1 /*
2     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
3     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003-2020 Umbrello UML Modeller Authors <umbrello-devel@kde.org>
4 */
9 #include "basictypes.h"
10 #include "umllistviewitem.h"
11 #include "umlobject.h"
12 #include "widgetbase.h"
13 #include <kmenu.h>
15 #include <QHash>
17 class UMLCategory;
18 class ListPopupMenuPrivate;
20 /**
21  * A popup menu that depending on what type is set to will
22  * display a different menu.
23  *
24  * The data field of actions is used to carry user data
25  * between objects. Because different types of data are used, a map is loaded
26  * with an enum as key (see @ref DataType).
27  *
28  * @short Displays a popup menu.
29  * @author Paul Hensgen <phensgen@techie.com>
30  * Bugs and comments to umbrello-devel@kde.org or https://bugs.kde.org
31  */
32 class ListPopupMenu : public KMenu
33 {
34     Q_OBJECT
35     Q_ENUMS(MenuType)
36     Q_ENUMS(DataType)
37 public:
38     enum MenuType  ///< This type hosts all possible menu entry types
39     {
40         mt_Model,
41         // diagrams
42         mt_Activity_Diagram,
43         mt_Class_Diagram,
44         mt_Collaboration_Diagram,
45         mt_Component_Diagram,
46         mt_Deployment_Diagram,
47         mt_EntityRelationship_Diagram,
48         mt_Sequence_Diagram,
49         mt_State_Diagram,
50         mt_UseCase_Diagram,
51         mt_Logical_Folder,
52         mt_UseCase_Folder,
53         mt_Component_Folder,
54         mt_Deployment_Folder,
55         mt_EntityRelationship_Folder,
56         // widgets, uml objects
57         mt_Accept_Signal,
58         mt_Accept_Time_Event,
59         mt_Activity,
60         mt_Activity_Transition,
61         mt_Actor,
62         mt_Artifact,
63         mt_Attribute,
64         mt_Branch,
65         mt_Category,
66         mt_CheckConstraint,
67         mt_Choice,
68         mt_Class,
69         mt_CombinedState,
70         mt_Component,
71         mt_Datatype,
72         mt_DeepHistory,
73         mt_DisjointSpecialisation,
74         mt_EditCombinedState,
75         mt_End_Activity,
76         mt_End_State,
77         mt_Entity,
78         mt_EntityAttribute,
79         mt_Enum,
80         mt_EnumLiteral,
81         mt_Exception,
82         mt_FloatText,
83         mt_Final_Activity,
84         mt_ForeignKeyConstraint,
85         mt_Fork,
86         mt_GoToStateDiagram,
87         mt_Initial_Activity,
88         mt_Initial_State,
89         mt_Invoke_Activity,
90         mt_Instance,
91         mt_InstanceAttribute,
92         mt_Interface,
93         mt_InterfaceComponent,
94         mt_InterfaceProvided,
95         mt_InterfaceRequired,
96         mt_Junction,
97         mt_MessageAsynchronous,
98         mt_MessageCreation,
99         mt_MessageDestroy,
100         mt_MessageFound,
101         mt_MessageLost,
102         mt_MessageSynchronous,
103         mt_Node,
104         mt_Note,
105         mt_Object,
106         mt_Object_Node,
107         mt_Operation,
108         mt_OverlappingSpecialisation,
109         mt_Package,
110         mt_Param_Activity,
111         mt_Pin,
112         mt_Port,
113         mt_PrePostCondition,
114         mt_PrimaryKeyConstraint,
115         mt_Region,
116         mt_SelectStateDiagram,
117         mt_Send_Signal,
118         mt_ShallowHistory,
119         mt_State,
120         mt_StateFork,
121         mt_StateJoin,
122         mt_StateTransition,
123         mt_Subsystem,
124         mt_Template,
125         mt_Union,
126         mt_UniqueConstraint,
127         mt_UseCase,
128         // new from dialogs
129         mt_New_Activity,
130         mt_New_Attribute,
131         mt_New_EntityAttribute,
132         mt_New_EnumLiteral,
133         mt_New_InstanceAttribute,
134         mt_New_Operation,
135         mt_New_Parameter,
136         mt_New_Template,
137         mt_RemoveStateDiagram,
138         mt_ReturnToClass,
139         mt_ReturnToCombinedState,
140         // selection
141         // visual properties
142         mt_Hide_Attribute_Signature_Selection,
143         mt_Hide_Attributes_Selection,            // Unset visual property on multiple widgets
144         mt_Hide_Destruction_Box,
145         mt_Hide_NonPublic_Selection,             // Could be named "show public only"
146         mt_Hide_Operation_Signature_Selection,
147         mt_Hide_Operations_Selection,            // Hide operations
148         mt_Hide_Packages_Selection,
149         mt_Hide_Stereotypes_Selection,
150         mt_Hide_Visibility_Selection,
151         mt_Show_Attribute_Signature,
152         mt_Show_Attribute_Signature_Selection,
153         mt_Show_Attributes_Selection,            // Set visual property on multiple widgets
154         mt_Show_Attributes,                      // Toggle visual property on a widget
155         mt_Show_Destruction_Box,
156         mt_Show_Documentation,
157         mt_Show_NonPublic_Selection,             // Could be named "hide public only" (crazy!)
158         mt_Show_Operation_Signature,
159         mt_Show_Operation_Signature_Selection,
160         mt_Show_Operations_Selection,            // Show operations
161         mt_Show_Operations,                      // Toggle 'show operations'
162         mt_Show_Packages,                        // etc...
