1# coding: utf-8
2# Copyright (c) Pymatgen Development Team.
3# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License.
6This module defines classes to represent crystal orbital Hamilton
7populations (COHP) and integrated COHP (ICOHP), but can also be used
8for crystal orbital overlap populations (COOP).
11import re
12import sys
13import warnings
15import numpy as np
16from monty.json import MSONable
17from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
18from pymatgen.core.sites import PeriodicSite
19from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
20from pymatgen.electronic_structure.core import Orbital, Spin
21from pymatgen.io.lmto import LMTOCopl
22from pymatgen.io.lobster import Cohpcar
23from pymatgen.util.coord import get_linear_interpolated_value
24from pymatgen.util.num import round_to_sigfigs
26__author__ = "Marco Esters, Janine George"
27__copyright__ = "Copyright 2017, The Materials Project"
28__version__ = "0.2"
29__maintainer__ = "Marco Esters, Janine George"
30__email__ = "esters@uoregon.edu, janine.george@uclouvain.be"
31__date__ = "Dec 13, 2017"
34class Cohp(MSONable):
35    """
36    Basic COHP object.
37    """
39    def __init__(self, efermi, energies, cohp, are_coops=False, are_cobis=False, icohp=None):
40        """
41        Args:
42            are_coops: Indicates whether this object describes COOPs.
43            are_cobis: Indicates whether this object describes COBIs.
44            efermi: Fermi energy.
45            energies: A sequence of energies.
46            cohp ({Spin: np.array}): representing the COHP for each spin.
47            icohp ({Spin: np.array}): representing the ICOHP for each spin.
48        """
49        self.are_coops = are_coops
50        self.are_cobis = are_cobis
51        self.efermi = efermi
52        self.energies = np.array(energies)
53        self.cohp = cohp
54        self.icohp = icohp
56    def __repr__(self):
57        return self.__str__()
59    def __str__(self):
60        """
61        Returns a string that can be easily plotted (e.g. using gnuplot).
62        """
63        if self.are_coops:
64            cohpstring = "COOP"
65        elif self.are_cobis:
66            cohpstring = "COBI"
67        else:
68            cohpstring = "COHP"
69        header = ["Energy", cohpstring + "Up"]
70        data = [self.energies, self.cohp[Spin.up]]
71        if Spin.down in self.cohp:
72            header.append(cohpstring + "Down")
73            data.append(self.cohp[Spin.down])
74        if self.icohp:
75            header.append("I" + cohpstring + "Up")
76            data.append(self.icohp[Spin.up])
77            if Spin.down in self.cohp:
78                header.append("I" + cohpstring + "Down")
79                data.append(self.icohp[Spin.down])
80        formatheader = "#" + " ".join(["{:15s}" for __ in header])
81        formatdata = " ".join(["{:.5f}" for __ in header])
82        stringarray = [formatheader.format(*header)]
83        for i, __ in enumerate(self.energies):
84            stringarray.append(formatdata.format(*[d[i] for d in data]))
85        return "\n".join(stringarray)
87    def as_dict(self):
88        """
89        Json-serializable dict representation of COHP.
90        """
91        d = {
92            "@module": self.__class__.__module__,
93            "@class": self.__class__.__name__,
94            "are_coops": self.are_coops,
95            "are_cobis": self.are_cobis,
96            "efermi": self.efermi,
97            "energies": self.energies.tolist(),
98            "COHP": {str(spin): pops.tolist() for spin, pops in self.cohp.items()},
99        }
100        if self.icohp:
101            d["ICOHP"] = {str(spin): pops.tolist() for spin, pops in self.icohp.items()}
102        return d
104    def get_cohp(self, spin=None, integrated=False):
105        """
106        Returns the COHP or ICOHP for a particular spin.
108        Args:
109            spin: Spin. Can be parsed as spin object, integer (-1/1)
110                or str ("up"/"down")
111            integrated: Return COHP (False) or ICOHP (True)
113        Returns:
114            Returns the CHOP or ICOHP for the input spin. If Spin is
115            None and both spins are present, both spins will be returned
116            as a dictionary.
117        """
118        if not integrated:
119            populations = self.cohp
120        else:
121            populations = self.icohp
123        if populations is None:
124            return None
125        if spin is None:
126            return populations
127        if isinstance(spin, int):
128            spin = Spin(spin)
129        elif isinstance(spin, str):
130            s = {"up": 1, "down": -1}[spin.lower()]
131            spin = Spin(s)
132        return {spin: populations[spin]}
134    def get_icohp(self, spin=None):
135        """
136        Convenient alternative to get the ICOHP for a particular spin.
137        """
138        return self.get_cohp(spin=spin, integrated=True)
140    def get_interpolated_value(self, energy, integrated=False):
141        """
142        Returns the COHP for a particular energy.
144        Args:
145            energy: Energy to return the COHP value for.
146        """
147        inter = {}
148        for spin in self.cohp:
149            if not integrated:
150                inter[spin] = get_linear_interpolated_value(self.energies, self.cohp[spin], energy)
151            elif self.icohp is not None:
152                inter[spin] = get_linear_interpolated_value(self.energies, self.icohp[spin], energy)
153            else:
154                raise ValueError("ICOHP is empty.")
155        return inter
157    def has_antibnd_states_below_efermi(self, spin=None, limit=0.01):
158        """
159        Returns dict indicating if there are antibonding states below the Fermi level depending on the spin
160            spin: Spin
161            limit: -COHP smaller -limit will be considered.
163        """
164        warnings.warn("This method has not been tested on many examples. Check the parameter limit, pls!")
166        populations = self.cohp
167        number_energies_below_efermi = len([x for x in self.energies if x <= self.efermi])
169        if populations is None:
170            return None
171        if spin is None:
172            dict_to_return = {}
173            for sp, cohpvalues in populations.items():
174                if (max(cohpvalues[0:number_energies_below_efermi])) > limit:
175                    dict_to_return[sp] = True
176                else:
177                    dict_to_return[sp] = False
178        else:
179            dict_to_return = {}
180            if isinstance(spin, int):
181                spin = Spin(spin)
182            elif isinstance(spin, str):
183                s = {"up": 1, "down": -1}[spin.lower()]
184                spin = Spin(s)
185            if (max(populations[spin][0:number_energies_below_efermi])) > limit:
186                dict_to_return[spin] = True
187            else:
188                dict_to_return[spin] = False
190        return dict_to_return
192    @classmethod
193    def from_dict(cls, d):
194        """
