2This module implements computation of elementary transcendental
3functions (powers, logarithms, trigonometric and hyperbolic
4functions, inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic) for real
5floating-point numbers.
7For complex and interval implementations of the same functions,
8see libmpc and libmpi.
12import math
13from bisect import bisect
15from .backend import xrange
16from .backend import MPZ, MPZ_ZERO, MPZ_ONE, MPZ_TWO, MPZ_FIVE, BACKEND
18from .libmpf import (
19    round_floor, round_ceiling, round_down, round_up,
20    round_nearest, round_fast,
21    ComplexResult,
22    bitcount, bctable, lshift, rshift, giant_steps, sqrt_fixed,
23    from_int, to_int, from_man_exp, to_fixed, to_float, from_float,
24    from_rational, normalize,
25    fzero, fone, fnone, fhalf, finf, fninf, fnan,
26    mpf_cmp, mpf_sign, mpf_abs,
27    mpf_pos, mpf_neg, mpf_add, mpf_sub, mpf_mul, mpf_div, mpf_shift,
28    mpf_rdiv_int, mpf_pow_int, mpf_sqrt,
29    reciprocal_rnd, negative_rnd, mpf_perturb,
30    isqrt_fast
33from .libintmath import ifib
37# Tuning parameters
40# Cutoff for computing exp from cosh+sinh. This reduces the
41# number of terms by half, but also requires a square root which
42# is expensive with the pure-Python square root code.
43if BACKEND == 'python':
44    EXP_COSH_CUTOFF = 600
46    EXP_COSH_CUTOFF = 400
47# Cutoff for using more than 2 series
50# Also basically determined by sqrt
51if BACKEND == 'python':
52    COS_SIN_CACHE_PREC = 400
54    COS_SIN_CACHE_PREC = 200
56cos_sin_cache = {}
58# Number of integer logarithms to cache (for zeta sums)
60log_int_cache = {}
62LOG_TAYLOR_PREC = 2500  # Use Taylor series with caching up to this prec
63LOG_TAYLOR_SHIFT = 9    # Cache log values in steps of size 2^-N
64log_taylor_cache = {}
65# prec/size ratio of x for fastest convergence in AGM formula
68ATAN_TAYLOR_PREC = 3000  # Same as for log
69ATAN_TAYLOR_SHIFT = 7   # steps of size 2^-N
70atan_taylor_cache = {}
73# ~= next power of two + 20
74cache_prec_steps = [22,22]
75for k in xrange(1, bitcount(LOG_TAYLOR_PREC)+1):
76    cache_prec_steps += [min(2**k,LOG_TAYLOR_PREC)+20] * 2**(k-1)
80#                                                                            #
81#                   Elementary mathematical constants                        #
82#                                                                            #
85def constant_memo(f):
86    """
87    Decorator for caching computed values of mathematical
88    constants. This decorator should be applied to a
89    function taking a single argument prec as input and
90    returning a fixed-point value with the given precision.
91    """
92    f.memo_prec = -1
93    f.memo_val = None
94    def g(prec, **kwargs):
95        memo_prec = f.memo_prec
96        if prec <= memo_prec:
97            return f.memo_val >> (memo_prec-prec)
98        newprec = int(prec*1.05+10)
99        f.memo_val = f(newprec, **kwargs)
100        f.memo_prec = newprec
101        return f.memo_val >> (newprec-prec)
102    g.__name__ = f.__name__
103    g.__doc__ = f.__doc__
104    return g
106def def_mpf_constant(fixed):
107    """
108    Create a function that computes the mpf value for a mathematical
109    constant, given a function that computes the fixed-point value.
111    Assumptions: the constant is positive and has magnitude ~= 1;
112    the fixed-point function rounds to floor.
113    """
114    def f(prec, rnd=round_fast):
115        wp = prec + 20
116        v = fixed(wp)
117        if rnd in (round_up, round_ceiling):
118            v += 1
119        return normalize(0, v, -wp, bitcount(v), prec, rnd)
120    f.__doc__ = fixed.__doc__
121    return f
123def bsp_acot(q, a, b, hyperbolic):
124    if b - a == 1:
125        a1 = MPZ(2*a + 3)
126        if hyperbolic or a&1:
127            return MPZ_ONE, a1 * q**2, a1
128        else:
129            return -MPZ_ONE, a1 * q**2, a1
130    m = (a+b)//2
131    p1, q1, r1 = bsp_acot(q, a, m, hyperbolic)
132    p2, q2, r2 = bsp_acot(q, m, b, hyperbolic)
133    return q2*p1 + r1*p2, q1*q2, r1*r2
135# the acoth(x) series converges like the geometric series for x^2
136# N = ceil(p*log(2)/(2*log(x)))
137def acot_fixed(a, prec, hyperbolic):
138    """
139    Compute acot(a) or acoth(a) for an integer a with binary splitting; see
140    http://numbers.computation.free.fr/Constants/Algorithms/splitting.html
141    """
142    N = int(0.35 * prec/math.log(a) + 20)
143    p, q, r = bsp_acot(a, 0,N, hyperbolic)
144    return ((p+q)<<prec)//(q*a)
146def machin(coefs, prec, hyperbolic=False):
147    """
148    Evaluate a Machin-like formula, i.e., a linear combination of
149    acot(n) or acoth(n) for specific integer values of n, using fixed-
150    point arithmetic. The input should be a list [(c, n), ...], giving
151    c*acot[h](n) + ...
152    """
153    extraprec = 10
154    s = MPZ_ZERO
155    for a, b in coefs:
156        s += MPZ(a) * acot_fixed(MPZ(b), prec+extraprec, hyperbolic)
157    return (s >> extraprec)
159# Logarithms of integers are needed for various computations involving
160# logarithms, powers, radix conversion, etc
163def ln2_fixed(prec):
164    """
165    Computes ln(2). This is done with a hyperbolic Machin-type formula,
166    with binary splitting at high precision.
167    """
168    return machin([(18, 26), (-2, 4801), (8, 8749)], prec, True)
171def ln10_fixed(prec):
172    """
173    Computes ln(10). This is done with a hyperbolic Machin-type formula.
174    """
175    return machin([(46, 31), (34, 49), (20, 161)], prec, True)
179For computation of pi, we use the Chudnovsky series:
181             oo
182             ___        k
183      1     \       (-1)  (6 k)! (A + B k)
184    ----- =  )     -----------------------
185    12 pi   /___               3  3k+3/2
186                    (3 k)! (k!)  C
187            k = 0
189where A, B, and C are certain integer constants. This series adds roughly
19014 digits per term. Note that C^(3/2) can be extracted so that the
191series contains only rational terms. This makes binary splitting very
194The recurrence formulas for the binary splitting were taken from
197Previously, Machin's formula was used at low precision and the AGM iteration
198was used at high precision. However, the Chudnovsky series is essentially as
199fast as the Machin formula at low precision and in practice about 3x faster
200than the AGM at high precision (despite theoretically having a worse
201asymptotic complexity), so there is no reason not to use it in all cases.
