2// GLAccountInquiry.php
3// Shows the general ledger transactions for a specified account over a specified range of periods.
5include ('includes/session.php');
6$Title = _('General Ledger Account Inquiry');
7$ViewTopic = 'GeneralLedger';
8$BookMark = 'GLAccountInquiry';
11echo '<p class="page_title_text"><img alt="" src="', $RootPath, '/css/', $Theme, '/images/transactions.png" title="',// Icon image.
12	_('General Ledger Account Inquiry'), '" /> ',// Icon title.
13	_('General Ledger Account Inquiry'), '</p>';// Page title.
17if(isset($_POST['Account'])) {
18	$SelectedAccount = $_POST['Account'];
19} elseif(isset($_GET['Account'])) {
20	$SelectedAccount = $_GET['Account'];
23if(isset($_POST['Period'])) {
24	$SelectedPeriod = $_POST['Period'];
25} elseif(isset($_GET['Period'])) {
26	$SelectedPeriod = array($_GET['Period']);
29if(isset($_GET['Show'])) {
30	$_POST['Show'] = $_GET['Show'];
33/* Get the start and periods, depending on how this script was called*/
34if(isset($SelectedPeriod)) { //If it was called from itself (in other words an inquiry was run and we wish to leave the periods selected unchanged
35	$FirstPeriodSelected = min($SelectedPeriod);
36	$LastPeriodSelected = max($SelectedPeriod);
37} elseif(isset($_GET['PeriodFrom'])) { //If it was called from the Trial Balance/P&L or Balance sheet
38	$FirstPeriodSelected = $_GET['PeriodFrom'];
39	$LastPeriodSelected = $_GET['PeriodTo'];
40	$SelectedPeriod[0] = $_GET['PeriodFrom'];
41	$SelectedPeriod[1] = $_GET['PeriodTo'];
42} else { // Otherwise just highlight the current period
43	$FirstPeriodSelected = GetPeriod(date($_SESSION['DefaultDateFormat']));
44	$LastPeriodSelected = GetPeriod(date($_SESSION['DefaultDateFormat']));
47echo '<div class="page_help_text noprint">' . _('Use the keyboard Shift key to select multiple periods') . '</div><br />';
48echo '<form method="post" action="' . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8') . '">';
49echo '<div class="noprint">';// Begin input of criteria div.
50echo '<input type="hidden" name="FormID" value="' . $_SESSION['FormID'] . '" />';
52/*Dates in SQL format for the last day of last month*/
53$DefaultPeriodDate = Date ('Y-m-d', Mktime(0,0,0,Date('m'),0,Date('Y')));
55/*Show a form to allow input of criteria for TB to show */
56echo '<table class="selection">
57		<tr>
58			<td>' . _('Account').':</td>
59			<td><select name="Account">';
61$sql = "SELECT chartmaster.accountcode,
62			bankaccounts.accountcode AS bankact,
63			bankaccounts.currcode,
64			chartmaster.accountname
65		FROM chartmaster LEFT JOIN bankaccounts
66		ON chartmaster.accountcode=bankaccounts.accountcode
67		INNER JOIN glaccountusers ON glaccountusers.accountcode=chartmaster.accountcode AND glaccountusers.userid='" .  $_SESSION['UserID'] . "' AND glaccountusers.canview=1
68		ORDER BY chartmaster.accountcode";
69$Account = DB_query($sql);
70while($myrow=DB_fetch_array($Account)) {
71	if($myrow['accountcode'] == $SelectedAccount) {
72		if(!is_null($myrow['bankact'])) {
73			$BankAccount = true;
74		}
75		echo '<option selected="selected" value="' . $myrow['accountcode'] . '">' . $myrow['accountcode'] . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($myrow['accountname'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false) . '</option>';
76	} else {
77		echo '<option value="' . $myrow['accountcode'] . '">' . $myrow['accountcode'] . ' ' . htmlspecialchars($myrow['accountname'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8', false) . '</option>';
78	}
79 }
80echo '</select></td>
81	</tr>';
83//Select the tag
84echo '<tr>
85		<td>' . _('Select Tag') . ':</td>
86		<td><select name="tag">';
88$SQL = "SELECT tagref,
89			tagdescription
90		FROM tags
91		ORDER BY tagref";
94echo '<option value="0">0 - '._('All tags') . '</option>';
96while($myrow=DB_fetch_array($result)) {
97	if(isset($_POST['tag']) and $_POST['tag']==$myrow['tagref']) {
98		echo '<option selected="selected" value="' . $myrow['tagref'] . '">' . $myrow['tagref'].' - ' .$myrow['tagdescription'] . '</option>';
99	} else {
100		echo '<option value="' . $myrow['tagref'] . '">' . $myrow['tagref'].' - ' .$myrow['tagdescription'] . '</option>';
101	}
103echo '</select></td>
104	</tr>';
105// End select tag
106echo '<tr>
107		<td>' . _('For Period range').':</td>
108		<td><select name="Period[]" size="12" multiple="multiple">';
110$sql = "SELECT periodno, lastdate_in_period FROM periods ORDER BY periodno DESC";
111$Periods = DB_query($sql);
112while($myrow=DB_fetch_array($Periods)) {
113	if(isset($FirstPeriodSelected) AND $myrow['periodno'] >= $FirstPeriodSelected AND $myrow['periodno'] <= $LastPeriodSelected) {
114		echo '<option selected="selected" value="' . $myrow['periodno'] . '">' . _(MonthAndYearFromSQLDate($myrow['lastdate_in_period'])) . '</option>';
115	} else {
116		echo '<option value="' . $myrow['periodno'] . '">' . _(MonthAndYearFromSQLDate($myrow['lastdate_in_period'])) . '</option>';
117	}
119echo '</select></td>
120	</tr>
121	</table>
122	<br />
123	<div class="centre">
124		<input type="submit" name="Show" value="'._('Show Account Transactions').'" />
125	</div>
126	</div>',// End input of criteria div.