163         mt_Show_Packages_Selection,
164         mt_Show_Public_Only,
165         mt_Show_Stereotypes,
166         mt_Show_Stereotypes_Selection,
167         mt_Show_Visibility_Selection,
168         mt_Visibility,
169         // other
170         mt_DrawAsCircle,
171         mt_ChangeToClass,
172         mt_ChangeToInterface,
173         mt_ChangeToPackage,
174         mt_Open_File,
175         mt_Rename_Object,
176         mt_Select_Operation,
177         mt_Properties,
178         mt_Rename,
179         mt_NameAsTooltip,
180         mt_Show,
181         mt_Delete,
182         mt_Export_Image,
183         mt_Import_Class,
184         mt_Import_Project,
185         mt_Cut,
186         mt_Copy,
187         mt_Paste,
188         mt_Clear,
189         mt_Redo,
190         mt_Undo,
191         mt_Reset_Label_Positions,
192         mt_Line_Color,
193         mt_Line_Color_Selection,
194         mt_Fill_Color,
195         mt_Fill_Color_Selection,
196         mt_Use_Fill_Color,
197         mt_Set_Use_Fill_Color_Selection,
198         mt_Unset_Use_Fill_Color_Selection,
199         mt_Rename_MultiA,
200         mt_Rename_MultiB,
201         mt_Rename_Name,
202         mt_Rename_RoleAName,
203         mt_Rename_RoleBName,
204         mt_Change_Font,
205         mt_Change_Font_Selection,
206         mt_SnapToGrid,
207         mt_SnapComponentSizeToGrid,
208         mt_ShowDocumentationIndicator,
209         mt_ShowSnapGrid,
210         mt_AutoResize,
211         mt_Resize,
212         mt_Up,
213         mt_Down,
214         mt_FlipHorizontal,
215         mt_FlipVertical,
216         mt_Add_Point,
217         mt_Delete_Point,
218         mt_Auto_Layout_Spline,
220         mt_Expand_All,                           // Expand all items in the list
221         mt_Collapse_All,                         // Collapse all items in the list
223         mt_Refactoring,
224         mt_ViewCode,                             // view code document contents
225         mt_Clone,                                // Create a deep copy of the object.
226         mt_Externalize_Folder,                   // Mark folder for saving as separate submodel
227         mt_Internalize_Folder,                   // Reintegrate separate submodel into main model
229         mt_AddInteractionOperand,                // add a dash line to an alternative or a parallel combined fragment
230         mt_Apply_Layout,                         // apply automatically created layout
231         mt_Apply_Layout1,                        // apply automatically created layout
232         mt_Apply_Layout2,                        // apply automatically created layout
233         mt_Apply_Layout3,                        // apply automatically created layout
234         mt_Apply_Layout4,                        // apply automatically created layout
235         mt_Apply_Layout5,                        // apply automatically created layout
236         mt_Apply_Layout6,                        // apply automatically created layout
237         mt_Apply_Layout7,                        // apply automatically created layout
238         mt_Apply_Layout8,                        // apply automatically created layout
239         mt_Apply_Layout9,                        // apply automatically created layout
241         mt_LayoutDirect,                         // associations with direct lines
242         mt_LayoutSpline,                         // associations with slines
243         mt_LayoutOrthogonal,                     // associations with orthogonal lines
244         mt_LayoutPolyline,                       // associations with polylines
246         mt_Align_Right,
247         mt_Align_Left,
248         mt_Align_Top,
249         mt_Align_Bottom,
250         mt_Align_VerticalMiddle,
251         mt_Align_HorizontalMiddle,
252         mt_Align_VerticalDistribute,
253         mt_Align_HorizontalDistribute,
254         mt_Import_from_File,
255         mt_Remove,
256         // add new entries above
257         mt_Undefined  =  - 1
258     };
260     static QString toString(MenuType menu);
262     enum DataType  ///< Key value of the data map used in actions.
263     {
264         dt_MenuPointer,
265         dt_ApplyLayout
266     };
268     static QString toString(DataType data);
269     static QVariant dataFromAction(DataType key, QAction* action);
271     ListPopupMenu(QWidget* parent = 0);
273     virtual ~ListPopupMenu();
275     static UMLObject::ObjectType convert_MT_OT(MenuType mt);
277     static ListPopupMenu* menuFromAction(QAction *action);
278     static MenuType       typeFromAction(QAction *action);
280     QAction* getAction(MenuType idx);
282     void setActionEnabled(MenuType idx, bool value);
284     MenuType getMenuType(QAction* action);
286     void dumpActions(const QString &title);
288     KMenu *newMenu(const QString &title, QWidget *widget);
289     void addMenu(KMenu *menu);
290 protected:
291     void insert(MenuType m);
292     void insertFromActionKey(const MenuType m, KMenu *menu, const QString &action);
293     void insert(const MenuType m, KMenu* menu);
294     void insert(const MenuType m, KMenu* menu, const QIcon & icon, const QString & text);
295     void insert(const MenuType m, KMenu* menu, const QString & text, const bool checkable = false);
296     void insert(const MenuType m, const QIcon & icon, const QString & text);
297     void insert(const MenuType m, const QString & text, const bool checkable = false);
299     void insertContainerItems(bool folders, bool diagrams, bool packages);
300     void insertContainerItems(KMenu* menu, bool folders, bool diagrams, bool packages);
301     void insertAssociationTextItem(const QString &label, MenuType mt);
303     KMenu *makeNewMenu();
304     void insertSubMenuCategoryType(UMLCategory *category);
306     void setActionChecked(MenuType idx, bool value);
307     void setupActionsData();
309     QHash<MenuType, QAction*> m_actions;
310     ListPopupMenuPrivate *d;
311 };
313 /// Need this for ability to store ListPopupMenu* in a QVariant
314 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(ListPopupMenu*)
316 #endif