1 /***************************************************************************
2  *   (C) 2003 Sune Fischer                                                 *
3  *   (C) 2005-2006 Marius Roets <roets.marius@gmail.com>                   *
4  *   (C) 2005-2009 Michal Rudolf <mrudolf@kdewebdev.org>                   *
5  *                                                                         *
6  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
7  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
8  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
9  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
10  ***************************************************************************/
12 #include "move.h"
17 namespace chessx {
19 enum BoardStatus
20 {
21     Valid, NoWhiteKing, NoBlackKing, DoubleCheck,
22     OppositeCheck, TooManyBlackPawns, TooManyWhitePawns,
23     PawnsOn18, TooManyKings, TooManyWhite, TooManyBlack,
24     BadCastlingRights, InvalidEnPassant, MultiCheck
25 };
27 typedef uchar CastlingRights;
28 enum
29 {
30     NoRights = 0,
31     WhiteKingside = 1, BlackKingside = 2,
32     WhiteQueenside = 4, BlackQueenside = 8,
33     WhiteBothSides = 5, BlackBothSides = 10,
34     AllRights = 15
35 };
37 } // namespace chessx
39 /** @ingroup Core
40  * Keep track of the pieces on a chessboard, provide a Move() factory.
41  */
42 class BitBoard
43 {
44 public:
45     BitBoard();
47     // Play moves on board
48     //
49     /** Play given move, updating board state appropriately */
50     bool doMove(const Move&);
51     /** Return board to state prior to given move */
52     void undoMove(const Move&);
54     // Setup board
55     //
56     /** Remove all pieces and state from board */
57     void clear();
58     /** Set move number in game */
59     void setMoveNumber(unsigned int moveNumber);
60     /** Set initial chess game position on the board */
61     void setStandardPosition();
62     /** Set the given piece on the board at the given square */
63     void setAt(const chessx::Square s, const Piece p);
64     /** Remove any piece sitting on given square */
65     void removeAt(const chessx::Square s);
66     /** Set side to move as that of given color */
67     void setToMove(const Color& c);
68     /** Swap the side to move */
69     void swapToMove();
70     /** Parse given FEN, return true if loaded properly otherwise false */
71     bool fromFen(const QString& fen);
72     /** Set En Passant Square */
73     void setEnPassantSquare(const chessx::Square s);
74     /** Set En Passant in a file */
75     void setEnPassantFile(int f);
76     /** From a FICS representation of a board */
77     bool from64Char(const QString &qcharboard);
78     /** Remove En Passant privilege */
79     void clearEnPassantSquare();
81     // Move factories
82     //
83     Move createCastlingQ() const;
84     Move createCastlingK() const;
86     /** parse SAN or LAN representation of move, and return proper Move() object */
87     Move parseMove(const QString& algebraic) const;
88     /** Return a proper Move() object given only a from-to move specification */
89     Move prepareMove(const chessx::Square& from, const chessx::Square& to) const;
91     // Return a nullMove -- King to the same square
92     Move nullMove() const;
94     // Query
95     //
96     /** Is piece sitting on given square moveable ? */
97     bool isMovable(const chessx::Square s) const;
98     /** @return piece sitting at given square on the board */
99     Piece pieceAt(chessx::Square s) const;
100     /* Get the color of a Piece at square @s */
101     Color colorAt(chessx::Square s) const;
102     /** @return number of ply since a pawn move or capture */
103     unsigned int halfMoveClock() const;
104     /** Set number of ply since a pawn move or capture */
105     void setHalfMoveClock(unsigned int i);
106     /** @return the current move number in the game */
107     unsigned int moveNumber() const;
108     /** @return color of side next to move */
109     Color toMove() const;
110     /** @return true if color of side next to move is black */
111     bool blackToMove() const;
112     /** @return true if color of side next to move is black */
113     bool whiteToMove() const;
114     /** @return true if its possible for this position to follow target position */
115     bool canBeReachedFrom(const BitBoard& target) const;
116     /** @return true if position is same, but don't consider Move # in determination */
117     bool positionIsSame(const BitBoard& target) const;
118     /** @return true if neither side can win the game */
119     bool insufficientMaterial() const;
120     /** @return the square at which the king of @p color is located */
121     chessx::Square kingSquare(Color color) const;
123     // Query other formats
124     //
125     /** Return a FEN string based on current board position */
126     QString toFen(bool forceExtendedFEN=false) const;
127     /** Return a FEN string in human readable format based on current board position */
128     QString toHumanFen() const;
130     // Move formatting
131     /** Maps piece type to short string used in SAN */
132     class PieceNames
133     {
134     public:
135         PieceNames();
136         PieceNames(const QString& k, const QString& q, const QString& r, const QString& b, const QString& n);
138         /** @returns abbreviation for piece @p type */
139         QString get(PieceType type) const;
140         /** Set abbreviation for a piece @p type */
141         void set(PieceType type, const QString& name);
142         /** Set abbreviations for all piece types at once
143          *  @note This method expects 1 letter per piece.