127	'</form>';
129/* End of the Form  rest of script is what happens if the show button is hit*/
131if(isset($_POST['Show'])) {
133	if(!isset($SelectedPeriod)) {
134		prnMsg(_('A period or range of periods must be selected from the list box'),'info');
135		include('includes/footer.php');
136		exit;
137	}
138	/*Is the account a balance sheet or a profit and loss account */
139	$result = DB_query("SELECT pandl
140				FROM accountgroups
141				INNER JOIN chartmaster ON accountgroups.groupname=chartmaster.group_
142				WHERE chartmaster.accountcode='" . $SelectedAccount ."'");
143	$PandLRow = DB_fetch_row($result);
144	if($PandLRow[0]==1) {
145		$PandLAccount = True;
146	} else {
147		$PandLAccount = False; /*its a balance sheet account */
148	}
150	$FirstPeriodSelected = min($SelectedPeriod);
151	$LastPeriodSelected = max($SelectedPeriod);
153	$sql= "SELECT counterindex,
154				type,
155				typename,
156				gltrans.typeno,
157				trandate,
158				narrative,
159				amount,
160				periodno,
161				gltrans.tag,
162				tagdescription
163			FROM gltrans INNER JOIN systypes
164			ON systypes.typeid=gltrans.type
165			LEFT JOIN tags
166			ON gltrans.tag = tags.tagref
167			WHERE gltrans.account = '" . $SelectedAccount . "'
168			AND posted=1
169			AND periodno>='" . $FirstPeriodSelected . "'
170			AND periodno<='" . $LastPeriodSelected . "'";
172	if($_POST['tag']!=0) {
173 		$sql = $sql . " AND tag='" . $_POST['tag'] . "'";
174	}
176	$sql = $sql . " ORDER BY periodno, gltrans.trandate, counterindex";
177	$namesql = "SELECT accountname FROM chartmaster WHERE accountcode='" . $SelectedAccount . "'";
178	$nameresult = DB_query($namesql);
179	$namerow=DB_fetch_array($nameresult);
180	$SelectedAccountName=$namerow['accountname'];
181	$ErrMsg = _('The transactions for account') . ' ' . $SelectedAccount . ' ' . _('could not be retrieved because') ;
182	$TransResult = DB_query($sql,$ErrMsg);
183	$BankAccountInfo = isset($BankAccount)
184						?	'<th>' . _('Org Currency') . '</th>
185							<th>' . _('Amount in Org Currency') . '</th>
186							<th>' . _('Bank Ref') . '</th>'
187						:	'' ;
188	echo '<br />
189		<table class="selection">
190		<thead>
191			<tr>
192				<th colspan="11"><b>', _('Transactions for account'), ' ', $SelectedAccount, ' - ', $SelectedAccountName, '</b></th>
193			</tr>
194			<tr>
195				<th>', _('Type'), '</th>
196				<th>', _('Number'), '</th>
197				<th>', ('Date'), '</th>
198				<th>', _('Narrative'), '</th>
199				<th>', _('Debit'), '</th>
200				<th>', _('Credit'), '</th>
201				<th>', _('Balance'), '</th>
202				<th>', _('Tag'), '</th>',
203				$BankAccountInfo, '
204			</tr>
205		</thead><tbody>';
207	if($PandLAccount==True) {
208		$RunningTotal = 0;
209	} else {
210		// added to fix bug with Brought Forward Balance always being zero
211		$Sql = "SELECT bfwd,
212					actual,
213					period
214				FROM chartdetails
215				WHERE chartdetails.accountcode='" . $SelectedAccount . "'
216				AND chartdetails.period='" . $FirstPeriodSelected . "'";
217		$ErrMsg = _('The chart details for account') . ' ' . $SelectedAccount . ' ' . _('could not be retrieved');
218		$ChartDetailsResult = DB_query($Sql, $ErrMsg);
219		$ChartDetailRow = DB_fetch_array($ChartDetailsResult);
220		$RunningTotal = $ChartDetailRow['bfwd'];
221		echo	'<tr>
222					<td colspan="4"><b>', _('Brought Forward Balance'), '</b></td>';
223		if($RunningTotal < 0 ) {// It is a credit balance b/fwd
224			echo	'<td>&nbsp;</td>
225					<td class="number"><b>', locale_number_format(-$RunningTotal,$_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['decimalplaces']), '</b></td>';
226		} else {// It is a debit balance b/fwd
