1 #include "surfpack_system_headers.h"
2 #include "RadialBasisFunctionModel.h"
3 #include "surfpack.h"
4 #include "AxesBounds.h"
5 #include "ModelFitness.h"
7 using std::cout;
8 using std::endl;
9 using std::vector;
10 using std::string;
11 using std::max;
12 using std::min;
13 using surfpack::shared_rng;
14 using surfpack::fromVec;
BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT(RadialBasisFunctionModel)18 BOOST_CLASS_EXPORT(RadialBasisFunctionModel)
19 #endif
22 SurfPoint computeCentroid(const SurfData& sd)
23 {
24   assert(sd.size());
25   assert(sd.xSize());
26   VecDbl center(sd.xSize(),0.0);
27   for (unsigned pt = 0; pt < sd.size(); pt++) {
28     for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < sd.xSize(); dim++) {
29       center[dim] += sd(pt,dim);
30     }
31   }
32   for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < center.size(); dim++) {
33     center[dim] /= sd.size();
34   }
35   return SurfPoint(center);
36 }
updateCentroid(VecDbl & centroid,const VecDbl & newpt,unsigned weight)38 void updateCentroid(VecDbl& centroid, const VecDbl& newpt, unsigned weight)
39 {
40   assert(centroid.size() == newpt.size());
41   for (unsigned i = 0; i < centroid.size(); i++) {
42     if (!weight) centroid[i] = newpt[i];
43     else centroid[i] = (weight*centroid[i]+newpt[i])/(weight+1);
44   }
45 }
findClosest(const SurfData & sd,VecDbl pt)47 unsigned findClosest(const SurfData& sd, VecDbl pt)
48 {
49   assert(sd.size());
50   double mindist = surfpack::euclideanDistance(sd(0),pt);
51   unsigned argmin = 0;
52   for (unsigned i = 1; i < sd.size(); i++) {
53     double distance = surfpack::euclideanDistance(sd(i),pt);
54     if (distance < mindist) {
55       mindist = distance;
56       argmin = i;
57     }
58   }
59   return argmin;
60 }
radii(const SurfData & generators)62 SurfData radii(const SurfData& generators)
63 {
64   SurfData result;
65   for (unsigned i = 0; i < generators.size(); i++) {
66     VecDbl radius(generators.xSize(),std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
67     for (unsigned j = 0; j < generators.size(); j++) {
68       if (i != j) {
69         for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < generators.xSize(); dim++) {
70           double distance = fabs(generators(i,dim)-generators(j,dim));
71           if (distance < radius[dim]) radius[dim] = distance;
72         }
73       }
74     }
75     result.addPoint(SurfPoint(radius));
76   }
77   return result;
78 }
cvts(const AxesBounds & ab,unsigned ngenerators,unsigned ninfluencers,double minalpha=.5,double maxalpha=.99)80 SurfData cvts(const AxesBounds& ab, unsigned ngenerators, unsigned ninfluencers,
81   double minalpha = .5, double maxalpha = .99)
82 {
83   assert(ninfluencers > ngenerators);
84   SurfData* generators = ab.sampleMonteCarlo(ngenerators);
85   unsigned iters = 10;
86   for (unsigned i = 0; i < iters; i++) {
87     SurfData* influencers = ab.sampleMonteCarlo(ninfluencers);
88     vector<SurfData> closestSets(ngenerators);
89     for (unsigned samp = 0; samp < influencers->size(); samp++) {
90       unsigned nearest = findClosest(*generators,(*influencers)(samp));
91       closestSets[nearest].addPoint((*influencers)[samp]);
92     } // for each sample pt
93     // Find centroids, update generators
94     SurfData* new_generators = new SurfData;
95     for (unsigned gen = 0; gen < ngenerators; gen++) {
96       if (closestSets[gen].size() != 0) {
97         SurfPoint center = computeCentroid(closestSets[gen]);
98         double genweight = minalpha + (maxalpha - minalpha)*((double)i/iters);
99         new_generators->addPoint(SurfPoint(
100           surfpack::weightedAvg((*generators)(gen),center.X(),genweight)));
101       } else {
