1 /*
2     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018 Jean-Baptiste Mardelle <jb@kdenlive.org>
3     This file is part of Kdenlive. See www.kdenlive.org.
5     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-KDE-Accepted-GPL
6 */
11 #include "definitions.h"
12 #include <QImage>
13 #include <QUrl>
14 #include <QObject>
16 class GLWidget;
17 class TimecodeDisplay;
19 /** @class MonitorProxy
20     @brief This class is a wrapper around the monitor / glwidget and handles communication
21     with the qml overlay through its properties.
22  */
23 class MonitorProxy : public QObject
24 {
25     Q_OBJECT
26     // Q_PROPERTY(int consumerPosition READ consumerPosition NOTIFY consumerPositionChanged)
27     Q_PROPERTY(int position MEMBER m_position WRITE setPosition NOTIFY positionChanged)
28     Q_PROPERTY(QPoint profile READ profile NOTIFY profileChanged)
29     Q_PROPERTY(int seekFinished MEMBER m_seekFinished NOTIFY seekFinishedChanged)
30     Q_PROPERTY(int zoneIn READ zoneIn WRITE setZoneIn NOTIFY zoneChanged)
31     Q_PROPERTY(int zoneOut READ zoneOut WRITE setZoneOut NOTIFY zoneChanged)
32     Q_PROPERTY(int rulerHeight READ rulerHeight WRITE setRulerHeight NOTIFY rulerHeightChanged)
33     Q_PROPERTY(QString markerComment MEMBER m_markerComment NOTIFY markerChanged)
34     Q_PROPERTY(QColor markerColor MEMBER m_markerColor NOTIFY markerChanged)
35     Q_PROPERTY(QString timecode READ timecode NOTIFY timecodeChanged)
36     Q_PROPERTY(QString trimmingTC1 READ trimmingTC1 NOTIFY trimmingTC1Changed)
37     Q_PROPERTY(QString trimmingTC2 READ trimmingTC2 NOTIFY trimmingTC2Changed)
38     Q_PROPERTY(QList <int> audioStreams MEMBER m_audioStreams NOTIFY audioThumbChanged)
39     Q_PROPERTY(QList <int> audioChannels MEMBER m_audioChannels NOTIFY audioThumbChanged)
40     Q_PROPERTY(int clipBounds MEMBER m_boundsCount NOTIFY clipBoundsChanged)
41     Q_PROPERTY(int overlayType READ overlayType WRITE setOverlayType NOTIFY overlayTypeChanged)
42     Q_PROPERTY(double speed MEMBER m_speed NOTIFY speedChanged)
43     Q_PROPERTY(QColor thumbColor1 READ thumbColor1 NOTIFY colorsChanged)
44     Q_PROPERTY(QColor thumbColor2 READ thumbColor2 NOTIFY colorsChanged)
45     Q_PROPERTY(bool autoKeyframe READ autoKeyframe NOTIFY autoKeyframeChanged)
46     Q_PROPERTY(bool audioThumbFormat READ audioThumbFormat NOTIFY audioThumbFormatChanged)
47     Q_PROPERTY(bool audioThumbNormalize READ audioThumbNormalize NOTIFY audioThumbNormalizeChanged)
48     /** @brief Returns true if current clip in monitor has Audio and Video
49      * */
50     Q_PROPERTY(bool clipHasAV MEMBER m_hasAV NOTIFY clipHasAVChanged)
51     /** @brief Contains the name of clip currently displayed in monitor
52      * */
53     Q_PROPERTY(QString clipName MEMBER m_clipName NOTIFY clipNameChanged)
54     Q_PROPERTY(QString clipStream MEMBER m_clipStream NOTIFY clipStreamChanged)
55     /** @brief Contains the name of clip currently displayed in monitor
56      * */
57     Q_PROPERTY(int clipType MEMBER m_clipType NOTIFY clipTypeChanged)
58     Q_PROPERTY(int clipId MEMBER m_clipId NOTIFY clipIdChanged)
60 public:
61     MonitorProxy(GLWidget *parent);
62     /** brief: Returns true if we are still in a seek operation
63      * */
64     int rulerHeight() const;
65     int overlayType() const;
66     void setOverlayType(int ix);
67     const QString trimmingTC1() const;
68     const QString trimmingTC2() const;
69     const QString timecode() const;
70     int getPosition() const;
71     /** @brief update position and end seeking if we reached the requested seek position.
