1 /*
2  * CifCrystal.cpp
3  *
4  * Copyright Notice: see copyright.txt
5  *
6  *  Date: 3/8/2012 (D/M/Y)
7  *  Author: Dmitrij Lioubartsev
8  *  Email: dmitrijl42@gmail.com
9  *
10  *  For class info, see CifCrystal.h
11  */
13 #include "CifCrystal.h"
14 #include "Atom.h"
15 #include "SymmetryCalculator.h"
18 #include <iostream>
19 #include <cmath>
20 using namespace std;
22 #define _PI__ 3.14159265
CifCrystal()24 CifCrystal::CifCrystal() {
25 	//constants
26 	a = b = c = 0;
27 	alpha = beta = gamma = 0;
28 	aNew = bNew = cNew = 0;
29 	aDup = bDup = cDup = 0;
30 	for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
31 		isSet[i] = false;
32 	}
33 	//symmetry
34 	vector<string> symmetries(0);
35 	//atoms
36 	vector<Atom> atoms(0);
37 	numEl = numx = numy = numz = 0;
38 	vector<Bond> bonds(0);
40 }
~CifCrystal()42 CifCrystal::~CifCrystal() {
43 	// do nothing
44 }
seta(double value)46 bool CifCrystal::seta(double value) {
47 	if(!isSet[0]) {
48 		a = value;
49 		isSet[0] = true;
50 		return true;
51 	} else {
52 		return false;
53 	}
54 }
setb(double value)56 bool CifCrystal::setb(double value) {
57 	if(!isSet[1]) {
58 		b = value;
59 		isSet[1] = true;
60 		return true;
61 	} else {
62 		return false;
63 	}
64 }
setc(double value)66 bool CifCrystal::setc(double value) {
67 	if(!isSet[2]) {
68 		c = value;
69 		isSet[2] = true;
70 		return true;
71 	} else {
72 		return false;
73 	}
74 }
setalpha(double value)76 bool CifCrystal::setalpha(double value) {
77 	if(!isSet[3]) {
78 		alpha = value;
79 		isSet[3] = true;
80 		return true;
81 	} else {
82 		return false;
83 	}
84 }
setbeta(double value)86 bool CifCrystal::setbeta(double value) {
87 	if(!isSet[4]) {
88 		beta = value;
89 		isSet[4] = true;
90 		return true;
91 	} else {
92 		return false;
93 	}
94 }
setgamma(double value)96 bool CifCrystal::setgamma(double value) {
97 	if(!isSet[5]) {
98 		gamma = value;
99 		isSet[5] = true;
100 		return true;
101 	} else {
102 		return false;
103 	}
104 }
106 //returns an array of size 6 to indicate which values has been set.
107 // order is {a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma}
areSet()108 bool* CifCrystal::areSet() { return isSet;}
get_a()110 double CifCrystal::get_a() { return a;}
get_b()111 double CifCrystal::get_b() { return b;}
get_c()112 double CifCrystal::get_c() { return c;}
get_alpha()113 double CifCrystal::get_alpha() { return alpha;}
get_beta()114 double CifCrystal::get_beta() {	return beta;}
get_gamma()115 double CifCrystal::get_gamma() { return gamma;}
getNewa()116 double CifCrystal::getNewa() { return aNew;}
getNewb()117 double CifCrystal::getNewb() { return bNew;}
getNewc()118 double CifCrystal::getNewc() { return cNew;}
getDupa()119 int CifCrystal::getDupa() { return aDup;}
getDupb()120 int CifCrystal::getDupb() { return bDup;}
getDupc()121 int CifCrystal::getDupc() { return cDup;}
123 /*
124  * Adds a symmetry
125  */
addSymmetry(string symmetry)126 void CifCrystal::addSymmetry(string symmetry) {
127 	symmetries.push_back(symmetry);
128 }
130 //atoms
132 //setters, see CifCrystal.h for more info
setAx(double x)133 void CifCrystal::setAx(double x) {
134 	if(numx < atoms.size()) {
135 		atoms[numx].setx(x);
136 	} else {
137 		Atom a = Atom();
138 		a.setx(x);
139 		atoms.push_back(a);
140 	}
141 	numx++;
142 }
setAy(double y)144 void CifCrystal::setAy(double y) {
145 	if(numy < atoms.size()) {
146 		atoms[numy].sety(y);
147 	} else {
148 		Atom a = Atom();
149 		a.sety(y);
150 		atoms.push_back(a);
151 	}
152 	numy++;
153 }
setAz(double z)155 void CifCrystal::setAz(double z) {
156 	if(numz < atoms.size()) {
157 		atoms[numz].setz(z);
158 	} else {
159 		Atom a = Atom();
160 		a.setz(z);
161 		atoms.push_back(a);
162 	}
163 	numz++;
164 }
setAElement(string e)166 void CifCrystal::setAElement(string e) {
167 	if(numEl < atoms.size()) {
168 		atoms[numEl].setElement(e);
169 	} else {
170 		Atom a = Atom();
171 		a.setElement(e);
172 		atoms.push_back(a);
173 	}
174 	numEl++;
175 }
177 /*
178  * Number of atoms currently in the crystal structure
179  */
numAtoms()180 unsigned int CifCrystal::numAtoms() {
181 	return atoms.size();
182 }
184 /*
185  * Returns a vector with all atoms
186  */
getAtomList()187 vector<Atom>* CifCrystal::getAtomList() {
188 	return &atoms;
189 }
191 /*
192  * Returns a vector with atomic bonds.
