2 /*
3    This private file should not be included in users' code.
4    Defines the fields shared by all vector implementations.
6 */
8 #ifndef __VECIMPL_H
9 #define __VECIMPL_H
11 #include <petscvec.h>
12 #include <petsc/private/petscimpl.h>
13 #include <petscviewer.h>
15 PETSC_EXTERN PetscBool VecRegisterAllCalled;
16 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecRegisterAll(void);
18 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
20 typedef struct _VecOps *VecOps;
21 struct _VecOps {
22   PetscErrorCode (*duplicate)(Vec,Vec*);         /* get single vector */
23   PetscErrorCode (*duplicatevecs)(Vec,PetscInt,Vec**);     /* get array of vectors */
24   PetscErrorCode (*destroyvecs)(PetscInt,Vec[]);           /* free array of vectors */
25   PetscErrorCode (*dot)(Vec,Vec,PetscScalar*);             /* z = x^H * y */
26   PetscErrorCode (*mdot)(Vec,PetscInt,const Vec[],PetscScalar*); /* z[j] = x dot y[j] */
27   PetscErrorCode (*norm)(Vec,NormType,PetscReal*);        /* z = sqrt(x^H * x) */
28   PetscErrorCode (*tdot)(Vec,Vec,PetscScalar*);             /* x'*y */
29   PetscErrorCode (*mtdot)(Vec,PetscInt,const Vec[],PetscScalar*);/* z[j] = x dot y[j] */
30   PetscErrorCode (*scale)(Vec,PetscScalar);                 /* x = alpha * x   */
31   PetscErrorCode (*copy)(Vec,Vec);                     /* y = x */
32   PetscErrorCode (*set)(Vec,PetscScalar);                        /* y = alpha  */
33   PetscErrorCode (*swap)(Vec,Vec);                               /* exchange x and y */
34   PetscErrorCode (*axpy)(Vec,PetscScalar,Vec);                   /* y = y + alpha * x */
35   PetscErrorCode (*axpby)(Vec,PetscScalar,PetscScalar,Vec);      /* y = alpha * x + beta * y*/
36   PetscErrorCode (*maxpy)(Vec,PetscInt,const PetscScalar*,Vec*); /* y = y + alpha[j] x[j] */
37   PetscErrorCode (*aypx)(Vec,PetscScalar,Vec);                   /* y = x + alpha * y */
38   PetscErrorCode (*waxpy)(Vec,PetscScalar,Vec,Vec);         /* w = y + alpha * x */
39   PetscErrorCode (*axpbypcz)(Vec,PetscScalar,PetscScalar,PetscScalar,Vec,Vec);   /* z = alpha * x + beta *y + gamma *z*/
40   PetscErrorCode (*pointwisemult)(Vec,Vec,Vec);        /* w = x .* y */
41   PetscErrorCode (*pointwisedivide)(Vec,Vec,Vec);      /* w = x ./ y */
42   PetscErrorCode (*setvalues)(Vec,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],const PetscScalar[],InsertMode);
43   PetscErrorCode (*assemblybegin)(Vec);                /* start global assembly */
44   PetscErrorCode (*assemblyend)(Vec);                  /* end global assembly */
45   PetscErrorCode (*getarray)(Vec,PetscScalar**);            /* get data array */
46   PetscErrorCode (*getsize)(Vec,PetscInt*);
47   PetscErrorCode (*getlocalsize)(Vec,PetscInt*);
48   PetscErrorCode (*restorearray)(Vec,PetscScalar**);        /* restore data array */
49   PetscErrorCode (*max)(Vec,PetscInt*,PetscReal*);      /* z = max(x); idx=index of max(x) */
50   PetscErrorCode (*min)(Vec,PetscInt*,PetscReal*);      /* z = min(x); idx=index of min(x) */
51   PetscErrorCode (*setrandom)(Vec,PetscRandom);         /* set y[j] = random numbers */
52   PetscErrorCode (*setoption)(Vec,VecOption,PetscBool);
53   PetscErrorCode (*setvaluesblocked)(Vec,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],const PetscScalar[],InsertMode);
54   PetscErrorCode (*destroy)(Vec);
55   PetscErrorCode (*view)(Vec,PetscViewer);
56   PetscErrorCode (*placearray)(Vec,const PetscScalar*);     /* place data array */
57   PetscErrorCode (*replacearray)(Vec,const PetscScalar*);     /* replace data array */
58   PetscErrorCode (*dot_local)(Vec,Vec,PetscScalar*);
59   PetscErrorCode (*tdot_local)(Vec,Vec,PetscScalar*);
60   PetscErrorCode (*norm_local)(Vec,NormType,PetscReal*);