205# Constants in Chudnovsky's series
206CHUD_A = MPZ(13591409)
207CHUD_B = MPZ(545140134)
208CHUD_C = MPZ(640320)
209CHUD_D = MPZ(12)
211def bs_chudnovsky(a, b, level, verbose):
212    """
213    Computes the sum from a to b of the series in the Chudnovsky
214    formula. Returns g, p, q where p/q is the sum as an exact
215    fraction and g is a temporary value used to save work
216    for recursive calls.
217    """
218    if b-a == 1:
219        g = MPZ((6*b-5)*(2*b-1)*(6*b-1))
220        p = b**3 * CHUD_C**3 // 24
221        q = (-1)**b * g * (CHUD_A+CHUD_B*b)
222    else:
223        if verbose and level < 4:
224            print("  binary splitting", a, b)
225        mid = (a+b)//2
226        g1, p1, q1 = bs_chudnovsky(a, mid, level+1, verbose)
227        g2, p2, q2 = bs_chudnovsky(mid, b, level+1, verbose)
228        p = p1*p2
229        g = g1*g2
230        q = q1*p2 + q2*g1
231    return g, p, q
234def pi_fixed(prec, verbose=False, verbose_base=None):
235    """
236    Compute floor(pi * 2**prec) as a big integer.
238    This is done using Chudnovsky's series (see comments in
239    libelefun.py for details).
240    """
241    # The Chudnovsky series gives 14.18 digits per term
242    N = int(prec/3.3219280948/14.181647462 + 2)
243    if verbose:
244        print("binary splitting with N =", N)
245    g, p, q = bs_chudnovsky(0, N, 0, verbose)
246    sqrtC = isqrt_fast(CHUD_C<<(2*prec))
247    v = p*CHUD_C*sqrtC//((q+CHUD_A*p)*CHUD_D)
248    return v
250def degree_fixed(prec):
251    return pi_fixed(prec)//180
253def bspe(a, b):
254    """
255    Sum series for exp(1)-1 between a, b, returning the result
256    as an exact fraction (p, q).
257    """
258    if b-a == 1:
259        return MPZ_ONE, MPZ(b)
260    m = (a+b)//2
261    p1, q1 = bspe(a, m)
262    p2, q2 = bspe(m, b)
263    return p1*q2+p2, q1*q2
266def e_fixed(prec):
267    """
268    Computes exp(1). This is done using the ordinary Taylor series for
269    exp, with binary splitting. For a description of the algorithm,
270    see:
272        http://numbers.computation.free.fr/Constants/
273            Algorithms/splitting.html
274    """
275    # Slight overestimate of N needed for 1/N! < 2**(-prec)
276    # This could be tightened for large N.
277    N = int(1.1*prec/math.log(prec) + 20)
278    p, q = bspe(0,N)
279    return ((p+q)<<prec)//q
282def phi_fixed(prec):
283    """
284    Computes the golden ratio, (1+sqrt(5))/2
285    """
286    prec += 10
287    a = isqrt_fast(MPZ_FIVE<<(2*prec)) + (MPZ_ONE << prec)
288    return a >> 11
290mpf_phi    = def_mpf_constant(phi_fixed)
291mpf_pi     = def_mpf_constant(pi_fixed)
292mpf_e      = def_mpf_constant(e_fixed)
293mpf_degree = def_mpf_constant(degree_fixed)
294mpf_ln2    = def_mpf_constant(ln2_fixed)
295mpf_ln10   = def_mpf_constant(ln10_fixed)
299def ln_sqrt2pi_fixed(prec):
300    wp = prec + 10
301    # ln(sqrt(2*pi)) = ln(2*pi)/2
302    return to_fixed(mpf_log(mpf_shift(mpf_pi(wp), 1), wp), prec-1)
305def sqrtpi_fixed(prec):
306    return sqrt_fixed(pi_fixed(prec), prec)
308mpf_sqrtpi   = def_mpf_constant(sqrtpi_fixed)
309mpf_ln_sqrt2pi   = def_mpf_constant(ln_sqrt2pi_fixed)
313#                                                                            #
314#                                    Powers                                  #
315#                                                                            #
318def mpf_pow(s, t, prec, rnd=round_fast):
319    """
320    Compute s**t. Raises ComplexResult if s is negative and t is
321    fractional.
322    """
323    ssign, sman, sexp, sbc = s
324    tsign, tman, texp, tbc = t
325    if ssign and texp < 0:
326        raise ComplexResult("negative number raised to a fractional power")
327    if texp >= 0:
328        return mpf_pow_int(s, (-1)**tsign * (tman<<texp), prec, rnd)
329    # s**(n/2) = sqrt(s)**n
330    if texp == -1:
331        if tman == 1:
332            if tsign:
333                return mpf_div(fone, mpf_sqrt(s, prec+10,
334                    reciprocal_rnd[rnd]), prec, rnd)
335            return mpf_sqrt(s, prec, rnd)
336        else:
337            if tsign:
338                return mpf_pow_int(mpf_sqrt(s, prec+10,
339                    reciprocal_rnd[rnd]), -tman, prec, rnd)
340            return mpf_pow_int(mpf_sqrt(s, prec+10, rnd), tman, prec, rnd)
341    # General formula: s**t = exp(t*log(s))
342    # TODO: handle rnd direction of the logarithm carefully
343    c = mpf_log(s, prec+10, rnd)
344    return mpf_exp(mpf_mul(t, c), prec, rnd)
346def int_pow_fixed(y, n, prec):
347    """n-th power of a fixed point number with precision prec
349       Returns the power in the form man, exp,
350       man * 2**exp ~= y**n
351    """
352    if n == 2:
353        return (y*y), 0
354    bc = bitcount(y)
355    exp = 0
356    workprec = 2 * (prec + 4*bitcount(n) + 4)
357    _, pm, pe, pbc = fone
358    while 1:
359        if n & 1:
360            pm = pm*y
361            pe = pe+exp
362            pbc += bc - 2
363            pbc = pbc + bctable[int(pm >> pbc)]
364            if pbc > workprec:
365                pm = pm >> (pbc-workprec)
366                pe += pbc - workprec
367                pbc = workprec
368            n -= 1
369            if not n:
370                break
371        y = y*y
372        exp = exp+exp
373        bc = bc + bc - 2
374        bc = bc + bctable[int(y >> bc)]
375        if bc > workprec:
376            y = y >> (bc-workprec)
377            exp += bc - workprec
378            bc = workprec
379        n = n // 2
380    return pm, pe
382# froot(s, n, prec, rnd) computes the real n-th root of a
383# positive mpf tuple s.