193  */
getBondList()194 vector<CifCrystal::Bond>* CifCrystal::getBondList() {
195 	return &bonds;
196 }
198 /*
199  * A check so that all atoms have all properties assigned.
200  */
okData()201 bool CifCrystal::okData() {
202 	return (numEl == numx) && (numEl == numy) && (numEl == numz)
203 			&& (numEl == atoms.size());
204 }
206 /*
207  * Apply each symmetry operation on each atom. If the newly created atom
208  * does not already exist (compare coordinates and account for symmetry,
209  * this is what Atom::equals does), add it to current Atom list.
210  * Afterwards, clear symmetry list.
211  * For information about what a symmetry is and how its calculated, see
212  * class SymmetryCalculator.
213  */
processSymmetries()214 void CifCrystal::processSymmetries() {
216 	SymmetryCalculator sc = SymmetryCalculator();
217 	Atom newAtom;
218 	vector<Atom> newAtoms(0);
220 	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < symmetries.size(); i++) {//for each symmetry
221 		//string& sym = symmetries[i];
222 		if(!sc.setSymmetry(symmetries[i])) { //load the symmetry
223 			cout << "WARNING: Symmetry number " << i + 1 << " could not be parsed. "
224 					"Ignoring symmetry." << endl;
225 			continue;
226 		}
229 		for(unsigned int j = 0; j < atoms.size(); j++) {	//for each atom
230 			sc.loadAtom(atoms[j].getx(),atoms[j].gety(),atoms[j].getz());	//load atom values
231 			if(!sc.calculate()) { //and calculate
232 				//something went wrong with the calculations
233 				cout << "WARNING: Symmetry number " << i + 1 << " could not be calculated."
234 						" Ignoring symmetry." << endl;
235 				break; //skip the rest of atoms, because an atom can't be "wrong", only the symmetry
236 			}
237 			//now create atom
238 			newAtom = Atom(atoms[j].getElement(),sc.getx(),sc.gety(),sc.getz());
239 			newAtom.toCubic();
240 			bool isNew = true;
241 			//now cheack if atom already exists
242 			for(unsigned int k = 0; k < atoms.size();k++) { //check current atoms
243 				if(newAtom.equals(atoms[k]) ) {
244 					isNew = false;
245 					break;
246 				}
247 			}
248 			if(isNew)
249 				for(unsigned int k = 0; k < newAtoms.size();k++) { //check newly added atoms
250 					if(newAtom.equals(newAtoms[k]) ) {
251 					isNew = false;
252 					break;
253 				}
254 			}
256 			if(isNew) {
257 				newAtoms.push_back(newAtom);
258 			}
259 		}
260 	}
262 	//for all new atoms, add to the atom list.
263 	for(unsigned int k = 0; k < newAtoms.size(); k++) {
264 		atoms.push_back(newAtoms[k]);
265 	}
267 	//clear all the processed symmetries.
268 	symmetries.clear();
270 }
272 /*
273  * Creates a supercell. This means, duplicate atom coordinates
274  * in x,y and z directions respectivly, so that the new cell
275  * (called supercell), has sides a,b,c that are at minimum
276  * r_min.
