1 /**
2  * Mandelbulber v2, a 3D fractal generator       ,=#MKNmMMKmmßMNWy,
3  *                                             ,B" ]L,,p%%%,,,§;, "K
4  * Copyright (C) 2014-21 Mandelbulber Team     §R-==%w["'~5]m%=L.=~5N
5  *                                        ,=mm=§M ]=4 yJKA"/-Nsaj  "Bw,==,,
6  * This file is part of Mandelbulber.    §R.r= jw",M  Km .mM  FW ",§=ß., ,TN
7  *                                     ,4R =%["w[N=7]J '"5=],""]]M,w,-; T=]M
8  * Mandelbulber is free software:     §R.ß~-Q/M=,=5"v"]=Qf,'§"M= =,M.§ Rz]M"Kw
9  * you can redistribute it and/or     §w "xDY.J ' -"m=====WeC=\ ""%""y=%"]"" §
10  * modify it under the terms of the    "§M=M =D=4"N #"%==A%p M§ M6  R' #"=~.4M
11  * GNU General Public License as        §W =, ][T"]C  §  § '§ e===~ U  !§[Z ]N
12  * published by the                    4M",,Jm=,"=e~  §  §  j]]""N  BmM"py=ßM
13  * Free Software Foundation,          ]§ T,M=& 'YmMMpM9MMM%=w=,,=MT]M m§;'§,
14  * either version 3 of the License,    TWw [.j"5=~N[=§%=%W,T ]R,"=="Y[LFT ]N
15  * or (at your option)                   TW=,-#"%=;[  =Q:["V""  ],,M.m == ]N
16  * any later version.                      J§"mr"] ,=,," =="""J]= M"M"]==ß"
17  *                                          §= "=C=4 §"eM "=B:m|4"]#F,§~
18  * Mandelbulber is distributed in            "9w=,,]w em%wJ '"~" ,=,,ß"
19  * the hope that it will be useful,                 . "K=  ,=RMMMßM"""
20  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;                            .'''
21  * without even the implied warranty
23  *
24  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
25  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
26  * along with Mandelbulber. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
27  *
28  * ###########################################################################
29  *
30  * Authors: Krzysztof Marczak (buddhi1980@gmail.com)
31  *
32  * sFractal struct - container for fractal formula parameters
33  */
38 #include <memory>
40 #include "algebra.hpp"
42 #include "formula/definition/all_fractal_list_enums.hpp"
44 #ifndef M_PI_180
45 #define M_PI_180 0.01745329251994329576923690768489
46 #endif
48 // forward declarations
49 class cParameterContainer;
51 const int IFS_VECTOR_COUNT = 9;
52 const int HYBRID_COUNT = 5;
53 const int MANDELBOX_FOLDS = 2;
55 namespace fractal
56 {
57 enum enumOCLDEMode
58 {
59 	ocl_DECalculated = 0,
60 	ocl_deltaDE = 1,
61 	ocl_noDE = 2
62 };
63 }
65 enum enumGeneralizedFoldBoxType
66 {
67 	generalizedFoldBoxType_foldTet = 0,
68 	generalizedFoldBoxType_foldCube = 1,
69 	generalizedFoldBoxType_foldOct = 2,
70 	generalizedFoldBoxType_foldDodeca = 3,
71 	generalizedFoldBoxType_foldOctCube = 4,
72 	generalizedFoldBoxType_foldIcosa = 5,
73 	generalizedFoldBoxType_foldBox6 = 6,
74 	generalizedFoldBoxType_foldBox5 = 7
75 };
76 struct sExtendedAux
77 {
78 	int i;
80 	CVector4 c;
81 	CVector4 const_c;
82 	CVector4 old_z;
83 	// CVector4 sum_z;
84 	double pos_neg;
86 	double r;
87 	double DE;
88 	double DE0;
89 	double dist;
90 	double pseudoKleinianDE;
