1 package org.jmol.popup;
3 import java.util.Hashtable;
4 import java.util.Map;
5 import java.util.StringTokenizer;
7 import org.jmol.api.GenericMenuInterface;
8 import org.jmol.api.SC;
9 import org.jmol.util.Logger;
11 import javajs.util.Lst;
12 import javajs.util.PT;
13 import javajs.util.SB;
15 /**
16  *
17  * The overall parent of all popup classes in Jmol and JSmol.
18  * Contains methods and fields common to the "SwingComponent" SC class,
19  * which allows for both JavaScript (org.jmol.awtjs.swing) and Java (java.awt) components.
20  *
21  * This solution predates Jmol-SwingJS by about six years (2012 vs. 2018)
22  *
23  * <pre>
24  * abstract GenericPopop
25  * -- abstract JmolGenericPopup
26  *   -- abstract JmolPopup
27  *      -- AwtJmolPopup
28  *      -- JSJmolPopup
29  *   -- abstract ModelKitPopup
30  *      -- AwtModelKitPopup
31  *      -- JSModelKitPopup
32  * -- abstract JSVGenericPopup
33  *   -- AwtPopup
34  *   -- JsPopup
35  * </pre>
36  *
37  * @author Bob Hanson
38  *
39  */
40 public abstract class GenericPopup implements GenericMenuInterface {
getImageIcon(String fileName)42   abstract protected Object getImageIcon(String fileName);
menuShowPopup(SC popup, int x, int y)44   abstract protected void menuShowPopup(SC popup, int x, int y);
getUnknownCheckBoxScriptToRun(SC item, String name, String what, boolean TF)46   abstract protected String getUnknownCheckBoxScriptToRun(SC item, String name,
47                                                   String what, boolean TF);
49   /**
50    * Opportunity to do something special with an item.
51    *
52    * @param item
53    * @param newMenu
54    */
appCheckItem(String item, SC newMenu)55   protected void appCheckItem(String item, SC newMenu) {
56   }
59   /**
60    * Opportunity to do something special with a given submenu is created
61    * @param item
62    * @param subMenu
63    * @param word
64    */
appCheckSpecialMenu(String item, SC subMenu, String word)65   public void appCheckSpecialMenu(String item, SC subMenu, String word) {
66     // when adding a menu item
67   }
appFixLabel(String label)69   abstract protected String appFixLabel(String label);
getScriptForCallback(SC source, String name, String script)71   abstract protected String getScriptForCallback(SC source, String name, String script);
appGetBooleanProperty(String name)73   abstract protected boolean appGetBooleanProperty(String name);
appRunSpecialCheckBox(SC item, String basename, String what, boolean TF)75   abstract protected boolean appRunSpecialCheckBox(SC item, String basename,
76                                                   String what, boolean TF);
appRestorePopupMenu()78   abstract protected void appRestorePopupMenu();
appRunScript(String script)80   abstract protected void appRunScript(String script);
appUpdateSpecialCheckBoxValue(SC source, String actionCommand, boolean selected)82   abstract protected void appUpdateSpecialCheckBoxValue(SC source,
83                                                         String actionCommand,
84                                                         boolean selected);
appUpdateForShow()86   abstract protected void appUpdateForShow();
88   protected PopupHelper helper;
90   protected String strMenuStructure;
92   protected boolean allowSignedFeatures;
93   protected boolean isJS, isApplet, isSigned, isWebGL;
94   public int thisx, thisy;
96   protected boolean isTainted = true;
98   protected String menuName;
99   protected SC popupMenu;
100   protected SC thisPopup;
101   protected Map<String, SC> htCheckbox = new Hashtable<String, SC>();
102   protected Object buttonGroup;
103   protected String currentMenuItemId;
104   protected Map<String, SC> htMenus = new Hashtable<String, SC>();
105   private Lst<SC> SignedOnly = new Lst<SC>();
107   protected boolean updatingForShow;
initSwing(String title, PopupResource bundle, Object applet, boolean isJS, boolean isSigned, boolean isWebGL)109   protected void initSwing(String title, PopupResource bundle, Object applet,
