1 /*
2    Copyright (c) 1991-1999 Thomas T. Wetmore IV
4    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
5    obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
6    files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
7    restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
8    modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
9    of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
10    furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
12    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
13    included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
23 */
24 /* modified 05 Jan 2000 by Paul B. McBride (pmcbride@tiac.net) */
25 /*=============================================================
26  * browse.c -- Implements the browse command
27  * NB: Part of curses GUI version
28  * Copyright(c) 1992-95 by T.T. Wetmore IV; all rights reserved
29  *   2.3.4 - 24 Jun 93    2.3.5 - 25 Aug 93
30  *   2.3.6 - 01 Nov 93    3.0.0 - 24 Sep 94
31  *   3.0.2 - 16 Oct 94    3.0.2 - 30 Dec 94
32  *   3.0.3 - 04 May 95
33  *===========================================================*/
35 #include "llstdlib.h"
36 #include "table.h"
37 #include "translat.h"
38 #include "gedcom.h"
39 #include "indiseq.h"
40 #include "liflines.h"
41 #include "feedback.h"
42 #include "menuitem.h"
43 #include "cache.h"
44 #include "lloptions.h"
46 #include "llinesi.h"
47 #include "screen.h"
49 /*********************************************
50  * global/exported variables
51  *********************************************/
53 RECORD jumpnode; /* used by Ethel for direct navigation */
55 /*********************************************
56  * external/imported variables
57  *********************************************/
59 extern BOOLEAN traditional;
60 extern STRING qSnochil, qSnopers, qSnofam, qSnosour, qSidsour, qSnorec;
61 extern STRING qSnoeven, qSideven, qSnoothe, qSidothe;
62 extern STRING qSnonote, qSidnote, qSnoptr, qSidptr;
63 extern STRING qSidsbrs, qSidsrmv, qSidfbrs, qSidcbrs, qSidcrmv, qSiscnew, qSissnew;
64 extern STRING qSidfcop, qSntprnt, qSnofath, qSnomoth, qSnospse, qSnoysib, qSnoosib;
65 extern STRING qSnoprnt, qSnohusb, qSnowife, qShasbth, qShasnei, qSnocinf, qSnocofp;
66 extern STRING qSidpnxt, qSidnxt;
67 extern STRING qSids2fm, qSidc2fm, qSidplst, qSidp2br, qScrtcfm, qScrtsfm;
68 extern STRING qSronlye, qSronlya, qSidhbrs, qSidwbrs;
69 extern STRING qSid1sbr, qSid2sbr, qSid1fbr, qSid2fbr, qSid1cbr, qSid2cbr;
70 extern STRING qSid1hbr, qSid2hbr, qSid1wbr, qSid2wbr;
71 extern STRING qSspover, qSidfamk, qSnohist, qSidhist, qShistclr;
72 extern STRING qStag2lng2cnc,qSnewrecis,qSautoxref,qSeditcur,qSgotonew,qSstaycur;
73 extern STRING qSbadhistcnt,qSbadhistcnt2,qSbadhistlen;
75 /*********************************************
76  * local enums & defines
77  *********************************************/
79 #define MAX_SPOUSES 30
80 struct hist;
82 /*********************************************
83  * local function prototypes
84  *********************************************/
86 /* alphabetical */
87 static RECORD add_new_rec_maybe_ref(RECORD current, char ntype);
88 static void ask_clear_history(struct hist * histp);
89 static void autoadd_xref(RECORD rec, NODE newnode);
90 static INT browse_aux(RECORD *prec1, RECORD *prec2, INDISEQ *pseq);
91 static INT browse_indi(RECORD *prec1, RECORD *prec2, INDISEQ *pseq);
92 static INT browse_fam(RECORD *prec1, RECORD *prec2, INDISEQ *pseq);
93 static INT browse_indi_modes(RECORD *prec1, RECORD *prec2, INDISEQ *pseq
94 	, INT indimode);
95 static INT browse_pedigree(RECORD *prec1, RECORD *prec2, INDISEQ *pseq);
96 static RECORD disp_chistory_list(void);
97 static RECORD disp_vhistory_list(void);
98 static INT display_aux(RECORD rec, INT mode, BOOLEAN reuse);
99 static INT get_hist_count(struct hist * histp);
100 static INDISEQ get_history_list(struct hist * histp);
101 static RECORD goto_fam_child(RECORD frec, int childno);
102 static RECORD goto_indi_child(RECORD irec, int childno);
103 static BOOLEAN handle_aux_mode_cmds(INT c, INT * mode);
104 static INT handle_history_cmds(INT c, RECORD *prec1);
105 static RECORD history_back(struct hist * histp);
106 static RECORD do_disp_history_list(struct hist * histp);
107 static void history_record(RECORD rec, struct hist * histp);
108 static RECORD history_fwd(struct hist * histp);
109 static void init_hist(struct hist * histp, INT count);
110 static void load_hist_lists(void);
111 static void load_nkey_list(STRING key, struct hist * histp);
112 static void prompt_add_spouse_with_candidate(RECORD fam, RECORD save);
113 static RECORD pick_create_new_family(RECORD current, RECORD save, STRING * addstrings);
114 static void pick_remove_spouse_from_family(RECORD frec);
115 static void save_hist_lists(void);
116 static void save_nkey_list(STRING key, struct hist * histp);
117 static void setrecord(RECORD * dest, RECORD * src);
119 /*********************************************
120  * local variables
121  *********************************************/
123 /*
124 	A history structure is a circular buffer holding
125 	a list. start is the earliest entry, and the
126 	past_end points just beyond the latest entry.
127 	If start==past_end the the buffer is full.
128 	(If start==-1, then there are no entries.)
129 	list is a dynamically allocated array, with #entries==size.
130 	-1 <= start < size
131 	0 <= past_end < size
132 	(NB: CMD_HISTORY_FWD will go ahead to unused entries.)
133 */
134 struct hist {
135 	INT start;
136 	INT past_end;
137 	INT size;
138 	NKEY * list;
139 };
140 static struct hist vhist; /* records visited */
141 static struct hist chist; /* records changed */
144 /*********************************************
145  * local function definitions
146  * body of module
147  *********************************************/
149 /*=========================================
150  * prompt_for_browse -- prompt for browse target
151  *  when only type of browse is known
152  *  prec:  [OUT]  current record
153  *  code:  [I/O]  current browse type
154  *  pseq:  [OUT]  current sequence
155  * Sets either *prec or *pseq & sets *code to appropriate browse type
156  *  returns addref'd record
157  *=======================================*/
158 static void
prompt_for_browse(RECORD * prec,INT * code,INDISEQ * pseq)159 prompt_for_browse (RECORD * prec, INT * code, INDISEQ * pseq)
160 {
161 	INT len, rc;
162 	STRING key, name;
164 	/* verify & clear the output arguments */
165 	ASSERT(prec);
166 	ASSERT(pseq);
167 	*prec = 0;
168 	*pseq =0;
170 	if (*code == BROWSE_INDI) {
171 		/* ctype of 'B' means any type but check persons first */
172 		*pseq = ask_for_indiseq(_(qSidplst), 'B', &rc);
173 		if (!*pseq) return;
174 		if ((len = length_indiseq(*pseq)) < 1) return;
175 		if (len == 1) {
176 			element_indiseq(*pseq, 0, &key, &name);
177 			*prec = qkey_to_record(key);
178 			/* leaking sequence here, Perry, 2005-09-25 */
179 			*pseq = NULL;
180 			*code = BROWSE_UNK; /* not sure what we got above */
181 		} else {
182 			*code = BROWSE_LIST;
183 		}
184 		return;
185 	}
186 	if (*code == BROWSE_EVEN) {
187 		*prec = choose_any_event();
188 		return;
189 	}
190 	if (*code == BROWSE_SOUR) {
191 		*prec = choose_any_source();
192 		return;
193 	}
194 	*prec = choose_any_other();
195 	return;
196 }
197 /*=========================================
198  * browse -- Main loop of browse operation.