92 	double actualScale;
93 	double actualScaleA;
95 	double color;
96 	double colorHybrid;
98 	double temp1000;
99 };
101 struct sFoldColor
102 {
103 	CVector3 factor;
104 	CVector4 factor4D;
105 	CVector4 difs0000;
106 	double factorR;
107 	double factorSp1;
108 	double factorSp2;
109 	double difs1;
110 	bool auxColorEnabled;
111 	bool auxColorEnabledA;
112 	bool auxColorEnabledFalse;
113 	bool auxColorEnabledAFalse;
114 	int startIterationsA;
115 	int stopIterationsA;
116 };
118 struct sFractalGeneralizedFoldBox
119 {
120 	enumGeneralizedFoldBoxType type;
121 	CVector3 Nv_tet[4];
122 	CVector3 Nv_cube[6];
123 	CVector3 Nv_oct[8];
124 	CVector3 Nv_oct_cube[14];
125 	CVector3 Nv_dodeca[12];
126 	CVector3 Nv_icosa[20];
127 	CVector3 Nv_box6[8];
128 	CVector3 Nv_box5[7];
129 	int sides_tet;
130 	int sides_cube;
131 	int sides_oct;
132 	int sides_oct_cube;
133 	int sides_dodeca;
134 	int sides_icosa;
135 	int sides_box6;
136 	int sides_box5;
137 };
139 struct sFractalIFS
140 {
141 	bool absX;
142 	bool absY;
143 	bool absZ;
144 	bool enabled[IFS_VECTOR_COUNT];
145 	bool mengerSpongeMode;
146 	bool rotationEnabled;
147 	bool edgeEnabled;
148 	CRotationMatrix mainRot;
149 	CRotationMatrix rot[IFS_VECTOR_COUNT];
150 	CVector4 direction[IFS_VECTOR_COUNT];
151 	CVector3 edge;
152 	CVector4 offset;
153 	CVector3 rotations[IFS_VECTOR_COUNT];
154 	double distance[IFS_VECTOR_COUNT];
155 	double intensity[IFS_VECTOR_COUNT];
156 	CVector3 rotation;
157 	double scale;
158 };
160 struct sFractalMandelboxVary4D
161 {
162 	double fold;
163 	double minR;
164 	double scaleVary;
165 	double wadd;
166 	double rPower;
167 };
169 struct sFractalMandelbox
170 {
171 	CVector3 rotationMain;
172 	CVector3 rotation[MANDELBOX_FOLDS][3];
173 	sFoldColor color;
174 	double scale;
175 	double foldingLimit;
176 	double foldingValue;
177 	double foldingSphericalMin;
178 	double foldingSphericalFixed;
179 	double sharpness;
180 	double solid;
181 	double melt;
182 	CVector4 offset;
183 	bool rotationsEnabled;
184 	bool mainRotationEnabled;
185 	CRotationMatrix mainRot;
186 	CRotationMatrix rot[MANDELBOX_FOLDS][3];
187 	CRotationMatrix rotinv[MANDELBOX_FOLDS][3];
189 	double fR2;
190 	double mR2;
191 	double mboxFactor1;
192 };
194 struct sFractalBoxFoldBulbPow2
195 {
196 	double zFactor;
197 	double foldFactor;
198 };
200 struct sFractalMandelbulb
201 {
202 	double power;
203 	double alphaAngleOffset;
204 	double betaAngleOffset;
205 	double gammaAngleOffset;
206 };
208 struct sFractalAexion
209 {
210 	double cadd;
211 };
213 struct sFractalBuffalo
214 {
215 	bool preabsx;
216 	bool preabsy;
217 	bool preabsz;
218 	bool absx;
219 	bool absy;
220 	bool absz;
221 	bool posz;
222 };
224 struct sFractalDonut
225 {
226 	double ringRadius;
227 	double ringThickness;
228 	double factor;
229 	double number;
230 };
232 //----------------------------------------------------------
233 struct sFractalPlatonicSolid
234 {
235 	double frequency;
236 	double amplitude;
237 	double rhoMul;
238 };
240 // mandelbulb multi
241 enum enumMulti_acosOrAsin
242 {
