1 /*
2   XLiFE++ is an extended library of finite elements written in C++
3   Copyright (C) 2014  Lunéville, Eric; Kielbasiewicz, Nicolas; Lafranche, Yvon; Nguyen, Manh-Ha; Chambeyron, Colin
5   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8   (at your option) any later version.
9   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12   GNU General Public License for more details.
13   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
14   along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
15  */
17 /*!
18   \file geometries3D.hpp
19   \authors Y. Lafranche, N. Kielbasiewicz
20   \since 18 oct 2012
21   \date 30 jul 2015
23   \brief Definition of the classes corresponding to 3D canonical geometrical shapes.
25   Geometries are separated into 3 categories :
26   - Curves
27   - Surfaces
28   - Volumes
30   It is quite easy to find in which category a geometry is, according to their mathematical
31   definition, but they are some exceptions :
32   - Cylinder and Cone are surfaces but can also represent volumes inside
33   - Ellipse is a closed curve or the surface inside (whereas there is the
34     distinction Circle / Disk)
35   - Ellipsoid is a closed surface or the volume inside (whereas there is the
36     distinction Sphere / Ball)
38   It becomes all the more tricky than if we respect the geometrical hierarchy, we will derive a
39   prism (semantically 3D) from a cylinder (2D or 3D) or a pyramid (semantically 3D) from a cone.
40   Another example is the general definition of a cylinder, from a surface and an axis : it supposes
41   that the basis is a surface. But ellipses are supposed to be curves !!!
43   This is the reason why we chose to defines ellipses as surfaces, ellipsoids as volumes (coherence) and cylinders
44   and cones as volumes.
46 */
48 #ifndef GEOMETRIES_3D_HPP
49 #define GEOMETRIES_3D_HPP
51 #include "Geometry.hpp"
53 namespace xlifepp
54 {
56 /*!
57   \class Volume
58   base class for 3D geometries
59 */
60 class Volume : public Geometry
61 {
62   public:
63     //! default constructor for 3D geometries
64     Volume();
66   protected:
67     //@{
68     //! true constructor functions
69     void buildParam(const Parameter& p);
70     void buildDefaultParam(ParameterKey key);
71     std::set<ParameterKey> getParamsKeys();
72     //@}
74   public:
Volume(const Volume & v)75     Volume(const Volume& v) : Geometry(v) {} //!< copy constructor
clone() const76     virtual Geometry* clone() const { return new Volume(*this); } //!< virtual copy constructor for Geometry
~Volume()77     virtual ~Volume() {} //!< virtual destructor
79     //! format as string
asString() const80     virtual string_t asString() const { error("shape_not_handled", words("shape",shape_)); return string_t(); }
82     //================================================
83     //         transformations facilities
84     //================================================
85     //! apply a geometrical transformation on a Volume
86     virtual Volume& transform(const Transformation& t);
87     //! apply a translation on a Volume (vector version)
88     virtual Volume& translate(std::vector<real_t> u = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
89     //! apply a translation on a Volume (3 reals version)
90     virtual Volume& translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.);
91     //! apply a rotation on a Volume
92     virtual Volume& rotate2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), real_t angle = 0.);
93     //! apply a rotation on a Volume
94     virtual Volume& rotate3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.),
95                              real_t angle = 0.);
96     //! apply a rotation on a Volume
97     virtual Volume& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
98     //! apply a rotation on a Volume
99     virtual Volume& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
100     //! apply a rotation on a Volume
101     virtual Volume& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
102     //! apply a rotation on a Volume
103     virtual Volume& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
104     //! apply a homothety on a Volume
105     virtual Volume& homothetize(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), real_t factor = 1.);
106     //! apply a homothety on a Volume
107     virtual Volume& homothetize(real_t factor);
108     //! apply a point reflection on a Volume
109     virtual Volume& pointReflect(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.));
110     //! apply a reflection2d on a Volume
111     virtual Volume& reflect2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2,0.));
112     //! apply a reflection2d on a Volume
113     virtual Volume& reflect2d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.);
114     //! apply a reflection3d on a Volume
115     virtual Volume& reflect3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
116     //! apply a reflection3d on a Volume
117     virtual Volume& reflect3d(const Point& c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.);
118 };
120 /*!
121   \class Polyhedron
122   definition of a polyhedral geometry in R^3
123   Generally, a polyhedron is a list of polygonal faces. But data is storages differently to avoid pointer manipulation
124   So, we decide to store :
125   - the list of vertices -> Vector<Point> p_
126   - the definition of faces as a list of points -> Vector<Vector<number_t> > faces_
127     it is so that p_[faces_[i][j]] is the j-st vertex of the i-st face of the polyhedron
128   - the number of nodes on each edge -> Vector<Vector<number_t> > n_
129     it is so that n_[i][j] is the number of nodes on j-st edge [ p_[faces_[i][j]] p_[faces_[i][j+1]] ] of the i-st face
130     of the polyhedron
131  */
132 class Polyhedron : public Volume
133 {
134   protected:
135     std::vector<Polygon*> faces_; //!< faces of the polyhedron
136     std::vector<Point> p_;        //!< vertices of the polyhedron
137     std::vector<number_t> n_;     //!< number of nodes on each edge
138     std::vector<real_t> h_;       //!< local mesh step on each vertex
140   public:
141     //! default constructor
142     Polyhedron();
143     //! constructor with 1 Parameter
144     Polyhedron(const Parameter& p1);
145     //! constructor with 2 Parameter
146     Polyhedron(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2);
148   protected:
149     //@{
150     //! true constructor functions
151     void buildP();
152     void build(const std::vector<Parameter>& ps);
153     void buildParam(const Parameter& gp);
154     void buildDefaultParam(ParameterKey key);
155     std::set<ParameterKey> getParamsKeys();
156     //@}
158   public:
159     //! copy constructor
160     Polyhedron(const Polyhedron& ph);
161     //! destructor
~Polyhedron()162     virtual ~Polyhedron()
163     {
164       for (number_t i = 0; i < faces_.size(); ++i) delete faces_[i];
165       faces_.clear();
166     }
168     //! accessor to vertices
p() const169     std::vector<Point> p() const { return p_; }
170     //! accessor to vertex i
p(number_t i) const171     Point p(number_t i) const { return p_[i-1]; }
172     //! accessor to faces
faces() const173     std::vector<Polygon*> faces() const { return faces_; }
174     //! accessor to number of faces
nbFaces() const175     number_t nbFaces() const { return faces_.size(); }
177     //! accessor to number of nodes on edge i
nOnEdge(number_t i,number_t j) const178     number_t nOnEdge(number_t i, number_t j) const { return faces_[i-1]->n(j); }
180     //! format as string
181     virtual string_t asString() const;
clone() const183     virtual Geometry* clone() const { return new Polyhedron(*this); } //!< virtual copy constructor
withNnodes() const185     bool withNnodes() const { return (h_.size() == 0); } //!< check if Polyhedron is defined only with _nnodes or with _hsteps option
187     virtual std::vector<const Point*> boundNodes() const; //!< returns list of points on boundary (const)
188     virtual std::vector<Point*> nodes(); //!< returns list of every point (non const)
189     virtual std::vector<const Point*> nodes() const; //!< returns list of every point (const)
190     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > curves() const; //!< returns list of edges
191     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > surfs() const; //!< returns list of faces
nbSides() const192     virtual number_t nbSides() const { return faces_.size(); } //!< returns the number of sides
setFaces()193     virtual void setFaces()             //! set the faces vector when built
194       {error("not_handled","Polyhedron::setFaces()");}
195     virtual void collect(const string_t& n, std::list<Geometry*>&) const; //!< collect in a list all canonical geometry's with name n
197     //! computes the minimal box
computeMB()198     virtual void computeMB() { minimalBox = MinimalBox(boundingBox.bounds()); }
200     //! access to child Polyhedron object (const)
polyhedron() const201     virtual const Polyhedron* polyhedron() const {return this;}
202     //! access to child Polyhedron object
polyhedron()203     virtual Polyhedron* polyhedron() {return this;}
205     //================================================
206     //         transformations facilities
207     //================================================
208     //! apply a geometrical transformation on a Polyhedron
209     virtual Polyhedron& transform(const Transformation& t);
210     //! apply a translation on a Polyhedron (vector version)
211     virtual Polyhedron& translate(std::vector<real_t> u = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
212     //! apply a translation on a Polyhedron (3 reals version)
213     virtual Polyhedron& translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.);
214     //! apply a rotation on a Polyhedron
215     virtual Polyhedron& rotate2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), real_t angle = 0.);
216     //! apply a rotation on a Polyhedron
217     virtual Polyhedron& rotate3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.),
218                                  real_t angle = 0.);
219     //! apply a rotation on a Polyhedron
220     virtual Polyhedron& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
221     //! apply a rotation on a Polyhedron
222     virtual Polyhedron& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
223     //! apply a rotation on a Polyhedron
224     virtual Polyhedron& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
225     //! apply a rotation on a Polyhedron
226     virtual Polyhedron& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
227     //! apply a homothety on a Polyhedron
228     virtual Polyhedron& homothetize(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), real_t factor = 1.);
229     //! apply a homothety on a Polyhedron
230     virtual Polyhedron& homothetize(real_t factor);
231     //! apply a point reflection on a Polyhedron
232     virtual Polyhedron& pointReflect(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.));
233     //! apply a reflection2d on a Polyhedron
234     virtual Polyhedron& reflect2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2,0.));
235     //! apply a reflection2d on a Polyhedron
236     virtual Polyhedron& reflect2d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.);
237     //! apply a reflection3d on a Polyhedron
238     virtual Polyhedron& reflect3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
239     //! apply a reflection3d on a Polyhedron
240     virtual Polyhedron& reflect3d(const Point& c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.);
241 };
243 /*!