199  *  rec may be NULL (then prompt)
200  *=======================================*/
201 void
main_browse(RECORD rec1,INT code)202 main_browse (RECORD rec1, INT code)
203 {
204 	RECORD rec2=0;
205 	INDISEQ seq = NULL;
207 	if (!rec1)
208 		prompt_for_browse(&rec1, &code, &seq);
210 	if (!rec1) {
211 		if (!seq) return;
212 		if (!length_indiseq(seq)) {
213 			remove_indiseq(seq);
214 			return;
215 		}
216 	}
220 	/*
221 	loop here handle user browsing around through
222 	persons, families, references, etc, without returning
223 	to main menu
224 	*/
226 	while (code != BROWSE_QUIT) {
227 		switch (code) {
228 		case BROWSE_INDI:
229 			code = browse_indi(&rec1, &rec2, &seq); break;
230 		case BROWSE_FAM:
231 			code = browse_fam(&rec1, &rec2, &seq); break;
232 		case BROWSE_PED:
233 			code = browse_pedigree(&rec1, &rec2, &seq); break;
234 		case BROWSE_TAND:
235 			code = browse_tandem(&rec1, &rec2, &seq); break;
236 		case BROWSE_2FAM:
237 			code = browse_2fam(&rec1, &rec2, &seq); break;
238 		case BROWSE_LIST:
239 			code = browse_list(&rec1, &rec2, &seq); break;
240 		case BROWSE_SOUR:
241 		case BROWSE_EVEN:
242 		case BROWSE_AUX:
243 			code = browse_aux(&rec1, &rec2, &seq); break;
244 		case BROWSE_UNK:
245 			ASSERT(rec1);
246 			switch(nztype(rec1)) {
247 			case 'I': code=BROWSE_INDI; break;
248 			case 'F': code=BROWSE_FAM; break;
249 			case 'S': code=BROWSE_SOUR; break;
250 			case 'E': code=BROWSE_EVEN; break;
251 			default: code=BROWSE_AUX; break;
252 			}
253 		}
254 	}
255 	setrecord(&rec1, NULL);
256 	setrecord(&rec2, NULL);
257 }
258 /*================================================
259  * goto_indi_child - jump to child by number
260  * returns addref'd record
261  *==============================================*/
262 static RECORD
goto_indi_child(RECORD irec,int childno)263 goto_indi_child (RECORD irec, int childno)
264 {
265 	INT num1, num2, i = 0;
266 	RECORD answer = 0;
267 	INT akeynum=0; /* answer key */
268 	NODE indi = nztop(irec);
269 	if (!irec) return NULL;
270 	FORFAMS(indi, fam, num1)
271 		FORCHILDREN(fam, chil, num2)
272 			i++;
273 			if (i == childno)
274 				akeynum = nzkeynum(chil);
277 	if (akeynum) {
278 		answer = keynum_to_irecord(akeynum);
279 		addref_record(answer);
280 	}
281 	return answer;
282 }
283 /*================================================
284  * goto_fam_child - jump to child by number
285  * returns addref'd record
286  *==============================================*/
287 static RECORD
goto_fam_child(RECORD frec,int childno)288 goto_fam_child (RECORD frec, int childno)
289 {
290 	INT num, i = 0;
291 	RECORD answer = 0;
292 	INT akeynum=0;
293 	NODE fam = nztop(frec);
294 	if (!frec) return NULL;
295 	FORCHILDREN(fam, chil, num)
296 		i++;
297 		if (i == childno)
298 			akeynum = nzkeynum(chil);
300 	if (akeynum) {
301 		answer = keynum_to_irecord(akeynum);
302 		addref_record(answer);
303 	}
304 	return answer;
305 }
306 /*===============================================
307  * pick_create_new_family --
308  * returns addref'd record
309  *=============================================*/
310 static RECORD
pick_create_new_family(RECORD current,RECORD save,STRING * addstrings)311 pick_create_new_family (RECORD current, RECORD save, STRING * addstrings)
312 {
313 	INT i;
314 	RECORD rec=0;
316 	if (readonly) {
317 		message(_(qSronlya));
318 		return NULL;
319 	}
320 	i = choose_from_array(_(qSidfcop), 2, addstrings);
321 	if (i == -1) return NULL;
322 	if (i == 0) {
323 		rec = add_family_by_edit(NULL, NULL, current, &disp_long_rfmt);
324 	} else if (save) {
325 		char scratch[100];
326 		STRING name = indi_to_name(nztop(save), 55);
327 		llstrncpyf(scratch, sizeof(scratch), uu8, "%s%s", _(qSissnew), name);
328 		if (keyflag) {
329 			STRING key = rmvat(nxref(nztop(save)))+1;
330 			llstrappf(scratch, sizeof(scratch), uu8, " (%s)", key);
331 		}
332 		if (ask_yes_or_no(scratch))
333 			rec = add_family_by_edit(current, save, NULL, &disp_long_rfmt);
334 		else
335 			rec = add_family_by_edit(current, NULL, NULL, &disp_long_rfmt);
336 	} else
337 		rec = add_family_by_edit(current, NULL, NULL, &disp_long_rfmt);
338 	return rec;
339 }
340 /*====================================================
341  * setrecord -- Move record in src to dest
342  *  Handles releasing old reference
343  *==================================================*/
344 static void
setrecord(RECORD * dest,RECORD * src)345 setrecord (RECORD * dest, RECORD * src)
346 {
347 	ASSERT(dest);
348 	if (*dest) {
349 		release_record(*dest);
350 	}
351 	if (src) {
352 		*dest = *src;
353 		*src = 0;
354 	} else {
355 		*dest = 0;
356 	}
357 }
358 /*====================================================
359  * browse_indi_modes -- Handle person/pedigree browse.
360  *  prec1 [I/O]  current record (or upper in tandem screens)
361  *  prec2 [I/O]  lower record in tandem screens
362  *  pseq  [I/O]  current sequence in list browse
363  *==================================================*/
364 static INT
browse_indi_modes(RECORD * prec1,RECORD * prec2,INDISEQ * pseq,INT indimode)365 browse_indi_modes (RECORD *prec1, RECORD *prec2, INDISEQ *pseq, INT indimode)
366 {
367 	RECORD current=0;
368 	STRING key, name;
369 	INT i, c, rc;
370 	BOOLEAN reuse=FALSE; /* flag to reuse same display strings */
371 	INT nkeyp, indimodep;
372 	RECORD save=0, tmp=0, tmp2=0;
373 	INDISEQ seq = NULL;
374 	INT rtn=0; /* return code */
376 	ASSERT(prec1);
377 	ASSERT(*prec1);
378 	ASSERT(nztype(*prec1)=='I');
379 	ASSERT(!*prec2);
380 	ASSERT(!*pseq);
382 	/* move working record into current */
383 	setrecord(&current, prec1);
384 	setrecord(prec1, 0);
385 	setrecord(prec2, 0);
387 	show_reset_scroll();
388 	nkeyp = 0;
389 	indimodep = indimode;
391 	while (TRUE) {
392 		setrecord(&tmp, NULL);
393 		if (nzkeynum(current) != nkeyp
394 			|| indimode != indimodep) {
395 			show_reset_scroll();
396 		}
397 		history_record(current, &vhist);
398 			/* display & get input, preserving INDI in cache */
399 		display_indi(current, indimode, reuse);
400 		c = interact_indi();
401 		/* last keynum & mode, so can tell if changed */
402 		nkeyp = nzkeynum(current);
403 		indimodep = indimode;
404 reprocess_indi_cmd: /* so one command can forward to another */
405 		reuse = FALSE; /* don't reuse display unless specifically set */
406 		if (c != CMD_NEWFAMILY) save = NULL;
407 		if (handle_menu_cmds(c, &reuse))
408 			continue;
409 		if (handle_scroll_cmds(c, &reuse))
410 			continue;
411 		if (handle_indi_mode_cmds(c, &indimode))
412 			continue;
413 		i = handle_history_cmds(c, prec1);
414 		if (i == 1)
415 			continue; /* history cmd handled, stay here */
416 		if (i == -1) {
417 			/* history cmd handled, leave page */
418 			rtn = BROWSE_UNK;
419 			goto exitbrowse;
420 		}
421 		switch (c)
422 		{
423 		case CMD_EDIT:	/* Edit this person */
424 			edit_indi(current, &disp_long_rfmt);
425 			break;
426 		case CMD_FAMILY: 	/* Browse to person's family */
427 			if ((tmp = choose_family(current, _(qSntprnt)
428 				,  _(qSidfbrs), TRUE))) {
429 				setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
430 				rtn = BROWSE_FAM;
431 				goto exitbrowse;
432 			}
433 			break;
435 			if ((tmp = choose_family(current, _(qSntprnt),
436 				_(qSid1fbr), TRUE)) != 0) {
437 				if ((tmp2 = choose_family(current, _(qSntprnt),
438 					_(qSid2fbr), TRUE)) != 0) {
439 					setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
440 					setrecord(prec2, &tmp2);
441 					rtn = BROWSE_2FAM;
442 					goto exitbrowse;
443 				}
444 				setrecord(&tmp, 0);
445 			}
446 			break;
447 		case CMD_FATHER: 	/* Browse to person's father */
448 			if ((tmp = choose_father(current, NULL, _(qSnofath),
449 				_(qSidhbrs), NOASK1)) != 0) {
450 				setrecord(&current, &tmp);
451 			}
452 			break;
453 		case CMD_TANDEM_FATHERS:	/* Tandem Browse to person's fathers */
454 			if ((tmp = choose_father(current, NULL, _(qSnofath),
455 				_(qSid1hbr), NOASK1)) != 0) {
456 				if ((tmp2 = choose_father(current, NULL, _(qSnofath),
457 					_(qSid2hbr), NOASK1)) != 0) {
458 					setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
459 					setrecord(prec2, &tmp2);
460 					rtn = BROWSE_TAND;
461 					goto exitbrowse;
462 				}
463 				setrecord(&tmp, 0);
464 			}
465 			break;
466 		case CMD_MOTHER:	/* Browse to person's mother */
467 			if ((tmp = choose_mother(current, NULL, _(qSnomoth),
468 				_(qSidwbrs), NOASK1)) != 0) {
469 				setrecord(&current, &tmp);
470 			}
471 			break;
472 		case CMD_TANDEM_MOTHERS:	/* Tandem Browse to person's mothers */
473 			if ((tmp = choose_mother(current, NULL, _(qSnomoth),
474 				_(qSid1wbr), NOASK1)) != 0) {
475 				if ((tmp2 = choose_mother(current, NULL, _(qSnomoth),
476 					_(qSid2wbr), NOASK1)) != 0) {
477 					setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
478 					setrecord(prec2, &tmp2);
479 					rtn = BROWSE_TAND;
480 					goto exitbrowse;
481 				}
482 				setrecord(&tmp, 0);
483 			}
484 			break;
485 		case CMD_BROWSE_ZIP_INDI:	/* Zip browse another person */
486 			if ((tmp = ask_for_indi(_(qSidpnxt), NOASK1)) != 0)
487 				setrecord(&current, &tmp);
488 			break;
489 		case CMD_BROWSE_ZIP_ANY:	/* Zip browse any record */