243 	multi_acosOrAsin_acos,
244 	multi_acosOrAsin_asin
245 };
247 enum enumMulti_atanOrAtan2
248 {
249 	multi_atanOrAtan2_atan,
250 	multi_atanOrAtan2_atan2
251 };
253 enum enumMulti_OrderOfXYZ
254 {
255 	multi_OrderOfXYZ_xyz,
256 	multi_OrderOfXYZ_xzy,
257 	multi_OrderOfXYZ_yxz,
258 	multi_OrderOfXYZ_yzx,
259 	multi_OrderOfXYZ_zxy,
260 	multi_OrderOfXYZ_zyx
261 };
262 struct sFractalMandelbulbMulti
263 {
264 	enumMulti_acosOrAsin acosOrAsin;
265 	enumMulti_acosOrAsin acosOrAsinA;
266 	enumMulti_atanOrAtan2 atanOrAtan2;
267 	enumMulti_atanOrAtan2 atanOrAtan2A;
269 	enumMulti_OrderOfXYZ orderOfXYZ;
270 	enumMulti_OrderOfXYZ orderOfXYZ2;
271 	enumMulti_OrderOfXYZ orderOfXYZC;
272 };
274 // sinTan2Trig
275 enum enumMulti_asinOrAcos
276 {
277 	multi_asinOrAcos_asin,
278 	multi_asinOrAcos_acos
279 };
281 enum enumMulti_atan2OrAtan
282 {
283 	multi_atan2OrAtan_atan2,
284 	multi_atan2OrAtan_atan
285 };
287 enum enumMulti_OrderOfZYX
288 {
289 	multi_OrderOfZYX_zyx,
290 	multi_OrderOfZYX_zxy,
291 	multi_OrderOfZYX_yzx,
292 	multi_OrderOfZYX_yxz,
293 	multi_OrderOfZYX_xzy,
294 	multi_OrderOfZYX_xyz
295 };
296 struct sFractalSinTan2Trig
297 {
298 	enumMulti_asinOrAcos asinOrAcos;
299 	enumMulti_atan2OrAtan atan2OrAtan;
300 	enumMulti_OrderOfZYX orderOfZYX;
301 };
303 // surf fold box
304 enum enumMulti_orderOfFolds
305 {
306 	multi_orderOfFolds_type1,
307 	multi_orderOfFolds_type2,
308 	multi_orderOfFolds_type3,
309 	multi_orderOfFolds_type4,
310 	multi_orderOfFolds_type5
311 };
312 struct sFractalSurfFolds
313 {
314 	enumMulti_orderOfFolds orderOfFolds1;
315 	enumMulti_orderOfFolds orderOfFolds2;
316 	enumMulti_orderOfFolds orderOfFolds3;
317 	enumMulti_orderOfFolds orderOfFolds4;
318 	enumMulti_orderOfFolds orderOfFolds5;
319 };
321 // asurf mod2
322 enum enumMulti_orderOf3Folds
323 {
324 	multi_orderOf3Folds_type1,
325 	multi_orderOf3Folds_type2,
326 	multi_orderOf3Folds_type3
327 };
328 struct sFractalASurf3Folds
329 {
330 	enumMulti_orderOf3Folds orderOf3Folds1;
331 	enumMulti_orderOf3Folds orderOf3Folds2;
332 	enumMulti_orderOf3Folds orderOf3Folds3;
333 };
335 // benesi mag transforms
336 enum enumMulti_orderOfTransf
337 {
338 	multi_orderOfTransf_typeT1,
339 	multi_orderOfTransf_typeT1Mod,
340 	multi_orderOfTransf_typeT2,
341 	multi_orderOfTransf_typeT3,
342 	multi_orderOfTransf_typeT4,
343 	multi_orderOfTransf_typeT5b,
344 };
345 struct sFractalMagTransforms
346 {
347 	enumMulti_orderOfTransf orderOfTransf1;
348 	enumMulti_orderOfTransf orderOfTransf2;
349 	enumMulti_orderOfTransf orderOfTransf3;
350 	enumMulti_orderOfTransf orderOfTransf4;
351 	enumMulti_orderOfTransf orderOfTransf5;
352 };
354 // combo3
355 enum enumMulti_combo3
356 {
357 	multi_combo3_type1,
358 	multi_combo3_type2,
359 	multi_combo3_type3,
360 };
361 struct sFractalCombo3
362 {
363 	enumMulti_combo3 combo3;
364 };
366 // combo4
367 enum enumMulti_combo4
368 {
369 	multi_combo4_type1,
370 	multi_combo4_type2,
371 	multi_combo4_type3,
372 	multi_combo4_type4,
373 };
374 struct sFractalCombo4
375 {
376 	enumMulti_combo4 combo4;
377 };