244   \class Tetrahedron
245   definition of a tetrahedron geometry in R^3
246  */
247 class Tetrahedron : public Polyhedron
248 {
249   public:
250     //! default constructor
251     Tetrahedron();
252     //! constructor with 4 Parameter
253     Tetrahedron(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4);
254     //! constructor with 5 Parameter
255     Tetrahedron(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5);
256     //! constructor with 6 Parameter
257     Tetrahedron(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
258                 const Parameter& p6);
259     //! constructor with 3 Parameter
260     Tetrahedron(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
261                 const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7);
263   private:
264     //@{
265     //! true constructor functions
266     void build(const std::vector<Parameter>& ps);
267     void buildParam(const Parameter& gp);
268     void buildDefaultParam(ParameterKey key);
269     std::set<ParameterKey> getParamsKeys();
270     //@}
272   public:
273     //! accessor to number of nodes on edge i
n(number_t i) const274     number_t n(number_t i) const { return n_[i-1]; }
275     //! accessor to local steps
h() const276     std::vector<real_t> h() const {return h_;}
277     //! accessor to local step on vertex i (read only)
h(number_t i) const278     real_t h(number_t i) const { return h_[i-1];}
280     //! format as string
281     virtual string_t asString() const;
clone() const283     virtual Geometry* clone() const { return new Tetrahedron(*this); } //!< virtual copy constructor
285     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > curves() const; //!< returns list of edges
286     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > surfs() const; //!< returns list of faces
nbSides() const287     virtual number_t nbSides() const { return 4; } //!< returns the number of sides
288     virtual void setFaces();                       //!< set the faces vector when built
289     real_t measure() const;
291     //! computes the minimal box
computeMB()292     virtual void computeMB() { minimalBox=MinimalBox(p_[0],p_[1],p_[2],p_[3]); }
294     //! access to child Tetrahedron object (const)
tetrahedron() const295     virtual const Tetrahedron* tetrahedron() const {return this;}
296     //! access to child Tetrahedron object
tetrahedron()297     virtual Tetrahedron* tetrahedron() {return this;}
299     //================================================
300     //         transformations facilities
301     //================================================
302     //! apply a geometrical transformation on a Tetrahedron
303     virtual Tetrahedron& transform(const Transformation& t);
304     //! apply a translation on a Tetrahedron (vector version)
305     virtual Tetrahedron& translate(std::vector<real_t> u = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
306     //! apply a translation on a Tetrahedron (3 reals version)
307     virtual Tetrahedron& translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.);
308     //! apply a rotation on a Tetrahedron
309     virtual Tetrahedron& rotate2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), real_t angle = 0.);
310     //! apply a rotation on a Tetrahedron
311     virtual Tetrahedron& rotate3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.),
312                                   real_t angle = 0.);
313     //! apply a rotation on a Tetrahedron
314     virtual Tetrahedron& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
315     //! apply a rotation on a Tetrahedron
316     virtual Tetrahedron& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
317     //! apply a rotation on a Tetrahedron
318     virtual Tetrahedron& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
319     //! apply a rotation on a Tetrahedron
320     virtual Tetrahedron& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
321     //! apply a homothety on a Tetrahedron
322     virtual Tetrahedron& homothetize(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), real_t factor = 1.);
323     //! apply a homothety on a Tetrahedron
324     virtual Tetrahedron& homothetize(real_t factor);
325     //! apply a point reflection on a Tetrahedron
326     virtual Tetrahedron& pointReflect(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.));
327     //! apply a reflection2d on a Tetrahedron
328     virtual Tetrahedron& reflect2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2,0.));
329     //! apply a reflection2d on a Tetrahedron
330     virtual Tetrahedron& reflect2d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.);
331     //! apply a reflection3d on a Tetrahedron
332     virtual Tetrahedron& reflect3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
333     //! apply a reflection3d on a Tetrahedron
334     virtual Tetrahedron& reflect3d(const Point& c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.);
335 };
337 /*!
338   \class Hexahedron
339   definition of a hexahedron geometry in R^3
340  */
341 class Hexahedron : public Polyhedron
342 {
343   public:
344     //! default constructor
345     Hexahedron();
346     //! constructor with 4 Parameter
347     Hexahedron(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
348                const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8);
349     //! constructor with 5 Parameter
350     Hexahedron(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
351                const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8, const Parameter& p9);
352     //! constructor with 6 Parameter
353     Hexahedron(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
354                const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8, const Parameter& p9, const Parameter& p10);
355     //! constructor with 3 Parameter
356     Hexahedron(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
357                const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8, const Parameter& p9, const Parameter& p10,
358                const Parameter& p11);
360   protected:
361     //@{
362     //! true constructor functions
363     void build(const std::vector<Parameter>& ps);
364     void buildParam(const Parameter& gp);
365     void buildDefaultParam(ParameterKey key);
366     std::set<ParameterKey> getParamsKeys();
367     //@}
369   public:
370     //! accessor to number of nodes on edge i
n(number_t i) const371     number_t n(number_t i) const { return n_[i-1]; }
372     //! accessor to local steps
h() const373     std::vector<real_t> h() const {return h_;}
374     //! accessor to local step on vertex i (read only)
h(number_t i) const375     real_t h(number_t i) const { return h_[i-1];}
377     //! format as string
378     virtual string_t asString() const;
clone() const380     virtual Geometry* clone() const { return new Hexahedron(*this); } //!< virtual copy constructor
382     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > curves() const; //!< returns list of edges
383     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > surfs() const; //!< returns list of faces
nbSides() const384     virtual number_t nbSides() const { return 8; } //!< returns the number of sides
385     virtual void setFaces();                       //!< set the faces vector when built
387     //! access to child Hexahedron object (const)
hexahedron() const388     virtual const Hexahedron* hexahedron() const {return this;}
389     //! access to child Hexahedron object
hexahedron()390     virtual Hexahedron* hexahedron() {return this;}
392     //================================================
393     //         transformations facilities
394     //================================================
395     //! apply a geometrical transformation on a Hexahedron
396     virtual Hexahedron& transform(const Transformation& t);
397     //! apply a translation on a Hexahedron (vector version)
398     virtual Hexahedron& translate(std::vector<real_t> u = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
399     //! apply a translation on a Hexahedron (3 reals version)
400     virtual Hexahedron& translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.);
401     //! apply a rotation on a Hexahedron
402     virtual Hexahedron& rotate2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), real_t angle = 0.);
403     //! apply a rotation on a Hexahedron
404     virtual Hexahedron& rotate3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.),
405                                  real_t angle = 0.);
406     //! apply a rotation on a Hexahedron
407     virtual Hexahedron& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
408     //! apply a rotation on a Hexahedron
409     virtual Hexahedron& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
410     //! apply a rotation on a Hexahedron
411     virtual Hexahedron& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
412     //! apply a rotation on a Hexahedron
413     virtual Hexahedron& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
414     //! apply a homothety on a Hexahedron
415     virtual Hexahedron& homothetize(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), real_t factor = 1.);
416     //! apply a homothety on a Hexahedron
417     virtual Hexahedron& homothetize(real_t factor);
418     //! apply a point reflection on a Hexahedron
419     virtual Hexahedron& pointReflect(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.));
420     //! apply a reflection2d on a Hexahedron
421     virtual Hexahedron& reflect2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2,0.));
422     //! apply a reflection2d on a Hexahedron
423     virtual Hexahedron& reflect2d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.);
424     //! apply a reflection3d on a Hexahedron
425     virtual Hexahedron& reflect3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
426     //! apply a reflection3d on a Hexahedron
427     virtual Hexahedron& reflect3d(const Point& c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.);
428 };
430 /*!
431   \class Parallelepiped
432   definition of a parallelepiped geometry in R^3
433  */
434 class Parallelepiped : public Hexahedron
435 {
436   public:
437     //! default constructor
438     Parallelepiped();
439     //! constructor with 4 Parameter
440     Parallelepiped(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4);
441     //! constructor with 5 Parameter
442     Parallelepiped(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5);
443     //! constructor with 6 Parameter
444     Parallelepiped(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
445                    const Parameter& p6);
446     //! constructor with 7 Parameter
447     Parallelepiped(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
448                    const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7);
450   protected:
451     //@{
452     //! true constructor functions
453     void build(const std::vector<Parameter>& ps);
454     void buildParam(const Parameter& gp);
455     void buildDefaultParam(ParameterKey key);
456     std::set<ParameterKey> getParamsKeys();
457     //@}
459   public:
460     //! returns number of nodes on edges 1, 3, 5 and 7
n1() const461     number_t n1() const {return n(1);}
462     //! returns number of nodes on edges 2, 4, 6 and 8
n2() const463     number_t n2() const {return n(2);}
464     //! retusn number of nodes on edges 9, 10, 11 and 12
n3() const465     number_t n3() const {return n(9);}
467     //! format as string
468     virtual string_t asString() const;
clone() const470     virtual Geometry* clone() const { return new Parallelepiped(*this); } //!< virtual copy constructor
472     virtual void setFaces();                                                             //!< set the faces vector when built
473     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > surfs() const; //!< returns list of faces
474     real_t measure() const;
476     //! computes the minimal box
computeMB()477     virtual void computeMB() { minimalBox= MinimalBox(p_[0],p_[1],p_[3],p_[4]); }
479     //! access to child Parallelepiped object (const)
parallelepiped() const480     virtual const Parallelepiped* parallelepiped() const {return this;}
481     //! access to child Parallelepiped object
parallelepiped()482     virtual Parallelepiped* parallelepiped() {return this;}
484     //================================================
485     //         transformations facilities
486     //================================================
487     //! apply a geometrical transformation on a Parallelepiped
488     virtual Parallelepiped& transform(const Transformation& t);
489     //! apply a translation on a Parallelepiped (vector version)
490     virtual Parallelepiped& translate(std::vector<real_t> u = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
491     //! apply a translation on a Parallelepiped (3 reals version)
492     virtual Parallelepiped& translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.);
493     //! apply a rotation on a Parallelepiped
494     virtual Parallelepiped& rotate2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), real_t angle = 0.);
495     //! apply a rotation on a Parallelepiped
496     virtual Parallelepiped& rotate3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.),
497                                      real_t angle = 0.);
498     //! apply a rotation on a Parallelepiped
499     virtual Parallelepiped& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
500     //! apply a rotation on a Parallelepiped
501     virtual Parallelepiped& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
502     //! apply a rotation on a Parallelepiped
503     virtual Parallelepiped& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
504     //! apply a rotation on a Parallelepiped
505     virtual Parallelepiped& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
506     //! apply a homothety on a Parallelepiped
507     virtual Parallelepiped& homothetize(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), real_t factor = 1.);
508     //! apply a homothety on a Parallelepiped
509     virtual Parallelepiped& homothetize(real_t factor);
510     //! apply a point reflection on a Parallelepiped
511     virtual Parallelepiped& pointReflect(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.));
512     //! apply a reflection2d on a Parallelepiped
513     virtual Parallelepiped& reflect2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2,0.));
514     //! apply a reflection2d on a Parallelepiped
515     virtual Parallelepiped& reflect2d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.);
516     //! apply a reflection3d on a Parallelepiped
517     virtual Parallelepiped& reflect3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
518     //! apply a reflection3d on a Parallelepiped
519     virtual Parallelepiped& reflect3d(const Point& c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.);
520 };
522 /*!