490 			if ((tmp = ask_for_any(_(qSidnxt), NOASK1)) != 0) {
491 				if (nztype(tmp) != 'I') {
492 					setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
493 					rtn = BROWSE_UNK;
494 					goto exitbrowse;
495 				} else {
496 					setrecord(&current, &tmp);
497 				}
498 			}
499 			break;
500 		case CMD_SPOUSE:	/* Browse to person's spouse */
501 			if ((tmp = choose_spouse(current, _(qSnospse), _(qSidsbrs))) != 0)
502 				setrecord(&current, &tmp);
503 			break;
504 		case CMD_TANDEM_SPOUSES:	/* browse to tandem spouses */
505 			if ((tmp = choose_spouse(current, _(qSnospse), _(qSid1sbr))) != 0) {
506 				if ((tmp2 = choose_spouse(current, _(qSnospse), _(qSid2sbr))) != 0) {
507 					setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
508 					setrecord(prec2, &tmp2);
509 					rtn = BROWSE_TAND;
510 					goto exitbrowse;
511 				}
512 				setrecord(&tmp, 0);
513 			}
514 			break;
515 		case CMD_CHILDREN:	/* Browse to person's child */
516 			if ((tmp = choose_child(current, NULL, _(qSnocofp),
517 				_(qSidcbrs), NOASK1)) != 0) {
518 				setrecord(&current, &tmp);
519 			}
520 			break;
521 		case CMD_TOGGLE_PEDTYPE:       /* toggle pedigree mode (ancestors/descendants) */
522 			pedigree_toggle_mode();
523 			break;
524 		case CMD_DEPTH_DOWN:       /* decrease pedigree depth */
525 			pedigree_increase_generations(-1);
526 			break;
527 		case CMD_DEPTH_UP:      /* increase pedigree depth */
528 			pedigree_increase_generations(+1);
529 			break;
530 		case CMD_TOGGLE_CHILDNUMS:       /* toggle children numbers */
531 			show_childnumbers();
532 			break;
533 		case CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0+1:	/* Go to children by number */
534 		case CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0+2:
535 		case CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0+3:
536 		case CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0+4:
537 		case CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0+5:
538 		case CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0+6:
539 		case CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0+7:
540 		case CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0+8:
541 		case CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0+9:
542 			if ((tmp = goto_indi_child(current, c-CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0)) != 0)
543 				setrecord(&current, &tmp);
544 			else
545 				message(_(qSnochil));
546 			break;
547 		case CMD_TANDEM_CHILDREN:	/* browse to tandem children */
548 			if ((tmp = choose_child(current, NULL, _(qSnocofp),
549 				_(qSid1cbr), NOASK1)) != 0) {
550 				if ((tmp2 = choose_child(current, NULL, _(qSnocofp),
551 					_(qSid2cbr), NOASK1)) != 0) {
552 					setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
553 					setrecord(prec2, &tmp2);
554 					rtn = BROWSE_TAND;
555 					goto exitbrowse;
556 				}
557 				setrecord(&tmp, 0);
558 			}
559 			break;
560 		case CMD_PEDIGREE:	/* Switch to pedigree mode */
561 			if (indimode == 'i')
562 				indimode = 'p';
563 			else
564 				indimode = 'i';
565 			break;
566 		case CMD_UPSIB:	/* Browse to older sib */
567 			if ((tmp = indi_to_prev_sib(current)) != 0)
568 				setrecord(&current, &tmp);
569 			else
570 				message(_(qSnoosib));
571 			break;
572 		case CMD_DOWNSIB:	/* Browse to younger sib */
573 			if ((tmp = indi_to_next_sib(current)) != 0)
574 				setrecord(&current, &tmp);
575 			else
576 				message(_(qSnoysib));
577 			break;
578 		case CMD_PARENTS:	/* Browse to parents' family */
579 			if ((tmp = choose_family(current, _(qSnoprnt),
580 				_(qSidfbrs), FALSE)) != 0) {
581 				setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
582 				rtn = BROWSE_FAM;
583 				goto exitbrowse;
584 			}
585 			break;
586 		case CMD_TANDEM_PARENTS:	/* tandem browse to two parents families*/
587 			if ((tmp = choose_family(current, _(qSnoprnt),
588 				_(qSid1fbr), FALSE)) != 0) {
589 				if ((tmp2 = choose_family(current, _(qSnoprnt),
590 					_(qSid2fbr), FALSE)) != 0) {
591 					setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
592 					setrecord(prec2, &tmp2);
593 					rtn = BROWSE_2FAM;
594 					goto exitbrowse;
595 				}
596 				setrecord(&tmp, 0);
597 			}
598 			break;
599 		case CMD_BROWSE: 	/* Browse new list of persons */
600 			seq = ask_for_indiseq(_(qSidplst), 'B', &rc);
601 			if (!seq) break;
602 			if (length_indiseq(seq) == 1) {
603 				element_indiseq(seq, 0, &key, &name);
604 				tmp = key_to_record(key);
605 				setrecord(&current, &tmp);
606 				remove_indiseq(seq);
607 				seq=NULL;
608 				if (nztype(current) != 'I') {
609 					setrecord(prec1, &current);
610 					rtn = BROWSE_UNK;
611 					goto exitbrowse;
612 				}
613 			} else {
614 				*pseq = seq;
615 				rtn = BROWSE_LIST;
616 				goto exitbrowse;
617 			}
618 			break;
619 		case CMD_NEWPERSON:	/* Add new person */
620 			if (!(tmp = add_indi_by_edit(&disp_long_rfmt)))
621 				break;
622 			setrecord(&save, &current);
623 			setrecord(&current, &tmp);
624 			break;
625 		case CMD_NEWFAMILY:	/* Add family for current person */
626 			{
627 				STRING addstrings[2];
628 				addstrings[0] = _(qScrtcfm);
629 				addstrings[1] = _(qScrtsfm);
630 				if ((tmp = pick_create_new_family(current, save, addstrings)) != 0) {
631 					setrecord(&save, NULL);
632 					setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
633 					rtn = BROWSE_FAM;
634 					goto exitbrowse;
635 				}
636 			}
637 			break;
638 		case CMD_ADD_SOUR: /* add source */
639 		case CMD_ADD_EVEN: /* add event */
640 		case CMD_ADD_OTHR: /* add other */
641 			{
642 				char c2 = (c==CMD_ADD_SOUR ? 'S' : (c==CMD_ADD_EVEN ? 'E' : 'X'));
643 				if ((tmp = add_new_rec_maybe_ref(current, c2)) != 0) {
644 					if (tmp == current) {
645 						c = CMD_EDIT;
646 						goto reprocess_indi_cmd; /* forward to edit */
647 					}
648 					setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
649 					rtn = BROWSE_UNK;
650 					goto exitbrowse;
651 				}
652 			}
653 			break;
654 		case CMD_TANDEM:	/* Switch to tandem browsing */
655 			if ((tmp = ask_for_indi(_(qSidp2br), NOASK1)) != 0) {
656 				setrecord(prec1, &current);
657 				setrecord(prec2, &tmp);
658 				rtn = BROWSE_TAND;
659 				goto exitbrowse;
660 			}
661 			break;
662 		case CMD_SWAPFAMILIES: 	/* Swap families of current person */
663 			swap_families(current);
664 			break;
665 		case CMD_ADDASSPOUSE:	/* Add person as spouse */
666 			prompt_add_spouse(current, NULL, TRUE);
667 			break;
668 		case CMD_ADDASCHILD:    /* Add person as child */
669 			my_prompt_add_child(nztop(current), NULL);
670 			break;
671 		case CMD_PERSON:   /* switch to person browse */
672 			indimode='i';
673 			break;
674 		case CMD_REMOVEASSPOUSE:	/* Remove person as spouse */
675 			choose_and_remove_spouse(current, NULL, FALSE);
676 			break;
677 		case CMD_REMOVEASCHILD:	/* Remove person as child */
678 			choose_and_remove_child(current, NULL, FALSE);
679 			break;
680 		case CMD_ADVANCED:	/* Advanced person edit */
681 			advanced_person_edit(nztop(current));
682 			break;
683 		case CMD_JUMP_HOOK:   /* GUI direct navigation */
684 			current = jumpnode;
685 			break;
686 		case CMD_NEXT:	/* Go to next indi in db */
687 			{
688 				i = xref_nexti(nkeyp);
689 				if (i) {
690 					tmp = keynum_to_irecord(i);
691 					setrecord(&current, &tmp);
692 				} else {
693 					message(_(qSnopers));
694 				}
695 			}
696 			break;
697 		case CMD_PREV:	/* Go to prev indi in db */
698 			{
699 				i = xref_previ(nkeyp);
700 				if (i) {
701 					tmp = keynum_to_irecord(i);
702 					setrecord(&current, &tmp);
703 				} else {
704 					message(_(qSnopers));
705 				}
706 			}
707 			break;
708 		case CMD_SOURCES:	/* Browse to sources */
709 			if ((tmp = choose_source(current, _(qSnosour), _(qSidsour))) != 0) {
710 				setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
711 				rtn = BROWSE_AUX;
712 				goto exitbrowse;
713 			}
714 			break;
715 		case CMD_NOTES:	/* Browse to notes */
716 			if ((tmp = choose_note(current, _(qSnonote), _(qSidnote))) != 0) {
717 				setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
718 				rtn = BROWSE_AUX;
719 				goto exitbrowse;
720 			}
721 			break;
722 		case CMD_POINTERS:	/* Browse to references */
723 			if ((tmp = choose_pointer(current, _(qSnoptr), _(qSidptr))) != 0) {
724 				setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
725 				rtn = BROWSE_UNK;
726 				goto exitbrowse;
727 			}
728 			break;
729 		case CMD_QUIT:
730 			rtn = BROWSE_QUIT;
731 			goto exitbrowse;
732 		}
733 	}
734 exitbrowse:
735 	setrecord(&tmp, NULL);
736 	setrecord(&current, NULL);
737 	return rtn;
738 }
739 /*==========================================
740  * display_aux -- Show aux node in current mode
741  * Created: 2001/01/27, Perry Rapp
742  *========================================*/
743 static INT
display_aux(RECORD rec,INT mode,BOOLEAN reuse)744 display_aux (RECORD rec, INT mode, BOOLEAN reuse)
745 {
746 	CACHEEL cel;
747 	INT c;
748 	cel = record_to_cacheel(rec);
749 	lock_cache(cel);
750 	c = aux_browse(rec, mode, reuse);
751 	unlock_cache(cel);
752 	return c;
753 }
754 /*====================================================
755  * browse_aux -- Handle aux node browse.
