3! Modules:
5! 1. message_m      Originally By DAS
7!    die routine "gracefully" kills the computation.
8!    alloc_check writes warnings and errors for memory allocation problems.
9!    write_memory_usage provides a memory report at the end of a run.
10!    open_file opens a file unit, and writes an error if it does not work.
14#include "f_defs.h"
16module message_m
18  use nrtype_m
19  use peinfo_m
21  implicit none
23  private
25  public ::              &
26    die,                 &
27    alloc_check,         &
28    write_memory_usage,  &
29    open_file,           &
30    close_file,          &
31    TRUNC,               &
32    operator(+)
34  !> these names are as short as practical to avoid lines being too long
35  integer, public :: alc  !< allocation status for safe(de)allocate
36  INTSIZEOF, public :: sz !< size returned from sizeof for safe(de)allocate
37  !> set to .true. to print array size in bytes, .false. in KB/MB/GB
38  logical, parameter :: reportsizeexact = .false.
40  interface operator (+)
41    module procedure cat
42  end interface operator (+)
46  !> remove trailing and leading whitespace from a string
47  function TRUNC(s)
48    character(len=*), intent(in) :: s
49    character(len=len_trim(adjustl(s))) :: TRUNC
51    TRUNC = trim(adjustl(s))
52  end function TRUNC
54  !-----------------------------------------------------------
56  !> concatenate two strings
57  function cat(str1, str2)
58    character(len=*), intent(in) :: str1
59    character(len=*), intent(in) :: str2
61    character(len=len(str1) + len(str2)) :: cat
62    cat = str1//str2
64  end function cat
66  !-----------------------------------------------------------
68  subroutine die(str, only_root_writes)
69    character (len=*), intent(in) :: str
70    logical, optional, intent(in) :: only_root_writes
72    logical :: should_write, should_write_prefix, is_open
74    should_write = .true.
75    should_write_prefix = peinf%npes > 1
76    if(present(only_root_writes)) then
77      if(only_root_writes) then
78        should_write = peinf%inode == 0
79        should_write_prefix = .false.
80      endif
81    endif
83    ! There is no good reason why unit 6 would not be open, but ifort 11 -O3 will crash on FLUSH(6)
84    ! with the message "forrtl: severe (707): FLUSH: Unit 6 is not connected", but inclusion of just
85    ! the inquire line is sufficient to avoid the incorrect optimization of this routine. And if we
86    ! are going to inquire, we may as well use the result to decide whether to flush.
87    inquire(unit = 6, opened = is_open)
88    if(is_open) then
89      FLUSH(6)
90    endif
91    ! FHJ: FLUSH is not really reliable because the OS might cache the stdout.
92    ! Sleeping for 1s is the best solution I found to make the output clean,
93    ! otherwise the error message would show up before regular output.
94    MYSLEEP(1)
95    ! FHJ: if we are not writing, wait 60s for the root node to get here and
96    ! write the error message. If the root doesn`t get here, we all print the
97    ! error messsage anyways and die.
98    if (.not.should_write) then
99      MYSLEEP(60)
100    endif
101    write(0,*)
102    if(should_write_prefix) write(0, '(a, i6, a)', advance='no') "From proc ", peinf%inode, ": "
103    write(0, '(2a)') "ERROR: ", TRUNC(str)
104    write(0,*)
105    FLUSH(0)
107    ! skip MPI calls if we are running in serial, this is needed
108    ! for calling check_FFT_size from MeanField/EPM/epm2bgw and MeanField/Utilities/wfnreduce
109    if (peinf%npes .gt. 1) then
110#ifdef MPI
111      ! we return error code -1
112      call MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1, mpierr)
113      call MPI_Finalize(mpierr)
115    endif
116    ! return an error code so the system knows this run has failed
117    ! unfortunately, not all compilers will actually give this error code back to the OS
118    stop 999
120    return
121  end subroutine die
124  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
125  subroutine alloc_check(status, size, name, file, line, flag)
126    integer, intent(in) :: status
127    !> on some platforms there is a different return value for sizeof if build is 64-bit
128    INTSIZEOF, intent(in) :: size
129    character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
130    character(len=*), intent(in) :: file
131    integer, intent(in) :: line
132    logical, intent(in) :: flag
134    real(DP) :: sizekb,sizemb,sizegb
135    character(len=16) :: prefix
136    character(len=32) :: sizestr
138    sizekb = dble(size) / dble(1024)
139    sizemb = sizekb / dble(1024)
140    sizegb = sizemb / dble(1024)
141    if (sizekb.le.1.0d1.or.reportsizeexact) then
142      write(sizestr,'(i20,1x,"bytes")')size
143    elseif (sizemb.le.1.0d1) then
144      write(sizestr,'(f20.3,1x,"KB")')sizekb
145    elseif (sizegb.le.1.0d1) then
146      write(sizestr,'(f20.3,1x,"MB")')sizemb
147    else
148      write(sizestr,'(f20.3,1x,"GB")')sizegb
149    endif
151    if (flag) then
152      prefix = "Allocation"
153      peinf%mymem = peinf%mymem + size
154      peinf%mymaxmem = max(peinf%mymaxmem, peinf%mymem)
155    else
156      prefix = "Deallocation"
157      peinf%mymem = peinf%mymem - size
158    endif
160    if (peinf%verb_debug .and. sizemb>100 .and. peinf%inode==0) then
161      write(0,347) trim(prefix), trim(name), TRUNC(sizestr), &
162        trim(file), line
163    endif
165    if(size .lt. 0 .and. peinf%inode .eq. 0) then
166      write(0,345) trim(prefix), trim(name), TRUNC(sizestr), &
167        trim(file), line
168    endif
170    if(status .eq. 0) return
172    write(0,346) trim(prefix), trim(name), peinf%inode, &
173      trim(file), line
174    write(0,348) status, TRUNC(sizestr)
175    FLUSH(0)
177    call die('Allocation failure.')