523   \class Cuboid
524   definition of a cuboid (=rectangular parallelepiped) geometry in R^3
525  */
526 class Cuboid : public Parallelepiped
527 {
528   protected:
529     // initialized when rectangle defined with center or origin keys
530     Point center_, origin_;
531     // true when corresponding key group is given
532     bool isCenter_, isOrigin_;
533     // initialized when rectangle defined with center or origin keys
534     real_t xlength_, ylength_, zlength_;
535   private:
536     // initialized when rectangle defined with xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax keys
537     real_t xmin_, xmax_, ymin_, ymax_, zmin_, zmax_;
538     // true when corresponding key group is given
539     bool isBounds_;
541   public:
542     //! default constructor
543     Cuboid();
544     //! constructor with 4 Parameter
545     Cuboid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4);
546     //! constructor with 5 Parameter
547     Cuboid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5);
548     //! constructor with 6 Parameter
549     Cuboid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
550               const Parameter& p6);
551     //! constructor with 7 Parameter
552     Cuboid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
553            const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7);
554     //! constructor with 8 Parameter
555     Cuboid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
556            const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8);
557     //! constructor with 9 Parameter
558     Cuboid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
559            const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8, const Parameter& p9);
561   protected:
562     //@{
563     //! true constructor functions
564     void buildP();
565     void build(const std::vector<Parameter>& ps);
566     void buildParam(const Parameter& gp);
567     void buildDefaultParam(ParameterKey key);
568     std::set<ParameterKey> getParamsKeys();
569     //@}
571   public:
572     //! copy constructor
573     Cuboid(const Cuboid& c);
574     //! returns number of nodes on edges 1, 3, 5 and 7
nx() const575     number_t nx() const {return n(1);}
576     //! returns number of nodes on edges 2, 4, 6 and 8
ny() const577     number_t ny() const {return n(2);}
578     //! retusn number of nodes on edges 9, 10, 11 and 12
nz() const579     number_t nz() const {return n(9);}
581     //! format as string
582     virtual string_t asString() const;
clone() const584     virtual Geometry* clone() const { return new Cuboid(*this); } //!< virtual copy constructor
586     virtual void setFaces();                                      //!< set the faces vector when built
587     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > surfs() const; //!< returns list of faces
measure() const588     real_t measure() const { return xlength_*ylength_*zlength_; }
590     //! computes the minimal box
computeMB()591     virtual void computeMB() { minimalBox= MinimalBox(p_[0],p_[1],p_[3],p_[4]); }
593     //! access to child Cuboid object (const)
cuboid() const594     virtual const Cuboid* cuboid() const {return this;}
595     //! access to child Cuboid object
cuboid()596     virtual Cuboid* cuboid() {return this;}
598     //================================================
599     //         transformations facilities
600     //================================================
601     //! apply a geometrical transformation on a Cuboid
602     virtual Cuboid& transform(const Transformation& t);
603     //! apply a translation on a Cuboid (vector version)
604     virtual Cuboid& translate(std::vector<real_t> u = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
605     //! apply a translation on a Cuboid (3 reals version)
606     virtual Cuboid& translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.);
607     //! apply a rotation on a Cuboid
608     virtual Cuboid& rotate2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), real_t angle = 0.);
609     //! apply a rotation on a Cuboid
610     virtual Cuboid& rotate3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.),
611                              real_t angle = 0.);
612     //! apply a rotation on a Cuboid
613     virtual Cuboid& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
614     //! apply a rotation on a Cuboid
615     virtual Cuboid& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
616     //! apply a rotation on a Cuboid
617     virtual Cuboid& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
618     //! apply a rotation on a Cuboid
619     virtual Cuboid& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
620     //! apply a homothety on a Cuboid
621     virtual Cuboid& homothetize(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), real_t factor = 1.);
622     //! apply a homothety on a Cuboid
623     virtual Cuboid& homothetize(real_t factor);
624     //! apply a point reflection on a Cuboid
625     virtual Cuboid& pointReflect(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.));
626     //! apply a reflection2d on a Cuboid
627     virtual Cuboid& reflect2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2,0.));
628     //! apply a reflection2d on a Cuboid
629     virtual Cuboid& reflect2d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.);
630     //! apply a reflection3d on a Cuboid
631     virtual Cuboid& reflect3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
632     //! apply a reflection3d on a Cuboid
633     virtual Cuboid& reflect3d(const Point& c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.);
634 };
636 /*!
637    \class Cube
638    A cube is defined by its center and the length of its edges.
639  */
640 class Cube : public Cuboid
641 {
642   private:
643     dimen_t nboctants_; //!< number of octants to be filled in the 3D space
645   public:
646     //! default constructor
647     Cube();
648     //! constructor with 2 Parameter
649     Cube(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2);
650     //! constructor with 3 Parameter
651     Cube(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3);
652     //! constructor with 4 Parameter
653     Cube(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4);
654     //! constructor with 5 Parameter
655     Cube(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5);
656     //! constructor with 6 Parameter
657     Cube(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
658          const Parameter& p6);
659     //! constructor with 7 Parameter
660     Cube(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
661          const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7);
663   private:
664     //@{
665     //! true constructor functions
666     void buildP();
667     void build(const std::vector<Parameter>& ps);
668     void buildParam(const Parameter& gp);
669     void buildDefaultParam(ParameterKey key);
670     std::set<ParameterKey> getParamsKeys();
671     //@}
673   public:
674     //! copy constructor
675     Cube(const Cube& c);
676     //! format as string
677     virtual string_t asString() const;
679     // access functions to data members
center() const680     Point center()  const { return center_; } //!< returns center
edgeLen() const681     real_t edgeLen() const { return xlength_; } //!< returns edge length
rotations() const682     std::vector<std::pair<real_t, dimen_t> > rotations() const //! returns rotations
683     { return trihedralOrientation(p_[0], p_[1], p_[3], p_[4]); }
nbOctants() const685     virtual dimen_t nbOctants() const { return nboctants_; } //!< returns number of octants
686     virtual number_t nbSubdiv() const; //!< returns number of subdivision
clone() const688     virtual Geometry* clone() const { return new Cube(*this); } //!< virtual copy constructor
690     virtual void setFaces();                                    //!< set the faces vector when built
691     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > surfs() const; //!< returns list of faces
measure() const692     real_t measure() const { return xlength_*ylength_*zlength_/8.*nboctants_; }
694     //! access to child Cube object (const)
cube() const695     virtual const Cube* cube() const {return this;}
696     //! access to child Cube object
cube()697     virtual Cube* cube() {return this;}
699     //================================================
700     //         transformations facilities
701     //================================================
702     //! apply a geometrical transformation on a Cube
703     virtual Cube& transform(const Transformation& t);
704     //! apply a translation on a Cube (vector version)
705     virtual Cube& translate(std::vector<real_t> u = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
706     //! apply a translation on a Cube (3 reals version)
707     virtual Cube& translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.);
708     //! apply a rotation on a Cube
709     virtual Cube& rotate2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), real_t angle = 0.);
710     //! apply a rotation on a Cube
711     virtual Cube& rotate3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.),
712                            real_t angle = 0.);
713     //! apply a rotation on a Cube
714     virtual Cube& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
715     //! apply a rotation on a Cube
716     virtual Cube& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
717     //! apply a rotation on a Cube
718     virtual Cube& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
719     //! apply a rotation on a Cube
720     virtual Cube& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
721     //! apply a homothety on a Cube
722     virtual Cube& homothetize(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), real_t factor = 1.);
723     //! apply a homothety on a Cube
724     virtual Cube& homothetize(real_t factor);
725     //! apply a point reflection on a Cube
726     virtual Cube& pointReflect(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.));
727     //! apply a reflection2d on a Cube
728     virtual Cube& reflect2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2,0.));
729     //! apply a reflection2d on a Cube
730     virtual Cube& reflect2d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.);
731     //! apply a reflection3d on a Cube
732     virtual Cube& reflect3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
733     //! apply a reflection3d on a Cube
734     virtual Cube& reflect3d(const Point& c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.);
735 };
737 /*!