756  * Created: 2001/01/27, Perry Rapp
757  *==================================================*/
758 static INT
browse_aux(RECORD * prec1,RECORD * prec2,INDISEQ * pseq)759 browse_aux (RECORD *prec1, RECORD *prec2, INDISEQ *pseq)
760 {
761 	RECORD current=0;
762 	INT i, c;
763 	BOOLEAN reuse=FALSE; /* flag to reuse same display strings */
764 	INT nkeyp=0, auxmode=0, auxmodep=0;
765 	char ntype=0, ntypep=0;
766 	RECORD tmp=0;
767 	char c2;
768 	INT rtn=0; /* return code */
770 	ASSERT(prec1);
771 	ASSERT(*prec1);
772 	ASSERT(!*prec2);
773 	ASSERT(!*pseq);
775 	/* move working record into current */
776 	setrecord(&current, prec1);
777 	setrecord(prec1, 0);
778 	setrecord(prec2, 0);
781 	auxmode = 'x';
783 	show_reset_scroll();
784 	nkeyp = 0;
785 	ntypep = 0;
786 	auxmodep = auxmode;
788 	while (TRUE) {
789 		if (nzkeynum(current) != nkeyp
790 			|| nztype(current) != ntypep
791 			|| auxmode != auxmodep) {
792 			show_reset_scroll();
793 		}
794 		ntype = nztype(current);
795 		history_record(current, &vhist);
796 		c = display_aux(current, auxmode, reuse);
797 		/* last keynum & mode, so can tell if changed */
798 		nkeyp = nzkeynum(current);
799 		ntypep = nztype(current);
800 		auxmodep = auxmode;
801 reprocess_aux_cmd:
802 		reuse = FALSE; /* don't reuse display unless specifically set */
803 		if (handle_menu_cmds(c, &reuse))
804 			continue;
805 		if (handle_scroll_cmds(c, &reuse))
806 			continue;
807 		if (handle_aux_mode_cmds(c, &auxmode))
808 			continue;
809 		i = handle_history_cmds(c, prec1);
810 		if (i == 1)
811 			continue; /* history cmd handled, stay here */
812 		if (i == -1)
813 			return BROWSE_UNK; /* history cmd handled, leave page */
814 		switch (c)
815 		{
816 		case CMD_EDIT:
817 			switch(ntype) {
818 			case 'S': edit_source(current, &disp_long_rfmt); break;
819 			case 'E': edit_event(current, &disp_long_rfmt); break;
820 			case 'X': edit_other(current, &disp_long_rfmt); break;
821 			}
822 			break;
823 		case CMD_ADD_SOUR: /* add source */
824 		case CMD_ADD_EVEN: /* add event */
825 		case CMD_ADD_OTHR: /* add other */
826 			c2 = (c==CMD_ADD_SOUR ? 'S' : (c==CMD_ADD_EVEN ? 'E' : 'X'));
827 			if ((tmp = add_new_rec_maybe_ref(current, c2)) != 0) {
828 				if (tmp == current) {
829 					c = CMD_EDIT;
830 					goto reprocess_aux_cmd; /* forward to edit */
831 				} else {
832 					setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
833 					rtn = BROWSE_UNK;
834 					goto exitbrowse;
835 				}
836 			}
837 			break;
838 		case CMD_BROWSE_ZIP_INDI:	/* Zip browse to new person */
839 			if ((tmp = ask_for_indi(_(qSidpnxt), NOASK1)) != 0) {
840 				setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
841 				rtn = BROWSE_UNK;
842 				goto exitbrowse;
843 			}
844 			break;
845 		case CMD_BROWSE_ZIP_ANY:	/* Zip browse any record */
846 			if ((tmp = ask_for_any(_(qSidnxt), NOASK1)) != 0) {
847 				setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
848 				rtn = BROWSE_UNK;
849 				goto exitbrowse;
850 			}
851 			break;
852 		case CMD_NOTES:	/* Browse to notes */
853 			if ((tmp = choose_note(current, _(qSnonote), _(qSidnote))) != 0) {
854 				setrecord(&current, &tmp);
855 			}
856 			break;
857 		case CMD_POINTERS:	/* Browse to references */
858 			if ((tmp = choose_pointer(current, _(qSnoptr), _(qSidptr))) != 0) {
859 				setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
860 				rtn = BROWSE_UNK;
861 				goto exitbrowse;
862 			}
863 			break;
864 		case CMD_NEXT:	/* Go to next in db */
865 			{
866 				i = xref_next(ntype, nkeyp);
867 				if (i) {
868 					tmp = keynum_to_record(ntype, i);
869 					setrecord(&current, &tmp);
870 				} else {
871 					message(_(qSnorec));
872 				}
873 				break;
874 			}
875 		case CMD_PREV:	/* Go to prev in db */
876 			{
877 				i = xref_prev(ntype, nkeyp);
878 				if (i) {
879 					tmp = keynum_to_record(ntype, i);
880 					setrecord(&current, &tmp);
881 				} else {
882 					message(_(qSnorec));
883 				}
884 				break;
885 			}
886 		case CMD_QUIT:
887 			rtn = BROWSE_QUIT;
888 			goto exitbrowse;
889 		}
890 	}
891 exitbrowse:
892 	setrecord(&current, NULL);
893 	return rtn;
894 }
895 /*================================================
896  * browse_indi -- Handle person browse operations.
897  *==============================================*/
898 static INT
browse_indi(RECORD * prec1,RECORD * prec2,INDISEQ * pseq)899 browse_indi (RECORD *prec1, RECORD *prec2, INDISEQ *pseq)
900 {
901 	return browse_indi_modes(prec1, prec2, pseq, 'n');
902 }
903 /*===============================================
904  * pick_remove_spouse_from_family --
905  *  pulled out of browse_fam, 2001/02/03, Perry Rapp
906  *  construct list of spouses, prompt for choice, & remove
907  *=============================================*/
908 static void
pick_remove_spouse_from_family(RECORD frec)909 pick_remove_spouse_from_family (RECORD frec)
910 {
911 	NODE fam = nztop(frec);
912 	NODE fref, husb, wife, chil, rest;
913 	NODE root, node, spnodes[MAX_SPOUSES];
914 	STRING spstrings[MAX_SPOUSES];
915 	INT i;
916 	if (readonly) {
917 		message(_(qSronlye));
918 		return;
919 	}
920 	split_fam(fam, &fref, &husb, &wife, &chil, &rest);
921 	if (!husb && !wife) {
922 		message(_(qShasnei));
923 		return;
924 	}
925 	i = 0;
926 	for (node = husb; node; node = nsibling(node)) {
927 		root = key_to_indi(rmvat(nval(node)));
928 		spstrings[i] = indi_to_list_string(root,
929 			 NULL, 66, &disp_shrt_rfmt, TRUE);
930 		spnodes[i++] = root;
931 	}
932 	for (node = wife; node; node = nsibling(node)) {
933 		root = key_to_indi(rmvat(nval(node)));
934 		spstrings[i] = indi_to_list_string(root,
935 			 NULL, 66, &disp_shrt_rfmt, TRUE);
936 		spnodes[i++] = root;
937 		if (i == MAX_SPOUSES) {
938 			message(_(qSspover));
939 			break;
940 		}
941 	}
942 	join_fam(fam, fref, husb, wife, chil, rest);
943 	i = choose_from_array(_(qSidsrmv), i, spstrings);
944 	if (i == -1) return;
945 	choose_and_remove_spouse(node_to_record(spnodes[i]), frec, TRUE);
946 }
947 /*===============================================
948  * prompt_add_spouse_with_candidate --
949  *  fam:  [IN]  family to which to add (required arg)
950  *  save: [IN]  candidate spouse to add (optional arg)
951  * If candidate passed, asks user if that is desired spouse to add
952  * In either case, all work is delegated to prompt_add_spouse
953  *=============================================*/
954 static void
prompt_add_spouse_with_candidate(RECORD fam,RECORD candidate)955 prompt_add_spouse_with_candidate (RECORD fam, RECORD candidate)
956 {
957 	NODE fref, husb, wife, chil, rest;
958 	BOOLEAN confirm;
959 	char scratch[100];
960 	if (readonly) {
961 		message(_(qSronlye));
962 		return;
963 	}
964 	split_fam(nztop(fam), &fref, &husb, &wife, &chil, &rest);
965 	join_fam(nztop(fam), fref, husb, wife, chil, rest);
966 	if (traditional) {
967 		if (husb && wife) {
968 			message(_(qShasbth));
969 			return;
970 		}
971 	}
972 	if (candidate) {
973 		if (keyflag) {
974 			sprintf(scratch, "%s%s (%s)", _(qSissnew),
975 				 indi_to_name(nztop(candidate), 56),
976 				 rmvat(nxref(nztop(candidate)))+1);
977 		} else {
978 			sprintf(scratch, "%s%s", _(qSissnew),
979 				 indi_to_name(nztop(candidate), 56));
980 		}
981 		if (!ask_yes_or_no(scratch)) {
982 			candidate = NULL;
983 		}
984 	}
985 		/* don't confirm again if they just confirmed candidate */
986 	confirm = (candidate == NULL);
987 	prompt_add_spouse(candidate, fam, confirm);;
988 }
989 /*===============================================
990  * prompt_add_child_check_save --
991  *  fam:  [IN]  family to which to add (required arg)
992  *  save: [IN]  possible child to add (optional arg)
993  * If save is passed, this checks with user whether that is desired child
994  * In either case, all work is delegated to prompt_add_child
995  *=============================================*/
996 static void
prompt_add_child_check_save(NODE fam,NODE save)997 prompt_add_child_check_save (NODE fam, NODE save)
998 {
999 	char scratch[100];
1000 	if (readonly) {
1001 		message(_(qSronlye));
1002 		return;
1003 	}
1004 	if (save) {
1005 		if (keyflag)
1006 			if(getlloptint("DisplayKeyTags", 0) > 0) {
1007 				sprintf(scratch, "%s%s (i%s)", _(qSiscnew),
1008 				 	indi_to_name(save, 56),
1009 				 	rmvat(nxref(save))+1);
1010 			} else {
1011 				sprintf(scratch, "%s%s (%s)", _(qSiscnew),
1012 				 	indi_to_name(save, 56),
1013 				 	rmvat(nxref(save))+1);
1014 			}
1015 		else
1016 			sprintf(scratch, "%s%s", _(qSiscnew),
1017 				 indi_to_name(save, 56));
1018 		if (!ask_yes_or_no(scratch))
1019 			save = NULL;
1020 	}
1021 	my_prompt_add_child(save, fam);
1022 }
1023 /*===============================================
1024  * my_prompt_add_child -- call prompt_add_child with our reformatting info
1025  *=============================================*/
1026 NODE
my_prompt_add_child(NODE child,NODE fam)1027 my_prompt_add_child (NODE child, NODE fam)
1028 {
1029 	return prompt_add_child(child, fam, &disp_shrt_rfmt);
1030 }
1031 /*===============================================
1032  * browse_fam -- Handle family browse selections.
