1 // FILE  NEWFORMS.CC: implementation of newforms class
2 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
3 //
4 // Copyright 1990-2012 John Cremona
5 //
6 // This file is part of the eclib package.
7 //
8 // eclib is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
10 // Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
11 // option) any later version.
12 //
13 // eclib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
15 // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
16 // for more details.
17 //
18 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 // along with eclib; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
20 // Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
21 //
22 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
24 #include <iomanip>
25 #include <eclib/newforms.h>
26 #include <eclib/periods.h>
27 #include <eclib/curvesort.h>
29 // Functions for ordering newforms
30 // (1) Old ordering (first aq, then ap for good p);
31 // with the order for eigenvalues being
32 // 1,-1 or 0,1,-1,2,-2,...
33 // (2) New ordering (ap for all p in natural order)
34 // with the order for eigenvalues being
35 // -1,1 or ...,-2,-1,0,1,2,... (plain numerical order)
37 // less_ap(a,b) returns +1,0,-1 according to whether a is
38 // before/equal/after b in the above ordering
less_ap(long a,long b,int old=0)39 int less_ap(long a, long b, int old=0)
40 {
41   if(!old) return sign(b-a); // the simple new ordering!
42   if(a==b) return 0;
43   int s = sign(abs(b)-abs(a));
44   if(s) return s;
45   else return sign(a-b); // this way round! +1 before -1 etc
46 }
48 // Compare two ap-vectors lexicographically, using less_ap(.,.,old):
49 int less_apvec(const vector<long>& v, const vector<long>& w, int old=0);
less_apvec(const vector<long> & v,const vector<long> & w,int old)50 int less_apvec(const vector<long>& v, const vector<long>& w, int old)
51 {
52   vector<long>::const_iterator vi=v.begin(), wi=w.begin();
53   while(vi!=v.end())
54     {
55       int s = less_ap(*vi++,*wi++,old);
56       if(s) return s;
57     }
58   return 0;
59 }
61 struct less_newform_old : public binary_function<newform, newform, bool> {
operator ()less_newform_old62   bool operator()(const newform& f, const newform& g)
63   {
64     int s = less_apvec(f.aqlist,g.aqlist,1);
65     if(s==0) s = less_apvec(f.aplist,g.aplist,1);
66     return (s==1);
67   }
68 };
70 struct less_apvec_function : public binary_function<const vector<long>&, const vector<long>&, bool> {
operator ()less_apvec_function71   bool operator()(const vector<long>& f, const vector<long>& g)
72   {
73     return 1==less_apvec(f,g);
74   }
75 };
eiglist(const newform & f,int oldorder)77 vector<long> eiglist(const newform& f, int oldorder)
78 {
79   /*
80   cout<<"Entering eiglist with f.aqlist="<<f.aqlist<<"\nand f.aplist=";
81   vec_out(cout,f.aplist,10);
82   cout<<endl;
83   */
84   vector<long> eigs;
85   primevar pr;
86   long N = (f.nf)->modulus;
87   vector<long>::const_iterator aqi=f.aqlist.begin();
88   vector<long>::const_iterator api=f.aplist.begin();
89   vector<long>::iterator eigsi;
90   if(oldorder)
91     {
92       eigs.resize(f.aplist.size());
93       eigsi=eigs.begin();
94       while(aqi!=f.aqlist.end())
95 	*eigsi++ = *aqi++;
96       while(api!=f.aplist.end())
97 	{
98 	  if(ndivides(pr,N)) *eigsi++ = *api;
99 	  api++; pr++;
100 	}
101     }
102   else
103     {
104       eigs=f.aplist; // copy; now adjust the aq:
105       eigsi=eigs.begin();
106       while((aqi!=f.aqlist.end())&&(eigsi!=eigs.end()))
107 	{
108 	  if(::divides(pr.value(),N)) *eigsi = (*aqi++);
109 	  eigsi++; pr++;
110 	}
111     }
112   /*
113   cout<<"Leaving eiglist with eigs=";
114   vec_out(cout,eigs,10);
115   cout<<endl;
116   */
117   return eigs;
118 }
120 struct less_newform_new : public binary_function<newform, newform, bool> {
operator ()less_newform_new121   bool operator()(const newform& f, const newform& g)
122   {
123     //    return less_apvec(eiglist(f),eiglist(g),0)==1;
124     return less_apvec(f.aplist,g.aplist,0)==1;
125   }
126 };
128 // Newform constructor given the ap and aq lists and extra data (but
129 // no homology basis), e.g. after reading from newforms file
newform(const vector<int> & data,const vector<long> & aq,const vector<long> & ap,newforms * nfs)131 newform::newform(const vector<int>& data, const vector<long>& aq, const vector<long>& ap, newforms* nfs) : nf(nfs)
132 {
133   sfe=data[0];
134   ap0=data[1];
135   np0=data[2];
136   dp0=data[3];
137   loverp=rational(dp0,np0);
138   lplus=data[4];
139   mplus=data[5];
140   lminus=data[6];
141   mminus=data[7];
142   a=data[8];
143   b=data[9];
144   c=data[10];
145   d=data[11];
146   dotplus=data[12];
147   dotminus=data[13];
148   type=data[14];
149   degphi=data[15];
150   aqlist=aq;
151   aplist=ap;
152   index=-1;
153   pdot=0;
154   rk=-1;
155 }
157 // Newform constructor, given the homology basis vector(s) and
158 // Hecke eigenvalues
newform(const vec & vplus,const vec & vminus,const vector<long> & ap,newforms * nfs,long ind)160 newform::newform(const vec& vplus, const vec& vminus, const vector<long>& ap, newforms* nfs,long ind)
161   :nf(nfs), sign(nfs->sign), bplus(vplus),bminus(vminus),index(ind),aplist(ap),rk(-1)
162 {
163   int verbose=(nf->verbose);
165   if(verbose)
166     {
167       cout<<"Creating H1";
168       if(sign==+1) cout<<"+";
169       if(sign==-1) cout<<"-";
170       cout<<" newform from aplist..."<<endl;
171       if(verbose>2)
172         {
173           if(sign!=-1) cout<<"bplus = "<<bplus<<endl;
174           if(sign!=+1) cout<<"bminus = "<<bminus<<endl;
175         }
176     }
178   // check_expand_contract();
180   // Fixing the eigenvalue lists: ap is indexed by primes in natural
181   // order we need to extract aq (computing any not yet there).
183   // At the same time we change the entries in aplist for bad primes q
184   // from the Wq-eigenvalue to the newform coefficient.
185   fixup_eigs();
187   // Compute cuspidalfactors and type (only if sign=0):
189   type = 0;
190   find_cuspidal_factors();
192   // Compute coordsplus/minus and denomplus/minus
194   find_coords_plus_minus();
196   // Compute pdot, dp0, loverp (unless sign is -1)
198   find_bsd_ratio();
200   // Find deg(phi) (only if sign is 0)
201   degphi = 0;
202   find_degphi();
204   // Find twisting primes if N non-square
206   lplus=mplus=0;
207   lminus=mminus=0;
208   find_twisting_primes();
210   // find a,b,c,d,dotplus,dotminus
212   a=b=c=d=0;
213   dotplus=dotminus=0;
214   find_matrix();
216   // Set default values for optimalityfactrplus/minus (will be reset if constructing from curves)
217   optimalityfactorplus  = 1;
218   optimalityfactorminus = 1;
219 }
check_expand_contract()221 int newform::check_expand_contract()
222 {
223   int success=1;
224   long denom = nf->h1->h1denom();
225   vec bplusx, bminusx, tvec;
226   if (sign!=-1)
227     {
228       bplusx= nf->h1->extend_coords(bplus);
229       tvec = nf->h1->contract_coords(bplusx);
230       tvec /= denom;
231       if (tvec!=bplus)
232 	{
233 	  success=0;
234 	  cout<<"! bplus ="<<bplus<<" extends to "<<bplusx<<" which contracts to "<<tvec<<endl;
235 	}
236     }
237   if (sign!=+1)
238     {
239       bminusx= nf->h1->extend_coords(bminus);
240       tvec = nf->h1->contract_coords(bminusx);
241       tvec /= denom;
242       if (tvec!=bminus)
243 	{
244 	  success=0;
245 	  cout<<"! bminus="<<bminus<<"  extends to "<<bminusx<<" which contracts to "<<tvec<<endl;
246 	}
247     }
248   return success;
249 }
fixup_eigs()251 void newform::fixup_eigs()
252 {
253   long denom = nf->h1->h1denom();
254   aqlist.resize(nf->npdivs);
255   vector<long>::iterator api=aplist.begin(), pi=nf->plist.begin();
256   vector<long>::iterator aqi=aqlist.begin();
257   primevar pr;   long q, i;
258   long n = nf->modulus;
259   while((api!=aplist.end())&&(aqi!=aqlist.end()))
260     {
261       q=pr.value(); pr++;
262       if(::divides(q,n))
263 	{
264 	  *aqi++=*api;
265 	  *api=(::divides(q*q,n)? 0: -*api);
266 	  pi++;
267 	}
268       api++;
269     }
270   if(aqi!=aqlist.end()) // compute missing aq
271     {
272       long piv;
273       ssubspace espace;
274       if(sign==-1)
275         espace=make1d(bminus,piv);
276       else
277         espace=make1d(bplus,piv);
278       piv*=denom;
279       while(aqi!=aqlist.end()) // compute missing aq
280 	{
281 	  q=*pi++;
282 	  if(nf->verbose) cout<<"Computing Wq for q="<<q<<"..."<<flush;
283 	  smat Wq = nf->h1->s_heckeop_restricted(q,espace,1,0);
284 	  long aq = Wq.elem(1,1) / piv;
285 	  if(nf->verbose) cout<<"aq ="<<aq<<endl;
286 	  *aqi++=aq;
287 	}
288     }
289   if(nf->verbose) cout<<"aqlist = "<<aqlist<<endl;
291   //Compute sfe:
293   sfe=-1;
294   for(i=0; i<(nf->npdivs); i++) sfe*=aqlist[i];
295   if(nf->verbose) cout<<"sfe = "<<sfe<<endl;
296 }
298 // Before recovering eigenbases, we need to put back the aq into the
299 // aplist (and resort, for efficiency).