227			echo	'<td class="number"><b>', locale_number_format($RunningTotal,$_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['decimalplaces']), '</b></td>
228					<td>&nbsp;</td>';
229		}
230		echo		'<td colspan="5">&nbsp;</td>
231				</tr>';
232	}
233	$PeriodTotal = 0;
234	$PeriodNo = -9999;
235	$ShowIntegrityReport = False;
236	$j = 1;
237	$IntegrityReport='';
238	while($myrow=DB_fetch_array($TransResult)) {
239		if($myrow['periodno']!=$PeriodNo) {
240			if($PeriodNo!=-9999) { //ie its not the first time around
241				/*Get the ChartDetails balance b/fwd and the actual movement in the account for the period as recorded in the chart details - need to ensure integrity of transactions to the chart detail movements. Also, for a balance sheet account it is the balance carried forward that is important, not just the transactions*/
243				$sql = "SELECT bfwd,
244						actual,
245						period
246					FROM chartdetails
247					WHERE chartdetails.accountcode='" . $SelectedAccount . "'
248					AND chartdetails.period='" . $PeriodNo . "'";
250				$ErrMsg = _('The chart details for account') . ' ' . $SelectedAccount . ' ' . _('could not be retrieved');
251				$ChartDetailsResult = DB_query($sql,$ErrMsg);
252				$ChartDetailRow = DB_fetch_array($ChartDetailsResult);
254				echo '<tr>
255					<td colspan="4"><b>' . _('Total for period') . ' ' . $PeriodNo . '</b></td>';
256				if($PandLAccount==True) {
257					$RunningTotal = 0;
258				}
259				if($PeriodTotal < 0 ) {// It is a credit balance b/fwd
260					echo	'<td>&nbsp;</td>
261							<td class="number"><b>', locale_number_format(-$PeriodTotal,$_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['decimalplaces']), '</b></td>';
262				} else {// It is a debit balance b/fwd
263					echo	'<td class="number"><b>', locale_number_format($PeriodTotal,$_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['decimalplaces']), '</b></td>
264							<td>&nbsp;</td>';
265				}
266				echo		'<td colspan="5">&nbsp;</td>
267						</tr>';
268				$IntegrityReport .= '<br />' . _('Period') . ': ' . $PeriodNo  . _('Account movement per transaction') . ': '  . locale_number_format($PeriodTotal,$_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['decimalplaces']) . ' ' . _('Movement per ChartDetails record') . ': ' . locale_number_format($ChartDetailRow['actual'],$_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['decimalplaces']) . ' ' . _('Period difference') . ': ' . locale_number_format($PeriodTotal -$ChartDetailRow['actual'],3);
270				if(ABS($PeriodTotal -$ChartDetailRow['actual'])>0.01) {
271					$ShowIntegrityReport = True;
272				}
273			}
274			$PeriodNo = $myrow['periodno'];
275			$PeriodTotal = 0;
276		}
278		$BankRef = '';
279		$OrgAmt = '';
280		$Currency = '';
281		if($myrow['type'] == 12 OR $myrow['type'] == 22 OR $myrow['type'] == 2 OR $myrow['type'] == 1) {
282			$banksql = "SELECT ref,currcode,amount FROM banktrans
283				WHERE type='" .$myrow['type']."' AND transno='" . $myrow['typeno'] . "' AND bankact='" . $SelectedAccount . "'";
284			$ErrMsg = _('Failed to retrieve bank data');
285			$bankresult = DB_query($banksql,$ErrMsg);
286			if(DB_num_rows($bankresult)>0) {
287				$bankrow = DB_fetch_array($bankresult);
288				$BankRef = $bankrow['ref'];
289				$OrgAmt = $bankrow['amount'];
290				$Currency = $bankrow['currcode'];
291			} elseif($myrow['type'] == 1) {
292				//We should find out when transaction happens between bank accounts;
293				$bankreceivesql = "SELECT ref,type,transno,currcode,amount FROM banktrans
294							WHERE ref LIKE '@%' AND transdate='" . $myrow['trandate'] . "' AND bankact='" . $SelectedAccount . "'";
295				$ErrMsg = _('Failed to retrieve bank receive data');