738   \class Ellipsoid
739   definition of an ellipsoidal geometry in R^3 (volume)
740  */
741 class Ellipsoid : public Volume
742 {
743   protected:
744     Point center_;   //!< center of the ellipsoid
745     Point p1_;  //!< first apogee of the ellipsoid
746     Point p2_;  //!< second apogee of the ellipsoid
747     Point p3_;  //!< first perigee of the ellipsoid
748     Point p4_;  //!< second perigee of the ellipsoid
749     Point p5_;  //!< third perigee of the ellipsoid
750     Point p6_;  //!< third apogee of the ellipsoid
751     real_t xlength_, ylength_, zlength_;
752     bool isAxis_;
754     number_t n1_;   //!< number of nodes on edge [p1_ p2_]
755     number_t n2_;   //!< number of nodes on edge [p2_ p3_]
756     number_t n3_;   //!< number of nodes on edge [p3_ p4_]
757     number_t n4_;   //!< number of nodes on edge [p4_ p1_]
758     number_t n5_;   //!< number of nodes on edge [p1_ p6_]
759     number_t n6_;   //!< number of nodes on edge [p6_ p3_]
760     number_t n7_;   //!< number of nodes on edge [p3_ p5_]
761     number_t n8_;   //!< number of nodes on edge [p5_ p1_]
762     number_t n9_;   //!< number of nodes on edge [p2_ p6_]
763     number_t n10_;  //!< number of nodes on edge [p6_ p4_]
764     number_t n11_;  //!< number of nodes on edge [p4_ p5_]
765     number_t n12_;  //!< number of nodes on edge [p5_ p2_]
766     std::vector<real_t> h_; //!< local mesh step on each vertex of the ellipsoid
768     dimen_t nboctants_; //!< number of octants to be filled in the 3D space
769     dimen_t type_;     //!< indicator to fit curved boundaries (default) or not which gives flat (or plane) boundaries
771   public:
772     //! default constructor
773     Ellipsoid();
774     //! constructor with 4 Parameter
775     Ellipsoid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4);
776     //! constructor with 5 Parameter
777     Ellipsoid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5);
778     //! constructor with 6 Parameter
779     Ellipsoid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
780             const Parameter& p6);
781     //! constructor with 7 Parameter
782     Ellipsoid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
783             const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7);
784     //! constructor with 8 Parameter
785     Ellipsoid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
786             const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8);
787     //! constructor with 9 Parameter
788     Ellipsoid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
789             const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8, const Parameter& p9);
791   protected:
792     //@{
793     //! true constructor functions
794     void buildP();
795     void build(const std::vector<Parameter>& ps);
796     void buildParam(const Parameter& gp);
797     void buildDefaultParam(ParameterKey key);
798     std::set<ParameterKey> getParamsKeys();
799     //@}
801   public:
802     //! copy constructor
803     Ellipsoid(const Ellipsoid& e);
805     //@{
806     //! accessor to point
center() const807     Point center() const { return center_;}
p1() const808     Point p1() const { return p1_;}
p2() const809     Point p2() const { return p2_;}
p3() const810     Point p3() const { return p3_;}
p4() const811     Point p4() const { return p4_;}
p5() const812     Point p5() const { return p5_;}
p6() const813     Point p6() const { return p6_;}
814     //@}
816     //@{
817     //! accessor to number of nodes on edge
n1() const818     number_t n1() const {return n1_;}
n2() const819     number_t n2() const {return n2_;}
n3() const820     number_t n3() const {return n3_;}
n4() const821     number_t n4() const {return n4_;}
n5() const822     number_t n5() const {return n5_;}
n6() const823     number_t n6() const {return n6_;}
n7() const824     number_t n7() const {return n7_;}
n8() const825     number_t n8() const {return n8_;}
n9() const826     number_t n9() const {return n9_;}
n10() const827     number_t n10() const {return n10_;}
n11() const828     number_t n11() const {return n11_;}
n12() const829     number_t n12() const {return n12_;}
830     //@}
832     //! accessor to local steps
h() const833     std::vector<real_t> h() const {return h_;}
834     //! accessor to local step on vertex i (read only)
h(number_t i) const835     real_t h(number_t i) const { return h_[i-1];}
length1() const837     real_t length1() const { return xlength_; } //!< return first axis length
length2() const838     real_t length2() const { return ylength_; } //!< return second axis length
length3() const839     real_t length3() const { return zlength_; } //!< return third axis length
rotations() const840     std::vector<std::pair<real_t, dimen_t> > rotations() const //! returns rotations
841     { return trihedralOrientation(center_, p1_, p2_, p6_); }
nbOctants() const842     virtual dimen_t nbOctants() const { return nboctants_; } //!< returns number of octants
843     virtual number_t nbSubdiv() const; //!< returns number of subdivisions
type() const844     virtual dimen_t type() const { return type_; } //!< return type of subdivision
846     //! format as string
847     virtual string_t asString() const;
clone() const849     virtual Geometry* clone() const { return new Ellipsoid(*this); } //!< virtual copy constructor
withNnodes() const851     bool withNnodes() const { return (h_.size() == 0); } //!< check if Ellipsoid is defined only with _nnodes or with _hsteps option
853     virtual std::vector<const Point*> boundNodes() const; //!< returns list of points on boundary (const)
854     virtual std::vector<Point*> nodes(); //!< returns list of every point (non const)
855     virtual std::vector<const Point*> nodes() const; //!< returns list of every point (const)
856     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > curves() const; //!< returns list of edges
857     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > surfs() const; //!< returns list of faces
nbSides() const858     virtual number_t nbSides() const { return 8; } //!< returns the number of sides
859     real_t measure() const;
861     //! computes the minimal box
computeMB()862     virtual void computeMB()
863     { minimalBox= MinimalBox(4.*center_-p1_-p2_-p6_, 2.*center_+p1_-p2_-p6_, 2.*center_+p2_-p1_-p6_, 2.*center_+p6_-p1_-p2_); }
865     //! access to child Ellipsoid object (const)
ellipsoid() const866     virtual const Ellipsoid* ellipsoid() const {return this;}
867     //! access to child Ellipsoid object
ellipsoid()868     virtual Ellipsoid* ellipsoid() {return this;}
870     //================================================
871     //         transformations facilities
872     //================================================
873     //! apply a geometrical transformation on a Ellipsoid
874     virtual Ellipsoid& transform(const Transformation& t);
875     //! apply a translation on a Ellipsoid (vector version)
876     virtual Ellipsoid& translate(std::vector<real_t> u = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
877     //! apply a translation on a Ellipsoid (3 reals version)
878     virtual Ellipsoid& translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.);
879     //! apply a rotation on a Ellipsoid
880     virtual Ellipsoid& rotate2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), real_t angle = 0.);
881     //! apply a rotation on a Ellipsoid
882     virtual Ellipsoid& rotate3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.),
883                                 real_t angle = 0.);
884     //! apply a rotation on a Ellipsoid
885     virtual Ellipsoid& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
886     //! apply a rotation on a Ellipsoid
887     virtual Ellipsoid& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
888     //! apply a rotation on a Ellipsoid
889     virtual Ellipsoid& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
890     //! apply a rotation on a Ellipsoid
891     virtual Ellipsoid& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
892     //! apply a homothety on a Ellipsoid
893     virtual Ellipsoid& homothetize(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), real_t factor = 1.);
894     //! apply a homothety on a Ellipsoid
895     virtual Ellipsoid& homothetize(real_t factor);
896     //! apply a point reflection on a Ellipsoid
897     virtual Ellipsoid& pointReflect(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.));
898     //! apply a reflection2d on a Ellipsoid
899     virtual Ellipsoid& reflect2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2,0.));
900     //! apply a reflection2d on a Ellipsoid
901     virtual Ellipsoid& reflect2d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.);
902     //! apply a reflection3d on a Ellipsoid
903     virtual Ellipsoid& reflect3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
904     //! apply a reflection3d on a Ellipsoid
905     virtual Ellipsoid& reflect3d(const Point& c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.);
906 };
908 /*!
909    \class Ball
910    A sphere is defined by its center and radius.
911    Rotations may be additionnaly defined to orient the axes of the ball. This is useful for the subdivision algorithm
912    when only a portion of the ball is considered.
913  */
914 class Ball : public Ellipsoid
915 {
916   public:
917     //! default constructor
918     Ball();
919     //! constructor with 2 Parameter
920     Ball(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2);
921     //! constructor with 3 Parameter
922     Ball(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3);
923     //! constructor with 4 Parameter
924     Ball(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4);
925     //! constructor with 5 Parameter
926     Ball(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5);
927     //! constructor with 6 Parameter
928     Ball(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
929          const Parameter& p6);
930     //! constructor with 7 Parameter
931     Ball(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
932          const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7);
933     //! constructor with 8 Parameter
934     Ball(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
935          const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8);
936     //! constructor with 9 Parameter
937     Ball(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
938          const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8, const Parameter& p9);
940   protected:
941     //@{
942     //! true constructor functions
943     void build(const std::vector<Parameter>& ps);
944     void buildParam(const Parameter& gp);
945     void buildDefaultParam(ParameterKey key);
946     std::set<ParameterKey> getParamsKeys();
947     //@}
949   public:
950     //! copy constructor
951     Ball(const Ball& b);
952     //! format as string : "Ball (center=(.,.,.), radius = R)"
953     virtual string_t asString() const;
955     // access functions to data members
radius() const956     real_t radius() const { return xlength_/2.; }  //!< returns radius
clone() const958     virtual Geometry* clone() const { return new Ball(*this); } //!< virtual copy constructor
960     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > curves() const; //!< returns list of edges
961     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > surfs() const; //!< returns list of faces
963     //! access to child Ball object (const)
ball() const964     virtual const Ball* ball() const {return this;}
965     //! access to child Ball object
ball()966     virtual Ball* ball() {return this;}
968     //================================================
969     //         transformations facilities
970     //================================================
971     //! apply a geometrical transformation on a Ball
972     virtual Ball& transform(const Transformation& t);
973     //! apply a translation on a Ball (vector version)
974     virtual Ball& translate(std::vector<real_t> u = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
975     //! apply a translation on a Ball (3 reals version)
976     virtual Ball& translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.);
977     //! apply a rotation on a Ball
978     virtual Ball& rotate2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), real_t angle = 0.);
979     //! apply a rotation on a Ball
980     virtual Ball& rotate3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.),
981                            real_t angle = 0.);
982     //! apply a rotation on a Ball
983     virtual Ball& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
984     //! apply a rotation on a Ball
985     virtual Ball& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
986     //! apply a rotation on a Ball
987     virtual Ball& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
988     //! apply a rotation on a Ball
989     virtual Ball& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
990     //! apply a homothety on a Ball
991     virtual Ball& homothetize(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), real_t factor = 1.);
992     //! apply a homothety on a Ball
993     virtual Ball& homothetize(real_t factor);
994     //! apply a point reflection on a Ball
995     virtual Ball& pointReflect(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.));
996     //! apply a reflection2d on a Ball
997     virtual Ball& reflect2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2,0.));
998     //! apply a reflection2d on a Ball
999     virtual Ball& reflect2d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.);
1000     //! apply a reflection3d on a Ball
1001     virtual Ball& reflect3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
1002     //! apply a reflection3d on a Ball
1003     virtual Ball& reflect3d(const Point& c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.);
1004 };
1006 typedef Ball Sphere;
1008 /*!