unfix_eigs()300 void newform::unfix_eigs()
301 {
302   vector<long>::iterator api=aplist.begin();
303   vector<long>::iterator aqi=aqlist.begin();
304   primevar pr;
305   long n = nf->modulus;
306   while((api!=aplist.end())&&(aqi!=aqlist.end()))
307     {
308       if(::divides(pr.value(),n)) *api=*aqi++;
309       api++;
310       pr++;
311     }
312 }
314 // After recovering eigenbases, we need to replace the ap for bad p
refix_eigs()315 void newform::refix_eigs()
316 {
317   vector<long>::iterator api=aplist.begin();
318   primevar pr;
319   long n = nf->modulus, np = nf->npdivs, ip=0, q;
320   while((api!=aplist.end())&&(ip<np))
321     {
322       q=pr.value();
323       if(::divides(q,n))
324 	{
325 	  *api=(::divides(q*q,n)? 0: -*api);
326 	  ip++;
327 	}
328       api++;
329       pr++;
330     }
331 }
find_bsd_ratio()333 void newform::find_bsd_ratio()
334 {
335   // get ap for p=p0:
337   primevar pr;
338   vector<long>::const_iterator api=aplist.begin();
339   while(pr.value()!=nf->p0) {pr++; api++;}
340   ap0=*api;
341   np0 = 1 + (nf->p0) - ap0;
342   if(nf->verbose) cout<<"ap0 = "<<ap0<<"\tnp0 = "<<np0<<endl;
344   if(sign==-1) return;
346   pdot = (nf->mvp)*bplus; // should be negative since L(f,1)>=0
347   if (pdot>0)
348     // NB This will ensure that plus modular symbols have the right
349     // sign for curves where L(E,1) is nonzero, but more work is
350     // necessary for the plus symbols when L(Em1)=0, and for minus
351     // symbols.  The additional work is done in find_matrix().
352     {
353       coordsplus *= -1;
354       bplus *= -1;
355       pdot  *= -1;
356     }
357   dp0=abs(pdot);
358   // DO NOT scale pdot by denom: factor will cancel when used to compute ap
359   // DO scale dp0 since it is used to compute L/P
360   if(dp0!=0)
361     {
362       if(denomplus>1)
363 	{
364 	  if(::divides(denomplus,dp0))  dp0/=denomplus;
365 	  else
366 	    cout<<"newform constructor error: dp0 not divisible by denomplus!"
367 		<<endl;
368 	}
369     }
370   loverp = rational(dp0,np0);
371   if(nf->verbose)
372     {
373       cout<<"pdot = "<<pdot<<endl;
374       cout<<"dp0 = "<<dp0<<endl;
375       cout<<"np0 = "<<np0<<endl;
376       cout<<"loverp = "<<loverp<<endl;
377     }
378 }
find_coords_plus_minus()380 void newform::find_coords_plus_minus()
381 {
382   int verbose = nf->verbose;
383   int i, ncoords=nf->h1->coord_vecs.size()-1;
384   // ncoords is the same as ngens in homspace, i.e. the number of symbols aftre 2-term relations
385   svec cvi;
386   if(sign!=-1)
387     coordsplus=vec(ncoords);
388   if(sign!=+1)
389     coordsminus=vec(ncoords);
390   //  if(verbose) cout<<"About to compute coordsplus/minus"<<endl;
391   for(i=1; i<=ncoords; i++)
392     {
393       cvi = nf->h1->coord_vecs[i];
394       if(sign!=-1)
395         coordsplus[i]=dotmodp(cvi,bplus,MODULUS);
396       if(sign!=+1)
397         coordsminus[i]=dotmodp(cvi,bminus,MODULUS);
398     }
399   contplus=vecgcd(coordsplus);
400   if (contplus>1) coordsplus/=contplus;
401   contminus=vecgcd(coordsminus);
402   if (contminus>1) coordsminus/=contminus;
404   if(sign!=+1)
405     {
406       denomminus=contminus*cuspidalfactorminus;
407       if(verbose>1) cout<<"coordsminus   = "<<coordsminus<<endl;
408       if(verbose) cout<<"denomminus   = "<<denomminus<<endl;
409     }
410   if(sign!=-1)
411     {
412       denomplus=contplus*cuspidalfactorplus;
413       if(verbose>1) cout<<"coordsplus   = "<<coordsplus<<endl;
414       if(verbose) cout<<"denomplus   = "<<denomplus<<endl;
415     }
416 }
find_cuspidal_factors()418 void newform::find_cuspidal_factors()
419 {
420   vec bplusc, bminusc;
421   int verbose = nf->verbose;
423   cuspidalfactorplus=1;
424   cuspidalfactorminus=1;
426   if(!(nf->h1->cuspidal))
427     {
428       if(sign!=-1) // do this if sign = 0,1
429         {
430           bplusc=(nf->h1->tkernbas)*bplus;
431           cuspidalfactorplus = vecgcd(bplusc);
432           bplusc /= cuspidalfactorplus;
433         }
434       if(sign!=+1) // do this if sign = 0,-1
435 	{
436 	  bminusc=(nf->h1->tkernbas)*bminus;
437 	  cuspidalfactorminus = vecgcd(bminusc);
438 	  bminusc/= cuspidalfactorminus;
439         }
440       if(sign==0)  // do this only if sign = 0
441         {
442 	  type=3-vecgcd(bplusc-bminusc);
443 	  if(verbose) cout<<"Lattice type = "<<type<<endl;
444           if((type!=1)&&(type!=2))
445             {
446               cerr<<"Error: lattice type computed to be "<<type<<", should be 1 or 2!"<<endl;
447             }
448         }
450       if(verbose&&(cuspidalfactorplus*cuspidalfactorminus>1))
451 	{
452           if(sign!=-1)
453             {
454               cout<<"cuspidalfactorplus  = "<<cuspidalfactorplus<<endl;
455               if(verbose>2) cout<<"bplusc = "<<bplusc<<endl;
456             }
457 	  if(sign!=+1)
458             {
459               cout<<"cuspidalfactorminus = "<<cuspidalfactorminus<<endl;
460               if(verbose>2) cout<<"bminusc = "<<bminusc<<endl;
461             }
462 	}
463     }
464 }
find_degphi()466 void newform::find_degphi()
467 {
468   if(sign!=0) return;
469 #ifdef DEG_PHI
470     if(nf->verbose) cout<<"computing deg(phi)..."<<flush;
471     degphi=jumpinfo->degphi(bplusc,bminusc,type);
472     if(nf->verbose) cout<<"done..."<<flush;
473 #else
474     degphi=0;
475 #endif
476 }
find_twisting_primes()478 void newform::find_twisting_primes()
479 {
480   int verbose=(nf->verbose);
481   if(verbose) cout<<"computing twisting primes (sign="<<sign<<")..."<<flush;
482   if(sign!=-1)
483     {
484       if(dp0!=0)
485         {
486           lplus=1; // so we need not search for a prime 1(mod 4) below
487           mplus=1; // dummy value, not used
488         }
489       else
490         {
491           lplus=0;
492           mplus =0;
493         }
494     }
495   if(sign!=+1)
496     {
497       lminus=0;
498       mminus=0;
499     }
500   if(nf->squarelevel) return;
502   long n = nf->modulus;
503   for (primevar lvar; lvar.ok() &&
504 	 (((sign!=-1)&&(mplus==0)) ||
505 	  ((sign!=+1)&&(mminus==0))); lvar++)
506     {
507       //cout << "Trying l = " << lvar << endl;
508       while (n%lvar==0) {lvar++;}
509       long l = lvar;
510       //cout << "Trying l = " << l << endl;
511       if (legendre(-n,l)!=sfe) continue;
512       //cout << "Legendre condition passed... " << endl;
514       if((sign!=-1)&&(mplus==0)&&(l%4==1))
515 	{
516 	  lplus = l;
517 	  //cout << "Trying lplus = " << l << "\n";
518 	  map<long,vec>::const_iterator vi = nf->mvlplusvecs.find(l);
519 	  if(vi==nf->mvlplusvecs.end())
520 	    mplus = (nf->mvlplusvecs[l]=nf->h1->manintwist(l))*bplus;
521 	  else
522 	    mplus = (vi->second)*bplus;
523           // We force mplus>0 to fix the sign of the modular symbol to
524           // agree with L(f*chi,1)>0, since L(f*chi,1) is real and a
525           // positive multiple of mplus.  This uses the fact that the
526           // Gauus sum is +sqrt(l).
527           if (mplus<0)
528             {
529               mplus *= -1;
530               bplus *= -1;
531               coordsplus *= -1;
532             }
533 	  if((denomplus>1)&&(mplus!=0))
534 	    {
535 	      if(::divides(denomplus,mplus))  mplus/=denomplus;
536 	      else
537 		cout<<"Warning in newform constructor: mplus not divisible by denomplus!"
538 		    <<endl;
539 	    }
540 	}
541       if((sign!=+1)&&(mminus==0)&&(l%4==3))
542 	{
543 	  lminus = l;
544 	  //cout << "Trying lminus = " << l << "\n";
545 	  map<long,vec>::const_iterator vi = nf->mvlminusvecs.find(l);
546 	  if(vi==nf->mvlminusvecs.end())
547 	    mminus = (nf->mvlminusvecs[l]=nf->h1->manintwist(l))*bminus;
548 	  else
549 	    mminus = (vi->second)*bminus;
550           // We force mminus<0 to fix the sign of the modular symbol
551           // to agree with L(f*chi,1)>0, since L(f*chi,1) is real and
552           // a negative multiple of mminus.  This uses the fact that
553           // the Gauus sum is +i*sqrt(l).
554           if (mminus>0)
555             {
556               mminus *= -1;
557               bminus *= -1;
558               coordsminus *= -1;
559             }
560 	  if((denomminus>1)&&(mminus!=0))
561 	    {
562 	      if(::divides(denomminus,mminus))  mminus/=denomminus;
563 	      else
564 		cout<<"Warning in newform constructor: mminus="<<mminus<<" is not divisible by denomminus="<<denomminus<<"!"
