1 /* This is xmi.h, the public header file for the machine-independent libxmi
2    rasterization library, which is based on source files in the X Window
3    System distribution.  Written by Robert S. Maier.
5    The eight painting functions in libxmi's core API, namely
7      the 5 drawing functions:
8        miDrawPoints, miDrawLines, miDrawRectangles, miDrawArcs, miDrawArcs_r
10      the 3 filling functions:
11        miFillPolygon, miFillRectangles, miFillArcs
13    are declared below.  The first argument of each of these is a pointer to
14    a miPaintedSet.  Conceptually, a miPaintedSet is a set of points with
15    integer coordinates, each of which is painted some color (a miPixel).
16    The coordinates of the points are unconstrained, i.e., the core painting
17    functions perform no clipping.
19    Each of the core painting functions takes as second argument a pointer
20    to a graphics context: a miGC.  A miGC is an opaque type that contains
21    high-level drawing parameters that determine which points will be added
22    to the miPaintedSet.  (For example, the line width, line style, and dash
23    pattern, all of which are relevant to the drawing functions, though not
24    to the filling functions.)  It also specifies the colors (miPixels) that
25    will be used when painting the points.  The core painting functions use
26    the Painter's Algorithm, so that if a point in an miPaintedSet is
27    painted a second time, the new color will replace the old.
29    (By default, the painting performed by the core painting functions,
30    i.e. by both the drawing functions and the filling functions, is
31    `solid', i.e., non-interpolated.  In `solid' painting, the color used is
32    taken from the pixel array in the miGC.  Any miGC contains an array of
33    pixel colors, of length n>=2.  Color #1 is the default color for
34    painting, and colors 0,2,3,..,n-1 are used only by the drawing
35    functions, when drawing in a dashed mode.  In normal (on/off) dashing,
36    the colors of the `on' dashes will cycle through 1,2,..,n-1.  In
37    so-called double dashing, the `off' dashes will be drawn too, in color #0.)
39    After a miPaintedSet is built up by invoking one or more core painting
40    functions, the next stage of the graphics pipeline is performed by
41    calling miCopyPaintedSetToCanvas().  This transfers the pixels in the
42    miPaintedSet onto a canvas structure called a miCanvas, which contains a
43    bounded, fixed-size drawable.  In the transfer, more sophisticated
44    algorithms than the Painter's Algorithm may be used.  Besides the
45    drawable, a miCanvas may contain additional members, such as a stipple
46    bitmap, a texture pixmap, and binary and ternary pixel-merging
47    functions.  These will affect how the pixels from the miPaintedSet are
48    combined with the ones that already exist on the drawable. */
50 #ifndef _XMI_H_
51 #define _XMI_H_ 1
53 /***********************************************************************/
55 /* Version of GNU libxmi which this header file accompanies.  This
56    information is included beginning with version 1.2.
58    The MI_LIBXMI_VER_STRING macro is compiled into the library, as
59    `mi_libxmi_ver'.  The MI_LIBXMI_VER macro is not compiled into it.  Both
60    are available to applications that include this header file. */
62 #define MI_LIBXMI_VER_STRING "1.3"
63 #define MI_LIBXMI_VER         130
65 extern const char mi_libxmi_ver[8]; /* need room for 99.99aa */
67 /**********************************************************************/
69 /* support C++ */
70 #ifdef ___BEGIN_DECLS
71 #undef ___BEGIN_DECLS
72 #endif
73 #ifdef ___END_DECLS
74 #undef ___END_DECLS
75 #endif
76 #ifdef __cplusplus
77 # define ___BEGIN_DECLS extern "C" {
78 # define ___END_DECLS }
79 #else
80 # define ___BEGIN_DECLS		/* empty */
81 # define ___END_DECLS		/* empty */
82 #endif
84 /**********************************************************************/
86 /* Structure that defines a point with integer coordinates. */
87 typedef struct
88 {
89   int x, y;			/* integer coordinates, y goes downward */
90 } miPoint;
92 /* Definition of miPixel, the pixel value datatype.  By default, a miPixel
