1 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2 /*                                                                           */
3 /*                  This file is part of the program and library             */
4 /*         SCIP --- Solving Constraint Integer Programs                      */
5 /*                                                                           */
6 /*    Copyright (C) 2002-2021 Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum                            */
7 /*                            fuer Informationstechnik Berlin                */
8 /*                                                                           */
9 /*  SCIP is distributed under the terms of the ZIB Academic License.         */
10 /*                                                                           */
11 /*  You should have received a copy of the ZIB Academic License              */
12 /*  along with SCIP; see the file COPYING. If not visit scipopt.org.         */
13 /*                                                                           */
14 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
16 /**@file   struct_expr.h
17  * @brief  data definitions for expressions and expression trees
18  * @author Stefan Vigerske
19  * @author Thorsten Gellermann
20  */
22 /*---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+----9----+----0----+----1----+----2*/
27 #include "scip/def.h"
28 #include "scip/type_misc.h"
29 #include "nlpi/type_expr.h"
30 #include "nlpi/type_exprinterpret.h"
31 #include "blockmemshell/memory.h"
33 #ifdef __cplusplus
34 extern "C" {
35 #endif
37 /** operator data of an expression */
38 union SCIP_ExprOpData
39 {
40    int                   intval;             /**< index of a variable or parameter or a constant integer value */
41    SCIP_Real             dbl;                /**< a constant double value */
42    void*                 data;               /**< pointer to some data structure */
43 };
45 /** arithmetic expression node */
46 struct SCIP_Expr
47 {
48    SCIP_EXPROP           op;                 /**< operator of the node */
49    int                   nchildren;          /**< number of children */
50    SCIP_EXPR**           children;           /**< children nodes */
51    SCIP_EXPROPDATA       data;               /**< operator data */
52 };
54 /** expression tree */
55 struct SCIP_ExprTree
56 {
57    BMS_BLKMEM*           blkmem;             /**< block memory data structure */
58    SCIP_EXPR*            root;               /**< root node expression of expression tree */
59    int                   nvars;              /**< number of variables */
60    void**                vars;               /**< mapping of variable indices to user variables, may be NULL */
61    int                   nparams;            /**< number of parameters (modifiable constants) in expression */
62    SCIP_Real*            params;             /**< current values for parameters, or NULL if no parameters */
63    SCIP_EXPRINTDATA*     interpreterdata;    /**< data of expression interpreter (evaluator) */
64 };
66 /** data of quadratic expression: sum_i coef_i x_i y_i */
67 struct SCIP_ExprData_Quadratic
68 {
69    SCIP_Real             constant;           /**< constant term */
70    SCIP_Real*            lincoefs;           /**< linear coefficients of children */
71    SCIP_QUADELEM*        quadelems;          /**< quadratic elements */
72    int                   nquadelems;         /**< number of quadratic elements */
73    SCIP_Bool             sorted;             /**< are the quadratic elements sorted? */
74 };
76 /** data of polynomial expression: constant + sum_i monom_i */
77 struct SCIP_ExprData_Polynomial
78 {
79    SCIP_Real             constant;           /**< constant term of polynomial */
80    SCIP_EXPRDATA_MONOMIAL** monomials;       /**< monomials that constitute the polynomial */
81    int                   monomialssize;      /**< size of monomials array */
82    int                   nmonomials;         /**< number of monomials */
83    SCIP_Bool             sorted;             /**< are the monomials sorted? */
84 };
86 /** data of monomial in polynomial expression: coef * prod_i child_i^exponent_i
87  * we allow for real values exponents here
88  */
89 struct SCIP_ExprData_Monomial
90 {
91    SCIP_Real             coef;               /**< coefficient of monomial */
92    int                   factorssize;        /**< size of factors arrays */
93    int                   nfactors;           /**< number of factors */
94    int*                  childidxs;          /**< children corresponding to factors */
95    SCIP_Real*            exponents;          /**< value of exponent for each factor */
96    SCIP_Bool             sorted;             /**< are the factors sorted (by childidx)? */
97 };
99 /** data of a user-defined expression
100  */
101 struct SCIP_ExprData_User
102 {
103    SCIP_USEREXPRDATA*    userdata;           /**< user data for expression */
104    SCIP_EXPRINTCAPABILITY evalcapability;    /**< capabilities of evaluation functions */