565 		    <<endl;
566 	    }
567 	}
568     }
570   if(verbose)
571     {
572       cout<<"done..."<<flush;
573       cout<<"lplus = "<<lplus<<endl;
574       cout<<"mplus = "<<mplus<<endl;
575       cout<<"lminus = "<<lminus<<endl;
576       cout<<"mminus = "<<mminus<<endl;
577     }
578 }
find_matrix()580 void newform::find_matrix()
581 {
582   int verbose=(nf->verbose);
583   if(verbose) cout<<"computing a,b,c,d..."<<flush;
584   long n = nf->modulus;
585   int found=0;
586   vec v;
587   for(d=2; !found; d++)
588     {
589       if(1==gcd(d,n))
590         {
591           for(b=1; (b<d) && !found; b++)
592             {
593               if(1==bezout(d,-n*b,a,c))
594                 {
595 		  //  cout<<"b/d = "<<b<<"/"<<d<<": ";
596                   v = nf->h1->coords(b,d).as_vec();
597 		  //  cout<<"v="<<v<<endl;
598                   if(sign!=-1)
599                     {
600                       dotplus=v*bplus;
601                       if(::divides(denomplus,dotplus))
602                         dotplus/=denomplus;
603                       else
604                         cout<<"Warning in find_matrix: dotplus not divisible by denomplus!"<<endl;
605                     }
606                   if(sign!=+1)
607                     {
608                       dotminus=v*bminus;
609                       if(::divides(denomminus,dotminus))
610                         dotminus/=denomminus;
611                       else
612                         cout<<"Warning in find_matrix: dotminus not divisible by denomminus!"<<endl;
613                     }
614                   found=(((dotplus!=0)||(sign==-1))&&
615                          ((dotminus!=0)||(sign==+1)));
616                 }
617             }
618         }
619     }
620   b--; d--;  //because they get incremented BEFORE the loop end-test
621   if(d<0) {a=-a; b=-b; c=-c; d=-d;} // because we need d>0 for integration
623   if(verbose)
624     {
625       cout<<"done: ";
626       cout << "[(" <<a<<","<<b<<";"<<c
627 	   <<","<<d<<"),"<<dotplus<<","<<dotminus
628 	   <<";"<<type<<"]"<<endl;
629     }
630 }
add_more_ap(int nap)632 void newform::add_more_ap(int nap)
633 {
634   if((int)aplist.size()>=nap) return;
635   int verbose=(nf->verbose);
636   long piv, p, ap;
637   // Do not make the espace right away, as it is possible that the
638   // only ap we are missing are aq which we already have...
639   ssubspace espace;
640   int have_espace=0;
642   primevar pr(nap,aplist.size()+1);
643   while((int)aplist.size()<nap)
644     {
645       p=pr;
646       if(::divides(p,nf->modulus))
647 	{
648 	  if(::divides(p*p,nf->modulus))
649 	    ap=0;
650 	  else
651 	    ap=-aqlist[find(nf->plist.begin(),nf->plist.end(),p)-nf->plist.begin()];
652 	}
653       else
654 	{
655 	  if(verbose>1) cout<<"Computing Tp for p="<<p<<endl;
656 	  if(!have_espace)
657 	    {
658               if(sign==-1)
659                 espace=make1d(bminus,piv);
660               else
661                 espace=make1d(bplus,piv);
662 	      piv*=nf->h1->h1denom();
663 	      have_espace=1;
664 	    }
665 	  ap = (nf->h1->s_heckeop_restricted(p,espace,1,0)).elem(1,1) / piv;
666 	}
667       aplist.push_back(ap);
668       pr++;
669     }
670   if(verbose>1) cout<<"aplist = "<<aplist<<endl;
671 }
673 // Compute analytic rank and special value if not set
compute_rank()674 void newform::compute_rank()
675 {
676   if (rk==-1) // not yet computed
677     {
678       ldash1 x(nf, this);
679       Lvalue = abs(x.value()); // = L^{(r)}(f,1) -- note the r! factor!
680       rk = 0;
681       if (num(loverp)==0) // else trivially 0
682         rk = x.rank();
683     }
684 }
rank()686 long newform::rank()
687 {
688   compute_rank();  return rk;
689 }
special_value()691 bigfloat newform::special_value()
692 {
693   compute_rank();  return Lvalue;
694 }
696 // To find optimality factors when created from a curve E.  Here
697 // CP_opt is the periods of this newform, and of the optimal curve E0,
698 // which we compute earlier in the newforms class since that is where
699 // getperiods() is implemented.
find_optimality_factors(const CurveRed & E,int i)701 void newform::find_optimality_factors(const CurveRed& E, int i)
702 {
703   int verbose=(nf->verbose);
704   bigcomplex w1,w2;
705   bigfloat x0, y0, xE, yE;
707   // Definitions: for the period lattice of the optimal curve or
708   // newform, x0 = (type)*(least real period) and y0 = (type)*(least
709   // imag period)/i.  Here type = #components = 1 (Delta<0) or 2
710   // (Deta>0).  Note that if we are in the plus or minus quotient then
711   // we can still compute these even though we do not now the type
712   // since they generate the projections of the period lattice to the
713   // real (resp. imaginary) axis.
715   // Similarly xE, yE for the input curve E, though here we do know
716   // the type.
718   // Compute the real and/or imginary periods of the newform, which
719   // are those of the optimal curve in the isogeny class:
720   if (sign==+1)
721     {
722       nf->get_real_period(i,x0);
723       x0 = 2*abs(x0);
724     }
725   else if (sign==-1)
726     {
727       // NB it is impossible to get the scaling right in this case
728       nf->get_imag_period(i,y0);
729       y0 = abs(y0);
730     }
731   else
732     {
733       Cperiods CP_opt = nf->getperiods(i);
734       int opt_type = CP_opt.getwRI(w1,w2);
735       x0 = opt_type * abs(w1.real());
736       y0 = abs(w2.imag());
737     }
739   // Compute the real and/or imginary periods of the input curve, which may not be optimal:
740   Cperiods CP(E);
741   int Etype = CP.getwRI(w1,w2);
742   xE = Etype * abs(w1.real()); // least real period
743   yE = abs(w2.imag()); // least imag period
744   // now xE, yE are twice the least real/imag part of a period of E in both cases
746   // Now we find rational approximations to the rations x0/xE and
747   // y0/yE.  These will have very small numerators and denominators.
748   long n,d;
749   if (sign!=-1)
750     {
751       ratapprox(x0/xE,n,d,163);
752       optimalityfactorplus = rational(n,d);
753       if (verbose) cout << "x-ratio (optimalityfactorplus) = " << (x0/xE) << " = " <<n<<"/"<<d<<" = "<<optimalityfactorplus << endl;
754     }
755   if (sign!=+1)
756     {
757       ratapprox(y0/yE,n,d,163);
758       optimalityfactorminus = rational(n,d);
759       if (verbose) cout << "y-ratio (optimalityfactorminus) = " << (y0/yE) << " = " <<n<<"/"<<d<<" = "<< optimalityfactorminus << endl;
760     }
761 }
763 // Adjust the sign of dotplus/dotminus, mplus/mminus, pdot and the
764 // associated primitive coordinate vectors by computing a period
765 // numerically.  Here we only need sufficient precision to determine
766 // the sign, knowing the values to be nonzero rationals with small
767 // denominator.
sign_normalize()769 void newform::sign_normalize()
770 {
771   int verbose = (nf->verbose);
772   int sign = (nf->sign);
774   periods_direct integrator(nf, this);
775   integrator.compute();
776   bigfloat x0 = integrator.rper();
777   bigfloat y0 = integrator.iper();
778   if(verbose>1)
779     cout<<"integral over {0,"<<b<<"/"<<d<<"} = ("<<x0<<")+i*("<<y0<<")"<<endl;
780   if (sign!=-1)
781     {
782       if (dotplus*x0<0)
783         {
784           if (verbose)
785             cout<<"flipping sign for plus symbols"<<endl;
786           coordsplus *= -1;
787           bplus *= -1;
788           dotplus *= -1;
789           pdot *= -1;
790           mplus *= -1;
791         }
792     }
793   if (sign!=+1)
794     {
795       if (dotminus*y0<0)
796         {
797           if (verbose)
798             cout<<"flipping sign for minus symbols"<<endl;
799           coordsminus *= -1;
800           dotminus *= -1;
801           bminus *= -1;
802           mminus *= -1;
803         }
804     }
805   if (verbose>1)
806     {
807       cout<<"Approximate numerical values:"<<endl;
808       if (sign==0)
809         {
810           cout<<"x = "<<(x0/dotplus)<<endl;
811           cout<<"y = "<<(y0/dotminus)<<endl;
812           cout<<"integral over {0,"<<b<<"/"<<d<<"} = ("<<x0<<")+i*("<<y0<<")"<<endl;
813         }
814       if (sign==+1)
815         {
816           cout<<"x = "<<(x0/dotplus)<<endl;
817           cout<<"integral over {0,"<<b<<"/"<<d<<"} has real      part "<<x0<<endl;
818         }
819       if (sign==-1)
820         {
821           cout<<"y = "<<(y0/dotminus)<<endl;
822           cout<<"integral over {0,"<<b<<"/"<<d<<"} has imaginary part "<<x0<<endl;
823         }
824     }
825 }
~newforms(void)827 newforms::~newforms(void)
828 {
829   delete of;
830   delete h1plus;
831   delete h1minus;
832   delete h1full;
833 }
makeh1(int s)835 void newforms::makeh1(int s)
836 {
837   if(s==1)
838     {
839       if(!h1plus)
840 	{
841 	  if(verbose) cout<<"Constructing H1 (with sign=+1) ..."<<flush;
842 	  h1plus = new homspace(modulus,1,0,0 /*verbose*/);
843 	  if(verbose) cout<<"done"<<endl;
844 	}
845       h1 = h1plus;
846       return;
847     }
848   if(s==-1)
849     {
850       if(!h1minus)
851 	{
852 	  if(verbose) cout<<"Constructing H1 (with sign=-1) ..."<<flush;
853 	  h1minus = new homspace(modulus,-1,0,0 /*verbose*/);
854 	  if(verbose) cout<<"done"<<endl;
855 	}
856       h1 = h1minus;
857       return;
858     }
859   if(s==0)
860     {
861       if(!h1full)
862 	{
863 	  if(verbose) cout<<"Constructing H1 (with sign=0) ..."<<flush;
864 	  h1full = new homspace(modulus,0,0,0 /*verbose*/);
865 	  if(verbose) cout<<"done"<<endl;
866 	}
867       h1 = h1full;
868       return;
869     }
870   cout<<"Error in makeh1(s): s = "<<s<<" should be one of 0,1,-1"<<endl;
871   return;
872 }
createfromscratch(int s,long ntp)874 void newforms::createfromscratch(int s, long ntp)
875 {
876   sign = s;
877   makeh1(s);
878   //  cout<<"Constructing oldforms with sign="<<sign<<endl;
879   of = new oldforms(ntp,h1,(verbose>1),sign); // h1 provides the level*
880   if(verbose>1) of->display();
881   maxdepth = of->nap;
882   long mindepth = npdivs; // must include at least one good p, and it
883 			  // is cheap to continue recursing after
884 			  // reaching dimension 1.