1009   \class Trunk
1010   A Trunk is a volume defined by a cylinder or a trunk of cone. A cylinder is a trunk of a cylinder !!!
1011   To define it, we need a basis, a translation and a homothety to build the other basis.
1012   To make it more simple, we will need a basis, the first point of the other basis (determining the translation
1013   and the center of the homothety), and a scale factor. This "first point" of a basis is defined as basis.p(1) : it is
1014   the first vertex for a polygon, but the center for an ellipse or a disk
1015  */
1016 class Trunk : public Volume
1017 {
1018   protected:
1019     //! first surfacic basis
1020     Surface * basis_;
1021     //! scale factor
1022     real_t scale_;
1023     //! points used to define the geometry
1024     std::vector<Point> p_;
1025     //! number of nodes on edges
1026     std::vector<number_t> n_;
1027     //! local mesh step on each vertex of the cylinder
1028     std::vector<real_t> h_;
1029     Point origin_, center1_, p1_, p2_;
1030     bool isElliptical_, isN_;
1032   public:
1033     //! default constructor
1034     Trunk(real_t scale=1, bool defineBasisAndP=true);
1035     //! constructor with 3 Parameter
1036     Trunk(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3);
1037     //! constructor with 4 Parameter
1038     Trunk(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4);
1039     //! constructor with 5 Parameter
1040     Trunk(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5);
1041     //! constructor with 6 Parameter
1042     Trunk(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1043           const Parameter& p6);
1044     //! constructor with 7 Parameter
1045     Trunk(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1046           const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7);
1047     //! constructor with 8 Parameter
1048     Trunk(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1049           const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8);
1051   protected:
1052     //@{
1053     //! true constructor functions
1054     void buildPAndBasis();
1055     void build(const std::vector<Parameter>& ps);
1056     void buildParam(const Parameter& gp);
1057     void buildDefaultParam(ParameterKey key);
1058     std::set<ParameterKey> getParamsKeys();
1059     //@}
1061   public:
1062     //! copy constructor
1063     Trunk(const Trunk& t);
1064     //! destructor
~Trunk()1065     virtual ~Trunk() { if (basis_ != 0) { delete basis_; } }
1067     //! accessor to points
p() const1068     std::vector<Point> p() const { return p_; }
1069     //! accessor to point i
p(number_t i) const1070     Point p(number_t i) const { return p_[i-1]; }
1071     //! accessor to number of nodes (read only)
n() const1072     std::vector<number_t> n() const { return n_; }
1073     //! accessor to number of nodes on edge i (read only)
n(number_t i) const1074     number_t n(number_t i) const { return n_[i-1]; }
1075     //! accessor to local steps
h() const1076     std::vector<real_t> h() const {return h_;}
1077     //! accessor to local step on vertex i (read only)
h(number_t i) const1078     real_t h(number_t i) const { return h_[i-1];}
1079     //! accessor to basis of trunk
basis() const1080     Surface* basis() const { return basis_; }
1081     //! accessor to scale factor of trunk
scale() const1082     real_t scale() const { return scale_; }
1083     //! accessor to origin_ of trunk
origin() const1084     Point origin() const { return origin_; }
1085     //! accessor to origin_ of trunk
center1() const1086     Point center1() const { return center1_; }
1087     //! accessor to origin_ of trunk
center2() const1088     Point center2() const { return origin_; }
1089     //! accessor to origin_ of trunk
p1() const1090     Point p1() const { return p1_; }
1091     //! accessor to origin_ of trunk
p2() const1092     Point p2() const { return p2_; }
1094     //! format as string
1095     virtual string_t asString() const;
clone() const1097     virtual Geometry* clone() const { return new Trunk(*this); } //!< virtual copy constructor
withNnodes() const1099     bool withNnodes() const { return (h_.size() == 0); } //!< check if Trunk is defined only with _nnodes or with _hsteps option
1101     virtual std::vector<const Point*> boundNodes() const; //!< returns list of points on boundary (const)
1102     virtual std::vector<Point*> nodes(); //!< return list of every point (non const)
1103     virtual std::vector<const Point*> nodes() const; //!< returns list of every point (const)
1104     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > curves() const; //!< returns list of curves (const)
1105     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > surfs() const; //!< returns list of faces (const)
nbSides() const1106     virtual number_t nbSides() const { return basis_->nbSides()+2; } //!< returns the number of sides
1107     real_t measure() const;
computeMB()1109     virtual void computeMB()
1110     {
1111       minimalBox= MinimalBox(basis_->minimalBox.boundPt(1),
1112                              basis_->minimalBox.boundPt(2),
1113                              basis_->minimalBox.boundPt(3),
1114                              basis_->minimalBox.boundPt(1)+origin_-basis_->p(1));
1115     }
1117     //! access to child Trunk object (const)
trunk() const1118     virtual const Trunk* trunk() const {return this;}
1119     //! access to child Trunk object
trunk()1120     virtual Trunk* trunk() {return this;}
1122     //================================================
1123     //         transformations facilities
1124     //================================================
1125     //! apply a geometrical transformation on a Trunk
1126     virtual Trunk& transform(const Transformation& t);
1127     //! apply a translation on a Trunk (vector version)
1128     virtual Trunk& translate(std::vector<real_t> u = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
1129     //! apply a translation on a Trunk (3 reals version)
1130     virtual Trunk& translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.);
1131     //! apply a rotation on a Trunk
1132     virtual Trunk& rotate2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), real_t angle = 0.);
1133     //! apply a rotation on a Trunk
1134     virtual Trunk& rotate3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.),
1135                             real_t angle = 0.);
1136     //! apply a rotation on a Trunk
1137     virtual Trunk& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
1138     //! apply a rotation on a Trunk
1139     virtual Trunk& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
1140     //! apply a rotation on a Trunk
1141     virtual Trunk& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
1142     //! apply a rotation on a Trunk
1143     virtual Trunk& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
1144     //! apply a homothety on a Trunk
1145     virtual Trunk& homothetize(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), real_t factor = 1.);
1146     //! apply a homothety on a Trunk
1147     virtual Trunk& homothetize(real_t factor);
1148     //! apply a point reflection on a Trunk
1149     virtual Trunk& pointReflect(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.));
1150     //! apply a reflection2d on a Trunk
1151     virtual Trunk& reflect2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2,0.));
1152     //! apply a reflection2d on a Trunk
1153     virtual Trunk& reflect2d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.);
1154     //! apply a reflection3d on a Trunk
1155     virtual Trunk& reflect3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
1156     //! apply a reflection3d on a Trunk
1157     virtual Trunk& reflect3d(const Point& c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.);
1158 };
1160 /*!
1161    \class Cylinder
1162    A cylinder is a volume defined by a section (the basis) and a direction vector
1163    The direction vector is not necessarily orthogonal to the basis, but both bases are necessarily parallel
1164    A Cylinder is a Trunk with scale factor equal to 1 !!!
1165  */
1166 class Cylinder : public Trunk
1167 {
1168   protected:
1169     //! direction vector
1170     Point dir_;
1172   public:
1173     //! default constructor
1174     Cylinder(bool defineBasisAndP=true);
1175     //! default constructor with basis and direction
1176     Cylinder(const Surface& basis, const std::vector<real_t>& direction);
1177     //! constructor with 2 Parameter
1178     Cylinder(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2);
1179     //! constructor with 3 Parameter
1180     Cylinder(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3);
1181     //! constructor with 4 Parameter
1182     Cylinder(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4);
1183     //! constructor with 5 Parameter
1184     Cylinder(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5);
1185     //! constructor with 6 Parameter
1186     Cylinder(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1187              const Parameter& p6);
1188     //! constructor with 7 Parameter
1189     Cylinder(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1190              const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7);
1192   protected:
1193     //@{
1194     //! true constructor functions
1195     void build(const std::vector<Parameter>& ps);
1196     void buildParam(const Parameter& gp);
1197     void buildDefaultParam(ParameterKey key);
1198     std::set<ParameterKey> getParamsKeys();
1199     //@}
1201   public:
1202     //! copy constructor
1203     Cylinder(const Cylinder& c);
1205     //! accessor to direction vector
dir() const1206     Point dir() const { return dir_; }
1208     //! format as string
1209     virtual string_t asString() const;
clone() const1211     virtual Geometry* clone() const { return new Cylinder(*this); } //!< virtual copy constructor
1213     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > surfs() const; //!< returns list of faces (const)
computeMB()1215     virtual void computeMB()
1216     {
1217       minimalBox= MinimalBox(basis_->minimalBox.boundPt(1),
1218                              basis_->minimalBox.boundPt(2),
1219                              basis_->minimalBox.boundPt(3),
1220                              basis_->minimalBox.boundPt(1)+dir_);
1221     }
1223     //! access to child Cylinder object (const)
cylinder() const1224     virtual const Cylinder* cylinder() const {return this;}
1225     //! access to child Cylinder2d object
cylinder()1226     virtual Cylinder* cylinder() {return this;}
1228     //================================================
1229     //         transformations facilities
1230     //================================================
1231     //! apply a geometrical transformation on a Cylinder
1232     virtual Cylinder& transform(const Transformation& t);
1233     //! apply a translation on a Cylinder (vector version)
1234     virtual Cylinder& translate(std::vector<real_t> u = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
1235     //! apply a translation on a Cylinder (3 reals version)
1236     virtual Cylinder& translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.);
1237     //! apply a rotation on a Cylinder
1238     virtual Cylinder& rotate2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), real_t angle = 0.);
1239     //! apply a rotation on a Cylinder
1240     virtual Cylinder& rotate3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.),
1241                                real_t angle = 0.);
1242     //! apply a rotation on a Cylinder
1243     virtual Cylinder& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
1244     //! apply a rotation on a Cylinder
1245     virtual Cylinder& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
1246     //! apply a rotation on a Cylinder
1247     virtual Cylinder& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
1248     //! apply a rotation on a Cylinder
1249     virtual Cylinder& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
1250     //! apply a homothety on a Cylinder
1251     virtual Cylinder& homothetize(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), real_t factor = 1.);
1252     //! apply a homothety on a Cylinder
1253     virtual Cylinder& homothetize(real_t factor);
1254     //! apply a point reflection on a Cylinder
1255     virtual Cylinder& pointReflect(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.));
1256     //! apply a reflection2d on a Cylinder
1257     virtual Cylinder& reflect2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2,0.));
1258     //! apply a reflection2d on a Cylinder
1259     virtual Cylinder& reflect2d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.);
1260     //! apply a reflection3d on a Cylinder
1261     virtual Cylinder& reflect3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
1262     //! apply a reflection3d on a Cylinder
1263     virtual Cylinder& reflect3d(const Point& c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.);
1264 };
1266 /*!
