2! Copyright (c) 2019 FrontISTR Commons
3! This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt
5!> \brief This module provides functions to read in data from control file
6!! and do neccessary preparation for following calculation
7module m_fstr_setup
8  use m_fstr
9  use fstr_setup_util
10  use fstr_ctrl_common
11  use fstr_ctrl_static
12  use fstr_ctrl_heat
13  use fstr_ctrl_eigen
14  use fstr_ctrl_dynamic
15  use fstr_ctrl_material
16  use mContact
17  use m_static_get_prop
18  use m_out
19  use m_step
20  use m_utilities
21  implicit none
23  include 'fstr_ctrl_util_f.inc'
25  !> Package of all data needs to initilize
26  type fstr_param_pack
27    type(hecmwST_local_mesh), pointer :: MESH
28    type(fstr_param), pointer         :: PARAM
29    type(fstr_solid), pointer         :: SOLID
30    type(fstr_heat), pointer          :: HEAT
31    type(fstr_eigen), pointer           :: EIGEN
32    type(fstr_dynamic), pointer       :: DYN
33    type(fstr_couple), pointer        :: CPL
34    type(fstr_freqanalysis), pointer  :: FREQ
35  end type fstr_param_pack
39  !=============================================================================!
40  !> Read in and initialize control data                                        !
41  !=============================================================================!
42  subroutine fstr_setup( cntl_filename, hecMESH, fstrPARAM,  &
43      fstrSOLID, fstrEIG, fstrHEAT, fstrDYNAMIC, fstrCPL, fstrFREQ )
44    use mMaterial
45    character(len=HECMW_FILENAME_LEN) :: cntl_filename, input_filename
46    type(hecmwST_local_mesh),target :: hecMESH
47    type(fstr_param),target   :: fstrPARAM
48    type(fstr_solid),target   :: fstrSOLID
49    type(fstr_eigen),target     :: fstrEIG
50    type(fstr_heat),target    :: fstrHEAT
51    type(fstr_dynamic),target :: fstrDYNAMIC
52    type(fstr_couple),target  :: fstrCPL
53    type(fstr_freqanalysis), target :: fstrFREQ
55    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl, ctrl_list(20), ictrl
56    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
58    integer, parameter :: MAXOUTFILE = 10
59    double precision, parameter :: dpi = 3.14159265358979323846D0
61    external fstr_ctrl_get_c_h_name
62    integer(kind=kint) :: fstr_ctrl_get_c_h_name
64    integer(kind=kint) :: version, resul, visual, femap, n_totlyr
65    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode, n, i, j, cid, nout, nin, ierror
66    character(len=HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: header_name, fname(MAXOUTFILE)
67    real(kind=kreal) :: ee, pp, rho, alpha, thick, alpha_over_mu
68    real(kind=kreal) :: beam_radius,                          &
69      beam_angle1, beam_angle2, beam_angle3,&
70      beam_angle4, beam_angle5, beam_angle6
71    logical          :: isOK
72    type(t_output_ctrl) :: outctrl
73    type(tshellmat),pointer :: shmat(:)
74    character(len=HECMW_FILENAME_LEN) :: logfileNAME, mName, mName2
76    ! counters
77    integer(kind=kint) :: c_solution, c_solver, c_step, c_write, c_echo
78    integer(kind=kint) :: c_static, c_boundary, c_cload, c_dload, c_temperature, c_reftemp, c_spring
79    integer(kind=kint) :: c_heat, c_fixtemp, c_cflux, c_dflux, c_sflux, c_film, c_sfilm, c_radiate, c_sradiate
80    integer(kind=kint) :: c_eigen, c_contact
81    integer(kind=kint) :: c_dynamic, c_velocity, c_acceleration
82    integer(kind=kint) :: c_fload, c_eigenread
83    integer(kind=kint) :: c_couple, c_material
84    integer(kind=kint) :: c_mpc, c_weldline, c_initial
85    integer(kind=kint) :: c_istep, c_localcoord, c_section
86    integer(kind=kint) :: c_elemopt, c_aincparam, c_timepoints
87    integer(kind=kint) :: c_output, islog
88    integer(kind=kint) :: k
89    integer(kind=kint) :: cache = 1
91    write( logfileNAME, '(i5,''.log'')' ) myrank
93    ! packaging
94    P%MESH   => hecMESH
95    P%PARAM  => fstrPARAM
96    P%SOLID  => fstrSOLID
97    P%EIGEN  => fstrEIG
98    P%HEAT   => fstrHEAT
99    P%DYN    => fstrDYNAMIC
100    P%CPL    => fstrCPL
101    P%FREQ   => fstrFREQ
103    fstrPARAM%contact_algo = kcaALagrange
105    c_solution = 0; c_solver   = 0; c_step   = 0; c_output = 0; c_echo = 0;
106    c_static   = 0; c_boundary = 0; c_cload  = 0; c_dload = 0; c_temperature = 0; c_reftemp = 0; c_spring = 0;
107    c_heat     = 0; c_fixtemp  = 0; c_cflux  = 0; c_dflux = 0; c_sflux = 0
108    c_film     = 0; c_sfilm    = 0; c_radiate= 0; c_sradiate = 0
109    c_eigen    = 0; c_contact  = 0
110    c_dynamic  = 0; c_velocity = 0; c_acceleration = 0
111    c_couple   = 0; c_material = 0; c_section =0
112    c_mpc      = 0; c_weldline = 0; c_initial = 0
113    c_istep    = 0; c_localcoord = 0
114    c_fload    = 0; c_eigenread = 0
115    c_elemopt  = 0;
116    c_aincparam= 0; c_timepoints = 0
118    ctrl_list = 0
119    ictrl = 1
120    ctrl  = fstr_ctrl_open( cntl_filename )
121    if( ctrl < 0 ) then
122      write(*,*) '### Error: Cannot open FSTR control file : ', cntl_filename
123      write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Cannot open FSTR control file : ', cntl_filename
124      stop
125    end if
127    version =0
128    do
129      rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_c_h_name( ctrl, header_name, HECMW_NAME_LEN )
130      if(     header_name == '!VERSION' ) then
131        rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_data_array_ex( ctrl, 'i ', version )
132      else if(     header_name == '!SOLUTION' ) then
133        c_solution = c_solution + 1
134        call fstr_setup_SOLUTION( ctrl, c_solution, P )
135      else if( header_name == '!SOLVER' ) then
136        c_solver = c_solver + 1
137        call fstr_setup_SOLVER( ctrl, c_solver, P )
138      else if( header_name == '!ISTEP' ) then
139        c_istep = c_istep + 1
140      else if( header_name == '!STEP' ) then
141        if( version==0 ) then
142          c_step = c_step + 1
143          call fstr_setup_STEP( ctrl, c_step, P )
144        else
145          c_istep = c_istep + 1
146        endif
147      else if( header_name == '!WRITE' ) then
148        call fstr_ctrl_get_output( ctrl, outctrl, islog, resul, visual, femap )
149        if( visual==1 ) P%PARAM%fg_visual= 1
150        if( resul==1 ) P%PARAM%fg_result = 1
151        c_output = c_output+1
152      else if( header_name == '!ECHO' ) then
153        c_echo = c_echo + 1
154        call fstr_setup_ECHO( ctrl, c_echo, P )
155      else if( header_name == '!RESTART' ) then
156        call fstr_setup_RESTART( ctrl, nout, P%PARAM%restart_version )
157        fstrSOLID%restart_nout= nout
158        fstrDYNAMIC%restart_nout= nout
159        fstrHEAT%restart_nout= nout
160      else if( header_name == '!ORIENTATION' ) then
161        c_localcoord = c_localcoord + 1
162      else if( header_name == '!AUTOINC_PARAM' ) then
163        c_aincparam = c_aincparam + 1
164      else if( header_name == '!TIME_POINTS' ) then
165        c_timepoints = c_timepoints + 1
166      else if( header_name == '!OUTPUT_SSTYPE' ) then
167        call fstr_setup_OUTPUT_SSTYPE( ctrl, P )
168      else if( header_name == '!INITIAL_CONDITION' ) then
169        c_initial = c_initial + 1
171        !--------------- for static -------------------------
173      else if( header_name == '!STATIC' ) then
174        c_static = c_static + 1
175        call fstr_setup_STATIC( ctrl, c_static, P )
176      else if( header_name == '!BOUNDARY' ) then
177        c_boundary = c_boundary + 1
178        call fstr_setup_BOUNDARY( ctrl, c_boundary, P )
179      else if( header_name == '!CLOAD' ) then
180        c_cload = c_cload + 1
181        call fstr_setup_CLOAD( ctrl, c_cload, P )
182        n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
183      else if( header_name == '!DLOAD' ) then
184        c_dload = c_dload + 1
185        call fstr_setup_DLOAD( ctrl, c_dload, P )
186      else if( header_name == '!CONTACT_ALGO' ) then
187        call fstr_setup_CONTACTALGO( ctrl, P )
188      else if( header_name == '!CONTACT' ) then
189        n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
190        c_contact = c_contact + n
191      else if( header_name == '!MATERIAL' ) then
192        c_material = c_material + 1
193      else if( header_name == '!TEMPERATURE' ) then
194        c_temperature = c_temperature + 1
195        call fstr_setup_TEMPERATURE( ctrl, c_temperature, P )
196      else if( header_name == '!SPRING' ) then
197        c_spring = c_spring + 1
198        call fstr_setup_SPRING( ctrl, c_spring, P )
199      else if( header_name == '!REFTEMP' ) then
200        c_reftemp = c_reftemp + 1
201        call fstr_setup_REFTEMP( ctrl, c_reftemp, P )
203        !--------------- for heat -------------------------
205      else if( header_name == '!HEAT' ) then
206        c_heat = c_heat + 1
207      else if( header_name == '!FIXTEMP' ) then
208        c_fixtemp = c_fixtemp + 1
209        call fstr_setup_FIXTEMP( ctrl, c_fixtemp, P )
210      else if( header_name == '!CFLUX' ) then
211        c_cflux = c_cflux + 1
212        call fstr_setup_CFLUX( ctrl, c_cflux, P )
213      else if( header_name == '!DFLUX' ) then
214        c_dflux = c_dflux + 1
215        call fstr_setup_DFLUX( ctrl, c_dflux, P )
216      else if( header_name == '!SFLUX' ) then
217        c_sflux = c_sflux + 1
218        call fstr_setup_SFLUX( ctrl, c_sflux, P )
219      else if( header_name == '!FILM' ) then
220        c_film = c_film + 1
221        call fstr_setup_FILM( ctrl, c_film, P )
222      else if( header_name == '!SFILM' ) then
223        c_sfilm = c_sfilm + 1
224        call fstr_setup_SFILM( ctrl, c_sfilm, P )
225      else if( header_name == '!RADIATE' ) then
226        c_radiate = c_radiate + 1
227        call fstr_setup_RADIATE( ctrl, c_radiate, P )
228      else if( header_name == '!SRADIATE' ) then
229        c_sradiate = c_sradiate + 1
230        call fstr_setup_SRADIATE( ctrl, c_sradiate, P )
231      else if( header_name == '!WELD_LINE' ) then
232        c_weldline = c_weldline + 1
234        !--------------- for eigen -------------------------
236      else if( header_name == '!EIGEN' ) then
237        c_eigen = c_eigen + 1
238        call fstr_setup_EIGEN( ctrl, c_eigen, P )
240        !--------------- for dynamic -------------------------
242      else if( header_name == '!DYNAMIC' ) then
243        c_dynamic = c_dynamic + 1
244        call fstr_setup_DYNAMIC( ctrl, c_eigen, P )
245      else if( header_name == '!VELOCITY' ) then
246        c_velocity = c_velocity + 1
247        call fstr_setup_VELOCITY( ctrl, c_eigen, P )
248      else if( header_name == '!ACCELERATION' ) then
249        c_acceleration = c_acceleration + 1
250        call fstr_setup_ACCELERATION( ctrl, c_eigen, P )
251      else if( header_name == '!FLOAD' ) then
252        c_fload = c_fload + 1
253        call fstr_setup_FLOAD( ctrl , c_fload, P )
254      else if( header_name == '!EIGENREAD' ) then
255        c_eigenread = c_eigenread + 1
256        call fstr_setup_eigenread( ctrl, c_eigenread, P )
258        !--------------- for couple -------------------------
260      else if( header_name == '!COUPLE' ) then
261        c_couple = c_couple + 1
262        call fstr_setup_COUPLE( ctrl, c_couple, P )
264        !--------------- for mpc -------------------------
266      else if( header_name == '!MPC' ) then
267        c_mpc = c_mpc + 1
268        call fstr_setup_MPC( ctrl, c_mpc, P )
270        !--------------------- for input -------------------------
272      else if( header_name == '!INCLUDE' ) then
273        ctrl_list(ictrl) = ctrl
274        input_filename   = ""
275        ierror = fstr_ctrl_get_param_ex( ctrl, 'INPUT ', '# ', 0, 'S', input_filename )
276        ctrl   = fstr_ctrl_open( input_filename )
277        if( ctrl < 0 ) then
278          write(*,*) '### Error: Cannot open FSTR control file : ', input_filename
279          write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Cannot open FSTR control file : ', input_filename
280          stop
281        end if
282        ictrl = ictrl + 1
283        cycle
285        !--------------------- END -------------------------
287      else if( header_name == '!END' ) then
288        exit
289      end if
291      ! next
292      if( fstr_ctrl_seek_next_header(ctrl) == 0 )then
293        if( ictrl == 1 )then
294          exit
295        else
296          ierror= fstr_ctrl_close( ctrl )
297          ictrl = ictrl - 1
298          ctrl  = ctrl_list(ictrl)
299          if( fstr_ctrl_seek_next_header(ctrl) == 0 ) exit
300        endif
301      endif
302    end do
304    ! -----
305    if( c_contact>0 ) then
306      allocate( fstrSOLID%contacts( c_contact ) )
307      ! convert SURF_SURF contact to NODE_SURF contact
308      call fstr_convert_contact_type( P%MESH )
309    endif
310    if( c_weldline>0 ) allocate( fstrHEAT%weldline( c_weldline ) )
311    if( c_initial>0 ) allocate( g_InitialCnd( c_initial ) )
312    if( c_istep>0 ) allocate( fstrSOLID%step_ctrl( c_istep ) )
313    if( c_localcoord>0 ) allocate( g_LocalCoordSys(c_localcoord) )
314    allocate( fstrPARAM%ainc(0:c_aincparam) )
315    do i=0,c_aincparam
316      call init_AincParam( fstrPARAM%ainc(i) )
317    end do
318    if( c_timepoints>0 ) allocate( fstrPARAM%timepoints(c_timepoints) )
320    P%SOLID%is_33shell = 0
321    P%SOLID%is_33beam  = 0
323    do i=1,hecMESH%n_elem_type
324      n =  hecMESH%elem_type_item(i)
325      if (n == 781 .or. n == 761)then
326        P%SOLID%is_33shell = 1
327      elseif (n == 641)then
328        P%SOLID%is_33beam  = 1
329      endif
330    enddo
332    n = c_material
333    if( hecMESH%material%n_mat>n ) n= hecMESH%material%n_mat
334    if( n==0 ) stop "material property not defined!"
335    allocate( fstrSOLID%materials( n ) )
336    do i = 1, n
337      call initMaterial(fstrSOLID%materials(i))
338    enddo
339    if( hecMESH%section%n_sect >0 ) then
340      do i=1,hecMESH%section%n_sect
341        if( hecMESH%section%sect_type(i) == 4 ) cycle
342        cid = hecMESH%section%sect_mat_ID_item(i)
343        if( cid>n ) stop "Error in material property definition!"
