1 #ifndef lint
2 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)coord.c	1.1 (CWI) 85/07/19";
3 #endif lint
4 #include <stdio.h>
5 #include "grap.h"
6 #include "y.tab.h"
8 char	*dflt_coord = "gg";
9 char	*curr_coord = "gg";
10 int	ncoord	= 0;	/* number of explicit coord's given */
12 Point	xcoord;
13 Point	ycoord;
14 int	xcflag	= 0;	/* 1 if xcoord set */
15 int	ycflag	= 0;
16 int	logcoord = 0;
coord_x(pt)18 coord_x(pt)	/* remember x coord */
19 	Point pt;
20 {
21 	xcoord = pt;
22 	xcflag = 1;
23 	margin = 0;	/* no extra space around picture if explicit coords */
24 }
coord_y(pt)26 coord_y(pt)
27 	Point pt;
28 {
29 	ycoord = pt;
30 	ycflag = 1;
31 	margin = 0;	/* no extra space if explicit coords */
32 }
coordlog(n)34 coordlog(n)	/* remember log scaling */
35 	int n;
36 {
37 	logcoord = n;
38 }
coord(p)40 coord(p)	/* set coord range */
41 	Obj *p;
42 {
43 	static char buf[10];
45 	ncoord++;
46 	if (ncoord > 1 && strcmp(p->name, dflt_coord) == 0) {
47 		/* resetting default coordinate by implication */
48 		sprintf(buf, "gg%d", ncoord);
49 		dflt_coord = buf;
50 		p = lookup(dflt_coord, 1);
51 	}
52 	if (xcflag) {
53 		p->coord |= XFLAG;
54 		p->pt.x = min(xcoord.x,xcoord.y);	/* "xcoord" is xmin, xmax */
55 		p->pt1.x = max(xcoord.x,xcoord.y);
56 		if ((logcoord&XFLAG) && p->pt.x <= 0.0)
57 			fatal("can't have log of x coord %g,%g", p->pt.x, p->pt1.x);
58 		xcflag = 0;
59 	}
60 	if (ycflag) {
61 		p->coord |= YFLAG;
62 		p->pt.y = min(ycoord.x,ycoord.y);	/* "ycoord" is ymin, ymax */
63 		p->pt1.y = max(ycoord.x,ycoord.y);
64 		if ((logcoord&YFLAG) && p->pt.y <= 0.0)
65 			fatal("can't have log of y coord %g,%g", p->pt.y, p->pt1.y);
66 		ycflag = 0;
67 	}
68 	p->log = logcoord;
69 	logcoord = 0;
70 	auto_x = 0;
71 }
resetcoord(p)73 resetcoord(p)	/* reset current coordinate */
74 	Obj *p;
75 {
76 	curr_coord = p->name;
77 }