1267   \class Prism
1268   definition of a prismatic geometry in R^3
1269  */
1270 class Prism : public Cylinder
1271 {
1272   private:
1273     bool isTriangular_;
1274     Point p3_;
1276   public:
1277     //! default constructor
1278     Prism();
1279     //! constructor with 2 Parameter
1280     Prism(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2);
1281     //! constructor with 3 Parameter
1282     Prism(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3);
1283     //! constructor with 4 Parameter
1284     Prism(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4);
1285     //! constructor with 5 Parameter
1286     Prism(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5);
1287     //! constructor with 6 Parameter
1288     Prism(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1289           const Parameter& p6);
1290     //! constructor with 7 Parameter
1291     Prism(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1292           const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7);
1294   protected:
1295     //@{
1296     //! true constructor functions
1297     void buildPBasisNAndH();
1298     void build(const std::vector<Parameter>& ps);
1299     void buildParam(const Parameter& gp);
1300     void buildDefaultParam(ParameterKey key);
1301     std::set<ParameterKey> getParamsKeys();
1302     //@}
1304   public:
1305     //! copy constructor
1306     Prism(const Prism& p);
1307     //! format as string
1308     virtual string_t asString() const;
clone() const1310     virtual Geometry* clone() const { return new Prism(*this); } //!< virtual copy constructor
1312     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > surfs() const; //!< returns list of faces (const)
1313     virtual void collect(const string_t& n, std::list<Geometry*>&) const; //!< collect all canonical geometry's with name n
1315     //! access to child Prism object (const)
prism() const1316     virtual const Prism* prism() const {return this;}
1317     //! access to child Prism object
prism()1318     virtual Prism* prism() {return this;}
1320     //================================================
1321     //         transformations facilities
1322     //================================================
1323     //! apply a geometrical transformation on a Prism
1324     virtual Prism& transform(const Transformation& t);
1325     //! apply a translation on a Prism (vector version)
1326     virtual Prism& translate(std::vector<real_t> u = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
1327     //! apply a translation on a Prism (3 reals version)
1328     virtual Prism& translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.);
1329     //! apply a rotation on a Prism
1330     virtual Prism& rotate2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), real_t angle = 0.);
1331     //! apply a rotation on a Prism
1332     virtual Prism& rotate3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.),
1333                             real_t angle = 0.);
1334     //! apply a rotation on a Prism
1335     virtual Prism& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
1336     //! apply a rotation on a Prism
1337     virtual Prism& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
1338     //! apply a rotation on a Prism
1339     virtual Prism& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
1340     //! apply a rotation on a Prism
1341     virtual Prism& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
1342     //! apply a homothety on a Prism
1343     virtual Prism& homothetize(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), real_t factor = 1.);
1344     //! apply a homothety on a Prism
1345     virtual Prism& homothetize(real_t factor);
1346     //! apply a point reflection on a Prism
1347     virtual Prism& pointReflect(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.));
1348     //! apply a reflection2d on a Prism
1349     virtual Prism& reflect2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2,0.));
1350     //! apply a reflection2d on a Prism
1351     virtual Prism& reflect2d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.);
1352     //! apply a reflection3d on a Prism
1353     virtual Prism& reflect3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
1354     //! apply a reflection3d on a Prism
1355     virtual Prism& reflect3d(const Point& c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.);
1356 };
1358 /*!
1359    \class Cone
1360    A cylinder is a volume defined by a section (the basis) and a direction vector
1361    The direction vector is not necessarily orthogonal to the basis, but both bases are necessarily parallel
1362    A Cylinder is a Trunk with scale factor equal to 0 !!!
1363  */
1364 class Cone : public Trunk
1365 {
1366   public:
1367     //! default constructor
1368     Cone(bool defineBasisAndP=true);
1369     //! default constructor with basis and apex
1370     Cone(const Surface& basis, const Point& apex);
1371     //! constructor with 2 Parameter
1372     Cone(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2);
1373     //! constructor with 3 Parameter
1374     Cone(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3);
1375     //! constructor with 4 Parameter
1376     Cone(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4);
1377     //! constructor with 5 Parameter
1378     Cone(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5);
1379     //! constructor with 6 Parameter
1380     Cone(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1381           const Parameter& p6);
1382     //! constructor with 7 Parameter
1383     Cone(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1384           const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7);
1386   protected:
1387     //@{
1388     //! true constructor functions
1389     void buildPBasisNAndH();
1390     void build(const std::vector<Parameter>& ps);
1391     void buildParam(const Parameter& gp);
1392     void buildDefaultParam(ParameterKey key);
1393     std::set<ParameterKey> getParamsKeys();
1394     //@}
1396   public:
1397     //! copy constructor
1398     Cone(const Cone& c);
1400     //! accessor to apex_
apex() const1401     Point apex() const { return origin_; }
1403     //! format as string
1404     virtual string_t asString() const;
clone() const1406     virtual Geometry* clone() const { return new Cone(*this); } //!< virtual copy constructor
1408     virtual std::vector<const Point*> boundNodes() const; //!< returns list of points on boundary (const)
1409     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > curves() const; //!< returns list of curves (const)
1410     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > surfs() const; //!< returns list of faces (const)
computeMB()1412     virtual void computeMB()
1413     {
1414       minimalBox= MinimalBox(basis_->minimalBox.boundPt(1),
1415                              basis_->minimalBox.boundPt(2),
1416                              basis_->minimalBox.boundPt(3),
1417                              origin_);
1418     }
1420     //! access to child Cone object (const)
cone() const1421     virtual const Cone* cone() const {return this;}
1422     //! access to child Cone2d object
cone()1423     virtual Cone* cone() {return this;}
1425     //================================================
1426     //         transformations facilities
1427     //================================================
1428     //! apply a geometrical transformation on a Cone
1429     virtual Cone& transform(const Transformation& t);
1430     //! apply a translation on a Cone (vector version)
1431     virtual Cone& translate(std::vector<real_t> u = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
1432     //! apply a translation on a Cone (3 reals version)
1433     virtual Cone& translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.);
1434     //! apply a rotation on a Cone
1435     virtual Cone& rotate2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), real_t angle = 0.);
1436     //! apply a rotation on a Cone
1437     virtual Cone& rotate3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.),
1438                            real_t angle = 0.);
1439     //! apply a rotation on a Cone
1440     virtual Cone& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
1441     //! apply a rotation on a Cone
1442     virtual Cone& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
1443     //! apply a rotation on a Cone
1444     virtual Cone& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
1445     //! apply a rotation on a Cone
1446     virtual Cone& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
1447     //! apply a homothety on a Cone
1448     virtual Cone& homothetize(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), real_t factor = 1.);
1449     //! apply a homothety on a Cone
1450     virtual Cone& homothetize(real_t factor);
1451     //! apply a point reflection on a Cone
1452     virtual Cone& pointReflect(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.));
1453     //! apply a reflection2d on a Cone
1454     virtual Cone& reflect2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2,0.));
1455     //! apply a reflection2d on a Cone
1456     virtual Cone& reflect2d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.);
1457     //! apply a reflection3d on a Cone
1458     virtual Cone& reflect3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
1459     //! apply a reflection3d on a Cone
1460     virtual Cone& reflect3d(const Point& c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.);
1461 };
1463 /*!