93    is an unsigned int.  The libxmi installer may alter the definition by
94    defining the symbol MI_PIXEL_TYPE at installation time.  The macro
95    MI_SAME_PIXEL(), which tests for equality, may need to be redefined too
96    (e.g., if MI_PIXEL_TYPE is a struct or a union). */
97 #ifdef MI_PIXEL_TYPE
98 typedef MI_PIXEL_TYPE miPixel;
99 #else
100 typedef unsigned int miPixel;
101 #endif
102 #ifndef MI_SAME_PIXEL
103 #define MI_SAME_PIXEL(pixel1,pixel2) \
104   ((pixel1) == (pixel2))
105 #endif
108 /**********************************************************************/
110 /* A miPaintedSet is an opaque structure that contains a set of painted
111    points, i.e., a set of points partitioned according to the pixel color
112    used for painting.  When any public drawing function is invoked, a
113    pointer to a miPaintedSet is passed as its first argument. */
114 typedef struct lib_miPaintedSet miPaintedSet;
116 /* Constructor and destructor for the miPaintedSet class. */
117 extern miPaintedSet * miNewPaintedSet (void);
118 extern void miDeletePaintedSet (miPaintedSet *paintedSet);
120 /* A function that clears any miPaintedSet (i.e. makes it the empty set). */
121 extern void miClearPaintedSet (miPaintedSet *paintedSet);
123 /**********************************************************************/
125 /* A miGC is an opaque structure that contains high-level drawing
126    parameters.  When any public drawing function is invoked, a pointer to a
127    miGC is passed as its second argument. */
128 typedef struct lib_miGC miGC;
130 /* Constructor, destructor, and copy constructor for the miGC class. */
131 extern miGC * miNewGC (int npixels, const miPixel *pixels); /* npixels >= 2 */
132 extern void miDeleteGC (miGC *pGC);
133 extern miGC * miCopyGC (const miGC *pGC);
135 /* Values for an miGC's miGCLineStyle attribute (default=MI_LINE_SOLID). */
138 /* Values for an miGC's miGCJoinStyle attribute (default=MI_JOIN_MITER). */
141 /* Values for an miGC's miGCCapStyle attribute (default=MI_CAP_BUTT).
142    MI_CAP_NOT_LAST is the same as MI_CAP_BUTT except when drawing
143    zero-width (Bresenham) polylines; it causes the final pixel not to be
144    drawn.  A polyline drawn in this way is called `continuable'. */
147 /* Values for an miGC's miGCFillRule attribute (default=MI_EVEN_ODD_RULE). */
150 /* Values for an miGC's miGCArcMode attribute (default=MI_ARC_PIE_SLICE). */
153 /* Possibilities for the `attribute' argument of miSetGCAttrib.  (All the
154    preceding, plus MI_GC_LINE_WIDTH.) */
157 /* A function that sets a single integer-valued miGC attribute.  `value'
158    must be one of the preceding enum's, except when
159    attribute=MI_GC_LINE_WIDTH, in which case value>=0 is required. */
160 extern void miSetGCAttrib (miGC *pGC, miGCAttribute attribute, int value);
162 /* A function that sets a list of integer-value miGC attributes. */
163 extern void miSetGCAttribs (miGC *pGC, int nattributes, const miGCAttribute *attributes, const int *values);
165 /* Functions that set miGC attributes that are not integer-valued.
166    Note: currently, `offset' must be nonnegative. */
167 extern void miSetGCDashes (miGC *pGC, int ndashes, const unsigned int *dashes, int offset);
168 extern void miSetGCMiterLimit (miGC *pGC, double miter_limit);
169 extern void miSetGCPixels (miGC *pGC, int npixels, const miPixel *pixels); /* npixels >=2 */
171 /* Additional functions that set miGC attributes: in particular, functions
172    that set the paint style that will be used.  Only in the case of `solid'
173    painting (the default) is the above pixel array relevant. */
174 extern void miSetGCPaintSolid (void);
175 extern void miSetGCPaintInterpParallel (miPoint pts[2], miPixel pixels[2]);
176 extern void miSetGCPaintInterpTriangular (miPoint pts[3], miPixel pixels[3]);
177 extern void miSetGCPaintInterpElliptical (void);
179 /*********** DECLARATIONS OF PUBLIC DRAWING FUNCTIONS ******************/
181 /* The semantics of these drawing functions is similar to that of the
182    corresponding X11 drawing functions.  Wide polylines (polylines with
183    line width >= 1) are treated as polygons to be rendered by filling.