344        if( fstrPARAM%nlgeom .or. fstrPARAM%solution_type==kstSTATICEIGEN ) &
345          fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%nlgeom_flag = 1
346        nullify(shmat)
347        call fstr_get_prop(hecMESH,shmat,i,ee,pp,rho,alpha,thick,&
348          n_totlyr,alpha_over_mu, &
349          beam_radius,beam_angle1,beam_angle2,beam_angle3, &
350          beam_angle4,beam_angle5,beam_angle6)
351        fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%name = hecMESH%material%mat_name(cid)
352        fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables(M_YOUNGS)=ee
353        fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables(M_POISSON)=pp
354        fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables(M_DENSITY)=rho
355        fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables(M_EXAPNSION)=alpha
356        fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables(M_THICK)=thick
357        fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables(M_ALPHA_OVER_MU)= alpha_over_mu
358        fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables(M_BEAM_RADIUS)=beam_radius
359        fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables(M_BEAM_ANGLE1)=beam_angle1
360        fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables(M_BEAM_ANGLE2)=beam_angle2
361        fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables(M_BEAM_ANGLE3)=beam_angle3
362        fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables(M_BEAM_ANGLE4)=beam_angle4
363        fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables(M_BEAM_ANGLE5)=beam_angle5
364        fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables(M_BEAM_ANGLE6)=beam_angle6
365        fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%mtype = ELASTIC
366        fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%totallyr = n_totlyr
367        fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%shell_var => shmat
368      enddo
369    endif
371    ! for section control
372    allocate( fstrSOLID%sections(hecMESH%section%n_sect) )
373    do i=1,hecMESH%section%n_sect
374      ! set default 361 element formulation
375      if( p%PARAM%solution_type==kstSTATIC .or. p%PARAM%solution_type==kstDYNAMIC ) then
376        if( p%PARAM%nlgeom ) then
377          fstrSOLID%sections(i)%elemopt361 = kel361FBAR
378        else
379          fstrSOLID%sections(i)%elemopt361 = kel361IC
380        end if
381      else if( p%PARAM%solution_type==kstEIGEN ) then
382        fstrSOLID%sections(i)%elemopt361 = kel361IC
383      else if( p%PARAM%solution_type==kstSTATICEIGEN ) then
384        fstrSOLID%sections(i)%elemopt361 = kel361FBAR
385      else
386        fstrSOLID%sections(i)%elemopt361 = kel361FI
387      end if
388    enddo
390    allocate( fstrSOLID%output_ctrl( 4 ) )
391    call fstr_init_outctrl(fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(1))
392    fstrSOLID%output_ctrl( 1 )%filename = trim(logfileNAME)
393    fstrSOLID%output_ctrl( 1 )%filenum = ILOG
394    call fstr_init_outctrl(fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(2))
395    call fstr_init_outctrl(fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(3))
396    call fstr_init_outctrl(fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(4))
398    ! -----
399    rcode = fstr_ctrl_rewind( ctrl )
401    c_istep    = 0
402    c_heat     = 0
403    c_material = 0
404    c_output = 0
405    c_contact  = 0
406    c_initial = 0
407    c_localcoord = 0
408    c_section = 0
409    fstrHEAT%WL_tot = 0
410    c_elemopt = 0
411    c_aincparam = 0
412    c_timepoints = 0
413    fstrSOLID%elemopt361 = 0
414    fstrSOLID%AutoINC_stat = 0
415    fstrSOLID%CutBack_stat = 0
416    fstrSOLID%NRstat_i(:) = 0
417    fstrSOLID%NRstat_r(:) = 0.d0
418    ictrl = 1
419    do
420      rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_c_h_name( ctrl, header_name, HECMW_NAME_LEN )
422      if( header_name == '!ORIENTATION' ) then
423        c_localcoord = c_localcoord + 1
424        if( fstr_setup_ORIENTATION( ctrl, hecMESH, c_localcoord, g_LocalCoordSys(c_localcoord) )/=0 ) then
425          write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in ORIENTATION definition : ', c_localcoord
426          write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in ORIENTATION definition : ', c_localcoord
427          stop
428        endif
430        ! ----- CONTACT condtion setting
431      elseif( header_name == '!CONTACT' ) then
432        n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
433        if( .not. fstr_ctrl_get_CONTACT( ctrl, n, fstrSOLID%contacts(c_contact+1:c_contact+n)   &
434            ,ee, pp, rho, alpha, P%PARAM%contact_algo ) ) then
435          write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in contact condition : ', c_contact
436          write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in contact condition : ', c_contact
437          stop
438        endif
439        ! initialize contact condition
440        if( ee>0.d0 ) cdotp = ee
441        if( pp>0.d0 ) mut = pp
442        if( rho>0.d0 ) cgn = rho
443        if( alpha>0.d0 ) cgt = alpha
444        do i=1,n
445          if( .not. fstr_contact_check( fstrSOLID%contacts(c_contact+i), P%MESH ) ) then
446            write(*,*) '### Error: Inconsistence in contact and surface definition : ' , i+c_contact
447            write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Inconsistence in contact and surface definition : ', i+c_contact
448            stop
449          else
450            if(paraContactFlag) then
451              isOK = fstr_contact_init( fstrSOLID%contacts(c_contact+i), P%MESH, myrank)
452            else
453              isOK = fstr_contact_init( fstrSOLID%contacts(c_contact+i), P%MESH)
454            endif
455            !       call fstr_write_contact( 6, fstrSOLID%contacts(c_contact+i) )
456          endif
457        enddo
458        c_contact = c_contact+n
460      else if( header_name == '!ISTEP'  ) then
461        c_istep = c_istep+1
462        if( .not. fstr_ctrl_get_ISTEP( ctrl, hecMESH, fstrSOLID%step_ctrl(c_istep), mName, mName2 ) ) then
463          write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in step definition : ' , c_istep
464          write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in step definition : ', c_istep
465          stop
466        endif
467        if( associated(fstrPARAM%timepoints) ) then
468          do i=1,size(fstrPARAM%timepoints)
469            if( fstr_streqr( fstrPARAM%timepoints(i)%name, mName ) ) then
470              fstrSOLID%step_ctrl(c_istep)%timepoint_id = i; exit
471            endif
472          enddo
473        endif
474        if( associated(fstrPARAM%ainc) ) then
475          do i=1,size(fstrPARAM%ainc)
476            if( fstr_streqr( fstrPARAM%ainc(i)%name, mName2 ) ) then
477              fstrSOLID%step_ctrl(c_istep)%AincParam_id = i; exit
478            endif
479          enddo
480        endif
481      else if( header_name == '!STEP' .and. version>=1 ) then
482        c_istep = c_istep+1
483        if( .not. fstr_ctrl_get_ISTEP( ctrl, hecMESH, fstrSOLID%step_ctrl(c_istep), mName, mName2 ) ) then
484          write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in step definition : ' , c_istep
485          write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in step definition : ', c_istep
486          stop
487        endif
488        if( associated(fstrPARAM%timepoints) ) then
489          do i=1,size(fstrPARAM%timepoints)
490            if( fstr_streqr( fstrPARAM%timepoints(i)%name, mName ) ) then
491              fstrSOLID%step_ctrl(c_istep)%timepoint_id = i; exit
492            endif
493          enddo
494        endif
495        if( associated(fstrPARAM%ainc) ) then
496          do i=1,size(fstrPARAM%ainc)-1
497            if( fstr_streqr( fstrPARAM%ainc(i)%name, mName2 ) ) then
498              fstrSOLID%step_ctrl(c_istep)%AincParam_id = i; exit
499            endif
500          enddo
501        endif
503      else if( header_name == '!HEAT'  ) then
504        c_heat = c_heat + 1
505        call fstr_setup_HEAT( ctrl, c_heat, P )
507      else if( header_name == '!WELD_LINE'  ) then
508        fstrHEAT%WL_tot = fstrHEAT%WL_tot+1
509        if( fstr_ctrl_get_WELDLINE( ctrl, hecMESH, HECMW_NAME_LEN, fstrHEAT%weldline(fstrHEAT%WL_tot) )/=0 ) then
510          write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in Weld Line definition : ' , fstrHEAT%WL_tot
511          write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in Weld Line definition : ', fstrHEAT%WL_tot
512          stop
513        endif
515      else if( header_name == '!INITIAL_CONDITION' .or. header_name == '!INITIAL CONDITION' ) then
516        c_initial = c_initial+1
517        if( fstr_setup_INITIAL( ctrl, g_InitialCnd(c_initial), P%MESH )/=0 ) then
518           write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in INITIAL CONDITION definition : ' ,c_initial
519           write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in INITIAL CONDITION definition : ', c_initial
520           stop
521        endif
523      else if( header_name == '!SECTION'  ) then
524        c_section = c_section+1
525        if( fstr_ctrl_get_SECTION( ctrl, hecMESH, fstrSOLID%sections )/=0 ) then
526          write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in SECTION definition : ' , c_section
527          write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in SECTION definition : ', c_section
528          stop
529        endif
531      else if( header_name == '!ELEMOPT'  ) then
532        c_elemopt = c_elemopt+1
533        if( fstr_ctrl_get_ELEMOPT( ctrl, fstrSOLID%elemopt361 )/=0 ) then
534          write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in ELEMOPT definition : ' , c_elemopt
535          write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in ELEMOPT definition : ', c_elemopt
536          stop
537        endif
539        !== following material proerties ==
540      else if( header_name == '!MATERIAL' ) then
541        c_material = c_material+1
542        if( fstr_ctrl_get_MATERIAL( ctrl, mName )/=0 ) then
543          write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in material definition : ' , c_material
544          write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in material definition : ', c_material
545          stop
546        endif
547        cid = 0
548        if(cache < hecMESH%material%n_mat) then
549          if(fstr_streqr( hecMESH%material%mat_name(cache), mName ))then
550            cid = cache
551            cache = cache + 1
552          endif
553        endif
554        if(cid == 0)then
555          do i=1,hecMESH%material%n_mat
556            if( fstr_streqr( hecMESH%material%mat_name(i), mName ) ) then
557              cid = i
558              cache = i + 1
559              exit
560            endif
561          enddo
562        endif
563        if(cid == 0)then
564          write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in material definition : ' , c_material
565          write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in material definition : ', c_material
566          stop
567        endif
568        fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%name = mName
569        if(c_material>hecMESH%material%n_mat) call initMaterial( fstrSOLID%materials(cid) )
571      else if( header_name == '!ELASTIC' ) then
572        if( c_material >0 ) then
573          if( fstr_ctrl_get_ELASTICITY( ctrl,                                        &
574              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%mtype,       &
575              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%nlgeom_flag, &
576              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables,   &
577              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%dict)/=0 ) then
578            write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in elasticity definition : ' , cid
579            write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in elasticity definition : ', cid
580            stop
581          endif
582        endif
583      else if( header_name == '!PLASTIC' ) then
584        if( cid >0 ) then
585          if( fstr_ctrl_get_PLASTICITY( ctrl,                                        &
586              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%mtype,       &
587              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%nlgeom_flag, &
588              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables,   &
589              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%table,   &
590              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%dict)/=0 ) then
591            write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in plasticity definition : ' , cid
592            write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in plasticity definition : ', cid
593            stop
594          endif
595        endif
596      else if( header_name == '!HYPERELASTIC' ) then
597        if( cid >0 ) then
598          if( fstr_ctrl_get_HYPERELASTIC( ctrl,                                        &
599              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%mtype,       &
600              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%nlgeom_flag, &
601              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables )/=0 ) then
602            write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in elasticity definition : ' , cid
603            write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in elasticity definition : ', cid
604            stop
605          endif
606        endif
607      else if( header_name == '!VISCOELASTIC' ) then
608        if( cid >0 ) then
609          if( fstr_ctrl_get_VISCOELASTICITY( ctrl,                                        &
610              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%mtype,       &
611              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%nlgeom_flag, &
612              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%dict)/=0 ) then
613            write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in plasticity definition : ' , cid
614            write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in plasticity definition : ', cid
615            stop
616          endif
617        endif
618      else if( header_name == '!TRS' ) then
619        if( cid >0 ) then
620          if( fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%mtype/=VISCOELASTIC ) then
621            write(*,*) '### WARNING: TRS can only be defined for viscoelastic material! It is ignored! '
622            write(ILOG,*) '### WARNING: TRS can only be defined for viscoelastic material! It is ignored! '
623          else
624            if( fstr_ctrl_get_TRS( ctrl, fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%mtype, fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables)/=0 ) then
625              write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in TRS definition : ' , cid
626              write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in TRS definition : ', cid
627              stop
628            endif
629          endif
630        endif
631      else if( header_name == '!CREEP' ) then
632        if( cid >0 ) then
633          if( fstr_ctrl_get_VISCOPLASTICITY( ctrl,                                        &
634              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%mtype,       &
635              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%nlgeom_flag, &
636              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%dict)/=0 ) then
637            write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in plasticity definition : ' , cid
638            write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in plasticity definition : ', cid
639            stop
640          endif
641        endif
642      else if( header_name == '!DENSITY' ) then
643        if( cid >0 ) then
644          if( fstr_ctrl_get_DENSITY( ctrl, fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables )/=0 ) then
645            write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in density definition : ' , cid
646            write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in density definition : ', cid
647            stop
648          endif
649        endif
650      else if( header_name == '!EXPANSION_COEF' .or. header_name == '!EXPANSION_COEFF' .or. &
651          header_name == '!EXPANSION') then
652        if( cid >0 ) then
653          if( fstr_ctrl_get_EXPANSION_COEFF( ctrl, fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables, &
654              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%dict)/=0 )  then
655            write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in expansion coefficient definition : ' , cid
656            write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in expansion coefficient definition : ', cid
657            stop
658          endif
659        endif
660      else if( header_name == '!FLUID' ) then
661        if( c_material >0 ) then
662          if( fstr_ctrl_get_FLUID( ctrl,                                 &
663              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%mtype,       &
664              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%nlgeom_flag, &
665              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables,   &
666              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%dict)/=0 ) then
667            write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in fluid definition : ' , cid
668            write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in fluid definition : ', cid
669            stop
670          endif
671        endif
672      else if( header_name == '!USER_MATERIAL' ) then
673        if( cid >0 ) then
674          if( fstr_ctrl_get_USERMATERIAL( ctrl, fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%mtype,   &
675              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%nlgeom_flag, fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%nfstatus, &
676              fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%variables(101:) )/=0 ) then
677            write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in user defined material : ' , cid
678            write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in user defined material : ', cid
679            stop
680          endif
681        endif
684        ! == Following output control ==
685      else if( header_name == '!WRITE' ) then
686        call fstr_ctrl_get_output( ctrl, outctrl, islog, resul, visual, femap )
687        if( islog == 1 ) then
688          c_output=1
689          outctrl%filename = trim(logfileNAME)
690          outctrl%filenum = ILOG
691          call fstr_copy_outctrl(fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(c_output), outctrl)
692        endif
693        if( femap == 1 ) then
694          c_output=2
695          write( outctrl%filename, *) 'utable.',myrank,".dat"
696          outctrl%filenum = IUTB
697          call fstr_copy_outctrl(fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(c_output), outctrl)
698          open( unit=outctrl%filenum, file=outctrl%filename, status='REPLACE' )
699        endif
700        if( resul == 1 ) then
701          c_output=3
702          call fstr_copy_outctrl(fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(c_output), outctrl)
703        endif
704        if( visual == 1 ) then
705          c_output=4
706          call fstr_copy_outctrl(fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(c_output), outctrl)
707        endif
709      else if( header_name == '!OUTPUT_RES' ) then
710        c_output=3
711        if( .not. fstr_ctrl_get_outitem( ctrl, hecMESH, fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(c_output)%outinfo ) ) then
712          write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in node output definition : ' , c_output
713          write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in node output definition : ', c_output
714          stop
715        endif
716        if( fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(c_output)%outinfo%grp_id_name /= 'ALL' ) then
717          c_output=2
718          do i=1,hecMESH%node_group%n_grp
719            if( fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(c_output)%outinfo%grp_id_name == hecMESH%node_group%grp_name(i) ) then
720              fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(c_output)%outinfo%grp_id = i; exit
721            endif
722          enddo
723        endif
724      else if( header_name == '!OUTPUT_VIS' ) then
725        c_output=4
726        if( .not. fstr_ctrl_get_outitem( ctrl, hecMESH, fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(c_output)%outinfo ) ) then
727          write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in element output definition : ' , c_output
728          write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in element output definition : ', c_output
729          stop
730        endif
731        if( fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(c_output)%outinfo%grp_id_name /= 'ALL' ) then
732          c_output=2
733          do i=1,hecMESH%node_group%n_grp
734            if( fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(c_output)%outinfo%grp_id_name == hecMESH%node_group%grp_name(i) ) then
735              fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(c_output)%outinfo%grp_id = i; exit
736            endif
737          enddo
738        endif
739      else if( header_name == '!AUTOINC_PARAM' ) then
740        c_aincparam = c_aincparam + 1
741        if( fstr_get_AUTOINC( ctrl, fstrPARAM%ainc(c_aincparam) ) /=0 ) then
742          write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in AUTOINC_PARAM definition : ' , c_aincparam
743          write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in AUTOINC_PARAM definition : ', c_aincparam
744          stop
745        endif
746      else if( header_name == '!TIME_POINTS'  ) then
747        c_timepoints = c_timepoints + 1
748        if( fstr_ctrl_get_TIMEPOINTS( ctrl, fstrPARAM%timepoints(c_timepoints) )/=0 ) then
749          write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in TIME_POINTS definition : ' , c_timepoints
750          write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in TIME_POINTS definition : ', c_timepoints
751          stop
752        endif
753      else if( header_name == '!ULOAD' ) then
754        if( fstr_ctrl_get_USERLOAD( ctrl )/=0 ) then
755          write(*,*) '### Error: Fail in read in ULOAD definition : '
756          write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Fail in read in ULOAD definition : '
757          stop
758        endif
760      else if( header_name == '!INCLUDE' ) then
761        ctrl_list(ictrl) = ctrl
762        input_filename   = ""
763        ierror = fstr_ctrl_get_param_ex( ctrl, 'INPUT ', '# ', 0, 'S', input_filename )
764        ctrl   = fstr_ctrl_open( input_filename )
765        if( ctrl < 0 ) then
766          write(*,*) '### Error: Cannot open FSTR control file : ', input_filename
767          write(ILOG,*) '### Error: Cannot open FSTR control file : ', input_filename
768          stop
769        end if
770        ictrl = ictrl + 1
771        cycle
773      else if( header_name == '!END' ) then
774        exit
775      endif
777      ! next
778      if( fstr_ctrl_seek_next_header(ctrl) == 0 )then
779        if( ictrl == 1 )then
780          exit
781        else
782          ierror= fstr_ctrl_close( ctrl )
783          ictrl = ictrl - 1
784          ctrl  = ctrl_list(ictrl)
785          if( fstr_ctrl_seek_next_header(ctrl) == 0 ) exit
786        endif
787      endif
789    end do
791    ! ----- material type judgement. in case of infinitive analysis, nlgeom_flag=0
792    if( .not. P%PARAM%nlgeom ) then
793      do i=1, c_material
794        fstrSOLID%materials(i)%nlgeom_flag = 0
795      enddo
796    endif
798    if( fstrSOLID%TEMP_ngrp_tot > 0 .or. fstrSOLID%TEMP_irres > 0 ) then
799      allocate ( fstrSOLID%temperature( hecMESH%n_node )      ,stat=ierror )
800      if( ierror /= 0 ) then
801        write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <FSTR_SOLID, TEMPERATURE>'
802        write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', myrank,'  ierror = ',ierror
803        call flush(idbg)
804        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
805      end if
806      fstrSOLID%temperature = REF_TEMP
807      allocate ( fstrSOLID%last_temp( hecMESH%n_node )      ,stat=ierror )
808      if( ierror /= 0 ) then
809        write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <FSTR_SOLID, LAST_TEMP>'
810        write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', myrank,'  ierror = ',ierror
811        call flush(idbg)
812        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
813      end if
814      fstrSOLID%last_temp = 0.d0
815      allocate ( fstrSOLID%temp_bak( hecMESH%n_node )      ,stat=ierror )
816      if( ierror /= 0 ) then
817        write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <FSTR_SOLID, TEMP_BAK>'
818        write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', myrank,'  ierror = ',ierror
819        call flush(idbg)
820        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
821      end if
822      fstrSOLID%temp_bak = 0.d0
823    endif
825    if( associated(fstrSOLID%step_ctrl) )  then
826      fstrSOLID%nstep_tot = size(fstrSOLID%step_ctrl)
827      call setup_stepInfo_starttime( fstrSOLID%step_ctrl )
828      !call fstr_print_steps( 6, fstrSOLID%step_ctrl )
829    else
830      if( p%PARAM%solution_type==kstSTATIC .and. P%PARAM%nlgeom ) then
831        write( *,* ) " ERROR: STEP not defined!"
