1 #ifndef MAPPING_H__
2 #define MAPPING_H__ 1
4 #include "driver.h"
5 #include "typedefs.h"
6 #include "svalue.h"
8 /* --- Types --- */
10 /* Local typedefs */
12 typedef struct mapping_hash_s mapping_hash_t;
13 typedef struct mapping_cond_s mapping_cond_t;
15 /* --- struct mapping_s: the mapping datatypes --- */
17 /* The main structure of a mapping
18  */
20 struct mapping_s {
21     p_int       ref;               /* Number of references */
22     wiz_list_t *user;              /* Who made the mapping */
23     p_int       num_values;        /* Number of values for a key */
24     p_int       num_entries;       /* Number of valid entries */
25     struct mapping_cond_s * cond;  /* Condensed entries */
26     struct mapping_hash_s * hash;  /* Hashed entries */
27     mapping_t  *next;
28       /* Next mapping - for use by the cleanup code and
29        * the garbage collector.
30        */
31 };
33 /* --- struct mapping_hash_s: the hashed index ---
34  *
35  * New entries in a mapping are stored in a hash structure for fast
36  * access. The hash grows dynamically with the number of entries -
37  * the structure is then reallocated to fit - the goal is to keep
38  * on average two entries per hash bucket.
39  *
40  * This structure is exported so that interpret.c can use it to
41  * build protectors.
42  */
44 struct mapping_hash_s {
45     p_int         used;        /* Number of entries in the hash */
46     p_int         mask;
47       /* Index mask for chains[], converting the raw hash value into
48        * the valid index number using a bit-and operation.
49        * Incremented by one, it's the number of chains.
50        */
51     p_int         ref;
52       /* Refcount if this mapping is part of a T_PROTECTOR_MAPPING svalue.
53        * The value is <= the mappings main refcount.
54        */
55     mp_int        last_used;
56       /* Time of the last change (add or delete) to the mapping.
57        */
58     p_int         cond_deleted;
59       /* Number of entries deleted from the condensed part
60        */
61     struct map_chain_s *deleted;
62       /* Protector mappings only: list of deleted entries, which are kept
63        * pending because the they may still be used as destination for
64        * a lvalue.
65        */
66     struct map_chain_s * chains[ 1 /* +.mask */ ];
67       /* The hash chain heads ('hash buckets')
68        */
69 };
71 #define SIZEOF_MH_ALL(hm, nv) ( \
72     sizeof(*(hm)) + sizeof(map_chain_t *) * (hm)->mask \
73                   + (sizeof(map_chain_t) + sizeof(svalue_t) * (nv)) * ((hm)->used) \
74                       )
75   /* Allocation size of a given mapping_hash_t structure for a mapping
76    * with <nv> values per key, including map_chain structures.
77    */
79 #define SIZEOF_MH(hm) ( \
80     sizeof(*(hm)) + sizeof(map_chain_t *) * (hm)->mask \
81                       )
82   /* Allocation size of a given mapping_hash_t structure, excluding
83    * the map_chain structures.
84    */
87 /* --- struct mapping_cond_s: the condensed block ---
88  *
89  * When a mapping is compacted, the entries are stored in sorted order
90  * in this structure (allocated to size).
91  * If later a key is deleted, it's .type is set to T_INVALID.
92  *
93  * The structure is exported so that the swapper can use it.
94  */
96 struct mapping_cond_s {
97     size_t   size;                 /* Number of allocated entries */
98     svalue_t data[1 /* .size * (m->num_values+1) */];
99 };
101 #define SIZEOF_MC(cm, nv) ( \
102     sizeof(*(cm)) + sizeof(svalue_t) * (((cm)->size * ((nv)+1)) - 1) \
103                       )
104   /* Allocation size of a given mapping_cond_t structure for
105    * a mapping with <nv> values per key.
106    */
108 #define COND_DATA(cm, ix, nv) ( \
109     &((cm)->data[(cm)->size + (ix) * (nv)]) \
110                               )
111   /* For key entry [<ix>] in a given mapping_cond_t for a mapping
112    * with <nv> values per key, return pointer to the first assocated value.
113    */
116 /* --- struct mvf_info: structure used by m_values()/unmkmapping() ---
117  *
118  * This structure is passed by reference to the filter functions used
119  * by the two efuns and passes information from one filter call to the
120  * next.
121  */
122 struct mvf_info
123 {
124     svalue_t * svp;
125       /* m_values_filter: Pointer to next result vector entry
126        * m_unmake_filter: Pointer to result array of svalues
127        */
128     int             num;
129       /* m_values_filter: Column to retrieve.
130        * m_unmake_filter: Next row to retrieve
131        */
132     int             width;
133       /* m_unmake_filter: width of the mapping
134        */
135 };
138 /* --- Macros --- */
140 #define MAP_SIZE(m) ((m)->num_entries)
141   /* Size (number of keys) of a given mapping <m>.
142    */
144 #define MAP_TOTAL_SIZE(m) ((m)->num_entries * (1+(m)->num_values))
145   /* Size (number of keys and values) of a given mapping <m>.