1033  *=============================================*/
1034 static INT
browse_fam(RECORD * prec1,RECORD * prec2,INDISEQ * pseq)1035 browse_fam (RECORD *prec1, RECORD *prec2, INDISEQ *pseq)
1036 {
1037 	RECORD current=0;
1038 	INT i, c, rc;
1039 	BOOLEAN reuse=FALSE; /* flag to reuse same display strings */
1040 	static INT fammode='n';
1041 	INT nkeyp, fammodep;
1042 	RECORD save=0, tmp=0, tmp2=0;
1043 	INDISEQ seq;
1044 	STRING key, name;
1045 	char c2;
1046 	INT rtn=0; /* return code */
1048 	ASSERT(prec1);
1049 	ASSERT(*prec1);
1050 	ASSERT(nztype(*prec1)=='F');
1051 	ASSERT(!*prec2);
1052 	ASSERT(!*pseq);
1054 	/* move working record into current */
1055 	setrecord(&current, prec1);
1056 	setrecord(prec1, 0);
1057 	setrecord(prec2, 0);
1059 	show_reset_scroll();
1060 	nkeyp = 0;
1061 	fammodep = fammode;
1063 	while (TRUE) {
1064 		setrecord(&tmp, NULL);
1065 		if (nzkeynum(current) != nkeyp
1066 			|| fammode != fammodep) {
1067 			show_reset_scroll();
1068 		}
1069 		history_record(current, &vhist);
1070 		display_fam(current, fammode, reuse);
1071 		c = interact_fam();
1072 		/* last keynum & mode, so can tell if changed */
1073 		nkeyp = nzkeynum(current);
1074 		fammodep = fammode;
1075 reprocess_fam_cmd: /* so one command can forward to another */
1076 		reuse = FALSE; /* don't reuse display unless specifically set */
1077 		if (c != CMD_ADDCHILD && c != CMD_ADDSPOUSE)
1078 			save = NULL;
1079 		if (handle_menu_cmds(c, &reuse))
1080 			continue;
1081 		if (handle_scroll_cmds(c, &reuse))
1082 			continue;
1083 		if (handle_fam_mode_cmds(c, &fammode))
1084 			continue;
1085 		i = handle_history_cmds(c, prec1);
1086 		if (i == 1)
1087 			continue; /* history cmd handled, stay here */
1088 		if (i == -1) {
1089 			/* history cmd handled, leave page */
1090 			rtn = BROWSE_UNK;
1091 			goto exitbrowse;
1092 		}
1093 		switch (c)
1094 		{
1095 		case CMD_ADVANCED:	/* Advanced family edit */
1096 			advanced_family_edit(nztop(current));
1097 			break;
1098 		case CMD_BROWSE_FAM:
1099 			if (ask_for_int(_(qSidfamk), &i) && (i>0)) {
1100 				if ((tmp = qkeynum_to_frecord(i)))
1101 					setrecord(&current, &tmp);
1102 				else
1103 					message(_(qSnofam));
1104 			}
1105 			break;
1106 		case CMD_EDIT:	/* Edit family's record */
1107 			edit_family(current, &disp_long_rfmt);
1108 			break;
1109 		case CMD_FATHER:	/* Browse to family's father */
1110 			if ((tmp = choose_father(NULL, current, _(qSnohusb),
1111 				_(qSidhbrs), NOASK1)) != 0) {
1112 				setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
1113 				rtn = BROWSE_INDI;
1114 				goto exitbrowse;
1115 			}
1116 			break;
1117 		case CMD_TANDEM_FATHERS:	/* Tandem Browse to family's fathers */
1118 			if ((tmp = choose_father(NULL, current, _(qSnohusb),
1119 				_(qSid1hbr), NOASK1)) != 0) {
1120 				if ((tmp2 = choose_father(NULL, current, _(qSnohusb),
1121 					_(qSid2hbr), NOASK1)) != 0) {
1122 					setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
1123 					setrecord(prec2, &tmp2);
1124 					rtn = BROWSE_TAND;
1125 					goto exitbrowse;
1126 				}
1127 				setrecord(&tmp, 0);
1128 			}
1129 			break;
1130 		case CMD_MOTHER:	/* Browse to family's mother */
1131 			if ((tmp = choose_mother(NULL, current, _(qSnowife),
1132 				_(qSidwbrs), NOASK1)) != 0) {
1133 				setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
1134 				rtn = BROWSE_INDI;
1135 				goto exitbrowse;
1136 			}
1137 			break;
1138 		case CMD_TANDEM_MOTHERS:	/* Tandem Browse to family's mother */
1139 			if ((tmp = choose_mother(NULL, current, _(qSnowife),
1140 				_(qSid1wbr), NOASK1)) != 0) {
1141 				if ((tmp2 = choose_mother(NULL, current, _(qSnowife),
1142 					_(qSid2wbr), NOASK1)) != 0) {
1143 					setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
1144 					setrecord(prec2, &tmp2);
1145 					rtn = BROWSE_TAND;
1146 					goto exitbrowse;
1147 				}
1148 				setrecord(&tmp, 0);
1149 			}
1150 			break;
1151 		case CMD_CHILDREN:	/* Browse to a child */
1152 			if ((tmp = choose_child(NULL, current, _(qSnocinf),
1153 				_(qSidcbrs), NOASK1)) != 0) {
1154 				setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
1155 				rtn = BROWSE_INDI;
1156 				goto exitbrowse;
1157 			}
1158 			break;
1159 		case CMD_TANDEM_CHILDREN:	/* browse to tandem children */
1160 			if ((tmp = choose_child(NULL, current, _(qSnocinf),
1161 				_(qSid1cbr), NOASK1)) != 0) {
1162 				if ((tmp2 = choose_child(NULL, current, _(qSnocinf),
1163 					_(qSid2cbr), NOASK1)) != 0) {
1164 					setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
1165 					setrecord(prec2, &tmp2);
1166 					rtn = BROWSE_TAND;
1167 					goto exitbrowse;
1168 				}
1169 				setrecord(&tmp, 0);
1170 			}
1171 			break;
1172 		case CMD_REMOVECHILD:	/* Remove a child */
1173 			if (readonly) {
1174 				message(_(qSronlye));
1175 				break;
1176 			}
1177 			if ((tmp = choose_child(NULL, current, _(qSnocinf),
1178 				_(qSidcrmv), DOASK1)) != 0) {
1179 				choose_and_remove_child(tmp, current, TRUE);
1180 				setrecord(&tmp, 0);
1181 			}
1182 			break;
1183 		case CMD_ADDSPOUSE:	/* Add spouse to family */
1184 			prompt_add_spouse_with_candidate(current, save);
1185 			setrecord(&save, 0);
1186 			break;
1187 		case CMD_REMOVESPOUSE:	/* Remove spouse from family */
1188 			pick_remove_spouse_from_family(current);
1189 			break;
1190 		case CMD_NEWPERSON:	/* Add person to database */
1191 			tmp = add_indi_by_edit(&disp_long_rfmt);
1192 			setrecord(&save, &tmp);
1193 			break;
1194 		case CMD_ADD_SOUR: /* add source */
1195 		case CMD_ADD_EVEN: /* add event */
1196 		case CMD_ADD_OTHR: /* add other */
1197 			c2 = (c==CMD_ADD_SOUR ? 'S' : (c==CMD_ADD_EVEN ? 'E' : 'X'));
1198 			if ((tmp = add_new_rec_maybe_ref(current, c2)) != 0) {
1199 				if (tmp == current) {
1200 					c = CMD_EDIT;
1201 					goto reprocess_fam_cmd; /* forward to edit */
1202 				} else {
1203 					setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
1204 					rtn = BROWSE_UNK;
1205 					goto exitbrowse;
1206 				}
1207 			}
1208 			break;
1209 		case CMD_ADDCHILD:	/* Add child to family */
1210 			prompt_add_child_check_save(nztop(current), nztop(save));
1211 			setrecord(&save, 0);
1212 			break;
1213 		case CMD_BROWSE: 	/* Browse to new list of persons */
1214 			seq = ask_for_indiseq(_(qSidplst), 'B', &rc);
1215 			if (!seq) break;
1216 			if (length_indiseq(seq) == 1) {
1217 				element_indiseq(seq, 0, &key, &name);
1218 				tmp = key_to_record(key);
1219 				setrecord(&current, &tmp);
1220 				remove_indiseq(seq);
1221 				seq=NULL;
1222 				if (nztype(current) != 'F') {
1223 					setrecord(prec1, &current);
1224 					rtn = BROWSE_UNK;
1225 					goto exitbrowse;
1226 				}
1227 				break;
1228 			}
1229 			*pseq = seq;
1230 			rtn = BROWSE_LIST;
1231 			goto exitbrowse;
1232 			break;
1233 		case CMD_BROWSE_ZIP_INDI:	/* Zip browse to new person */
1234 			if ((tmp = ask_for_indi(_(qSidpnxt), NOASK1)) != 0) {
1235 				setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
1236 				rtn = BROWSE_INDI;
1237 				goto exitbrowse;
1238 			}
1239 			break;
1240 		case CMD_BROWSE_ZIP_ANY:	/* Zip browse any record */
1241 			if ((tmp = ask_for_any(_(qSidnxt), NOASK1)) != 0) {
1242 				setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
1243 				rtn = BROWSE_UNK;
1244 				goto exitbrowse;
1245 			}
1246 			break;
1247 		case CMD_TANDEM:	/* Enter family tandem mode */
1248 			if ((tmp = ask_for_fam(_(qSids2fm), _(qSidc2fm))) != 0) {
1249 				setrecord(prec1, &current);
1250 				setrecord(prec2, &tmp);
1251 				rtn = BROWSE_2FAM;
1252 				goto exitbrowse;
1253 			}
1254 			break;
1255 		case CMD_SWAPCHILDREN:	/* Swap two children */
1256 			swap_children(NULL, current);
1257 			break;
1258 		case CMD_REORDERCHILD: /* Move a child in order */
1259 			reorder_child(NULL, current, &disp_shrt_rfmt);
1260 			break;
1261 		case CMD_TOGGLE_CHILDNUMS:       /* toggle children numbers */
1262 			show_childnumbers();
1263 			break;
1264 		case CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0+1:	/* Go to children by number */
1265 		case CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0+2:
1266 		case CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0+3:
1267 		case CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0+4:
1268 		case CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0+5:
1269 		case CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0+6:
1270 		case CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0+7:
1271 		case CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0+8:
1272 		case CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0+9:
1273 			if ((tmp = goto_fam_child(current, c-CMD_CHILD_DIRECT0)) != 0) {
1274 				setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
1275 				rtn = BROWSE_INDI;
1276 				goto exitbrowse;
1277 			}
1278 			message(_(qSnochil));
1279 			break;
1280 		case CMD_NEXT:	/* Go to next fam in db */
1281 			{
1282 				i = xref_nextf(nkeyp);
1283 				if (i && (tmp = qkeynum_to_frecord(i))) {
1284 					setrecord(&current, &tmp);
1285 				} else {
1286 					message(_(qSnofam));
1287 				}
1288 				break;
1289 			}
1290 		case CMD_PREV:	/* Go to prev fam in db */
1291 			{
1292 				i = xref_prevf(nkeyp);
1293 				if (i) {
1294 					tmp = keynum_to_frecord(i);
1295 					setrecord(&current, &tmp);
1296 				} else {
1297 					message(_(qSnofam));
1298 				}
1299 				break;
1300 			}
1301 		case CMD_SOURCES:	/* Browse to sources */
1302 			if ((tmp = choose_source(current, _(qSnosour), _(qSidsour))) != 0) {
1303 				setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
1304 				rtn = BROWSE_AUX;
1305 				goto exitbrowse;
1306 			}
1307 			break;
1308 		case CMD_NOTES:	/* Browse to notes */
1309 			if ((tmp = choose_note(current, _(qSnonote), _(qSidnote))) != 0) {
1310 				setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
1311 				rtn = BROWSE_AUX;
1312 				goto exitbrowse;
1313 			}
1314 			break;
1315 		case CMD_POINTERS:	/* Browse to references */
1316 			if ((tmp = choose_pointer(current, _(qSnoptr), _(qSidptr))) != 0) {
1317 				setrecord(prec1, &tmp);
1318 				rtn = BROWSE_UNK;
1319 				goto exitbrowse;
1320 			}
1321 			break;
1322 		case CMD_QUIT:
1323 			rtn = BROWSE_QUIT;
1324 			goto exitbrowse;
1325 		}
1326 	}
1327 exitbrowse:
1328 	setrecord(&current, NULL);
1329 	return rtn;
1330 }
1331 /*======================================================
1332  * handle_menu_cmds -- Handle menuing commands
1333  * That is, handle commands that are internal to the menuing
1334  * system (eg, paging, changing current menu size).