61   PetscErrorCode (*mdot_local)(Vec,PetscInt,const Vec[],PetscScalar*);
62   PetscErrorCode (*mtdot_local)(Vec,PetscInt,const Vec[],PetscScalar*);
63   PetscErrorCode (*load)(Vec,PetscViewer);
64   PetscErrorCode (*reciprocal)(Vec);
65   PetscErrorCode (*conjugate)(Vec);
66   PetscErrorCode (*setlocaltoglobalmapping)(Vec,ISLocalToGlobalMapping);
67   PetscErrorCode (*setvalueslocal)(Vec,PetscInt,const PetscInt *,const PetscScalar *,InsertMode);
68   PetscErrorCode (*resetarray)(Vec);      /* vector points to its original array, i.e. undoes any VecPlaceArray() */
69   PetscErrorCode (*setfromoptions)(PetscOptionItems*,Vec);
70   PetscErrorCode (*maxpointwisedivide)(Vec,Vec,PetscReal*);      /* m = max abs(x ./ y) */
71   PetscErrorCode (*pointwisemax)(Vec,Vec,Vec);
72   PetscErrorCode (*pointwisemaxabs)(Vec,Vec,Vec);
73   PetscErrorCode (*pointwisemin)(Vec,Vec,Vec);
74   PetscErrorCode (*getvalues)(Vec,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],PetscScalar[]);
75   PetscErrorCode (*sqrt)(Vec);
76   PetscErrorCode (*abs)(Vec);
77   PetscErrorCode (*exp)(Vec);
78   PetscErrorCode (*log)(Vec);
79   PetscErrorCode (*shift)(Vec,PetscScalar);
80   PetscErrorCode (*create)(Vec);
81   PetscErrorCode (*stridegather)(Vec,PetscInt,Vec,InsertMode);
82   PetscErrorCode (*stridescatter)(Vec,PetscInt,Vec,InsertMode);
83   PetscErrorCode (*dotnorm2)(Vec,Vec,PetscScalar*,PetscScalar*);
84   PetscErrorCode (*getsubvector)(Vec,IS,Vec*);
85   PetscErrorCode (*restoresubvector)(Vec,IS,Vec*);
86   PetscErrorCode (*getarrayread)(Vec,const PetscScalar**);
87   PetscErrorCode (*restorearrayread)(Vec,const PetscScalar**);
88   PetscErrorCode (*stridesubsetgather)(Vec,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],const PetscInt[],Vec,InsertMode);
89   PetscErrorCode (*stridesubsetscatter)(Vec,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],const PetscInt[],Vec,InsertMode);
90   PetscErrorCode (*viewnative)(Vec,PetscViewer);
91   PetscErrorCode (*loadnative)(Vec,PetscViewer);
92   PetscErrorCode (*getlocalvector)(Vec,Vec);
93   PetscErrorCode (*restorelocalvector)(Vec,Vec);
94   PetscErrorCode (*getlocalvectorread)(Vec,Vec);
95   PetscErrorCode (*restorelocalvectorread)(Vec,Vec);
96   PetscErrorCode (*bindtocpu)(Vec,PetscBool);
97   PetscErrorCode (*getarraywrite)(Vec,PetscScalar**);
98   PetscErrorCode (*restorearraywrite)(Vec,PetscScalar**);
99 };
101 /*
102     The stash is used to temporarily store inserted vec values that
103   belong to another processor. During the assembly phase the stashed
104   values are moved to the correct processor and
105 */
107 typedef struct {
108   PetscInt      nmax;                   /* maximum stash size */
109   PetscInt      umax;                   /* max stash size user wants */
110   PetscInt      oldnmax;                /* the nmax value used previously */
111   PetscInt      n;                      /* stash size */
112   PetscInt      bs;                     /* block size of the stash */
113   PetscInt      reallocs;               /* preserve the no of mallocs invoked */
114   PetscInt      *idx;                   /* global row numbers in stash */
115   PetscScalar   *array;                 /* array to hold stashed values */
116   /* The following variables are used for communication */
117   MPI_Comm      comm;
118   PetscMPIInt   size,rank;
119   PetscMPIInt   tag1,tag2;
120   MPI_Request   *send_waits;            /* array of send requests */
121   MPI_Request   *recv_waits;            /* array of receive requests */
122   MPI_Status    *send_status;           /* array of send status */
123   PetscInt      nsends,nrecvs;          /* numbers of sends and receives */
124   PetscScalar   *svalues,*rvalues;      /* sending and receiving data */
125   PetscInt      *sindices,*rindices;