110                            boolean isJS, boolean isSigned, boolean isWebGL) {
111     this.isJS = isJS;
112     this.isApplet = (applet != null);
113     this.isSigned = isSigned;
114     this.isWebGL = isWebGL;
115     this.allowSignedFeatures = (!isApplet || isSigned);
116     menuName = title;
117     popupMenu = helper.menuCreatePopup(title, applet);
118     thisPopup = popupMenu;
119     htMenus.put(title, popupMenu);
120     addMenuItems("", title, popupMenu, bundle);
121 //    try {
122 //      jpiUpdateComputedMenus();
123 //    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
124 //      // ignore -- the frame just wasn't ready yet;
125 //      // updateComputedMenus() will be called again when the frame is ready;
126 //    }
127     }
addMenuItems(String parentId, String key, SC menu, PopupResource popupResourceBundle)129   public void addMenuItems(String parentId, String key, SC menu,
130                               PopupResource popupResourceBundle) {
131     String id = parentId + "." + key;
132     String value = popupResourceBundle.getStructure(key);
133     if (Logger.debugging)
134       Logger.debug(id + " --- " + value);
135     if (value == null) {
136       menuCreateItem(menu, "#" + key, "", "");
137       return;
138     }
139     // process predefined @terms
140     StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value);
141     String item;
142     while (value.indexOf("@") >= 0) {
143       String s = "";
144       while (st.hasMoreTokens())
145         s += " " + ((item = st.nextToken()).startsWith("@")
146             ? popupResourceBundle.getStructure(item)
147             : item);
148       value = s.substring(1);
149       st = new StringTokenizer(value);
150     }
151     while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
152       item = st.nextToken();
153       if (!checkKey(item))
154         continue;
155       if ("-".equals(item)) {
156         menuAddSeparator(menu);
157         helper.menuAddButtonGroup(null);
158         continue;
159       }
160       String label = popupResourceBundle.getWord(item);
161       SC newItem = null;
162       String script = "";
163       boolean isCB = false;
164       label = appFixLabel(label == null ? item : label);
165       if (label.equals("null")) {
166         // user has taken this menu item out
167         continue;
168       }
169       if (item.indexOf("Menu") >= 0) {
170         if (item.indexOf("more") < 0)
171           helper.menuAddButtonGroup(null);
172         SC subMenu = menuNewSubMenu(label, id + "." + item);
173         menuAddSubMenu(menu, subMenu);
174         addMenu(id, item, subMenu, label, popupResourceBundle);
175         newItem = subMenu;
176       } else if (item.endsWith("Checkbox")
177           || (isCB = (item.endsWith("CB") || item.endsWith("RD")))) {
178         // could be "PRD" -- set picking radio
179         script = popupResourceBundle.getStructure(item);
180         String basename = item.substring(0, item.length() - (!isCB ? 8 : 2));
181         boolean isRadio = (isCB && item.endsWith("RD"));
182         if (script == null || script.length() == 0 && !isRadio)
183           script = "set " + basename + " T/F";
184         newItem = menuCreateCheckboxItem(menu, label, basename + ":" + script,
185             id + "." + item, false, isRadio);
186         rememberCheckbox(basename, newItem);
187         if (isRadio)
188           helper.menuAddButtonGroup(newItem);
189       } else {
190         script = popupResourceBundle.getStructure(item);
191         if (script == null)
192           script = item;
193         newItem = menuCreateItem(menu, label, script, id + "." + item);
194       }
195       // menus or menu items:
196       htMenus.put(item, newItem);
197       // signed items are listed, but not enabled
198       if (item.startsWith("SIGNED")) {