102         new_generators->addPoint((*generators)(gen));
103       }
104     }
105     delete generators; generators = new_generators;
106     delete influencers;
107   } // end iteration
108   SurfData result(*generators);
109   delete generators;
110   return result;
111 }
makeRbfs(const SurfData & generators,const SurfData & radii)113 VecRbf makeRbfs(const SurfData& generators, const SurfData& radii)
114 {
115   assert(generators.size());
116   assert(generators.size() == radii.size());
117   vector<RadialBasisFunction> rbfs;
118   for (unsigned i = 0; i < generators.size(); i++) {
119     rbfs.push_back(RadialBasisFunction(generators(i),radii(i)));
120   }
121   return rbfs;
122 }
124 // Add additional rbfs with broader support to set of candidates
augment(VecRbf & rbfs)125 void augment(VecRbf& rbfs)
126 {
127   assert(rbfs.size());
128   unsigned toAdd = rbfs.size();
129   for (unsigned i = 0; i < toAdd; i++) {
130     unsigned first = shared_rng()(rbfs.size());
131     unsigned second = shared_rng()(rbfs.size());
132     //cout << "new basis from " << first << " " << second << endl;
133     VecDbl newRadius = rbfs[first].radius;
134     if (first == second) { // new function with same center/double radius
135       for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < newRadius.size(); dim++) {
136         newRadius[dim] *= 2.0;
137       }
138       rbfs.push_back(RadialBasisFunction(rbfs[first].center,newRadius));
139     } else { // new function with avg center, sum of radii
140       VecDbl newCenter = surfpack::weightedAvg(rbfs[first].center,rbfs[second].center);
141       for (unsigned dim = 0; dim < newRadius.size(); dim++) {
142         newRadius[dim] += rbfs[second].radius[dim];
143       }
144       rbfs.push_back(RadialBasisFunction(newCenter,newRadius));
145     }
146   }
147 }
getMatrix(const SurfData & sd,const VecRbf & candidates,VecUns used)149 MtxDbl getMatrix(const SurfData& sd, const VecRbf& candidates, VecUns used)
150 {
151   std::sort(used.begin(),used.end());
152   MtxDbl A(sd.size(),used.size(),true);
153   unsigned nrows = sd.size();
154   unsigned ncols = used.size();
155   for (unsigned rowa = 0; rowa < nrows; rowa++) {
156     for (unsigned cola = 0; cola < ncols; cola++) {
157       assert(used[cola] < candidates.size());
158       A(rowa,cola) = candidates[used[cola]](sd(rowa));
159     }
160   }
161   return A;
162 }
probInclusion(unsigned vec_size,unsigned max_size,double prob)164 VecUns probInclusion(unsigned vec_size, unsigned max_size, double prob)
165 {
166   assert(prob >= 0.0);
167   assert(prob <= 1.0);
168   assert(vec_size);
169   VecUns result;
170   for (unsigned i = 0; i < vec_size; i++) {
171     if (result.size() >= max_size) break;
172     if (shared_rng().randExc() < prob) result.push_back(i);
173   }
174   return result;
175 }
fullCoeff(unsigned vec_size,const VecDbl & coeffs,VecUns & incl)177 VecDbl fullCoeff(unsigned vec_size, const VecDbl& coeffs, VecUns& incl)
178 {
179   VecDbl result(vec_size,0.0);
180   for (unsigned i = 0; i < incl.size(); i++) {
181     result[incl[i]] = coeffs[i];
182   }
183   return result;
184 }
186 ///\todo The exp() function can eat up a lot of time in this method
187 /// If it becomes a bottleneck, switch to a cached lookup table for
188 /// the values of exp(x)
189 //const unsigned granularity = 1000;
190 //const double maxe = 8.0;
191 //VecDbl initExps()
192 //{
193 //  VecDbl exps;
194 //  exps.reserve(granularity);
195 //  for (unsigned i = 0; i < granularity; i++) {
196 //    exps.push_back(exp(-(double)i/granularity*maxe));
197 //  }
198 //  cout << "Initialized " << endl;
199 //  return exps;
200 //}
201 //
202 //double myexp(const double x)
203 //{
204 //  assert(x >= 0.0);
205 //  static VecDbl exps(initExps());
