2! Copyright (C) 1996-2016	The SIESTA group
3!  This file is distributed under the terms of the
4!  GNU General Public License: see COPYING in the top directory
5!  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt.
6! See Docs/Contributors.txt for a list of contributors.
8      module neighbour
9      use precision, only: dp
10      use sys,       only: die
11      use alloc,     only: re_alloc, de_alloc
12      implicit none
14      private
16      public :: mneighb, reset_neighbour_arrays
18      character(len=*), parameter      :: myName = 'neighbour '
19      integer,           public :: maxnna = 200
20      integer,  pointer, public :: jan(:)
21      real(dp), pointer, public :: r2ij(:)
22      real(dp), pointer, public :: xij(:,:)
23      logical                   :: pointers_allocated = .false.
24      integer                   :: maxna   = -1
25      integer                   :: maxnm   = -1
26      integer                   :: maxnnm  = -1
27      integer                   :: maxnem  = -1
28      integer,        parameter :: nx = 3    ! Define space dimension
30      integer                   :: INX(NX), I1NX(NX), I2NX(NX),
31     &                             J1NX(NX), J2NX(NX), I1EMX(NX),
32     &                             I2EMX(NX), IMX(NX), I1MX(NX),
33     &                             I2MX(NX), NEMX(NX), NMX(NX), NNX(NX)
34      real(dp)                  :: DMX(NX), DX(NX), DX0M(NX),
35     &                             CELMSH(NX*NX), RCELL(NX*NX),
36     &                             RMCELL(NX*NX)
37      integer,          pointer :: IANEXT(:), IAPREV(:), IEMA(:),
38     &                             IA1M(:), IDNM(:), IMESH(:)
39      real(dp),         pointer :: DXAM(:,:), DXNM(:,:)
40      real(dp)                  :: celast(nx,nx) = 0.0_dp,
41     &                             rglast        = 0.0_dp
42      real(dp),         public  :: x0(nx)
44      contains
46      subroutine mneighb( cell, range, na, xa, ia, isc,
47     &                    nna )
49C ********************************************************************
50C Finds the neighbours of an atom in a cell with periodic boundary
51C conditions. This is an interface to routine ranger, which has
52C extended functionalities.
53C Written by J.M.Soler. March 1997.
54C *********** INPUT **************************************************
55C REAL*8  CELL(3,3) : Unit cell vectors CELL(IXYZ,IVECT)
56C REAL*8  range     : Maximum distance of neighbours required
57C INTEGER NA        : Number of atoms
58C REAL*8  XA(3,NA)  : Atomic positions in cartesian coordinates
59C INTEGER IA        : Atom whose neighbours are needed.
60C                     A routine initialization must be done by
61C                     a first call with IA = 0
62C INTEGER ISC       : Single-counting switch (0=No, 1=Yes). If ISC=1,
63C                     only neighbours with JA.LE.IA are included in JAN
64!!!!! C INTEGER MAXNNA    : Size of arrays JAN, XIJ and R2IJ
65C *********** OUTPUT *************************************************
66C INTEGER NNA       : Number of neighbour atoms within range of IA
67C INTEGER JAN(NNA)  : Atom-index of neighbours
68C REAL*8  XIJ(3,NNA): Vectors from atom IA to neighbours
69C REAL*8  R2IJ(NNA) : Squared distances to neighbours
70C *********** UNITS **************************************************
71C Units of CELL, range and XA are arbitrary but must be equal
72C *********** SUBROUTINES USED ***************************************
74C *********** BEHAVIOUR **********************************************
75C CPU time and memory scale linearly with the number of atoms, for
76C   sufficiently large numbers.
77C If internal dimension variables are too small, an include file named
78C   neighb.h is printed with the required dimensions and the routine
79C   stops, asking to be recompiled. Then, neighb.h is automatically
80C   included in the new compilation, if the source file is in the same
81C   directory where the program has run. Initially, you can make all
82C   the parameters in neighb.h equal to 1.
83C Different ranges can be used for different atoms, but for good
84C   performance, the largest range should be used in the initial
85C   call (with IA=0).
86C There are no limitations regarding cell shape or size. The range may
87C   be larger than the cell size, in which case many 'images' of the
88C   same atom will be included in the neighbour list, with different
89C   interatomic vectors XIJ and distances R2IJ.
90C The atom IA itself is included in the neighbour list, with zero
91C   distance. You have to discard it if you want so.
92C If the number of neighbour atoms found is larger than the size of
93C   the arrays JAN, XIJ and R2IJ, i.e. if NNAout > NNAin, these arrays
94C   are filled only up to their size NNAin. With dynamic memory
95C   allocation, this allows to find first the required array sizes
96C   and then find the neighbours. Notice however that no warning is
97C   given, so that you should always check that NNAout.LE.NNAin.
98C *********** USAGE **************************************************
99C Sample usage for a molecular dynamics simulation:
101C    Define CELL and initial positions XA
102C    DO ITER = 1,NITER                (Molecular dynamics iteration)
103C      NNA = MAXNNA
104C      CALL NEIGHB( CELL, range, NA, XA, 0, 1, NNA, JAN, XIJ, R2IJ )
105C      IF (NNA .GT. MAXNNA) STOP 'MAXNNA too small'
106C      Initialize to zero all atomic forces FA(IX,IA)
107C      DO IA = 1,NA                   (Loop on atoms)
108C        NNA = MAXNNA
109C        CALL NEIGHB( CELL, range, NA, XA, IA, 1, NNA, JAN, XIJ, R2IJ )
110C        IF (NNA .GT. MAXNNA) STOP 'MAXNNA too small'
111C        DO IN = 1,NNA                (Loop on neighbours of IA)
112C          JA = JAN(IN)               (Atomic index of neighbour)
113C          RIJ = SQRT(R2IJ(IN))       (Interatomic distance)
114C          IF (RIJ .GT. 1.D-12) THEN  (Discard atom itself)
115C            Find interatomic force FIJ( RIJ )
116C            DO IX = 1,3
117C              FA(IX,IA) = FA(IX,IA) - FIJ * XIJ(IX,IN) / RIJ
118C              FA(IX,JA) = FA(IX,JA) + FIJ * XIJ(IX,IN) / RIJ
119C            ENDDO
120C          ENDIF
121C        ENDDO
122C      ENDDO
123C      Move atomic positions XA       (Molecular dynamics step)
124C    ENDDO
125C ********************************************************************
126      implicit none
127C     Argument types and dimensions
128      integer, intent(in)  :: ia, isc, na
129      integer, intent(out) :: nna
130      real(dp)             :: cell(nx,nx), range, xa(nx,na)
132C    Internal variables
133      integer,      save :: iamove(1)     = 0
134      logical,      save :: first_time = .true.