832        write( idbg,* ) "ERROR: STEP not defined!"
833        call flush(idbg)
834        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
835      endif
837      if( myrank==0 ) write(*,*)"Step control not defined! Using default step=1"
838      fstrSOLID%nstep_tot = 1
839      allocate( fstrSOLID%step_ctrl(1) )
840      call init_stepInfo( fstrSOLID%step_ctrl(1) )
841      n =  fstrSOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_tot
842      if( n>0 ) allocate( fstrSOLID%step_ctrl(1)%Boundary(n) )
843      do i = 1, n
844        fstrSOLID%step_ctrl(1)%Boundary(i) = fstrSOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_GRPID(i)
845      enddo
846      n = fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_tot + fstrSOLID%DLOAD_ngrp_tot + fstrSOLID%TEMP_ngrp_tot + fstrSOLID%SPRING_ngrp_tot
847      if( n>0 ) allocate( fstrSOLID%step_ctrl(1)%Load(n) )
848      n = 0
849      do i = 1, fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_tot
850        n = n + 1
851        fstrSOLID%step_ctrl(1)%Load(n) = fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_GRPID(i)
852      enddo
853      do i = 1, fstrSOLID%DLOAD_ngrp_tot
854        n = n + 1
855        fstrSOLID%step_ctrl(1)%Load(n) = fstrSOLID%DLOAD_ngrp_GRPID(i)
856      enddo
857      do i = 1, fstrSOLID%TEMP_ngrp_tot
858        n = n + 1
859        fstrSOLID%step_ctrl(1)%Load(n) = fstrSOLID%TEMP_ngrp_GRPID(i)
860      enddo
861      do i = 1, fstrSOLID%SPRING_ngrp_tot
862        n = n + 1
863        fstrSOLID%step_ctrl(1)%Load(n) = fstrSOLID%SPRING_ngrp_GRPID(i)
864      enddo
865    endif
867    if( p%PARAM%solution_type /= kstHEAT) call fstr_element_init( hecMESH, fstrSOLID )
868    if( p%PARAM%solution_type==kstSTATIC .or. p%PARAM%solution_type==kstDYNAMIC .or.   &
869      p%PARAM%solution_type==kstEIGEN  .or. p%PARAM%solution_type==kstSTATICEIGEN )  &
870      call fstr_solid_alloc( hecMESH, fstrSOLID )
872    if( p%PARAM%solution_type == kstHEAT) then
873      p%PARAM%fg_irres = fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(3)%freqency
874      p%PARAM%fg_iwres = fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(4)%freqency
875    endif
877    n_totlyr = 1
878    do i=1,hecMESH%section%n_sect
879      cid = hecMESH%section%sect_mat_ID_item(i)
880      n  = fstrSOLID%materials(cid)%totallyr
881      if (n > n_totlyr)then
882        n_totlyr = n
883      endif
884    enddo
885    P%SOLID%max_lyr = n_totlyr
887    call fstr_setup_post( ctrl, P )
888    rcode = fstr_ctrl_close( ctrl )
890  end subroutine fstr_setup
893  !> Initializer of structure fstr_solid
894  subroutine fstr_solid_init( hecMESH, fstrSOLID )
895    use m_fstr
896    type(hecmwST_local_mesh),target :: hecMESH
897    type(fstr_solid)                :: fstrSOLID
899    integer :: ndof, ntotal, ierror, ic_type
901    fstrSOLID%file_type  = kbcfFSTR
903    fstrSOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_tot = 0
904    fstrSOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_rot = 0
905    fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_tot    = 0
906    fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_rot    = 0
907    fstrSOLID%DLOAD_ngrp_tot    = 0
908    fstrSOLID%DLOAD_follow      = 1
909    fstrSOLID%TEMP_ngrp_tot     = 0
910    fstrSOLID%SPRING_ngrp_tot   = 0
911    fstrSOLID%TEMP_irres        = 0
912    fstrSOLID%TEMP_tstep        = 1
913    fstrSOLID%TEMP_interval     = 1
914    fstrSOLID%TEMP_rtype        = 1
915    fstrSOLID%TEMP_factor       = 1.d0
916    fstrSOLID%VELOCITY_ngrp_tot = 0
917    fstrSOLID%ACCELERATION_ngrp_tot = 0
918    fstrSOLID%COUPLE_ngrp_tot   = 0
920    fstrSOLID%restart_nout= 0
922  end subroutine fstr_solid_init
924  !> Initializer of structure fstr_solid
925  subroutine fstr_solid_alloc( hecMESH, fstrSOLID )
926    use m_fstr
927    type(hecmwST_local_mesh),target :: hecMESH
928    type(fstr_solid)                :: fstrSOLID
930    integer :: ndof, ntotal, ierror, ic_type
932    ndof=hecMESH%n_dof
933    ntotal=ndof*hecMESH%n_node
935    allocate ( fstrSOLID%GL( ntotal )          ,stat=ierror )
936    if( ierror /= 0 ) then
937      write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <FSTR_SOLID, GL>'
938      write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', hecMESH%my_rank,'  ierror = ',ierror
939      call flush(idbg)
940      call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
941    end if
942    allocate ( fstrSOLID%EFORCE( ntotal )      ,stat=ierror )
943    if( ierror /= 0 ) then
944      write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <FSTR_SOLID, EFORCE>'
945      write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', hecMESH%my_rank,'  ierror = ',ierror
946      call flush(idbg)
947      call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
948    end if
949    !        allocate ( fstrSOLID%TOTAL_DISP( ntotal )  ,STAT=ierror )
950    !            if( ierror /= 0 ) then
951    !              write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <FSTR_SOLID, TOTAL_DISP>'
952    !              write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', hecMESH%my_rank,'  ierror = ',ierror
953    !              call flush(idbg)
954    !              call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
955    !            end if
956    allocate ( fstrSOLID%unode( ntotal )  ,stat=ierror )
957    if( ierror /= 0 ) then
958      write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <FSTR_SOLID, unode>'
959      write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', hecMESH%my_rank,'  ierror = ',ierror
960      call flush(idbg)
961      call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
962    end if
963    allocate ( fstrSOLID%dunode( ntotal )  ,stat=ierror )
964    if( ierror /= 0 ) then
965      write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <FSTR_SOLID, dunode>'
966      write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', hecMESH%my_rank,'  ierror = ',ierror
967      call flush(idbg)
968      call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
969    end if
970    allocate ( fstrSOLID%ddunode( ntotal )  ,stat=ierror )
971    if( ierror /= 0 ) then
972      write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <FSTR_SOLID, ddunode>'
973      write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', hecMESH%my_rank,'  ierror = ',ierror
974      call flush(idbg)
975      call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
976    end if
977    allocate ( fstrSOLID%QFORCE( ntotal )      ,stat=ierror )
978    if( ierror /= 0 ) then
979      write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <FSTR_SOLID, QFORCE>'
980      write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', hecMESH%my_rank,'  ierror = ',ierror
981      call flush(idbg)
982      call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
983    end if
985    fstrSOLID%GL(:)=0.d0
986    !        fstrSOLID%TOTAL_DISP(:)=0.d0
987    fstrSOLID%unode(:)      = 0.d0
988    fstrSOLID%dunode(:)     = 0.d0
989    fstrSOLID%ddunode(:)    = 0.d0
990    fstrSOLID%QFORCE(:)     = 0.d0
991    fstrSOLID%FACTOR( 1:2 ) = 0.d0
993    ! for MPC
994    fstrSOLID%n_fix_mpc = hecMESH%mpc%n_mpc
995    if( fstrSOLID%n_fix_mpc>0 ) then
996      allocate( fstrSOLID%mpc_const( fstrSOLID%n_fix_mpc ) )
997      fstrSOLID%mpc_const(:) = hecMESH%mpc%mpc_const(:)
998    endif
1000    ! initialize for linear static problems
1001    fstrSOLID%FACTOR(2)=1.d0
1002    fstrSOLID%FACTOR(1)=0.d0
1003  end subroutine fstr_solid_alloc
1005  !> Initialize elements info in static calculation
1006  subroutine fstr_element_init( hecMESH, fstrSOLID )
1007    use elementInfo
1008    use mMechGauss
1009    use m_fstr
1010    type(hecmwST_local_mesh),target :: hecMESH
1011    type(fstr_solid)                :: fstrSOLID
1013    integer :: i, j, ng, isect, ndof, id, nn
1015    if( hecMESH%n_elem <=0 ) then
1016      stop "no element defined!"
1017    endif
1019    fstrSOLID%maxn_gauss = 0
1021    allocate( fstrSOLID%elements(hecMESH%n_elem) )
1022    do i=1,hecMESH%n_elem
1023      fstrSOLID%elements(i)%etype = hecMESH%elem_type(i)
1024      if( hecMESH%elem_type(i)==301 ) fstrSOLID%elements(i)%etype=111
1025      if (hecmw_is_etype_link(fstrSOLID%elements(i)%etype)) cycle
1026      if (hecmw_is_etype_patch(fstrSOLID%elements(i)%etype)) cycle
1027      ng = NumOfQuadPoints( fstrSOLID%elements(i)%etype )
1028      if( ng > fstrSOLID%maxn_gauss ) fstrSOLID%maxn_gauss = ng
1029      if(ng>0) allocate( fstrSOLID%elements(i)%gausses( ng ) )
1031      isect= hecMESH%section_ID(i)
1032      ndof = getSpaceDimension( fstrSOLID%elements(i)%etype )
1033      if (ndof == 2) then              ! why do this???
1034        id=hecMESH%section%sect_opt(isect)
1035        if( id==0 ) then
1036          fstrSOLID%elements(i)%iset=1
1037        else if( id==1) then
1038          fstrSOLID%elements(i)%iset=0
1039        else if( id==2) then
1040          fstrSOLID%elements(i)%iset=2
1041        endif
1042      endif
1044      if( isect<0 .or. isect>hecMESH%section%n_sect )   &
1045        stop "Error in element's section definition"
1046      id = hecMESH%section%sect_mat_ID_item(isect)
1047      fstrSOLID%materials(id)%cdsys_ID = hecMESH%section%sect_orien_ID(isect)
1048      do j=1,ng
1049        fstrSOLID%elements(i)%gausses(j)%pMaterial => fstrSOLID%materials(id)
1050        call fstr_init_gauss( fstrSOLID%elements(i)%gausses( j )  )
1051      enddo
1053      nn = hecmw_get_max_node(hecMESH%elem_type(i))
1054      allocate(fstrSOLID%elements(i)%equiForces(nn*ndof))
1055      fstrSOLID%elements(i)%equiForces = 0.0d0
1057      if( hecMESH%elem_type(i)==361 ) then
1058        if( fstrSOLID%sections(isect)%elemopt361==kel361IC ) then
1059          allocate( fstrSOLID%elements(i)%aux(3,3) )
1060          fstrSOLID%elements(i)%aux = 0.0d0
1061        endif
1062      endif
1063    enddo
1065    call hecmw_allreduce_I1(hecMESH,fstrSOLID%maxn_gauss,HECMW_MAX)
1066  end subroutine
1068  !> Finalizer of fstr_solid
1069  subroutine fstr_solid_finalize( fstrSOLID )
1070    type(fstr_solid) :: fstrSOLID
1071    integer :: i, j, ierror
1072    if( associated(fstrSOLID%materials) ) then
1073      do j=1,size(fstrSOLID%materials)
1074        call finalizeMaterial(fstrSOLID%materials(j))
1075      enddo
1076      deallocate( fstrSOLID%materials )
1077    endif
1078    if( .not. associated(fstrSOLID%elements ) ) return
1079    do i=1,size(fstrSOLID%elements)
1080      if( associated(fstrSOLID%elements(i)%gausses) ) then
1081        do j=1,size(fstrSOLID%elements(i)%gausses)
1082          call fstr_finalize_gauss(fstrSOLID%elements(i)%gausses(j))
1083        enddo
1084        deallocate( fstrSOLID%elements(i)%gausses )
1085      endif
1086      if(associated(fstrSOLID%elements(i)%equiForces) ) then
1087        deallocate(fstrSOLID%elements(i)%equiForces)
1088      endif
1089      if( associated(fstrSOLID%elements(i)%aux) ) then
1090        deallocate(fstrSOLID%elements(i)%aux)
1091      endif
1092    enddo
1094    deallocate( fstrSOLID%elements )
1095    if( associated( fstrSOLID%mpc_const ) ) then
1096      deallocate( fstrSOLID%mpc_const )
1097    endif
1098    call free_stepInfo( fstrSOLID%step_ctrl_restart )
1099    if( associated(fstrSOLID%step_ctrl) ) then
1100      do i=1,size(fstrSOLID%step_ctrl)
1101        call free_stepInfo( fstrSOLID%step_ctrl(i) )
1102      enddo
1103      deallocate( fstrSOLID%step_ctrl )
1104    endif
1105    if(associated(fstrSOLID%output_ctrl) ) then
1106      do i=1,size(fstrSOLID%output_ctrl)
1107        if( fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(i)%filenum==IUTB )  &
1108          close(fstrSOLID%output_ctrl(i)%filenum)
1109      enddo
1110      deallocate(fstrSOLID%output_ctrl)
1111    endif
1112    if( associated( fstrSOLID%sections ) ) then
1113      deallocate( fstrSOLID%sections )
1114    endif
1116    if( associated(fstrSOLID%GL) ) then
1117      deallocate(fstrSOLID%GL               ,stat=ierror)
1118      if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1119        write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, GL>'
1120        call flush(idbg)
1121        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1122      end if
1123    endif
1124    if( associated(fstrSOLID%EFORCE) ) then
1125      deallocate(fstrSOLID%EFORCE           ,stat=ierror)
1126      if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1127        write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, EFORCE>'
1128        call flush(idbg)
1129        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1130      end if
1131    endif
1132    if( associated(fstrSOLID%unode) ) then
1133      deallocate(fstrSOLID%unode       ,stat=ierror)
1134      if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1135        write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, unode>'
1136        call flush(idbg)
1137        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1138      end if
1139    endif
1140    if( associated(fstrSOLID%dunode) ) then
1141      deallocate(fstrSOLID%dunode       ,stat=ierror)
1142      if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1143        write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, dunode>'
1144        call flush(idbg)
1145        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1146      end if
1147    endif
1148    if( associated(fstrSOLID%ddunode) ) then
1149      deallocate(fstrSOLID%ddunode       ,stat=ierror)
1150      if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1151        write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, ddunode>'
1152        call flush(idbg)
1153        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1154      end if
1155    endif
1156    if( associated(fstrSOLID%QFORCE) ) then
1157      deallocate(fstrSOLID%QFORCE           ,stat=ierror)
1158      if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1159        write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, QFORCE>'
1160        call flush(idbg)
1161        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1162      end if
1163    endif
1164    if( associated(fstrSOLID%temperature) ) then
1165      deallocate(fstrSOLID%temperature       ,stat=ierror)
1166      if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1167        write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, temperature>'
1168        call flush(idbg)
1169        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1170      end if
1171    endif
1172    if( associated(fstrSOLID%last_temp) ) then
1173      deallocate(fstrSOLID%last_temp       ,stat=ierror)
1174      if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1175        write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, reftemp>'
1176        call flush(idbg)
1177        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1178      end if
1179    endif
1180    if( associated(fstrSOLID%temp_bak) ) then
1181      deallocate(fstrSOLID%temp_bak       ,stat=ierror)
1182      if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1183        write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, reftemp>'
1184        call flush(idbg)
1185        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1186      end if
1187    endif
1189    ! Allocated in in f str_setup_BOUNDARY */
1190    if( associated(fstrSOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_GRPID) ) then
1191       deallocate(fstrSOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_GRPID, stat=ierror)
1192       if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1193          write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, BOUNDARY_ngrp_GRPID>'
1194          call flush(idbg)
1195          call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1196       end if
1197    endif
1198    if( associated(fstrSOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_ID) ) then
1199       deallocate(fstrSOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_ID, stat=ierror)
1200       if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1201          write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, BOUNDARY_ngrp_ID>'
1202          call flush(idbg)
1203          call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1204       end if
1205    endif
1206    if( associated(fstrSOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_type) ) then
1207       deallocate(fstrSOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_type, stat=ierror)
1208       if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1209          write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, BOUNDARY_ngrp_type>'
1210          call flush(idbg)
1211          call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1212       end if
1213    endif
1214    if( associated(fstrSOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_val) ) then
1215       deallocate(fstrSOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_val, stat=ierror)
1216       if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1217          write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, BOUNDARY_ngrp_val>'
1218          call flush(idbg)
1219          call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1220       end if
1221    endif
1222    if( associated(fstrSOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_amp) ) then
1223       deallocate(fstrSOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_amp, stat=ierror)
1224       if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1225          write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, BOUNDARY_ngrp_amp>'
1226          call flush(idbg)
1227          call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1228       end if
1229    endif
1230    if( associated(fstrSOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_rotID) ) then
1231       deallocate(fstrSOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_rotID, stat=ierror)
1232       if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1233          write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, BOUNDARY_ngrp_rotID>'
1234          call flush(idbg)