199         SignedOnly.addLast(newItem);
200         if (!allowSignedFeatures)
201           menuEnable(newItem, false);
202       }
203       appCheckItem(item, newItem);
204     }
205   }
addMenu(String id, String item, SC subMenu, String label, PopupResource popupResourceBundle)207   protected void addMenu(String id, String item, SC subMenu, String label,
208                          PopupResource popupResourceBundle) {
209       if (item.indexOf("Computed") < 0)
210         addMenuItems(id, item, subMenu, popupResourceBundle);
211       appCheckSpecialMenu(item, subMenu, label);
212     }
updateSignedAppletItems()214   protected void updateSignedAppletItems() {
215     for (int i = SignedOnly.size(); --i >= 0;)
216       menuEnable(SignedOnly.get(i), allowSignedFeatures);
217   }
219   /**
220    * @param key
221    * @return true unless a JAVA-only key in JavaScript
222    */
checkKey(String key)223   private boolean checkKey(String key) {
224     return (key.indexOf(isApplet ? "JAVA" : "APPLET") < 0
225         && (!isWebGL || key.indexOf("NOGL") < 0));
226   }
rememberCheckbox(String key, SC checkboxMenuItem)228   private void rememberCheckbox(String key, SC checkboxMenuItem) {
229     htCheckbox.put(key + "::" + htCheckbox.size(), checkboxMenuItem);
230   }
updateButton(SC b, String entry, String script)232   protected void updateButton(SC b, String entry, String script) {
233     String[] ret = new String[] { entry };
234     Object icon = getEntryIcon(ret);
235     entry = ret[0];
236     b.init(entry, icon, script, thisPopup);
237     isTainted = true;
238   }
getEntryIcon(String[] ret)240   protected Object getEntryIcon(String[] ret) {
241     String entry = ret[0];
242     if (!entry.startsWith("<"))
243       return null;
244     int pt = entry.indexOf(">");
245     ret[0] = entry.substring(pt + 1);
246     String fileName = entry.substring(1, pt);
247     return getImageIcon(fileName);
248   }
addMenuItem(SC menuItem, String entry)250   protected SC addMenuItem(SC menuItem, String entry) {
251     return menuCreateItem(menuItem, entry, "", null);
252   }
menuSetLabel(SC m, String entry)254   protected void menuSetLabel(SC m, String entry) {
255     if (m == null)
256       return;
257     m.setText(entry);
258     isTainted = true;
259   }
261   /////// run time event-driven methods
menuFocusCallback(String name, String actionCommand, boolean gained)263   abstract public void menuFocusCallback(String name, String actionCommand, boolean gained);
menuClickCallback(SC source, String script)265   public void menuClickCallback(SC source, String script) {
266     doMenuClickCallback(source, script);
267   }
doMenuClickCallback(SC source, String script)269   protected void doMenuClickCallback(SC source, String script) {
270     appRestorePopupMenu();
271     if (script == null || script.length() == 0)
272       return;
273     if (script.equals("MAIN")) {
274       show(thisx, thisy, true);
275       return;
276     }
277     String id = menuGetId(source);
278     if (id != null) {
279       script = getScriptForCallback(source, id, script);
280       currentMenuItemId = id;
281     }
282     if (script != null)
283       appRunScript(script);
284   }
menuCheckBoxCallback(SC source)286   public void menuCheckBoxCallback(SC source) {
287     doMenuCheckBoxCallback(source);
288   }
doMenuCheckBoxCallback(SC source)290   protected void doMenuCheckBoxCallback(SC source) {
291     appRestorePopupMenu();
292     boolean isSelected = source.isSelected();
293     String what = source.getActionCommand();
294     runCheckBoxScript(source, what, isSelected);
295     appUpdateSpecialCheckBoxValue(source, what, isSelected);
296     isTainted = true;
297     String id = menuGetId(source);
298     if (id != null) {
299       currentMenuItemId = id;
300     }
301   }
runCheckBoxScript(SC item, String what, boolean TF)303   private void runCheckBoxScript(SC item, String what, boolean TF) {