277  * E.g. r_min = 20, a = 9. Duplicate into x-direction 3 times,
278  * so that new a becomes 27 > 20.
279  */
makeSuperCell(double r_min)280 void CifCrystal::makeSuperCell(double r_min) {
282 	int i = 1; //number of copies.
283 	vector<Atom> newAtoms; //a holder vector for new atoms.
284 	while((i*a) < r_min) { //duplicate in x-direction
285 		for(unsigned int k = 0;k < atoms.size();k++) {
286 			Atom& at = atoms[k]; //for easier-to-read code
287 			//now add a new atom, with the same properties as the current one ("at"),
288 			//but with its x-coordinate incremented with i.
289 			newAtoms.push_back(Atom(at.getElement(),at.getx()+i,at.gety(),at.getz()));
290 		}
291 		i++;
292 	}
293 	/*for(unsigned int j = 0;j < newAtoms.size();j++) {
294 			atoms.push_back(newAtoms[j]);
295 	}*/ //this is the alternative way to do this
296 	for(vector<Atom>::iterator it = newAtoms.begin(); it != newAtoms.end();it++) {
297 		atoms.push_back(*it); //add all atoms from newAtoms to atoms.
298 	}
299 	aNew = a*i; //the new a.
300 	aDup = i;
301 	newAtoms.clear(); //clear
302 	i=1; //reset i for next iteration
303 	while((i*b) < r_min) { //duplicate in y-direction
304 		for(unsigned int k = 0;k < atoms.size();k++) {
305 			Atom& at = atoms[k]; //for easier-to-read code
306 			newAtoms.push_back(Atom(at.getElement(),at.getx(),at.gety()+i,at.getz()));
307 		}
308 		i++;
309 	}
310 	for(vector<Atom>::iterator it = newAtoms.begin(); it != newAtoms.end();it++) {
311 		atoms.push_back(*it);
312 	}
313 	bNew = b*i; //the new b.
314 	bDup = i;
315 	newAtoms.clear();
316 	i=1;
317 	while((i*c) < r_min) { //duplicate in z-direction
318 		for(unsigned int k = 0;k < atoms.size();k++) {
319 			Atom& at = atoms[k]; //for easier-to-read code
320 			newAtoms.push_back(Atom(at.getElement(),at.getx(),at.gety(),at.getz()+i));
321 		}
322 		i++;
323 	}
324 	for(vector<Atom>::iterator it = newAtoms.begin(); it != newAtoms.end();it++) {
325 		atoms.push_back(*it);
326 	}
327 	cNew = c*i; //the new c.
328 	cDup = i;
329 }
makeTransformations()331 void CifCrystal::makeTransformations() {
332 	/*
333 	 * First, a quick lesson in linear algebra and how this is done, and how
334 	 * stuff was calculated, because having it only written down on a paper
335 	 * that I later may or may not find can be bad, in case something will
336 	 * need to be altered and I won't understand anything here.
337 	 */
339 	/*
340 	 * The atoms in the file are given in relative coordinates, in the
341 	 * coordinate system of a,b,c, which are vectors in the euclidian system
342 	 * with lengths a,b,c, and with angles alpha (between b,c), beta (between a,c)
343 	 * and gamma (between a,b) between them. To not think of the relative thingy
344 	 * on the coordinates, I see the current coordinates as being written in
345 	 * the basis of {x',y',z'}, where |x'| == a, |y'| == b, |z'| == c, and with
346 	 * the given angles. (basically the basis are the vectors a,b,c but technically
347 	 * a,b,c represents scalars (lengths) and not vectors, so I can't really write
348 	 * that).
349 	 *
350 	 * If I set the x-axis to be oriented along the vector of a, then x' will be
351 	 * (a,0,0). That is one of the basis vectors for the current coordinate system
352 	 * (or vector room). Now to y'. See triangle below, which is drawn in x-y plane:
353 	 *   /|
354 	 *  / |
355 	 * /__|
356 	 *
357 	 * Bot-left corner is angle gamma, and the hypotenuse length is b. Lets call the
358 	 * bot side f and right side h. Then we will have b*cos(gamma) = f, b*sin(gamma) = h.
359 	 * This will give y' = (b*cos(gamma),b*sin(gamma),0).
360 	 *
361 	 * With similar geometry, z'.x will be c*cos(beta), and z'.y == c*cos(alpha). It isn't
362 	 * that easy to calculate z'.z, so I will use the formula (z'.x)²+(z'.y)²+(z'.z)² == c².