135      logical            :: samcel
136      integer            :: IX, JX
138      call sizeup_neighbour_arrays( maxnna )
140C     Initialization section
141      IF (FIRST_TIME .OR. IA.LE.0 .OR. range.GT.RGLAST) THEN
142C       Find if cell or range have changed
143        samcel = .true.
144        if (first_time) then
145          samcel = .false.
146        else
147          do IX = 1,NX
148            do JX = 1,NX
149              IF (CELL(JX,IX) .NE. CELAST(JX,IX)) samcel = .false.
150            enddo
151          enddo
152          if (range .NE. RGLAST) samcel = .false.
153        endif
155C       Cell initializations
156        if (.not.samcel) then
157C         Store cell and range for comparison in subsequent calls
158          do IX = 1,NX
159            do JX = 1,NX
160              CELAST(JX,IX) = CELL(JX,IX)
161            enddo
162          enddo
163          RGLAST     = range
164          FIRST_TIME = .false.
166C         Notify to rangeR that CELL has changed
167          call mranger( 'CELL', CELL, range, NA, XA, NA, IAMOVE,
168     &                  IA, ISC, X0, NNA, MAXNNA )
169        endif
171C       Notify to rangeR that atoms have moved
172        call mranger( 'MOVE', CELL, range, NA, XA, NA, IAMOVE,
173     &                IA, ISC, X0, NNA, MAXNNA )
175      endif
177C     Find neighbours of atom IA
178      if (IA .GT. 0)
179     &  call mranger( 'FIND', CELL, range, NA, XA, NA, IAMOVE,
180     &                IA, ISC, X0, NNA, MAXNNA )
182C     Find neighbours of point centered at x0
183C     (not used unless MODE='FIND')
184C     The point x0 is introduced as a variable of the module
185      if (IA .EQ. 0) then
186       call mranger( 'FIND', CELL, range, NA, XA, NA, IAMOVE,
187     &                IA, ISC, X0, NNA, MAXNNA )
188      endif
190      end subroutine mneighb
192      subroutine mranger( mode, cell, range, na, xa,
193     &                    namove, iamove, ia0, isc, x0,
194     &                    nna, maxnna )
196C ********************************************************************
197C Finds the neighbours of an atom in a cell with periodic boundary
198C conditions. Alternatively, it finds the atoms within a sphere
199C centered at an arbitrary point. It also allows to update the atomic
200C positions one at a time, what is useful in Montecarlo simulations.
201C Written by J.M.Soler. Nov'96.
202C *********** INPUT **************************************************
203C CHARACTER*4 MODE       : MODE='CELL' => Initialize or reshape cell
204C                          MODE='MOVE' => Move atom(s)
205C                          MODE='FIND' => Find neighbours
206C REAL*8  CELL(NX,NX)    : Unit cell vectors CELL(IXYZ,IVECT)
207C REAL*8  range          : Maximum distance of neighbours required
208C INTEGER NA             : Number of atoms
209C REAL*8  XA(NX,NA)      : Atomic positions in cartesian coordinates
210C INTEGER NAMOVE         : Number of atoms to be moved
211C                          (not used unless MODE='MOVE')
212C INTEGER IAMOVE(NAMOVE) : Index(es) of atom(s) moved (not used
213C                          unless MODE='MOVE' and 0<NAMOVE<NA)
214C INTEGER IA0            : Atom whose neighbours are needed.
215C                          If IA0=0, point X0 is used as origin instead
216C                          (not used unless MODE='FIND')
217C INTEGER ISC            : Single-counting switch (0=No, 1=Yes).
218C                          If ISC=1, only neighbours with JA.LE.IA0
219C                          are included in JAN
220C                          (not used unless MODE='FIND' and IA0.NE.0)
221C REAL*8  X0(NX)         : Origin from which atoms are to be found,
222C                          in cartesian coordinates.
223C                          (not used unless MODE='FIND' and IA0=0)
224C INTEGER MAXNNA         : Size of arrays JAN, XIJ and R2IJ
225C                          (not used unless MODE='FIND')
226C *********** OUTPUT *************************************************
227C REAL*8  CELL(NX,NX)  : Unit cell vectors CELL(IXYZ,IVECT)
228C                        The output cell is generated only when input
229C                        CELL has zero volume
230C INTEGER NNA          : Number of 'neighbour' atoms within range of
231C                        atom IA0 or position X0 (only for MODE='FIND')
232C INTEGER JAN(NNAin)   : Atom-index of neighbours (only for MODE='FIND')
233C REAL*8  XIJ(NX,NNAin): Vectors from atom IA0 or point X0 to neighbours
234C                        in cartesian coordinates (only for MODE='FIND')
235C REAL*8  R2IJ(NNAin)  : Squared distances to neighbours
236C                        (only for MODE='FIND')
237C *********** UNITS **************************************************
238C Units of CELL, range, XA and X0 are arbitrary but must be equal.
239C All vectors in cartesian coordinates.
240C *********** SUBROUTINES USED ***************************************
242C *********** BEHAVIOUR **********************************************
243C This is a 'remembering' routine, that saves a single copy of required
244C   information on the system. Therefore, it cannot be used
245C   simultaneously for different cells or sets of atoms.
246C A call with MODE='CELL' is required if the cell is changed. This also
247C   updates all atomic positions with no need of a MODE='MOVE' call.
248C A call with MODE='MOVE' is required if any atoms are moved without
249C   reshaping the cell, before any subsequent 'FIND' calls.