296				$bankresult = DB_query($bankreceivesql,$ErrMsg);
297				if(DB_num_rows($bankresult)>0) {
298					while($bankrow = DB_fetch_array($bankresult)) {
299						if(substr($bankrow['ref'],1,strpos($bankrow['ref'],' ')-1) == $myrow['typeno']) {
300							$BankRef = $bankrow['ref'];
301							$OrgAmt = $bankrow['amount'];
302							$Currency = $bankrow['currcode'];
303							$BankReceipt = true;
304							break;
305						}
306					}
307				}
308				if(!isset($BankReceipt)) {
309					$BankRef = '';
310					$OrgAmt = $myrow['amount'];
311					$Currency = $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['currencydefault'];
312				}
314			} elseif(isset($BankAccount)) {
315				$BankRef = '';
316				$OrgAmt = $myrow['amount'];
317				$Currency = $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['currencydefault'];
318			}
319		}
322		$URL_to_TransDetail = $RootPath . '/GLTransInquiry.php?TypeID=' . urlencode($myrow['type']) . '&amp;TransNo=' . urlencode($myrow['typeno']);
323		$FormatedTranDate = ConvertSQLDate($myrow['trandate']);
324		if($myrow['amount']>=0) {
325			$DebitAmount = locale_number_format($myrow['amount'], $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['decimalplaces']);
326			$CreditAmount = '';
327		} else {
328			$CreditAmount = locale_number_format(-$myrow['amount'], $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['decimalplaces']);
329			$DebitAmount = '';
330		}
331		$RunningTotal += $myrow['amount'];
332		$PeriodTotal += $myrow['amount'];
333		echo	'<tr class="striped_row">
334				<td class="text">', _($myrow['typename']), '</td>
335				<td class="number"><a href="', $URL_to_TransDetail, '">', $myrow['typeno'], '</a></td>
336				<td class="centre">', $FormatedTranDate, '</td>
337				<td class="text">', $myrow['narrative'], '</td>
338				<td class="number">', $DebitAmount, '</td>
339				<td class="number">', $CreditAmount, '</td>
340				<td class="number">', locale_number_format($RunningTotal, $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['decimalplaces']), '</td>
341				<td class="text">', $myrow['tagdescription'], '</td>';
342		if(isset($BankAccount)) {
343			echo '<td class="text">', $Currency, '</td>
344				<td class="number"><b>', locale_number_format($OrgAmt, $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['decimalplaces']), '</b></td>
345				<td class="text">', $BankRef, '</td>';
346		}
347		echo '</tr>';
348	}
350	echo '<tr>
351			<td colspan="4"><b>';
352	if($PandLAccount==True) {
353		echo _('Total Period Movement');/* RChacon: "Total for period XX"? */
354	} else { /*its a balance sheet account*/
355		echo _('Balance C/Fwd');
356	}
357	echo '</b></td>';
358	if($RunningTotal < 0) {// It is a debit Total Period Movement or Balance C/Fwd
359		echo	'<td>&nbsp;</td>
360				<td class="number"><b>', locale_number_format((-$RunningTotal), $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['decimalplaces']), '</b></td>';
361	} else {// It is a credit Total Period Movement or Balance C/Fwd
362		echo	'<td class="number"><b>', locale_number_format(($RunningTotal), $_SESSION['CompanyRecord']['decimalplaces']), '</b></td>
363				<td>&nbsp;</td>';
364	}
365	echo	'<td colspan="5">&nbsp;</td>
366		</tr>
367		</tbody></table>';
368} /* end of if Show button hit */
370if(isset($ShowIntegrityReport) AND $ShowIntegrityReport==True AND $_POST['tag']=='0') {
371	if(!isset($IntegrityReport)) {
372		$IntegrityReport='';
373	}
374	prnMsg( _('There are differences between the sum of the transactions and the recorded movements in the ChartDetails table') . '. ' . _('A log of the account differences for the periods report shows below'),'warn');
375	echo '<p>' . $IntegrityReport;