363 	 * Solving for z'.z, I get, in the end, that
364 	 * z' = (c*cos(beta),c*cos(alpha),c*sqrt(1-cos²(beta)-cos²(alpha))).
365 	 *
366 	 * So, in the .cif file the coordinates are given in the basis of
367 	 * (a,0,0) , (b*cos(gamma), b*sin(gamma),0), (c*cos(beta),c*cos(alpha),c*sqrt(1-cos²(beta)-cos²(alpha))).
368 	 *
369 	 * I want to transform it to euclidian basis (1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1). To do that, I use
370 	 * the formula B = T*B'. B' is the vector given in the "old" basis, and B are the coordinates
371 	 * in the new euclidian basis. T is the transformation matrix where its columns are given by
372 	 * x',y' and z'. (not gonna write it out, too large).
373 	 *
374 	 * Esentially, using simple matrix multiplication, this formulas are given, where Ax,Ay,Az are the atom
375 	 * coordinates as written in the file:
376 	 *
377 	 * Nx = Ax*a + Ay*b*cos(gamma) + Ax*c*cos(beta)
378 	 * Ny = Ay*b*sin(gamma) + Az*c*cos(alpha)
379 	 * Nz = Az*c*sqrt(1-cos²(beta)-cos²(alpha))
380 	 *
382 	 * NOTE: Transformation matrix is slightly different, the z'.y and z'.z are not the same.
383 	 * See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fractional_coordinates for more info. I got a bit
384 	 * overzealous with these. Using the wiki Transformation matrix.
385 	 *
386 	 * NOTE: AFTER more testing, it appears my own transformation matrix gives exact same
387 	 * result as wikipedia's one... Using my own one just because. And they are simpler.
388 	 *
389 	 * Apply these on every atom.
390 	 */
392 	double alphar, betar, gammar; //angles in radian.
394 	//cmath's trigonometric functions need radian angles.
395 	alphar = alpha*_PI__/180;
396 	betar = beta*_PI__/180;
397 	gammar = gamma*_PI__/180;
399 	//these are some stuff that needs to be calculated many times, might as well
400 	//do it once here and keep the result.
401 	const double cosg = cos(gammar);
402 	const double cosb = cos(betar);
403 	const double sing = sin(gammar);
404 	const double cosa = cos(alphar);
406 	const double zeta = sqrt(1-pow(cosb,2)-pow(cosa,2));
407 	//const double u = ((cos(alphar)-(cosb*cosg))/(sing));
408 	//const double v = sqrt(1-pow(cosb,2)-pow(cos(alphar),2)-pow(cosg,2) + (2*cos(alphar)*cosb*cosg));
410 	//now make the cell cubic, instead of a parallelepiped, so new values
411 	//of aNew, bNew and cNew are needed, for the makeSmall() function.
412 	//aNew = aNew; stays the same
413 	//bNew = bNew * sing; //the y part of the b vector.
414 	//cNew = cNew * zeta; //the z-part of the c-vector
415 	//cNew = cNew * v/sing; //the wiki way of doing it.
418 	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < atoms.size(); i++) {
419 	 	const double& Ax = atoms[i].getx();
420 		const double& Ay = atoms[i].gety();
421 		const double& Az = atoms[i].getz();
422 		double newx, newy, newz;
423 		newx = (Ax*a + Ay*b*cosg + Az*c*cosb);
424 		newy = (Ay*b*sing + Az*c*cosa);
425 		newz = (Az*c*zeta);
426 		//newy = (Ay*b*sing + Az*c*u);
427 		//newz = (Az*c*v/sing);
428 		atoms[i].setx(newx);
429 		atoms[i].sety(newy);
430 		atoms[i].setz(newz);
432 	}
433 }
435 /*
436  * Create atomic bonds. An atomic bond should be created between two atoms
437  * that have distance less than 2 Å between each other. However, since the
438  * cell is repeated many times, atoms may be bound to other atoms outside
439  * of the cell. To account for that, bind to the corresponding atom in
440  * the current cell.
441  */
makeBonds()442 void CifCrystal::makeBonds() {
443 	//first initialize some variables
445 	double alphar, betar, gammar;
447 	//cmath's trigonometric functions need radian angles.
