2! Copyright (C) 2004-2011 Quantum ESPRESSO group
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the
4! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
5! in the root directory of the present distribution,
6! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
8MODULE uspp_param
9  !
10  ! ... Ultrasoft and Norm-Conserving pseudopotential parameters
11  !
12  USE upf_kinds,    ONLY : DP
13  USE upf_params,   ONLY : npsx
14  USE pseudo_types, ONLY : pseudo_upf
15  !
16  SAVE
17  PRIVATE :: randy
18  !
19  TYPE (pseudo_upf),  ALLOCATABLE, TARGET :: upf(:)
21  INTEGER :: &
22       nh(npsx),             &! number of beta functions per atomic type
23       nhm,                  &! max number of different beta functions per atom
24       nbetam,               &! max number of beta functions
25       iver(3,npsx)           ! version of the atomic code
26  INTEGER :: &
27       lmaxkb,               &! max angular momentum
28       lmaxq                  ! max angular momentum + 1 for Q functions
29  INTEGER :: &
30       nvb,                  &! number of species with Vanderbilt PPs (CPV)
31       ish(npsx)              ! for each specie the index of the first beta
32                              ! function: ish(1)=1, ish(i)=1+SUM(nh(1:i-1))
34  !
35  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
36  FUNCTION n_atom_wfc( nat, ityp, noncolin )
37  !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
38  !
39  ! ... Find number of starting atomic orbitals
40  !
42  !
43  INTEGER, INTENT(IN)  :: nat, ityp(nat)
44  LOGICAL, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL  :: noncolin
45  INTEGER  :: n_atom_wfc
46  !
47  INTEGER  :: na, nt, n
48  LOGICAL  :: non_col
49  !
50  !
51  non_col = .FALSE.
52  IF ( PRESENT (noncolin) ) non_col=noncolin
53  n_atom_wfc = 0
54  !
55  DO na = 1, nat
56     !
57     nt = ityp(na)
58     !
59     DO n = 1, upf(nt)%nwfc
60        !
61        IF ( upf(nt)%oc(n) >= 0.D0 ) THEN
62           !
63           IF ( non_col ) THEN
64              !
65              IF ( upf(nt)%has_so ) THEN
66                 !
67                 n_atom_wfc = n_atom_wfc + 2 * upf(nt)%lchi(n)
68                 !
69                 IF ( ABS( upf(nt)%jchi(n)-upf(nt)%lchi(n) - 0.5D0 ) < 1.D-6 ) &
70                    n_atom_wfc = n_atom_wfc + 2
71                 !
72              ELSE
73                 !
74                 n_atom_wfc = n_atom_wfc + 2 * ( 2 * upf(nt)%lchi(n) + 1 )
75                 !
76              END IF
77              !
78           ELSE
79              !
80              n_atom_wfc = n_atom_wfc + 2 * upf(nt)%lchi(n) + 1
81              !
82           END IF
83        END IF
84     END DO
85  END DO
86  !
88  !
89  END FUNCTION n_atom_wfc
90END MODULE uspp_param
92! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<~~~~<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<-----------------
94MODULE uspp
95  !
96  ! Ultrasoft PPs:
97  ! - Clebsch-Gordan coefficients "ap", auxiliary variables "lpx", "lpl"
98  ! - beta and q functions of the solid
99  !
100  USE upf_kinds,  ONLY: DP
101  USE upf_params, ONLY: lmaxx, lqmax
104  SAVE
105  PUBLIC :: nlx, lpx, lpl, ap, aainit, indv, nhtol, nhtolm, indv_ijkb0, &
106            nkb, nkbus, vkb, dvan, deeq, qq_at, qq_nt, nhtoj, ijtoh, beta, &
107            becsum, ebecsum, deallocate_uspp
109  PUBLIC :: okvan, nlcc_any
110  PUBLIC :: qq_so, dvan_so, deeq_nc
111  PUBLIC :: dbeta
113       nlx  = (lmaxx+1)**2, &! maximum number of combined angular momentum
114       mx   = 2*lqmax-1      ! maximum magnetic angular momentum of Q
115  INTEGER ::             &! for each pair of combined momenta lm(1),lm(2):
116       lpx(nlx,nlx),     &! maximum combined angular momentum LM
117       lpl(nlx,nlx,mx)    ! list of combined angular momenta  LM
118  REAL(DP) :: &
119       ap(lqmax*lqmax,nlx,nlx)
120  ! Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for spherical harmonics
121  !