1235          call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1236       end if
1237    endif
1238    if( associated(fstrSOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_centerID) ) then
1239       deallocate(fstrSOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_centerID, stat=ierror)
1240       if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1241          write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, BOUNDARY_ngrp_centerID>'
1242          call flush(idbg)
1243          call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1244       end if
1245    endif
1247    ! Allocated in in fstr_setup_CLOAD
1248    if( associated(fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_GRPID) ) then
1249       deallocate(fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_GRPID, stat=ierror)
1250       if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1251          write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, CLOAD_ngrp_GRPID>'
1252          call flush(idbg)
1253          call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1254       end if
1255    endif
1256    if( associated(fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_ID) ) then
1257       deallocate(fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_ID, stat=ierror)
1258       if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1259          write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, CLOAD_ngrp_ID>'
1260          call flush(idbg)
1261          call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1262       end if
1263    endif
1264    if( associated(fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_DOF) ) then
1265       deallocate(fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_DOF, stat=ierror)
1266       if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1267          write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, CLOAD_ngrp_DOF>'
1268          call flush(idbg)
1269          call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1270       end if
1271    endif
1272    if( associated(fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_val) ) then
1273       deallocate(fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_val, stat=ierror)
1274       if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1275          write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, CLOAD_ngrp_val>'
1276          call flush(idbg)
1277          call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1278       end if
1279    endif
1280    if( associated(fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_amp) ) then
1281       deallocate(fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_amp, stat=ierror)
1282       if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1283          write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, CLOAD_ngrp_amp>'
1284          call flush(idbg)
1285          call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1286       end if
1287    endif
1288    if( associated(fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_rotID) ) then
1289       deallocate(fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_rotID, stat=ierror)
1290       if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1291          write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, CLOAD_ngrp_rotID>'
1292          call flush(idbg)
1293          call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1294       end if
1295    endif
1296    if( associated(fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_centerID) ) then
1297       deallocate(fstrSOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_centerID, stat=ierror)
1298       if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1299          write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <FSTR_SOLID, CLOAD_ngrp_centerID>'
1300          call flush(idbg)
1301          call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1302       end if
1303    endif
1305  end subroutine
1307  !> Initial setting of heat analysis
1308  subroutine fstr_heat_init( fstrHEAT )
1309    implicit none
1310    type(fstr_heat) :: fstrHEAT
1312    fstrHEAT%STEPtot     = 0
1313    fstrHEAT%MATERIALtot = 0
1314    fstrHEAT%AMPLITUDEtot= 0
1315    fstrHEAT%T_FIX_tot   = 0
1316    fstrHEAT%Q_NOD_tot   = 0
1317    fstrHEAT%Q_VOL_tot   = 0
1318    fstrHEAT%Q_SUF_tot   = 0
1319    fstrHEAT%R_SUF_tot   = 0
1320    fstrHEAT%H_SUF_tot   = 0
1321    fstrHEAT%WL_tot      = 0
1322  end subroutine fstr_heat_init
1324  !> Initial setting of eigen ca;culation
1325  subroutine fstr_eigen_init( fstrEIG )
1326    implicit none
1327    type(fstr_eigen) :: fstrEIG
1329    fstrEIG%nget        = 5
1330    fstrEIG%maxiter     = 60
1331    fstrEIG%iter        = 0
1332    fstrEIG%sigma       = 0.0d0
1333    fstrEIG%tolerance   = 1.0d-6
1334    fstrEIG%totalmass   = 0.0d0
1335  end subroutine fstr_eigen_init
1337  !> Initial setting of dynamic calculation
1338  subroutine fstr_dynamic_init( fstrDYNAMIC )
1339    use m_fstr
1340    type(fstr_dynamic) :: fstrDYNAMIC
1341    fstrDYNAMIC%idx_eqa  = 1
1342    fstrDYNAMIC%idx_resp = 1
1343    fstrDYNAMIC%n_step   = 1
1344    fstrDYNAMIC%t_start  = 0.0
1345    fstrDYNAMIC%t_curr   = 0.0d0
1346    fstrDYNAMIC%t_end    = 1.0
1347    fstrDYNAMIC%t_delta  = 1.0
1348    fstrDYNAMIC%ganma    = 0.5
1349    fstrDYNAMIC%beta     = 0.25
1350    fstrDYNAMIC%idx_mas  = 1
1351    fstrDYNAMIC%idx_dmp  = 1
1352    fstrDYNAMIC%ray_m    = 0.0
1353    fstrDYNAMIC%ray_k    = 0.0
1354    fstrDYNAMIC%restart_nout = 0
1355    fstrDYNAMIC%nout         = 100
1356    fstrDYNAMIC%ngrp_monit   = 0
1357    fstrDYNAMIC%nout_monit   = 1
1358    fstrDYNAMIC%iout_list(1) = 0
1359    fstrDYNAMIC%iout_list(2) = 0
1360    fstrDYNAMIC%iout_list(3) = 0
1361    fstrDYNAMIC%iout_list(4) = 0
1362    fstrDYNAMIC%iout_list(5) = 0
1363    fstrDYNAMIC%iout_list(6) = 0
1365  end subroutine fstr_dynamic_init
1368  !> Initial setting of dynamic calculation
1369  subroutine fstr_dynamic_alloc( hecMESH, fstrDYNAMIC )
1370    use m_fstr
1371    type(hecmwST_local_mesh),target :: hecMESH
1372    type(fstr_dynamic) :: fstrDYNAMIC
1374    integer :: ierror, ndof,nnod
1376    ndof=hecMESH%n_dof
1377    nnod=hecMESH%n_node
1378    if(fstrDYNAMIC%idx_eqa == 11) then
1379      allocate( fstrDYNAMIC%DISP(ndof*nnod,3)  ,stat=ierror )
1380      if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1381        write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <fstr_solve_LINEAR_DYNAMIC, DISP>'
1382        write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', hecMESH%my_rank,'  ierror = ',ierror
1383        call flush(idbg)
1384        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1385      end if
1386      allocate( fstrDYNAMIC%VEL (ndof*nnod,1)  ,stat=ierror )
1387      if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1388        write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <fstr_solve_LINEAR_DYNAMIC, VEL>'
1389        write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', hecMESH%my_rank,'  ierror = ',ierror
1390        call flush(idbg)
1391        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1392      end if
1393      allocate( fstrDYNAMIC%ACC (ndof*nnod,1)  ,stat=ierror )
1394      if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1395        write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <fstr_solve_LINEAR_DYNAMIC, ACC>'
1396        write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', hecMESH%my_rank,'  ierror = ',ierror
1397        call flush(idbg)
1398        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1399      end if
1400    else
1401      allocate( fstrDYNAMIC%DISP(ndof*nnod,2)  ,stat=ierror )
1402      if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1403        write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <fstr_solve_LINEAR_DYNAMIC, DISP>'
1404        write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', hecMESH%my_rank,'  ierror = ',ierror
1405        call flush(idbg)
1406        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1407      end if
1408      allocate( fstrDYNAMIC%VEL (ndof*nnod,2)  ,stat=ierror )
1409      if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1410        write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <fstr_solve_LINEAR_DYNAMIC, VEL>'
1411        write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', hecMESH%my_rank,'  ierror = ',ierror
1412        call flush(idbg)
1413        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1414      end if
1415      allocate( fstrDYNAMIC%ACC (ndof*nnod,2)  ,stat=ierror )
1416      if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1417        write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <fstr_solve_LINEAR_DYNAMIC, ACC>'
1418        write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', hecMESH%my_rank,'  ierror = ',ierror
1419        call flush(idbg)
1420        call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1421      end if
1422    endif
1425    allocate( fstrDYNAMIC%VEC1(ndof*nnod)    ,stat=ierror )
1426    if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1427      write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <fstr_solve_LINEAR_DYNAMIC, VEC1>'
1428      write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', hecMESH%my_rank,'  ierror = ',ierror
1429      call flush(idbg)
1430      call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1431    end if
1432    allocate( fstrDYNAMIC%VEC2(ndof*nnod)    ,stat=ierror )
1433    if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1434      write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <fstr_solve_LINEAR_DYNAMIC, VEC2>'
1435      write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', hecMESH%my_rank,'  ierror = ',ierror
1436      call flush(idbg)
1437      call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1438    end if
1439    allocate( fstrDYNAMIC%VEC3(ndof*nnod)    ,stat=ierror )
1440    if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1441      write(idbg,*) 'stop due to allocation error <fstr_solve_LINEAR_DYNAMIC, VEC3>'
1442      write(idbg,*) '  rank = ', hecMESH%my_rank,'  ierror = ',ierror
1443      call flush(idbg)
1444      call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1445    end if
1447  end subroutine fstr_dynamic_alloc
1449  !> Finalizer of fstr_solid
1450  subroutine fstr_dynamic_finalize( fstrDYNAMIC )
1451    type(fstr_dynamic) :: fstrDYNAMIC
1453    integer :: ierror
1454    if( associated(fstrDYNAMIC%DISP) )        &
1455      deallocate( fstrDYNAMIC%DISP    ,stat=ierror )
1456    if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1457      write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <fstr_solve_LINEAR_DYNAMIC, DISP>'
1458      call flush(idbg)
1459      call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1460    end if
1461    if( associated(fstrDYNAMIC%VEL) )        &
1462      deallocate( fstrDYNAMIC%VEL     ,stat=ierror )
1463    if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1464      write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <fstr_solve_LINEAR_DYNAMIC, VEL>'
1465      call flush(idbg)
1466      call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1467    end if
1468    if( associated(fstrDYNAMIC%ACC) )        &
1469      deallocate( fstrDYNAMIC%ACC     ,stat=ierror )
1470    if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1471      write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <fstr_solve_LINEAR_DYNAMIC, ACC>'
1472      call flush(idbg)
1473      call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1474    end if
1475    if( associated(fstrDYNAMIC%VEC1) )        &
1476      deallocate( fstrDYNAMIC%VEC1    ,stat=ierror )
1477    if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1478      write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <fstr_solve_LINEAR_DYNAMIC, VEC1>'
1479      call flush(idbg)
1480      call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1481    end if
1482    if( associated(fstrDYNAMIC%VEC2) )        &
1483      deallocate( fstrDYNAMIC%VEC2    ,stat=ierror )
1484    if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1485      write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <fstr_solve_LINEAR_DYNAMIC, VEC2>'
1486      call flush(idbg)
1487      call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1488    end if
1489    if( associated(fstrDYNAMIC%VEC3) )        &
1490      deallocate( fstrDYNAMIC%VEC3    ,stat=ierror )
1491    if( ierror /= 0 ) then
1492      write(idbg,*) 'stop due to deallocation error <fstr_solve_LINEAR_DYNAMIC, VEC3>'
1493      call flush(idbg)
1494      call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
1495    end if
1497  end subroutine
1500  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1501  !> Initial setting of postprecessor
1503  subroutine fstr_setup_post_phys_alloc(phys, NDOF, n_node, n_elem)
1504    implicit none
1505    type(fstr_solid_physic_val), pointer :: phys
1506    integer(kind=kint) :: NDOF, n_node, n_elem, mdof
1507    mdof = (NDOF*NDOF+NDOF)/2;
1508    allocate ( phys%STRAIN  (mdof*n_node))
1509    allocate ( phys%STRESS  (mdof*n_node))
1510    allocate ( phys%MISES   (     n_node))
1511    allocate ( phys%ESTRAIN (mdof*n_elem))
1512    allocate ( phys%ESTRESS (mdof*n_elem))
1513    allocate ( phys%EMISES  (     n_elem))
1514    allocate ( phys%ENQM    (12*n_elem))
1515  end subroutine fstr_setup_post_phys_alloc
1517  subroutine fstr_setup_post( ctrl, P )
1518    implicit none
1519    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl, i
1520    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
1521    type(fstr_solid_physic_val), pointer :: phys => null()
1523    if( P%PARAM%solution_type == kstSTATIC &
1524        .or. P%PARAM%solution_type == kstEIGEN  &
1525        .or. P%PARAM%solution_type == kstDYNAMIC &
1526        .or. P%PARAM%solution_type == kstSTATICEIGEN ) then
1527      ! Memory Allocation for Result Vectors ------------
1528      if( P%MESH%n_dof == 6 .or. P%SOLID%is_33shell == 1 ) then
1529        allocate ( P%SOLID%SHELL )
1530        call fstr_setup_post_phys_alloc(P%SOLID%SHELL,3, P%MESH%n_node,P%MESH%n_elem)
1531        allocate ( P%SOLID%SHELL%LAYER(P%SOLID%max_lyr) )
1532        do i=1,P%SOLID%max_lyr
1533          allocate ( P%SOLID%SHELL%LAYER(i)%PLUS )
1534          allocate ( P%SOLID%SHELL%LAYER(i)%MINUS )
1535          call fstr_setup_post_phys_alloc(P%SOLID%SHELL%LAYER(i)%PLUS , 3, P%MESH%n_node, P%MESH%n_elem)
1536          call fstr_setup_post_phys_alloc(P%SOLID%SHELL%LAYER(i)%MINUS, 3, P%MESH%n_node, P%MESH%n_elem)
1537        enddo
1538        phys => P%SOLID%SHELL
1539      else
1540        allocate ( P%SOLID%SOLID )
1541        phys => P%SOLID%SOLID
1542        call fstr_setup_post_phys_alloc(phys, P%MESH%n_dof, P%MESH%n_node,  P%MESH%n_elem)
1543      end if
1544      P%SOLID%STRAIN => phys%STRAIN
1545      P%SOLID%STRESS => phys%STRESS
1546      P%SOLID%MISES  => phys%MISES
1547      P%SOLID%ESTRAIN => phys%ESTRAIN
1548      P%SOLID%ESTRESS => phys%ESTRESS
1549      P%SOLID%EMISES  => phys%EMISES
1550      P%SOLID%ENQM    => phys%ENQM
1551      allocate( P%SOLID%REACTION( P%MESH%n_dof*P%MESH%n_node ) )
1552    end if
1554    if( P%PARAM%fg_visual == kON )then
1555      call fstr_setup_visualize( ctrl, P%MESH%my_rank )
1556    end if
1558    call hecmw_barrier( P%MESH ) ! JP-7
1560    if( P%HEAT%STEPtot == 0 ) then ! No !HEAT Input
1561      if( P%PARAM%analysis_n == 0 ) then  ! No !STATIC Input
1562        call reallocate_real( P%PARAM%dtime, 1)
1563        call reallocate_real( P%PARAM%etime, 1)
1564        call reallocate_real( P%PARAM%dtmin, 1)
1565        call reallocate_real( P%PARAM%delmax,1)
1566        call reallocate_integer( P%PARAM%itmax, 1)
1567        call reallocate_real( P%PARAM%eps,   1)
1568        P%PARAM%analysis_n = 1
1569        P%PARAM%dtime = 0
1570        P%PARAM%etime = 0
1571        P%PARAM%dtmin = 0
1572        P%PARAM%delmax = 0
1573        P%PARAM%itmax = 20
1574        P%PARAM%eps = 1.0e-6
1575      end if
1576      P%HEAT%STEPtot = 1
1577      call reallocate_real( P%HEAT%STEP_DLTIME, 1)
1578      call reallocate_real( P%HEAT%STEP_EETIME, 1)
1579      call reallocate_real( P%HEAT%STEP_DELMIN, 1)
1580      call reallocate_real( P%HEAT%STEP_DELMAX, 1)
1581      P%HEAT%STEP_DLTIME = 0
1582      P%HEAT%STEP_EETIME = 0
1583      P%HEAT%STEP_DELMIN = 0
1584      P%HEAT%STEP_DELMAX = 0
1585    end if
1586  end subroutine fstr_setup_post
1588  !*****************************************************************************!
1589  !* GENERAL HEADERS ***********************************************************!
1590  !*****************************************************************************!
1592  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1593  !> Read in !SOLUTION                                                         !
1594  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1596  subroutine fstr_setup_SOLUTION( ctrl, counter, P )
1597    implicit none
1598    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
1599    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
1600    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
1602    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
1604    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_SOLUTION( ctrl, P%PARAM%solution_type, P%PARAM%nlgeom )
1605    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
1607  end subroutine fstr_setup_SOLUTION
1609  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1610  !> Read in !SOLVER                                                           !
1611  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1613  subroutine fstr_setup_SOLVER( ctrl, counter, P )
1614    implicit none
1615    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
1616    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
1617    type(fstr_param_pack),target :: P
1619    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
1621    if( counter >= 2 ) then
1622      write(ILOG,*) '### Error : !SOLVER exists twice in FSTR control file.'