384# To compute the root we start from a 50-bit estimate for r
385# generated with ordinary floating-point arithmetic, and then refine
386# the value to full accuracy using the iteration
388#            1  /                     y       \
389#   r     = --- | (n-1)  * r   +  ----------  |
390#    n+1     n  \           n     r_n**(n-1)  /
392# which is simply Newton's method applied to the equation r**n = y.
393# With giant_steps(start, prec+extra) = [p0,...,pm, prec+extra]
394# and y = man * 2**-shift  one has
395# (man * 2**exp)**(1/n) =
396# y**(1/n) * 2**(start-prec/n) * 2**(p0-start) * ... * 2**(prec+extra-pm) *
397# 2**((exp+shift-(n-1)*prec)/n -extra))
398# The last factor is accounted for in the last line of froot.
400def nthroot_fixed(y, n, prec, exp1):
401    start = 50
402    try:
403        y1 = rshift(y, prec - n*start)
404        r = MPZ(int(y1**(1.0/n)))
405    except OverflowError:
406        y1 = from_int(y1, start)
407        fn = from_int(n)
408        fn = mpf_rdiv_int(1, fn, start)
409        r = mpf_pow(y1, fn, start)
410        r = to_int(r)
411    extra = 10
412    extra1 = n
413    prevp = start
414    for p in giant_steps(start, prec+extra):
415        pm, pe = int_pow_fixed(r, n-1, prevp)
416        r2 = rshift(pm, (n-1)*prevp - p - pe - extra1)
417        B = lshift(y, 2*p-prec+extra1)//r2
418        r = (B + (n-1) * lshift(r, p-prevp))//n
419        prevp = p
420    return r
422def mpf_nthroot(s, n, prec, rnd=round_fast):
423    """nth-root of a positive number
425    Use the Newton method when faster, otherwise use x**(1/n)
426    """
427    sign, man, exp, bc = s
428    if sign:
429        raise ComplexResult("nth root of a negative number")
430    if not man:
431        if s == fnan:
432            return fnan
433        if s == fzero:
434            if n > 0:
435                return fzero
436            if n == 0:
437                return fone
438            return finf
439        # Infinity
440        if not n:
441            return fnan
442        if n < 0:
443            return fzero
444        return finf
445    flag_inverse = False
446    if n < 2:
447        if n == 0:
448            return fone
449        if n == 1:
450            return mpf_pos(s, prec, rnd)
451        if n == -1:
452            return mpf_div(fone, s, prec, rnd)
453        # n < 0
454        rnd = reciprocal_rnd[rnd]
455        flag_inverse = True
456        extra_inverse = 5
457        prec += extra_inverse
458        n = -n
459    if n > 20 and (n >= 20000 or prec < int(233 + 28.3 * n**0.62)):
460        prec2 = prec + 10
461        fn = from_int(n)
462        nth = mpf_rdiv_int(1, fn, prec2)
463        r = mpf_pow(s, nth, prec2, rnd)
464        s = normalize(r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], prec, rnd)
465        if flag_inverse:
466            return mpf_div(fone, s, prec-extra_inverse, rnd)
467        else:
468            return s
469    # Convert to a fixed-point number with prec2 bits.
470    prec2 = prec + 2*n - (prec%n)
471    # a few tests indicate that
472    # for 10 < n < 10**4 a bit more precision is needed
473    if n > 10:
474        prec2 += prec2//10
475        prec2 = prec2 - prec2%n
476    # Mantissa may have more bits than we need. Trim it down.
477    shift = bc - prec2
478    # Adjust exponents to make prec2 and exp+shift multiples of n.
479    sign1 = 0
480    es = exp+shift
481    if es < 0:
482        sign1 = 1
483        es = -es
484    if sign1:
485        shift += es%n
486    else:
487        shift -= es%n
488    man = rshift(man, shift)
489    extra = 10
490    exp1 = ((exp+shift-(n-1)*prec2)//n) - extra
491    rnd_shift = 0
492    if flag_inverse:
493        if rnd == 'u' or rnd == 'c':
494            rnd_shift = 1
495    else:
496        if rnd == 'd' or rnd == 'f':
497            rnd_shift = 1
498    man = nthroot_fixed(man+rnd_shift, n, prec2, exp1)
499    s = from_man_exp(man, exp1, prec, rnd)
500    if flag_inverse:
501        return mpf_div(fone, s, prec-extra_inverse, rnd)
502    else:
503        return s
505def mpf_cbrt(s, prec, rnd=round_fast):
506    """cubic root of a positive number"""
507    return mpf_nthroot(s, 3, prec, rnd)
510#                                                                            #
511#                                Logarithms                                  #
512#                                                                            #
516def log_int_fixed(n, prec, ln2=None):
517    """
518    Fast computation of log(n), caching the value for small n,
519    intended for zeta sums.
520    """
521    if n in log_int_cache:
522        value, vprec = log_int_cache[n]
523        if vprec >= prec:
524            return value >> (vprec - prec)
525    wp = prec + 10
526    if wp <= LOG_TAYLOR_SHIFT:
527        if ln2 is None:
528            ln2 = ln2_fixed(wp)
529        r = bitcount(n)
530        x = n << (wp-r)
531        v = log_taylor_cached(x, wp) + r*ln2
532    else:
533        v = to_fixed(mpf_log(from_int(n), wp+5), wp)
534    if n < MAX_LOG_INT_CACHE:
535        log_int_cache[n] = (v, wp)
536    return v >> (wp-prec)
538def agm_fixed(a, b, prec):
539    """
540    Fixed-point computation of agm(a,b), assuming
541    a, b both close to unit magnitude.
542    """
543    i = 0
544    while 1:
545        anew = (a+b)>>1
546        if i > 4 and abs(a-anew) < 8:
547            return a
548        b = isqrt_fast(a*b)
549        a = anew
550        i += 1
551    return a
553def log_agm(x, prec):
554    """
555    Fixed-point computation of -log(x) = log(1/x), suitable
556    for large precision. It is required that 0 < x < 1. The
557    algorithm used is the Sasaki-Kanada formula
559        -log(x) = pi/agm(theta2(x)^2,theta3(x)^2). [1]
561    For faster convergence in the theta functions, x should
562    be chosen closer to 0.
564    Guard bits must be added by the caller.
566    HYPOTHESIS: if x = 2^(-n), n bits need to be added to
567    account for the truncation to a fixed-point number,
568    and this is the only significant cancellation error.