1335  * Created: 2001/01/31, Perry Rapp
1336  *====================================================*/
handle_menu_cmds(INT c,BOOLEAN * reuse)1338 handle_menu_cmds (INT c, BOOLEAN * reuse)
1339 {
1340 	BOOLEAN old = *reuse;
1341 	/* if a menu command, then we CAN reuse the previous display strings */
1342 	*reuse = TRUE;
1343 	switch(c) {
1344 		case CMD_MENU_GROW: adjust_browse_menu_height(+1); return TRUE;
1345 		case CMD_MENU_SHRINK: adjust_browse_menu_height(-1); return TRUE;
1346 		case CMD_MENU_MORECOLS: adjust_browse_menu_cols(+1); return TRUE;
1347 		case CMD_MENU_LESSCOLS: adjust_browse_menu_cols(-1); return TRUE;
1348 		case CMD_MENU_MORE: cycle_browse_menu(); return TRUE;
1349 		case CMD_MENU_TOGGLE: toggle_browse_menu(); return TRUE;
1350 	}
1351 	*reuse = old;
1352 	return FALSE;
1353 }
1354 /*======================================================
1355  * handle_scroll_cmds -- Handle detail scrolling
1356  * Created: 2001/02/01, Perry Rapp
1357  *====================================================*/
handle_scroll_cmds(INT c,BOOLEAN * reuse)1359 handle_scroll_cmds (INT c, BOOLEAN * reuse)
1360 {
1361 	BOOLEAN old = *reuse;
1362 	/* if a menu command, then we CAN reuse the previous display strings */
1363 	*reuse = TRUE;
1364 	switch(c) {
1365 		case CMD_SCROLL_UP: show_scroll(-1); return TRUE;
1366 		case CMD_SCROLL_DOWN: show_scroll(+1); return TRUE;
1367 	}
1368 	*reuse = old;
1369 	return FALSE;
1370 }
1371 /*======================================================
1372  * handle_indi_mode_cmds -- Handle indi modes
1373  * Created: 2001/02/04, Perry Rapp
1374  *====================================================*/
handle_indi_mode_cmds(INT c,INT * mode)1376 handle_indi_mode_cmds (INT c, INT * mode)
1377 {
1378 	switch(c) {
1379 		case CMD_MODE_GEDCOM: *mode = 'g'; return TRUE;
1380 		case CMD_MODE_GEDCOMX: *mode = 'x'; return TRUE;
1381 		case CMD_MODE_GEDCOMT: *mode = 't'; return TRUE;
1382 		case CMD_MODE_PEDIGREE:
1383 			*mode = (*mode=='a')?'d':'a';
1384 			return TRUE;
1385 		case CMD_MODE_ANCESTORS: *mode = 'a'; return TRUE;
1386 		case CMD_MODE_DESCENDANTS: *mode = 'd'; return TRUE;
1387 		case CMD_MODE_NORMAL: *mode = 'n'; return TRUE;
1388 		case CMD_MODE_CYCLE:
1389 			switch(*mode) {
1390 			case 'n': *mode = 'a'; break;
1391 			case 'a': *mode = 'd'; break;
1392 			case 'd': *mode = 'g'; break;
1393 			case 'g': *mode = 'x'; break;
1394 			case 'x': *mode = 't'; break;
1395 			case 't': *mode = 'n'; break;
1396 			}
1397 			return TRUE;
1398 	}
1399 	return FALSE;
1400 }
1401 /*======================================================
1402  * handle_fam_mode_cmds -- Handle indi modes
1403  * Created: 2001/02/04, Perry Rapp
1404  *====================================================*/
handle_fam_mode_cmds(INT c,INT * mode)1406 handle_fam_mode_cmds (INT c, INT * mode)
1407 {
1408 	switch(c) {
1409 		case CMD_MODE_GEDCOM: *mode = 'g'; return TRUE;
1410 		case CMD_MODE_GEDCOMX: *mode = 'x'; return TRUE;
1411 		case CMD_MODE_GEDCOMT: *mode = 't'; return TRUE;
1412 		case CMD_MODE_NORMAL: *mode = 'n'; return TRUE;
1413 		case CMD_MODE_CYCLE:
1414 			switch(*mode) {
1415 			case 'n': *mode = 'g'; break;
1416 			case 'g': *mode = 'x'; break;
1417 			case 'x': *mode = 't'; break;
1418 			case 't': *mode = 'n'; break;
1419 			}
1420 			return TRUE;
1421 	}
1422 	return FALSE;
1423 }
1424 /*======================================================
1425  * handle_aux_mode_cmds -- Handle aux modes
1426  * Created: 2001/02/11, Perry Rapp
1427  *====================================================*/
handle_aux_mode_cmds(INT c,INT * mode)1429 handle_aux_mode_cmds (INT c, INT * mode)
1430 {
1431 	switch(c) {
1432 		case CMD_MODE_GEDCOM: *mode = 'g'; return TRUE;
1433 		case CMD_MODE_GEDCOMX: *mode = 'x'; return TRUE;
1434 		case CMD_MODE_GEDCOMT: *mode = 't'; return TRUE;
1435 		case CMD_MODE_CYCLE:
1436 			switch(*mode) {
1437 			case 'g': *mode = 'x'; break;
1438 			case 'x': *mode = 't'; break;
1439 			case 't': *mode = 'g'; break;
1440 			}
1441 			return TRUE;
1442 	}
1443 	return FALSE;
1444 }
1445 /*======================================================
1446  * browse_pedigree -- Handle pedigree browse selections.
1447  *====================================================*/
1448 static INT
browse_pedigree(RECORD * prec1,RECORD * prec2,INDISEQ * pseq)1449 browse_pedigree (RECORD *prec1, RECORD *prec2, INDISEQ *pseq)
1450 {
1451 	return browse_indi_modes(prec1, prec2, pseq, 'p');
1452 }
1453 /*==================================================
1454  * choose_any_source -- choose from list of all sources
1455  *================================================*/
choose_any_source(void)1457 choose_any_source (void)
1458 {
1459 	INDISEQ seq;
1460 	RECORD rec;
1461 	seq = get_all_sour();
1462 	if (!seq)
1463 	{
1464 		message(_(qSnosour));
1465 		return 0;
1466 	}
1467 	rec = choose_from_indiseq(seq, DOASK1, _(qSidsour), _(qSidsour));
1468 	remove_indiseq(seq);
1469 	return rec;
1470 }
1471 /*==================================================
1472  * choose_any_event -- choose from list of all events
1473  *================================================*/
choose_any_event(void)1475 choose_any_event (void)
1476 {
1477 	INDISEQ seq;
1478 	RECORD rec;
1479 	seq = get_all_even();
1480 	if (!seq)
1481 	{
1482 		message(_(qSnoeven));
1483 		return NULL;
1484 	}
1485 	rec = choose_from_indiseq(seq, DOASK1, _(qSideven), _(qSideven));
1486 	remove_indiseq(seq);
1487 	return rec;
1488 }
1489 /*==================================================
1490  * choose_any_other -- choose from list of all others
1491  *================================================*/
choose_any_other(void)1493 choose_any_other (void)
1494 {
1495 	INDISEQ seq;
1496 	RECORD rec;
1497 	seq = get_all_othe();
1498 	if (!seq)
1499 	{
1500 		message(_(qSnoothe));
1501 		return NULL;
1502 	}
1503 	rec = choose_from_indiseq(seq, DOASK1, _(qSidothe), _(qSidothe));
1504 	remove_indiseq(seq);
1505 	return rec;
1506 }
1507 /*==================================================
1508  * load_hist_lists -- Load previous history from database
1509  * Created: 2001/12/23, Perry Rapp
1510  *================================================*/
1511 static void
load_hist_lists(void)1512 load_hist_lists (void)
1513 {
1514 	/* V for visit history, planning to also have a change history */
1515 	INT count = getlloptint("HistorySize", 20);
1516 	if (count<0 || count > 9999)
1517 		count = 20;
1518 	init_hist(&vhist, count);
1519 	init_hist(&chist, count);
1520 	if (getlloptint("SaveHistory", 0)) {
1521 		load_nkey_list("HISTV", &vhist);
1522 		load_nkey_list("HISTC", &chist);
1523 	}
1524 }
1525 /*==================================================
1526  * save_hist_lists -- Save history into database
1527  * Created: 2001/12/23, Perry Rapp
1528  *================================================*/
1529 static void
save_hist_lists(void)1530 save_hist_lists (void)
1531 {
1532 	if (!getlloptint("SaveHistory", 0)) return;
1533 	if (readonly || immutable) return;
1534 	save_nkey_list("HISTV", &vhist);
1535 	save_nkey_list("HISTC", &chist);
1536 }
1537 /*==================================================
1538  * init_hist -- create & initialize a history list
1539  * Created: 2001/12/23, Perry Rapp
1540  *=================================================*/
1541 static void
init_hist(struct hist * histp,INT count)1542 init_hist (struct hist * histp, INT count)
1543 {
1544 	INT size = count * sizeof(histp->list[0]);
1545 	memset(histp, 0, sizeof(*histp));
1546 	histp->size = count;
1547 	histp->list = (NKEY *)stdalloc(size);
1548 	memset(histp->list, 0, size);
1549 	histp->start = -1;
1550 	histp->past_end = 0;
1551 }
1552 /*==================================================
1553  * load_nkey_list -- Load node list from record into NKEY array
1554  *  key:   [IN]  key used to store list in database
1555  *  histp: [IN]  history list to save
1556  * Fills in ndarray with data from database.