250C The routine knows if it has not been ever called, so that initial
251C   calls with MODE='CELL' and MODE='MOVE' are implicit but not required
252C If MODE='MOVE' and NAMOVE=NA, all the atomic positions are
253C   reinitialized, and the list IAMOVE is not used. This is also
254C   true if MODE='CELL', irrespective of the value of NAMOVE
255C This routine works always with periodic boundary conditions.
256C   If periodic boundary conditions are not desired, you must either
257C   define a CELL large enough to contain all the atoms without
258C   'interaction' (i.e. distances smaller than range) between
259C   different cells, or make CELL vectors identical to zero, in which
260C   case an appropiate CELL is generated automatically by rangeR.
261C   The size of this cell is determined by parameters DXMARG and DXRANG
262C   below, and should be safe for small atomic displacements, but notice
263C   that, if atoms move too much after the cell is generated (i.e. after
264C   the last MODE='CELL' call), spureous 'interactions' may occur.
265C   Do not make CELL extremely large to avoid this, since internal
266C   array memory increases with cell volume.
267C If the number of neighbour atoms found is larger than the size of
268C   the arrays JAN, XIJ and R2IJ, i.e. if NNAout > NNAin, these arrays
269C   are filled only up to their size NNAin. With dynamic memory
270C   allocation, this allows to find first the required array sizes
271C   and then find the neighbours. Notice however that no warning is
272C   given, so that you should always check that NNAout.LE.NNAin.
273C Different ranges can be used for different atoms or origins, but for
274C   good performance, the largest range should be used in the initial
275C   call (with MODE='CELL').
276C There are no limitations regarding cell shape or size. The range may
277C   be larger than the cell size, in which case many 'images' of the
278C   same atom will be included in the neighbour list, with different
279C   interatomic vectors XIJ and distances R2IJ.
280C The atom IA0 itself is included in the neighbour list, with zero
281C   distance. You have to discard it if you want so.
282C CPU time and memory scale linearly with the number of atoms, for
283C   sufficiently large numbers.
284C This is not an extremely optimized routine. The emphasis has been
285C   rather put on functionality. It is not intended to vectorize or
286C   parallelize well either. However, it is expected to be very
287C   reasonably efficient on scalar machines, since most of the time
288C   will be spent on the relatively simple and optimized 'search
289C   section' at the end.
290C Code from beginning of loop 120 to label 130 was designed to exclude
291C   neighbour cells which are inside a parallelepiped containing the
292C   range sphere, but outside this sphere. This takes a nonneglegible
293C   CPU time compared to one 'FIND' call for each atom (i.e. a MD step),
294C   but may be worth if CELL is fixed or changes rarely compared to the
295C   atomic displacements. But this is only true when CELL is strongly
296C   nonorthorhombic (like fcc, bcc or hex) or when parameter NCR.GE.3
297C   If you have doubts, don't worry: all this is normally irrelevant
298C   unless you do Parrinello-Rahman dynamics.
299C *********** USAGE **************************************************
300C Example of usage for a molecular dynamics simulation:
302C    Define CELL and initial positions XA
303C    DO ITER = 1,NITER                (Molecular dynamics iteration)
304C      CALL rangeR('MOVE',3,CELL,range,NA,XA,NA,0,0,1,X0,
305C                  NNA,JAN,XIJ,R2IJ)
306C      Initialize to zero all atomic forces FA(IX,IA)
307C      DO IA = 1,NA                   (Loop on atoms)
308C        NNA = MAXNNA
309C        CALL rangeR('FIND',3,CELL,range,NA,XA,0,0,IA,1,X0,
310C                    NNA,JAN,XIJ,R2IJ)
311C        IF (NNA.GT.MAXNNA) STOP 'Parameter MAXNNA too small'
312C        DO IN = 1,NNA                (Loop on neighbours of IA)
313C          JA = JAN(IN)               (Atomic index of neighbour)
314C          RIJ = SQRT(R2IJ(IN))       (Interatomic distance)
315C          IF (RIJ .GT. 1.D-12) THEN  (Discard atom itself)
316C            Find interatomic force FIJ( RIJ )
317C            DO IX = 1,3
318C              FA(IX,IA) = FA(IX,IA) - FIJ * XIJ(IX,IN) / RIJ
319C              FA(IX,JA) = FA(IX,JA) + FIJ * XIJ(IX,IN) / RIJ
320C            ENDDO
321C          ENDIF
322C        ENDDO
323C      ENDDO
324C      Move atomic positions XA       (Molecular dynamics step)
325C    ENDDO
327C Example of usage for a Montecarlo simulation:
329C              XA(3,NA),XNEW(3)
330C    Define CELL and initial positions XA
331C    CALL rangeR('CELL',3,CELL,range,NA,XA,0,0,0,0,XNEW,
332C                 NNA,JAN,XIJ,R2IJ)
333C    Find here each atom's interaction energy EA(IA)
334C    DO ITER = 1,NITER                (Montecarlo iteration)
335C      Choose atom moved IA and its trial new position XNEW
336C      NNA = MAXNNA
337C      CALL rangeR('FIND',3,CELL,range,NA,XA,0,0,0,0,XNEW,
338C                   NNA,JAN,XIJ,R2IJ)
339C      IF (NNA.GT.MAXNNA) STOP 'Parameter MAXNNA too small'
340C      EANEW = 0.D0
341C      DO IN = 1,NNA                  (Loop on neighbours of IA)
342C        JA = JAN(IN)                 (Atomic index of neighbour)
343C        IF (JA.NE.IA)                (Discard atom itself)
344C          RIJ = SQRT(R2IJ(IN))       (Interatomic distance)
345C          EANEW = EANEW + VIJ(RIJ)   (Add interaction energy with JA)
346C        ENDIF
347C      ENDDO
348C      IF (EXP(-(EANEW-EA(IA))/TEMP).GT.RAND()) THEN   (Move atom)
349C        EA(IA) = EANEW
350C        DO IX = 1,3
351C          XA(IX,IA) = XNEW(IX)
352C        ENDDO
353C        CALL rangeR('MOVE',3,CELL,range,NA,XA,1,IA,0,0,XNEW,
354C                    NNA,JAN,XIJ,R2IJ)
355C      ENDIF
356C    ENDDO
357C *********** ALGORITHM **********************************************
358C The unit cell is divided in 'mesh-cells', and a list of atoms in
359C   each cell is stored. To look for the neighbours of an atom, the
360C   distances to the atoms in the neighbour cells are calculated and
361C   compared to the range.