184    Zero-width polylines are not invisible: instead, they are single-pixel
185    polylines, specially rendered by the Bresenham midpoint line algorithm.
187    Also, adjoining polygons (those with an edge in common) are drawn
188    without gaps.  To arrange this, the `right' and `bottom' edges of any
189    polygon are not drawn when the polygon is filled.  The filling of
190    rectangles is similar.
192    Wide arcs and polyarcs are drawn with a circular brush, of diameter
193    equal to the line width.  Every brushed pixel is painted.  Zero-width
194    arcs and polyarcs are not invisible: instead, they are single-pixel
195    arcs, specially rendered by the Bresenham `midpoint arc' algorithm. */
197 /* For consistency, the first three arguments of each drawing function are
198    (1) a pointer to a miPaintedSet, and (2) a pointer to an miGC. */
200 /* 1. Drawing functions for points, polylines, and polygons.
202    The final three arguments of each are a `coordinate mode' (see below), a
203    specified number of points, and an array that contains the points.
204    miDrawPoints draws a cloud of points, miDrawLines draws a polyline, and
205    miFillPolygon draws a filled polygon. */
207 /* Possible values for the `coordinate mode' argument (specifying whether
208    the points in the points array, after the first point, are given in
209    absolute or relative coordinates). */
210 typedef enum { MI_COORD_MODE_ORIGIN, MI_COORD_MODE_PREVIOUS } miCoordMode;
212 /* Possible values for the `shape' argument of miFillPolygon().  Two
213    possibilities: (1) general (i.e., not necessarily convex, with
214    self-intersections allowed), or (2) convex and not self-intersecting.
215    Latter case can be drawn more rapidly. */
216 typedef enum { MI_SHAPE_GENERAL, MI_SHAPE_CONVEX } miPolygonShape;
220 extern void miDrawPoints (miPaintedSet *paintedSet, const miGC *pGC, miCoordMode mode, int npts, const miPoint *pPts);
221 extern void miDrawLines (miPaintedSet *paintedSet, const miGC *pGC, miCoordMode mode, int npts, const miPoint *pPts);
222 extern void miFillPolygon (miPaintedSet *paintedSet, const miGC *pGC, miPolygonShape shape, miCoordMode mode, int npts, const miPoint *pPts);
224 /* 2. Rectangle-related drawing functions.
226    These draw and fill a specified number of rectangles, supplied as an
227    array of miRectangles. */
229 /* Structure that defines a rectangle.  Upper left corner is [x,y] and
230    lower right corner is [x+width,y+height]. */
231 typedef struct
232 {
233   int x, y;			/* upper left corner */
234   unsigned int width, height;	/* width >= 1 and height >= 1 */
235 } miRectangle;
237 extern void miDrawRectangles (miPaintedSet *paintedSet, const miGC *pGC, int nrects, const miRectangle *pRects);
238 extern void miFillRectangles (miPaintedSet *paintedSet, const miGC *pGC, int nrects, const miRectangle *pRects);
240 /* 3. Arc-related drawing functions.
242    Each of these takes as argument a multi-arc, i.e. an array of elliptic
243    arcs.  Here, an `elliptic arc' is a piece of an ellipse whose axes are
244    aligned with the coordinate axes.  The arcs are not required to be
245    contiguous.
247    miDrawArcs draws a multi-arc.  If the arcs are contiguous, they will be
248    joined as specified in the miGC.  Note that miDrawArcs is not reentrant,
249    i.e., not thread-safe (for a thread-safe variant, see below).