146    */
148 /* mapping_t *ref_mapping(mapping_t *m)
149  *   Add another ref to mapping <m> and return the mapping <m>.
150  */
152 #define ref_mapping(m) ((m)->ref++, (m))
154 /* Bool free_mapping(mapping_t *m)
155  *   Subtract one ref from mapping <m>, and free the mapping fully if
156  *   the refcount reaches zero.
157  *   Return TRUE if the mapping is deallocated, and FALSE if not.
158  */
160 #define free_mapping(m) ( (--((m)->ref) <= 0) ? _free_mapping(m, MY_FALSE) : MY_FALSE )
162 /* p_int deref_mapping(mapping_t *m)
163  *   Subtract one ref from mapping <m>, but don't check if it needs to
164  *   be freed. Result is the number of refs left.
165  */
167 #define deref_mapping(m) (--(m)->ref)
169 /* --- Variables --- */
171 extern mp_int num_mappings;
172 extern mp_int num_hash_mappings;
173 extern mp_int num_dirty_mappings;
175 /* --- Prototypes --- */
177 extern mapping_t *allocate_mapping(mp_int size, mp_int num_values);
178 extern mapping_t *allocate_cond_mapping(wiz_list_t * user, mp_int size, mp_int num_values);
179 extern Bool _free_mapping(mapping_t *m, Bool no_data);
180 #define free_empty_mapping(m) _free_mapping(m, MY_TRUE)
181 extern void free_protector_mapping(mapping_t *m);
182 extern svalue_t *_get_map_lvalue(mapping_t *m, svalue_t *map_index, Bool need_lvalue, Bool check_size);
183 #define get_map_value(m,x) _get_map_lvalue(m,x,MY_FALSE, MY_TRUE)
184 #define get_map_lvalue(m,x) _get_map_lvalue(m,x,MY_TRUE, MY_TRUE)
185 #define get_map_lvalue_unchecked(m,x) _get_map_lvalue(m,x,MY_TRUE, MY_FALSE)
186 extern Bool mapping_references_objects (mapping_t *m);
187 extern void check_map_for_destr(mapping_t *m);
188 extern mapping_t *resize_mapping(mapping_t *m, mp_int new_width);
189 #define copy_mapping(m) resize_mapping((m), (m)->num_values)
190 extern mapping_t *add_mapping(mapping_t *m1, mapping_t *m2);
191 extern void walk_mapping(mapping_t *m, void (*func)(svalue_t *key, svalue_t *val, void *extra), void *extra);
192 extern Bool compact_mapping(mapping_t *m, Bool force);
193 extern mp_int total_mapping_size(void);
194 extern size_t mapping_overhead(mapping_t *m);
195 extern void set_mapping_user(mapping_t *m, object_t *owner);
197 extern svalue_t *f_m_allocate(svalue_t *sp);
198 extern svalue_t *v_m_contains(svalue_t *sp, int num_arg);
199 extern svalue_t *v_m_add(svalue_t *sp, int num_arg);
200 extern svalue_t *f_m_delete(svalue_t *sp);
201 extern vector_t *m_indices(mapping_t *m);
202 extern svalue_t *f_m_indices(svalue_t *sp);
203 extern svalue_t *f_m_values(svalue_t *sp);
204 extern svalue_t *v_mkmapping (svalue_t *sp, int num_arg);
205 extern void sub_from_mapping_filter(svalue_t *key, svalue_t *data, void *extra);
206 extern void add_to_mapping(mapping_t *m1, mapping_t *m2);
207 extern mapping_t *subtract_mapping(mapping_t *minuend, mapping_t *subtrahend);
208 extern mapping_t *map_intersect(mapping_t *m, svalue_t * val);
209 extern vector_t * map_intersect_array (vector_t *vec, mapping_t *map);
210 extern svalue_t *x_filter_mapping(svalue_t *sp, int num_arg, Bool bFull);
211 extern svalue_t *v_filter_indices (svalue_t *sp, int num_arg);
212 extern svalue_t *x_map_mapping(svalue_t *sp, int num_arg, Bool bFull);
213 extern svalue_t *v_map_indices (svalue_t *sp, int num_arg);
214 extern svalue_t *v_walk_mapping(svalue_t *sp, int num_arg);
215 extern svalue_t * f_m_entry (svalue_t *sp);
216 extern svalue_t *f_m_reallocate (svalue_t *sp);
217 extern svalue_t *f_unmkmapping (svalue_t *sp);
218 extern svalue_t *f_widthof (svalue_t *sp);
220 #ifdef GC_SUPPORT
221 extern void count_ref_in_mapping(mapping_t *m);
222 extern void clean_stale_mappings(void);
223 extern void clear_mapping_size (void);
224 extern void count_mapping_size (mapping_t *m);
225 #endif
228 extern void m_check_total_mapping_size (const char * file, int line);
229 #define check_total_mapping_size() m_check_total_mapping_size(__FILE__, __LINE__)
230 #else
231 #define check_total_mapping_size() NOOP
232 #endif
234 #endif /* MAPPING_H__ */