72      *  returns true if the position was unchanged, false otherwise
73      * */
74     Q_INVOKABLE bool setPosition(int pos);
75     bool setPositionAdvanced(int pos, bool noAudioScrub);
76     Q_INVOKABLE void seek(int delta, uint modifiers);
77     Q_INVOKABLE QColor thumbColor1() const;
78     Q_INVOKABLE QColor thumbColor2() const;
79     Q_INVOKABLE QByteArray getUuid() const;
80     Q_INVOKABLE const QPoint clipBoundary(int ix);
81     bool audioThumbFormat() const;
82     bool audioThumbNormalize() const;
83     void positionFromConsumer(int pos, bool playing);
84     void setMarker(const QString &comment, const QColor &color);
85     int zoneIn() const;
86     int zoneOut() const;
87     void setZoneIn(int pos);
88     void setZoneOut(int pos);
89     Q_INVOKABLE void setZone(int in, int out, bool sendUpdate = true);
90     /** brief: Activate clip monitor if param is true, project monitor otherwise
91      * */
92     Q_INVOKABLE void activateClipMonitor(bool isClipMonitor);
93     void setZone(QPoint zone, bool sendUpdate = true);
94     void resetZone();
95     QPoint zone() const;
96     QImage extractFrame(int frame_position, const QString &path = QString(), int width = -1, int height = -1, bool useSourceProfile = false);
97     Q_INVOKABLE QString toTimecode(int frames) const;
98     Q_INVOKABLE void startZoneMove();
99     Q_INVOKABLE void endZoneMove();
100     Q_INVOKABLE double fps() const;
101     Q_INVOKABLE void switchAutoKeyframe();
102     Q_INVOKABLE bool autoKeyframe() const;
103     Q_INVOKABLE void setWidgetKeyBinding(const QString &text = QString()) const;
104     QPoint profile();
105     void setClipProperties(int clipId, ClipType::ProducerType type, bool hasAV, const QString clipName);
106     void setAudioThumb(const QList <int> streamIndexes = QList <int>(), QList <int> channels = QList <int>());
107     void setAudioStream(const QString &name);
108     void setRulerHeight(int height);
109     /** @brief Store a reference to the timecode display */
110     void setTimeCode(TimecodeDisplay *td);
111     /** @brief Set position in frames to be displayed in the monitor overlay for preview tile one
112      *  @param frames Position in frames
113      *  @param isRelative Whether @p frames is the absoulute position (overwrite current) or an offset position (subtract from current)
114      */
115     void setTrimmingTC1(int frames, bool isRelativ = false);
116     /** @brief Set position in frames to be displayed in the monitor overlay for preview tile two
117      *  @see setTrimmingTC1
118      */
119     void setTrimmingTC2(int frames, bool isRelativ = false);
120     /** @brief When the producer changes, ensure we reset the stored position*/
121     void resetPosition();
122     /** @brief Used to display qml info about speed*/
123     void setSpeed(double speed);
125 signals:
126     void positionChanged(int);
127     void seekFinishedChanged();
128     void requestSeek(int pos, bool noAudioScrub);
129     void zoneChanged();
130     void saveZone(const QPoint zone);
131     void saveZoneWithUndo(const QPoint, const QPoint&);
132     void markerChanged();
133     void rulerHeightChanged();
134     void addSnap(int);
135     void removeSnap(int);
136     void triggerAction(const QString &name);
137     void overlayTypeChanged();
138     void seekNextKeyframe();
139     void seekPreviousKeyframe();
140     void addRemoveKeyframe();
141     void seekToKeyframe();
142     void clipHasAVChanged();
143     void clipNameChanged();
144     void clipStreamChanged();
145     void clipTypeChanged();
146     void clipIdChanged();
147     void audioThumbChanged();
148     void colorsChanged();
149     void audioThumbFormatChanged();
150     void audioThumbNormalizeChanged();
151     void profileChanged();
152     void autoKeyframeChanged();
153     void timecodeChanged();
154     void trimmingTC1Changed();
155     void trimmingTC2Changed();
156     void speedChanged();
157     void clipBoundsChanged();
159 private:
160     GLWidget *q;
161     int m_position;
162     int m_zoneIn;
163     int m_zoneOut;
164     bool m_hasAV;
165     double m_speed;
166     QList <int> m_audioStreams;
167     QList <int> m_audioChannels;
168     QString m_markerComment;
169     QColor m_markerColor;
170     QString m_clipName;
171     QString m_clipStream;
172     int m_clipType;
173     int m_clipId;
174     bool m_seekFinished;
175     QPoint m_undoZone;
176     TimecodeDisplay *m_td;
177     int m_trimmingFrames1;
178     int m_trimmingFrames2;
179     QVector <QPoint> m_clipBounds;
180     int m_boundsCount;
182 public slots:
183     void updateClipBounds(QVector <QPoint>bounds);
184 };
186 #endif