304     if (!item.isEnabled())
305       return;
306     if (what.indexOf("##") < 0) {
307       int pt = what.indexOf(":");
308       if (pt < 0) {
309         Logger.error("check box " + item + " IS " + what);
310         return;
311       }
312       // name:trueAction|falseAction
313       String basename = what.substring(0, pt);
314       if (appRunSpecialCheckBox(item, basename, what, TF))
315         return;
316       what = what.substring(pt + 1);
317       if ((pt = what.indexOf("|")) >= 0)
318         what = (TF ? what.substring(0, pt) : what.substring(pt + 1)).trim();
319       what = PT.rep(what, "T/F", (TF ? " TRUE" : " FALSE"));
320     }
321     appRunScript(what);
322   }
menuCreateItem(SC menu, String entry, String script, String id)324   protected SC menuCreateItem(SC menu, String entry, String script, String id) {
325     SC item = helper.getMenuItem(entry);
326     item.addActionListener(helper);
327     return newMenuItem(item, menu, entry, script, id);
328   }
menuCreateCheckboxItem(SC menu, String entry, String basename, String id, boolean state, boolean isRadio)330   protected SC menuCreateCheckboxItem(SC menu, String entry, String basename,
331                                       String id, boolean state,
332                                       boolean isRadio) {
333     SC jmi = (isRadio ? helper.getRadio(entry) : helper.getCheckBox(entry));
334     jmi.setSelected(state);
335     jmi.addItemListener(helper);
336     return newMenuItem(jmi, menu, entry, basename, id);
337   }
menuAddSeparator(SC menu)339   protected void menuAddSeparator(SC menu) {
340     menu.add(helper.getMenuItem(null));
341     isTainted = true;
342   }
menuNewSubMenu(String entry, String id)344   protected SC menuNewSubMenu(String entry, String id) {
345     SC jm = helper.getMenu(entry);
346     jm.addMouseListener(helper);
347     updateButton(jm, entry, null);
348     jm.setName(id);
349     jm.setAutoscrolls(true);
350     return jm;
351   }
menuRemoveAll(SC menu, int indexFrom)353   protected void menuRemoveAll(SC menu, int indexFrom) {
354     if (indexFrom <= 0)
355       menu.removeAll();
356     else
357       for (int i = menu.getComponentCount(); --i >= indexFrom;)
358         menu.remove(i);
359     isTainted = true;
360   }
newMenuItem(SC item, SC menu, String text, String script, String id)362   private SC newMenuItem(SC item, SC menu, String text, String script,
363                          String id) {
364     updateButton(item, text, script);
365     item.addMouseListener(helper);
366     item.setName(id == null ? menu.getName() + "." : id);
367     menuAddItem(menu, item);
368     return item;
369   }
setText(String item, String text)371   protected SC setText(String item, String text) {
372     SC m = htMenus.get(item);
373     if (m != null)
374       m.setText(text);
375     return m;
376   }
menuAddItem(SC menu, SC item)378   private void menuAddItem(SC menu, SC item) {
379     menu.add(item);
380     isTainted = true;
381   }
menuAddSubMenu(SC menu, SC subMenu)383   protected void menuAddSubMenu(SC menu, SC subMenu) {
384     subMenu.addMouseListener(helper);
385     menuAddItem(menu, subMenu);
386   }
menuEnable(SC component, boolean enable)388   protected void menuEnable(SC component, boolean enable) {
389     if (component == null || component.isEnabled() == enable)
390       return;
391     component.setEnabled(enable);
392   }
menuGetId(SC menu)394   protected String menuGetId(SC menu) {
395     return menu.getName();
396   }
menuSetAutoscrolls(SC menu)398   protected void menuSetAutoscrolls(SC menu) {
399     menu.setAutoscrolls(true);
400     isTainted = true;
401   }
menuGetListPosition(SC item)403   protected int menuGetListPosition(SC item) {
404     SC p = (SC) item.getParent();
405     int i;
406     for (i = p.getComponentCount(); --i >= 0;)
407       if (helper.getSwingComponent(p.getComponent(i)) == item)
408         break;