1623      stop
1624    endif
1626    !   nier       => svIarray(1)
1627    !   method     => svIarray(2)
1628    !   precond    => svIarray(3)
1629    !   nset       => svIarray(4)
1630    !   iterpremax => svIarray(5)
1631    !   nrest      => svIarray(6)
1632    !   scaling    => svIarray(7)
1633    !   iterlog    => svIarray(21)
1634    !   timelog    => svIarray(22)
1635    !   steplog    => svIarray(23)
1636    !   dumptype   => svIarray(31)
1637    !   dumpexit   => svIarray(32)
1638    !   usejad     => svIarray(33)
1639    !   ncolor_in  => svIarray(34)
1640    !   mpc_method => svIarray(13)
1641    !   estcond    => svIarray(14)
1642    !   method2    => svIarray(8)
1643    !   recyclepre => svIarray(35)
1644    !   solver_opt1=> svIarray(41)
1645    !   solver_opt2=> svIarray(42)
1646    !   solver_opt3=> svIarray(43)
1647    !   solver_opt4=> svIarray(44)
1648    !   solver_opt5=> svIarray(45)
1649    !   solver_opt6=> svIarray(46)
1651    !   resid      => svRarray(1)
1652    !   sigma_diag => svRarray(2)
1653    !   sigma      => svRarray(3)
1654    !   thresh     => svRarray(4)
1655    !   filter     => svRarray(5)
1657    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_SOLVER( ctrl,                      &
1658      svIarray(2), svIarray(3), svIarray(4), svIarray(21), svIarray(22), svIarray(23),&
1659      svIarray(1), svIarray(5), svIarray(6), svIarray(7), &
1660      svIarray(31), svIarray(32), svIarray(33), svIarray(34), svIarray(13), svIarray(14), svIarray(8),&
1661      svIarray(35), svIarray(41), svIarray(42), svIarray(43), svIarray(44), svIarray(45), svIarray(46), &
1662      svRarray(1), svRarray(2), svRarray(3),                &
1663      svRarray(4), svRarray(5) )
1664    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
1666    if( svIarray(2) <= 100 ) then
1667      svIarray(99) = 1  ! indirect method
1668    else
1669      svIarray(99) = svIarray(2)-99 !2  ! direct method
1670    end if
1672  end subroutine fstr_setup_SOLVER
1674  !* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *!
1675  !> Read in !ORIENTATION
1676  !* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *!
1678  integer function fstr_setup_ORIENTATION( ctrl, hecMESH, cnt, coordsys )
1679    implicit none
1680    integer(kind=kint)         :: ctrl
1681    type( hecmwST_local_mesh ) :: hecMESH
1682    integer                    :: cnt
1683    type( tLocalCoordSys )     :: coordsys
1685    integer                   :: j, is, iE, grp_id(1)
1686    character(len=HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: grp_id_name(1)
1688    integer :: nid, dtype
1689    character(len=HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: data_fmt
1690    real(kind=kreal) :: fdum, xyza(3), xyzb(3), xyzc(3), ff1(3), ff2(3), ff3(3)
1692    fstr_setup_ORIENTATION = -1
1694    nid = 1
1695    coordsys%sys_type = 10
1697    nid = 1
1698    data_fmt = 'COORDINATES,NODES '
1699    if( fstr_ctrl_get_param_ex( ctrl, 'DEFINITION ', data_fmt, 0, 'P', nid )/=0 ) return
1700    dtype = nid-1
1701    coordsys%sys_type = coordsys%sys_type + dtype
1703    if( fstr_ctrl_get_param_ex( ctrl, 'NAME ',  '# ',  1, 'S', grp_id_name(1) )/= 0) return
1704    coordsys%sys_name = grp_id_name(1)
1705    call fstr_strupr( coordsys%sys_name )
1707    if( dtype==0 ) then
1708      data_fmt = "RRRRRRrrr "
1709      xyzc(:) = 0.d0
1710      if( fstr_ctrl_get_data_array_ex( ctrl, data_fmt, xyza(1), xyza(2),  &
1711        xyza(3), xyzb(1), xyzb(2), xyzb(3), xyzc(1), xyzc(2), xyzc(3) )/=0 ) return
1712      if( coordsys%sys_type==10 ) then
1713        ff1 = xyza-xyzc
1714        fdum = dsqrt( dot_product(ff1, ff1) )
1715        if( fdum==0.d0 ) return
1716        ff1 = ff1/fdum
1717        ff2 = xyzb-xyzc
1718        call cross_product(ff1,ff2,ff3)
1719        coordsys%CoordSys(1,:) = ff1
1721        fdum = dsqrt( dot_product(ff3, ff3) )
1722        if( fdum==0.d0 ) return
1723        coordsys%CoordSys(3,:) = ff3/fdum
1725        call cross_product(coordsys%CoordSys(3,:), coordsys%CoordSys(1,:), coordsys%CoordSys(2,:) )
1726      else
1727        coordsys%CoordSys(1,:) = xyza
1728        coordsys%CoordSys(2,:) = xyzb
1729      endif
1731    else
1732      coordsys%node_ID(3) = 0   ! global origin
1733      data_fmt = "IIi "
1734      if( fstr_ctrl_get_data_array_ex( ctrl, data_fmt, coordsys%node_ID(1),  &
1735        coordsys%node_ID(2), coordsys%node_ID(3) )/=0 ) return
1736      if( coordsys%node_ID(3) == 0 ) then
1737        nid = node_global_to_local( hecMESH, coordsys%node_ID(1:2), 2 )
1738        if( nid/=0 .and. nid/=2 ) then
1739          write(*,*) "We cannot define coordinate system using nodes in other CPU!"
1740          write(IDBG,*) "We cannot define coordinate system using nodes in other CPU!"
1741          return
1742        endif
1743      else
1744        nid = node_global_to_local( hecMESH, coordsys%node_ID, 3 )
1745        if( nid/=0 .and. nid/=3 ) then
1746          write(*,*) "We cannot define coordinate system using nodes in other CPU!"
1747          write(IDBG,*) "We cannot define coordinate system using nodes in other CPU!"
1748          return
1749        endif
1750      endif
1751    endif
1753    fstr_setup_ORIENTATION = 0
1754  end function fstr_setup_ORIENTATION
1757  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1758  !> Read in !STEP                                                             !
1759  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1761  subroutine fstr_setup_STEP( ctrl, counter, P )
1762    implicit none
1763    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
1764    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
1765    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
1766    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: amp
1767    integer(kind=kint) :: amp_id
1769    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode, iproc
1771    amp = ' '
1772    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_STEP( ctrl, amp, iproc )
1773    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
1774    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!STEP', amp, amp_id )
1775    !    P%SOLID%NLSTATIC_ngrp_amp = amp_id;
1777  end subroutine fstr_setup_STEP
1779  integer(kind=kint) function fstr_setup_INITIAL( ctrl, cond, hecMESH )
1780    implicit none
1781    integer(kind=kint)        :: ctrl
1782    type( tInitialCondition ) :: cond
1783    type(hecmwST_local_mesh)  :: hecMESH
1784    integer, pointer          :: grp_id(:), dof(:)
1785    real(kind=kreal), pointer :: temp(:)
1786    character(len=HECMW_NAME_LEN), pointer :: grp_id_name(:)
1787    character(len=HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: data_fmt, ss
1788    integer :: i,j,n, iS, iE, gid, nid, rcode
1790    fstr_setup_INITIAL = -1
1793    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_param_ex( ctrl, 'TYPE ', ss, 1, 'P', nid )
1794    if( nid==1 ) then
1795      cond%cond_name = "temperature"
1796      allocate( cond%intval(hecMESH%n_node) )
1797      allocate( cond%realval(hecMESH%n_node) )
1798    elseif( nid==2 ) then
1799      cond%cond_name = "velocity"
1800      allocate( cond%intval(hecMESH%n_node) )
1801      allocate( cond%realval(hecMESH%n_node) )
1802    elseif( nid==3 ) then
1803      cond%cond_name = "acceleration"
1804      allocate( cond%intval(hecMESH%n_node) )
1805      allocate( cond%realval(hecMESH%n_node) )
1806    else
1807      return
1808    endif
1810    cond%intval = -1
1811    cond%realval = 0.d0
1813    n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
1814    if( n<=0 ) return
1815    allocate( temp(n), grp_id_name(n), grp_id(n), dof(n) )
1816    dof = 0
1817    write(ss,*)  HECMW_NAME_LEN
1818    if( nid==1 ) then
1819      write(data_fmt,'(a,a,a)') 'S',trim(adjustl(ss)),'R '
1820      fstr_setup_INITIAL = &
1821            fstr_ctrl_get_data_array_ex( ctrl, data_fmt, grp_id_name, temp )
1822    else
1823        write(data_fmt,'(a,a,a)') 'S',trim(adjustl(ss)),'IR '
1824        fstr_setup_INITIAL = &
1825            fstr_ctrl_get_data_array_ex( ctrl, data_fmt, grp_id_name, dof, temp )
1826    endif
1828    if( fstr_setup_INITIAL /= 0 ) then
1829        if( associated(grp_id) )    deallocate( grp_id )
1830        if( associated(temp) )    deallocate( temp )
1831        if( associated(dof) )       deallocate( dof )
1832        if( associated(grp_id_name) )    deallocate( grp_id_name )
1833        return
1834    end if
1836    call node_grp_name_to_id_ex( hecMESH, '!INITIAL CONDITION', n, grp_id_name, grp_id )
1837    do i=1,n
1838      gid = grp_id(i)
1839      iS = hecMESH%node_group%grp_index(gid-1) + 1
1840      iE = hecMESH%node_group%grp_index(gid  )
1841      do j=iS, iE
1842        nid = hecMESH%node_group%grp_item(j)
1843        cond%realval(nid) = temp(i)
1844        cond%intval(nid) = dof(i)
1845      enddo
1846    enddo
1848    if( associated(grp_id) )    deallocate( grp_id )
1849    if( associated(temp) )      deallocate( temp )
1850    if( associated(dof) )       deallocate( dof )
1851    if( associated(grp_id_name) )    deallocate( grp_id_name )
1852end function fstr_setup_INITIAL
1854  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1855  !> Read in !WRITE                                                          !
1856  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1858  subroutine fstr_setup_WRITE( ctrl, counter, P )
1859    implicit none
1860    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
1861    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
1862    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
1863    integer(kind=kint) :: res, visual, neutral
1865    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
1867    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_WRITE( ctrl, res, visual, neutral )
1868    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
1869    if( res == 1 ) P%PARAM%fg_result = 1
1870    if( visual == 1 ) P%PARAM%fg_visual = 1
1871    if( neutral == 1 ) P%PARAM%fg_neutral = 1
1873  end subroutine fstr_setup_WRITE
1876  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1877  !> Read in !ECHO                                                            !
1878  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1879  subroutine fstr_setup_ECHO( ctrl, counter, P )
1880    implicit none
1881    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
1882    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
1883    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
1885    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
1887    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_ECHO( ctrl,        &
1888      P%PARAM%fg_echo )
1889    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
1891  end subroutine fstr_setup_ECHO
1894  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1895  !> Read in !RESTART                                                         !
1896  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1897  subroutine fstr_setup_RESTART( ctrl, nout, version )
1898    implicit none
1899    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
1900    integer(kind=kint) :: nout
1901    integer(kind=kint) :: version
1903    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
1904    nout = 0
1905    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_param_ex( ctrl, 'FREQUENCY ', '# ', 0, 'I', nout )
1906    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
1907    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_param_ex( ctrl, 'VERSION ', '# ', 0, 'I', version )
1908    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
1910  end subroutine fstr_setup_RESTART
1913  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1914  !> Read in !COUPLE                                                          !
1915  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1917  subroutine fstr_setup_COUPLE( ctrl, counter, P )
1918    implicit none
1919    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
1920    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
1921    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
1922    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
1923    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN), pointer :: grp_id_name(:)
1924    integer(kind=kint) :: i, n, old_size, new_size
1926    if( P%SOLID%file_type /= kbcfFSTR ) return
1928    n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
1929    if( n == 0 ) return
1930    old_size = P%SOLID%COUPLE_ngrp_tot
1931    new_size = old_size + n
1932    P%SOLID%COUPLE_ngrp_tot = new_size
1934    call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%SOLID%COUPLE_ngrp_ID,  old_size, new_size )
1936    allocate( grp_id_name(n))
1937    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_COUPLE( ctrl,           &
1938      P%PARAM%fg_couple_type,       &
1939      P%PARAM%fg_couple_first,      &
1940      P%PARAM%fg_couple_window,     &
1941      grp_id_name, HECMW_NAME_LEN  )
1942    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
1944    call surf_grp_name_to_id_ex( P%MESH, '!COUPLE', &
1945      n, grp_id_name, P%SOLID%COUPLE_ngrp_ID(old_size+1:))
1947    deallocate( grp_id_name )
1948    P%PARAM%fg_couple = 1
1950  end subroutine fstr_setup_COUPLE
1953  !*****************************************************************************!
1954  !* HEADERS FOR STATIC ANALYSIS ***********************************************!
1955  !*****************************************************************************!
1957  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1958  !> Read in !STATIC(old)                                                           !
1959  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
1961  subroutine fstr_setup_STATIC( ctrl, counter, P )
1962    implicit none
1963    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
1964    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
1965    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
1966    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
1968    integer :: nout, nout_monit,node_monit_1 ,elem_monit_1 ,intg_monit_1
1969    integer :: ipt, idx_elpl, iout_list(6)
1970    real(kind=kreal) :: sig_y0, h_dash
1972    if( counter > 1 ) then
1973      write(*,*)
1974    endif
1976    ipt = 0
1977    if( fstr_ctrl_get_param_ex( ctrl, 'TYPE ', 'INFINITESIMAL,NLGEOM,INFINITE ', 0, 'P', ipt  )/=0 )  &
1978      return
1979    if( ipt == 2 ) P%PARAM%nlgeom = .true.
1981    ! for backward compatibility
1982    if( ipt == 3 ) then
1983      write(*,*) "Warning : !STATIC : parameter 'TYPE=INFINITE' is deprecated." &
1984           & //  " Please use the replacement parameter 'TYPE=INFINITESIMAL'"
1985    endif
1987    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_STATIC( ctrl, &
1988      DT, ETIME, ITMAX, EPS, P%SOLID%restart_nout, &
1989      idx_elpl, &
1990      iout_list, &
1991      sig_y0, h_dash, &
1992      nout, nout_monit, node_monit_1, &
1993      elem_monit_1, intg_monit_1 )
1995    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
1997  end subroutine fstr_setup_STATIC
2000  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2001  !> Read in !BOUNDARY                                                    !
2002  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2004  subroutine fstr_setup_BOUNDARY( ctrl, counter, P )
2005    implicit none
2006    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
2007    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
2008    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
2010    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
2011    integer(kind=kint) :: type = 0
2012    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: amp, rotc_name(1)
2013    integer(kind=kint) :: amp_id, rotc_id(1), n_rotc
2014    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN), pointer :: grp_id_name(:)
2015    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: dof_ids (:)
2016    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: dof_ide (:)
2017    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: val_ptr(:)
2018    integer(kind=kint) :: i, n, old_size, new_size
2020    integer(kind=kint) :: gid
2022    gid = 1
2023    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_param_ex( ctrl, 'GRPID ',  '# ',            0, 'I', gid  )
2024    !  rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_param_ex( ctrl, 'TYPE ', 'FSTR,NASTRAN ', 0, 'P', type )
2025    !  if( rcode < 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
2026    !  if( rcode == 1 ) type = 0 ! PARAM_NOTHING
2028    !  if( type == 0 ) then
2030    ! get center of torque load
2031    rotc_name = ' '
2032    rotc_id = -1
2033    n_rotc = -1
2034    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_param_ex( ctrl, 'ROT_CENTER ', '# ', 0, 'S', rotc_name )
2035    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
2036    if(  rotc_name(1) /= ' ' ) then
2037      P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_rot = P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_rot + 1
2038      n_rotc = P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_rot
2039      call node_grp_name_to_id_ex( P%MESH, '!BOUNDARY,ROT_CENTER=', 1, rotc_name, rotc_id)
2040    endif
2043    ! ENTIRE -----------------------------------------------
2044    P%SOLID%file_type = kbcfFSTR
2046    n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
2047    if( n == 0 ) return
2048    old_size = P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_tot
2049    new_size = old_size + n
2050    P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_tot = new_size
2051    call fstr_expand_integer_array (P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_GRPID, old_size, new_size )
2052    call fstr_expand_integer_array (P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_ID,    old_size, new_size )
2053    call fstr_expand_integer_array (P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_type,  old_size, new_size )
2054    call fstr_expand_real_array    (P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_val,   old_size, new_size )
2055    call fstr_expand_integer_array (P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_amp,   old_size, new_size )
2056    call fstr_expand_integer_array (P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_rotID, old_size, new_size )
2057    call fstr_expand_integer_array (P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_centerID, old_size, new_size )
2059    allocate( grp_id_name(n) )
2060    allocate( dof_ids (n) )
2061    allocate( dof_ide (n) )
2063    amp = ' '
2064    val_ptr => P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_val(old_size+1:)
2065    val_ptr = 0
2066    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_BOUNDARY( ctrl, amp, grp_id_name, HECMW_NAME_LEN, dof_ids, dof_ide, val_ptr)
2067    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
2068    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!BOUNDARY', amp, amp_id )
2069    P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_GRPID(old_size+1:new_size) = gid
2070    call node_grp_name_to_id_ex( P%MESH, '!BOUNDARY', n, grp_id_name, P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_ID(old_size+1:))
2072    ! set up infomation abount rotation ( default value is set if ROT_CENTER is not given.)
2073    P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_rotID(old_size+1:) = n_rotc
2074    P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_centerID(old_size+1:) = rotc_id(1)
2076    do i = 1, n
2077      if( (dof_ids(i) < 1).or.(6 < dof_ids(i)).or.(dof_ide(i) < 1).or.(6 < dof_ide(i)) ) then
2078        write(*,*) 'fstr contol file error : !BOUNDARY : range of dof_ids and dof_ide is from 1 to 6'
2079        write(ILOG,*) 'fstr contol file error : !BOUNDARY : range of dof_ids and dof_ide is from 1 to 6'
2080        call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
2081      end if
2082      P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_type(old_size+i) = 10 * dof_ids(i) + dof_ide(i)
2083      P%SOLID%BOUNDARY_ngrp_amp(old_size+i) = amp_id
2084    end do
2086    deallocate( grp_id_name )
2087    deallocate( dof_ids )
2088    deallocate( dof_ide )
2089    !  else
2090    !   ! NASTRAN ---------------------------------------------
2091    !