570    The number of bits lost to roundoff is small and can be
571    considered constant.
573    [1] Richard P. Brent, "Fast Algorithms for High-Precision
574        Computation of Elementary Functions (extended abstract)",
575        http://wwwmaths.anu.edu.au/~brent/pd/RNC7-Brent.pdf
577    """
578    x2 = (x*x) >> prec
579    # Compute jtheta2(x)**2
580    s = a = b = x2
581    while a:
582        b = (b*x2) >> prec
583        a = (a*b) >> prec
584        s += a
585    s += (MPZ_ONE<<prec)
586    s = (s*s)>>(prec-2)
587    s = (s*isqrt_fast(x<<prec))>>prec
588    # Compute jtheta3(x)**2
589    t = a = b = x
590    while a:
591        b = (b*x2) >> prec
592        a = (a*b) >> prec
593        t += a
594    t = (MPZ_ONE<<prec) + (t<<1)
595    t = (t*t)>>prec
596    # Final formula
597    p = agm_fixed(s, t, prec)
598    return (pi_fixed(prec) << prec) // p
600def log_taylor(x, prec, r=0):
601    """
602    Fixed-point calculation of log(x). It is assumed that x is close
603    enough to 1 for the Taylor series to converge quickly. Convergence
604    can be improved by specifying r > 0 to compute
605    log(x^(1/2^r))*2^r, at the cost of performing r square roots.
607    The caller must provide sufficient guard bits.
608    """
609    for i in xrange(r):
610        x = isqrt_fast(x<<prec)
611    one = MPZ_ONE << prec
612    v = ((x-one)<<prec)//(x+one)
613    sign = v < 0
614    if sign:
615        v = -v
616    v2 = (v*v) >> prec
617    v4 = (v2*v2) >> prec
618    s0 = v
619    s1 = v//3
620    v = (v*v4) >> prec
621    k = 5
622    while v:
623        s0 += v // k
624        k += 2
625        s1 += v // k
626        v = (v*v4) >> prec
627        k += 2
628    s1 = (s1*v2) >> prec
629    s = (s0+s1) << (1+r)
630    if sign:
631        return -s
632    return s
634def log_taylor_cached(x, prec):
635    """
636    Fixed-point computation of log(x), assuming x in (0.5, 2)
637    and prec <= LOG_TAYLOR_PREC.
638    """
639    n = x >> (prec-LOG_TAYLOR_SHIFT)
640    cached_prec = cache_prec_steps[prec]
641    dprec = cached_prec - prec
642    if (n, cached_prec) in log_taylor_cache:
643        a, log_a = log_taylor_cache[n, cached_prec]
644    else:
645        a = n << (cached_prec - LOG_TAYLOR_SHIFT)
646        log_a = log_taylor(a, cached_prec, 8)
647        log_taylor_cache[n, cached_prec] = (a, log_a)
648    a >>= dprec
649    log_a >>= dprec
650    u = ((x - a) << prec) // a
651    v = (u << prec) // ((MPZ_TWO << prec) + u)
652    v2 = (v*v) >> prec
653    v4 = (v2*v2) >> prec
654    s0 = v
655    s1 = v//3
656    v = (v*v4) >> prec
657    k = 5
658    while v:
659        s0 += v//k
660        k += 2
661        s1 += v//k
662        v = (v*v4) >> prec
663        k += 2
664    s1 = (s1*v2) >> prec
665    s = (s0+s1) << 1
666    return log_a + s
668def mpf_log(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
669    """
670    Compute the natural logarithm of the mpf value x. If x is negative,
671    ComplexResult is raised.
672    """
673    sign, man, exp, bc = x
674    #------------------------------------------------------------------
675    # Handle special values
676    if not man:
677        if x == fzero: return fninf
678        if x == finf: return finf
679        if x == fnan: return fnan
680    if sign:
681        raise ComplexResult("logarithm of a negative number")
682    wp = prec + 20
683    #------------------------------------------------------------------
684    # Handle log(2^n) = log(n)*2.
685    # Here we catch the only possible exact value, log(1) = 0
686    if man == 1:
687        if not exp:
688            return fzero
689        return from_man_exp(exp*ln2_fixed(wp), -wp, prec, rnd)
690    mag = exp+bc
691    abs_mag = abs(mag)
692    #------------------------------------------------------------------
693    # Handle x = 1+eps, where log(x) ~ x. We need to check for
694    # cancellation when moving to fixed-point math and compensate
695    # by increasing the precision. Note that abs_mag in (0, 1) <=>
696    # 0.5 < x < 2 and x != 1
697    if abs_mag <= 1:
698        # Calculate t = x-1 to measure distance from 1 in bits
699        tsign = 1-abs_mag
700        if tsign:
701            tman = (MPZ_ONE<<bc) - man
702        else:
703            tman = man - (MPZ_ONE<<(bc-1))
704        tbc = bitcount(tman)
705        cancellation = bc - tbc
706        if cancellation > wp:
707            t = normalize(tsign, tman, abs_mag-bc, tbc, tbc, 'n')
708            return mpf_perturb(t, tsign, prec, rnd)
709        else:
710            wp += cancellation
711        # TODO: if close enough to 1, we could use Taylor series
712        # even in the AGM precision range, since the Taylor series
713        # converges rapidly
714    #------------------------------------------------------------------
715    # Another special case:
716    # n*log(2) is a good enough approximation
717    if abs_mag > 10000:
718        if bitcount(abs_mag) > wp:
719            return from_man_exp(exp*ln2_fixed(wp), -wp, prec, rnd)
720    #------------------------------------------------------------------
721    # General case.
722    # Perform argument reduction using log(x) = log(x*2^n) - n*log(2):
723    # If we are in the Taylor precision range, choose magnitude 0 or 1.
724    # If we are in the AGM precision range, choose magnitude -m for
725    # some large m; benchmarking on one machine showed m = prec/20 to be
726    # optimal between 1000 and 100,000 digits.