409     return i;
410   }
412   /**
413    * @param x
414    * @param y
415    * @param doPopup
416    */
show(int x, int y, boolean doPopup)417   protected void show(int x, int y, boolean doPopup) {
418     appUpdateForShow();
419     updateCheckBoxesForShow();
420     if (doPopup)
421       menuShowPopup(popupMenu, thisx, thisy);
422   }
updateCheckBoxesForShow()424   private void updateCheckBoxesForShow() {
425     for (Map.Entry<String, SC> entry : htCheckbox.entrySet()) {
426       String key = entry.getKey();
427       SC item = entry.getValue();
428       String basename = key.substring(0, key.indexOf(":"));
429       boolean b = appGetBooleanProperty(basename);
430       updatingForShow = true;
431       if (item.isSelected() != b) {
432         item.setSelected(b);
433         isTainted = true;
434       }
435       updatingForShow = false;
436     }
437   }
439   @Override
jpiGetMenuAsString(String title)440   public String jpiGetMenuAsString(String title) {
441     appUpdateForShow();
442     int pt = title.indexOf("|");
443     if (pt >= 0) {
444       String type = title.substring(pt);
445       title = title.substring(0, pt);
446       if (type.indexOf("current") >= 0) {
447         SB sb = new SB();
448         SC menu = htMenus.get(menuName);
449         menuGetAsText(sb, 0, menu, "PopupMenu");
450         return sb.toString();
451       }
452     }
453     return appGetMenuAsString(title);
454   }
456   /**
457    * @param title
458    * @return null
459    */
appGetMenuAsString(String title)460   protected String appGetMenuAsString(String title) {
461     // main Jmol menu and JSpecView menu only
462     return null;
463   }
menuGetAsText(SB sb, int level, SC menu, String menuName)465   private void menuGetAsText(SB sb, int level, SC menu, String menuName) {
466     String name = menuName;
467     Object[] subMenus = menu.getComponents();
468     String flags = null;
469     String script = null;
470     String text = null;
471     char key = 'S';
472     for (int i = 0; i < subMenus.length; i++) {
473       SC source = helper.getSwingComponent(subMenus[i]);
474       int type = helper.getItemType(source);
475       switch (type) {
476       case 4:
477         key = 'M';
478         name = source.getName();
479         flags = "enabled:" + source.isEnabled();
480         text = source.getText();
481         script = null;
482         break;
483       case 0:
484         key = 'S';
485         flags = script = text = null;
486         break;
487       default:
488         key = 'I';
489         flags = "enabled:" + source.isEnabled();
490         if (type == 2 || type == 3)
491           flags += ";checked:" + source.isSelected();
492         script = getScriptForCallback(source, source.getName(), source.getActionCommand());
493         name = source.getName();
494         text = source.getText();
495         break;
496       }
497       addItemText(sb, key, level, name, text, script, flags);
498       if (type == 2)
499         menuGetAsText(sb, level + 1, helper.getSwingComponent(source.getPopupMenu()),
500             name);
501     }
502   }
addItemText(SB sb, char type, int level, String name, String label, String script, String flags)504   private static void addItemText(SB sb, char type, int level, String name,
505                                   String label, String script, String flags) {
506     sb.appendC(type).appendI(level).appendC('\t').append(name);
507     if (label == null) {
508       sb.append(".\n");
509       return;
510     }
511     sb.append("\t").append(label).append("\t")
512         .append(script == null || script.length() == 0 ? "-" : script)
513         .append("\t").append(flags).append("\n");
514   }
convertToMegabytes(long num)516   static protected int convertToMegabytes(long num) {
517     if (num <= Long.MAX_VALUE - 512 * 1024)
518       num += 512 * 1024;
519     return (int) (num / (1024 * 1024));
520   }
522 }