379 // combo5
380 enum enumMulti_combo5
381 {
382 	multi_combo5_type1,
383 	multi_combo5_type2,
384 	multi_combo5_type3,
385 	multi_combo5_type4,
386 	multi_combo5_type5,
387 };
388 struct sFractalCombo5
389 {
390 	enumMulti_combo5 combo5;
391 };
393 // combo6
394 enum enumMulti_combo6
395 {
396 	multi_combo6_type1,
397 	multi_combo6_type2,
398 	multi_combo6_type3,
399 	multi_combo6_type4,
400 	multi_combo6_type5,
401 	multi_combo6_type6,
402 };
403 struct sFractalCombo6
404 {
405 	enumMulti_combo6 combo6;
406 };
408 // basic combo
409 enum enumCombo
410 {
411 	combo_mode0,
412 	combo_mode1,
413 	combo_mode2,
414 	combo_mode3,
415 	combo_mode4,
416 	combo_mode5,
417 	combo_mode6,
418 	combo_mode7,
419 };
420 struct sFractalCombo
421 {
422 	enumCombo modeA;
423 	//		combo modeB;
424 	//		combo modeC;
425 };
427 // for surfbox types
428 struct sFractalSurfBox
429 {
430 	bool enabledX1;
431 	bool enabledY1;
432 	bool enabledZ1;
433 	bool enabledX2False;
434 	bool enabledY2False;
435 	bool enabledZ2False;
436 	bool enabledX3False;
437 	bool enabledY3False;
438 	bool enabledZ3False;
439 	bool enabledX4False;
440 	bool enabledY4False;
441 	bool enabledZ4False;
442 	bool enabledX5False;
443 	bool enabledY5False;
444 	bool enabledZ5False;
445 	CVector4 offset1A111;
446 	CVector4 offset1B111;
447 	CVector4 offset2A111;
448 	CVector4 offset2B111;
449 	CVector4 offset3A111;
450 	CVector4 offset3B111;
451 	CVector4 offset1A222;
452 	CVector4 offset1B222;
453 	double scale1Z1;
454 };
456 // for curvilinear
457 struct sFractalCpara
458 {
459 	bool enabledLinear;
460 	bool enabledCurves;
461 	bool enabledParabFalse;
462 	bool enabledParaAddP0;
463 	double para00;
464 	double paraA0;
465 	double paraB0;
466 	double paraC0;
467 	double parabOffset0;
468 	double para0;
469 	double paraA;
470 	double paraB;
471 	double paraC;
472 	double parabOffset;
473 	double parabSlope;
474 	double parabScale;
475 	int iterA;
476 	int iterB;
477 	int iterC;
478 };
480 struct sFractalAnalyticDE
481 {
482 	bool enabled;
483 	bool enabledFalse;
484 	double scale1;
485 	double tweak005;
486 	double offset0;
487 	double offset1;
488 	double offset2;
489 };
491 // common parameters for transforming formulas
492 struct sFractalTransformCommon
493 {
494 	double angle0;
496 	double angleDegA;
497 	double angleDegB;
498 	double angleDegC;
499 	double cosA;
500 	double cosB;
501 	double cosC;
502 	double sinA;
503 	double sinB;
504 	double sinC;
506 	double angle72;
507 	double alphaAngleOffset;
508 	double betaAngleOffset;
509 	double foldingValue;
510 	double foldingLimit;
511 	double invert0;
512 	double invert1;
513 	double offset;
514 	double offset0;
515 	double offsetA0;
516 	double offsetB0;
517 	double offsetC0;
518 	double offsetD0;
519 	double offsetE0;
520 	double offsetF0;
521 	double offsetR0;
522 	double offset0005;
523 	double offsetp01;
524 	double offsetp05;
525 	double offset01;
526 	double offset02;
527 	double offset05;
528 	double offsetA05;
529 	double offsetB05;
530 	double offset1;
531 	double offsetA1;
532 	double offsetR1;