885   n1ds = 0;
886   int upperbound = h1->dimension-(of->totalolddim);
887   if(upperbound>0)  // Else no newforms certainly so do no work!
888     {
889        mvp=h1->maninvector(p0);
890        //       cout<<"mvp                 = "<<mvp<<endl;
891        if(verbose>1) cout<<"h1 denom = "<<h1->h1denom()<<endl;
892        form_finder ff(this,(sign!=0),maxdepth,mindepth,1,0,verbose);
893        basisflag=0;
894        ff.find();
895     }
896   if(verbose)
897     {
898       cout << "Total dimension = " << h1->dimension << endl;
899       cout << "Number of rational newforms = " << n1ds <<endl;
900       if(h1->dimension==of->totalolddim+n1ds)
901 	cout<<"The whole space splits over Q" << endl;
902     }
904   if(n1ds==0) return;
906   int i,nap,maxnap=0;
908   if((n1ds>1)&&(modulus<130000)) // reorder into old order
909     {
910       if(verbose) cout<<"Reordering newforms into old order as N<130000"<<endl;
911       // if(verbose) cout<<"Before sorting:\n"; display();
912       sort(1);
913       // if(verbose) cout<<"After sorting:\n"; display();
914     }
915   // At this point the newforms may contain different numbers of ap,
916   // so we need to even these up, which we do by computing more ap for
917   // those which need it.
918 if(n1ds>0)
919     {
920       for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++)
921 	if((nap=nflist[i].aplist.size())>maxnap) maxnap=nap;
922       if(verbose)
923 	cout<<"Max number of ap in newforms so far is "<<maxnap
924 	    <<", increasing to " << DEFAULT_SMALL_NAP << endl;
925       if (maxnap < DEFAULT_SMALL_NAP) maxnap = DEFAULT_SMALL_NAP;
926       for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++)
927         {
928           if((nap=nflist[i].aplist.size())<maxnap)
929             {
930               if(verbose)
931                 cout<<"Newform #"<<(i+1)<<" has only "<<nap
932                     <<" ap so we need to compute more..."<<endl;
933               nflist[i].add_more_ap(maxnap);
934             }
936           // Now if necessary we adjust the sign of dotplus/dotminus and the
937           // associated primitive coordinate vectors by computing a period
938           // numerically.  Here we only need sufficient precision to determine
939           // the sign, knowing the values to be nonzero rationals with small
940           // denominator.
942           if(verbose)
943             cout<<"Newform #"<<(i+1)<<": fixing sign normalization using approximate periods"<<endl;
944           nflist[i].sign_normalize();
945         }
946     }
947    // Compute homspace::projcoord, so proj_coords can be used
948    // Replaces coord_vecs of homspace with projections onto eigenspaces
949    // NB if #newforms>1 this MUST be re-called after any sorting of newforms
950  make_projcoord();
952    // Look for a j0 such that nflist[i].bplus/bminus[j0]!=0 for all i, or a set of such j
953  find_jlist();
954 }
find_jlist()957 void newforms::find_jlist()
958 {
959   int i, j, ok=0; j0=0;
960   for(j=1; (!ok)&&(j<=h1->h1dim()); j++)
961     {
962       ok=1;
963       for (i=0; (i<n1ds)&&ok; i++)
964         if(sign==-1)
965           ok=(nflist[i].bminus[j]!=0);
966         else
967           ok=(nflist[i].bplus[j]!=0);
968       if(ok) j0=j;
969     }
970   if(ok)
971     {
972       if(verbose>1)  cout<<"j0="<<j0<<endl;
973       jlist.insert(j0);
974       for (i=0; i<n1ds; i++)
975 	{
976 	  nflist[i].j0 = j0;
977           vec& bas = (sign==-1? nflist[i].bminus: nflist[i].bplus);
978           nflist[i].fac = bas[j0];
979           if (verbose>1)
980             {
981               cout<<"Newform #"<<(i+1)<<": bplus = "<<bas<<endl;
982               cout<<"   fac = "<<nflist[i].fac<<endl;
983             }
984 	}
985     }
986   else
987     {
988       if(verbose)
989 	cout<<"Failed to find j0 such that nflist[i].bplus/bminus[j0]!=0 for all i"
990 	    <<endl;
991       // Find out which pivots we'll be using:
992       for (i=0; i<n1ds; i++)
993 	{
994 	  vec& bas = nflist[i].bplus;
995 	  j=1; while(bas[j]==0) j++;
996 	  jlist.insert(j);
997 	  nflist[i].j0 = j;
998 	  nflist[i].fac = nflist[i].bplus[j];
999           if (verbose>1)
1000             {
1001               cout<<"Newform #"<<(i+1)<<": bplus = "<<bas<<endl;
1002               cout<<"   fac = "<<nflist[i].fac<<endl;
1003             }
1004 	}
1005       if(verbose)  cout<<"jlist="<<jlist<<endl;
1006     }
1007 }
1009 // Compute homspace::projcoord, so proj_coords can be used
1010 // Replaces coord_vecs of homspace with projections onto eigenspaces
1011 // NB if #newforms>1 this MUST be re-called after any sorting of newforms
make_projcoord()1012 void newforms::make_projcoord()
1013 {
1014   h1->projcoord.init(h1->coord_vecs.size()-1,n1ds);
1015   int j;
1016   if(sign==-1)
1017     for (j=1; j<=n1ds; j++)
1018       h1->projcoord.setcol(j, nflist[j-1].coordsminus);
1019   else
1020     for (j=1; j<=n1ds; j++)
1021       h1->projcoord.setcol(j, nflist[j-1].coordsplus);
1022 }
dimoldpart(const vector<long> l)1024 long newforms::dimoldpart(const vector<long> l)
1025 {
1026   return of->dimoldpart(l);
1027 }
1029 // if(!cuspidal) we really should check here that the basis vector b1
1030 // is in ker(delta), by checking that b1*h1->deltamat == 0
use(const vec & b1,const vec & b2,const vector<long> aplist)1032 void newforms::use(const vec& b1, const vec& b2, const vector<long> aplist)
1033 {
1034   if(basisflag) // we already have all the data except the
1035                 // basis vector, so not much needs doing
1036     {
1037       int n = nf_subset[j1ds++];
1038       newform& nf = nflist[n];
1039       if(verbose)
1040 	cout<<"Filling in data for for newform #"<<(n+1)<<": bases..."<<flush;
1041       nf.sign=sign;
1042       if(sign==+1)
1043         nf.bplus=b1;
1044       if(sign==-1)
1045         nf.bminus=b1; // formfinder puts the basis vector in b1
1046       if(sign==0)
1047 	{
1048 	  nf.bplus=b1;
1049 	  nf.bminus=b2;
1050 	}
1051       if(verbose)
1052 	cout<<"type and cuspidal factors..."<<flush;
1053       nf.find_cuspidal_factors();
1054       if(verbose)
1055 	cout<<"coords..."<<flush;
1056       nf.find_coords_plus_minus();
1057       if(sign==0)
1058 	{
1059 	  if(verbose)
1060 	    cout<<"twisting primes..."<<flush;
1061 	  nf.find_twisting_primes();
1062 	  if(verbose)
1063 	    cout<<"matrix..."<<flush;
1064 	  nf.find_matrix();
1065 	}
1066       if(verbose)
1067 	cout<<"done."<<endl;
1068       if(verbose)
1069         cout<<"Finished filling in data for newform #"<<(n+1)<<endl;
1070       return;
1071     }
1073   // Code for initial newform construction
1075   // We use the newform constructor to do all the work, given the basis vector(s) and aplist:
1077   n1ds++;
1078   if(verbose)
1079     {
1080       cout<<"Constructing newform #"<<n1ds<<" with eigs ";
1081       vec_out(cout,aplist,10);
1082       cout<<endl;
1083     }
1084   if(sign==-1)
1085     nflist.push_back(newform(b1,b1,aplist,this)); // only 2nd vector used
1086   else
1087     nflist.push_back(newform(b1,b2,aplist,this));
1088   if(verbose)
1089     cout<<"Finished constructing newform #"<<n1ds<<" with sign = "<<sign<<endl;
1090 }
1092 // Sort newforms
sort(int oldorder)1093 void newforms::sort(int oldorder)
1094 {
1095   if(oldorder)
1096     ::sort(nflist.begin(),nflist.end(),less_newform_old());
1097   else
1098     ::sort(nflist.begin(),nflist.end(),less_newform_new());
1099 }
1101 // Before recovering eigenbases, we need to put back the aq into the
1102 // aplist (and resort, for efficiency).