2092    !     P%SOLID%file_type = kbcfNASTRAN
2093    !     call fstr_setup_solid_nastran( ctrl, P%MESH, P%SOLID )
2094    !  end if
2096  end subroutine fstr_setup_BOUNDARY
2099  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2100  !> Read in !CLOAD                                                           !
2101  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2103  subroutine fstr_setup_CLOAD( ctrl, counter, P )
2104    implicit none
2105    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
2106    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
2107    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
2109    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
2110    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: amp, rotc_name(1)
2111    integer(kind=kint) :: amp_id, rotc_id(1), n_rotc
2112    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN), pointer :: grp_id_name(:)
2113    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: val_ptr(:)
2114    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: id_ptr(:)
2115    integer(kind=kint) :: i, n, old_size, new_size
2116    integer(kind=kint) :: gid
2118    if( P%SOLID%file_type /= kbcfFSTR ) return
2119    gid = 1
2120    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_param_ex( ctrl, 'GRPID ',  '# ',            0, 'I', gid  )
2121    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
2123    ! get center of torque load
2124    rotc_name = ' '
2125    rotc_id = -1
2126    n_rotc = -1
2127    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_param_ex( ctrl, 'ROT_CENTER ', '# ', 0, 'S', rotc_name )
2128    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
2129    if(  rotc_name(1) /= ' ' ) then
2130      P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_rot = P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_rot + 1
2131      n_rotc = P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_rot
2132      call node_grp_name_to_id_ex( P%MESH, '!CLOAD,ROT_CENTER=', 1, rotc_name, rotc_id)
2133    endif
2135    n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
2136    if( n == 0 ) return
2137    old_size = P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_tot
2138    new_size = old_size + n
2139    P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_tot = new_size
2140    ! Keiji Suemitsu (20140624) <
2141    call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_GRPID, old_size, new_size )
2142    call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_ID,  old_size, new_size )
2143    call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_DOF, old_size, new_size )
2144    call fstr_expand_real_array    ( P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_val, old_size, new_size )
2145    call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_amp, old_size, new_size )
2146    call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_rotID, old_size, new_size )
2147    call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_centerID, old_size, new_size )
2148    ! > Keiji Suemitsu (20140624)
2150    allocate( grp_id_name(n))
2151    amp = ' '
2152    val_ptr => P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_val(old_size+1:)
2153    id_ptr =>P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_DOF(old_size+1:)
2154    val_ptr = 0
2155    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_CLOAD( ctrl, amp, grp_id_name, HECMW_NAME_LEN, id_ptr, val_ptr )
2156    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
2158    ! set up infomation abount torque load ( default value is set if ROT_CENTER is not given.)
2159    P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_rotID(old_size+1:) = n_rotc
2160    P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_centerID(old_size+1:) = rotc_id(1)
2162    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!CLOAD', amp, amp_id )
2163    do i=1,n
2164      P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_amp(old_size+i) = amp_id
2165    end do
2166    P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_GRPID(old_size+1:new_size) = gid
2167    call node_grp_name_to_id_ex( P%MESH, '!CLOAD', n, grp_id_name, P%SOLID%CLOAD_ngrp_ID(old_size+1:))
2169    deallocate( grp_id_name )
2171  end subroutine fstr_setup_CLOAD
2173  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2174  !> Read !FLOAD                                                        !
2175  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2176  include 'fstr_ctrl_freq.f90'
2178  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2179  !> Reset !DLOAD                                                        !
2180  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2182  subroutine fstr_expand_dload_array( array, old_size, new_size )
2183    implicit none
2184    real(kind=kreal), pointer :: array(:,:)
2185    integer(kind=kint) :: old_size, new_size, i, j
2186    real(kind=kreal), pointer :: temp(:,:)
2188    if( old_size >= new_size ) then
2189      return
2190    end if
2192    if( associated( array ) ) then
2193      allocate(temp(0:6, old_size))
2194      temp = array
2195      deallocate(array)
2196      allocate(array(0:6, new_size))
2197      array = 0
2198      do i=1,old_size
2199        do j=0,6
2200          array(j,i) = temp(j,i)
2201        end do
2202      end do
2203      deallocate(temp)
2204    else
2205      allocate(array(0:6, new_size))
2206      array = 0
2207    end if
2208  end subroutine fstr_expand_dload_array
2210  !> Read in !DLOAD
2211  subroutine fstr_setup_DLOAD( ctrl, counter, P )
2212    implicit none
2213    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
2214    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
2215    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
2217    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
2218    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: amp
2219    integer(kind=kint) :: amp_id
2220    integer(kind=kint) :: follow
2221    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN), pointer :: grp_id_name(:)
2222    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: new_params(:,:)
2223    logical,pointer :: fg_surface(:)
2224    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: lid_ptr(:)
2225    integer(kind=kint) :: i, j, n, old_size, new_size
2226    integer(kind=kint) :: gid
2228    if( P%SOLID%file_type /= kbcfFSTR ) return
2230    gid = 1
2231    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_param_ex( ctrl, 'GRPID ',  '# ',            0, 'I', gid  )
2233    n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
2234    if( n == 0 ) return
2235    old_size = P%SOLID%DLOAD_ngrp_tot
2236    new_size = old_size + n
2237    P%SOLID%DLOAD_ngrp_tot = new_size
2238    ! Keiji Suemitsu (20140624) <
2239    call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%SOLID%DLOAD_ngrp_GRPID, old_size, new_size )
2240    call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%SOLID%DLOAD_ngrp_ID,  old_size, new_size )
2241    call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%SOLID%DLOAD_ngrp_LID, old_size, new_size )
2242    call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%SOLID%DLOAD_ngrp_amp, old_size, new_size )
2243    call fstr_expand_dload_array ( P%SOLID%DLOAD_ngrp_params, old_size, new_size )
2244    ! > Keiji Suemitsu (20140624)
2246    allocate( grp_id_name(n))
2247    allocate( new_params(0:6,n))
2248    allocate( fg_surface(n))
2249    new_params = 0
2250    amp = ' '
2251    follow = P%SOLID%DLOAD_follow
2252    if( .not. P%PARAM%nlgeom ) follow = 0
2253    lid_ptr => P%SOLID%DLOAD_ngrp_LID(old_size+1:)
2254    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_DLOAD( ctrl, amp, follow, &
2255      grp_id_name, HECMW_NAME_LEN,    &
2256      lid_ptr, new_params )
2257    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
2258    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!DLOAD', amp, amp_id )
2259    P%SOLID%DLOAD_follow = follow
2260    do i=1,n
2261      P%SOLID%DLOAD_ngrp_amp(old_size+i) = amp_id
2262      do j=0, 6
2263        P%SOLID%DLOAD_ngrp_params(j,old_size+i) = new_params(j,i)
2264      end do
2265      fg_surface(i) =  ( lid_ptr(i) == 100 )
2266    end do
2267    P%SOLID%DLOAD_ngrp_GRPID(old_size+1:new_size) = gid
2268    call dload_grp_name_to_id_ex( P%MESH, n, grp_id_name, fg_surface, P%SOLID%DLOAD_ngrp_ID(old_size+1:))
2269    deallocate( grp_id_name )
2270    deallocate( new_params )
2271    deallocate( fg_surface )
2272  end subroutine fstr_setup_DLOAD
2275  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2276  !> Read in !TEMPERATURE                                                  !
2277  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2279  subroutine fstr_setup_TEMPERATURE( ctrl, counter, P )
2280    implicit none
2281    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
2282    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
2283    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
2285    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode, gid
2286    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN), pointer :: grp_id_name(:)
2287    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: val_ptr(:)
2288    integer(kind=kint) :: n, old_size, new_size
2290    if( P%SOLID%file_type /= kbcfFSTR ) return
2292    gid = 1
2293    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_param_ex( ctrl, 'GRPID ',  '# ',            0, 'I', gid  )
2295    n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
2296    old_size = P%SOLID%TEMP_ngrp_tot
2297    if( n > 0 ) then
2298      new_size = old_size + n
2299    else
2300      new_size = old_size + 1
2301    endif
2302    call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%SOLID%TEMP_ngrp_GRPID, old_size, new_size )
2303    call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%SOLID%TEMP_ngrp_ID, old_size, new_size )
2304    call fstr_expand_real_array    ( P%SOLID%TEMP_ngrp_val,old_size, new_size )
2306    allocate( grp_id_name(n))
2307    val_ptr => P%SOLID%TEMP_ngrp_val( old_size+1: )
2309    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_TEMPERATURE( ctrl,      &
2310      P%SOLID%TEMP_irres,           &
2311      P%SOLID%TEMP_tstep,           &
2312      P%SOLID%TEMP_interval,        &
2313      P%SOLID%TEMP_rtype,           &
2314      grp_id_name, HECMW_NAME_LEN,  &
2315      val_ptr )
2316    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
2318    P%SOLID%TEMP_ngrp_GRPID(old_size+1:new_size) = gid
2319    if( n > 0 ) then
2320      if( P%SOLID%TEMP_irres == 0 ) then
2321        P%SOLID%TEMP_ngrp_tot = new_size
2322        call node_grp_name_to_id_ex( P%MESH, '!TEMPERATURE', &
2323          n, grp_id_name, P%SOLID%TEMP_ngrp_ID(old_size+1:))
2324      endif
2325      deallocate( grp_id_name )
2326    endif
2328  end subroutine fstr_setup_TEMPERATURE
2331  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2332  !> Read in !SPRING                                                            !
2333  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2335  subroutine fstr_setup_SPRING( ctrl, counter, P )
2336    implicit none
2337    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
2338    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
2339    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
2341    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
2342    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: amp
2343    integer(kind=kint) :: amp_id
2344    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN), pointer :: grp_id_name(:)
2345    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: val_ptr(:)
2346    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: id_ptr(:)
2347    integer(kind=kint) :: i, n, old_size, new_size
2348    integer(kind=kint) :: gid
2350    if( P%SOLID%file_type /= kbcfFSTR ) return
2351    gid = 1
2352    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_param_ex( ctrl, 'GRPID ',  '# ',            0, 'I', gid  )
2353    n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
2354    if( n == 0 ) return
2355    old_size = P%SOLID%SPRING_ngrp_tot
2356    new_size = old_size + n
2357    P%SOLID%SPRING_ngrp_tot = new_size
2358    call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%SOLID%SPRING_ngrp_GRPID, old_size, new_size )
2359    call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%SOLID%SPRING_ngrp_ID,  old_size, new_size )
2360    call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%SOLID%SPRING_ngrp_DOF, old_size, new_size )
2361    call fstr_expand_real_array    ( P%SOLID%SPRING_ngrp_val, old_size, new_size )
2362    call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%SOLID%SPRING_ngrp_amp, old_size, new_size )
2364    allocate( grp_id_name(n))
2365    amp = ' '
2366    val_ptr => P%SOLID%SPRING_ngrp_val(old_size+1:)
2367    id_ptr =>P%SOLID%SPRING_ngrp_DOF(old_size+1:)
2368    val_ptr = 0
2369    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_SPRING( ctrl, amp, grp_id_name, HECMW_NAME_LEN, id_ptr, val_ptr )
2370    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
2372    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!SPRING', amp, amp_id )
2373    do i=1,n
2374      P%SOLID%SPRING_ngrp_amp(old_size+i) = amp_id
2375    end do
2376    P%SOLID%SPRING_ngrp_GRPID(old_size+1:new_size) = gid
2377    call node_grp_name_to_id_ex( P%MESH, '!SPRING', n, grp_id_name, P%SOLID%SPRING_ngrp_ID(old_size+1:))
2379    deallocate( grp_id_name )
2381  end subroutine fstr_setup_SPRING
2384  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2385  !> Read in !REFTEMP                                                          !
2386  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2388  subroutine fstr_setup_REFTEMP( ctrl, counter, P )
2389    implicit none
2390    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
2391    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
2392    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
2394    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
2396    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_REFTEMP( ctrl, P%PARAM%ref_temp )
2397    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
2399  end subroutine fstr_setup_REFTEMP
2402  !*****************************************************************************!
2403  !* HEADERS FOR HEAT ANALYSIS *************************************************!
2404  !*****************************************************************************!
2406  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2407  !> Read in !HEAT                                                             !
2408  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2410  subroutine fstr_setup_HEAT( ctrl, counter, P )
2411    implicit none
2412    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
2413    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
2414    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
2416    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
2417    integer(kind=kint) :: n
2418    character(len=HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: mName
2419    integer(kind=kint) :: i
2421    n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
2423    if( n == 0 ) return
2425    call reallocate_real( P%PARAM%dtime, n)
2426    call reallocate_real( P%PARAM%etime, n)
2427    call reallocate_real( P%PARAM%dtmin, n)
2428    call reallocate_real( P%PARAM%delmax,n)
2429    call reallocate_integer( P%PARAM%itmax, n)
2430    call reallocate_real( P%PARAM%eps,   n)
2431    P%PARAM%analysis_n = n
2433    P%PARAM%dtime = 0
2434    P%PARAM%etime = 0
2435    P%PARAM%dtmin = 0
2436    P%PARAM%delmax = 0
2437    P%PARAM%itmax = 20
2438    P%PARAM%eps = 1.0e-6
2439    P%PARAM%timepoint_id = 0
2441    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_HEAT(   ctrl,        &
2442      P%PARAM%dtime,     &
2443      P%PARAM%etime,     &
2444      P%PARAM%dtmin,     &
2445      P%PARAM%delmax,    &
2446      P%PARAM%itmax,     &
2447      P%PARAM%eps,       &
2448      mName )
2449    if( rcode /= 0 ) then
2450      call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
2451    end if
2453    if( associated(P%PARAM%timepoints) ) then
2454      do i=1,size(P%PARAM%timepoints)
2455        if( fstr_streqr( P%PARAM%timepoints(i)%name, mName ) ) then
2456          P%PARAM%timepoint_id = i; exit
2457        endif
2458      enddo
2459    endif
2461    call reallocate_real( P%HEAT%STEP_DLTIME, n)
2462    call reallocate_real( P%HEAT%STEP_EETIME, n)
2463    call reallocate_real( P%HEAT%STEP_DELMIN, n)
2464    call reallocate_real( P%HEAT%STEP_DELMAX, n)
2465    P%HEAT%STEPtot = n
2467    P%HEAT%STEP_DLTIME = P%PARAM%dtime
2468    P%HEAT%STEP_EETIME = P%PARAM%etime
2469    P%HEAT%STEP_DELMIN = P%PARAM%dtmin
2470    P%HEAT%STEP_DELMAX = P%PARAM%delmax
2471    P%HEAT%timepoint_id = P%PARAM%timepoint_id
2473  end subroutine fstr_setup_HEAT
2475  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2476  !> Read in !FIXTEMP                                                          !
2477  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2479  subroutine fstr_setup_FIXTEMP( ctrl, counter, P )
2480    implicit none
2481    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
2482    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
2483    type(fstr_param_pack),target :: P
2485    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
2486    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: amp
2487    integer(kind=kint) :: amp_id
2488    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN), pointer :: grp_id_name(:)
2489    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: value(:)
2490    integer(kind=kint) :: i, j, n, m, head, id, member_n, old_size, new_size
2491    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: member(:)
2492    integer(kind=kint) :: local_id, rtc
2493    ! ------------------------------------------------
2495    n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
2496    if( n == 0 ) return
2498    allocate( grp_id_name(n))
2499    allocate( value(n))
2501    amp = ' '
2502    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_FIXTEMP( ctrl, amp, &
2503      grp_id_name, HECMW_NAME_LEN, value )
2504    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
2506    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!FIXTEMP', amp, amp_id )
2508    m = 0
2509    do i = 1, n
2510      !rtc = get_local_member_index( P%MESH, 'node', grp_id_name(i), local_id )
2511      rtc = get_sorted_local_member_index( P%MESH, P%PARAM, 'node', grp_id_name(i), local_id )
2512      if( rtc > 0 ) then
2513        m = m + 1
2514      else if( rtc < 0 ) then
2515        m = m + get_grp_member_n( P%MESH, 'node_grp', grp_id_name(i) )
2516      end if
2517    end do
2519    if (m == 0) then
2520      deallocate( grp_id_name )
2521      deallocate( value )
2522      return
2523    endif
2525    ! JP-8
2526    old_size = P%HEAT%T_FIX_tot
2527    new_size = old_size + m
2528    call fstr_expand_integer_array( P%HEAT%T_FIX_node, old_size, new_size )
2529    call fstr_expand_integer_array( P%HEAT%T_FIX_ampl, old_size, new_size )
2530    call fstr_expand_real_array(    P%HEAT%T_FIX_val,  old_size, new_size )
2531    P%HEAT%T_FIX_tot = new_size
2533    head = old_size + 1
2534    member => P%HEAT%T_FIX_node(head:)
2535    id = head
2536    do i = 1, n
2537      !rtc = get_local_member_index( P%MESH, 'node', grp_id_name(i), local_id )
2538      rtc = get_sorted_local_member_index( P%MESH, P%PARAM, 'node', grp_id_name(i), local_id )
2539      if( rtc > 0 ) then
2540        member(1) = local_id
2541        member_n = 1
2542      else if( rtc < 0 ) then
2543        member_n = get_grp_member( P%MESH, 'node_grp', grp_id_name(i), member )
2544      else
2545        cycle
2546      end if
2547      if( i<n ) then
2548        member => member( member_n+1 : )
2549      endif
2550      do j = 1, member_n
2551        P%HEAT%T_FIX_val  (id) = value(i)
2552        P%HEAT%T_FIX_ampl (id) = amp_id
2553        id = id + 1
2554      end do
2555    end do
2557    deallocate( grp_id_name )
2558    deallocate( value )
2559  end subroutine fstr_setup_FIXTEMP
2562  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2563  !> Read in !CFLUX                                                            !