362C The list of atoms within a cell is stored as an 'ordered list', of
363C   the kind so popular in C, using pointers from an atom to the next.
364C To deal with periodic boundary conditions, the mesh is 'extended'
365C   on each side of the unit cell, and an index from the extended to
366C   the unextended meshes is stored. In the extended mesh, the
367C   'index-shifts' and the vector distances from a mesh point (within
368C   the unit cell) to its neighbour mesh points are independent of
369C   the point, and they can thus be stored only once.
370C To calculate the vector from an atom to its neighbours, the
371C   position of each atom relative to its mesh cell is also stored.
372C   Thus, the vector between two atoms is the vector between their
373C   cells plus the difference between their positions relative to
374C   their cells.
375C *********** LANGUAGE ***********************************************
376C Illegal ANSI Fortran77 features used: IMPLICIT NONE, INCLUDE
377C Illegal ANSI Fortran90 features used: none.
378C *********** HISTORY AND CHANGES ************************************
379C This is an improved version of routine NEIGHB, first written in C by
380C   J.M.Soler in March 1995 and later translated to Fortran in Nov'96
381C The added capabilities of rangeR over NEIGHB are:
382C   - Using a variable space dimension
383C   - Finding the atoms within a sphere centered at an arbitrary point
384C   - Updating the position of a single atom
385C   - Finding the number of neighbours without any arrays
386C   - Automatic cell generation for nonperiodic boundary conditions
387C All the algorithms and coding developed by J.M.Soler. November 1996.
388C ********************************************************************
391C  Modules
393      use precision
394      use alloc
398C Argument types and dimensions
399      CHARACTER         MODE*4
400      INTEGER           NA, NAMOVE, NNA, MAXNNA
401      INTEGER           IA0, IAMOVE(*), ISC
402      real(dp) ::
403     &  CELL(*), range, X0(NX), XA(NX,NA)
405C NCR is the ratio between range radius and mesh-planes distance.
406C It fixes the size (and number) of mesh cells.
407C Recommended values are between 1 and 3
408      INTEGER NCR
409      PARAMETER ( NCR = 2 )
411C DXMARG and DXRANG are used for automatic CELL generation
412C DXMARG is the minimum margin relative to coordinate range
413C DXRANG is the minimum margin relative to range
414C EPS is a small number to be subtracted from 1
415      real(dp) :: DXMARG, DXRANG, EPS
416      PARAMETER ( DXMARG = 0.1D0  )
417      PARAMETER ( DXRANG = 1.0D0  )
418      PARAMETER ( EPS    = 1.D-14 )
420C Variable-naming hints:
421C   Character(s) indicates
422C          A     Atom
423C          D     Difference
424C          E     Extended (mesh)
425C          I,J   Index
426C          M     Mesh cell or point (lower vertex of mesh cell)
427C          N     Neighbour or Number (if first character)
428C          R     distance or vector modulus
429C          V     Vertex
430C          X     coordinate or basis vector
431C          1     lower bound
432C          2     upper bound or square
434C Internal functions, variables and arrays
435C REAL*8  CELMSH(MX*MX) Mesh-cell vectors
436C REAL*8  DMX(MX)       In-cell atomic position in mesh coordinates
437C REAL*8  DPLANE        Distance between lattice or mesh planes
438C REAL*8  DRM           Minimum distance between two mesh cells
439C REAL*8  DX(3)         Vector between two atoms
440C REAL*8  DX0M(MX)      Origin position within mesh cell
441C REAL*8  DXAM(MX)      Atom position within mesh cell
442C REAL*8  DXM(MX)       Minimum vector between two mesh cells
443C REAL*8  DXMARG        Parameter defined above
444C REAL*8  DXNM(MX,MAXNM) Cartesian vector between neighbour mesh points
445C REAL*8  DXRANG        Parameter defined above
446C REAL*8  EPS           Parameter defined above
447C INTEGER IA            Atom index
448C INTEGER IAM           Atom-to-move index
449C INTEGER IA1M(NM)      Pointer to first atom in mesh cell
450C INTEGER IANEXT(NA)    Pointer to next atom in mesh cell
451C INTEGER IAPREV(NA)    Pointer to previous atom in mesh cell
452C INTEGER IDNM(MAXNM)   Index-distance between neighbour mesh points
453C INTEGER IM            Mesh index
454C INTEGER IEM           Extended-mesh index
455C INTEGER IEMA(NA)      Extended-mesh index of atoms
456C INTEGER I1EMX(MX)     Minimum vaue of extended-mesh-coordinate indices
457C INTEGER I2EMX(MX)     Maximum vaue of extended-mesh-coordinate indices
458C INTEGER I1MX(MX)      Minimum vaue of mesh-coordinate indices
459C INTEGER I2MX(MX)      Maximum vaue of mesh-coordinate indices
460C INTEGER IMX(MX)       Mesh-cell index for each mesh vector
461C INTEGER IN            Neighbour-mesh-cell index
462C INTEGER I1NX(MX)      Minimum neighbour-cell-coordinate indices
463C INTEGER I2NX(MX)      Maximum neighbour-cell-coordinate indices
464C INTEGER INX(MX)       Neighbour-cell-coordinate indices
465C LOGICAL INSIDE        Are two mesh cells within each other's range?
466C INTEGER IMESH(NEM)    Correspondence between extended and normal mesh
467C INTEGER IV            Vertex index
468C INTEGER IVX           Vertex coordinate index
469C INTEGER IX            Cartesian coordinte index
470C INTEGER IXX           Double cartesian coordinte index
471C INTEGER JA            Atom index
472C INTEGER JEM           Extended-mesh index
473C INTEGER J1NX(MX)      Minimum vertex-coordinate indices
474C INTEGER J2NX(MX)      Maximum vertex-coordinate indices
475C INTEGER JX            Cartesian coordinte index
476C LOGICAL MOVALL        Move all atoms?