unfix_eigs()1103 void newforms::unfix_eigs()
1104 {
1105   for(int i=0; i<n1ds; i++)
1106     nflist[i].unfix_eigs();
1107 }
1109 // After recovering eigenbases, we need to refix the aplist
refix_eigs()1110 void newforms::refix_eigs()
1111 {
1112   for(int i=0; i<n1ds; i++)
1113     nflist[i].refix_eigs();
1114 }
display(void) const1116 void newforms::display(void) const
1117 {
1118  if (n1ds==0) {cout<<"No newforms."<<endl; return;}
1119  cout << "\n"<<n1ds<<" newform(s) at level " << modulus << ":" << endl;
1120  cout<<"p0="<<p0<<endl;
1121  // if(dim(mvp)!=0) cout<<"mvp="<<mvp<<endl;
1122  cout<<"#ap=\t"<<nflist[0].aplist.size()<<endl;
1123  long i;
1124  for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++)
1125    {cout<<i+1<<":\t";
1126     nflist[i].display();
1127   }
1128 }
1130 #define DEBUG_SCALING
display_modular_symbol_map(int check) const1132 void newforms::display_modular_symbol_map(int check) const
1133 {
1134  long i,j,k;
1135  rational rplus, rminus;
1136  vector<bigfloat> x0s;
1137  vector<bigfloat> y0s;
1138  bigfloat x0,y0;
1139  if (check)
1140    for(k=0; k<n1ds; k++)
1141      {
1142        cout<<"getting period(s) for newform # "<<(k+1)<<endl;
1143        get_both_periods(k,x0,y0);
1144        cout<<"x0="<<x0<<", y0="<<y0<<endl;
1145        x0s.push_back(x0);
1146        y0s.push_back(y0);
1147      }
1149  for(i=0; i<h1->nsymb; i++)
1150    {
1151      symb s = h1->symbol(i);
1152      modsym ms = modsym(s);
1153      cout<<s<<" = "<<ms<<" -> ";
1154      rational alpha = ms.alpha(), beta = ms.beta();
1155      long a, b, c, d, g=0;
1156      if (num(alpha)==0)
1157        {
1158          b = num(beta);
1159          d = den(beta);
1160          g = bezout(-modulus*b,d,c,a); // so g=a*d-b*N*c
1161        }
1162      j=h1->coordindex[i];
1163      long sg=::sign(j); j=abs(j);
1164      //     cout<<"j="<<j<<"("<<sg<<")"<<endl;
1165      if(j==0)
1166        for(k=0; k<n1ds; k++)
1167 	 if(sign!=0)
1168 	   cout<<"0 ";
1169 	 else
1170 	   cout<<"(0,0) ";
1171      else
1172        for(k=0; k<n1ds; k++)
1173          {
1174            if (check && (g==1))
1175              {
1176                periods_direct integrator(this,&(nflist[k]));
1177                integrator.compute(a,b,c,d);
1178                x0 = integrator.rper();
1179                y0 = integrator.iper();
1180              }
1181            if(sign!=-1)
1182              {
1183                long nrplus = sg*nflist[k].coordsplus[j];
1184                long drplus = nflist[k].cuspidalfactorplus;
1185                rplus = rational(nrplus,drplus);
1186                if (check && (g==1))
1187                  {
1188                    long n = I2long(Iround(drplus *x0/x0s[k])); // should = nrplus
1189                    if (n != nrplus)
1190                      {
1191                        cout << "plus check fails: rplus = "<<nrplus<<"/"<<drplus<<" = "<<rplus<<endl;
1192                        cout << "real part = "<<x0<<endl;
1193                        cout << "x0        = "<<x0s[k]<<endl;
1194                        cout << "ratio     = "<<x0/x0s[k]<<endl;
1195                        cout << "scaled ratio = "<<n<<endl;
1196                      }
1197                  }
1198                rplus *= nflist[k].optimalityfactorplus;
1199              }
1200            if(sign!=+1)
1201              {
1202                long nrminus = sg*nflist[k].coordsminus[j];
1203                long drminus = nflist[k].cuspidalfactorminus;
1204                rminus = rational(nrminus,drminus);
1205                if (check && (g==1))
1206                  {
1207                    long n = I2long(Iround(drminus *y0/y0s[k])); // should = nrminus
1208                    if (n != nrminus)
1209                      {
1210                        cout << "minus check fails: rminus = "<<rminus<<endl;
1211                        cout << "imag part = "<<y0<<endl;
1212                        cout << "y0        = "<<y0s[k]<<endl;
1213                        cout << "ratio     = "<<y0/y0s[k]<<endl;
1214                        cout << "scaled ratio = "<<n<<endl;
1215                      }
1216                  }
1217                rminus *= nflist[k].optimalityfactorminus;
1218              }
1219            if(sign==+1)
1220              cout<<rplus<<" ";
1221            else if(sign==-1)
1222              cout<<rminus<<" ";
1223            else
1224              cout<<"("<<rplus<<","<<rminus<<") ";
1225          }
1226      cout<<endl;
1227    }
1228 }
display(void) const1230 void newform::display(void) const
1231 {
1232   cout << "aplist = ";
1233   vec_out(cout,aplist,20);  // outputs at most 20 eigs.
1234   cout<< endl;
1235   //  cout << "basis = " << bplus << endl;
1236   cout << "aq = " << aqlist<<endl;
1237   cout << "ap0 = " << ap0
1238        <<", dp0 = " << dp0
1239        <<", np0 = " << np0;
1240   if(pdot!=0) cout <<", pdot = " << pdot;
1241   cout <<endl;
1242   cout << "SFE = " << sfe << ",\tL/P = " << loverp << endl;
1243   if(lplus>0) cout << "lplus = " << lplus << ", mplus = " << mplus << endl;
1244   if(lminus>0) cout << "lminus = " << lminus << ", mminus = " << mminus << endl;
1245   if(a!=0)
1246     {
1247       cout << "[(" <<a<<","<<b<<";"<<c
1248            <<","<<d<<"),"<<dotplus<<","<<dotminus
1249            <<";";
1250       if(type)
1251         cout<<type;
1252       else
1253         cout<<"?";
1254       cout<<"]"<<endl;
1255     }
1257   if(index!=-1)cout << "Splitting index = " << index << endl;
1258 }
putout(ofstream & of,short a,int binflag)1260 void putout(ofstream& of, short a, int binflag)
1261 {
1262   if(binflag)
1263     of.write((char*)&a,sizeof(short));
1264   else
1265     of<<setw(5)<<a;
1266 }
putout(ofstream & of,int a,int binflag)1267 void putout(ofstream& of, int a, int binflag)
1268 {
1269   if(binflag)
1270     of.write((char*)&a,sizeof(int));
1271   else
1272     of<<setw(10)<<a;
1273 }
putout(ofstream & of,long a,int binflag)1274 void putout(ofstream& of, long a, int binflag)
1275 {
1276   if(binflag)
1277     of.write((char*)&a,sizeof(long));
1278   else
1279     of<<setw(15)<<a;
1280 }
nl(ofstream & of,int binflag)1281 void nl(ofstream& of, int binflag)
1282 {if(!binflag) of<<"\n";}
output_to_file(int binflag,int smallflag) const1284 void newforms::output_to_file(int binflag, int smallflag) const
1285 {
1286   long i,j;
1287   char prefix = 'e';
1288   if(binflag) prefix = 'x';
1289   string name = smallflag ? small_nf_filename(modulus,prefix)
1290                           : nf_filename(modulus,prefix);
1291   ofstream out(name.c_str());
1292   if(!out)
1293     {
1294       cerr<<"Unable to open file "<<name<<" for newform output"<<endl;
1295       return;
1296     }
1297   // else
1298   //   {
1299   //     cout<<"--outputting newforms data to "<<name<<" (smallflag="<<smallflag<<")"<<endl;
1300   //     display();
1301   //   }
1303   if(n1ds==0)
1304     {
1305       putout(out,(int)0,binflag);
1306       putout(out,(int)0,binflag);
1307       putout(out,(int)0,binflag);
1308       out.close();
1309       return;
1310     }
1312   // Line 1:  #newforms, #aq, #ap
1313   int nap = nflist[0].aplist.size();
1314   if (smallflag)
1315     {
1316       if (nap>=DEFAULT_SMALL_NAP) nap=DEFAULT_SMALL_NAP;
1317       else
1318 	{
1319 	  cout<<"Warning: small newforms output will only have" << nap
1320 	      << "a_p (at least " << DEFAULT_SMALL_NAP <<"required" << endl;
1321 	}
1322     }
1323   putout(out,(int)n1ds,binflag);
1324   putout(out,(int)nflist[0].aqlist.size(),binflag);
1325   putout(out, nap,binflag);
1326   nl(out,binflag);
1327   // Line 2:  blank line
1328   nl(out,binflag);
1329   // Line 3:  sign of f.e. for each newform
1330   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) putout(out,(int)nflist[i].sfe,binflag);
1331   nl(out,binflag);
1332   // Line 4:  ap0 for each newform
1333   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) putout(out,(int)nflist[i].ap0,binflag);
1334   nl(out,binflag);
1335   // Line 5:  np0 for each newform
1336   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) putout(out,(int)nflist[i].np0,binflag);
1337   nl(out,binflag);
1338   // Line 6:  dp0 for each newform
1339   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) putout(out,(int)nflist[i].dp0,binflag);
1340   nl(out,binflag);
1341   // Line 7:  lplus for each newform
1342   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) putout(out,(int)nflist[i].lplus,binflag);
1343   nl(out,binflag);
1344   // Line 8:  mplus each newform
1345   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) putout(out,(int)nflist[i].mplus,binflag);
1346   nl(out,binflag);
1347   // Line 9:  lminus each newform
1348   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) putout(out,(int)nflist[i].lminus,binflag);
1349   nl(out,binflag);
1350   // Line 10:  mminus for each newform
1351   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) putout(out,(int)nflist[i].mminus,binflag);
1352   nl(out,binflag);
1353   // Line 11:  matrix entry a for each newform
1354   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) putout(out,(int)nflist[i].a,binflag);
1355   nl(out,binflag);
1356   // Line 12:  matrix entry b for each newform