122  INTEGER :: nkb,        &! total number of beta functions, with struct.fact.
123             nkbus        ! as above, for US-PP only
124  !
126       indv(:,:),        &! indes linking  atomic beta's to beta's in the solid
127       nhtol(:,:),       &! correspondence n <-> angular momentum l
128       nhtolm(:,:),      &! correspondence n <-> combined lm index for (l,m)
129       ijtoh(:,:,:),     &! correspondence beta indexes ih,jh -> composite index ijh
130       indv_ijkb0(:)      ! first beta (index in the solid) for each atom
131  !
132  LOGICAL :: &
133       okvan = .FALSE.,&  ! if .TRUE. at least one pseudo is Vanderbilt
134       nlcc_any=.FALSE.   ! if .TRUE. at least one pseudo has core corrections
135  !
137       vkb(:,:)                ! all beta functions in reciprocal space
139       becsum(:,:,:)           ! \sum_i f(i) <psi(i)|beta_l><beta_m|psi(i)>
141       ebecsum(:,:,:)          ! \sum_i f(i) et(i) <psi(i)|beta_l><beta_m|psi(i)>
143       dvan(:,:,:),           &! the D functions of the solid
144       deeq(:,:,:,:),         &! the integral of V_eff and Q_{nm}
145       qq_nt(:,:,:),          &! the integral of q functions in the solid (ONE PER NTYP) used to be the qq array
146       qq_at(:,:,:),          &! the integral of q functions in the solid (ONE PER ATOM !!!!)
147       nhtoj(:,:)              ! correspondence n <-> total angular momentum
148  !
149  COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: & ! variables for spin-orbit/noncolinear case:
150       qq_so(:,:,:,:),           &! Q_{nm}
151       dvan_so(:,:,:,:),         &! D_{nm}
152       deeq_nc(:,:,:,:)           ! \int V_{eff}(r) Q_{nm}(r) dr
153  !
154  ! spin-orbit coupling: qq and dvan are complex, qq has additional spin index
155  ! noncolinear magnetism: deeq is complex (even in absence of spin-orbit)
156  !
158       beta(:,:,:)           ! beta functions for CP (without struct.factor)
160       dbeta(:,:,:,:,:)      ! derivative of beta functions w.r.t. cell for CP (without struct.factor)
161  !
163  !
164  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
165  subroutine aainit(lli)
166    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
167    !
168    ! this routine computes the coefficients of the expansion of the product
169    ! of two real spherical harmonics into real spherical harmonics.
170    !
171    !     Y_limi(r) * Y_ljmj(r) = \sum_LM  ap(LM,limi,ljmj)  Y_LM(r)
172    !
173    ! On output:
174    ! ap     the expansion coefficients
175    ! lpx    for each input limi,ljmj is the number of LM in the sum
176    ! lpl    for each input limi,ljmj points to the allowed LM
177    !
178    ! The indices limi,ljmj and LM assume the order for real spherical
179    ! harmonics given in routine ylmr2
180    !
181    USE upf_invmat
182    implicit none
183    !
184    ! input: the maximum li considered
185    !
186    integer :: lli
187    !
188    ! local variables
189    !
190    integer :: llx, l, li, lj
191    real(DP) , allocatable :: r(:,:), rr(:), ylm(:,:), mly(:,:)
192    ! an array of random vectors: r(3,llx)
193    ! the norm of r: rr(llx)
194    ! the real spherical harmonics for array r: ylm(llx,llx)
195    ! the inverse of ylm considered as a matrix: mly(llx,llx)
196    !