533 	double offsetT1;
534 	double offset105;
535 	double offset2;
536 	double offsetA2;
537 	double offsetE2;
538 	double offsetF2;
539 	double offsetR2;
540 	double offset3;
541 	double offset4;
542 	double multiplication;
543 	double minR0;
544 	double minR05;
545 	double minR06;
546 	double minR2p25;
547 	double maxR2d1;
548 	double maxMinR2factor;
549 	double radius1;
550 	double scaleNeg1;
551 	double scale;
552 	double scale0;
553 	double scaleA0;
554 	double scaleB0;
555 	double scaleC0;
556 	double scale025;
557 	double scale05;
558 	double scale08;
559 	double scale1;
560 	double scaleA1;
561 	double scaleB1;
562 	double scaleC1;
563 	double scaleD1;
564 	double scaleE1;
565 	double scaleF1;
566 	double scaleG1;
567 	double scale1p1;
568 	double scale015;
569 	double scale2;
570 	double scaleA2;
571 	double scale3;
572 	double scaleA3;
573 	double scaleB3;
574 	double scale4;
575 	double scale6;
576 	double scale8;
577 	double scaleMain2;
578 	double scaleVary0;
580 	double pwr05;
581 	double pwr4;
582 	double pwr8;
583 	double pwr8a;
584 	double sqtR;
585 	double mboxFactor1;
586 	double inv0;
587 	double inv1;
589 	int startIterations;
590 	int startIterations250;
591 	int stopIterations;
592 	int stopIterations15;
593 	int stopIterations50;
594 	int startIterationsA;
595 	int stopIterationsA;
596 	int startIterationsB;
597 	int stopIterationsB;
598 	int startIterationsC;
599 	int stopIterationsC;
600 	int stopIterationsC1;
601 	int startIterationsCx;
602 	int stopIterationsCx;
603 	int startIterationsCy;
604 	int stopIterationsCy;
605 	int startIterationsD;
606 	int stopIterationsD;
607 	int stopIterationsD1;
608 	int startIterationsE;
609 	int stopIterationsE;
610 	int startIterationsF;
611 	int stopIterationsF;
612 	int startIterationsG;
613 	int stopIterationsG;
614 	int startIterationsH;
615 	int stopIterationsH;
616 	int startIterationsI;
617 	int stopIterationsI;
618 	int startIterationsJ;
619 	int stopIterationsJ;
620 	int startIterationsK;
621 	int stopIterationsK;
622 	int startIterationsM;
623 	int stopIterationsM;
624 	int startIterationsN;
625 	int stopIterationsN;
626 	int startIterationsO;
627 	int stopIterationsO;
628 	int startIterationsP;
629 	int stopIterationsP;
630 	int stopIterationsP1;
631 	int startIterationsR;
632 	int stopIterationsR;
633 	int stopIterationsR1;
634 	int startIterationsRV;
635 	int stopIterationsRV;
636 	int startIterationsS;
637 	int stopIterationsS;
638 	int startIterationsT;
639 	int stopIterationsT;
640 	int stopIterationsT1;
641 	int startIterationsTM;
642 	int stopIterationsTM1;
643 	int startIterationsX;
644 	int stopIterationsX;
645 	int startIterationsY;
646 	int stopIterationsY;
647 	int startIterationsZ;
648 	int stopIterationsZ;
649 	int startIterationsZc;
650 	int stopIterationsZc;
651 	int stopIterations1;
653 	int intA;
654 	int intB;
655 	int int1;
656 	int intA1;
657 	int intB1;
658 	int int2;
659 	int int3;
660 	int int3X;
661 	int int3Y;
662 	int int3Z;
663 	int int6;
664 	int int8X;
665 	int int8Y;
666 	int int8Z;
667 	int int16;