251    miFillArcs draws a sequence of filled arcs.  They are filled either as
252    chords or as pie slices, as specified by the graphics context. */
254 /* Structure that defines an `arc' (i.e. a segment of an ellipse whose
255    principal axes are aligned with the coordinate axes).  The upper left
256    corner of the bounding box is [x,y], and the lower right corner is
257    [x+width,y+height].  By convention, angle1 and angle2 are the starting
258    polar angle and angle range that the arc would have if it were scaled
259    into a circular arc. */
260 typedef struct
261 {
262   int x, y;		/* upper left corner of ellipse's bounding box */
263   unsigned int width, height;	/* dimensions; width, height >= 1 */
264   int angle1, angle2;	/* starting angle and angle range, in 1/64 degrees */
265 } miArc;
267 extern void miDrawArcs (miPaintedSet *paintedSet, const miGC *pGC, int narcs, const miArc *parcs);
268 extern void miFillArcs (miPaintedSet *paintedSet, const miGC *pGC, int narcs, const miArc *parcs);
270 /* 4. A reentrant (thread-safe) arc-drawing function.  A special function
271    is necessary because the normal arc-drawing function miDrawArcs
272    maintains an internal, fixed-size cache of rasterized ellipses, one for
273    each arc that is drawn.  The presence of this persistent data (internal
274    to libxmi) prevents miDrawArcs from being reentrant.  miDrawArcs_r is a
275    reentrant substitute.
277    The caller of miDrawArcs_r must supply a pointer to an miEllipseCache
278    object as the final argument.  A pointer to such an object, which is
279    opaque, is returned by miNewEllipseCache.  After zero or more calls to
280    miDrawArcs_r, the object may be deleted by calling
281    miDeleteEllipseCache. */
283 typedef struct lib_miEllipseCache miEllipseCache;
284 extern miEllipseCache * miNewEllipseCache (void);
285 extern void miDeleteEllipseCache (miEllipseCache *ellipseCache);
287 extern void miDrawArcs_r (miPaintedSet *paintedSet, const miGC *pGC, int narcs, const miArc *parcs, miEllipseCache *ellipseCache);
289 ___END_DECLS
291 /***************** LIBXMI's Canvas-Painting ***********************/
293 /* A miCanvas encapsulates (i) a drawable, which is a miCanvasPixmap, and
294    (ii) parameters that specify how pixels should be painted.  By default,
295    a miCanvasPixmap is a miPixmap, i.e., basically a 2-D array of miPixels
296    (an array of pointers to rows of miPixels).  That is a low-level
297    implementation decision that may easily be changed by the libxmi
298    installer. */
300 /* Binary pixel-merging function type.  Such a function maps a source pixel
301    and a destination pixel to a new, merged pixel. */
302 typedef miPixel (*miPixelMerge2) (miPixel source, miPixel destination);
304 /* Ternary pixel-merging function type.  Such a function maps a texture
305    pixel, a source pixel, and a destination pixel, to a new, merged
306    pixel. */
307 typedef miPixel (*miPixelMerge3) (miPixel texture, miPixel source, miPixel destination);
309 /* Definitions of miBitmap and miPixmap.  By convention, (0,0) is upper
310    left hand corner. */
311 typedef struct
312 {
313   int **bitmap;			/* each element is 0 or 1 */
314   unsigned int width;
315   unsigned int height;
316 }
317 miBitmap;
319 typedef struct
320 {
321   miPixel **pixmap;		/* each element is a miPixel */
322   unsigned int width;
323   unsigned int height;
324 }
325 miPixmap;
327 /* Definition of miCanvasPixmap, the datatype of the drawable encapsulated
328    within a miCanvas.  By default, a miCanvasPixmap is a miPixmap.  The
329    libxmi installer may alter the definition by defining the symbol
330    MI_CANVAS_DRAWABLE_TYPE at installation time. */
332 typedef MI_CANVAS_DRAWABLE_TYPE miCanvasPixmap;
333 #else
334 typedef miPixmap miCanvasPixmap;
335 #endif
337 /* Definition of the miCanvas structure. */
338 typedef struct
339 {
340   /* Drawable. */
341   miCanvasPixmap *drawable;
343   /* A stipple.  (Default is NULL, which means no stipping.  If non-NULL,
344      the canvas will be tiled with the stipple, and painting will be
345      allowed to take place only at points where the stipple is nonzero.) */
346   miBitmap *stipple;