727    if wp <= LOG_TAYLOR_PREC:
728        m = log_taylor_cached(lshift(man, wp-bc), wp)
729        if mag:
730            m += mag*ln2_fixed(wp)
731    else:
732        optimal_mag = -wp//LOG_AGM_MAG_PREC_RATIO
733        n = optimal_mag - mag
734        x = mpf_shift(x, n)
735        wp += (-optimal_mag)
736        m = -log_agm(to_fixed(x, wp), wp)
737        m -= n*ln2_fixed(wp)
738    return from_man_exp(m, -wp, prec, rnd)
740def mpf_log_hypot(a, b, prec, rnd):
741    """
742    Computes log(sqrt(a^2+b^2)) accurately.
743    """
744    # If either a or b is inf/nan/0, assume it to be a
745    if not b[1]:
746        a, b = b, a
747    # a is inf/nan/0
748    if not a[1]:
749        # both are inf/nan/0
750        if not b[1]:
751            if a == b == fzero:
752                return fninf
753            if fnan in (a, b):
754                return fnan
755            # at least one term is (+/- inf)^2
756            return finf
757        # only a is inf/nan/0
758        if a == fzero:
759            # log(sqrt(0+b^2)) = log(|b|)
760            return mpf_log(mpf_abs(b), prec, rnd)
761        if a == fnan:
762            return fnan
763        return finf
764    # Exact
765    a2 = mpf_mul(a,a)
766    b2 = mpf_mul(b,b)
767    extra = 20
768    # Not exact
769    h2 = mpf_add(a2, b2, prec+extra)
770    cancelled = mpf_add(h2, fnone, 10)
771    mag_cancelled = cancelled[2]+cancelled[3]
772    # Just redo the sum exactly if necessary (could be smarter
773    # and avoid memory allocation when a or b is precisely 1
774    # and the other is tiny...)
775    if cancelled == fzero or mag_cancelled < -extra//2:
776        h2 = mpf_add(a2, b2, prec+extra-min(a2[2],b2[2]))
777    return mpf_shift(mpf_log(h2, prec, rnd), -1)
781# Inverse tangent
784def atan_newton(x, prec):
785    if prec >= 100:
786        r = math.atan(int((x>>(prec-53)))/2.0**53)
787    else:
788        r = math.atan(int(x)/2.0**prec)
789    prevp = 50
790    r = MPZ(int(r * 2.0**53) >> (53-prevp))
791    extra_p = 50
792    for wp in giant_steps(prevp, prec):
793        wp += extra_p
794        r = r << (wp-prevp)
795        cos, sin = cos_sin_fixed(r, wp)
796        tan = (sin << wp) // cos
797        a = ((tan-rshift(x, prec-wp)) << wp) // ((MPZ_ONE<<wp) + ((tan**2)>>wp))
798        r = r - a
799        prevp = wp
800    return rshift(r, prevp-prec)
802def atan_taylor_get_cached(n, prec):
803    # Taylor series with caching wins up to huge precisions
804    # To avoid unnecessary precomputation at low precision, we
805    # do it in steps
806    # Round to next power of 2
807    prec2 = (1<<(bitcount(prec-1))) + 20
808    dprec = prec2 - prec
809    if (n, prec2) in atan_taylor_cache:
810        a, atan_a = atan_taylor_cache[n, prec2]
811    else:
812        a = n << (prec2 - ATAN_TAYLOR_SHIFT)
813        atan_a = atan_newton(a, prec2)
814        atan_taylor_cache[n, prec2] = (a, atan_a)
815    return (a >> dprec), (atan_a >> dprec)
817def atan_taylor(x, prec):
818    n = (x >> (prec-ATAN_TAYLOR_SHIFT))
819    a, atan_a = atan_taylor_get_cached(n, prec)
820    d = x - a
821    s0 = v = (d << prec) // ((a**2 >> prec) + (a*d >> prec) + (MPZ_ONE << prec))
822    v2 = (v**2 >> prec)
823    v4 = (v2 * v2) >> prec
824    s1 = v//3
825    v = (v * v4) >> prec
826    k = 5
827    while v:
828        s0 += v // k
829        k += 2
830        s1 += v // k
831        v = (v * v4) >> prec
832        k += 2
833    s1 = (s1 * v2) >> prec
834    s = s0 - s1
835    return atan_a + s
837def atan_inf(sign, prec, rnd):
838    if not sign:
839        return mpf_shift(mpf_pi(prec, rnd), -1)
840    return mpf_neg(mpf_shift(mpf_pi(prec, negative_rnd[rnd]), -1))
842def mpf_atan(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
843    sign, man, exp, bc = x
844    if not man:
845        if x == fzero: return fzero
846        if x == finf: return atan_inf(0, prec, rnd)
847        if x == fninf: return atan_inf(1, prec, rnd)
848        return fnan
849    mag = exp + bc
850    # Essentially infinity
851    if mag > prec+20:
852        return atan_inf(sign, prec, rnd)
853    # Essentially ~ x
854    if -mag > prec+20:
855        return mpf_perturb(x, 1-sign, prec, rnd)
856    wp = prec + 30 + abs(mag)
857    # For large x, use atan(x) = pi/2 - atan(1/x)
858    if mag >= 2:
859        x = mpf_rdiv_int(1, x, wp)
860        reciprocal = True
861    else:
862        reciprocal = False
863    t = to_fixed(x, wp)
864    if sign:
865        t = -t
866    if wp < ATAN_TAYLOR_PREC:
867        a = atan_taylor(t, wp)
868    else:
869        a = atan_newton(t, wp)
870    if reciprocal:
871        a = ((pi_fixed(wp)>>1)+1) - a
872    if sign:
873        a = -a
874    return from_man_exp(a, -wp, prec, rnd)
876# TODO: cleanup the special cases
877def mpf_atan2(y, x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
878    xsign, xman, xexp, xbc = x
879    ysign, yman, yexp, ybc = y
880    if not yman:
881        if y == fzero and x != fnan:
882            if mpf_sign(x) >= 0:
883                return fzero
884            return mpf_pi(prec, rnd)
885        if y in (finf, fninf):
886            if x in (finf, fninf):
887                return fnan
888            # pi/2
889            if y == finf:
890                return mpf_shift(mpf_pi(prec, rnd), -1)
891            # -pi/2
892            return mpf_neg(mpf_shift(mpf_pi(prec, negative_rnd[rnd]), -1))
893        return fnan
894    if ysign:
895        return mpf_neg(mpf_atan2(mpf_neg(y), x, prec, negative_rnd[rnd]))
896    if not xman:
897        if x == fnan:
898            return fnan
899        if x == finf:
900            return fzero
901        if x == fninf:
902            return mpf_pi(prec, rnd)
903        if y == fzero:
904            return fzero
905        return mpf_shift(mpf_pi(prec, rnd), -1)
906    tquo = mpf_atan(mpf_div(y, x, prec+4), prec+4)
907    if xsign:
908        return mpf_add(mpf_pi(prec+4), tquo, prec, rnd)
909    else:
910        return mpf_pos(tquo, prec, rnd)
912def mpf_asin(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