179345 format(1x,"WARNING:",1x,a,1x,"of array",1x,a,1x, &
180      "of size",1x,a,/,3x,"in file",1x,a,1x,"at line",i5, &
181      1x,"may fail.",/)
182346 format(1x,"ERROR:",1x,a,1x,"of array",1x,a,1x, &
183      "on processor",i5,/,3x,"in file",1x,a,1x, &
184      "at line",i5,1x,"failed.")
185347 format(1x,"NOTICE:",1x,a,1x,"of array",1x,a,1x, &
186      "of size",1x,a,/,3x,"in file",1x,a,1x,"at line",i5, &
187      1x,"occurring.",/)
188348 format(3x,"Allocation status =",i4,",",1x,"Array size =",1x,a)
190  end subroutine alloc_check
193  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
194  subroutine write_memory_usage()
196    ! the memory is not tracked if not in debug mode, so everything would just be zero
197#ifdef DEBUG
199    integer :: iunit = 6
200#ifdef MPI
201    real(DP) :: mymemarray(2), maxmemarray(2), mymemresult(2), maxresult(2), minresult(2)
204    if(peinf%inode == 0) write(iunit,'(/a)') '==== Memory Usage ===='
206#ifdef MPI
207    mymemarray(1) = peinf%mymem
208    mymemarray(2) = peinf%inode
209    call MPI_Reduce(mymemarray, mymemresult, 1, MPI_2DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_MAXLOC, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpierr)
211    maxmemarray(1) = peinf%mymaxmem
212    maxmemarray(2) = peinf%inode
213    call MPI_Reduce(maxmemarray, maxresult, 1, MPI_2DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_MAXLOC,  0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpierr)
214    call MPI_Reduce(maxmemarray, minresult, 1, MPI_2DOUBLE_PRECISION, MPI_MINLOC,  0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpierr)
216    if(peinf%inode == 0) then
217      write(iunit,'(a,f14.4,a,i6)') 'Maximum memory currently allocated (MB): ', &
218        mymemresult(1) / (1024d0)**2, ' on processor ', nint(mymemresult(2))
219      write(iunit,'(a,f14.4,a,i6)') 'Maximum memory high-water-mark     (MB): ', &
220        maxresult(1)   / (1024d0)**2, ' on processor ', nint(maxresult(2))
221      write(iunit,'(a,f14.4,a,i6)') 'Minimum memory high-water-mark     (MB): ', &
222        minresult(1)   / (1024d0)**2, ' on processor ', nint(minresult(2))
223    endif
225    write(iunit,'(a,f14.4)') 'Currently allocated    (MB): ', peinf%mymem    / (1024d0)**2
226    write(iunit,'(a,f14.4)') 'Memory high-water-mark (MB): ', peinf%mymaxmem / (1024d0)**2
231    return
232  end subroutine write_memory_usage
234  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
235  !> This is a wrapper to the Fortran 'open' statement, to provide clear error-handling.
236  !> arguments 'status', 'form', 'position' have the same meaning as for 'open'.
237  !> 'iostat', if provided, will make 'iostat' be passed to 'open', and return its value, rather
238  !> than writing a message, if there is an error (e.g. status='old' but file does not exist, or
239  !> status='new' but file does exist).
240  subroutine open_file(unit, file, status, form, position, iostat)
241    integer,          intent(in) :: unit
242    character(len=*), intent(in) :: file
243    character(len=*), intent(in) :: status
244    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: form
245    character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: position
246    integer, optional, intent(out) :: iostat
248    integer :: ierr, unit_other
249    character*80 :: form_, position_, name, unit_str, unit_other_str
250    character*200 :: string
251    logical :: is_open, does_exist
253    if(unit == 0) call die("You may not open unit 0, it is reserved for standard error.")