2564  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2566  subroutine fstr_setup_CFLUX( ctrl, counter, P )
2567    implicit none
2568    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
2569    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
2570    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
2572    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
2573    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: amp
2574    integer(kind=kint) :: amp_id
2575    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN), pointer :: grp_id_name(:)
2576    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: value(:)
2577    integer(kind=kint) :: i, j, n, m, head, id, member_n, old_size, new_size
2578    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: member(:)
2579    integer(kind=kint) :: local_id, rtc
2580    ! ------------------------------------------------
2582    n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
2583    if( n == 0 ) return
2585    allocate( grp_id_name(n))
2586    allocate( value(n))
2588    amp = ' '
2589    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_CFLUX( ctrl, amp, &
2590      grp_id_name, HECMW_NAME_LEN, value )
2591    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
2593    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!CFLUX', amp, amp_id )
2595    m = 0
2597    do i = 1, n
2598      rtc = get_local_member_index( P%MESH, 'node', grp_id_name(i), local_id )
2599      if( rtc > 0 ) then
2600        m = m + 1
2601      else if( rtc < 0 ) then
2602        m = m + get_grp_member_n( P%MESH, 'node_grp', grp_id_name(i) )
2603      end if
2604    end do
2606    if (m == 0) then
2607      deallocate( grp_id_name )
2608      deallocate( value )
2609      return
2610    endif
2612    ! JP-9
2613    old_size = P%HEAT%Q_NOD_tot
2614    new_size = old_size + m
2615    call fstr_expand_integer_array( P%HEAT%Q_NOD_node, old_size, new_size )
2616    call fstr_expand_integer_array( P%HEAT%Q_NOD_ampl, old_size, new_size )
2617    call fstr_expand_real_array(    P%HEAT%Q_NOD_val,  old_size, new_size )
2618    P%HEAT%Q_NOD_tot = new_size
2620    head = old_size + 1
2621    member => P%HEAT%Q_NOD_node(head:)
2622    id = head
2623    do i = 1, n
2624      rtc = get_local_member_index( P%MESH, 'node', grp_id_name(i), local_id )
2625      if( rtc > 0 ) then
2626        member(1) = local_id
2627        member_n = 1
2628      else if( rtc < 0 ) then
2629        member_n = get_grp_member( P%MESH, 'node_grp', grp_id_name(i), member )
2630      else
2631        cycle
2632      end if
2633      if( i<n ) member => member( member_n+1 : )
2634      do j = 1, member_n
2635        P%HEAT%Q_NOD_val  (id) = value(i)
2636        P%HEAT%Q_NOD_ampl (id) = amp_id
2637        id = id + 1
2638      end do
2639    end do
2641    deallocate( grp_id_name )
2642    deallocate( value )
2643  end subroutine fstr_setup_CFLUX
2646  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2647  !> Read in !DFLUX                                                            !
2648  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2651  subroutine fstr_setup_DFLUX( ctrl, counter, P )
2652    implicit none
2653    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
2654    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
2655    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
2657    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
2658    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: amp
2659    integer(kind=kint) :: amp_id
2660    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN), pointer :: grp_id_name(:)
2661    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: load_type(:)
2662    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: value(:)
2663    integer(kind=kint) :: i, j, n, m, head, id, member_n, old_size, new_size
2664    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: member(:)
2665    integer(kind=kint) :: local_id, rtc
2666    ! ------------------------------------------------
2668    n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
2669    if( n == 0 ) return
2671    allocate( grp_id_name(n))
2672    allocate( load_type(n))
2673    allocate( value(n))
2675    amp = ' '
2676    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_DFLUX( ctrl, amp, &
2677      grp_id_name, HECMW_NAME_LEN, load_type, value )
2678    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
2680    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!DFLUX', amp, amp_id )
2682    m = 0
2683    do i = 1, n
2684      rtc = get_local_member_index( P%MESH, 'element', grp_id_name(i), local_id )
2685      if( rtc > 0 ) then
2686        m = m + 1
2687      else if( rtc < 0 ) then
2688        m = m + get_grp_member_n( P%MESH, 'elem_grp', grp_id_name(i) )
2689      end if
2690    end do
2692    if (m == 0) then
2693      deallocate( grp_id_name )
2694      deallocate( load_type )
2695      deallocate( value )
2696      return
2697    endif
2699    ! JP-10
2700    old_size = P%HEAT%Q_SUF_tot
2701    new_size = old_size + m
2702    call fstr_expand_integer_array( P%HEAT%Q_SUF_elem, old_size, new_size )
2703    call fstr_expand_integer_array( P%HEAT%Q_SUF_ampl, old_size, new_size )
2704    call fstr_expand_integer_array( P%HEAT%Q_SUF_surf, old_size, new_size )
2705    call fstr_expand_real_array(    P%HEAT%Q_SUF_val,  old_size, new_size )
2706    P%HEAT%Q_SUF_tot = new_size
2708    head = old_size + 1
2709    member => P%HEAT%Q_SUF_elem(head:)
2710    id = head
2711    do i = 1, n
2712      rtc = get_local_member_index( P%MESH, 'element', grp_id_name(i), local_id )
2713      if( rtc > 0 ) then
2714        member(1) = local_id
2715        member_n = 1
2716      else if( rtc < 0 ) then
2717        member_n = get_grp_member( P%MESH, 'elem_grp', grp_id_name(i), member )
2718      else
2719        cycle
2720      end if
2721      if( i<n ) member => member( member_n+1 : )
2722      do j = 1, member_n
2723        P%HEAT%Q_SUF_surf (id) = load_type(i)
2724        P%HEAT%Q_SUF_val  (id) = value(i)
2725        P%HEAT%Q_SUF_ampl (id) = amp_id
2726        id = id + 1
2727      end do
2728    end do
2730    deallocate( grp_id_name )
2731    deallocate( load_type )
2732    deallocate( value )
2733  end subroutine fstr_setup_DFLUX
2736  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2737  !> Read in !SFLUX                                                            !
2738  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2741  subroutine fstr_setup_SFLUX( ctrl, counter, P )
2742    implicit none
2743    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
2744    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
2745    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
2747    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
2748    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: amp
2749    integer(kind=kint) :: amp_id
2750    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN), pointer :: grp_id_name(:)
2751    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: value(:)
2752    integer(kind=kint) :: i, j, n, m, head, id, member_n, old_size, new_size
2753    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: member1(:), member2(:)
2754    ! ------------------------------------------------
2756    n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
2757    if( n == 0 ) return
2759    allocate( grp_id_name(n))
2760    allocate( value(n))
2762    amp = ' '
2763    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_SFLUX( ctrl, amp, &
2764      grp_id_name, HECMW_NAME_LEN, value )
2765    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
2767    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!SFLUX', amp, amp_id )
2769    m = 0
2770    do i = 1, n
2771      m = m + get_grp_member_n( P%MESH, 'surf_grp', grp_id_name(i) )
2772    end do
2774    if (m == 0) then
2775      deallocate( grp_id_name )
2776      deallocate( value )
2777      return
2778    endif
2780    ! JP-11
2781    old_size = P%HEAT%Q_SUF_tot
2782    new_size = old_size + m
2783    call fstr_expand_integer_array( P%HEAT%Q_SUF_elem, old_size, new_size )
2784    call fstr_expand_integer_array( P%HEAT%Q_SUF_ampl, old_size, new_size )
2785    call fstr_expand_integer_array( P%HEAT%Q_SUF_surf, old_size, new_size )
2786    call fstr_expand_real_array(    P%HEAT%Q_SUF_val,  old_size, new_size )
2787    P%HEAT%Q_SUF_tot = new_size
2789    head = old_size + 1
2790    member1 => P%HEAT%Q_SUF_elem(head:)
2791    member2 => P%HEAT%Q_SUF_surf(head:)
2792    id = head
2793    do i = 1, n
2794      member_n = get_grp_member( P%MESH, 'surf_grp', grp_id_name(i), member1, member2 )
2795      if( i<n ) then
2796        member1 => member1( member_n+1 : )
2797        member2 => member2( member_n+1 : )
2798      end if
2799      do j = 1, member_n
2800        P%HEAT%Q_SUF_val  (id) = value(i)
2801        P%HEAT%Q_SUF_ampl (id) = amp_id
2802        id = id + 1
2803      end do
2804    end do
2806    deallocate( grp_id_name )
2807    deallocate( value )
2808  end subroutine fstr_setup_SFLUX
2811  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2812  !> Read in !FILM                                                             !
2813  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2816  subroutine fstr_setup_FILM( ctrl, counter, P )
2817    implicit none
2818    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
2819    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
2820    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
2822    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
2823    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: amp1, amp2
2824    integer(kind=kint) :: amp_id1, amp_id2
2825    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN), pointer :: grp_id_name(:)
2826    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: load_type(:)
2827    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: value(:)
2828    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: shink(:)
2829    integer(kind=kint) :: i, j, n, m, head, id, member_n, old_size, new_size
2830    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: member(:)
2831    integer(kind=kint) :: local_id, rtc
2832    ! ------------------------------------------------
2834    n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
2835    if( n == 0 ) return
2837    allocate( grp_id_name(n))
2838    allocate( load_type(n))
2839    allocate( value(n))
2840    allocate( shink(n))
2842    amp1 = ' '
2843    amp2 = ' '
2845    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_FILM( ctrl, amp1, amp2, &
2846      grp_id_name, HECMW_NAME_LEN, load_type, value, shink )
2847    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
2849    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!FILM', amp1, amp_id1 )
2850    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!FILM', amp2, amp_id2 )
2852    m = 0
2853    do i = 1, n
2854      rtc = get_local_member_index( P%MESH, 'element', grp_id_name(i), local_id )
2855      if( rtc > 0 ) then
2856        m = m + 1
2857      else if( rtc < 0 ) then
2858        m = m + get_grp_member_n( P%MESH, 'elem_grp', grp_id_name(i) )
2859      end if
2860    end do
2862    if (m == 0) then
2863      deallocate( grp_id_name )
2864      deallocate( load_type )
2865      deallocate( value )
2866      deallocate( shink )
2867      return
2868    endif
2870    ! JP-12
2871    old_size = P%HEAT%H_SUF_tot
2872    new_size = old_size + m
2873    call fstr_expand_integer_array(  P%HEAT%H_SUF_elem,    old_size, new_size )
2874    call fstr_expand_integer_array2( P%HEAT%H_SUF_ampl, 2, old_size, new_size )
2875    call fstr_expand_integer_array(  P%HEAT%H_SUF_surf,    old_size, new_size )
2876    call fstr_expand_real_array2(    P%HEAT%H_SUF_val,  2, old_size, new_size )
2877    P%HEAT%H_SUF_tot = new_size
2879    head = old_size + 1
2880    member => P%HEAT%H_SUF_elem(head:)
2881    id = head
2882    do i = 1, n
2883      rtc = get_local_member_index( P%MESH, 'element', grp_id_name(i), local_id )
2884      if( rtc > 0 ) then
2885        member(1) = local_id
2886        member_n = 1
2887      else if( rtc < 0 ) then
2888        member_n = get_grp_member( P%MESH, 'elem_grp', grp_id_name(i), member )
2889      else
2890        cycle
2891      end if
2892      if( i<n ) member => member( member_n+1 : )
2893      do j = 1, member_n
2894        P%HEAT%H_SUF_surf (id)   = load_type(i)
2895        P%HEAT%H_SUF_val  (id,1) = value(i)
2896        P%HEAT%H_SUF_val  (id,2) = shink(i)
2897        P%HEAT%H_SUF_ampl (id,1) = amp_id1
2898        P%HEAT%H_SUF_ampl (id,2) = amp_id2
2899        id= id + 1
2900      end do
2901    end do
2903    deallocate( grp_id_name )
2904    deallocate( load_type )
2905    deallocate( value )
2906    deallocate( shink )
2907  end subroutine fstr_setup_FILM
2910  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2911  !> Read in !SFILM                                                            !
2912  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2915  subroutine fstr_setup_SFILM( ctrl, counter, P )
2916    implicit none
2917    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
2918    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
2919    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
2921    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
2922    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: amp1, amp2
2923    integer(kind=kint) :: amp_id1, amp_id2
2924    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN), pointer :: grp_id_name(:)
2925    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: value(:)
2926    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: shink(:)
2927    integer(kind=kint) :: i, j, n, m, head, id, member_n, old_size, new_size
2928    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: member1(:), member2(:)
2929    ! ------------------------------------------------
2931    n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
2932    if( n == 0 ) return
2934    allocate( grp_id_name(n))
2935    allocate( value(n))
2936    allocate( shink(n))
2938    amp1 = ' '
2939    amp2 = ' '
2940    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_SFILM( ctrl, amp1, amp2, &
2941      grp_id_name, HECMW_NAME_LEN, value, shink )
2942    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
2944    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!SFILM', amp1, amp_id1 )
2945    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!SFILM', amp2, amp_id2 )
2947    m = 0
2948    do i = 1, n
2949      m = m + get_grp_member_n( P%MESH, 'surf_grp', grp_id_name(i) )
2950    end do
2952    if (m == 0) then
2953      deallocate( grp_id_name )
2954      deallocate( value )
2955      deallocate( shink )
2956      return
2957    endif
2959    ! JP-13
2960    old_size = P%HEAT%H_SUF_tot
2961    new_size = old_size + m
2962    call fstr_expand_integer_array(  P%HEAT%H_SUF_elem,    old_size, new_size )
2963    call fstr_expand_integer_array2( P%HEAT%H_SUF_ampl, 2, old_size, new_size )
2964    call fstr_expand_integer_array(  P%HEAT%H_SUF_surf,    old_size, new_size )
2965    call fstr_expand_real_array2(    P%HEAT%H_SUF_val,  2, old_size, new_size )
2966    P%HEAT%H_SUF_tot = new_size
2968    head = old_size + 1
2969    member1 => P%HEAT%H_SUF_elem(head:)
2970    member2 => P%HEAT%H_SUF_surf(head:)
2971    id = head
2972    do i = 1, n
2973      member_n = get_grp_member( P%MESH, 'surf_grp', grp_id_name(i), member1, member2 )
2974      if( i<n ) then
2975        member1 => member1( member_n+1 : )
2976        member2 => member2( member_n+1 : )
2977      end if
2978      do j = 1, member_n
2979        P%HEAT%H_SUF_val  (id,1) = value(i)
2980        P%HEAT%H_SUF_val  (id,2) = shink(i)
2981        P%HEAT%H_SUF_ampl (id,1) = amp_id1
2982        P%HEAT%H_SUF_ampl (id,2) = amp_id2
2983        id = id + 1
2984      end do
2985    end do
2987    deallocate( grp_id_name )
2988    deallocate( value )
2989    deallocate( shink )
2990  end subroutine fstr_setup_SFILM
2993  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2994  !> Read in !RADIATE                                                          !
2995  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
2998  subroutine fstr_setup_RADIATE( ctrl, counter, P )
2999    implicit none
3000    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
3001    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
3002    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
3004    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
3005    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: amp1, amp2
3006    integer(kind=kint) :: amp_id1, amp_id2
3007    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN), pointer :: grp_id_name(:)
3008    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: load_type(:)
3009    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: value(:)
3010    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: shink(:)
3011    integer(kind=kint) :: i, j, n, m, head, id, member_n, old_size, new_size
3012    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: member(:)
3013    integer(kind=kint) :: local_id, rtc
3014    ! ------------------------------------------------
3016    n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
3017    if( n == 0 ) return
3019    allocate( grp_id_name(n))
3020    allocate( load_type(n))
3021    allocate( value(n))
3022    allocate( shink(n))
3024    amp1 = ' '
3025    amp2 = ' '
3026    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_RADIATE( ctrl, amp1, amp2, &
3027      grp_id_name, HECMW_NAME_LEN, load_type, value, shink )
3028    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
3030    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!RADIATE', amp1, amp_id1 )
3031    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!RADIATE', amp2, amp_id2 )
3033    m = 0
3034    do i = 1, n
3035      rtc = get_local_member_index( P%MESH, 'element', grp_id_name(i), local_id )
3036      if( rtc > 0 ) then
3037        m = m + 1
3038      else if( rtc < 0 ) then
3039        m = m + get_grp_member_n( P%MESH, 'elem_grp', grp_id_name(i) )
3040      end if
3041    end do
3043    if (m == 0) then
3044      deallocate( grp_id_name )
3045      deallocate( load_type )
3046      deallocate( value )
3047      deallocate( shink )
3048      return
3049    endif
3051    ! JP-14
3052    old_size = P%HEAT%R_SUF_tot
3053    new_size = old_size + m
3054    call fstr_expand_integer_array(  P%HEAT%R_SUF_elem,    old_size, new_size )
3055    call fstr_expand_integer_array2( P%HEAT%R_SUF_ampl, 2, old_size, new_size )
3056    call fstr_expand_integer_array(  P%HEAT%R_SUF_surf,    old_size, new_size )
3057    call fstr_expand_real_array2(    P%HEAT%R_SUF_val,  2, old_size, new_size )
3058    P%HEAT%R_SUF_tot = new_size
3060    head = old_size + 1
3061    member => P%HEAT%R_SUF_elem(head:)
3062    id = head
3063    do i = 1, n
3064      rtc = get_local_member_index( P%MESH, 'element', grp_id_name(i), local_id )
3065      if( rtc > 0 ) then
3066        member(1) = local_id
3067        member_n = 1
3068      else if( rtc < 0 ) then
3069        member_n = get_grp_member( P%MESH, 'elem_grp', grp_id_name(i), member )
3070      else
3071        cycle
3072      end if
3073      if( i<n ) member => member( member_n+1 : )
3074      do j = 1, member_n
3075        P%HEAT%R_SUF_surf (id)   = load_type(i)
3076        P%HEAT%R_SUF_val  (id,1) = value(i)
3077        P%HEAT%R_SUF_val  (id,2) = shink(i)
3078        P%HEAT%R_SUF_ampl (id,1) = amp_id1
3079        P%HEAT%R_SUF_ampl (id,2) = amp_id2
3080        id = id + 1
3081      end do
3082    end do
3084    deallocate( grp_id_name )
3085    deallocate( load_type )
3086    deallocate( value )
3087    deallocate( shink )
3088  end subroutine fstr_setup_RADIATE
3091  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3092  !> Read in !SRADIATE                                                         !