477C INTEGER NAM           Number of atoms to move
478C INTEGER NCR           Parameter defined above
479C INTEGER NEM           Number of extended-mesh cells
480C INTEGER NEMX(MX)      Extended-mesh cells in each mesh direction
481C INTEGER NM            Number of mesh cells
482C INTEGER NMX(MX)       Mesh cells in each mesh direction
483C INTEGER NNM           Number of neighbour mesh cells
484C INTEGER NNMMAX        Maximum number of neighbour mesh cells
485C INTEGER NNX(MX)       Neighbour-cell ranges
486C LOGICAL NULCEL        Null cell?
487C REAL*8  R2            Squared distance between two atoms
488C REAL*8  range2        Square of range
489C REAL*8  RCELL(MX*MX)  Reciprocal cell vectors
490C         RECCEL()      Finds reciprocal lattice vectors
491C REAL*8  RNGMAX        Maximum range
492C REAL*8  RMCELL(MX*MX) Reciprocal mesh-cell vectors
493C REAL*8  Rrange        Slightly reduced range
494C REAL*8  XDIFF         Range of atom coordinates
495C REAL*8  XMAX          Maximum atom coordinate
496C REAL*8  XMIN          Minimum atom coordinate
498      INTEGER
499     &  IA, IAM, IEM, IM,
500     &  IN, IX, IXX, JA, JEM, JM, JX,
501     &  NAM, NM, NEM, NNM, NNMMAX
503c     Auxiliary variable to avoid compiler warnings
505      integer j_aux
507      real(dp)
508     &  DISMIN, DDOT, DPLANE,
509     &  R2, range2, RNGMAX, Rrange,
513      logical
516      external  DISMIN, DDOT
518      save
519     &  IAM, IEM, IM,
520     &  NEM, NM, NNM, range2, RNGMAX, Rrange
522C     Allocate local memory - check for change in number of atoms
523C     and if there has been one then re-initialise
524      if (NA.gt.MAXNA) then
525        if (MAXNA.eq.-1) nullify(IANEXT,IAPREV,IEMA,DXAM)
526        call re_alloc( IANEXT, 1, NA, 'ianext', 'neighbour' )
527        call re_alloc( IAPREV, 1, NA, 'iaprev', 'neighbour' )
528        call re_alloc( IEMA, 1, NA, 'iema', 'neighbour' )
529        call re_alloc( DXAM, 1, NX, 1, NA, 'dxam', 'neighbour' )
530        MAXNA = NA
531      endif
533C     Cell-mesh initialization section
534      IF (MODE.EQ.'CELL' .OR. MODE.EQ.'cell' .OR.
535     &    range.GT.RNGMAX) THEN
537C       Start time counter (this is for debugging)
538*       CALL TIMER( 'rangeR1', 1 )
540C       Store range for comparison in subsequent calls
541        RNGMAX = range
543C       Reduce the range slitghtly to avoid numerical-roundoff
544C       ambiguities
545        Rrange = range * (1.D0 - EPS)
546        range2 = Rrange**2
548C       Check if CELL must be generated automatically
549        NULCEL = .true.
550        DO 20 IXX = 1,NX*NX
551          IF (CELL(IXX) .NE. 0.D0) NULCEL = .false.
552   20   CONTINUE
553        IF (NULCEL) THEN
554          DO 40 IX = 1,NX
555C           Find atom position bounds
556            XMIN =  1.D30
557            XMAX = -1.D30
558            DO 30 IA = 1,NA
559              XMIN = MIN( XMIN, XA(IX,IA) )
560              XMAX = MAX( XMAX, XA(IX,IA) )
561   30       CONTINUE
562C           Determine 'cell margins' to prevent intercell interactions
563            XDIFF = XMAX - XMIN
564            XMARG = MAX( range*DXRANG, XDIFF*DXMARG )
565C           Define orthorrombic cell
566            IXX = IX + NX * (IX-1)
567            CELL(IXX) = XDIFF + 2.D0 * XMARG
568   40     CONTINUE
569        ENDIF
571C       Find reciprocal cell vectors (not multiplied by 2*pi)
572        CALL RECCEL( NX, CELL, RCELL, 0 )
574C       Find number of mesh divisions
575        NM = 1
576        DO 50 IX = 1,NX
577          IXX = 1 + NX * (IX-1)
578          DPLANE = 1.D0 / SQRT(DDOT(NX,RCELL(IXX),1,RCELL(IXX),1) )
579          NMX(IX) = 0.999D0 * DPLANE / (Rrange / NCR)
580          IF (NMX(IX) .LE. 0) NMX(IX) = 1
581          NM = NM * NMX(IX)
582   50   CONTINUE
584C       Find mesh-cell vectors
585        IXX = 0
586        DO 70 IX = 1,NX
587          DO 60 JX = 1,NX
588            IXX = IXX + 1
589            CELMSH(IXX) = CELL(IXX)  / NMX(IX)
590            RMCELL(IXX) = RCELL(IXX) * NMX(IX)
591   60     CONTINUE
592   70   CONTINUE
594C       Find index-range of neighbour mesh cells and of extended mesh
595        NNM = 1
596        NEM = 1
597        DO 80 IX = 1,NX
598          IXX = 1 + NX * (IX-1)
599          DPLANE = 1.D0 / SQRT(DDOT(NX,RMCELL(IXX),1,RMCELL(IXX),1) )
600          NNX(IX) = Rrange / DPLANE + 1
601          J1NX(IX) = 0
602          J2NX(IX) = 1
603          I1NX(IX) = - NNX(IX)
604          I2NX(IX) = + NNX(IX)
605          I1MX(IX) = 0
606          I2MX(IX) = NMX(IX) - 1
607          I1EMX(IX) = - NNX(IX)
608          I2EMX(IX) = NMX(IX) + NNX(IX) - 1
609          NEMX(IX) = NMX(IX) + 2 * NNX(IX)
610          NNM = NNM * (1+2*NNX(IX))
611          NEM = NEM * NEMX(IX)
612   80   CONTINUE
614C       Allocate arrays whose dimensions are now known
615        if (NM.gt.MAXNM) then
616          if (MAXNM.eq.-1) nullify(IA1M)
617          call re_alloc( IA1M, 1, NM, 'ia1m', 'neighbour' )
618          MAXNM = NM
619        endif
620        if (NNM.gt.MAXNNM) then
621          if (MAXNNM.eq.-1) nullify(IDNM)
622          call re_alloc( IDNM, 1, NNM, 'idnm', 'neighbour' )
623          call re_alloc( DXNM, 1, NX, 1, NNM, 'dxnm', 'neighbour' )
624          MAXNNM = NNM
625        endif
627        if (NEM.gt.MAXNEM) then
628          if (MAXNEM.eq.-1) nullify(IMESH)
629          call re_alloc( IMESH, 1, NEM, 'imesh', 'neighbour' )