144          * If called with a string of incompatible length, FAN will be used.
145          */
146         void set(const QString& pieces);
148         /** unicode letters (♔♕♖♗♘) aka FAN */
149         static const PieceNames& figurine();
150         /** english convention (KQRBN) */
151         static const PieceNames& english();
152         /** global customizable instance */
153         static PieceNames& custom();
154     private:
155         static const int PieceTypeCount = 7;
156         QString m_names[PieceTypeCount];
157     };
159     /** Return a SAN string representation of given move */
160     QString moveToSan(const Move& move, bool translate = false, bool extend = false) const;
161     /** @return a SAN string representing a given move with move number. */
162     QString moveToFullSan(const Move& move, bool translate=false) const;
164     // Validation
165     //
166     /** Check current position and return "Valid" or problem */
167     chessx::BoardStatus validate() const;
168     /** Return true if given FEN can be parsed */
169     bool isValidFen(const QString& fen) const;
171     /** Set castling rights. */
172     void setCastlingRights(chessx::CastlingRights cr);
173     /** Return the internal castling rights data (used by hash function) */
174     chessx::CastlingRights castlingRights() const;
175     /** Return square where En passant capture may occur, or "NoEPSquare" */
176     chessx::Square enPassantSquare() const;
178     bool canTakeEnPassant() const;
179     /** Return true if the side to move is in checkmate */
180     bool isCheckmate() const;
181     /** Return true if the side to move is stalemated */
182     bool isStalemate() const;
184     /** Return 1 if Chess960 is selected, 0 otherwise */
185     bool chess960() const;
186     /** Set to 1 if Chess960 is selected, 0 otherwise */
187     void setChess960(bool chess960);
188     /** Setup board according to position number */
189     void fromChess960pos(int value);
190     /** Get the position number from the current position */
191     int chess960Pos() const;
192     quint64 castlingRooks() const;
193     static quint64 standardCastlingRooks();
195     void setCastlingRooks(char file000=0, char file00=0);
196     int CastlingRookIndex(chessx::Square rook) const;
197     bool HasRookOnFileForCastling(unsigned char file, bool castle000) const;
199     bool hasAmbiguousCastlingRooks(char file000 = 0, char file00 = 0) const;
200     /** Test to see if given color has the right to castle on kingside */
201     bool canCastleShort(const unsigned int color) const;
202     /** Test to see if given color has the right to castle on queenside */
203     bool canCastleLong(const unsigned int color) const;
204     /** Get the castling rook to the given index into m_castlingRook */
205     chessx::Square CastlingRook(int index) const;
206     /** Return the square of the king if in check, InvalidSquare otherwise */
207     chessx::Square kingInCheck() const;
208     /** Return true if the given square is attacked by the given color */
209     bool isAttackedBy(const unsigned int color, chessx::Square square) const;
210     /** Return number of attacks onto a given square by the given color */
211     int numAttackedBy(const unsigned int color, chessx::Square square) const;
212     /** Generate all possible moves in a given position */
213     Move::List generateMoves() const;
214 protected:
215     unsigned int countSetBits(quint64 n) const;
216 private:
217     /** Test if a king is on a certain row to test castling rights */
218     bool isKingOnRow(Piece p, chessx::Square start, chessx::Square stop) const;
219     /** Return true if side to move is in check */
220     bool isCheck() const;
222     /** Test to see if given color has any castling rights remaining */
223     bool canCastle(const unsigned int color) const;
225     /** Return true if making move would put oneself into check */
226     bool isIntoCheck(const Move& move) const;
227     /** Return true if the given squares are attacked by the given color */