669 	CVector4 additionConstant0555;
670 	CVector4 additionConstant0777;
671 	CVector4 additionConstant000;
672 	CVector4 additionConstantA000;
673 	CVector4 additionConstantP000;
674 	CVector4 additionConstant111;
675 	CVector4 additionConstantA111;
676 	CVector4 additionConstant222;
677 	CVector4 additionConstantNeg100;
678 	CVector4 constantMultiplier000;
679 	CVector4 constantMultiplier001;
680 	CVector4 constantMultiplier010;
681 	CVector4 constantMultiplier100;
682 	CVector4 constantMultiplierA100;
683 	CVector4 constantMultiplier111;
684 	CVector4 constantMultiplierA111;
685 	CVector4 constantMultiplierB111;
686 	CVector4 constantMultiplierC111;
687 	CVector4 constantMultiplier121;
688 	CVector4 constantMultiplier122;
689 	CVector4 constantMultiplier221;
690 	CVector4 constantMultiplier222;
691 	CVector4 constantMultiplier441;
692 	CVector4 juliaC;
693 	CVector4 offset000;
694 	CVector4 offsetA000;
695 	CVector4 offsetF000;
696 	CVector4 offset001;
697 	CVector4 offset002;
698 	CVector4 offset010;
699 	CVector4 offset100;
700 	CVector4 offset110;
701 	CVector4 offset1105;
702 	CVector4 offset111;
703 	CVector4 offsetA111;
704 	CVector4 offsetB111;
705 	CVector4 offsetC111;
706 	CVector4 offset200;
707 	CVector4 offsetA200;
708 	CVector4 offset222;
709 	CVector4 offsetA222;
710 	CVector4 offset333;
711 	CVector4 power025;
712 	CVector4 power8;
713 	CVector4 vec111;
715 	CVector3 rotation; // vec3s
716 	CVector3 rotation2;
717 	CVector3 rotationVary;
718 	CVector3 rotation44a; //.........................
719 	CVector3 rotation44b; //..........................
721 	CVector4 scaleP222;
722 	CVector4 scale3D000;
723 	CVector4 scale3D111;
724 	CVector4 scale3D222;
725 	CVector4 scale3Da222;
726 	CVector4 scale3Db222;
727 	CVector4 scale3Dc222;
728 	CVector4 scale3Dd222;
729 	CVector4 scale3D333;
730 	CVector4 scale3D444;
732 	CVector4 additionConstant0000;
733 	CVector4 offset0000;
734 	CVector4 offsetA0000;
735 	CVector4 offsetp5555;
736 	CVector4 offset1111;
737 	CVector4 offsetA1111;
738 	CVector4 offsetB1111;
739 	CVector4 offsetNeg1111;
740 	CVector4 offset2222;
741 	CVector4 additionConstant111d5;
742 	CVector4 constantMultiplier1220;
743 	CVector4 scale0000;
744 	CVector4 scale1111;
746 	CRotationMatrix rotationMatrix;
747 	CRotationMatrix rotationMatrix2;
748 	CRotationMatrix rotationMatrixVary;
749 	CRotationMatrix44 rotationMatrix44; //....................
751 	bool addCpixelEnabled;
752 	bool addCpixelEnabledFalse;
753 	bool alternateEnabledFalse;
754 	bool benesiT1Enabled;
755 	bool benesiT1EnabledFalse;
756 	bool benesiT1MEnabledFalse;
757 	bool functionEnabled4dFalse;
758 	bool functionEnabled;
759 	bool functionEnabledFalse;
760 	bool functionEnabledx;
761 	bool functionEnabledy;
762 	bool functionEnabledz;
763 	bool functionEnabledw;
764 	bool functionEnabledxFalse;
765 	bool functionEnabledyFalse;