126   PetscInt      rmax;                   /* maximum message length */
127   PetscInt      *nprocs;                /* tmp data used both during scatterbegin and end */
128   PetscInt      nprocessed;             /* number of messages already processed */
129   PetscBool     donotstash;
130   PetscBool     ignorenegidx;           /* ignore negative indices passed into VecSetValues/VetGetValues */
131   InsertMode    insertmode;
132   PetscInt      *bowners;
133 } VecStash;
135 struct _p_Vec {
136   PETSCHEADER(struct _VecOps);
137   PetscLayout            map;
138   void                   *data;     /* implementation-specific data */
139   PetscBool              array_gotten;
140   VecStash               stash,bstash; /* used for storing off-proc values during assembly */
141   PetscBool              petscnative;  /* means the ->data starts with VECHEADER and can use VecGetArrayFast()*/
142   PetscInt               lock;         /* lock state. vector can be free (=0), locked for read (>0) or locked for write(<0) */
143   PetscOffloadMask       offloadmask;  /* a mask which indicates where the valid vector data is (GPU, CPU or both) */
144 #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_DEVICE)
145   void                   *spptr; /* this is the special pointer to the array on the GPU */
146   PetscBool              boundtocpu;
147   size_t                 minimum_bytes_pinned_memory; /* minimum data size in bytes for which pinned memory will be allocated */
148   PetscBool              pinned_memory; /* PETSC_TRUE if the current host allocation has been made from pinned memory. */
149 #endif
150 };
152 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_SetRandom;
153 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_View;
154 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_Max;
155 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_Min;
156 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_Dot;
157 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_MDot;
158 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_TDot;
159 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_MTDot;
160 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_Norm;
161 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_Normalize;
162 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_Scale;
163 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_Copy;
164 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_Set;
169 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_AssemblyEnd;
170 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_PointwiseMult;
171 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_SetValues;
172 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_Load;
173 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_ScatterBegin;
174 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_ScatterEnd;
175 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_ReduceArithmetic;
176 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_ReduceCommunication;
177 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_ReduceBegin;
178 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_ReduceEnd;
179 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_Swap;
180 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_AssemblyBegin;
181 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_DotNorm2;
183 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_Ops;
184 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_ViennaCLCopyToGPU;
185 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_ViennaCLCopyFromGPU;
189 PETSC_EXTERN PetscLogEvent VEC_CUDACopyFromGPUSome;
191 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecView_Seq(Vec,PetscViewer);