228     bool isAttackedBy(const unsigned int color, chessx::Square start, chessx::Square stop) const;
230     /** Return all squares attacked by a knight on given square */
231     quint64 knightAttacksFrom(const chessx::Square s) const;
232     /** Return all squares attacked by a bishop on given square */
233     quint64 bishopAttacksFrom(const chessx::Square s) const;
234     /** Return all squares attacked by a rook on given square */
235     quint64 rookAttacksFrom(const chessx::Square s) const;
236     /** Return all squares attacked by a queen on given square */
237     quint64 queenAttacksFrom(const chessx::Square s) const;
238     /** Return all squares attacked by a king on given square */
239     quint64 kingAttacksFrom(const chessx::Square s) const;
240     /** Return all possible pawn moves from given square */
241     quint64 pawnMovesFrom(const chessx::Square s) const;
243     /** Remove impossible moves from given bitboard to aid disambiguation */
244     void removeIllegal(const Move& move, quint64& b) const;
245     /** Update move with castling details, return false if no castle is possible */
246     bool prepareCastle(Move& move) const;
247     /** Update move with castling details for Chess960, return false if no castle is possible */
248     bool prepareCastle960(Move &move) const;
249     /** Test that nothing is inbetween the castling pieces */
250     bool isFreeForCastling960(chessx::Square from, chessx::Square to, chessx::Square rook_from, chessx::Square rook_to) const;
253     /** Grant castling rights on the kingside to the given color */
254     void setCastleShort(unsigned int color);
255     /** Grant castling rights on the queenside to the given color */
256     void setCastleLong(unsigned int color);
257     /** Revoke all castling rights from the given color */
258     void destroyCastle(unsigned int color);
259     /** Revoke castling rights from the given color */
260     void destroyCastleInDirection(unsigned int color, chessx::Square s);
261     /** Update the epSquare value based on a new epFile value */
262     void epFile2Square();
264     /** Setup board according to FEN string */
265     bool fromGoodFen(const QString& fen, bool chess960=false);
266     /** Get the rook with index from castling rook storage */
267     bool HasRookForCastling(int index) const;
268     chessx::Square CastlingKingTarget(int rookIndex) const;
269     chessx::Square CastlingRookTarget(int rookIndex) const;
270     void fixCastlingRooks(bool, char file000=0, char file00=0);
272     // Actual Bit-board data
273     quint64 m_pawns, m_knights, m_bishops, m_rooks, m_castlingRooks, m_queens, m_kings;
274     quint64 m_occupied_co[2];     // Square mask of those occupied by each color
275     quint64 m_occupied;           // Square is empty or holds a piece
276     quint64 m_occupied_l90;       // rotated counter clockwise 90 deg
277     quint64 m_occupied_l45;       // an odd transformation, to straighten out diagonals
278     quint64 m_occupied_r45;       // the opposite odd transformation, just as messy
280     // Extra state data
281     unsigned char m_piece[64];             // type of piece on this square
282     unsigned char m_stm;                   // side to move
283     chessx::Square        m_ksq[2];                // square of the m_kings
284     unsigned char m_epFile;                // file of a possible ep capture
285     unsigned char m_epSquare;              // This is requested by hash routine enough that we keep it pre calculated
286     unsigned char m_castle;                // flags for castle legality  (these can be merged)
287     unsigned short m_halfMoves;            // Number of moves since last pawn move or capture
288     unsigned int m_moveNumber;             // Move number in game (incremented after each black move)
289     unsigned char m_pawnCount[2];          // Number of pawns for each side
290     unsigned char m_pieceCount[2];         // Number of pieces INCLUDING pawns for each side
291     unsigned char m_chess960;              // 0 = standard, 1 = Chess960