630          MAXNEM = NEM
631        endif
633C       Find which mesh cells are actually within range
634        NNMMAX = NNM
635        NNM = 0
636        DO 170 IN = 1,NNMMAX
637          j_aux = in
638          CALL INDARR( -1, NX, I1NX, I2NX, INX, 1, j_aux )
639          INSIDE = .true.
640C         From here to label 130 is generally not worth unless CELL is
641C         very nonorthorrombic (like fcc, bcc or hex) and changes rarely
642*         DO 120 IV = 1,2**NX
643*           j_aux = iv
644*           CALL INDARR( -1, NX, J1NX, J2NX, IVX, 1, j_aux )
645*           DO 100 IX = 1,NX
646*             DXM(IX) = 0.D0
647*             DO 90 JX = 1,NX
648*               IXX = IX + NX * (JX-1)
649*               DXM(IX) = DXM(IX) + CELMSH(IXX) * (INX(JX)+IVX(JX))
650*  90         CONTINUE
651* 100       CONTINUE
652*           DRM = DISMIN( NX, CELMSH, DXM )
653*           IF (DRM .LT. Rrange) THEN
654*             INSIDE = .true.
655*             GOTO 130
656*           ENDIF
657* 120     CONTINUE
658*           INSIDE = .false.
659* 130     CONTINUE
660          IF (INSIDE) THEN
661            NNM = NNM + 1
662C           IDNM is the extended-mesh-index distance between
663C           neighbour mesh cells
664            IDNM(NNM) = INX(NX)
665            DO 140 IX = NX-1,1,-1
666              IDNM(NNM) = INX(IX) + NEMX(IX) * IDNM(NNM)
667  140       CONTINUE
668C DXNM is the vector distance between neighbour mesh cells
669            DO 160 IX = 1,NX
670              DXNM(IX,NNM) = 0.D0
671              DO 150 JX = 1,NX
672                IXX = IX + NX * (JX-1)
673                DXNM(IX,NNM) = DXNM(IX,NNM) + CELMSH(IXX) * INX(JX)
674  150         CONTINUE
675  160       CONTINUE
676          ENDIF
677  170   CONTINUE
679C       Find correspondence between extended and reduced (normal) meshes
680        do IEM = 1,NEM
681          j_aux = iem
682          CALL INDARR( -1, NX, I1EMX, I2EMX, IMX, 1, j_aux )
683          CALL INDARR( +1, NX, I1MX,  I2MX,  IMX, 1, IM  )
684          IMESH(IEM) = IM
685        enddo
687C       Stop time counter
688*       CALL TIMER( 'rangeR1', 2 )
690C       Set 'move all atoms' switch
691        MOVALL = .true.
692      ELSE
693        MOVALL = .false.
694      ENDIF
695C     End of cell initialization section
697C     Atom-positions (relative to mesh) initialization section
698      IF (MODE.EQ.'MOVE' .OR. MODE.EQ.'move' .OR. MOVALL) THEN
699        IF (NAMOVE .EQ. NA) MOVALL = .true.
701C       Start time counter
702*       CALL TIMER( 'rangeR2', 1 )
704        IF (MOVALL) THEN
705          NAM = NA
706C         Initialize 'atoms in mesh-cell' lists
707          do IA = 1,NA
708            IANEXT(IA) = 0
709            IAPREV(IA) = 0
710          enddo
711          do IM = 1,NM
712            IA1M(IM) = 0
713          enddo
714        ELSE
715          NAM = NAMOVE
716        ENDIF
718C       Loop on moved atoms
719        DO 240 IAM = 1,NAM
721C         Select atom to move
722          IF (MOVALL) THEN
723            IA = IAM
724          ELSE
725            IA = IAMOVE(IAM)
726C           Supress atom from its previous mesh-cell
727            JA = IAPREV(IA)
728            IF (JA.NE.0) IANEXT(JA) = IANEXT(IA)
729            JA = IANEXT(IA)
730            IF (JA.NE.0) IAPREV(JA) = IAPREV(IA)
731            IEM = IEMA(IA)
732            IM = IMESH(IEM)
733            IF (IA1M(IM) .EQ. IA) IA1M(IM) = JA
734          ENDIF
736C         Find mesh-cell in which atom is
737          DO 220 IX = 1,NX
738            IXX = 1 + NX * (IX-1)
739            DMX(IX) = DDOT(NX,RMCELL(IXX),1,XA(1,IA),1)
740            IMX(IX) = INT( DMX(IX) + 1000.D0 ) - 1000
741            DMX(IX) = DMX(IX) - IMX(IX)
742            IMX(IX) = MOD( IMX(IX) + 1000 * NMX(IX), NMX(IX) )
743  220     CONTINUE
744          CALL INDARR( +1, NX, I1EMX, I2EMX, IMX, 1, IEM )
745          CALL INDARR( +1, NX, I1MX,  I2MX,  IMX, 1, IM )
746          IEMA(IA) = IEM
748C         Put atom first in its new mesh-cell
749          JA = IA1M(IM)
750          IF (JA .NE. 0) IAPREV(JA) = IA
751          IANEXT(IA) = JA
752          IA1M(IM) = IA
754C         Find atomic position relative to mesh
755          DO 230 IX = 1,NX
756            DXAM(IX,IA) = 0.D0
757            DO 225 JX = 1,NX
758              IXX = IX + NX * (JX-1)
759              DXAM(IX,IA) = DXAM(IX,IA) + CELMSH(IXX) * DMX(JX)
760  225       CONTINUE
761  230     CONTINUE