206 //  if (x > maxe) return 0.0;
207 //  return exps[(unsigned)(x/maxe*granularity)];
208 //}
RadialBasisFunction(const VecDbl & center_in,const VecDbl & radius_in)210 RadialBasisFunction::RadialBasisFunction(const VecDbl& center_in, const VecDbl& radius_in)
211   : center(center_in), radius(radius_in)
212 {
213   assert(!center.empty());
214   assert(center.size() == radius.size());
215 }
RadialBasisFunction(const std::string & center_in,const std::string & radius_in)217 RadialBasisFunction::RadialBasisFunction(const std::string& center_in, const std::string& radius_in)
218   : center(surfpack::toVec<double>(center_in)),
219   radius(surfpack::toVec<double>(radius_in))
220 {
221   assert(!center.empty());
222   assert(!radius.empty());
223   assert(center.size() == radius.size());
224 }
operator ()(const VecDbl & x) const226 double RadialBasisFunction::operator()(const VecDbl& x) const
227 {
228   assert(x.size() == center.size());
229   double sum = 0.0;
230   double temp;
231   for (unsigned i = 0; i < center.size(); i++) {
232     temp = x[i] - center[i];
233     sum += temp*temp*radius[i];
234   };
235   //return myexp(sum);
236   return exp(-sum);
237 }
deriv(const VecDbl & x,const VecUns & vars) const239 double RadialBasisFunction::deriv(const VecDbl& x, const VecUns& vars) const
240 {
241   assert(vars.size() == 1);
242   assert(!center.empty());
243   assert(!radius.empty());
244   assert(x.size() == center.size());
245   unsigned i = vars[0];
246   return -2.0*radius[i]*(x[i]-center[i])*(*this)(x);
247 }
asString() const249 std::string RadialBasisFunction::asString() const
250 {
251   std::ostringstream os;
252   os << "center: ";
253   copy(center.begin(),center.end(),std::ostream_iterator<double>(os," "));
254   os << " radius: ";
255   copy(radius.begin(),radius.end(),std::ostream_iterator<double>(os," "));
256   os << std::endl;
257   return os.str();
258 }
RadialBasisFunctionModel(const VecRbf & rbfs_in,const VecDbl & coeffs_in)261 RadialBasisFunctionModel::RadialBasisFunctionModel(const VecRbf& rbfs_in, const VecDbl& coeffs_in)
262   : SurfpackModel(1), rbfs(rbfs_in),coeffs(coeffs_in)
263 {
264   assert(!rbfs.empty());
265   this->ndims = rbfs[0].center.size();
266   assert(this->size() != 0);
267   assert(rbfs.size() == coeffs.size());
268 }
evaluate(const VecDbl & x) const270 double RadialBasisFunctionModel::evaluate(const VecDbl& x) const
271 {
272   double sum = 0.0;
273   for (unsigned i = 0; i < rbfs.size(); i++) {
274     sum += coeffs[i]*rbfs[i](x);
275   }
276   return sum;
277 }
279 /// Currently set up so that operator() must be called immediately before
280 /// Not good assumption
gradient(const VecDbl & x) const281 VecDbl RadialBasisFunctionModel::gradient(const VecDbl& x) const
282 {
283   /// code copied straight from LRM
284   assert(!x.empty());
285   //assert(coeffs.size() == bs.bases.size());
286   VecUns diff_var(1,0); // variable with which to differentiate
287   VecDbl result(x.size(),0.0);
288   for (unsigned i = 0; i < x.size(); i++) {
289     diff_var[0] = i;
290     for (unsigned j = 0; j < rbfs.size(); j++) {
291       result[i] += coeffs[j]*rbfs[j].deriv(x,diff_var);
292     }
293   }
294   return result;
295 }
asString() const297 std::string RadialBasisFunctionModel::asString() const
298 {
299   std::ostringstream os;
300   unsigned num_bases = rbfs.size();
301   unsigned num_vars = ndims;
302   os << "-----\n";
303   os << "Surfpack Radial Basis Function model\n";
304   os << "f(x) = w*phi(x) and phi_k(x) = exp{-r_k*(x-c_k^T).^2}; where\n\n";
305   os << "inputs = " << num_vars << "\n";
306   os << "bases = " << num_bases << "\n";
308   os << std::scientific << std::setprecision(16);
309   os << "\nw (1 x bases) =\n";