195        Returns a COHP object from a dict representation of the COHP.
197        """
198        if "ICOHP" in d:
199            icohp = {Spin(int(key)): np.array(val) for key, val in d["ICOHP"].items()}
200        else:
201            icohp = None
202        if "are_cobis" not in d:
203            are_cobis = False
204        else:
205            are_cobis = d["are_cobis"]
206        return Cohp(
207            d["efermi"],
208            d["energies"],
209            {Spin(int(key)): np.array(val) for key, val in d["COHP"].items()},
210            icohp=icohp,
211            are_coops=d["are_coops"],
212            are_cobis=are_cobis,
213        )
216class CompleteCohp(Cohp):
217    """
218    A wrapper class that defines an average COHP, and individual COHPs.
220    .. attribute: are_coops
222         Indicates whether the object is consisting of COOPs.
225    .. attribute: are_cobis
227         Indicates whether the object is consisting of COBIs.
230    .. attribute: efermi
232         Fermi energy
234    .. attribute: energies
236         Sequence of energies
238    .. attribute: structure
240         Structure associated with the COHPs.
242    .. attribute: cohp, icohp
244         The average COHP/ICOHP.
246    .. attribute: all_cohps
248         A dict of COHPs for individual bonds of the form {label: COHP}
250    .. attribute: orb_res_cohp
252        Orbital-resolved COHPs.
253    """
255    def __init__(
256        self,
257        structure,
258        avg_cohp,
259        cohp_dict,
260        bonds=None,
261        are_coops=False,
262        are_cobis=False,
263        orb_res_cohp=None,
264    ):
265        """
266        Args:
267            structure: Structure assosciated with this COHP.
268            avg_cohp: The average cohp as a COHP object.
269            cohps: A dict of COHP objects for individual bonds of the form
270                {label: COHP}
271            bonds: A dict containing information on the bonds of the form
272                {label: {key: val}}. The key-val pair can be any information
273                the user wants to put in, but typically contains the sites,
274                the bond length, and the number of bonds. If nothing is
275                supplied, it will default to an empty dict.
276            are_coops: indicates whether the Cohp objects are COOPs.
277                Defauls to False for COHPs.
278            are_cobis: indicates whether the Cohp objects are COBIs.
279                Defauls to False for COHPs.
280            orb_res_cohp: Orbital-resolved COHPs.
281        """
282        if are_coops and are_cobis:
283            raise ValueError("You cannot have info about COOPs and COBIs in the same file.")
284        super().__init__(
285            avg_cohp.efermi,
286            avg_cohp.energies,
287            avg_cohp.cohp,
288            are_coops=are_coops,
289            are_cobis=are_cobis,
290            icohp=avg_cohp.icohp,
291        )
292        self.structure = structure
293        self.are_coops = are_coops
294        self.are_cobis = are_cobis
295        self.all_cohps = cohp_dict
296        self.orb_res_cohp = orb_res_cohp
297        if bonds is None:
298            self.bonds = {label: {} for label in self.all_cohps.keys()}
299        else:
300            self.bonds = bonds
302    def __str__(self):
303        if self.are_coops:
304            return "Complete COOPs for " + str(self.structure)
305        if self.are_cobis:
306            return "Complete COBIs for " + str(self.structure)
307        return "Complete COHPs for " + str(self.structure)
309    def as_dict(self):
310        """
311        Json-serializable dict representation of CompleteCohp.
312        """
313        d = {
314            "@module": self.__class__.__module__,
315            "@class": self.__class__.__name__,
316            "are_coops": self.are_coops,
317            "are_cobis": self.are_cobis,
318            "efermi": self.efermi,
319            "structure": self.structure.as_dict(),
320            "energies": self.energies.tolist(),
321            "COHP": {"average": {str(spin): pops.tolist() for spin, pops in self.cohp.items()}},
322        }
324        if self.icohp is not None:
325            d["ICOHP"] = {"average": {str(spin): pops.tolist() for spin, pops in self.icohp.items()}}
327        for label in self.all_cohps.keys():
328            d["COHP"].update({label: {str(spin): pops.tolist() for spin, pops in self.all_cohps[label].cohp.items()}})
329            if self.all_cohps[label].icohp is not None:
330                if "ICOHP" not in d.keys():
331                    d["ICOHP"] = {
332                        label: {str(spin): pops.tolist() for spin, pops in self.all_cohps[label].icohp.items()}
333                    }
334                else:
335                    d["ICOHP"].update(
336                        {label: {str(spin): pops.tolist() for spin, pops in self.all_cohps[label].icohp.items()}}
337                    )
338        if False in [bond_dict == {} for bond_dict in self.bonds.values()]:
339            d["bonds"] = {
340                bond: {
341                    "length": self.bonds[bond]["length"],
342                    "sites": [site.as_dict() for site in self.bonds[bond]["sites"]],
343                }
344                for bond in self.bonds
345            }
346        if self.orb_res_cohp:
347            orb_dict = {}
348            for label in self.orb_res_cohp:
349                orb_dict[label] = {}
350                for orbs in self.orb_res_cohp[label]:
351                    cohp = {str(spin): pops.tolist() for spin, pops in self.orb_res_cohp[label][orbs]["COHP"].items()}
352                    orb_dict[label][orbs] = {"COHP": cohp}
353                    icohp = {str(spin): pops.tolist() for spin, pops in self.orb_res_cohp[label][orbs]["ICOHP"].items()}
354                    orb_dict[label][orbs]["ICOHP"] = icohp
355                    orbitals = [[orb[0], orb[1].name] for orb in self.orb_res_cohp[label][orbs]["orbitals"]]
356                    orb_dict[label][orbs]["orbitals"] = orbitals
357            d["orb_res_cohp"] = orb_dict
359        return d
361    def get_cohp_by_label(self, label, summed_spin_channels=False):
362        """
363        Get specific COHP object.
365        Args:
366            label: string (for newer Lobster versions: a number)
367            summed_spin_channels: bool, will sum the spin channels and return the sum in Spin.up if true
369        Returns:
370            Returns the COHP object to simplify plotting
371        """
372        # TODO: possibly add option to only get one spin channel as Spin.down in the future!
373        if label.lower() == "average":
374            divided_cohp = self.cohp
375            divided_icohp = self.icohp
377        else:
378            divided_cohp = self.all_cohps[label].get_cohp(spin=None, integrated=False)
379            divided_icohp = self.all_cohps[label].get_icohp(spin=None)
381        if summed_spin_channels and Spin.down in self.cohp:
382            final_cohp = {}
383            final_icohp = {}
384            final_cohp[Spin.up] = np.sum([divided_cohp[Spin.up], divided_cohp[Spin.down]], axis=0)
385            final_icohp[Spin.up] = np.sum([divided_icohp[Spin.up], divided_icohp[Spin.down]], axis=0)
386        else:
387            final_cohp = divided_cohp
388            final_icohp = divided_icohp
390        return Cohp(
391            efermi=self.efermi,
392            energies=self.energies,
393            cohp=final_cohp,
394            are_coops=self.are_coops,
395            are_cobis=self.are_cobis,
396            icohp=final_icohp,
397        )
399    def get_summed_cohp_by_label_list(self, label_list, divisor=1, summed_spin_channels=False):
400        """
401        Returns a COHP object that includes a summed COHP divided by divisor
403        Args:
404            label_list: list of labels for the COHP that should be included in the summed cohp
405            divisor: float/int, the summed cohp will be divided by this divisor
406            summed_spin_channels: bool, will sum the spin channels and return the sum in Spin.up if true
407        Returns:
408            Returns a COHP object including a summed COHP
409        """
410        # check if cohps are spinpolarized or not
411        first_cohpobject = self.get_cohp_by_label(label_list[0])
412        summed_cohp = first_cohpobject.cohp.copy()
413        summed_icohp = first_cohpobject.icohp.copy()
414        for label in label_list[1:]:
415            cohp_here = self.get_cohp_by_label(label)
416            summed_cohp[Spin.up] = np.sum([summed_cohp[Spin.up], cohp_here.cohp[Spin.up]], axis=0)
418            if Spin.down in summed_cohp:
419                summed_cohp[Spin.down] = np.sum([summed_cohp[Spin.down], cohp_here.cohp[Spin.down]], axis=0)
421            summed_icohp[Spin.up] = np.sum([summed_icohp[Spin.up], cohp_here.icohp[Spin.up]], axis=0)
423            if Spin.down in summed_icohp:
424                summed_icohp[Spin.down] = np.sum([summed_icohp[Spin.down], cohp_here.icohp[Spin.down]], axis=0)
426        divided_cohp = {}
427        divided_icohp = {}
428        divided_cohp[Spin.up] = np.divide(summed_cohp[Spin.up], divisor)
429        divided_icohp[Spin.up] = np.divide(summed_icohp[Spin.up], divisor)
430        if Spin.down in summed_cohp:
431            divided_cohp[Spin.down] = np.divide(summed_cohp[Spin.down], divisor)
432            divided_icohp[Spin.down] = np.divide(summed_icohp[Spin.down], divisor)
434        if summed_spin_channels and Spin.down in summed_cohp:
435            final_cohp = {}
436            final_icohp = {}
437            final_cohp[Spin.up] = np.sum([divided_cohp[Spin.up], divided_cohp[Spin.down]], axis=0)
438            final_icohp[Spin.up] = np.sum([divided_icohp[Spin.up], divided_icohp[Spin.down]], axis=0)
439        else:
440            final_cohp = divided_cohp
441            final_icohp = divided_icohp
443        return Cohp(
444            efermi=first_cohpobject.efermi,
445            energies=first_cohpobject.energies,
446            cohp=final_cohp,
447            are_coops=first_cohpobject.are_coops,
448            are_cobis=first_cohpobject.are_coops,
449            icohp=final_icohp,
450        )
452    def get_summed_cohp_by_label_and_orbital_list(
453        self, label_list, orbital_list, divisor=1, summed_spin_channels=False
454    ):
455        """
456        Returns a COHP object that includes a summed COHP divided by divisor
458        Args:
459            label_list: list of labels for the COHP that should be included in the summed cohp
460            orbital_list: list of orbitals for the COHPs that should be included in the summed cohp (same order as
461                label_list)
462            divisor: float/int, the summed cohp will be divided by this divisor
463            summed_spin_channels: bool, will sum the spin channels and return the sum in Spin.up if true
465        Returns:
466            Returns a COHP object including a summed COHP
467        """
468        # check length of label_list and orbital_list:
469        if not len(label_list) == len(orbital_list):
470            raise ValueError("label_list and orbital_list don't have the same length!")
471        # check if cohps are spinpolarized or not
472        first_cohpobject = self.get_orbital_resolved_cohp(label_list[0], orbital_list[0])
473        summed_cohp = first_cohpobject.cohp.copy()
474        summed_icohp = first_cohpobject.icohp.copy()
475        for ilabel, label in enumerate(label_list[1:], 1):
476            cohp_here = self.get_orbital_resolved_cohp(label, orbital_list[ilabel])
477            summed_cohp[Spin.up] = np.sum([summed_cohp[Spin.up], cohp_here.cohp.copy()[Spin.up]], axis=0)
478            if Spin.down in summed_cohp:
479                summed_cohp[Spin.down] = np.sum([summed_cohp[Spin.down], cohp_here.cohp.copy()[Spin.down]], axis=0)
480            summed_icohp[Spin.up] = np.sum([summed_icohp[Spin.up], cohp_here.icohp.copy()[Spin.up]], axis=0)
481            if Spin.down in summed_icohp:
482                summed_icohp[Spin.down] = np.sum([summed_icohp[Spin.down], cohp_here.icohp.copy()[Spin.down]], axis=0)
484        divided_cohp = {}
485        divided_icohp = {}
486        divided_cohp[Spin.up] = np.divide(summed_cohp[Spin.up], divisor)
487        divided_icohp[Spin.up] = np.divide(summed_icohp[Spin.up], divisor)
488        if Spin.down in summed_cohp:
489            divided_cohp[Spin.down] = np.divide(summed_cohp[Spin.down], divisor)
490            divided_icohp[Spin.down] = np.divide(summed_icohp[Spin.down], divisor)
492        if summed_spin_channels and Spin.down in divided_cohp:
493            final_cohp = {}
494            final_icohp = {}
496            final_cohp[Spin.up] = np.sum([divided_cohp[Spin.up], divided_cohp[Spin.down]], axis=0)
497            final_icohp[Spin.up] = np.sum([divided_icohp[Spin.up], divided_icohp[Spin.down]], axis=0)
498        else:
499            final_cohp = divided_cohp
500            final_icohp = divided_icohp
502        return Cohp(
503            efermi=first_cohpobject.efermi,
504            energies=first_cohpobject.energies,
505            cohp=final_cohp,
506            are_coops=first_cohpobject.are_coops,
507            are_cobis=first_cohpobject.are_cobis,
508            icohp=final_icohp,
509        )
511    def get_orbital_resolved_cohp(self, label, orbitals, summed_spin_channels=False):
512        """
513        Get orbital-resolved COHP.
515        Args:
516            label: bond label (Lobster: labels as in ICOHPLIST/ICOOPLIST.lobster).
518            orbitals: The orbitals as a label, or list or tuple of the form
519                [(n1, orbital1), (n2, orbital2)]. Orbitals can either be str,
520                int, or Orbital.
522            summed_spin_channels: bool, will sum the spin channels and return the sum in Spin.up if true
524        Returns:
525            A Cohp object if CompleteCohp contains orbital-resolved cohp,
526            or None if it doesn't.
528        Note: It currently assumes that orbitals are str if they aren't the
529            other valid types. This is not ideal, but the easiest way to
530            avoid unicode issues between python 2 and python 3.
531        """
532        if self.orb_res_cohp is None:
533            return None
534        if isinstance(orbitals, (list, tuple)):
535            cohp_orbs = [d["orbitals"] for d in self.orb_res_cohp[label].values()]
536            orbs = []
537            for orbital in orbitals:
538                if isinstance(orbital[1], int):
539                    orbs.append(tuple((orbital[0], Orbital(orbital[1]))))
540                elif isinstance(orbital[1], Orbital):
541                    orbs.append(tuple((orbital[0], orbital[1])))
542                elif isinstance(orbital[1], str):
543                    orbs.append(tuple((orbital[0], Orbital[orbital[1]])))
544                else:
545                    raise TypeError("Orbital must be str, int, or Orbital.")
546            orb_index = cohp_orbs.index(orbs)
547            orb_label = list(self.orb_res_cohp[label].keys())[orb_index]
548        elif isinstance(orbitals, str):
549            orb_label = orbitals
550        else:
551            raise TypeError("Orbitals must be str, list, or tuple.")
552        try:
553            icohp = self.orb_res_cohp[label][orb_label]["ICOHP"]
554        except KeyError:
555            icohp = None
557        start_cohp = self.orb_res_cohp[label][orb_label]["COHP"]
558        start_icohp = icohp
560        if summed_spin_channels and Spin.down in start_cohp:
561            final_cohp = {}
562            final_icohp = {}
563            final_cohp[Spin.up] = np.sum([start_cohp[Spin.up], start_cohp[Spin.down]], axis=0)
564            if start_icohp is not None:
565                final_icohp[Spin.up] = np.sum([start_icohp[Spin.up], start_icohp[Spin.down]], axis=0)
566        else:
567            final_cohp = start_cohp
568            final_icohp = start_icohp
570        return Cohp(
571            self.efermi,
572            self.energies,
573            final_cohp,
574            icohp=final_icohp,
575            are_coops=self.are_coops,
576            are_cobis=self.are_cobis,
577        )
579    @classmethod
580    def from_dict(cls, d):
581        """
582        Returns CompleteCohp object from dict representation.
583        """
584        cohp_dict = {}
585        efermi = d["efermi"]
586        energies = d["energies"]
587        structure = Structure.from_dict(d["structure"])
588        if "bonds" in d.keys():
589            bonds = {
590                bond: {
591                    "length": d["bonds"][bond]["length"],
592                    "sites": tuple(PeriodicSite.from_dict(site) for site in d["bonds"][bond]["sites"]),
593                }
594                for bond in d["bonds"]
595            }
596        else:
597            bonds = None
598        for label in d["COHP"]:
599            cohp = {Spin(int(spin)): np.array(d["COHP"][label][spin]) for spin in d["COHP"][label]}
600            try:
601                icohp = {Spin(int(spin)): np.array(d["ICOHP"][label][spin]) for spin in d["ICOHP"][label]}
602            except KeyError:
603                icohp = None
604            if label == "average":
605                avg_cohp = Cohp(efermi, energies, cohp, icohp=icohp)
606            else:
607                cohp_dict[label] = Cohp(efermi, energies, cohp, icohp=icohp)
609        if "orb_res_cohp" in d.keys():
610            orb_cohp = {}
611            for label in d["orb_res_cohp"]:
612                orb_cohp[label] = {}
613                for orb in d["orb_res_cohp"][label]:
614                    cohp = {
615                        Spin(int(s)): np.array(d["orb_res_cohp"][label][orb]["COHP"][s], dtype=float)
616                        for s in d["orb_res_cohp"][label][orb]["COHP"]
617                    }
618                    try:
619                        icohp = {
620                            Spin(int(s)): np.array(d["orb_res_cohp"][label][orb]["ICOHP"][s], dtype=float)
621                            for s in d["orb_res_cohp"][label][orb]["ICOHP"]
622                        }
623                    except KeyError:
624                        icohp = None
625                    orbitals = [tuple((int(o[0]), Orbital[o[1]])) for o in d["orb_res_cohp"][label][orb]["orbitals"]]
626                    orb_cohp[label][orb] = {
627                        "COHP": cohp,
628                        "ICOHP": icohp,
629                        "orbitals": orbitals,
630                    }
631                # If no total COHPs are present, calculate the total
632                # COHPs from the single-orbital populations. Total COHPs
633                # may not be present when the cohpgenerator keyword is used
634                # in LOBSTER versions 2.2.0 and earlier.
635                if label not in d["COHP"] or d["COHP"][label] is None:
636                    cohp = {
637                        Spin.up: np.sum(
638                            np.array([orb_cohp[label][orb]["COHP"][Spin.up] for orb in orb_cohp[label]]),
639                            axis=0,
640                        )
641                    }
642                    try:
643                        cohp[Spin.down] = np.sum(
644                            np.array([orb_cohp[label][orb]["COHP"][Spin.down] for orb in orb_cohp[label]]),
645                            axis=0,
646                        )
647                    except KeyError:
648                        pass
650                orb_res_icohp = None in [orb_cohp[label][orb]["ICOHP"] for orb in orb_cohp[label]]
651                if (label not in d["ICOHP"] or d["ICOHP"][label] is None) and orb_res_icohp:
652                    icohp = {
653                        Spin.up: np.sum(
654                            np.array([orb_cohp[label][orb]["ICOHP"][Spin.up] for orb in orb_cohp[label]]),
655                            axis=0,
656                        )
657                    }
658                    try:
659                        icohp[Spin.down] = np.sum(
660                            np.array([orb_cohp[label][orb]["ICOHP"][Spin.down] for orb in orb_cohp[label]]),
661                            axis=0,
662                        )
663                    except KeyError:
664                        pass
665        else:
666            orb_cohp = None
668        if "average" not in d["COHP"].keys():
669            # calculate average
670            cohp = np.array([np.array(c) for c in d["COHP"].values()]).mean(axis=0)
671            try:
672                icohp = np.array([np.array(c) for c in d["ICOHP"].values()]).mean(axis=0)
673            except KeyError:
674                icohp = None
675            avg_cohp = Cohp(efermi, energies, cohp, icohp=icohp)
677        if "are_cobis" not in d:
678            are_cobis = False
679        else:
680            are_cobis = d["are_cobis"]
682        return CompleteCohp(
683            structure,
684            avg_cohp,
685            cohp_dict,
686            bonds=bonds,
687            are_coops=d["are_coops"],
688            are_cobis=are_cobis,
689            orb_res_cohp=orb_cohp,
690        )
692    @classmethod
693    def from_file(cls, fmt, filename=None, structure_file=None, are_coops=False, are_cobis=False):
694        """
695        Creates a CompleteCohp object from an output file of a COHP
696        calculation. Valid formats are either LMTO (for the Stuttgart
697        LMTO-ASA code) or LOBSTER (for the LOBSTER code).
699        Args:
700            cohp_file: Name of the COHP output file. Defaults to COPL
701                for LMTO and COHPCAR.lobster/COOPCAR.lobster for LOBSTER.
703            are_coops: Indicates whether the populations are COOPs or
704                COHPs. Defaults to False for COHPs.
706            are_cobis: Indicates whether the populations are COBIs or
707                COHPs. Defaults to False for COHPs.
709            fmt: A string for the code that was used to calculate
710                the COHPs so that the output file can be handled
711                correctly. Can take the values "LMTO" or "LOBSTER".
713            structure_file: Name of the file containing the structure.
714                If no file name is given, use CTRL for LMTO and POSCAR
715                for LOBSTER.
717        Returns:
718            A CompleteCohp object.
719        """
720        if are_coops and are_cobis:
721            raise ValueError("You cannot have info about COOPs and COBIs in the same file.")
722        fmt = fmt.upper()
723        if fmt == "LMTO":
724            # LMTO COOPs and orbital-resolved COHP cannot be handled yet.
725            are_coops = False
726            are_cobis = False
727            orb_res_cohp = None
728            if structure_file is None:
729                structure_file = "CTRL"
730            if filename is None:
731                filename = "COPL"
732            cohp_file = LMTOCopl(filename=filename, to_eV=True)
733        elif fmt == "LOBSTER":
734            if are_coops and are_cobis:
735                raise ValueError("You cannot have info about COOPs and COBIs in the same file.")
736            if structure_file is None:
737                structure_file = "POSCAR"
738            if filename is None:
739                if filename is None:
740                    if are_coops:
741                        filename = "COOPCAR.lobster"
742                    elif are_cobis:
743                        filename = "COBICAR.lobster"
744                    else:
745                        filename = "COHPCAR.lobster"
746            cohp_file = Cohpcar(filename=filename, are_coops=are_coops, are_cobis=are_cobis)
747            orb_res_cohp = cohp_file.orb_res_cohp
748        else:
749            raise ValueError("Unknown format %s. Valid formats are LMTO " "and LOBSTER." % fmt)
751        structure = Structure.from_file(structure_file)
752        efermi = cohp_file.efermi
753        cohp_data = cohp_file.cohp_data
754        energies = cohp_file.energies
756        # Lobster shifts the energies so that the Fermi energy is at zero.
757        # Shifting should be done by the plotter object though.
759        spins = [Spin.up, Spin.down] if cohp_file.is_spin_polarized else [Spin.up]
760        if fmt == "LOBSTER":
761            energies += efermi
763        if orb_res_cohp is not None:
764            # If no total COHPs are present, calculate the total
765            # COHPs from the single-orbital populations. Total COHPs
766            # may not be present when the cohpgenerator keyword is used
767            # in LOBSTER versions 2.2.0 and earlier.
768            # TODO: Test this more extensively
769            # pylint: disable=E1133,E1136
770            for label in orb_res_cohp:
771                if cohp_file.cohp_data[label]["COHP"] is None:
772                    # print(label)
773                    cohp_data[label]["COHP"] = {
774                        sp: np.sum(
775                            [orb_res_cohp[label][orbs]["COHP"][sp] for orbs in orb_res_cohp[label]],
776                            axis=0,
777                        )
778                        for sp in spins
779                    }
780                if cohp_file.cohp_data[label]["ICOHP"] is None:
781                    cohp_data[label]["ICOHP"] = {
782                        sp: np.sum(
783                            [orb_res_cohp[label][orbs]["ICOHP"][sp] for orbs in orb_res_cohp[label]],
784                            axis=0,
785                        )
786                        for sp in spins
787                    }
789        if fmt == "LMTO":
790            # Calculate the average COHP for the LMTO file to be
791            # consistent with LOBSTER output.
792            avg_data = {"COHP": {}, "ICOHP": {}}
793            for i in avg_data:  # pylint: disable=C0206
794                for spin in spins:
795                    rows = np.array([v[i][spin] for v in cohp_data.values()])
796                    avg = np.average(rows, axis=0)
797                    # LMTO COHPs have 5 significant figures
798                    avg_data[i].update({spin: np.array([round_to_sigfigs(a, 5) for a in avg], dtype=float)})
799            avg_cohp = Cohp(efermi, energies, avg_data["COHP"], icohp=avg_data["ICOHP"])
800        else:
801            avg_cohp = Cohp(
802                efermi,
803                energies,
804                cohp_data["average"]["COHP"],
805                icohp=cohp_data["average"]["COHP"],
806                are_coops=are_coops,
807                are_cobis=are_cobis,
808            )
809            del cohp_data["average"]
811        cohp_dict = {
812            label: Cohp(efermi, energies, v["COHP"], icohp=v["ICOHP"], are_coops=are_coops, are_cobis=are_cobis)
813            for label, v in cohp_data.items()
814        }
816        bond_dict = {
817            label: {
818                "length": v["length"],
819                "sites": [structure.sites[site] for site in v["sites"]],
820            }
821            for label, v in cohp_data.items()
822        }
824        return CompleteCohp(
825            structure,
826            avg_cohp,
827            cohp_dict,
828            bonds=bond_dict,
829            are_coops=are_coops,
830            are_cobis=are_cobis,
831            orb_res_cohp=orb_res_cohp,
832        )
835class IcohpValue(MSONable):
836    """
837    Class to store information on an ICOHP or ICOOP value
839    .. attribute:: num_bonds
840            number of bonds used for the average cohp (relevant for Lobster versions <3.0) (int)
842    .. attribute:: are_coops
843            Boolean to indicates ICOOPs
845    .. attribute:: are_cobis
846            Boolean to indicates ICOBIs
848    .. attribute:: icohp
849            dict={Spin.up: icohpvalue for spin.up, Spin.down: icohpvalue for spin.down}
851    .. attribute:: summed_icohp:
852            sum of icohp/icoop of both spin channels
854    """
856    def __init__(self, label, atom1, atom2, length, translation, num, icohp, are_coops=False, are_cobis=False):
857        """
858        Args:
859            label: label for the icohp
860            atom1: str of atom that is contributing to the bond
861            atom2: str of second atom that is contributing to the bond
862            length: float of bond lengths
863            translation: translation list, e.g. [0,0,0]
864            num: integer describing how often the bond exists
865            icohp: dict={Spin.up: icohpvalue for spin.up, Spin.down: icohpvalue for spin.down}
866            are_coops: if True, this are COOPs
867            are_cobis: if True, this are COBIs
868        """
869        if are_coops and are_cobis:
870            raise ValueError("You cannot have info about COOPs and COBIs in the same file.")
871        self._are_coops = are_coops
872        self._are_cobis = are_cobis
873        self._label = label
874        self._atom1 = atom1
875        self._atom2 = atom2
876        self._length = length
877        self._translation = translation
878        self._num = num
879        self._icohp = icohp
880        if Spin.down in self._icohp:
881            self._is_spin_polarized = True
882        else:
883            self._is_spin_polarized = False
885    def __str__(self):
887        if not self._are_coops and not self._are_cobis:
888            if self._is_spin_polarized:
889                return (
890                    "ICOHP "
891                    + str(self._label)
892                    + " between "
893                    + str(self._atom1)
894                    + " and "
895                    + str(self._atom2)
896                    + " ("
897                    + str(self._translation)
898                    + "): "
899                    + str(self._icohp[Spin.up])
900                    + " eV (Spin up) and "
901                    + str(self._icohp[Spin.down])
902                    + " eV (Spin down)"
903                )
904            return (
905                "ICOHP "
906                + str(self._label)
907                + " between "
908                + str(self._atom1)
909                + " and "
910                + str(self._atom2)
911                + " ("
912                + str(self._translation)
913                + "): "
914                + str(self._icohp[Spin.up])
915                + " eV (Spin up)"
916            )
917        if self._are_coops:
918            if self._is_spin_polarized:
919                return (
920                    "ICOOP "
921                    + str(self._label)
922                    + " between "
923                    + str(self._atom1)
924                    + " and "
925                    + str(self._atom2)
926                    + " ("
927                    + str(self._translation)
928                    + "): "
929                    + str(self._icohp[Spin.up])
930                    + " (Spin up) and "
931                    + str(self._icohp[Spin.down])
932                    + " (Spin down)"
933                )
934            return (
935                "ICOOP "
936                + str(self._label)
937                + " between "
938                + str(self._atom1)
939                + " and "
940                + str(self._atom2)
941                + " ("
942                + str(self._translation)
943                + "): "
944                + str(self._icohp[Spin.up])
945                + " (Spin up)"
946            )
947        if self._is_spin_polarized:
948            return (
949                "ICOBI "
950                + str(self._label)
951                + " between "
952                + str(self._atom1)
953                + " and "
954                + str(self._atom2)
955                + " ("
956                + str(self._translation)
957                + "): "
958                + str(self._icohp[Spin.up])
959                + " (Spin up) and "
960                + str(self._icohp[Spin.down])
961                + " (Spin down)"
962            )
963        return (
964            "ICOBI "
965            + str(self._label)
966            + " between "
967            + str(self._atom1)
968            + " and "
969            + str(self._atom2)
970            + " ("
971            + str(self._translation)
972            + "): "
973            + str(self._icohp[Spin.up])
974            + " (Spin up)"
975        )
977    @property
978    def num_bonds(self):
979        """
980        tells the number of bonds for which the ICOHP value is an average
981        Returns:
982            Int
983        """
984        return self._num
986    @property
987    def are_coops(self):
988        """
989        tells if ICOOPs or not
990        Returns:
991            Boolean
992        """
993        return self._are_coops
995    @property
996    def are_cobis(self):
997        """
998        tells if ICOBIs or not
999        Returns:
1000            Boolean
1001        """
1002        return self._are_cobis
1004    @property
1005    def is_spin_polarized(self):
1006        """
1007        tells if spin polarized calculation or not
1008        Returns:
1009            Boolean
1011        """
1012        return self._is_spin_polarized
1014    def icohpvalue(self, spin=Spin.up):
1015        """
1016        Args:
1017            spin: Spin.up or Spin.down
1018        Returns:
1019            icohpvalue (float) corresponding to chosen spin
1020        """
1021        if not self.is_spin_polarized and spin == Spin.down:
1022            raise ValueError("The calculation was not performed with spin polarization")
1024        return self._icohp[spin]
1026    @property
1027    def icohp(self):
1028        """
1029        dict with icohps for spinup and spindown
1030        Return:
1031            dict={Spin.up: icohpvalue for spin.up, Spin.down: icohpvalue for spin.down}
1032        """
1033        return self._icohp
1035    @property
1036    def summed_icohp(self):
1037        """
1038        Adds ICOHPs of both spin channels for spin polarized compounds
1039        Returns:
1040             icohp value in eV
1041        """
1042        if self._is_spin_polarized:
1043            sum_icohp = self._icohp[Spin.down] + self._icohp[Spin.up]
1044        else:
1045            sum_icohp = self._icohp[Spin.up]
1046        return sum_icohp
1049class IcohpCollection(MSONable):
1050    """
1051    Class to store IcohpValues
1053    .. attribute:: are_coops
1054        Boolean to indicate if this are ICOOPs
1056    .. attribute:: are_cobis
1057        Boolean to indicate if this are ICOOPs
1059    .. attribute:: is_spin_polarized
1060        Boolean to indicate if the Lobster calculation was done spin polarized or not
1062    """
1064    def __init__(
1065        self,
1066        list_labels,
1067        list_atom1,
1068        list_atom2,
1069        list_length,
1070        list_translation,
1071        list_num,
1072        list_icohp,
1073        is_spin_polarized,
1074        are_coops=False,
1075        are_cobis=False,
1076    ):
1077        """
1078        Args:
1079            is_spin_polarized: Boolean to indicate if the Lobster calculation was done spin polarized or not Boolean to
1080                indicate if the Lobster calculation was done spin polarized or not
1081            are_coops: Boolean to indicate whether ICOOPs are stored
1082            are_cobis: Boolean to indicate whether ICOBIs are stored
1083            list_labels: list of labels for ICOHP/ICOOP values
1084            list_atom1: list of str of atomnames e.g. "O1"
1085            list_atom2: list of str of atomnames e.g. "O1"
1086            list_length: list of lengths of corresponding bonds in Angstrom
1087            list_translation: list of translation list, e.g. [0,0,0]
1088            list_num: list of equivalent bonds, usually 1 starting from Lobster 3.0.0
1089            list_icohp: list of dict={Spin.up: icohpvalue for spin.up, Spin.down: icohpvalue for spin.down}
1090        """
1091        if are_coops and are_cobis:
1092            raise ValueError("You cannot have info about COOPs and COBIs in the same file.")
1093        self._are_coops = are_coops
1094        self._are_cobis = are_cobis
1095        self._icohplist = {}
1096        self._is_spin_polarized = is_spin_polarized
1097        self._list_labels = list_labels
1098        self._list_atom1 = list_atom1
1099        self._list_atom2 = list_atom2
1100        self._list_length = list_length
1101        self._list_translation = list_translation
1102        self._list_num = list_num
1103        self._list_icohp = list_icohp
1105        for ilist, listel in enumerate(list_labels):
1106            self._icohplist[listel] = IcohpValue(
1107                label=listel,
1108                atom1=list_atom1[ilist],
1109                atom2=list_atom2[ilist],
1110                length=list_length[ilist],
1111                translation=list_translation[ilist],
1112                num=list_num[ilist],
1113                icohp=list_icohp[ilist],
1114                are_coops=are_coops,
1115                are_cobis=are_cobis,
1116            )
1118    def __str__(self):
1119        joinstr = []
1120        for value in self._icohplist.values():
1121            joinstr.append(str(value))
1122        return "\n".join(joinstr)
1124    def get_icohp_by_label(self, label, summed_spin_channels=True, spin=Spin.up):
1125        """
1126        get an icohp value for a certain bond as indicated by the label (bond labels starting by "1" as in
1129        Args:
1130            label: label in str format (usually the bond number in Icohplist.lobster/Icooplist.lobster
1131            summed_spin_channels: Boolean to indicate whether the ICOHPs/ICOOPs of both spin channels should be summed
1132            spin: if summed_spin_channels is equal to False, this spin indicates which spin channel should be returned
1134        Returns:
1135            float describing ICOHP/ICOOP value
1136        """
1138        icohp_here = self._icohplist[label]
1139        if icohp_here._is_spin_polarized:
1140            if summed_spin_channels:
1141                return icohp_here.summed_icohp
1142            return icohp_here.icohpvalue(spin)
1143        return icohp_here.icohpvalue(spin)
1145    def get_summed_icohp_by_label_list(self, label_list, divisor=1.0, summed_spin_channels=True, spin=Spin.up):
1146        """
1147        get the sum of several ICOHP values that are indicated by a list of labels (labels of the bonds are the same as
1150        Args:
1151            label_list: list of labels of the ICOHPs/ICOOPs that should be summed
1152            divisor: is used to divide the sum
1153            summed_spin_channels: Boolean to indicate whether the ICOHPs/ICOOPs of both spin channels should be summed
1154            spin: if summed_spin_channels is equal to False, this spin indicates which spin channel should be returned
1156        Returns:
1157             float that is a sum of all ICOHPs/ICOOPs as indicated with label_list
1158        """
1159        sum_icohp = 0
1160        for label in label_list:
1161            icohp_here = self._icohplist[label]
1162            if icohp_here.num_bonds != 1:
1163                warnings.warn("One of the ICOHP values is an average over bonds. This is currently not considered.")
1164            # prints warning if num_bonds is not equal to 1
1165            if icohp_here._is_spin_polarized:
1166                if summed_spin_channels:
1167                    sum_icohp = sum_icohp + icohp_here.summed_icohp
1168                else:
1169                    sum_icohp = sum_icohp + icohp_here.icohpvalue(spin)
1170            else:
1171                sum_icohp = sum_icohp + icohp_here.icohpvalue(spin)
1172        return sum_icohp / divisor
1174    def get_icohp_dict_by_bondlengths(self, minbondlength=0.0, maxbondlength=8.0):
1175        """
1176        get a dict of IcohpValues corresponding to certain bond lengths
1177        Args:
1178            minbondlength: defines the minimum of the bond lengths of the bonds
1179            maxbondlength: defines the maximum of the bond lengths of the bonds
1180        Returns:
1181             dict of IcohpValues, the keys correspond to the values from the initial list_labels
1182        """
1183        newicohp_dict = {}
1184        for value in self._icohplist.values():
1185            if value._length >= minbondlength and value._length <= maxbondlength:
1186                newicohp_dict[value._label] = value
1187        return newicohp_dict
1189    def get_icohp_dict_of_site(
1190        self,
1191        site,
1192        minsummedicohp=None,
1193        maxsummedicohp=None,
1194        minbondlength=0.0,
1195        maxbondlength=8.0,
1196        only_bonds_to=None,
1197    ):
1198        """
1199        get a dict of IcohpValue for a certain site (indicated by integer)
1200        Args:
1201            site: integer describing the site of interest, order as in Icohplist.lobster/Icooplist.lobster, starts at 0
1202            minsummedicohp: float, minimal icohp/icoop of the bonds that are considered. It is the summed ICOHP value
1203                from both spin channels for spin polarized cases
1204            maxsummedicohp: float, maximal icohp/icoop of the bonds that are considered. It is the summed ICOHP value
1205                from both spin channels for spin polarized cases
1206            minbondlength: float, defines the minimum of the bond lengths of the bonds
1207            maxbondlength: float, defines the maximum of the bond lengths of the bonds
1208            only_bonds_to: list of strings describing the bonding partners that are allowed, e.g. ['O']
1209        Returns:
1210             dict of IcohpValues, the keys correspond to the values from the initial list_labels
1211        """
1213        newicohp_dict = {}
1214        for key, value in self._icohplist.items():
1215            atomnumber1 = int(re.split(r"(\d+)", value._atom1)[1]) - 1
1216            atomnumber2 = int(re.split(r"(\d+)", value._atom2)[1]) - 1
1217            if site in (atomnumber1, atomnumber2):
1218                # manipulate order of atoms so that searched one is always atom1
1219                if site == atomnumber2:
1220                    save = value._atom1
1221                    value._atom1 = value._atom2
1222                    value._atom2 = save
1224                if only_bonds_to is None:
1225                    second_test = True
1226                else:
1227                    second_test = re.split(r"(\d+)", value._atom2)[0] in only_bonds_to
1228                if value._length >= minbondlength and value._length <= maxbondlength and second_test:
1229                    if minsummedicohp is not None:
1230                        if value.summed_icohp >= minsummedicohp:
1231                            if maxsummedicohp is not None:
1232                                if value.summed_icohp <= maxsummedicohp:
1233                                    newicohp_dict[key] = value
1234                            else:
1235                                newicohp_dict[key] = value
1236                    else:
1237                        if maxsummedicohp is not None:
1238                            if value.summed_icohp <= maxsummedicohp:
1239                                newicohp_dict[key] = value
1240                        else:
1241                            newicohp_dict[key] = value
1243        return newicohp_dict
1245    def extremum_icohpvalue(self, summed_spin_channels=True, spin=Spin.up):
1246        """
1247        get ICOHP/ICOOP of strongest bond
1248        Args:
1249            summed_spin_channels: Boolean to indicate whether the ICOHPs/ICOOPs of both spin channels should be summed
1251            spin: if summed_spin_channels is equal to False, this spin indicates which spin channel should be returned
1252        Returns:
1253            lowest ICOHP/largest ICOOP value (i.e. ICOHP/ICOOP value of strongest bond)
1254        """
1255        if self._are_coops or self._are_cobis:
1256            extremum = -sys.float_info.max
1257        else:
1258            extremum = sys.float_info.max
1260        if not self._is_spin_polarized:
1261            if spin == Spin.down:
1262                warnings.warn("This spin channel does not exist. I am switching to Spin.up")
1263            spin = Spin.up
1265        for value in self._icohplist.values():
1266            if not value.is_spin_polarized or not summed_spin_channels:
1267                if not self._are_coops and not self._are_cobis:
1268                    if value.icohpvalue(spin) < extremum:
1269                        extremum = value.icohpvalue(spin)
1270                        # print(extremum)
1271                else:
1272                    if value.icohpvalue(spin) > extremum:
1273                        extremum = value.icohpvalue(spin)
1274                        # print(extremum)
1275            else:
1276                if not self._are_coops and not self._are_cobis:
1277                    if value.summed_icohp < extremum:
1278                        extremum = value.summed_icohp
1279                        # print(extremum)
1280                else:
1281                    if value.summed_icohp > extremum:
1282                        extremum = value.summed_icohp
1283                        # print(extremum)
1284        return extremum
1286    @property
1287    def is_spin_polarized(self):
1288        """
1289        :return: Whether it is spin polarized.
1290        """
1291        return self._is_spin_polarized
1293    @property
1294    def are_coops(self):
1295        """
1296        :return: Whether this is a coop.
1297        """
1298        return self._are_coops
1300    @property
1301    def are_cobis(self):
1302        """
1303        :return: Whether this a cobi.
1304        """
1305        return self._are_cobis
1308def get_integrated_cohp_in_energy_range(
1309    cohp, label, orbital=None, energy_range=None, relative_E_Fermi=True, summed_spin_channels=True
1311    """
1312    Method that can integrate completecohp objects which include data on integrated COHPs
1313    Args:
1314        cohp: CompleteCOHP object
1315        label: label of the COHP data
1316        orbital: If not None, a orbital resolved integrated COHP will be returned
1317        energy_range:   if None, returns icohp value at Fermi level;
1318                        if float, integrates from this float up to the Fermi level;
1319                        if [float,float], will integrate in between
1320        relative_E_Fermi: if True, energy scale with E_Fermi at 0 eV is chosen
1321        summed_spin_channels: if True, Spin channels will be summed
1323    Returns:
1324        float indicating the integrated COHP if summed_spin_channels==True, otherwise dict of the following form {
1325        Spin.up:float, Spin.down:float}
1326    """
1327    summedicohp = {}
1328    if orbital is None:
1329        icohps = cohp.all_cohps[label].get_icohp(spin=None)
1330        if summed_spin_channels and Spin.down in icohps:
1331            summedicohp[Spin.up] = icohps[Spin.up] + icohps[Spin.down]
1332        else:
1333            summedicohp = icohps
1334    else:
1335        icohps = cohp.get_orbital_resolved_cohp(label=label, orbitals=orbital).icohp
1336        if summed_spin_channels and Spin.down in icohps:
1337            summedicohp[Spin.up] = icohps[Spin.up] + icohps[Spin.down]
1338        else:
1339            summedicohp = icohps
1341    if energy_range is None:
1343        energies_corrected = cohp.energies - cohp.efermi
1344        spl_spinup = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(energies_corrected, summedicohp[Spin.up], ext=0)
1346        if not summed_spin_channels and Spin.down in icohps:
1347            spl_spindown = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(energies_corrected, summedicohp[Spin.down], ext=0)
1348            return {Spin.up: spl_spinup(0.0), Spin.down: spl_spindown(0.0)}
1349        if summed_spin_channels:
1350            return spl_spinup(0.0)
1352        return {Spin.up: spl_spinup(0.0)}
1354    # returns icohp value at the Fermi level!
1355    if isinstance(energy_range, float):
1356        if relative_E_Fermi:
1357            energies_corrected = cohp.energies - cohp.efermi
1358            spl_spinup = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(energies_corrected, summedicohp[Spin.up], ext=0)
1360            if not summed_spin_channels and Spin.down in icohps:
1361                spl_spindown = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(energies_corrected, summedicohp[Spin.down], ext=0)
1362                return {
1363                    Spin.up: spl_spinup(0) - spl_spinup(energy_range),
1364                    Spin.down: spl_spindown(0) - spl_spindown(energy_range),
1365                }
1366            if summed_spin_channels:
1367                return spl_spinup(0) - spl_spinup(energy_range)
1368            return {Spin.up: spl_spinup(0) - spl_spinup(energy_range)}
1370        energies_corrected = cohp.energies
1371        spl_spinup = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(energies_corrected, summedicohp[Spin.up], ext=0)
1373        if not summed_spin_channels and Spin.down in icohps:
1374            spl_spindown = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(energies_corrected, summedicohp[Spin.down], ext=0)
1375            return {
1376                Spin.up: spl_spinup(cohp.efermi) - spl_spinup(energy_range),
1377                Spin.down: spl_spindown(cohp.efermi) - spl_spindown(energy_range),
1378            }
1379        if summed_spin_channels:
1380            return spl_spinup(cohp.efermi) - spl_spinup(energy_range)
1381        return {Spin.up: spl_spinup(cohp.efermi) - spl_spinup(energy_range)}
1383    if relative_E_Fermi:
1384        energies_corrected = cohp.energies - cohp.efermi
1385    else:
1386        energies_corrected = cohp.energies
1388    spl_spinup = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(energies_corrected, summedicohp[Spin.up], ext=0)
1390    if not summed_spin_channels and Spin.down in icohps:
1391        spl_spindown = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(energies_corrected, summedicohp[Spin.down], ext=0)
1392        return {
1393            Spin.up: spl_spinup(energy_range[1]) - spl_spinup(energy_range[0]),
1394            Spin.down: spl_spindown(energy_range[1]) - spl_spindown(energy_range[0]),
1395        }
1396    if summed_spin_channels:
1397        return spl_spinup(energy_range[1]) - spl_spinup(energy_range[0])
1399    return {Spin.up: spl_spinup(energy_range[1]) - spl_spinup(energy_range[0])}