1464   \class Pyramid
1465   definition of a pyramidal geometry in R^3
1466  */
1467 class Pyramid : public Cone
1468 {
1469   private:
1470     bool isQuadrangular_;
1471     Point p3_, p4_;
1473   public:
1474     //! default constructor
1475     Pyramid();
1476     //! constructor with 2 Parameter
1477     Pyramid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2);
1478     //! constructor with 3 Parameter
1479     Pyramid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3);
1480     //! constructor with 4 Parameter
1481     Pyramid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4);
1482     //! constructor with 5 Parameter
1483     Pyramid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5);
1484     //! constructor with 6 Parameter
1485     Pyramid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1486             const Parameter& p6);
1487     //! constructor with 7 Parameter
1488     Pyramid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1489             const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7);
1490     //! constructor with 8 Parameter
1491     Pyramid(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1492             const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8);
1494   protected:
1495     //@{
1496     //! true constructor functions
1497     void buildPBasisNAndH();
1498     void build(const std::vector<Parameter>& ps);
1499     void buildParam(const Parameter& gp);
1500     void buildDefaultParam(ParameterKey key);
1501     std::set<ParameterKey> getParamsKeys();
1502     //@}
1504   public:
1505     //! copy constructor
1506     Pyramid(const Pyramid& p);
1508     //@{
1509     //! accessor to point
p1() const1510     Point p1() const { return p_[0]; }
p2() const1511     Point p2() const { return p_[1]; }
p3() const1512     Point p3() const { return p_[2]; }
p4() const1513     Point p4() const { return p_[3]; }
p5() const1514     Point p5() const { return p_[4]; }
1515     //@}
1517     //@{
1518     //! accessor to number of element on edge
n1() const1519     number_t n1() const {return n_[0];}
n2() const1520     number_t n2() const {return n_[1];}
n3() const1521     number_t n3() const {return n_[2];}
n4() const1522     number_t n4() const {return n_[3];}
n5() const1523     number_t n5() const {return n_[4];}
n6() const1524     number_t n6() const {return n_[5];}
n7() const1525     number_t n7() const {return n_[6];}
n8() const1526     number_t n8() const {return n_[7];}
1527     //@}
1529     //! format as string
1530     virtual string_t asString() const;
clone() const1532     virtual Geometry* clone() const { return new Pyramid(*this); } //!< virtual copy constructor
1534     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > surfs() const; //!< returns list of faces (const)
1535     virtual void collect(const string_t& n, std::list<Geometry*>&) const; //!< collect in a all canonical geometry's with name n
1537     //! access to child Pyramid object (const)
pyramid() const1538     virtual const Pyramid* pyramid() const {return this;}
1539     //! access to child Pyramid object
pyramid()1540     virtual Pyramid* pyramid() {return this;}
1542     //================================================
1543     //         transformations facilities
1544     //================================================
1545     //! apply a geometrical transformation on a Pyramid
1546     virtual Pyramid& transform(const Transformation& t);
1547     //! apply a translation on a Pyramid (vector version)
1548     virtual Pyramid& translate(std::vector<real_t> u = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
1549     //! apply a translation on a Pyramid (3 reals version)
1550     virtual Pyramid& translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.);
1551     //! apply a rotation on a Pyramid
1552     virtual Pyramid& rotate2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), real_t angle = 0.);
1553     //! apply a rotation on a Pyramid
1554     virtual Pyramid& rotate3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.),
1555                               real_t angle = 0.);
1556     //! apply a rotation on a Pyramid
1557     virtual Pyramid& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
1558     //! apply a rotation on a Pyramid
1559     virtual Pyramid& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
1560     //! apply a rotation on a Pyramid
1561     virtual Pyramid& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
1562     //! apply a rotation on a Pyramid
1563     virtual Pyramid& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
1564     //! apply a homothety on a Pyramid
1565     virtual Pyramid& homothetize(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), real_t factor = 1.);
1566     //! apply a homothety on a Pyramid
1567     virtual Pyramid& homothetize(real_t factor);
1568     //! apply a point reflection on a Pyramid
1569     virtual Pyramid& pointReflect(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.));
1570     //! apply a reflection2d on a Pyramid
1571     virtual Pyramid& reflect2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2,0.));
1572     //! apply a reflection2d on a Pyramid
1573     virtual Pyramid& reflect2d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.);
1574     //! apply a reflection3d on a Pyramid
1575     virtual Pyramid& reflect3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
1576     //! apply a reflection3d on a Pyramid
1577     virtual Pyramid& reflect3d(const Point& c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.);
1578 };
1580 /*!
1581    \class RevTrunk
1582    A object of revolution is defined by its axis (P1,P2) and the radii of two circles
1583    obtained by intersection with a plane orthogonal to (P1,P2). The object is delimited
1584    by the two planes, orthogonal to (P1,P2), passing by P1 and P2, and this is the default
1585    end shape of the object when it is meshed with volumic elements (gesFlat or equivalently
1586    in this case, gesNone).
1587    When the elements are surfacic, the default is to leave the ends empty (gesNone).
1589    Moreover, on both ends of this object, one can add part of a cone (gesCone), an ellipsoid
1590    (gesEllipsoid) or a sphere (gesSphere), connected to the boundary circle of the object.
1591    Let us consider the boundary circle whose center is P1. The apex of the cone or the ellipsoid
1592    is assumed to lie on the line (P1,P2) at a given distance distance1_ from P1. This distance
1593    is irrelevant in the case of the sphere. The same apply on the other end of the object.
1594    When the elements are surfacic, one can additonnaly chose a flat "lid" (gesFlat) ; the
1595    distance argument is then also irrelevant in this case.
1596  */
1597 class RevTrunk : public Trunk
1598 {
1599   protected:
1600     real_t radius1_, radius2_;
1601     number_t nbSubDomains_;       //!< number of main subDomains
1602     GeometricEndShape endShape1_; //!< shape of the first end
1603     real_t distance1_;            //!< height of the first end
1604     GeometricEndShape endShape2_; //!< shape of the second end
1605     real_t distance2_;            //!< height of the second end
1606     dimen_t type_;                //!< type of the subdivision
1608   public:
1609     //! default constructor
1610     RevTrunk(real_t scale=1., bool defineBasisAndP=true);
1611     //! constructor with 4 Parameter
1612     RevTrunk(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4);
1613     //! constructor with 5 Parameter
1614     RevTrunk(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5);
1615     //! constructor with 6 Parameter
1616     RevTrunk(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1617              const Parameter& p6);
1618     //! constructor with 7 Parameter
1619     RevTrunk(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1620              const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7);
1621     //! constructor with 8 Parameter
1622     RevTrunk(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1623             const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8);
1624     //! constructor with 9 Parameter
1625     RevTrunk(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1626             const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8, const Parameter& p9);
1627     //! constructor with 10 Parameter
1628     RevTrunk(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1629             const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8, const Parameter& p9, const Parameter& p10);
1630     //! constructor with 11 Parameter
1631     RevTrunk(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1632             const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8, const Parameter& p9, const Parameter& p10,
1633             const Parameter& p11);
1634     //! constructor with 12 Parameter
1635     RevTrunk(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1636             const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8, const Parameter& p9, const Parameter& p10,
1637             const Parameter& p11, const Parameter& p12);
1638     //! constructor with 13 Parameter
1639     RevTrunk(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1640             const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8, const Parameter& p9, const Parameter& p10,
1641             const Parameter& p11, const Parameter& p12, const Parameter& p13);
1643   protected:
1644     //@{
1645     //! true constructor functions
1646     void buildP();
1647     void buildPScaleAndBasis();
1648     void build(const std::vector<Parameter>& ps);
1649     void buildParam(const Parameter& gp);
1650     void buildDefaultParam(ParameterKey key);
1651     std::set<ParameterKey> getParamsKeys();
1652     //@}
1654   public:
1655     //! copy constructor
1656     RevTrunk(const RevTrunk& r);
1657     //! format as string : "RevTrunk (P1=(.,.,.), P2=(.,.,.), radius=R, end1=., end2=., d1=., d2=.)"
1658     virtual string_t asString() const;
radius1() const1660     real_t radius1() const { return radius1_; }   //!< returns radius of first basis
radius2() const1661     real_t radius2() const { return radius2_; }        //!< returns radius of second basis
endShape1() const1662     GeometricEndShape endShape1() const { return endShape1_; } //!< returns shape of first end
endShape2() const1663     GeometricEndShape endShape2() const { return endShape2_; } //!< returns shape of second end
distance1() const1664     real_t distance1() const { return distance1_; }            //!< returns height of first end
distance2() const1665     real_t distance2() const { return distance2_; }            //!< returns height of second end
nbSubdomains() const1667     virtual number_t nbSubdomains() const { return nbSubDomains_; }        //!< returns number of elements on lateral edges
1668     virtual number_t nbSubdiv() const; //!< returns number of subdivisions
type() const1669     virtual dimen_t type() const { return type_; }  //!< returns type of subdivision
clone() const1671     virtual Geometry* clone() const { return new RevTrunk(*this); } //!< virtual copy constructor
1673     //! access to child RevTrunk object (const)
revTrunk() const1674     virtual const RevTrunk* revTrunk() const {return this;}
1675     //! access to child RevTrunk object
revTrunk()1676     virtual RevTrunk* revTrunk() {return this;}
1678     //================================================
1679     //         transformations facilities
1680     //================================================
1681     //! apply a geometrical transformation on a RevTrunk
1682     virtual RevTrunk& transform(const Transformation& t);
1683     //! apply a translation on a RevTrunk (vector version)
1684     virtual RevTrunk& translate(std::vector<real_t> u = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
1685     //! apply a translation on a RevTrunk (3 reals version)
1686     virtual RevTrunk& translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.);
1687     //! apply a rotation on a RevTrunk
1688     virtual RevTrunk& rotate2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), real_t angle = 0.);
1689     //! apply a rotation on a RevTrunk
1690     virtual RevTrunk& rotate3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.),
1691                                real_t angle = 0.);
1692     //! apply a rotation on a RevTrunk
1693     virtual RevTrunk& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
1694     //! apply a rotation on a RevTrunk
1695     virtual RevTrunk& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
1696     //! apply a rotation on a RevTrunk
1697     virtual RevTrunk& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
1698     //! apply a rotation on a RevTrunk
1699     virtual RevTrunk& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
1700     //! apply a homothety on a RevTrunk
1701     virtual RevTrunk& homothetize(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), real_t factor = 1.);
1702     //! apply a homothety on a RevTrunk
1703     virtual RevTrunk& homothetize(real_t factor);
1704     //! apply a point reflection on a RevTrunk
1705     virtual RevTrunk& pointReflect(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.));
1706     //! apply a reflection2d on a RevTrunk
1707     virtual RevTrunk& reflect2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2,0.));
1708     //! apply a reflection2d on a RevTrunk
1709     virtual RevTrunk& reflect2d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.);
1710     //! apply a reflection3d on a RevTrunk
1711     virtual RevTrunk& reflect3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
1712     //! apply a reflection3d on a RevTrunk
1713     virtual RevTrunk& reflect3d(const Point& c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.);
1714 };
1716 /*!