1557  * Created: 2001/12/23, Perry Rapp
1558  * TODO: should be moved to gedlib
1559  *================================================*/
1560 static void
load_nkey_list(STRING key,struct hist * histp)1561 load_nkey_list (STRING key, struct hist * histp)
1562 {
1563 	STRING rawrec;
1564 	INT * ptr;
1565 	INT count, len, i, temp;
1567 	count = 0;
1568 	if (!(rawrec = retrieve_raw_record(key, &len)))
1569 		return;
1570 	if (len < 8 || (len % 8) != 0)
1571 		return;
1572 	ptr = (INT *)rawrec;
1573 	temp = *ptr++;
1574 	if (temp<1 || temp > 9999) {
1575 		/* #records failed sanity check */
1576 		msg_error(_(qSbadhistcnt));
1577 		goto end;
1578 	}
1579 	if (temp != *ptr++) {
1580 		/* 2nd copy of #records failed to match */
1581 		msg_error(_(qSbadhistcnt2));
1582 		goto end;
1583 	}
1584 	if (len != (temp+1)*8) {
1585 		/* length should be 8 bytes per record + 8 byte header */
1586 		msg_error(_(qSbadhistlen));
1587 	}
1588 	count = temp;
1589 	if (count > histp->size) count = histp->size;
1590 	for (i=0,temp=0; i<count; ++i) {
1591 		char key[MAXKEYWIDTH+1];
1592 		char ntype = *ptr++;
1593 		INT keynum = *ptr++;
1594 		if (!ntype || !keynum)
1595 			continue;
1596 		if (keynum<1 || keynum>MAXKEYNUMBER)
1597 			continue;
1598 		snprintf(key, sizeof(key), "%c%ld", ntype, keynum);
1599 		strcpy(histp->list[temp].key, key);
1600 		histp->list[temp].ntype = ntype;
1601 		histp->list[temp].keynum = keynum;
1602 		++temp;
1603 	}
1604 	count = temp;
1605 	if (count) {
1606 		histp->start = 0;
1607 		histp->past_end = count % histp->size;
1608 	}
1610 end:
1611 	stdfree(rawrec);
1612 }
1613 /*==================================================
1614  * get_hist_count -- Calculate current size of history
1615  * Created: 2001/12/23, Perry Rapp
1616  *================================================*/
1617 static INT
get_hist_count(struct hist * histp)1618 get_hist_count (struct hist * histp)
1619 {
1620 	if (!histp->size || histp->start==-1)
1621 		return 0;
1622 	else if (histp->past_end > histp->start)
1623 		return histp->past_end - histp->start;
1624 	else
1625 		return histp->size - histp->start + histp->past_end;
1626 }
1627 /*==================================================
1628  * save_nkey_list -- Save nkey list from circular array
1629  *  key:     [IN]  key used to store list in database
1630  *  hist:    [IN]  history list to save
1631  * Created: 2001/12/23, Perry Rapp
1632  * TODO: should be moved to gedlib
1633  *================================================*/
1634 static void
save_nkey_list(STRING key,struct hist * histp)1635 save_nkey_list (STRING key, struct hist * histp)
1636 {
1637 	FILE * fp=0;
1638 	INT next, prev, count, temp;
1639 	size_t rtn;
1641 	count = get_hist_count(histp);
1643 	unlink(editfile);
1645 	fp = fopen(editfile, LLWRITETEXT);
1646 	if (!fp) return;
1648 	/* write count first -- twice just to take up 8 bytes same as records */
1649 	rtn = fwrite(&count, 4, 1, fp); ASSERT(rtn==1);
1650 	rtn = fwrite(&count, 4, 1, fp); ASSERT(rtn==1);
1652 	prev = -1;
1653 	next = histp->start;
1654 	while (1) {
1655 		/* write type & number, 4 bytes each */
1656 		temp = histp->list[next].ntype;
1657 		rtn = fwrite(&temp, 4, 1, fp); ASSERT(rtn==1);
1658 		temp = histp->list[next].keynum;
1659 		rtn = fwrite(&temp, 4, 1, fp); ASSERT(rtn==1);
1660 		prev = next;
1661 		next = (next+1) % histp->size;
1662 		if (next == histp->past_end)
1663 			break; /* finished them all */
1664 	}
1665 	fclose(fp);
1667 	store_text_file_to_db(key, editfile, 0);
1668 }
1669 /*==================================================
1670  * history_record_change -- add node to change history
1671  *  (if different from top of history)
1672  * Created: 2002/06/23, Perry Rapp
1673  *================================================*/
1674 void
history_record_change(RECORD rec)1675 history_record_change (RECORD rec)
1676 {
1677 	history_record(rec, &chist);
1678 }
1679 /*==================================================
1680  * history_record -- add node to history if different from top of history
1681  * Created: 2001/03?, Perry Rapp
1682  *================================================*/
1683 static void
history_record(RECORD rec,struct hist * histp)1684 history_record (RECORD rec, struct hist * histp)
1685 {
1686 	NKEY nkey = nkey_zero();
1687 	INT prev, next, i;
1688 	INT count = get_hist_count(histp);
1689 	INT protect = getlloptint("HistoryBounceSuppress", 0);
1690 	if (!histp->size) return;
1691 	if (histp->start==-1) {
1692 		histp->start = histp->past_end;
1693 		node_to_nkey(nztop(rec), &histp->list[histp->start]);
1694 		histp->past_end = (histp->start+1) % histp->size;
1695 		return;
1696 	}
1697 	/*
1698 	copy new node into nkey variable so we can check
1699 	if this is the same as our most recent (histp->list[last])
1700 	*/
1701 	node_to_nkey(nztop(rec), &nkey);
1702 	if (protect<1 || protect>99)
1703 		protect=1;
1704 	if (protect>count)
1705 		protect=count;
1706 	/* traverse from most recent back (bounce suppression) */
1707 	prev = -1;
1708 	next = (histp->past_end-1);
1709 	if (next < 0) next += histp->size;
1710 	for (i=0; i<protect; ++i) {
1711 		if (nkey_eq(&nkey, &histp->list[next]))
1712 			return;
1713 		prev = next;
1714 		if (--next < 0) next += histp->size;
1715 	}
1716 	/* it is a new one so add it to circular list */
1717 	nkey_copy(&nkey, &histp->list[histp->past_end]);
1718 	if (histp->start == histp->past_end) {
1719 		/* full buffer & we just overwrote the oldest */
1720 		histp->start = (histp->start+1) % histp->size;
1721 	}
1722 	/* advance pointer to account for what we just added */
1723 	histp->past_end = (histp->past_end+1) % histp->size;
1724 }
1725 /*==================================================
1726  * history_back -- return prev RECORD in history, if exists
1727  * Created: 2001/03?, Perry Rapp
1728  *================================================*/
1729 static RECORD
history_back(struct hist * histp)1730 history_back (struct hist * histp)
1731 {
1732 	INT last=0;
1733 	RECORD rec=0;
1734 	if (!histp->size || histp->start==-1)
1735 		return NULL;
1736 	/* back up from histp->past_end to current item */
1737 	last = histp->past_end-1;
1738 	if (last < 0) last += histp->size;
1739 	while (last != histp->start) {
1740 		/* loop is to keep going over deleted ones */
1741 		/* now back up before current item */
1742 		if (--last < 0) last += histp->size;
1743 		nkey_to_record(&histp->list[last], &rec);
1744 		if (rec) {
1745 			histp->past_end = (last+1) % histp->size;
1746 			return rec;
1747 		}
1748 	}
1749 	return NULL;
1750 }
1751 /*==================================================
1752  * history_fwd -- return later NODE in history, if exists
1753  * Created: 2001/03?, Perry Rapp
1754  *================================================*/
1755 static RECORD
history_fwd(struct hist * histp)1756 history_fwd (struct hist * histp)
1757 {
1758 	INT next;
1759 	RECORD rec;
1760 	if (!histp->size || histp->past_end == histp->start)
1761 		return NULL; /* at end of full history */
1762 	next = histp->past_end;
1763 	nkey_to_record(&histp->list[next], &rec);
1764 	return rec;
1765 }
1766 /*==================================================
1767  * disp_vhistory_list -- show user the visited history list
1768  *  returns NULL if no history or if user cancels
1769  * Created: 2002/06/23, Perry Rapp
1770  *================================================*/
1771 static RECORD
disp_vhistory_list(void)1772 disp_vhistory_list (void)
1773 {
1774 	return do_disp_history_list(&vhist);
1775 }
1776 /*==================================================
1777  * disp_chistory_list -- show user the changed history list
1778  *  returns NULL if no history or if user cancels
1779  * Created: 2002/06/23, Perry Rapp
1780  *================================================*/
1781 static RECORD
disp_chistory_list(void)1782 disp_chistory_list (void)
1783 {
1784 	return do_disp_history_list(&chist);
1785 }
1786 /*==================================================
1787  * get_chistory_list -- return indiseq of change history
1788  *  returns NULL if no history
1789  *================================================*/
get_chistory_list(void)1791 get_chistory_list (void)
1792 {
1793 	return get_history_list(&chist);
1794 }
1795 /*==================================================
1796  * get_vhistory_list -- Return indiseq of visit history
1797  *  returns NULL if no history
1798  *================================================*/
get_vhistory_list(void)1800 get_vhistory_list (void)