192 #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_VIENNACL)
193 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecViennaCLAllocateCheckHost(Vec v);
194 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecViennaCLCopyFromGPU(Vec v);
195 #endif
196 #if defined(PETSC_HAVE_CUDA)
197 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecCUDAAllocateCheckHost(Vec v);
198 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecCUDACopyFromGPU(Vec v);
199 #endif
202 /*
203      Common header shared by array based vectors,
204    currently Vec_Seq and Vec_MPI
205 */
206 #define VECHEADER                          \
207   PetscScalar *array;                      \
208   PetscScalar *array_allocated;                        /* if the array was allocated by PETSc this is its pointer */  \
209   PetscScalar *unplacedarray;                           /* if one called VecPlaceArray(), this is where it stashed the original */
211 /* Lock a vector for exclusive read&write access */
212 #if defined(PETSC_USE_DEBUG)
213 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode VecLockWriteSet_Private(Vec,PetscBool);
214 #else
215 #define VecLockWriteSet_Private(x,flg) 0
216 #endif
218 /* Default obtain and release vectors; can be used by any implementation */
219 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecDuplicateVecs_Default(Vec,PetscInt,Vec *[]);
220 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecDestroyVecs_Default(PetscInt,Vec []);
221 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecView_Binary(Vec, PetscViewer);
222 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecLoad_Binary(Vec, PetscViewer);
223 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecLoad_Default(Vec, PetscViewer);
225 PETSC_EXTERN PetscInt  NormIds[7];  /* map from NormType to IDs used to cache/retreive values of norms */
227 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode VecStashCreate_Private(MPI_Comm,PetscInt,VecStash*);
228 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode VecStashDestroy_Private(VecStash*);
229 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecStashExpand_Private(VecStash*,PetscInt);
230 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode VecStashScatterEnd_Private(VecStash*);
231 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode VecStashSetInitialSize_Private(VecStash*,PetscInt);
232 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode VecStashGetInfo_Private(VecStash*,PetscInt*,PetscInt*);
233 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode VecStashScatterBegin_Private(VecStash*,PetscInt*);
234 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode VecStashScatterGetMesg_Private(VecStash*,PetscMPIInt*,PetscInt**,PetscScalar**,PetscInt*);
235 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode VecStashSortCompress_Private(VecStash*);
236 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode VecStashGetOwnerList_Private(VecStash*,PetscLayout,PetscMPIInt*,PetscMPIInt**);
238 /*
239   VecStashValue_Private - inserts a single value into the stash.
241   Input Parameters:
242   stash  - the stash
243   idx    - the global of the inserted value
244   values - the value inserted
245 */
VecStashValue_Private(VecStash * stash,PetscInt row,PetscScalar value)246 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode VecStashValue_Private(VecStash *stash,PetscInt row,PetscScalar value)
247 {
248   PetscErrorCode ierr;
249   /* Check and see if we have sufficient memory */
250   if (((stash)->n + 1) > (stash)->nmax) {
251     ierr = VecStashExpand_Private(stash,1);CHKERRQ(ierr);
252   }
253   (stash)->idx[(stash)->n]   = row;
254   (stash)->array[(stash)->n] = value;
255   (stash)->n++;
256   return 0;