1717    \class RevCylinder
1718    A cylinder of revolution is defined by its axis (P1,P2) and the radius of any circle
1719    obtained by intersection with a plane orthogonal to (P1,P2).
1720    See more details at RevTrunk.
1721  */
1722 class RevCylinder : public RevTrunk
1723 {
1724   public:
1725     //! default constructor
1726     RevCylinder();
1727     //! constructor with 3 Parameter
1728     RevCylinder(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3);
1729     //! constructor with 4 Parameter
1730     RevCylinder(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4);
1731     //! constructor with 5 Parameter
1732     RevCylinder(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5);
1733     //! constructor with 6 Parameter
1734     RevCylinder(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1735                 const Parameter& p6);
1736     //! constructor with 7 Parameter
1737     RevCylinder(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1738                 const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7);
1739     //! constructor with 8 Parameter
1740     RevCylinder(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1741                 const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8);
1742     //! constructor with 9 Parameter
1743     RevCylinder(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1744                 const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8, const Parameter& p9);
1745     //! constructor with 10 Parameter
1746     RevCylinder(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1747                 const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8, const Parameter& p9, const Parameter& p10);
1748     //! constructor with 11 Parameter
1749     RevCylinder(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1750                 const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8, const Parameter& p9, const Parameter& p10,
1751                 const Parameter& p11);
1752     //! constructor with 12 Parameter
1753     RevCylinder(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1754                 const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8, const Parameter& p9, const Parameter& p10,
1755                 const Parameter& p11, const Parameter& p12);
1757   protected:
1758     //@{
1759     //! true constructor functions
1760     void build(const std::vector<Parameter>& ps);
1761     void buildParam(const Parameter& gp);
1762     void buildDefaultParam(ParameterKey key);
1763     std::set<ParameterKey> getParamsKeys();
1764     //@}
1766   public:
1767     //! format as string
1768     virtual string_t asString() const;
clone() const1770     virtual Geometry* clone() const { return new RevCylinder(*this); } //!< virtual copy constructor
1772     //! computes the minimal box
computeMB()1773     virtual void computeMB()
1774     {
1775       minimalBox= MinimalBox(basis_->minimalBox.boundPt(1), basis_->minimalBox.boundPt(2), basis_->minimalBox.boundPt(3),
1776                              basis_->minimalBox.boundPt(1)+origin_-center1_);
1777     }
1779     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > surfs() const; //!< returns list of faces (const)
1781     //! access to child RevCylinder object (const)
revCylinder() const1782     virtual const RevCylinder* revCylinder() const {return this;}
1783     //! access to child RevCylinder object
revCylinder()1784     virtual RevCylinder* revCylinder() {return this;}
1786     //================================================
1787     //         transformations facilities
1788     //================================================
1789     //! apply a geometrical transformation on a RevCylinder
1790     virtual RevCylinder& transform(const Transformation& t);
1791     //! apply a translation on a RevCylinder (vector version)
1792     virtual RevCylinder& translate(std::vector<real_t> u = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
1793     //! apply a translation on a RevCylinder (3 reals version)
1794     virtual RevCylinder& translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.);
1795     //! apply a rotation on a RevCylinder
1796     virtual RevCylinder& rotate2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), real_t angle = 0.);
1797     //! apply a rotation on a RevCylinder
1798     virtual RevCylinder& rotate3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.),
1799                                   real_t angle = 0.);
1800     //! apply a rotation on a RevCylinder
1801     virtual RevCylinder& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
1802     //! apply a rotation on a RevCylinder
1803     virtual RevCylinder& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
1804     //! apply a rotation on a RevCylinder
1805     virtual RevCylinder& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
1806     //! apply a rotation on a RevCylinder
1807     virtual RevCylinder& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
1808     //! apply a homothety on a RevCylinder
1809     virtual RevCylinder& homothetize(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), real_t factor = 1.);
1810     //! apply a homothety on a RevCylinder
1811     virtual RevCylinder& homothetize(real_t factor);
1812     //! apply a point reflection on a RevCylinder
1813     virtual RevCylinder& pointReflect(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.));
1814     //! apply a reflection2d on a RevCylinder
1815     virtual RevCylinder& reflect2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2,0.));
1816     //! apply a reflection2d on a RevCylinder
1817     virtual RevCylinder& reflect2d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.);
1818     //! apply a reflection3d on a RevCylinder
1819     virtual RevCylinder& reflect3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
1820     //! apply a reflection3d on a RevCylinder
1821     virtual RevCylinder& reflect3d(const Point& c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.);
1822 };
1824 /*!
1825    \class RevCone
1826    A truncated cone of revolution is defined by its axis (P1,P2) and two radii R1 and R2.
1827    R1 (resp. R2) is the radius of the circle lying in the plane orthogonal to (P1,P2) passing
1828    by P1 (resp. P2).
1829    R1 (or R2) can be 0, in which case we get a cone of revolution.
1830    See more details at RevTrunk.
1831  */
1832 class RevCone : public RevTrunk
1833 {
1834   public:
1835     //! default constructor
1836     RevCone();
1837     //! constructor with 3 Parameter
1838     RevCone(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3);
1839     //! constructor with 4 Parameter
1840     RevCone(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4);
1841     //! constructor with 5 Parameter
1842     RevCone(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5);
1843     //! constructor with 6 Parameter
1844     RevCone(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1845                 const Parameter& p6);
1846     //! constructor with 7 Parameter
1847     RevCone(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1848             const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7);
1849     //! constructor with 8 Parameter
1850     RevCone(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1851             const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8);
1852     //! constructor with 9 Parameter
1853     RevCone(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1854             const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8, const Parameter& p9);
1855     //! constructor with 10 Parameter
1856     RevCone(const Parameter& p1, const Parameter& p2, const Parameter& p3, const Parameter& p4, const Parameter& p5,
1857             const Parameter& p6, const Parameter& p7, const Parameter& p8, const Parameter& p9, const Parameter& p10);
1859   protected:
1860     //@{
1861     //! true constructor functions
1862     void build(const std::vector<Parameter>& ps);
1863     void buildParam(const Parameter& gp);
1864     void buildDefaultParam(ParameterKey key);
1865     std::set<ParameterKey> getParamsKeys();
1866     //@}
1868   public:
1869     //! accessor to apex_
apex() const1870     Point apex() const { return origin_; }
1872     //! format as string
1873     virtual string_t asString() const;
clone() const1875     virtual Geometry* clone() const { return new RevCone(*this); } //!< virtual copy constructor
1877     virtual std::vector<const Point*> boundNodes() const; //!< returns list of points on boundary (const)
1878     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > curves() const; //!< returns list of curves (const)
1879     virtual std::vector<std::pair<ShapeType,std::vector<const Point*> > > surfs() const; //!< returns list of faces (const)
computeMB()1881     virtual void computeMB()
1882     {
1883       minimalBox= MinimalBox(basis_->minimalBox.boundPt(1),
1884                              basis_->minimalBox.boundPt(2),
1885                              basis_->minimalBox.boundPt(3),
1886                              origin_);
1887     }
1889     //! access to child RevCone object (const)
revCone() const1890     virtual const RevCone* revCone() const {return this;}
1891     //! access to child RevCone object
revCone()1892     virtual RevCone* revCone() {return this;}
1894     //================================================
1895     //         transformations facilities
1896     //================================================
1897     //! apply a geometrical transformation on a RevCone
1898     virtual RevCone& transform(const Transformation& t);
1899     //! apply a translation on a RevCone (vector version)
1900     virtual RevCone& translate(std::vector<real_t> u = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
1901     //! apply a translation on a RevCone (3 reals version)
1902     virtual RevCone& translate(real_t ux, real_t uy = 0., real_t uz = 0.);
1903     //! apply a rotation on a RevCone
1904     virtual RevCone& rotate2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), real_t angle = 0.);
1905     //! apply a rotation on a RevCone
1906     virtual RevCone& rotate3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.),
1907                               real_t angle = 0.);
1908     //! apply a rotation on a RevCone
1909     virtual RevCone& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
1910     //! apply a rotation on a RevCone
1911     virtual RevCone& rotate3d(real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
1912     //! apply a rotation on a RevCone
1913     virtual RevCone& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t angle);
1914     //! apply a rotation on a RevCone
1915     virtual RevCone& rotate3d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy, real_t dz, real_t angle);
1916     //! apply a homothety on a RevCone
1917     virtual RevCone& homothetize(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), real_t factor = 1.);
1918     //! apply a homothety on a RevCone
1919     virtual RevCone& homothetize(real_t factor);
1920     //! apply a point reflection on a RevCone
1921     virtual RevCone& pointReflect(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.));
1922     //! apply a reflection2d on a RevCone
1923     virtual RevCone& reflect2d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> d = std::vector<real_t>(2,0.));
1924     //! apply a reflection2d on a RevCone
1925     virtual RevCone& reflect2d(const Point& c, real_t dx, real_t dy = 0.);
1926     //! apply a reflection3d on a RevCone
1927     virtual RevCone& reflect3d(const Point& c = Point(0.,0.,0.), std::vector<real_t> n = std::vector<real_t>(3,0.));
1928     //! apply a reflection3d on a RevCone
1929     virtual RevCone& reflect3d(const Point& c, real_t nx, real_t ny, real_t nz = 0.);
1930 };
1932 } // end of namespace xlifepp
1934 #endif // GEOMETRIES_3D_HPP