3093  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3096  subroutine fstr_setup_SRADIATE( ctrl, counter, P )
3097    implicit none
3098    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
3099    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
3100    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
3102    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
3103    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: amp1, amp2
3104    integer(kind=kint) :: amp_id1, amp_id2
3105    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN), pointer :: grp_id_name(:)
3106    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: value(:)
3107    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: shink(:)
3108    integer(kind=kint) :: i, j, n, m, head, id, member_n, old_size, new_size
3109    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: member1(:), member2(:)
3110    ! ------------------------------------------------
3112    n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
3113    if( n == 0 ) return
3115    allocate( grp_id_name(n))
3116    allocate( value(n))
3117    allocate( shink(n))
3119    amp1 = ' '
3120    amp2 = ' '
3121    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_SRADIATE( ctrl, amp1, amp2, grp_id_name, HECMW_NAME_LEN, value, shink )
3122    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
3124    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!SRADIATE', amp1, amp_id1 )
3125    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!SRADIATE', amp2, amp_id2 )
3127    m = 0
3128    do i = 1, n
3129      m = m + get_grp_member_n( P%MESH, 'surf_grp', grp_id_name(i) )
3130    end do
3132    if (m == 0) then
3133      deallocate( grp_id_name )
3134      deallocate( value )
3135      deallocate( shink )
3136      return
3137    endif
3139    ! JP-15
3140    old_size = P%HEAT%R_SUF_tot
3141    new_size = old_size + m
3142    call fstr_expand_integer_array(  P%HEAT%R_SUF_elem,    old_size, new_size )
3143    call fstr_expand_integer_array2( P%HEAT%R_SUF_ampl, 2, old_size, new_size )
3144    call fstr_expand_integer_array(  P%HEAT%R_SUF_surf,    old_size, new_size )
3145    call fstr_expand_real_array2(    P%HEAT%R_SUF_val,  2, old_size, new_size )
3146    P%HEAT%R_SUF_tot = new_size
3148    head = old_size + 1
3149    member1 => P%HEAT%R_SUF_elem(head:)
3150    member2 => P%HEAT%R_SUF_surf(head:)
3151    id = head
3152    do i = 1, n
3153      member_n = get_grp_member( P%MESH, 'surf_grp', grp_id_name(i), member1, member2 )
3154      if( i<n ) then
3155        member1 => member1( member_n+1 : )
3156        member2 => member2( member_n+1 : )
3157      end if
3158      do j = 1, member_n
3159        P%HEAT%R_SUF_val  (id,1) = value(i)
3160        P%HEAT%R_SUF_val  (id,2) = shink(i)
3161        P%HEAT%R_SUF_ampl (id,1) = amp_id1
3162        P%HEAT%R_SUF_ampl (id,2) = amp_id2
3163        id = id + 1
3164      end do
3165    end do
3167    deallocate( grp_id_name )
3168    deallocate( value )
3169    deallocate( shink )
3170  end subroutine fstr_setup_SRADIATE
3173  !*****************************************************************************!
3174  !* HEADERS FOR EIGEN ANALYSIS ************************************************!
3175  !*****************************************************************************!
3177  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3178  !> Read in !EIGEN                                                            !
3179  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3181  subroutine fstr_setup_EIGEN( ctrl, counter, P )
3182    implicit none
3183    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
3184    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
3185    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
3187    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
3189    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_EIGEN( ctrl, P%EIGEN%nget, P%EIGEN%tolerance, P%EIGEN%maxiter)
3190    if( rcode /= 0) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
3192  end subroutine fstr_setup_EIGEN
3195  !*****************************************************************************!
3196  !* HEADERS FOR DYNAMIC ANALYSIS **********************************************!
3197  !*****************************************************************************!
3199  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3200  !> Read in !DYNAMIC                                                          !
3201  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3203  subroutine fstr_setup_DYNAMIC( ctrl, counter, P )
3204    implicit none
3205    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
3206    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
3207    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
3208    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
3209    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: grp_id_name(1)
3210    integer(kind=kint) :: grp_id(1)
3212    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_DYNAMIC( ctrl, &
3213      P%PARAM%nlgeom,  &
3214      P%DYN%idx_eqa, &
3215      P%DYN%idx_resp,&
3216      P%DYN%n_step,  &
3217      P%DYN%t_start, &
3218      P%DYN%t_end,   &
3219      P%DYN%t_delta, &
3220      P%DYN%ganma,   &
3221      P%DYN%beta,    &
3222      P%DYN%idx_mas, &
3223      P%DYN%idx_dmp, &
3224      P%DYN%ray_m,   &
3225      P%DYN%ray_k,   &
3226      P%DYN%nout,    &
3227      grp_id_name(1), HECMW_NAME_LEN,  &
3228      P%DYN%nout_monit,  &
3229      P%DYN%iout_list )
3231    if( rcode /= 0) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
3233    if (P%DYN%idx_resp == 1) then
3234      call node_grp_name_to_id_ex( P%MESH, '!DYNAMIC', 1, grp_id_name, grp_id)
3235      P%DYN%ngrp_monit = grp_id(1)
3236    else
3237      read(grp_id_name,*) P%DYN%ngrp_monit
3238    endif
3240  end subroutine fstr_setup_DYNAMIC
3243  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3244  !> Read in !VELOCITY                                                         !
3245  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3247  subroutine fstr_setup_VELOCITY( ctrl, counter, P )
3248    implicit none
3249    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
3250    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
3251    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
3253    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
3254    integer(kind=kint) :: vType
3255    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: amp
3256    integer(kind=kint) :: amp_id
3257    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN), pointer :: grp_id_name(:)
3258    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: dof_ids (:)
3259    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: dof_ide (:)
3260    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: val_ptr(:)
3261    integer(kind=kint) :: i, j, n, old_size, new_size
3263    n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
3264    if( n == 0 ) return
3265    old_size = P%SOLID%VELOCITY_ngrp_tot
3266    new_size = old_size + n
3267    P%SOLID%VELOCITY_ngrp_tot = new_size
3269    call fstr_expand_integer_array (P%SOLID%VELOCITY_ngrp_ID  , old_size, new_size )
3270    call fstr_expand_integer_array (P%SOLID%VELOCITY_ngrp_type, old_size, new_size )
3271    call fstr_expand_real_array    (P%SOLID%VELOCITY_ngrp_val , old_size, new_size )
3272    call fstr_expand_integer_array (P%SOLID%VELOCITY_ngrp_amp , old_size, new_size )
3274    allocate( grp_id_name(n))
3275    allocate( dof_ids (n))
3276    allocate( dof_ide (n))
3278    amp = ''
3279    val_ptr => P%SOLID%VELOCITY_ngrp_val(old_size+1:)
3280    val_ptr = 0
3281    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_VELOCITY( ctrl,  vType, amp,   &
3282      grp_id_name, HECMW_NAME_LEN,  &
3283      dof_ids, dof_ide, val_ptr )
3284    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
3285    P%SOLID%VELOCITY_type = vType
3286    if( vType == kbcInitial ) P%DYN%VarInitialize = .true.
3287    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!VELOCITY', amp, amp_id )
3288    call node_grp_name_to_id_ex( P%MESH, '!VELOCITY', &
3289      n, grp_id_name, P%SOLID%VELOCITY_ngrp_ID(old_size+1:))
3291    j = old_size+1
3292    do i = 1, n
3293      if( (dof_ids(i) < 1).or.(6 < dof_ids(i)).or.(dof_ide(i) < 1).or.(6 < dof_ide(i)) ) then
3294        write(ILOG,*) 'fstr contol file error : !VELOCITY : range of dof_ids and dof_ide is from 1 to 6'
3295        stop
3296      end if
3297      P%SOLID%VELOCITY_ngrp_type(j) = 10 * dof_ids(i) + dof_ide(i)
3298      P%SOLID%VELOCITY_ngrp_amp(j) = amp_id
3299      j = j+1
3300    end do
3302    deallocate( grp_id_name )
3303    deallocate( dof_ids )
3304    deallocate( dof_ide )
3306  end subroutine fstr_setup_VELOCITY
3309  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3310  !> Read in !ACCELERATION                                                     !
3311  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3313  subroutine fstr_setup_ACCELERATION( ctrl, counter, P )
3314    implicit none
3315    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
3316    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
3317    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
3319    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
3320    integer(kind=kint) :: aType
3321    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: amp
3322    integer(kind=kint) :: amp_id
3323    character(HECMW_NAME_LEN), pointer :: grp_id_name(:)
3324    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: dof_ids (:)
3325    integer(kind=kint),pointer :: dof_ide (:)
3326    real(kind=kreal),pointer :: val_ptr(:)
3327    integer(kind=kint) :: i, j, n, old_size, new_size
3330    n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
3331    if( n == 0 ) return
3332    old_size = P%SOLID%ACCELERATION_ngrp_tot
3333    new_size = old_size + n
3334    P%SOLID%ACCELERATION_ngrp_tot = new_size
3336    call fstr_expand_integer_array (P%SOLID%ACCELERATION_ngrp_ID  , old_size, new_size )
3337    call fstr_expand_integer_array (P%SOLID%ACCELERATION_ngrp_type, old_size, new_size )
3338    call fstr_expand_real_array    (P%SOLID%ACCELERATION_ngrp_val , old_size, new_size )
3339    call fstr_expand_integer_array (P%SOLID%ACCELERATION_ngrp_amp , old_size, new_size )
3341    allocate( grp_id_name(n))
3342    allocate( dof_ids (n))
3343    allocate( dof_ide (n))
3345    amp = ' '
3346    val_ptr => P%SOLID%ACCELERATION_ngrp_val(old_size+1:)
3347    val_ptr = 0
3348    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_ACCELERATION( ctrl,  aType, amp,   &
3349      grp_id_name, HECMW_NAME_LEN,  &
3350      dof_ids, dof_ide,  val_ptr)
3351    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
3352    P%SOLID%ACCELERATION_type = aType
3353    if( aType == kbcInitial )P%DYN%VarInitialize = .true.
3354    call amp_name_to_id( P%MESH, '!ACCELERATION', amp, amp_id )
3355    call node_grp_name_to_id_ex( P%MESH, '!ACCELERATION', &
3356      n, grp_id_name, P%SOLID%ACCELERATION_ngrp_ID(old_size+1:))
3358    j = old_size+1
3359    do i = 1, n
3360      if( (dof_ids(i) < 1).or.(6 < dof_ids(i)).or.(dof_ide(i) < 1).or.(6 < dof_ide(i)) ) then
3361        write(ILOG,*) 'fstr contol file error : !ACCELERATION : range of dof_ids and dof_ide is from 1 to 6'
3362        stop
3363      end if
3364      P%SOLID%ACCELERATION_ngrp_type(j) = 10 * dof_ids(i) + dof_ide(i)
3365      P%SOLID%ACCELERATION_ngrp_amp(j) = amp_id
3366      j = j+1
3367    end do
3369    deallocate( grp_id_name )
3370    deallocate( dof_ids )
3371    deallocate( dof_ide )
3372  end subroutine fstr_setup_ACCELERATION
3375  !*****************************************************************************!
3376  !* MPC ***********************************************************************!
3377  !*****************************************************************************!
3379  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3380  !> Read in !MPC                                                              !
3381  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3383  subroutine fstr_setup_MPC( ctrl, counter, P )
3384    implicit none
3385    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
3386    integer(kind=kint) :: counter
3387    type(fstr_param_pack), target :: P
3389    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
3390    !        integer(kind=kint) :: type
3391    !        integer(kind=kint),pointer :: node1_ptr(:)
3392    !        integer(kind=kint),pointer :: node2_ptr(:)
3393    !        integer(kind=kint),pointer :: dof_ptr(:)
3394    !        integer(kind=kint) :: n, old_size, new_size
3395    !
3396    !        rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_param_ex( ctrl, 'TYPE ', 'RIGID ', 1, 'P', type )
3397    !        if( rcode < 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
3398    !
3399    !        n = fstr_ctrl_get_data_line_n( ctrl )
3400    !        if( n == 0 ) return
3401    !        old_size = P%MPC_RD%nmpc
3402    !        new_size = old_size + n
3403    !        P%MPC_RD%nmpc = new_size
3404    !
3405    !        call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%MPC_RD%node1,  old_size, new_size )
3406    !        call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%MPC_RD%node2,  old_size, new_size )
3407    !        call fstr_expand_integer_array ( P%MPC_RD%dof,    old_size, new_size )
3408    !
3409    !        node1_ptr => P%MPC_RD%node1(old_size+1:)
3410    !        node2_ptr => P%MPC_RD%node2(old_size+1:)
3411    !        dof_ptr   => P%MPC_RD%dof(old_size+1:)
3412    !
3413    !        rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_MPC( ctrl, type, node1_ptr, node2_ptr, dof_ptr )
3414    !        if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
3415    !
3416    !        if( node_global_to_local( P%MESH, node1_ptr, n ) /= n ) then
3417    !                call fstr_setup_util_err_stop( '### Error : not exist node (!MPC)' )
3418    !        endif
3419    !        if( node_global_to_local( P%MESH, node2_ptr, n ) /= n ) then
3420    !                call fstr_setup_util_err_stop( '### Error : not exist node (!MPC)' )
3421    !        endif
3423    !   penalty => svRarray(11)
3424    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_MPC( ctrl, svRarray(11))
3425    if( rcode /= 0) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
3426  end subroutine fstr_setup_MPC
3429  !*****************************************************************************!
3430  !* IMPORTING NASTRAN BOUNDARY CONDITIONS *************************************!
3431  !*****************************************************************************!
3433  subroutine fstr_setup_solid_nastran( ctrl, hecMESH, fstrSOLID )
3434    implicit none
3435    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
3436    type (hecmwST_local_mesh) :: hecMESH
3437    type (fstr_solid        ) :: fstrSOLID
3438    write(ILOG,*) '### Error : In !BOUNNDARY, TYPE=NASTRAN is not supported.'
3439    call hecmw_abort( hecmw_comm_get_comm())
3440  end subroutine fstr_setup_solid_nastran
3442  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3443  !> Read in !CONTACT                                                           !
3444  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3446  subroutine fstr_setup_CONTACTALGO( ctrl, P )
3447    implicit none
3448    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
3449    !        integer(kind=kint) :: counter
3450    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
3452    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode
3455    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_CONTACTALGO( ctrl, P%PARAM%contact_algo )
3456    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
3458  end subroutine fstr_setup_CONTACTALGO
3460  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3461  !> Read in !OUTPUT_SSTYPE                                                         !
3462  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3464  subroutine fstr_setup_OUTPUT_SSTYPE( ctrl, P )
3465    implicit none
3466    integer(kind=kint) :: ctrl
3467    type(fstr_param_pack) :: P
3469    integer(kind=kint) :: rcode, nid
3470    character(len=HECMW_NAME_LEN) :: data_fmt
3472    data_fmt = 'SOLUTION,MATERIAL '
3473    rcode = fstr_ctrl_get_param_ex( ctrl, 'TYPE ', data_fmt, 0, 'P', nid )
3474    OPSSTYPE = nid
3475    if( rcode /= 0 ) call fstr_ctrl_err_stop
3477  end subroutine fstr_setup_OUTPUT_SSTYPE
3479  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3480  !> Convert SURF-SURF contact to NODE-SURF contact                             !
3481  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------!
3483  subroutine fstr_convert_contact_type( hecMESH )
3484    implicit none
3485    type(hecmwST_local_mesh), pointer :: hecMESH  !< mesh definition
3486    integer(kind=kint) :: n, i, sgrp_id, ngrp_id, ngrp_id2
3487    ! convert SURF_SURF to NODE_SURF
3488    n = hecMESH%contact_pair%n_pair
3489    do i = 1,n
3490      if( hecMESH%contact_pair%type(i) /= HECMW_CONTACT_TYPE_SURF_SURF ) cycle
3491      sgrp_id = hecMESH%contact_pair%slave_grp_id(i)
3492      call append_node_grp_from_surf_grp( hecMESH, sgrp_id, ngrp_id )
3493      ! change type of contact and slave group ID
3494      hecMESH%contact_pair%type(i) = HECMW_CONTACT_TYPE_NODE_SURF
3495      hecMESH%contact_pair%slave_grp_id(i) = ngrp_id
3496      ! ! for DEBUG
3497      ! sgrp_id = hecMESH%contact_pair%master_grp_id(i)
3498      ! call append_node_grp_from_surf_grp( hecMESH, sgrp_id, ngrp_id2 )
3499      ! ! intersection node group of slave and master
3500      ! call append_intersection_node_grp( hecMESH, ngrp_id, ngrp_id2 )
3501      ! ! intersection node_group of original slave and patch-slave
3502      ! ngrp_id=get_grp_id( hecMESH, 'node_grp', 'SLAVE' )
3503      ! ngrp_id2=get_grp_id( hecMESH, 'node_grp', '_PT_SLAVE_S' )
3504      ! call append_intersection_node_grp( hecMESH, ngrp_id, ngrp_id2 )
3505    enddo
3506  end subroutine fstr_convert_contact_type
3508end module m_fstr_setup