766 	bool functionEnabledzFalse;
767 	bool functionEnabledwFalse;
768 	bool functionEnabledAx;
769 	bool functionEnabledAy;
770 	bool functionEnabledAz;
771 	bool functionEnabledAw;
772 	bool functionEnabledAxFalse;
773 	bool functionEnabledAyFalse;
774 	bool functionEnabledAzFalse;
775 	bool functionEnabledAwFalse;
776 	bool functionEnabledBx;
777 	bool functionEnabledBy;
778 	bool functionEnabledBz;
779 	bool functionEnabledBxFalse;
780 	bool functionEnabledByFalse;
781 	bool functionEnabledBzFalse;
782 	bool functionEnabledCx;
783 	bool functionEnabledCy;
784 	bool functionEnabledCz;
785 	bool functionEnabledCxFalse;
786 	bool functionEnabledCyFalse;
787 	bool functionEnabledCzFalse;
788 	bool functionEnabledAFalse;
789 	bool functionEnabledBFalse;
790 	bool functionEnabledCFalse;
791 	bool functionEnabledDFalse;
792 	bool functionEnabledEFalse;
793 	bool functionEnabledFFalse;
794 	bool functionEnabledGFalse;
795 	bool functionEnabledIFalse;
796 	bool functionEnabledJFalse;
797 	bool functionEnabledKFalse;
798 	bool functionEnabledM;
799 	bool functionEnabledMFalse;
800 	bool functionEnabledNFalse;
801 	bool functionEnabledOFalse;
802 	bool functionEnabledPFalse;
803 	bool functionEnabledRFalse;
804 	bool functionEnabledSFalse;
805 	bool functionEnabledSwFalse;
806 	bool functionEnabledTFalse;
807 	bool functionEnabledXFalse;
808 	bool functionEnabledYFalse;
809 	bool functionEnabledZcFalse;
810 	bool juliaMode;
811 	bool rotationEnabled;
812 	bool rotationEnabledFalse;
813 	bool rotation2EnabledFalse;
814 	bool sphereInversionEnabledFalse;
815 	bool spheresEnabled;
817 	// bool functionEnabledTempFalse;
818 };
820 struct sFractal
821 {
822 	sFractal(const std::shared_ptr<cParameterContainer> par);
823 	void RecalculateFractalParams();
825 	fractal::enumFractalFormula formula;
826 	sFractalMandelbulb bulb;
827 	sFractalIFS IFS;
828 	sFractalMandelbox mandelbox;
829 	sFractalGeneralizedFoldBox genFoldBox;
830 	sFractalBoxFoldBulbPow2 foldingIntPow;
831 	sFractalMandelboxVary4D mandelboxVary4D;
832 	sFractalAexion aexion;
833 	sFractalBuffalo buffalo;
834 	sFractalPlatonicSolid platonicSolid;
835 	sFractalTransformCommon transformCommon;
836 	sFractalAnalyticDE analyticDE;
837 	sFractalMandelbulbMulti mandelbulbMulti;
838 	sFractalSinTan2Trig sinTan2Trig;
839 	sFractalSurfBox surfBox;
840 	sFractalSurfFolds surfFolds;
841 	sFractalDonut donut;
842 	sFoldColor foldColor;
843 	sFractalMagTransforms magTransf;
844 	sFractalCpara Cpara;
845 	sFractalCombo combo;
846 	sFractalASurf3Folds aSurf3Folds;
847 	sFractalCombo3 combo3;
848 	sFractalCombo4 combo4;
849 	sFractalCombo5 combo5;
850 	sFractalCombo6 combo6;
852 #ifdef USE_OPENCL
853 //	double customParameters[15];
854 //	double deltaDEStep;
855 //	char customOCLFormulaName[100];
856 //	fractal::enumOCLDEMode customOCLFormulaDEMode;
857 #endif
858 };