292 };
294 namespace chessx {
296 enum Char64Position
297 {
298     C64_ROW8,
299     C64_ROW7,
300     C64_ROW6,
301     C64_ROW5,
302     C64_ROW4,
303     C64_ROW3,
304     C64_ROW2,
305     C64_ROW1,
306     C64_COLOR_TO_MOVE,
308     C64_CASTLE_W_00,
309     C64_CASTLE_W_000,
310     C64_CASTLE_B_00,
311     C64_CASTLE_B_000,
312     C64_PLY_50_MOVE,
313     C64_NUM_GAME,
314     C64_NAME_WHITE,
315     C64_NAME_BLACK,
316     C64_GAME_RELATION,
317     C64_INITIAL_TIME_S,
318     C64_INCREMENT_S,
324     C64_LAST_MOVE,
326     C64_PP_LAST_MOVE,
327     C64_FLIP_BOARD,
328     C64_CLOCK_RUNNING,
329     C64_LAG
330 };
332 enum Char64Relation
333 {
334     C64_REL_ISOLATED = -3,           // isolated position, such as for "ref 3" or the "sposition" command
335     C64_REL_OBSERVING_EXAMINE = -2,  // I am observing game being examined
336     C64_REL_PLAY_OPPONENT_MOVE = -1, // I am playing, it is my opponent's move
337     C64_REL_OBSERVING_PLAY = 0,      // I am observing a game being played
338     C64_REL_PLAY_MY_MOVE = 1,        // I am playing and it is my move
339     C64_REL_EXAMINE = 2              // I am the examiner of this game
340 };
342 } // namespace chessx
344 extern quint64 bb_PawnAttacks[2][64];
345 extern quint64 bb_KnightAttacks[64];
346 extern quint64 bb_R45Attacks[64][64];
347 extern quint64 bb_L45Attacks[64][64];
348 extern quint64 bb_KingAttacks[64];
349 extern quint64 bb_RankAttacks[64][64];
350 extern quint64 bb_FileAttacks[64][64];
352 const unsigned int bb_ShiftR45[64] =
353 {
354     1, 58, 51, 44, 37, 30, 23, 16,
355     9, 1, 58, 51, 44, 37, 30, 23,
356     17, 9, 1, 58, 51, 44, 37, 30,
357     25, 17, 9, 1, 58, 51, 44, 37,
358     33, 25, 17, 9, 1, 58, 51, 44,
359     41, 33, 25, 17, 9, 1, 58, 51,
360     49, 41, 33, 25, 17, 9, 1, 58,
361     57, 49, 41, 33, 25, 17, 9, 1
362 };
364 const unsigned int bb_ShiftL45[64] =
365 {
366     9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 49, 57, 1,
367     17, 25, 33, 41, 49, 57, 1, 10,
368     25, 33, 41, 49, 57, 1, 10, 19,
369     33, 41, 49, 57, 1, 10, 19, 28,
370     41, 49, 57, 1, 10, 19, 28, 37,
371     49, 57, 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46,
372     57, 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55,
373     1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64
374 };
isAttackedBy(const unsigned int color,chessx::Square square)376 inline bool BitBoard::isAttackedBy(const unsigned int color, chessx::Square square) const
377 {
378     if(bb_PawnAttacks[color ^ 1][square] & m_pawns & m_occupied_co[color])
379     {
380         return 1;
381     }
382     if(knightAttacksFrom(square) & m_knights & m_occupied_co[color])
383     {
384         return 1;
385     }
386     if(bishopAttacksFrom(square) & (m_bishops | m_queens) & m_occupied_co[color])
387     {
388         return 1;
389     }
390     if(rookAttacksFrom(square) & (m_rooks | m_queens) & m_occupied_co[color])
391     {
392         return 1;
393     }
394     if(kingAttacksFrom(square) & m_kings & m_occupied_co[color])
395     {
396         return 1;
397     }
398     return 0;
399 };
isAttackedBy(const unsigned int color,chessx::Square start,chessx::Square stop)401 inline bool BitBoard::isAttackedBy(const unsigned int color, chessx::Square start, chessx::Square stop) const
402 {
403     chessx::Square square = start;
405     while(square!=stop)
406     {
407         bool underAttack = isAttackedBy(color, square);
408         if (underAttack) return true;
409         if (square!=stop) square += (start<=stop) ? 1:-1;
410     }
412     return isAttackedBy(color, stop);
413 };
setCastleShort(unsigned int color)415 inline void BitBoard::setCastleShort(unsigned int color)
416 {
417     m_castle |= 1 << color;
418 }
setCastleLong(unsigned int color)420 inline void BitBoard::setCastleLong(unsigned int color)
421 {
422     m_castle |= 4 << color;
423 }
destroyCastle(unsigned int color)425 inline void BitBoard::destroyCastle(unsigned int color)
426 {
427     m_castle &= ~(5 << color);
428 }