763  240   CONTINUE
765C       Stop time counter
766C       CALL TIMER( 'rangeR2', 2 )
767      ENDIF
768C     End of atom-positions initialization section
770C     Search section
771      IF (MODE.EQ.'FIND' .OR. MODE.EQ.'find') THEN
772        Rrange = range * (1.D0 - EPS)
773        range2 = range**2
775C       Find the mesh cell of the center of the sphere
776        IF (IA0.LE.0) THEN
777C         Find mesh cell of position X0
778          DO 250 IX = 1,NX
779            IXX = 1 + NX * (IX-1)
780            DMX(IX) = DDOT(NX,RMCELL(IXX),1,X0,1)
781            IMX(IX) = INT( DMX(IX) + 1000.D0 ) - 1000
782            DMX(IX) = DMX(IX) - IMX(IX)
783            IMX(IX) = MOD( IMX(IX) + 1000 * NMX(IX), NMX(IX) )
784  250     CONTINUE
785          CALL INDARR( +1, NX, I1EMX, I2EMX, IMX, 1, IEM )
786          DO 270 IX = 1,NX
787            DX0M(IX) = 0.D0
788            DO 260 JX = 1,NX
789              IXX = IX + NX * (JX-1)
790              DX0M(IX) = DX0M(IX) + CELMSH(IXX) * DMX(JX)
791  260       CONTINUE
792  270     CONTINUE
793        ELSE
794C         Find mesh cell of atom IA0
795          IEM = IEMA(IA0)
796          DO 280 IX = 1,NX
797            DX0M(IX) = DXAM(IX,IA0)
798  280     CONTINUE
799        ENDIF
801C       Loop on neighbour mesh cells and on the atoms within them
802C       This is usually the only time-consuming loop
803        NNA = 0
804        do IN = 1,NNM
805          JEM = IEM + IDNM(IN)
806          JM = IMESH(JEM)
807C         Loop on atoms of neighbour cell.
808C         Try first atom in this mesh-cell
809          JA = IA1M(JM)
810  300     CONTINUE
811          IF (JA .NE. 0) THEN
812C           Check that single-counting exclusion does not apply
813            IF (IA0.LE.0 .OR. ISC.EQ.0 .OR. JA.LE.IA0) THEN
814C             Find vector and distance to atom JA
815              R2 = 0.0d0
816              do IX = 1,NX
817                DX(IX) = DXNM(IX,IN) + DXAM(IX,JA) - DX0M(IX)
818                R2 = R2 + DX(IX)**2
819              enddo
820C             Check if atom JA is within range
821              IF (R2 .LE. range2) THEN
822                NNA = NNA + 1
823C               Check that array arguments are not overflooded
824                IF (NNA .GT. MAXNNA) THEN
825                  call sizeup_neighbour_arrays( MAXNNA+NA )
826                ENDIF
827                JAN(NNA) = JA
828                do IX = 1,NX
829                  XIJ(IX,NNA) = DX(IX)
830                enddo
831                R2IJ(NNA) = R2
832              ENDIF
833            ENDIF
834C Take next atom in this mesh-cell and go to begining of loop
835            JA = IANEXT(JA)
836            GOTO 300
837          ENDIF
838        enddo
839      ENDIF
840C End of search section
841      return
842      end subroutine mranger
844      subroutine reccel( N, A, B, IOPT )
851      integer :: n, iopt
852      real(dp):: A(N,N),B(N,N), c, ci
854      integer :: i
856      C=1.D0
857      IF (IOPT.EQ.1) C=2.D0*ACOS(-1.D0)
859      IF (N .EQ. 1) THEN
860        B(1,1) = C / A(1,1)
861      ELSEIF (N .EQ. 2) THEN
862        C = C / (A(1,1)*A(2,2) - A(1,2)*A(2,1))
863        B(1,1) =  A(2,2)*C
864        B(1,2) = (-A(2,1))*C
865        B(2,1) = (-A(1,2))*C
866        B(2,2) =  A(1,1)*C
867      ELSEIF (N .EQ. 3) THEN
868        B(1,1)=A(2,2)*A(3,3)-A(3,2)*A(2,3)
869        B(2,1)=A(3,2)*A(1,3)-A(1,2)*A(3,3)
870        B(3,1)=A(1,2)*A(2,3)-A(2,2)*A(1,3)
871        B(1,2)=A(2,3)*A(3,1)-A(3,3)*A(2,1)
872        B(2,2)=A(3,3)*A(1,1)-A(1,3)*A(3,1)
873        B(3,2)=A(1,3)*A(2,1)-A(2,3)*A(1,1)
874        B(1,3)=A(2,1)*A(3,2)-A(3,1)*A(2,2)
875        B(2,3)=A(3,1)*A(1,2)-A(1,1)*A(3,2)
876        B(3,3)=A(1,1)*A(2,2)-A(2,1)*A(1,2)
877        DO 20 I=1,3
878          CI=C/(A(1,I)*B(1,I)+A(2,I)*B(2,I)+A(3,I)*B(3,I))
879          B(1,I)=B(1,I)*CI
880          B(2,I)=B(2,I)*CI
881          B(3,I)=B(3,I)*CI
882  20    CONTINUE
883      ELSE
884         call die('RECCEL: NOT PREPARED FOR N>3')
885      ENDIF
886      end subroutine reccel
888      subroutine indarr( IOPT, ND, I1, I2, I, J1, J )
890C ********************************************************************
891C Finds the global index in a multidimensional array from the idexes
892C in each dimension, or viceversa (the first is an explicit solution
893C of the standard index-resolution problem that the compiler solves
894C each time an array element is referenced).