913    sign, man, exp, bc = x
914    if bc+exp > 0 and x not in (fone, fnone):
915        raise ComplexResult("asin(x) is real only for -1 <= x <= 1")
916    # asin(x) = 2*atan(x/(1+sqrt(1-x**2)))
917    wp = prec + 15
918    a = mpf_mul(x, x)
919    b = mpf_add(fone, mpf_sqrt(mpf_sub(fone, a, wp), wp), wp)
920    c = mpf_div(x, b, wp)
921    return mpf_shift(mpf_atan(c, prec, rnd), 1)
923def mpf_acos(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
924    # acos(x) = 2*atan(sqrt(1-x**2)/(1+x))
925    sign, man, exp, bc = x
926    if bc + exp > 0:
927        if x not in (fone, fnone):
928            raise ComplexResult("acos(x) is real only for -1 <= x <= 1")
929        if x == fnone:
930            return mpf_pi(prec, rnd)
931    wp = prec + 15
932    a = mpf_mul(x, x)
933    b = mpf_sqrt(mpf_sub(fone, a, wp), wp)
934    c = mpf_div(b, mpf_add(fone, x, wp), wp)
935    return mpf_shift(mpf_atan(c, prec, rnd), 1)
937def mpf_asinh(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
938    wp = prec + 20
939    sign, man, exp, bc = x
940    mag = exp+bc
941    if mag < -8:
942        if mag < -wp:
943            return mpf_perturb(x, 1-sign, prec, rnd)
944        wp += (-mag)
945    # asinh(x) = log(x+sqrt(x**2+1))
946    # use reflection symmetry to avoid cancellation
947    q = mpf_sqrt(mpf_add(mpf_mul(x, x), fone, wp), wp)
948    q = mpf_add(mpf_abs(x), q, wp)
949    if sign:
950        return mpf_neg(mpf_log(q, prec, negative_rnd[rnd]))
951    else:
952        return mpf_log(q, prec, rnd)
954def mpf_acosh(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
955    # acosh(x) = log(x+sqrt(x**2-1))
956    wp = prec + 15
957    if mpf_cmp(x, fone) == -1:
958        raise ComplexResult("acosh(x) is real only for x >= 1")
959    q = mpf_sqrt(mpf_add(mpf_mul(x,x), fnone, wp), wp)
960    return mpf_log(mpf_add(x, q, wp), prec, rnd)
962def mpf_atanh(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
963    # atanh(x) = log((1+x)/(1-x))/2
964    sign, man, exp, bc = x
965    if (not man) and exp:
966        if x in (fzero, fnan):
967            return x
968        raise ComplexResult("atanh(x) is real only for -1 <= x <= 1")
969    mag = bc + exp
970    if mag > 0:
971        if mag == 1 and man == 1:
972            return [finf, fninf][sign]
973        raise ComplexResult("atanh(x) is real only for -1 <= x <= 1")
974    wp = prec + 15
975    if mag < -8:
976        if mag < -wp:
977            return mpf_perturb(x, sign, prec, rnd)
978        wp += (-mag)
979    a = mpf_add(x, fone, wp)
980    b = mpf_sub(fone, x, wp)
981    return mpf_shift(mpf_log(mpf_div(a, b, wp), prec, rnd), -1)
983def mpf_fibonacci(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
984    sign, man, exp, bc = x
985    if not man:
986        if x == fninf:
987            return fnan
988        return x
989    # F(2^n) ~= 2^(2^n)
990    size = abs(exp+bc)
991    if exp >= 0:
992        # Exact
993        if size < 10 or size <= bitcount(prec):
994            return from_int(ifib(to_int(x)), prec, rnd)
995    # Use the modified Binet formula
996    wp = prec + size + 20
997    a = mpf_phi(wp)
998    b = mpf_add(mpf_shift(a, 1), fnone, wp)
999    u = mpf_pow(a, x, wp)
1000    v = mpf_cos_pi(x, wp)
1001    v = mpf_div(v, u, wp)
1002    u = mpf_sub(u, v, wp)
1003    u = mpf_div(u, b, prec, rnd)
1004    return u
1008# Exponential-type functions
1011def exponential_series(x, prec, type=0):
1012    """
1013    Taylor series for cosh/sinh or cos/sin.
1015    type = 0 -- returns exp(x)  (slightly faster than cosh+sinh)
1016    type = 1 -- returns (cosh(x), sinh(x))
1017    type = 2 -- returns (cos(x), sin(x))
1018    """
1019    if x < 0:
1020        x = -x
1021        sign = 1
1022    else:
1023        sign = 0
1024    r = int(0.5*prec**0.5)
1025    xmag = bitcount(x) - prec
1026    r = max(0, xmag + r)
1027    extra = 10 + 2*max(r,-xmag)
1028    wp = prec + extra
1029    x <<= (extra - r)
1030    one = MPZ_ONE << wp
1031    alt = (type == 2)
1032    if prec < EXP_SERIES_U_CUTOFF:
1033        x2 = a = (x*x) >> wp
1034        x4 = (x2*x2) >> wp
1035        s0 = s1 = MPZ_ZERO
1036        k = 2
1037        while a:
1038            a //= (k-1)*k; s0 += a; k += 2
1039            a //= (k-1)*k; s1 += a; k += 2
1040            a = (a*x4) >> wp
1041        s1 = (x2*s1) >> wp
1042        if alt:
1043            c = s1 - s0 + one
1044        else:
1045            c = s1 + s0 + one
1046    else:
1047        u = int(0.3*prec**0.35)
1048        x2 = a = (x*x) >> wp
1049        xpowers = [one, x2]
1050        for i in xrange(1, u):
1051            xpowers.append((xpowers[-1]*x2)>>wp)
1052        sums = [MPZ_ZERO] * u
1053        k = 2
1054        while a:
1055            for i in xrange(u):
1056                a //= (k-1)*k
1057                if alt and k & 2: sums[i] -= a
1058                else:             sums[i] += a
1059                k += 2
1060            a = (a*xpowers[-1]) >> wp
1061        for i in xrange(1, u):
1062            sums[i] = (sums[i]*xpowers[i]) >> wp
1063        c = sum(sums) + one
1064    if type == 0:
1065        s = isqrt_fast(c*c - (one<<wp))
1066        if sign:
1067            v = c - s
1068        else:
1069            v = c + s
1070        for i in xrange(r):
1071            v = (v*v) >> wp
1072        return v >> extra
1073    else:
1074        # Repeatedly apply the double-angle formula
1075        # cosh(2*x) = 2*cosh(x)^2 - 1
1076        # cos(2*x) = 2*cos(x)^2 - 1
1077        pshift = wp-1
1078        for i in xrange(r):
1079            c = ((c*c) >> pshift) - one
1080        # With the abs, this is the same for sinh and sin
1081        s = isqrt_fast(abs((one<<wp) - c*c))
1082        if sign:
1083            s = -s
1084        return (c>>extra), (s>>extra)
1086def exp_basecase(x, prec):
1087    """
1088    Compute exp(x) as a fixed-point number. Works for any x,
1089    but for speed should have |x| < 1. For an arbitrary number,
1090    use exp(x) = exp(x-m*log(2)) * 2^m where m = floor(x/log(2)).