1357   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) putout(out,(int)nflist[i].b,binflag);
1358   nl(out,binflag);
1359   // Line 13:  matrix entry c for each newform
1360   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) putout(out,(int)nflist[i].c,binflag);
1361   nl(out,binflag);
1362   // Line 14:  matrix entry d for each newform
1363   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) putout(out,(int)nflist[i].d,binflag);
1364   nl(out,binflag);
1365   // Line 15:  dotplus for each newform
1366   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) putout(out,(int)nflist[i].dotplus,binflag);
1367   nl(out,binflag);
1368   // Line 16:  dotminus for each newform
1369   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) putout(out,(int)nflist[i].dotminus,binflag);
1370   nl(out,binflag);
1371   // Line 17:  lattice type for each newform
1372   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) putout(out,(int)nflist[i].type,binflag);
1373   nl(out,binflag);
1374   // Line 18:  deg(phi) for each newform
1375   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) putout(out,(int)nflist[i].degphi,binflag);
1376   nl(out,binflag);
1377   // Line 19:  blank line
1378   nl(out,binflag);
1380   // Lines 20-(20+#aq):  aq for each newform;  then blank line
1381   for(j=0; j<int(nflist[0].aqlist.size()); j++)
1382     {
1383       for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) putout(out,(short)nflist[i].aqlist[j],binflag);
1384       nl(out,binflag);
1385     }
1386   nl(out,binflag);
1388   // Lines (21+#aq)-(20+#aq+#ap):  ap for each newform
1389   for(j=0; j<nap; j++)
1390     {
1391       for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) putout(out,(short)nflist[i].aplist[j],binflag);
1392       nl(out,binflag);
1393     }
1394   out.close();
1395 }
1397 // Read in newform data from file NF_DIR/xN
createfromdata(int s,long ntp,int create_from_scratch_if_absent,int small_data_ok)1399 void newforms::createfromdata(int s, long ntp,
1400 			      int create_from_scratch_if_absent,
1401 			      int small_data_ok)
1402 {
1403   sign = s;
1404   long i, j, n = modulus;
1405   if(verbose) cout << "Retrieving newform data for N = " << n << endl;
1407   string name = nf_filename(modulus,'x');
1408   ifstream datafile(name.c_str());
1409   if(small_data_ok && !datafile.is_open())
1410     {
1411       if (verbose)
1412 	cout << "No file "<<name<<" exists, trying ";
1413       name = small_nf_filename(modulus,'x');
1414       if (verbose)
1415 	cout << name << "instead..."<<endl;
1416       datafile.open(name.c_str());
1417     }
1418   if(!datafile.is_open())
1419     {
1420       if(verbose) cout<<"Unable to open file "<<name<<" for oldform input"<<endl;
1421       if(create_from_scratch_if_absent)
1422 	{
1423 	  if(verbose) cout<<"Creating from scratch instead"<<endl;
1424 	  createfromscratch(sign, ntp);
1425 	  output_to_file(1,0); // full newform data
1426 	  output_to_file(1,1); // short newform data (only DEFAULT_SMALL_NAP ap)
1427 	  if(verbose) cout << "Finished creating newform data for N = " << n << endl;
1428 	  if(verbose) display();
1429 	}
1430       return;
1431     }
1433   int temp_int;
1434   datafile.read((char*)&temp_int,sizeof(int));   // = number of newforms
1435   n1ds=temp_int;
1436   datafile.read((char*)&temp_int,sizeof(int));   // = number of bad primes
1437   datafile.read((char*)&temp_int,sizeof(int));   // = number of eigs
1438   nap=temp_int;
1439   if(n1ds==0)
1440     {
1441       if(verbose) cout << "No newforms at level " << n << endl;
1442       datafile.close();
1443       return;
1444     }
1446   vector<int> * data = new vector<int>[n1ds];
1447   vector<long> * aq = new vector<long>[n1ds];
1448   vector<long> * ap = new vector<long>[n1ds];
1450   // read extra data for each newform
1451   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) data[i].resize(16);
1452   long ntotal = 16*n1ds;
1453   int* batch_i = new int[ntotal];
1454   datafile.read((char*)batch_i,ntotal*sizeof(int));
1455   int *batch_i_ptr = batch_i;
1456   for(j=0; j<16; j++)
1457     for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++)
1458       data[i][j]=*batch_i_ptr++;
1459   delete[] batch_i;
1460   //  cout<<"Raw  data:\n";  for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) cout<<data[i]<<endl;
1462   // read aq for each newform
1463   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) aq[i].resize(npdivs);
1464   ntotal = npdivs*n1ds;
1465   short* batch = new short[ntotal];
1466   datafile.read((char*)batch,ntotal*sizeof(short));
1467   short *batchptr = batch;
1468   for(j=0; j<npdivs; j++)
1469     for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++)
1470       aq[i][j]=*batchptr++;
1471   //  cout<<"Raw  aq:\n";  for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) cout<<aq[i]<<endl;
1473   // read ap for each newform
1474   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) ap[i].resize(nap);
1475   ntotal = nap*n1ds;
1476   delete[] batch;
1477   batch = new short[ntotal];
1478   datafile.read((char*)batch,ntotal*sizeof(short));
1479   batchptr = batch;
1480   for(j=0; j<nap; j++)
1481     for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++)
1482       ap[i][j]=*batchptr++;
1483   //  cout<<"Raw  ap:\n";  for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) cout<<ap[i]<<endl;
1484   delete[] batch;
1485   datafile.close();
1487   // construct the newforms from this data
1488   nflist.reserve(n1ds);
1489   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++)
1490     nflist.push_back(newform(data[i],aq[i],ap[i],this));
1492   delete[] ap; delete[] aq; delete[] data;
1494   if(verbose)
1495     {
1496       cout << "Finished reading newform data for N = " << n << endl;
1497       if(verbose>1) display();
1498     }
1499 }
1502 // Create from a list of Hecke eigenvalues from an elliptic curve
eiglist(CurveRed & C,int nap)1504 vector<long> eiglist(CurveRed& C, int nap)
1505 {
1506   long N = I2long(getconductor(C));
1507   long p; bigint pp;
1508   vector<long> ans;
1509   for(primevar pr(nap); pr.ok(); pr++)
1510     {
1511       p=pr; pp=BIGINT(p);
1512       if(N%p==0)
1513 	ans.push_back(LocalRootNumber(C,pp));
1514       else
1515 	ans.push_back(I2long(Trace_Frob(C,pp)));
1516     }
1517   //  cout<<"eiglist("<<(Curve)C<<") = "<<ans<<endl;
1518   return ans;
1519 }
1521 // extract the eigenvalues for bad primes
aqlist(vector<long> aplist,long N)1522 vector<long> aqlist(vector<long> aplist, long N)
1523 {
1524   long iq=0, p, naq = pdivs(N).size();
1525   //cout << "Setting aq of size "<<naq<<endl;
1526   vector<long>::const_iterator api = aplist.begin();
1527   vector<long> aq(naq);
1528   for(primevar pr; (iq<naq)&&pr.ok(); pr++)
1529     {
1530       p=pr;
1531       if (N%p==0)
1532 	{
1533 	  //cout << "Setting aq["<<p<<"] = "<<*api<<endl;
1534 	  aq[iq++] = *api;
1535 	}
1536       api++;
1537     }
1538   return aq;
1539 }
1541 // Create from a list of elliptic curves of the right conductor:
createfromcurve(int s,const CurveRed & C,int nap)1543 void newforms::createfromcurve(int s, const CurveRed& C, int nap)
1544 {
1545   vector<CurveRed> Clist; Clist.push_back(C);
1546   return createfromcurves(s,Clist,nap);
1547 }
createfromcurves(int s,vector<CurveRed> Clist,int nap)1548 void newforms::createfromcurves(int s, vector<CurveRed> Clist, int nap)
1549 {
1550   if(verbose) cout << "In newforms::createfromcurves()..."<<endl;
1551   sign=s;
1552   int ncurves = Clist.size();
1553   if(ncurves==0) return;
1554   if(verbose) cout << "Making homspace..."<<flush;
1555   makeh1(sign);
1556   if(verbose) cout << "done." << endl;
1557   mvp=h1->maninvector(p0);
1558   long nap_default = long(100*sqrt(modulus));
1559   if (nap<nap_default)
1560     {
1561       if(verbose)
1562         {
1563           cout << "--increasing nap from "<< nap << " to " << nap_default << endl;
1564         }
1565       nap=nap_default;
1566     }
1567   if(verbose) cout << "Making form_finder (nap="<<nap<<")..."<<flush;
1568   form_finder splitspace(this, (sign!=0), nap, 0, 1, 0, verbose);
1569   if(verbose) cout << "Recovering eigenspace bases with form_finder..."<<endl;
1570   // j1ds counts through the newforms as they are found
1571   basisflag=0; j1ds=0;
1572   vector< vector<long> > eigs(ncurves);
1573   int i;
1575   for(i=0; i<ncurves; i++)
1576     eigs[i]=eiglist(Clist[i],nap);
1577   n1ds=0; nflist.resize(0);
1578   splitspace.recover(eigs);  // NB newforms::use() determines what is
1579 			     // done with each one as it is found;
1580 			     // this depends on basisflag and sign
1582   // Get period lattice of each newform (and hence of optimal curves)
1583   for(i=0; i<ncurves; i++)
1584     {
1585       if(verbose)
1586         cout<<"Finding optimality scaling factors using approximate periods"<<endl;
1587       nflist[i].find_optimality_factors(Clist[i], i);
1588       if(verbose)
1589         cout<<"Fixing sign normalization using approximate periods"<<endl;
1590       nflist[i].sign_normalize();
1591     }
1592   if(verbose) cout << "...done."<<endl;
1593 }
createfromcurves_mini(vector<CurveRed> Clist,int nap)1595 void newforms::createfromcurves_mini(vector<CurveRed> Clist, int nap)
1596 {