1801 {
1802 	return get_history_list(&vhist);
1803 }
1804 /*==================================================
1805  * do_disp_history_list -- let user choose from history list
1806  *  calls message(nohist) if none found
1807  *  returns NULL if no history or if user cancels
1808  * Created: 2001/04/12, Perry Rapp
1809  *================================================*/
1810 static RECORD
do_disp_history_list(struct hist * histp)1811 do_disp_history_list (struct hist * histp)
1812 {
1813 	INDISEQ seq = get_history_list(histp);
1814 	RECORD rec=0;
1816 	if (!seq) {
1817 		message(_(qSnohist));
1818 		return NULL;
1819 	}
1820 	rec = choose_from_indiseq(seq, DOASK1, _(qSidhist), _(qSidhist));
1821 	remove_indiseq(seq);
1822 	return rec;
1823 }
1824 /*==================================================
1825  * get_history_list -- return specified history list as indiseq
1826  *================================================*/
1827 static INDISEQ
get_history_list(struct hist * histp)1828 get_history_list (struct hist * histp)
1829 {
1830 	INDISEQ seq=0;
1831 	INT next, prev;
1832 	if (!histp->size || histp->start==-1) {
1833 		return NULL;
1834 	}
1835 	/* add all items of history to seq */
1836 	seq = create_indiseq_null();
1837 	prev = -1;
1838 	next = histp->start;
1839 	while (1) {
1840 		NODE node=0;
1841 		nkey_to_node(&histp->list[next], &node);
1842 		if (node) {
1843 			STRING key = node_to_key(node);
1844 			append_indiseq_null(seq, key, NULL, TRUE, FALSE);
1845 		}
1846 		prev = next;
1847 		next = (next+1) % histp->size;
1848 		if (next == histp->past_end)
1849 			break; /* finished them all */
1850 	}
1851 	return seq;
1852 }
1853 /*==================================================
1854  * ask_clear_history -- delete vist history
1855  *  (first verify via y/n prompt)
1856  * Created: 2001/12/23, Perry Rapp
1857  *================================================*/
1858 static void
ask_clear_history(struct hist * histp)1859 ask_clear_history (struct hist * histp)
1860 {
1861 	char buffer[120];
1862 	INT count;
1864 	if (!histp->size || histp->start==-1) {
1865 		message(_(qSnohist));
1866 		return;
1867 	}
1868 	count = get_hist_count(histp);
1869 	sprintf(buffer, _(qShistclr), count);
1870 	if (ask_yes_or_no(buffer))
1871 		histp->start = -1;
1872 }
1873 /*==================================================
1874  * handle_history_cmds -- handle the history commands
1875  *  returns 0 for not a history command
1876  *  returns 1 if handled but continue on same page
1877  *  returns -1 if handled & set *pindi1 for switching pages
1878  * Created: 2001/04/12, Perry Rapp
1879  *================================================*/
1880 static INT
handle_history_cmds(INT c,RECORD * prec1)1881 handle_history_cmds (INT c, RECORD * prec1)
1882 {
1883 	RECORD rec=0;
1884 	if (c == CMD_VHISTORY_BACK) {
1885 		rec = history_back(&vhist);
1886 		if (rec) {
1887 			*prec1 = rec;
1888 			return -1; /* handled, change pages */
1889 		}
1890 		message(_(qSnohist));
1891 		return 1; /* handled, stay here */
1892 	}
1893 	if (c == CMD_CHISTORY_BACK) {
1894 		rec = history_back(&chist);
1895 		if (rec) {
1896 			*prec1 = rec;
1897 			return -1; /* handled, change pages */
1898 		}
1899 		message(_(qSnohist));
1900 		return 1; /* handled, stay here */
1901 	}
1902 	if (c == CMD_VHISTORY_FWD) {
1903 		rec = history_fwd(&vhist);
1904 		if (rec) {
1905 			*prec1 = rec;
1906 			return -1; /* handled, change pages */
1907 		}
1908 		message(_(qSnohist));
1909 		return 1; /* handled, stay here */
1910 	}
1911 	if (c == CMD_CHISTORY_FWD) {
1912 		rec = history_fwd(&chist);
1913 		if (rec) {
1914 			*prec1 = rec;
1915 			return -1; /* handled, change pages */
1916 		}
1917 		message(_(qSnohist));
1918 		return 1; /* handled, stay here */
1919 	}
1920 	if (c == CMD_VHISTORY_LIST) {
1921 		rec = disp_vhistory_list();
1922 		if (rec) {
1923 			*prec1 = rec;
1924 			return -1; /* handled, change pages */
1925 		}
1926 		return 1;
1927 	}
1928 	if (c == CMD_CHISTORY_LIST) {
1929 		rec = disp_chistory_list();
1930 		if (rec) {
1931 			*prec1 = rec;
1932 			return -1; /* handled, change pages */
1933 		}
1934 		return 1;
1935 	}
1936 	if (c == CMD_VHISTORY_CLEAR) {
1937 		ask_clear_history(&vhist);
1938 		return 1;
1939 	}
1940 	if (c == CMD_CHISTORY_CLEAR) {
1941 		ask_clear_history(&chist);
1942 		return 1;
1943 	}
1944 	return 0; /* unhandled */
1945 }
1946 /*==================================================
1947  * add_new_rec_maybe_ref -- add a new record
1948  *  and optionally create a reference to it from
1949  *  current record
1950  * rtns: returns new node if user wants to browse to it
1951  *       current node to edit it (current node)
1952  *       NULL to just stay where we are
1953  * Created: 2001/04/06, Perry Rapp
1954  *================================================*/
1955 static RECORD
add_new_rec_maybe_ref(RECORD current,char ntype)1956 add_new_rec_maybe_ref (RECORD current, char ntype)
1957 {
1958 	RECORD newrec=0;
1959 	NODE newnode;
1960 	STRING choices[4];
1961 	char title[60];
1962 	INT rtn;
1964 	/* create new node of requested type */
1965 	if (ntype=='E')
1966 		newrec=edit_add_event();
1967 	else if (ntype=='S')
1968 		newrec=edit_add_source();
1969 	else
1970 		newrec=edit_add_other();
1971 	/* bail if user cancelled creation */
1972 	if (!newrec)
1973 		return NULL;
1974 	newnode = nztop(newrec);
1975 	/* sanity check for long tags in others */
1976 	if (strlen(ntag(newnode))>40) {
1977 		msg_info(_(qStag2lng2cnc));
1978 		return newrec;
1979 	}
1980 	/* now ask the user how to connect the new node */
1981 	sprintf(title, _(qSnewrecis), nxref(newnode));
1982 	msg_info(title);
1983 	/* keep new node # in status so it will be visible during edit */
1984 	lock_status_msg(TRUE);
1985 	choices[0] = _(qSautoxref);
1986 	choices[1] = _(qSeditcur);
1987 	choices[2] = _(qSgotonew);
1988 	choices[3] = _(qSstaycur);
1989 	rtn = choose_from_array(NULL, 4, choices);
1990 	lock_status_msg(FALSE);
1991 	switch(rtn) {
1992 	case 0:
1993 		autoadd_xref(current, newnode);
1994 		return 0;
1995 	case 1:
1996 		return current; /* convention - return current node for edit */
1997 	case 2:
1998 		return newrec;
1999 	default:
2000 		return 0;
2001 	}
2002 }
2003 /*==================================================
2004  * autoadd_xref -- add trailing xref from existing node
2005  *  to new node
2006  * Created: 2001/11/11, Perry Rapp
2007  *================================================*/
2008 static void
autoadd_xref(RECORD rec,NODE newnode)2009 autoadd_xref (RECORD rec, NODE newnode)
2010 {
2011 	NODE xref; /* new xref added to end of node */
2012 	NODE find, prev; /* used finding last child of node */
2013 	NODE node = nztop(rec);
2014 	xref = create_node(NULL, ntag(newnode), nxref(newnode), node);
2015 	if (!(find = nchild(node))) {
2016 		nchild(node) = xref;
2017 	} else {
2018 		/* find last child of node */
2019 		while(find) {
2020 			prev = find;
2021 			find = nsibling(find);
2022 		}
2023 		nsibling(prev) = xref;
2024 	}
2026 	normalize_rec(rec);
2028 	unknown_node_to_dbase(node);
2029 }
2030 /*==================================================
2031  * get_vhist_len -- how many records currently in visit history list ?
2032  * Created: 2002/06/23, Perry Rapp
2033  *================================================*/
2034 INT
get_vhist_len(void)2035 get_vhist_len (void)
2036 {
2037 	return get_hist_count(&vhist);
2038 }
2039 /*==================================================
2040  * get_vhist_len -- how many records currently in change history list ?
2041  * Created: 2002/06/23, Perry Rapp
2042  *================================================*/
2043 INT
get_chist_len(void)2044 get_chist_len (void)
2045 {
2046 	return get_hist_count(&chist);
2047 }
2048 /*==================================================
2049  * init_browse_module -- Do any initialization
2050  *  This is after database is determined, and before
2051  *  main_menu begins processing.
2052  * Created: 2001/12/23, Perry Rapp
2053  *================================================*/
2054 void
init_browse_module(void)2055 init_browse_module (void)
2056 {
2057 	load_hist_lists();
2058 }
2059 /*==================================================
2060  * term_browse_module -- Cleanup for browse module
2061  *  Primarily to persist history
2062  * Created: 2001/12/23, Perry Rapp
2063  *================================================*/
2064 void
term_browse_module(void)2065 term_browse_module (void)
2066 {
2067 	save_hist_lists();
2068 }