1091    """
1092    if prec > EXP_COSH_CUTOFF:
1093        return exponential_series(x, prec, 0)
1094    r = int(prec**0.5)
1095    prec += r
1096    s0 = s1 = (MPZ_ONE << prec)
1097    k = 2
1098    a = x2 = (x*x) >> prec
1099    while a:
1100        a //= k; s0 += a; k += 1
1101        a //= k; s1 += a; k += 1
1102        a = (a*x2) >> prec
1103    s1 = (s1*x) >> prec
1104    s = s0 + s1
1105    u = r
1106    while r:
1107        s = (s*s) >> prec
1108        r -= 1
1109    return s >> u
1111def exp_expneg_basecase(x, prec):
1112    """
1113    Computation of exp(x), exp(-x)
1114    """
1115    if prec > EXP_COSH_CUTOFF:
1116        cosh, sinh = exponential_series(x, prec, 1)
1117        return cosh+sinh, cosh-sinh
1118    a = exp_basecase(x, prec)
1119    b = (MPZ_ONE << (prec+prec)) // a
1120    return a, b
1122def cos_sin_basecase(x, prec):
1123    """
1124    Compute cos(x), sin(x) as fixed-point numbers, assuming x
1125    in [0, pi/2). For an arbitrary number, use x' = x - m*(pi/2)
1126    where m = floor(x/(pi/2)) along with quarter-period symmetries.
1127    """
1128    if prec > COS_SIN_CACHE_PREC:
1129        return exponential_series(x, prec, 2)
1130    precs = prec - COS_SIN_CACHE_STEP
1131    t = x >> precs
1132    n = int(t)
1133    if n not in cos_sin_cache:
1134        w = t<<(10+COS_SIN_CACHE_PREC-COS_SIN_CACHE_STEP)
1135        cos_t, sin_t = exponential_series(w, 10+COS_SIN_CACHE_PREC, 2)
1136        cos_sin_cache[n] = (cos_t>>10), (sin_t>>10)
1137    cos_t, sin_t = cos_sin_cache[n]
1138    offset = COS_SIN_CACHE_PREC - prec
1139    cos_t >>= offset
1140    sin_t >>= offset
1141    x -= t << precs
1142    cos = MPZ_ONE << prec
1143    sin = x
1144    k = 2
1145    a = -((x*x) >> prec)
1146    while a:
1147        a //= k; cos += a; k += 1; a = (a*x) >> prec
1148        a //= k; sin += a; k += 1; a = -((a*x) >> prec)
1149    return ((cos*cos_t-sin*sin_t) >> prec), ((sin*cos_t+cos*sin_t) >> prec)
1151def mpf_exp(x, prec, rnd=round_fast):
1152    sign, man, exp, bc = x
1153    if man:
1154        mag = bc + exp
1155        wp = prec + 14
1156        if sign:
1157            man = -man
1158        # TODO: the best cutoff depends on both x and the precision.
1159        if prec > 600 and exp >= 0:
1160            # Need about log2(exp(n)) ~= 1.45*mag extra precision
1161            e = mpf_e(wp+int(1.45*mag))
1162            return mpf_pow_int(e, man<<exp, prec, rnd)
1163        if mag < -wp:
1164            return mpf_perturb(fone, sign, prec, rnd)
1165        # |x| >= 2
1166        if mag > 1:
1167            # For large arguments: exp(2^mag*(1+eps)) =
1168            # exp(2^mag)*exp(2^mag*eps) = exp(2^mag)*(1 + 2^mag*eps + ...)
1169            # so about mag extra bits is required.
1170            wpmod = wp + mag
1171            offset = exp + wpmod
1172            if offset >= 0:
1173                t = man << offset
1174            else:
1175                t = man >> (-offset)
1176            lg2 = ln2_fixed(wpmod)
1177            n, t = divmod(t, lg2)
1178            n = int(n)
1179            t >>= mag
1180        else:
1181            offset = exp + wp
1182            if offset >= 0:
1183                t = man << offset
1184            else:
1185                t = man >> (-offset)
1186            n = 0
1187        man = exp_basecase(t, wp)
1188        return from_man_exp(man, n-wp, prec, rnd)
1189    if not exp:
1190        return fone
1191    if x == fninf:
1192        return fzero
1193    return x
1196def mpf_cosh_sinh(x, prec, rnd=round_fast, tanh=0):
1197    """Simultaneously compute (cosh(x), sinh(x)) for real x"""
1198    sign, man, exp, bc = x
1199    if (not man) and exp:
1200        if tanh:
1201            if x == finf: return fone
1202            if x == fninf: return fnone
1203            return fnan
1204        if x == finf: return (finf, finf)
1205        if x == fninf: return (finf, fninf)
1206        return fnan, fnan
1207    mag = exp+bc
1208    wp = prec+14
1209    if mag < -4:
1210        # Extremely close to 0, sinh(x) ~= x and cosh(x) ~= 1
1211        if mag < -wp:
1212            if tanh:
1213                return mpf_perturb(x, 1-sign, prec, rnd)
1214            cosh = mpf_perturb(fone, 0, prec, rnd)
1215            sinh = mpf_perturb(x, sign, prec, rnd)
1216            return cosh, sinh
1217        # Fix for cancellation when computing sinh
1218        wp += (-mag)
1219    # Does exp(-2*x) vanish?