347   miPoint stippleOrigin;   /* upper left corner of mask is mapped to this */
349   /* A texture.  (Default is NULL, which means no texturing.  If non-NULL,
350      the canvas will be tiled with the texture, and painting of a pixel at
351      any point will be affected by the value of the texture pixel there.)  */
352   miPixmap *texture;
353   miPoint textureOrigin;   /* upper left corner of texture is mapped to this */
355   /* User-specified binary pixel-merging function, if any.  (Default is
356      NULL, which means the Painter's Algorithm is used: source pixel will
357      replace destination pixel.) */
358   miPixelMerge2 pixelMerge2;
360   /* User-specified ternary pixel-merging function, if any.  Used when a
361      texture has been specified.  (Default is NULL, which means the
362      Painter's Algorithm is used: texture pixel will replace destination
363      pixel, and source pixel will be ignored.) */
364   miPixelMerge3 pixelMerge3;
366 } miCanvas;
368 /* The public function that merges pixels from a miPaintedSet onto a
369    miCanvas.  `origin' is the point on the miCanvas to which the point
370    (0,0) in the miPaintedSet is mapped.  (It could be called `offset'.) */
371 extern void miCopyPaintedSetToCanvas (const miPaintedSet *paintedSet, miCanvas *canvas, miPoint origin);
373 /* If MI_CANVAS_DRAWABLE_TYPE is defined by the libxmi installer (see
374    above), then the accessor macros MI_GET_CANVAS_DRAWABLE_PIXEL() and
375    MI_SET_CANVAS_DRAWABLE_PIXEL() will also need to be defined.  The
376    default accessor macros simply access the 2-D miPixel array within a
377    miPixmap.  MI_GET_CANVAS_DRAWABLE_BOUNDS() should be defined too. */
379 #define MI_GET_CANVAS_DRAWABLE_PIXEL(pCanvas, x, y, pixel) \
380     (pixel) = (pCanvas)->drawable->pixmap[(y)][(x)];
381 #endif
383 #define MI_SET_CANVAS_DRAWABLE_PIXEL(pCanvas, x, y, pixel) \
384     (pCanvas)->drawable->pixmap[(y)][(x)] = (pixel);
385 #endif
387 #define MI_GET_CANVAS_DRAWABLE_BOUNDS(pCanvas, xleft, ytop, xright, ybottom) \
388     { (xleft) = 0; (ytop) = 0; \
389       (xright) = (pCanvas)->drawable->width - 1; \
390       (ybottom) = (pCanvas)->drawable->height - 1; \
391     }
392 #endif
394 /* Functions that set data elements of a miCanvas. */
395 extern void miSetCanvasStipple (miCanvas *pCanvas, const miBitmap *pStipple, miPoint stippleOrigin);
396 extern void miSetCanvasTexture (miCanvas *pCanvas, const miPixmap *pTexture, miPoint textureOrigin);
398 /* Functions that set the binary and ternary pixel-merging functions to be
399    used when pixels from a miPaintedSet are applied to a miCanvas.  The
400    defaults are NULL; for the meaning of NULL, see above. */
401 extern void miSetPixelMerge2 (miCanvas *pCanvas, miPixelMerge2 pixelMerge2);
402 extern void miSetPixelMerge3 (miCanvas *pCanvas, miPixelMerge3 pixelMerge3);
404 /* The libxmi installer may request that the default algorithm used when
405    applying pixels to a miPaintCanvas be something other than the Painter's
406    Algorithm, by defining MI_DEFAULT_MERGE2_PIXEL at installation time. */
408 /* use painter's algorithm */
409 #define MI_DEFAULT_MERGE2_PIXEL(new, source, dest) { (new) = (source); }
410 #endif
412 /* Likewise, the libxmi installer may request that the default algorithm
413    used when applying pixels to a miPaintCanvas, when a texture pixel is
414    available, be something other than the `replace canvas pixel by texture
415    pixel' algorithm. */
417 /* use painter's algorithm */
418 #define MI_DEFAULT_MERGE3_PIXEL(new, texture, source, dest) { (new) = (texture); }
419 #endif
422 /* Constructor, destructor, and copy constructor for the miCanvas class.
423    These are declared (and defined) only if the libxmi installer doesn't
424    redefine the type of the drawable encapsulated within a miCanvas. */
425 extern miCanvas * miNewCanvas (unsigned int width, unsigned int height, miPixel initPixel);
426 extern void miDeleteCanvas (miCanvas *pCanvas);
427 extern miCanvas * miCopyCanvas (const miCanvas *pCanvas);
428 #endif /* not MI_CANVAS_DRAWABLE_TYPE */
430 /**********************************************************************/
432 #endif /* not _XMI_H_ */