1597   if(verbose) cout << "In newforms::createfromcurves_mini()..."<<endl;
1598   int i; long N;
1599   n1ds = Clist.size();
1600   nflist.reserve(n1ds);
1602   if (n1ds>0) // construct the ap and aq vectors from the curves
1603     {
1604       N = I2long(getconductor(Clist[0]));
1605       for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++)
1606 	{
1607 	  vector<long> ap=eiglist(Clist[i],nap);
1608 	  vector<long> aq=aqlist(ap,N);
1609 	  // dummy data -- these fields are not set and will not be used
1610 	  vector<int> data(16,0);
1611 	  newform nf(data,aq,ap,this);
1612 	  if (verbose)
1613 	    {
1614 	      cout<<"adding this newform: "<<endl;
1615 	      nf.display();
1616 	    }
1617 	  nflist.push_back(newform(data,aq,ap,this));
1618 	}
1619     }
1620   if(verbose) cout << "...done."<<endl;
1621 }
1623 // Read in newform data from old-style data files eigs/xN and intdata/[ep]N
createfromolddata()1625 void newforms::createfromolddata()
1626 {
1627   long i, j, n = modulus;
1628   if(verbose)
1629     cout << "Retrieving old-style newform data for N = " << n << endl;
1631   stringstream eigsname;
1632   eigsname << "eigs/x" << n;
1633   ifstream eigsfile(eigsname.str().c_str());
1635   if(!eigsfile.is_open())
1636     {
1637       cout<<"Unable to open file "<<eigsname.str()<<" for eigs input"<<endl;
1638       return;
1639     }
1641   short temp;
1642   eigsfile.read((char*)&temp,sizeof(short));   // # newforms
1643   n1ds=temp;
1644   eigsfile.read((char*)&temp,sizeof(short));   // # irrational newforms
1645   eigsfile.read((char*)&temp,sizeof(short));   // # ap
1646   nap=temp;
1647   if(n1ds==0)
1648     {
1649       if(verbose) cout << "No newforms at level " << n << endl;
1650       eigsfile.close();
1651       return;
1652     }
1654   // read ap for each newform
1655   vector<long> * ap = new vector<long>[n1ds];
1656   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) ap[i].resize(nap);
1657   long ntotal = nap*n1ds;
1658   short* batch = new short[ntotal];
1659   eigsfile.read((char*)batch,ntotal*sizeof(short));
1660   eigsfile.close();
1661   short* batchptr = batch;
1662   for(j=0; j<nap; j++)
1663     for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++)
1664       ap[i][j]=*batchptr++;
1665   //  cout<<"Raw  ap:\n";  for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) cout<<ap[i]<<endl;
1666   delete[] batch;
1668   // extract aq for each newform
1669   vector<long> * aq = new vector<long>[n1ds];
1670   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) aq[i].resize(npdivs);
1671   primevar pr; long q, k, a;
1672   for(k=0, j=0; j<int(plist.size()); j++)
1673     {
1674       q = plist[j];
1675       int q2divN = ::divides(q*q,modulus);
1676       while((long)pr!=q) {pr++; k++;}
1677       for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++)
1678 	{
1679 	  a = ap[i][k];
1680 	  aq[i][j] = a;
1681 	  ap[i][k] = (q2divN? 0: -a);
1682 	}
1683     }
1684   //  cout<<"Raw  aq:\n";  for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) cout<<aq[i]<<endl;
1686   // read extra data for each newform
1687   vector<int> * data = new vector<int>[n1ds];
1688   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) data[i].resize(16);
1689   stringstream intdataname;
1690   intdataname << "intdata/e" << n;
1691   ifstream intdatafile(intdataname.str().c_str());
1692   if(!intdatafile.is_open())
1693     {
1694       cout<<"Unable to open data file "<<intdataname.str()<<" for data input"<<endl;
1695       return;
1696     }
1698   long nloverp, dloverp, dp0, np0;
1699   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++)
1700     {
1701       //      cout<<"Reading intdata for form #"<<(i+1)<<endl;
1702       intdatafile >> data[i][15]; // degphi
1703       //      cout<<"degphi = "<<data[i][15]<<endl;
1704       intdatafile >> data[i][0];  // sfe
1705       //      cout<<"sfe = "<<data[i][0]<<endl;
1706       intdatafile >> nloverp;     // num(L/P)
1707       intdatafile >> dloverp;     // den(L/P)
1708       intdatafile >> data[i][14]; // type
1709       //      cout<<"type = "<<data[i][14]<<endl;
1710       intdatafile >> dp0; data[i][3]=dp0;  // dp0
1711       //      cout<<"dp0 = "<<data[i]=dp0[3]<<endl;
1712       intdatafile >> np0; data[i][2]=np0;  // np0
1713       //      cout<<"np0 = "<<data[i][2]<<endl;
1714       if(dp0==0) data[i][3]=(2*nloverp*np0)/dloverp;
1715       data[i][1]=1+p0-data[i][2]; // ap0 (not in intdata file)
1716       //      cout<<"ap0 = "<<data[i][1]<<endl;
1717       intdatafile >> data[i][4];  // lplus
1718       intdatafile >> data[i][5];  // mplus
1719       intdatafile >> data[i][6];  // lminus
1720       intdatafile >> data[i][7];  // mminus
1721       intdatafile >> data[i][8];  // a
1722       intdatafile >> data[i][9];  // b
1723       intdatafile >> data[i][10]; // c
1724       intdatafile >> data[i][11]; // d
1725       intdatafile >> data[i][12]; // dotplus
1726       intdatafile >> data[i][13]; // dotminus
1727     }
1728   intdatafile.close();
1729   //  cout<<"Raw  data:\n";  for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++) cout<<data[i]<<endl;
1732   // construct the newforms from this data
1733   nflist.reserve(n1ds);
1734   for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++)
1735     nflist.push_back(newform(data[i],aq[i],ap[i],this));
1736   //  delete ap; delete aq; delete data;
1738   if(verbose)
1739     {
1740       cout << "Finished reading oldstyle newform data for N = " << n << endl;
1741       display();
1742     }
1743 }
1745 // Construct bases (homology eigenvectors) from eigenvalue lists:
makebases(int flag,int all_nf)1746 void newforms::makebases(int flag, int all_nf)
1747 {
1748   if(n1ds==0) return;
1750   if(((sign==-1)||(dim(nflist[0].bplus)>0)) &&
1751      ((sign==+1)||(dim(nflist[0].bminus)>0)))
1752     return;
1753   if(verbose) cout << "Making homspace..."<<flush;
1754   makeh1(sign);
1755   if(verbose) cout << "done." << endl;
1756   mvp=h1->maninvector(p0);
1757   if(verbose) cout << "Making form_finder (nap="<<nap<<")..."<<flush;
1758   form_finder splitspace(this, (sign!=0), nap, 0, 1, 0, verbose);
1759   if(verbose) cout << "Recovering eigenspace bases with form_finder..."<<endl;
1760   // basisflag controls what ::use() does with the nfs when found
1761   // j1ds counts through the newforms as they are found
1762   basisflag=flag;
1763   int i;
1764   j1ds = 0; // counts through newforms as they are recovered
1765   vector< vector<long> > eigs;
1767   if (all_nf)
1768     {
1769       nf_subset.clear();
1770       for(i=0; i<n1ds; i++)
1771         nf_subset.push_back(i);
1772     }
1774   unfix_eigs();
1775   sort();
1776   for(i=0; i<nf_subset.size(); i++)
1777     eigs.push_back(nflist[nf_subset[i]].aplist);
1779   splitspace.recover(eigs);  // NB newforms::use() determines what is
1780 			     // done with each one as it is found;
1781 			     // this depends on basisflag and sign
1782   if(verbose) cout << "...done."<<endl;
1783   refix_eigs();
1784   if(verbose>1) cout<<"Reordering newforms after recovery"<<endl;
1785   if(verbose>1) {cout<<"Before sorting:\n"; display();}
1786   sort(int(modulus<130000)); // old order for N<130000, else new order
1787   if(verbose>1) {cout<<"After sorting:\n"; display();}
1788 }
merge(int all_nf)1790 void newforms::merge(int all_nf)
1791 {
1792   if(n1ds==0) return;
1793   if(verbose) cout << "Making homspace..."<<flush;
1794   makeh1(0);
1795   if(verbose) cout << "done." << endl;
1796   vec bplus, bminus;
1797   j1ds = 0;
1798   basisflag = 1;
1799   mvlplusvecs.clear();
1800   mvlminusvecs.clear();
1801   if (verbose>1)
1802     cout<<"merging newforms " << nf_subset << endl;
1803   int inf, jnf;
1804   unfix_eigs();
1805   sort();
1806   for(jnf=0; jnf<nf_subset.size(); jnf++)
1807    {
1808      inf = nf_subset[jnf];
1809      if(verbose) cout << "Newform #"<<(inf+1)<<":"<<endl;
1810      if(verbose) cout << "-about to extend bplus,bminus..."<<flush;
1811      bplus.init(h1->nsymb);
1812      bminus.init(h1->nsymb);
1813      int i,j;
1814      for(i=1; i<=h1->nsymb; i++)
1815        {
1816 	 j = h1plus->coordindex[i-1];
1817 	 if (j==0) bplus[i] = 0;
1818 	 else if (j>0) bplus[i] =  nflist[inf].coordsplus[j];
1819 	 else if (j<0) bplus[i] = -nflist[inf].coordsplus[-j];
1820 	 j = h1minus->coordindex[i-1];
1821 	 if (j==0) bminus[i] = 0;
1822 	 else if (j>0) bminus[i] =  nflist[inf].coordsminus[j];
1823 	 else if (j<0) bminus[i] = -nflist[inf].coordsminus[-j];
1824        }
1825      if(verbose) cout<< "done, about to contract bplus,bminus..."<<flush;
1826      bplus = h1->contract_coords(bplus);
1827      bplus /= vecgcd(bplus);
1828      bminus = h1->contract_coords(bminus);
1829      bminus /= vecgcd(bminus);
1830      if(verbose) cout<< "done."<<endl;
1831      if(verbose>1)
1832        {
1833 	 cout << " new bplus  = "<<bplus <<":"<<endl;
1834 	 cout << " new bminus = "<<bminus<<":"<<endl;
1835        }
1836      // These new dual eigenvectors are used to compute all
1837      // additional data needed for curve and modular symbol
1838      // computation (scaling and cuspidal factors and type)
1839      use(bplus, bminus, nflist[inf].aplist);
1840    }
1841   refix_eigs();