895C Written by J.M.Soler. Nov'96.
896C *********** INPUT **************************************************
897C INTEGER IOPT   : IOPT>0 => from I to J. IOPT<0 => from J to I.
898C INTEGER ND     : Number of array dimensions (indexes)
899C INTEGER I1(ND) : Minimum value of array indexes
900C INTEGER I2(ND) : Maximum value of array indexes (i.e. ARRAY(I1:I2))
901C INTEGER J1     : Minimum value of global index (typically 1)
902C *********** INPUT OR OUTPUT (DEPENDING OF IOPT) ********************
903C INTEGER I(ND)  : Array indexes in each dimension
904C INTEGER J      : Global index (first dimension increasing fastest)
905C *********** BEHAVIOUR **********************************************
906C Indexes I() are taken as periodic, i.e. their modulus I2(ID)-I1(ID)+1
907C   is taken before using them. This simplifies its use as indexes of a
908C   mesh with periodic boundary conditions. This modulus operation is
909C   also done with J, so that the output I() are always within range.
910C If IOPT=0, nothing is done.
911C *********** USAGE **************************************************
912C 	Sample usage to find the Laplacian of a function defined in a mesh
913C with periodic boundary conditions in a space of variable dimension
915C    PARAMETER (MAXD = 3)
917C    NMESH = 1
918C    DO ID = 1,ND
919C      I1(ID) = 1
920C      I2(ID) = N(ID)
921C      NMESH = NMESH * N(ID)
922C    ENDDO
923C    DO IMESH = 1, NMESH
924C      CALL INDARR( -1, ND, I1, I2, I, 1, IMESH )
925C      FLAPL(IMESH) = 0.
926C      DO ID = 1,ND
927C        DO K = -1,1,2
928C          I(ID) = I(ID) + K
929C          CALL INDARR( +1, ND, I1, I2, I, 1, JMESH )
930C          FLAPL(IMESH) = FLAPL(IMESH) + F(JMESH) / DX(ID)**2
931C          I(ID) = I(ID) - K
932C        ENDDO
933C        FLAPL(IMESH) = FLAPL(IMESH) - 2. * F(IMESH) / DX(ID)**2
934C      ENDDO
935C    ENDDO
936C    END
937C *********** LANGUAGE ***********************************************
938C Illegal ANSI Fortran77 features used: IMPLICIT NONE
939C Illegal ANSI Fortran90 features used: none.
940C ********************************************************************
942C Next line is non-standard but may be supressed
944      INTEGER  ND
945      INTEGER  I(ND), I1(ND), I2(ND), ID, IOPT, J, J1, K, N
947      IF (IOPT .GT. 0) THEN
948        J = 0
949        DO 10 ID = ND,1,-1
950          N = I2(ID) - I1(ID) + 1
951          K = I(ID) - I1(ID)
952          K = MOD( K + 1000 * N, N )
953          J = K + N * J
954   10   CONTINUE
955        J = J + J1
956      ELSEIF (IOPT .LT. 0) THEN
957        K = J - J1
958        DO 20 ID = 1,ND
959          N = I2(ID) - I1(ID) + 1
960          I(ID) = I1(ID) + MOD( K, N )
961          K = K / N
962   20   CONTINUE
963      ENDIF
965      end subroutine indarr
967      subroutine sizeup_neighbour_arrays(n)
968      implicit none
969      integer, intent(in) :: n
971      ! Makes sure that the neighbour arrays are at
972      ! least of size n
973      if (.not. pointers_allocated) then
974        nullify(jan)
975        nullify(r2ij)
976        nullify(xij)
977!       Dimension arrays to initial size n
978        maxnna = n
979        call re_alloc( jan, 1, maxnna,'jan', 'neighbour' )
980        call re_alloc( r2ij, 1, maxnna, 'r2ij', 'neighbour' )
981        call re_alloc( xij, 1, 3, 1, maxnna, 'xij', 'neighbour' )
982        pointers_allocated = .true.
983      else
984        if (n > maxnna) then
985          maxnna = n
986          call re_alloc( jan, 1, maxnna,'jan', 'neighbour' )
987          call re_alloc( r2ij, 1, maxnna, 'r2ij', 'neighbour' )
988          call re_alloc( xij, 1, 3, 1, maxnna, 'xij', 'neighbour' )
989        endif
990      endif
991      end subroutine sizeup_neighbour_arrays
993      subroutine reset_neighbour_arrays( )
994      implicit none
995!!#ifdef DEBUG
996      call write_debug( '      PRE reset_neighbour_arrays' )
999      celast = 0.0_dp
1000      rglast = 0.0_dp
1002      if (pointers_allocated) then
1003        call de_alloc( jan,  'jan',  'neighbour' )
1004        call de_alloc( r2ij, 'r2ij', 'neighbour' )
1005        call de_alloc( xij,  'xij',  'neighbour' )
1006        pointers_allocated = .false.
1007      endif
1009      if (maxna.gt.0) then
1010        call de_alloc( IANEXT, 'ianext', 'neighbour' )
1011        call de_alloc( IAPREV, 'iaprev', 'neighbour' )
1012        call de_alloc( IEMA,   'iema',   'neighbour' )
1013        call de_alloc( DXAM,   'dxam',   'neighbour' )
1014        maxna = -1
1015      endif
1017      if (maxnm.gt.0) then
1018        call de_alloc( IA1M, 'ia1m', 'neighbour' )
1019        maxnm = -1
1020      endif
1022      if (maxnnm.gt.0) then
1023        call de_alloc( IDNM, 'idnm', 'neighbour' )
1024        call de_alloc( DXNM, 'dxnm', 'neighbour' )
1025        maxnnm = -1
1026      endif
1028      if (maxnem.gt.0) then
1029        call de_alloc( IMESH, 'imesh', 'neighbour' )
1030        maxnem = -1
1031      endif
1033!!#ifdef DEBUG
1034      call write_debug( '      POS reset_neighbour_arrays' )
1036      end subroutine reset_neighbour_arrays
1038      end module neighbour