105    SCIP_DECL_USEREXPREVAL    ((*eval));      /**< evaluation function */
106    SCIP_DECL_USEREXPRINTEVAL ((*inteval));   /**< interval evaluation function */
107    SCIP_DECL_USEREXPRCURV    ((*curv));      /**< curvature check function */
108    SCIP_DECL_USEREXPRPROP    ((*prop));      /**< interval propagation function */
109    SCIP_DECL_USEREXPRESTIMATE ((*estimate)); /**< under-/over-estimator function */
110    SCIP_DECL_USEREXPRCOPYDATA ((*copydata)); /**< expression data copy function, or NULL if nothing to copy */
111    SCIP_DECL_USEREXPRFREEDATA ((*freedata)); /**< expression data free function, or NULL if nothing to free */
112    SCIP_DECL_USEREXPRPRINT ((*print));        /**< expression print function, or NULL for default string "user()" */
113 };
115 /** a node in an expression graph */
116 struct SCIP_ExprGraphNode
117 {
118    /* definition of expression */
119    SCIP_EXPROP         op;                   /**< operand of expression */
120    SCIP_EXPROPDATA     data;                 /**< data of expression */
122    /* location of expression in expression graph */
123    int                 depth;                /**< depth of node in expression graph */
124    int                 pos;                  /**< position of node in expression graph nodes array of depth depth*/
126    /* children of expression */
127    int                 nchildren;            /**< number of child nodes in expression graph */
128    SCIP_EXPRGRAPHNODE** children;            /**< children nodes */
130    /* parents of expression */
131    int                 parentssize;          /**< length of parents array */
132    int                 nparents;             /**< number of parent nodes in expression graph */
133    SCIP_EXPRGRAPHNODE** parents;             /**< parent nodes */
134    SCIP_Bool           parentssorted;        /**< whether the parents array is sorted */
136    /* domain propagation */
137    SCIP_INTERVAL       bounds;               /**< bounds on expression */
138    SCIP_EXPRBOUNDSTATUS boundstatus;         /**< status of bounds */
140    /* value */
141    SCIP_Real           value;                /**< value of expression in last evaluation call */
143    /* curvature */
144    SCIP_EXPRCURV       curv;                 /**< curvature of expression */
146    /* miscellaneous */
147    SCIP_Bool           enabled;              /**< whether the node is enabled currently */
148    SCIP_Bool           simplified;           /**< whether the node has been simplified */
149    int                 nuses;                /**< how often node is used */
150 };
152 /** a set of expression trees, stored in a single directed acyclic graph
153  * the variables of the graph are stored at depth 0
154  * for each depth, an array of nodes is stored */
155 struct SCIP_ExprGraph
156 {
157    BMS_BLKMEM*          blkmem;              /**< block memory */
159    int                  depth;               /**< depth of expression graph */
160    int*                 nodessize;           /**< current size of nodes array for each depth */
161    int*                 nnodes;              /**< number of nodes for each depth */
162    SCIP_EXPRGRAPHNODE*** nodes;              /**< nodes of expression graph for each depth */
164    int                  varssize;            /**< length of vars array */
165    int                  nvars;               /**< number of variables in expression graph */
166    void**               vars;                /**< array for variables in expression graph, having length varssize */
167    SCIP_EXPRGRAPHNODE** varnodes;            /**< nodes corresponding to variables in expression graph */
168    SCIP_INTERVAL*       varbounds;           /**< current bounds on variables */
169    SCIP_HASHMAP*        varidxs;             /**< maps variables to variable indices */
171    int                  constssize;          /**< length of consts array */
172    int                  nconsts;             /**< number of constants in expression graph */
173    SCIP_EXPRGRAPHNODE** constnodes;          /**< nodes corresponding to constants in expression graph */
174    SCIP_Bool            constssorted;        /**< whether the constnodes array has been sorted */
176    SCIP_DECL_EXPRGRAPHVARADDED((*exprgraphvaradded)); /**< callback for variable addition event */
177    SCIP_DECL_EXPRGRAPHVARREMOVE((*exprgraphvarremove)); /**< callback for variable removal event */
178    SCIP_DECL_EXPRGRAPHVARCHGIDX((*exprgraphvarchgidx)); /**< callback for variable index change event */
179    void*                userdata;            /**< user data associated with callback methods */
181    SCIP_Bool            needvarboundprop;    /**< whether variable bounds need be propagated, e.g., because new nodes have been added to the graph */
183    int                  lastreplacechildpos; /**< last position where a child was found that was replaced, used to heuristically speed up consecutive calls to exprgraphNodeReplaceChild */
184 };
186 #ifdef __cplusplus
187 }
188 #endif
190 #endif /* __SCIP_STRUCT_EXPRESSION_H__ */