257 }
259 /*
260   VecStashValuesBlocked_Private - inserts 1 block of values into the stash.
262   Input Parameters:
263   stash  - the stash
264   idx    - the global block index
265   values - the values inserted
266 */
VecStashValuesBlocked_Private(VecStash * stash,PetscInt row,PetscScalar * values)267 PETSC_STATIC_INLINE PetscErrorCode VecStashValuesBlocked_Private(VecStash *stash,PetscInt row,PetscScalar *values)
268 {
269   PetscInt       jj,stash_bs=(stash)->bs;
270   PetscScalar    *array;
271   PetscErrorCode ierr;
272   if (((stash)->n+1) > (stash)->nmax) {
273     ierr = VecStashExpand_Private(stash,1);CHKERRQ(ierr);
274   }
275   array = (stash)->array + stash_bs*(stash)->n;
276   (stash)->idx[(stash)->n]   = row;
277   for (jj=0; jj<stash_bs; jj++) { array[jj] = values[jj];}
278   (stash)->n++;
279   return 0;
280 }
282 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode VecStrideGather_Default(Vec,PetscInt,Vec,InsertMode);
283 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode VecStrideScatter_Default(Vec,PetscInt,Vec,InsertMode);
284 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode VecReciprocal_Default(Vec);
285 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode VecStrideSubSetGather_Default(Vec,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],const PetscInt[],Vec,InsertMode);
286 PETSC_INTERN PetscErrorCode VecStrideSubSetScatter_Default(Vec,PetscInt,const PetscInt[],const PetscInt[],Vec,InsertMode);
289 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecMatlabEnginePut_Default(PetscObject,void*);
290 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecMatlabEngineGet_Default(PetscObject,void*);
291 #endif
293 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscSectionGetField_Internal(PetscSection, PetscSection, Vec, PetscInt, PetscInt, PetscInt, IS *, Vec *);
294 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscSectionRestoreField_Internal(PetscSection, PetscSection, Vec, PetscInt, PetscInt, PetscInt, IS *, Vec *);
296 #define VecCheckSameLocalSize(x,ar1,y,ar2) do { \
297     if ((x)->map->n != (y)->map->n) SETERRQ4(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP,"Incompatible vector local lengths parameter # %d local size %D != parameter # %d local size %D", ar1,(x)->map->n, ar2,(y)->map->n); \
298   } while (0)
300 #define VecCheckSameSize(x,ar1,y,ar2) do { \
301     if ((x)->map->N != (y)->map->N) SETERRQ4(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)x),PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP,"Incompatible vector global lengths parameter # %d global size %D != parameter # %d global size %D", ar1,(x)->map->N, ar2,(y)->map->N); \
302     VecCheckSameLocalSize(x,ar1,y,ar2); \
303   } while (0)
305 #define VecCheckLocalSize(x,ar1,n) do { \
306     if ((x)->map->n != n) SETERRQ3(PETSC_COMM_SELF,PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP,"Incorrect vector local size: parameter # %d local size %D != %D",ar1,(x)->map->n,n); \
307   } while (0)
309 #define VecCheckSize(x,ar1,n,N) do { \
310     if ((x)->map->N != N) SETERRQ(PetscObjectComm((PetscObject)x),PETSC_ERR_ARG_INCOMP,"Incorrect vector global size: parameter # %d global size %D != %D",ar1,(x)->map->N, N); \
311     VecCheckLocalSize(x,ar1,n); \
312   } while (0)
314 typedef struct _VecTaggerOps *VecTaggerOps;
315 struct _VecTaggerOps {
316   PetscErrorCode (*create) (VecTagger);
317   PetscErrorCode (*destroy) (VecTagger);
318   PetscErrorCode (*setfromoptions) (PetscOptionItems*,VecTagger);
319   PetscErrorCode (*setup) (VecTagger);
320   PetscErrorCode (*view) (VecTagger,PetscViewer);
321   PetscErrorCode (*computeboxes) (VecTagger,Vec,PetscInt *,VecTaggerBox **);
322   PetscErrorCode (*computeis) (VecTagger,Vec,IS *);
323 };
324 struct _p_VecTagger {
325   PETSCHEADER(struct _VecTaggerOps);
326   void      *data;
327   PetscInt  blocksize;
328   PetscBool invert;
329   PetscBool setupcalled;
330 };
332 PETSC_EXTERN PetscBool      VecTaggerRegisterAllCalled;
333 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecTaggerRegisterAll(void);
334 PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode VecTaggerComputeIS_FromBoxes(VecTagger,Vec,IS*);
335 PETSC_EXTERN PetscMPIInt Petsc_Reduction_keyval;
337 #endif