bool trial) override;
278     KAEvent::Flags  getAlarmFlags() const override;
type_validate(bool trial)279     bool            type_validate(bool trial) override { Q_UNUSED(trial); return true; }
280     void            type_executedTry(const QString& text, void* obj) override;
281     bool            checkText(QString& result, bool showErrorMessage = true) const override;
283 protected Q_SLOTS:
284     void            slotTry() override;
286 private Q_SLOTS:
audioWinDestroyed()287     void            audioWinDestroyed()  { slotAudioPlaying(false); }
288     void            slotAudioPlaying(bool playing);
290 private:
291     MessageWindow*  mMessageWindow {nullptr}; // MessageWindow controlling test audio playback
293     // Audio alarm options
294     SoundWidget*    mSoundConfig;
295     QWidget*        mPadding;          // allow top-adjustment of controls
297     // Initial state of all controls
298     QString         mSavedFile;        // sound file
299     float           mSavedVolume;      // volume
300     float           mSavedFadeVolume;  // fade volume
301     int             mSavedFadeSeconds; // fade time
302     int             mSavedRepeatPause; // sound file repeat pause
303 };
306 // vim: et sw=4: