1"""Implementation of the StyleGuide used by Flake8."""
2import argparse
3import collections
4import contextlib
5import copy
6import enum
7import functools
8import itertools
9import linecache
10import logging
11from typing import Dict
12from typing import Generator
13from typing import List
14from typing import Match
15from typing import Optional
16from typing import Sequence
17from typing import Set
18from typing import Tuple
19from typing import Union
21from flake8 import defaults
22from flake8 import statistics
23from flake8 import utils
24from flake8.formatting import base as base_formatter
26__all__ = ("StyleGuide",)
28LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
31class Selected(enum.Enum):
32    """Enum representing an explicitly or implicitly selected code."""
34    Explicitly = "explicitly selected"
35    Implicitly = "implicitly selected"
38class Ignored(enum.Enum):
39    """Enum representing an explicitly or implicitly ignored code."""
41    Explicitly = "explicitly ignored"
42    Implicitly = "implicitly ignored"
45class Decision(enum.Enum):
46    """Enum representing whether a code should be ignored or selected."""
48    Ignored = "ignored error"
49    Selected = "selected error"
53def find_noqa(physical_line: str) -> Optional[Match[str]]:
54    return defaults.NOQA_INLINE_REGEXP.search(physical_line)
57class Violation(
58    collections.namedtuple(
59        "Violation",
60        [
61            "code",
62            "filename",
63            "line_number",
64            "column_number",
65            "text",
66            "physical_line",
67        ],
68    )
70    """Class representing a violation reported by Flake8."""
72    def is_inline_ignored(self, disable_noqa: bool) -> bool:
73        """Determine if a comment has been added to ignore this line.
75        :param bool disable_noqa:
76            Whether or not users have provided ``--disable-noqa``.
77        :returns:
78            True if error is ignored in-line, False otherwise.
79        :rtype:
80            bool
81        """
82        physical_line = self.physical_line
83        # TODO(sigmavirus24): Determine how to handle stdin with linecache
84        if disable_noqa:
85            return False
87        if physical_line is None:
88            physical_line = linecache.getline(self.filename, self.line_number)
89        noqa_match = find_noqa(physical_line)
90        if noqa_match is None:
91            LOG.debug("%r is not inline ignored", self)
92            return False
94        codes_str = noqa_match.groupdict()["codes"]
95        if codes_str is None:
96            LOG.debug("%r is ignored by a blanket ``# noqa``", self)
97            return True
99        codes = set(utils.parse_comma_separated_list(codes_str))
100        if self.code in codes or self.code.startswith(tuple(codes)):
101            LOG.debug(
102                "%r is ignored specifically inline with ``# noqa: %s``",
103                self,
104                codes_str,
105            )
106            return True
108        LOG.debug(
109            "%r is not ignored inline with ``# noqa: %s``", self, codes_str
110        )
111        return False
113    def is_in(self, diff: Dict[str, Set[int]]) -> bool:
114        """Determine if the violation is included in a diff's line ranges.
116        This function relies on the parsed data added via
117        :meth:`~StyleGuide.add_diff_ranges`. If that has not been called and
118        we are not evaluating files in a diff, then this will always return
119        True. If there are diff ranges, then this will return True if the
120        line number in the error falls inside one of the ranges for the file
121        (and assuming the file is part of the diff data). If there are diff
122        ranges, this will return False if the file is not part of the diff
123        data or the line number of the error is not in any of the ranges of
124        the diff.
126        :returns:
127            True if there is no diff or if the error is in the diff's line
128            number ranges. False if the error's line number falls outside
129            the diff's line number ranges.
130        :rtype:
131            bool
132        """
133        if not diff:
134            return True
136        # NOTE(sigmavirus24): The parsed diff will be a defaultdict with
137        # a set as the default value (if we have received it from
138        # flake8.utils.parse_unified_diff). In that case ranges below
139        # could be an empty set (which is False-y) or if someone else
140        # is using this API, it could be None. If we could guarantee one
141        # or the other, we would check for it more explicitly.
142        line_numbers = diff.get(self.filename)
143        if not line_numbers:
144            return False
146        return self.line_number in line_numbers
149class DecisionEngine:
150    """A class for managing the decision process around violations.
152    This contains the logic for whether a violation should be reported or
153    ignored.
154    """
156    def __init__(self, options: argparse.Namespace) -> None:
157        """Initialize the engine."""
158        self.cache: Dict[str, Decision] = {}
159        self.selected = tuple(options.select)
160        self.extended_selected = tuple(
161            sorted(options.extended_default_select, reverse=True)
162        )
163        self.enabled_extensions = tuple(options.enable_extensions)
164        self.all_selected = tuple(
165            sorted(
166                itertools.chain(
167                    self.selected,
168                    options.extend_select,
169                    self.enabled_extensions,
170                ),
171                reverse=True,
172            )
173        )
174        self.ignored = tuple(
175            sorted(
176                itertools.chain(options.ignore, options.extend_ignore),
177                reverse=True,
178            )
179        )
180        self.using_default_ignore = set(self.ignored) == set(
181            defaults.IGNORE
182        ).union(options.extended_default_ignore)
183        self.using_default_select = set(self.selected) == set(defaults.SELECT)
185    def _in_all_selected(self, code: str) -> bool:
186        return bool(self.all_selected) and code.startswith(self.all_selected)
188    def _in_extended_selected(self, code: str) -> bool:
189        return bool(self.extended_selected) and code.startswith(
190            self.extended_selected
191        )
193    def was_selected(self, code: str) -> Union[Selected, Ignored]:
194        """Determine if the code has been selected by the user.
196        :param str code:
197            The code for the check that has been run.
198        :returns:
199            Selected.Implicitly if the selected list is empty,
200            Selected.Explicitly if the selected list is not empty and a match
201            was found,
202            Ignored.Implicitly if the selected list is not empty but no match
203            was found.
204        """
205        if self._in_all_selected(code):
206            return Selected.Explicitly
208        if not self.all_selected and self._in_extended_selected(code):
209            # If it was not explicitly selected, it may have been implicitly
210            # selected because the check comes from a plugin that is enabled by
211            # default
212            return Selected.Implicitly
214        return Ignored.Implicitly
216    def was_ignored(self, code: str) -> Union[Selected, Ignored]:
217        """Determine if the code has been ignored by the user.
219        :param str code:
220            The code for the check that has been run.
221        :returns:
222            Selected.Implicitly if the ignored list is empty,
223            Ignored.Explicitly if the ignored list is not empty and a match was
224            found,
225            Selected.Implicitly if the ignored list is not empty but no match
226            was found.
227        """
228        if self.ignored and code.startswith(self.ignored):
229            return Ignored.Explicitly
231        return Selected.Implicitly
233    def more_specific_decision_for(self, code: str) -> Decision:
234        select = find_first_match(code, self.all_selected)
235        extra_select = find_first_match(code, self.extended_selected)
236        ignore = find_first_match(code, self.ignored)
238        if select and ignore:
239            # If the violation code appears in both the select and ignore
240            # lists (in some fashion) then if we're using the default ignore
241            # list and a custom select list we should select the code. An
242            # example usage looks like this:
243            #   A user has a code that would generate an E126 violation which
244            #   is in our default ignore list and they specify select=E.
245            # We should be reporting that violation. This logic changes,
246            # however, if they specify select and ignore such that both match.
247            # In that case we fall through to our find_more_specific call.
248            # If, however, the user hasn't specified a custom select, and
249            # we're using the defaults for both select and ignore then the
250            # more specific rule must win. In most cases, that will be to
251            # ignore the violation since our default select list is very
252            # high-level and our ignore list is highly specific.
253            if self.using_default_ignore and not self.using_default_select:
254                return Decision.Selected
255            return find_more_specific(select, ignore)
256        if extra_select and ignore:
257            # At this point, select is false-y. Now we need to check if the
258            # code is in our extended select list and our ignore list. This is
259            # a *rare* case as we see little usage of the extended select list
260            # that plugins can use, so I suspect this section may change to
261            # look a little like the block above in which we check if we're
262            # using our default ignore list.
263            return find_more_specific(extra_select, ignore)
264        if select or (extra_select and self.using_default_select):
265            # Here, ignore was false-y and the user has either selected
266            # explicitly the violation or the violation is covered by
267            # something in the extended select list and we're using the
268            # default select list. In either case, we want the violation to be
269            # selected.
270            return Decision.Selected
271        if select is None and (
272            extra_select is None or not self.using_default_ignore
273        ):
274            return Decision.Ignored
275        if (select is None and not self.using_default_select) and (
276            ignore is None and self.using_default_ignore
277        ):
278            return Decision.Ignored
279        return Decision.Selected
281    def make_decision(self, code: str) -> Decision:
282        """Decide if code should be ignored or selected."""
283        LOG.debug('Deciding if "%s" should be reported', code)
284        selected = self.was_selected(code)
285        ignored = self.was_ignored(code)
286        LOG.debug(
287            'The user configured "%s" to be "%s", "%s"',
288            code,
289            selected,
290            ignored,
291        )
293        if (
294            selected is Selected.Explicitly or selected is Selected.Implicitly
295        ) and ignored is Selected.Implicitly:
296            decision = Decision.Selected
297        elif (
298            selected is Selected.Explicitly and ignored is Ignored.Explicitly
299        ) or (
300            selected is Ignored.Implicitly and ignored is Selected.Implicitly
301        ):
302            decision = self.more_specific_decision_for(code)
303        elif selected is Ignored.Implicitly or ignored is Ignored.Explicitly:
304            decision = Decision.Ignored  # pylint: disable=R0204
305        return decision
307    def decision_for(self, code: str) -> Decision:
308        """Return the decision for a specific code.
310        This method caches the decisions for codes to avoid retracing the same
311        logic over and over again. We only care about the select and ignore
312        rules as specified by the user in their configuration files and
313        command-line flags.
315        This method does not look at whether the specific line is being
316        ignored in the file itself.
318        :param str code:
319            The code for the check that has been run.
320        """
321        decision = self.cache.get(code)
322        if decision is None:
323            decision = self.make_decision(code)
324            self.cache[code] = decision
325            LOG.debug('"%s" will be "%s"', code, decision)
326        return decision
329class StyleGuideManager:
330    """Manage multiple style guides for a single run."""
332    def __init__(
333        self,
334        options: argparse.Namespace,
335        formatter: base_formatter.BaseFormatter,
336        decider: Optional[DecisionEngine] = None,
337    ) -> None:
338        """Initialize our StyleGuide.
340        .. todo:: Add parameter documentation.
341        """
342        self.options = options
343        self.formatter = formatter
344        self.stats = statistics.Statistics()
345        self.decider = decider or DecisionEngine(options)
346        self.style_guides: List[StyleGuide] = []
347        self.default_style_guide = StyleGuide(
348            options, formatter, self.stats, decider=decider
349        )
350        self.style_guides = list(
351            itertools.chain(
352                [self.default_style_guide],
353                self.populate_style_guides_with(options),
354            )
355        )
357    def populate_style_guides_with(
358        self, options: argparse.Namespace
359    ) -> Generator["StyleGuide", None, None]:
360        """Generate style guides from the per-file-ignores option.
362        :param options:
363            The original options parsed from the CLI and config file.
364        :type options:
365            :class:`~argparse.Namespace`
366        :returns:
367            A copy of the default style guide with overridden values.
368        :rtype:
369            :class:`~flake8.style_guide.StyleGuide`
370        """
371        per_file = utils.parse_files_to_codes_mapping(options.per_file_ignores)
372        for filename, violations in per_file:
373            yield self.default_style_guide.copy(
374                filename=filename, extend_ignore_with=violations
375            )
377    @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)
378    def style_guide_for(self, filename: str) -> "StyleGuide":
379        """Find the StyleGuide for the filename in particular."""
380        guides = sorted(
381            (g for g in self.style_guides if g.applies_to(filename)),
382            key=lambda g: len(g.filename or ""),
383        )
384        if len(guides) > 1:
385            return guides[-1]
386        return guides[0]
388    @contextlib.contextmanager
389    def processing_file(
390        self, filename: str
391    ) -> Generator["StyleGuide", None, None]:
392        """Record the fact that we're processing the file's results."""
393        guide = self.style_guide_for(filename)
394        with guide.processing_file(filename):
395            yield guide
397    def handle_error(
398        self,
399        code: str,
400        filename: str,
401        line_number: int,
402        column_number: Optional[int],
403        text: str,
404        physical_line: Optional[str] = None,
405    ) -> int:
406        """Handle an error reported by a check.
408        :param str code:
409            The error code found, e.g., E123.
410        :param str filename:
411            The file in which the error was found.
412        :param int line_number:
413            The line number (where counting starts at 1) at which the error
414            occurs.
415        :param int column_number:
416            The column number (where counting starts at 1) at which the error
417            occurs.
418        :param str text:
419            The text of the error message.
420        :param str physical_line:
421            The actual physical line causing the error.
422        :returns:
423            1 if the error was reported. 0 if it was ignored. This is to allow
424            for counting of the number of errors found that were not ignored.
425        :rtype:
426            int
427        """
428        guide = self.style_guide_for(filename)
429        return guide.handle_error(
430            code, filename, line_number, column_number, text, physical_line
431        )
433    def add_diff_ranges(self, diffinfo: Dict[str, Set[int]]) -> None:
434        """Update the StyleGuides to filter out information not in the diff.
436        This provides information to the underlying StyleGuides so that only
437        the errors in the line number ranges are reported.
439        :param dict diffinfo:
440            Dictionary mapping filenames to sets of line number ranges.
441        """
442        for guide in self.style_guides:
443            guide.add_diff_ranges(diffinfo)
446class StyleGuide:
447    """Manage a Flake8 user's style guide."""
449    def __init__(
450        self,
451        options: argparse.Namespace,
452        formatter: base_formatter.BaseFormatter,
453        stats: statistics.Statistics,
454        filename: Optional[str] = None,
455        decider: Optional[DecisionEngine] = None,
456    ):
457        """Initialize our StyleGuide.
459        .. todo:: Add parameter documentation.
460        """
461        self.options = options
462        self.formatter = formatter
463        self.stats = stats
464        self.decider = decider or DecisionEngine(options)
465        self.filename = filename
466        if self.filename:
467            self.filename = utils.normalize_path(self.filename)
468        self._parsed_diff: Dict[str, Set[int]] = {}
470    def __repr__(self) -> str:
471        """Make it easier to debug which StyleGuide we're using."""
472        return f"<StyleGuide [{self.filename}]>"
474    def copy(
475        self,
476        filename: Optional[str] = None,
477        extend_ignore_with: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
478    ) -> "StyleGuide":
479        """Create a copy of this style guide with different values."""
480        filename = filename or self.filename
481        options = copy.deepcopy(self.options)
482        options.ignore.extend(extend_ignore_with or [])
483        return StyleGuide(
484            options, self.formatter, self.stats, filename=filename
485        )
487    @contextlib.contextmanager
488    def processing_file(
489        self, filename: str
490    ) -> Generator["StyleGuide", None, None]:
491        """Record the fact that we're processing the file's results."""
492        self.formatter.beginning(filename)
493        yield self
494        self.formatter.finished(filename)
496    def applies_to(self, filename: str) -> bool:
497        """Check if this StyleGuide applies to the file.
499        :param str filename:
500            The name of the file with violations that we're potentially
501            applying this StyleGuide to.
502        :returns:
503            True if this applies, False otherwise
504        :rtype:
505            bool
506        """
507        if self.filename is None:
508            return True
509        return utils.matches_filename(
510            filename,
511            patterns=[self.filename],
512            log_message=f'{self!r} does %(whether)smatch "%(path)s"',
513            logger=LOG,
514        )
516    def should_report_error(self, code: str) -> Decision:
517        """Determine if the error code should be reported or ignored.
519        This method only cares about the select and ignore rules as specified
520        by the user in their configuration files and command-line flags.
522        This method does not look at whether the specific line is being
523        ignored in the file itself.
525        :param str code:
526            The code for the check that has been run.
527        """
528        return self.decider.decision_for(code)
530    def handle_error(
531        self,
532        code: str,
533        filename: str,
534        line_number: int,
535        column_number: Optional[int],
536        text: str,
537        physical_line: Optional[str] = None,
538    ) -> int:
539        """Handle an error reported by a check.
541        :param str code:
542            The error code found, e.g., E123.
543        :param str filename:
544            The file in which the error was found.
545        :param int line_number:
546            The line number (where counting starts at 1) at which the error
547            occurs.
548        :param int column_number:
549            The column number (where counting starts at 1) at which the error
550            occurs.
551        :param str text:
552            The text of the error message.
553        :param str physical_line:
554            The actual physical line causing the error.
555        :returns:
556            1 if the error was reported. 0 if it was ignored. This is to allow
557            for counting of the number of errors found that were not ignored.
558        :rtype:
559            int
560        """
561        disable_noqa = self.options.disable_noqa
562        # NOTE(sigmavirus24): Apparently we're provided with 0-indexed column
563        # numbers so we have to offset that here. Also, if a SyntaxError is
564        # caught, column_number may be None.
565        if not column_number:
566            column_number = 0
567        error = Violation(
568            code,
569            filename,
570            line_number,
571            column_number + 1,
572            text,
573            physical_line,
574        )
575        error_is_selected = (
576            self.should_report_error(error.code) is Decision.Selected
577        )
578        is_not_inline_ignored = error.is_inline_ignored(disable_noqa) is False
579        is_included_in_diff = error.is_in(self._parsed_diff)
580        if error_is_selected and is_not_inline_ignored and is_included_in_diff:
581            self.formatter.handle(error)
582            self.stats.record(error)
583            return 1
584        return 0
586    def add_diff_ranges(self, diffinfo: Dict[str, Set[int]]) -> None:
587        """Update the StyleGuide to filter out information not in the diff.
589        This provides information to the StyleGuide so that only the errors
590        in the line number ranges are reported.
592        :param dict diffinfo:
593            Dictionary mapping filenames to sets of line number ranges.
594        """
595        self._parsed_diff = diffinfo
598def find_more_specific(selected: str, ignored: str) -> Decision:
599    if selected.startswith(ignored) and selected != ignored:
600        return Decision.Selected
601    return Decision.Ignored
604def find_first_match(
605    error_code: str, code_list: Tuple[str, ...]
606) -> Optional[str]:
607    startswith = error_code.startswith
608    for code in code_list:
609        if startswith(code):
610            break
611    else:
612        return None
613    return code