448 	alphar = alpha*_PI__/180;
449 	betar = beta*_PI__/180;
450 	gammar = gamma*_PI__/180;
452 	double bx = bNew*cos(gammar);
453 	double by = bNew*sin(gammar);
454 	double cx = cNew*cos(betar);
455 	double cy = cNew*cos(alphar);
456 	double cz = cNew*sqrt(1-pow(cos(betar),2)-pow(cos(alphar),2));
460 	for(unsigned int mainInt = 0; mainInt < atoms.size(); mainInt++) { //for each atom
461 		/*
462 		 * For each atom, compute the distance to every other atom. If it is
463 		 * less than 2, create a bond.
464 		 */
465 		Atom& a1 = atoms[mainInt];
466 		for(unsigned int otherInt = 0; otherInt < atoms.size(); otherInt++) {
467 			if(mainInt!=otherInt) { //no point comparing atom to itself.
468 				Atom& a2 = atoms[otherInt];
469 				//now get distance between a1 and a2
470 				double minDistance = 100;
471 				for(int i = -1; i < 2; i++) {//from -1 to 1
472 				for(int j = -1; j < 2; j++) {
473 				for(int k = -1; k < 2; k++) {
474 					double tmp = sqrt(
475 							pow(a1.getx()-a2.getx()+i*aNew+j*bx+k*cx,2) +
476 							pow(a1.gety()-a2.gety()+j*by+k*cy,2) +
477 							pow(a1.getz()-a2.getz()+k*cz,2));
478 					if(tmp < minDistance)
479 						minDistance = tmp;
480 				}
481 				}
482 				}
483 				if(minDistance <= 2) {
484 					//add bond to atom
485 					a1.addBond(&a2);
486 					if(mainInt < otherInt) {//dont add duplicate bonds.
487 						Bond b = {mainInt,otherInt};
488 						bonds.push_back(b);
489 					}
490 				}
491 			}
492 		}
493 	}
494 }
496 //for testing purposes
printThis()497 void CifCrystal::printThis() {
498 	cout.setf(ios_base::fixed);
499 	cout.precision(4);
500 	cout << "----- CELL VALUES -----" << endl
501 		<< "a: ";
502 	if(isSet[0])
503 		cout << a << endl;
504 	else
505 		cout << "NOT SET" << endl;
506 	cout << "b: ";
507 	if(isSet[1])
508 		cout << b << endl;
509 	else
510 		cout << "NOT SET" << endl;
511 	cout << "c: ";
512 	if(isSet[2])
513 		cout << c << endl;
514 	else
515 		cout << "NOT SET" << endl;
516 	cout << "alpha: ";
517 	if(isSet[3])
518 		cout << alpha << endl;
519 	else
520 		cout << "NOT SET" << endl;
521 	cout << "beta: ";
522 	if(isSet[4])
523 		cout << beta << endl;
524 	else
525 		cout << "NOT SET" << endl;
526 	cout << "gamma: ";
527 	if(isSet[5])
528 		cout << gamma << endl;
529 	else
530 		cout << "NOT SET" << endl;
531 	cout << endl;
532 	cout << "----- SYMMETRIES -----" << endl;
533 	for(unsigned int i=0;i<symmetries.size();i++) {
534 		cout << symmetries[i] << endl;
535 	}
536 	cout << endl;
537 	int numO = 0;
538 	int numSi = 0;
539 	cout << "----- ATOMS -----" << endl;
540 	if(!okData()) {
541 		cout << "BLÄH: " << numEl << ' '
542 		<< numx << ' ' << numy << ' '
543 		<< numz << endl;
544 	}
546 	for(unsigned int i=0;i<atoms.size();i++) {
547 		cout << atoms[i].getElement() << i
548 			<< "\t\t" << atoms[i].getx()
549 			<< "\t\t" << atoms[i].gety()
550 			<< "\t\t" << atoms[i].getz() << endl;
552 		if(atoms[i].getElement() == "O")
553 			numO++;
554 		else if(atoms[i].getElement() == "Si")
555 			numSi++;
557 	}
558 	cout << "NumO: " << numO << "\tnumSi: " << numSi;
560 	cout << endl << endl;
561 	unsigned int i;
562 	for(i = 0; i < bonds.size();i++) {
563 		cout << bonds[i].a1 << ' ' << bonds[i].a2 << endl;
564 	}
565 	cout << "NumBounds: " << i << endl;
567 }