310   for(unsigned i=0; i < num_bases; i++)
311     os << std::setw(23) << coeffs[i] << " ";
312   os << "\n\nr (bases x inputs) = \n";
313   for(unsigned i=0; i < num_bases; i++) {
314     for(unsigned j=0; j < num_vars; j++) {
315       os << std::setw(23) << rbfs[i].radius[j] << " ";
316     }
317     os << "\n";
318   }
319   os << "\nc (bases x inputs) = \n";
320   for(unsigned i=0; i < num_bases; i++) {
321     for(unsigned j=0; j < num_vars; j++) {
322       os << std::setw(23) << rbfs[i].center[j] << " ";
323     }
324     os << "\n";
325   }
326   os << "\n-----\n";
327   return os.str();
328 }
331 typedef std::pair<double,VecUns> RbfBest;
332 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
333 ///	Moving Least Squares Model Factory
334 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
RadialBasisFunctionModelFactory()336 RadialBasisFunctionModelFactory::RadialBasisFunctionModelFactory()
337   : SurfpackModelFactory(), nCenters(0), cvtPts(0), maxSubsets(0),
338   minPartition(1)
339 {
341 }
RadialBasisFunctionModelFactory(const ParamMap & args)343 RadialBasisFunctionModelFactory::RadialBasisFunctionModelFactory(const ParamMap& args)
344   : SurfpackModelFactory(args), nCenters(0), cvtPts(0), maxSubsets(0),
345   minPartition(1)
346 {
348 }
config()350 void RadialBasisFunctionModelFactory::config()
351 {
352   SurfpackModelFactory::config();
353   string strarg;
354   strarg = params["centers"];
355   if (strarg != "") nCenters = std::atoi(strarg.c_str());
356   strarg = params["cvt_pts"];
357   if (strarg != "") cvtPts = std::atoi(strarg.c_str());
358   strarg = params["max_subsets"];
359   if (strarg != "") maxSubsets = std::atoi(strarg.c_str());
360   strarg = params["min_partition"];
361   if (strarg != "") minPartition = std::atoi(strarg.c_str());
362 }
Create(const SurfData & sd)364 SurfpackModel* RadialBasisFunctionModelFactory::Create(const SurfData& sd)
365 {
366   unsigned max_centers = 100;
367   unsigned max_max_subsets = 100;
368   if (nCenters == 0) nCenters = min(max_centers,sd.size());
369   if (cvtPts == 0) cvtPts = 10*nCenters;
370   if (maxSubsets == 0) maxSubsets = min(max_max_subsets,3*nCenters);
371   RbfBest bestset(std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),VecUns());
373   SurfData centers = cvts(AxesBounds::boundingBox(sd),nCenters,cvtPts);
374   SurfData radiuses = radii(centers);
375   VecDbl b = sd.getResponses();
376   VecRbf candidates = makeRbfs(centers,radiuses);
377   augment(candidates);
378   assert(candidates.size() == 2*nCenters);
379   for (unsigned i = 0; i < maxSubsets; i++) {
380     VecUns used = probInclusion(candidates.size(),sd.size(),.5);
381     MtxDbl A = getMatrix(sd,candidates,used);
382     VecDbl x;
383     surfpack::linearSystemLeastSquares(A,x,b);
384     VecDbl coeffs = fullCoeff(candidates.size(),x,used);
385     RadialBasisFunctionModel rbfm(candidates,coeffs);
386     StandardFitness sf;
387     double fitness = sf(rbfm,sd);
388     if (fitness < bestset.first) bestset = RbfBest(fitness,used);
389   }
390   VecUns used = bestset.second;
391   VecRbf final_rbfs;
392   VecUns final_used(used.size());
393   for (unsigned i = 0; i < used.size(); i++) {
394     final_used[i] = i;
395     final_rbfs.push_back(candidates[used[i]]);
396   }
397   // Recompute the coefficients.  If we cached the result, we wouldn't
398   // have to do it again.
399   MtxDbl A = getMatrix(sd,final_rbfs,final_used);
400   VecDbl x;
401   surfpack::linearSystemLeastSquares(A,x,b);
402   SurfpackModel* sm = new RadialBasisFunctionModel(final_rbfs, x);
403   StandardFitness sf;
404   double fitness = sf(*sm,sd);
405   //cout << "Cached fitness: " << bestset.first << " recomputed: " << fitness << endl;
406   assert(sm);
407   return sm;
408 }