1220    if mag > 10:
1221        if 3*(1<<(mag-1)) > wp:
1222            # XXX: rounding
1223            if tanh:
1224                return mpf_perturb([fone,fnone][sign], 1-sign, prec, rnd)
1225            c = s = mpf_shift(mpf_exp(mpf_abs(x), prec, rnd), -1)
1226            if sign:
1227                s = mpf_neg(s)
1228            return c, s
1229    # |x| > 1
1230    if mag > 1:
1231        wpmod = wp + mag
1232        offset = exp + wpmod
1233        if offset >= 0:
1234            t = man << offset
1235        else:
1236            t = man >> (-offset)
1237        lg2 = ln2_fixed(wpmod)
1238        n, t = divmod(t, lg2)
1239        n = int(n)
1240        t >>= mag
1241    else:
1242        offset = exp + wp
1243        if offset >= 0:
1244            t = man << offset
1245        else:
1246            t = man >> (-offset)
1247        n = 0
1248    a, b = exp_expneg_basecase(t, wp)
1249    # TODO: optimize division precision
1250    cosh = a + (b>>(2*n))
1251    sinh = a - (b>>(2*n))
1252    if sign:
1253        sinh = -sinh
1254    if tanh:
1255        man = (sinh << wp) // cosh
1256        return from_man_exp(man, -wp, prec, rnd)
1257    else:
1258        cosh = from_man_exp(cosh, n-wp-1, prec, rnd)
1259        sinh = from_man_exp(sinh, n-wp-1, prec, rnd)
1260        return cosh, sinh
1263def mod_pi2(man, exp, mag, wp):
1264    # Reduce to standard interval
1265    if mag > 0:
1266        i = 0
1267        while 1:
1268            cancellation_prec = 20 << i
1269            wpmod = wp + mag + cancellation_prec
1270            pi2 = pi_fixed(wpmod-1)
1271            pi4 = pi2 >> 1
1272            offset = wpmod + exp
1273            if offset >= 0:
1274                t = man << offset
1275            else:
1276                t = man >> (-offset)
1277            n, y = divmod(t, pi2)
1278            if y > pi4:
1279                small = pi2 - y
1280            else:
1281                small = y
1282            if small >> (wp+mag-10):
1283                n = int(n)
1284                t = y >> mag
1285                wp = wpmod - mag
1286                break
1287            i += 1
1288    else:
1289        wp += (-mag)
1290        offset = exp + wp
1291        if offset >= 0:
1292            t = man << offset
1293        else:
1294            t = man >> (-offset)
1295        n = 0
1296    return t, n, wp
1299def mpf_cos_sin(x, prec, rnd=round_fast, which=0, pi=False):
1300    """
1301    which:
1302    0 -- return cos(x), sin(x)
1303    1 -- return cos(x)
1304    2 -- return sin(x)
1305    3 -- return tan(x)
1307    if pi=True, compute for pi*x
1308    """
1309    sign, man, exp, bc = x
1310    if not man:
1311        if exp:
1312            c, s = fnan, fnan
1313        else:
1314            c, s = fone, fzero
1315        if which == 0: return c, s
1316        if which == 1: return c
1317        if which == 2: return s
1318        if which == 3: return s
1320    mag = bc + exp
1321    wp = prec + 10
1323    # Extremely small?
1324    if mag < 0:
1325        if mag < -wp:
1326            if pi:
1327                x = mpf_mul(x, mpf_pi(wp))
1328            c = mpf_perturb(fone, 1, prec, rnd)
1329            s = mpf_perturb(x, 1-sign, prec, rnd)
1330            if which == 0: return c, s
1331            if which == 1: return c
1332            if which == 2: return s
1333            if which == 3: return mpf_perturb(x, sign, prec, rnd)
1334    if pi:
1335        if exp >= -1:
1336            if exp == -1:
1337                c = fzero
1338                s = (fone, fnone)[bool(man & 2) ^ sign]
1339            elif exp == 0:
1340                c, s = (fnone, fzero)
1341            else:
1342                c, s = (fone, fzero)
1343            if which == 0: return c, s
1344            if which == 1: return c
1345            if which == 2: return s
1346            if which == 3: return mpf_div(s, c, prec, rnd)
1347        # Subtract nearest half-integer (= mod by pi/2)
1348        n = ((man >> (-exp-2)) + 1) >> 1
1349        man = man - (n << (-exp-1))
1350        mag2 = bitcount(man) + exp
1351        wp = prec + 10 - mag2
1352        offset = exp + wp
1353        if offset >= 0:
1354            t = man << offset
1355        else:
1356            t = man >> (-offset)
1357        t = (t*pi_fixed(wp)) >> wp
1358    else:
1359        t, n, wp = mod_pi2(man, exp, mag, wp)
1360    c, s = cos_sin_basecase(t, wp)
1361    m = n & 3
1362    if   m == 1: c, s = -s, c
1363    elif m == 2: c, s = -c, -s
1364    elif m == 3: c, s = s, -c
1365    if sign:
1366        s = -s
1367    if which == 0:
1368        c = from_man_exp(c, -wp, prec, rnd)
1369        s = from_man_exp(s, -wp, prec, rnd)
1370        return c, s
1371    if which == 1:
1372        return from_man_exp(c, -wp, prec, rnd)
1373    if which == 2:
1374        return from_man_exp(s, -wp, prec, rnd)
1375    if which == 3:
1376        return from_rational(s, c, prec, rnd)
1378def mpf_cos(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): return mpf_cos_sin(x, prec, rnd, 1)
1379def mpf_sin(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): return mpf_cos_sin(x, prec, rnd, 2)
1380def mpf_tan(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): return mpf_cos_sin(x, prec, rnd, 3)
1381def mpf_cos_sin_pi(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): return mpf_cos_sin(x, prec, rnd, 0, 1)
1382def mpf_cos_pi(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): return mpf_cos_sin(x, prec, rnd, 1, 1)
1383def mpf_sin_pi(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): return mpf_cos_sin(x, prec, rnd, 2, 1)
1384def mpf_cosh(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): return mpf_cosh_sinh(x, prec, rnd)[0]
1385def mpf_sinh(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): return mpf_cosh_sinh(x, prec, rnd)[1]
1386def mpf_tanh(x, prec, rnd=round_fast): return mpf_cosh_sinh(x, prec, rnd, tanh=1)
1389# Low-overhead fixed-point versions
1391def cos_sin_fixed(x, prec, pi2=None):
1392    if pi2 is None:
1393        pi2 = pi_fixed(prec-1)
1394    n, t = divmod(x, pi2)
1395    n = int(n)
1396    c, s = cos_sin_basecase(t, prec)
1397    m = n & 3
1398    if m == 0: return c, s
1399    if m == 1: return -s, c
1400    if m == 2: return -c, -s
1401    if m == 3: return s, -c
1403def exp_fixed(x, prec, ln2=None):
1404    if ln2 is None:
1405        ln2 = ln2_fixed(prec)
1406    n, t = divmod(x, ln2)
1407    n = int(n)
1408    v = exp_basecase(t, prec)
1409    if n >= 0:
1410        return v << n
1411    else:
1412        return v >> (-n)
1415if BACKEND == 'sage':
1416    try:
1417        import sage.libs.mpmath.ext_libmp as _lbmp
1418        mpf_sqrt = _lbmp.mpf_sqrt
1419        mpf_exp = _lbmp.mpf_exp
1420        mpf_log = _lbmp.mpf_log
1421        mpf_cos = _lbmp.mpf_cos
1422        mpf_sin = _lbmp.mpf_sin
1423        mpf_pow = _lbmp.mpf_pow
1424        exp_fixed = _lbmp.exp_fixed
1425        cos_sin_fixed = _lbmp.cos_sin_fixed
1426        log_int_fixed = _lbmp.log_int_fixed
1427    except (ImportError, AttributeError):
1428        print("Warning: Sage imports in libelefun failed")