254    if(unit == 5) call die("You may not open unit 5, it is reserved for standard input.")
255    if(unit == 6) call die("You may not open unit 6, it is reserved for standard output.")
256    ! Cray Fortran has its own reserved units: http://docs.cray.com/books/S-3695-35/html-S-3695-35/pdollsmg.html
257    if(unit == 100) call die("You may not open unit 100, it is reserved for standard input (crayftn).")
258    if(unit == 101) call die("You may not open unit 101, it is reserved for standard output (crayftn).")
259    if(unit == 102) call die("You may not open unit 102, it is reserved for standard error (crayftn).")
261    ! these issues would be caught below too, but we can give more helpful messages than just an error code
262    inquire(unit = unit, opened = is_open, name = name)
263    if(is_open) then
264      write(string,'(3a,i6,3a)') "Cannot open file '", TRUNC(file), "' on unit ", unit, &
265        ": unit already open for file '", TRUNC(name), "'."
266      call die(string)
267    endif
269    if((trim(status) == 'old' .or. trim(status) == 'OLD') .and. .not. present(iostat)) then
270      inquire(file = TRUNC(file), exist = does_exist, opened = is_open, number = unit_other)
271      if(.not. does_exist) call die("Cannot open file '" // TRUNC(file) // "' for reading: does not exist.")
272      if(is_open) then
273        write(unit_str,*)       unit
274        write(unit_other_str,*) unit_other
275        call die("Cannot open file '" // TRUNC(file) // "' for reading on unit " // TRUNC(unit_str) &
276          // ": already opened on unit " // TRUNC(unit_other_str) // ".")
277      endif
279! From the Fortran 95 standard, Section 9.3.4:
281!    If a file is already connected to a unit, execution of an OPEN
282!    statement on that file and a different unit is not permitted.
284! From the Fortran 77 Standard, Section 12.3.2:
286!    A unit must not be connected to more than one file at the same time,
287!    and a file must not be connected to more than one unit at the same time.
289    endif
291    if((trim(status) == 'new' .or. trim(status) == 'NEW') .and. .not. present(iostat)) then
292      inquire(file = TRUNC(file), exist = does_exist)
293      if(does_exist) call die("Cannot open file '" // TRUNC(file) // "' for writing as 'new': already exists.")
294    endif
296    form_   = 'formatted'
297    if(present(form    )) form_     = form
298    position_ = 'asis'
299    if(present(position)) position_ = position
301    ! passing the optionals to 'open' if not given to this routine does not work!
302    open(unit=unit, file = TRUNC(file), form=trim(form_), position=trim(position_), status=trim(status), iostat=ierr)
303    if(present(iostat)) then
304      iostat = ierr
305    else if(ierr /= 0) then
306      write(string,'(5a,i4)') "Failed to open file '", TRUNC(file), "' as status ", trim(status), " with error ", ierr
307      call die(string)
308    endif
310    return
311  end subroutine open_file
313  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
314  subroutine close_file(unit, delete)
315    integer,           intent(in) :: unit
316    logical, optional, intent(in) :: delete
318    character*80 :: string, status
319    logical :: is_open
320    integer :: ierr
322    if(unit == 0) call die("You may not close unit 0, it is reserved for standard error.")
323    if(unit == 5) call die("You may not close unit 5, it is reserved for standard input.")
324    if(unit == 6) call die("You may not close unit 6, it is reserved for standard output.")
325    ! Cray Fortran has its own reserved units: http://docs.cray.com/books/S-3695-35/html-S-3695-35/pdollsmg.html
326    if(unit == 100) call die("You may not close unit 100, it is reserved for standard input (crayftn).")
327    if(unit == 101) call die("You may not close unit 101, it is reserved for standard output (crayftn).")
328    if(unit == 102) call die("You may not close unit 102, it is reserved for standard error (crayftn).")
330    ! these issues would be caught below too, but we can give more helpful messages than just an error code
331    inquire(unit = unit, opened = is_open, iostat = ierr)
332    if(ierr /= 0) then
333      write(string,'(a,i6,a,i4)') "inquire in close_file failed for unit ", unit, " with error ", ierr
334      call die(string)
335    endif
336    if(.not. is_open) then
337      write(string,'(a,i6,a)') "Cannot close unit ", unit, ": not open."
338      call die(string)
339    endif
341    status = 'keep'
342    if(present(delete)) then
343      if(delete) status = 'delete'
344    endif
346    close(unit=unit, status=trim(status), iostat=ierr)
347    if(ierr /= 0) then
348      write(string,'(a,i6,a,i4)') "Failed to close unit ", unit, " with error ", ierr
349      call die(string)
350    endif
352    return
353  end subroutine close_file
355end module message_m