1842   sort(int(modulus<130000)); // old order for N<130000, else new order
1843 }
update(const mat & pcd,vec & imagej,long ind)1846 void update(const mat& pcd, vec& imagej, long ind)
1847 {
1848   if(ind>0) imagej.add_row(pcd,ind);
1849   else
1850     if(ind<0) imagej.sub_row(pcd,-ind);
1851 }
apvec(long p)1853 vector<long> newforms::apvec(long p) //  computes a[p] for each newform
1854 {
1855   //cout<<"In apvec with p = "<<p<<endl;
1856   vector<long> apv(n1ds);
1857   vec v;
1858   long i,j,iq,ap;
1859   if(::divides(p,modulus)) // we already have all the aq
1860     {
1861       if(::divides(p*p,modulus))
1862 	for (i=0; i<n1ds; i++) apv[i] = 0;
1863       else
1864 	{
1865 	  iq = find(plist.begin(),plist.end(),p)-plist.begin();
1866 	  for (i=0; i<n1ds; i++) apv[i] = -nflist[i].aqlist[iq];
1867 	}
1868       return apv;
1869     }
1871   // now p is a good prime
1873   long maxap=(long)(2*sqrt((double)p)); // for validity check
1875   map<long,vec> images; // [j,v] stores image of j'th M-symbol in v
1876                         // (so we don't compute any more than once)
1877   vec bas, imagej;
1878   long p2=(p-1)>>1; // (p-1)/2
1879   long sg, a, b, c, q, r;
1880   long u1,u2,u3;
1881   long ind;
1883   // Compute the image of the necessary M-symbols (hopefully only one)
1884   //cout<<"Computing images of M-symbols"<<endl<<flush;
1885   //cout<<"jlist = "<<jlist<<endl;
1887   for(std::set<long>::const_iterator jj=jlist.begin(); jj!=jlist.end(); jj++)
1888     {
1889       imagej=vec(n1ds); // initialised to 0
1890       j=*jj;
1891       symb s = h1->symbol(h1->freegens[j-1]);
1892       //cout<<"Computing image of "<<j<<"'th M-symbol "<<s<<endl;
1893       //cout<<" = "<<s<<"..."<<flush;
1894       long u=s.cee(),v=s.dee();
1895       mat& pcd = h1->projcoord;
1896       //cout<<"projcoord = "<<pcd;
1897 // Matrix [1,0;0,p]
1898       ind = h1->coordindex[h1->index2(u,p*v)];
1899       update(pcd,imagej,ind);
1900       //cout<<"(1) (u1,u2)=("<<u<<","<<p*v<<") partial image index is "<<ind<<", subtotal="<<imagej<<endl;
1901 // Matrix [p,0;0,1]
1902       ind = h1->coordindex[h1->index2(p*u,v)];
1903       update(pcd,imagej,ind);
1904       //cout<<"(2) (u1,u2)=("<<p*u<<","<<v<<") partial image index is "<<ind<<", subtotal="<<imagej<<endl;
1905 // Other matrices
1906       for(sg=0; sg<2; sg++) // signs
1907 	for(r=1; r<=p2; r++)
1908 	  {
1909 	    a = -p;
1910 	    b = sg ? -r : r ;
1911 	    u1=u*p; u2=v-u*b;
1912 	    ind = h1->coordindex[h1->index2(u1,u2)];
1913             update(pcd,imagej,ind);
1914             //cout<<"(3) (u1,u2)=("<<u1<<","<<u2<<") partial image index is "<<ind<<", subtotal="<<imagej<<endl;
1915 	    while(b!=0)
1916 	      {
1917 		c=mod(a,b); q=(a-c)/b;
1918 		if(q==1) {u3=  u2-u1;} else {u3=q*u2-u1;}
1919 		a=-b; b=c; u1=u2; u2=u3;
1920 		ind = h1->coordindex[h1->index2(u1,u2)];
1921                 update(pcd,imagej,ind);
1922                 //cout<<"(4) (u1,u2)=("<<u1<<","<<u2<<") partial image index is "<<ind<<", subtotal="<<imagej<<endl;
1923 	      }
1924 	  }
1925       images[j]=imagej;
1926       //cout<<" image is "<<imagej<<endl;
1927     }
1929   for (i=0; i<n1ds; i++)
1930     {
1931 // recover eigenvalue:
1932       //cout<<"Numerator =   "<< images[nflist[i].j0][i+1] <<endl;
1933       //cout<<"Denominator = "<< nflist[i].fac << endl;
1934       ap = images[nflist[i].j0][i+1]/nflist[i].fac;
1935       ap *= (sign==-1? nflist[i].contminus: nflist[i].contplus);
1936       ap /= h1->h1denom();
1937       apv[i]=ap;
1938       // check it is in range:
1939       if((ap>maxap)||(-ap>maxap))
1940 	{
1941 	  cout<<"Error:  eigenvalue "<<ap<<" for p="<<p
1942 	      <<" for form # "<<(i+1)<<" is outside valid range "
1943 	      <<-maxap<<"..."<<maxap<<endl;
1944           break; // no point in trying to compute any more.
1945 	}
1946     }
1947   return apv;
1948 }
addap(long last)1950 void newforms::addap(long last) // adds ap for primes up to the last'th prime
1951 {
1952   if(n1ds==0) return;
1953   long i, j, p;
1954   j=0;
1955   if(verbose>1)  // output the ap already known...
1956     for(primevar pr(nflist[0].aplist.size()); pr.ok(); pr++, j++)
1957       {
1958 	p=(long)pr;
1959 	if(ndivides(p,modulus)) cout<<"p="; else cout<<"q=";
1960 	cout<<p<<":\t";
1961 	{
1962 	  for (i=0; i<n1ds; i++) cout<<nflist[i].aplist[j]<<"\t";
1963 	  cout<<endl;
1964 	}
1965       }
1966   // Now compute and output the rest of the ap...
1967   for(primevar pr(last,1+nflist[0].aplist.size()); pr.ok(); pr++)
1968     {
1969       p=(long)pr;
1970       vector<long> apv=apvec(p);
1971       if(verbose>1)
1972 	{
1973 	  if(ndivides(p,modulus)) cout<<"p="; else cout<<"q=";
1974 	  cout<<p<<":\t";
1975 	  for (i=0; i<n1ds; i++) cout<<apv[i]<<"\t";
1976 	  cout<<endl;
1977 	}
1978       for (long i=0; i<n1ds; i++) nflist[i].aplist.push_back(apv[i]);
1979     }
1980 }
output_to_file_no_newforms(long n,int binflag,int smallflag)1982 void output_to_file_no_newforms(long n, int binflag, int smallflag)
1983 {
1984   char prefix = 'e';
1985   if(binflag)  prefix = 'x';
1986   string name = smallflag ? small_nf_filename(n,prefix)
1987                           : nf_filename(n,prefix);
1988   ofstream out(name.c_str());
1989   if(binflag)
1990     {
1991       int a=0;
1992       out.write((char*)&a,sizeof(int));
1993       out.write((char*)&a,sizeof(int));
1994       out.write((char*)&a,sizeof(int));
1995     }
1996   else
1997     {
1998       out<<"0 0 0\n";
1999     }
2000   out.close();
2002 }
2004 // for the i'th newform return the value of the modular symbol {0,r} (default) or {oo,r}
plus_modular_symbol(const rational & r,long i,int base_at_infinity) const2005 rational newforms::plus_modular_symbol(const rational& r, long i, int base_at_infinity) const
2006 {
2007   rational a(h1->nfproj_coords(num(r),den(r),nflist[i].coordsplus),
2008 		  nflist[i].cuspidalfactorplus);
2009   // {oo,r} = {0,r}+{oo,0} and loverp={oo,0} (not {0,oo}!)
2010   if (base_at_infinity) a+=nflist[i].loverp;
2011   a *= nflist[i].optimalityfactorplus;
2012   return a;
2013 }
minus_modular_symbol(const rational & r,long i,int base_at_infinity) const2015 rational newforms::minus_modular_symbol(const rational& r, long i, int base_at_infinity) const
2016 {
2017   // Ignore the value of base_at_infinity as it does not affect the minus symbol
2018   rational a(h1->nfproj_coords(num(r),den(r),nflist[i].coordsminus),
2019 		  nflist[i].cuspidalfactorminus);
2020   a *= nflist[i].optimalityfactorminus;
2021   return a;
2022 }
full_modular_symbol(const rational & r,long i,int base_at_infinity) const2024 pair<rational,rational> newforms::full_modular_symbol(const rational& r, long i, int base_at_infinity) const
2025 {
2026   mat m(h1->coord_vecs.size()-1,2);
2027   m.setcol(1,nflist[i].coordsplus);
2028   m.setcol(2,nflist[i].coordsminus);
2029   vec a = h1->proj_coords(num(r),den(r),m);
2030   rational a1(a[1],nflist[i].cuspidalfactorplus);
2031   // {oo,r} = {0,r}+{oo,0} and loverp={oo,0} (not {0,oo}!)
2032   if (base_at_infinity) a1 += nflist[i].loverp;
2033   a1 *= nflist[i].optimalityfactorplus;
2034   rational a2(a[2],nflist[i].cuspidalfactorminus);
2035   a2 *= nflist[i].optimalityfactorminus;
2036   return pair<rational,rational> ( a1, a2 );
2037 }
2039   // Attempt to compute and display the elliptic curve for each
2040   // newform; return a list of newform indices where this failed.
showcurves(vector<int> forms,int verbose,string filename)2041 vector<int> newforms::showcurves(vector<int> forms, int verbose, string filename)
2042 {
2043   if((verbose>1)&&(sqfac>1)) cout<<"c4 factor " << sqfac << endl;
2045   ofstream curve_out;
2046   int output_curves = (filename!="no");
2047   if (output_curves) curve_out.open(filename.c_str());
2048   bigfloat rperiod;
2049   bigint a1,a2,a3,a4,a6, N;
2050   vector<int> badcurves; // will hold the indices of forms for which we fail to find a curve
2051   vector<int>::const_iterator inf; // will iterate through the forms to be used
2053   for(inf=forms.begin(); inf!=forms.end(); inf++)
2054    {
2055      if(verbose)
2056        cout<<"\n"<<"Form number "<<*inf+1<<"\n";
2057      else cout<<(*inf+1)<<" ";
2059      if (output_curves)
2060        curve_out << modulus << " "<< codeletter(*inf) << " 1 ";
2062      Curve C = getcurve(*inf,-1,rperiod,verbose);
2063      Curvedata CD(C,1);  // The 1 causes minimalization
2064      if(verbose) cout << "\nCurve = \t";
2065      cout << (Curve)CD << "\t";
2066      CurveRed CR(CD);
2067      N = getconductor(CR);
2068      cout << "N = " << N << endl;
2069      if(verbose) cout<<endl;
2071      if(N!=modulus)
2072        {
2073 	 cout<<"No curve found"<<endl;
2074 	 badcurves.push_back(*inf);
2075          if (output_curves)
2076            curve_out<<endl;
2077        }
2078      else
2079        if (output_curves)
2080          {
2081            C.getai(a1,a2,a3,a4,a6);
2082            curve_out<<"["<<a1<<","<<a2<<","<<a3<<","<<a4<<","<<a6<<"]";
2083            int nt = CD.get_ntorsion();
2084            int r = nflist[*inf].rank(); // analytic rank
2085            curve_out<<" "<<r<<" "<<nt<<" 0"<<endl;
2086          }
2087    }
2088   if (output_curves)
2089     curve_out.close();
2091   return badcurves;
2092 }