destroyCastleInDirection(unsigned int color,chessx::Square s)430 inline void BitBoard::destroyCastleInDirection(unsigned int color, chessx::Square s)
431 {
432     for (int i = 0; i<4; ++i)
433     {
434         if (CastlingRook(i) == s)
435         {
436             switch(i)
437             {
438             case 0: if (color == 0) m_castle &= (unsigned char) ~4; break;
439             case 1: if (color == 0) m_castle &= (unsigned char) ~1; break;
440             case 2: if (color == 1) m_castle &= (unsigned char) ~8; break;
441             case 3: if (color == 1) m_castle &= (unsigned char) ~2; break;
442             }
443             break;
444         }
445     }
446 }
knightAttacksFrom(const chessx::Square s)448 inline quint64 BitBoard::knightAttacksFrom(const chessx::Square s) const
449 {
450     return bb_KnightAttacks[s];
451 }
bishopAttacksFrom(const chessx::Square s)453 inline quint64 BitBoard::bishopAttacksFrom(const chessx::Square s) const
454 {
455     return bb_R45Attacks[s][(m_occupied_r45 >> bb_ShiftR45[s]) & 63] |
456            bb_L45Attacks[s][(m_occupied_l45 >> bb_ShiftL45[s]) & 63];
457 }
rookAttacksFrom(const chessx::Square s)459 inline quint64 BitBoard::rookAttacksFrom(const chessx::Square s) const
460 {
461     return bb_RankAttacks[s][(m_occupied >> ((s & ~7) + 1)) & 63] |
462            bb_FileAttacks[s][(m_occupied_l90 >> (((s & 7) << 3) + 1)) & 63];
463 }
queenAttacksFrom(const chessx::Square s)465 inline quint64 BitBoard::queenAttacksFrom(const chessx::Square s) const
466 {
467     return rookAttacksFrom(s) | bishopAttacksFrom(s);
468 }
kingAttacksFrom(const chessx::Square s)470 inline quint64 BitBoard::kingAttacksFrom(const chessx::Square s)  const
471 {
472     return bb_KingAttacks[s];
473 }
epFile2Square()475 inline void BitBoard::epFile2Square()
476 {
477     if(m_epFile)
478     {
479         m_epSquare = m_epFile + (m_stm == White ? chessx::a6 : chessx::a3) - 1;
480     }
481     else
482     {
483         m_epSquare = chessx::NoEPSquare;
484     }
485 }
canCastle(const unsigned int color)487 inline bool BitBoard::canCastle(const unsigned int color) const
488 {
489     return m_castle & (5 << color);
490 }
canCastleShort(const unsigned int color)492 inline bool BitBoard::canCastleShort(const unsigned int color) const
493 {
494     return m_castle & (1 << color);
495 }
canCastleLong(const unsigned int color)497 inline bool BitBoard::canCastleLong(const unsigned int color)  const
498 {
499     return m_castle & (4 << color);
500 }
isCheck()502 inline bool BitBoard::isCheck() const
503 {
504     return isAttackedBy(m_stm ^ 1, m_ksq[m_stm]);
505 }
kingInCheck()507 inline chessx::Square BitBoard::kingInCheck() const
508 {
509     return isCheck() ? m_ksq[m_stm] : (chessx::Square) chessx::InvalidSquare;
510 }
halfMoveClock()512 inline unsigned int BitBoard::halfMoveClock() const
513 {
514     return m_halfMoves;
515 }
setHalfMoveClock(unsigned int i)517 inline void BitBoard::setHalfMoveClock(unsigned int i)
518 {
519     m_halfMoves = i;
520 }
moveNumber()522 inline unsigned int BitBoard::moveNumber() const
523 {
524     return m_moveNumber;
525 }
toMove()527 inline Color BitBoard::toMove() const
528 {
529     return Color(m_stm);
530 }
blackToMove()532 inline bool BitBoard::blackToMove() const
533 {
534     return Color(m_stm) == Black;
535 }
whiteToMove()537 inline bool BitBoard::whiteToMove() const
538 {
539     return Color(m_stm) == White;
540 }
enPassantSquare()542 inline chessx::Square BitBoard::enPassantSquare() const
543 {
544     return chessx::Square(m_epSquare);
545 }
castlingRights()547 inline chessx::CastlingRights BitBoard::castlingRights() const
548 {
549     return m_castle;
550 }
get(PieceType type)552 inline QString BitBoard::PieceNames::get(PieceType type) const
553 {
554     Q_ASSERT(0 <= type && type < PieceTypeCount);
555     return m_names[type];
556 }
set(PieceType type,const QString & name)558 inline void BitBoard::PieceNames::set(PieceType type, const QString &name)
559 {
560     Q_ASSERT(0 <= type && type < PieceTypeCount);
561     m_names[type] = name;
562 }