197    if (lli < 0) call upf_error('aainit','lli not allowed',lli)
199    if (lli*lli > nlx) call upf_error('aainit','nlx is too small ',lli*lli)
201    llx = (2*lli-1)**2
202    if (2*lli-1 > lqmax) &
203         call upf_error('aainit','ap leading dimension is too small',llx)
205    allocate (r( 3, llx ))
206    allocate (rr( llx ))
207    allocate (ylm( llx, llx ))
208    allocate (mly( llx, llx ))
210    r(:,:)   = 0.0_DP
211    ylm(:,:) = 0.0_DP
212    mly(:,:) = 0.0_DP
213    ap(:,:,:)= 0.0_DP
215    ! - generate an array of random vectors (uniform deviate on unitary sphere)
217    call gen_rndm_r(llx,r,rr)
219    ! - generate the real spherical harmonics for the array: ylm(ir,lm)
221    call ylmr2(llx,llx,r,rr,ylm)
223    !-  store the inverse of ylm(ir,lm) in mly(lm,ir)
225    call invmat(llx, ylm, mly)
227    !-  for each li,lj compute ap(l,li,lj) and the indices, lpx and lpl
228    do li = 1, lli*lli
229       do lj = 1, lli*lli
230          lpx(li,lj)=0
231          do l = 1, llx
232             ap(l,li,lj) = compute_ap(l,li,lj,llx,ylm,mly)
233             if (abs(ap(l,li,lj)) > 1.d-3) then
234                lpx(li,lj) = lpx(li,lj) + 1
235                if (lpx(li,lj) > mx) &
236                     call upf_error('aainit','mx dimension too small', lpx(li,lj))
237                lpl(li,lj,lpx(li,lj)) = l
238             end if
239          end do
240       end do
241    end do
243    deallocate(mly)
244    deallocate(ylm)
245    deallocate(rr)
246    deallocate(r)
248    return
249  end subroutine aainit
250  !
251  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
252  subroutine gen_rndm_r(llx,r,rr)
253    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
254    ! - generate an array of random vectors (uniform deviate on unitary sphere)
255    !
256    USE upf_const,  ONLY: tpi
257    implicit none
258    !
259    ! first the I/O variables
260    !
261    integer :: llx   ! input: the dimension of r and rr
262    real(DP) :: &
263         r(3,llx),  &! output: an array of random vectors
264         rr(llx)     ! output: the norm of r
265    !
266    ! here the local variables
267    !
268    integer  :: ir
269    real(DP) :: costheta, sintheta, phi
271    do ir = 1, llx
272       costheta = 2.0_DP * randy() - 1.0_DP
273       sintheta = SQRT ( 1.0_DP - costheta*costheta)
274       phi = tpi * randy()
275       r (1,ir) = sintheta * cos(phi)
276       r (2,ir) = sintheta * sin(phi)
277       r (3,ir) = costheta
278       rr(ir)   = 1.0_DP
279    end do
281    return
282  end subroutine gen_rndm_r
285   FUNCTION randy ( irand )
286      !------------------------------------------------------------------------
287      !
288      ! x=randy(n): reseed with initial seed idum=n ( 0 <= n <= ic, see below)
289      !             if randy is not explicitly initialized, it will be
290      !             initialized with seed idum=0 the first time it is called
291      ! x=randy() : generate uniform real(DP) numbers x in [0,1]
292      !
293      use upf_kinds, only : DP
294      implicit none
295      !
296      REAL(DP) :: randy
297      INTEGER, optional    :: irand
298      !
299      INTEGER , PARAMETER  :: m    = 714025, &
300                              ia   = 1366, &
301                              ic   = 150889, &
302                              ntab = 97
303      REAL(DP), PARAMETER  :: rm = 1.0_DP / m
304      INTEGER              :: j
305      INTEGER, SAVE        :: ir(ntab), iy, idum=0
306      LOGICAL, SAVE        :: first=.true.
307      !
308      IF ( present(irand) ) THEN
309         idum = MIN( ABS(irand), ic)
310         first=.true.
311      END IF
313      IF ( first ) THEN
314         !
315         first = .false.
316         idum = MOD( ic - idum, m )
317         !
318         DO j=1,ntab
319            idum=mod(ia*idum+ic,m)
320            ir(j)=idum
321         END DO
322         idum=mod(ia*idum+ic,m)
323         iy=idum
324      END IF
325      j=1+(ntab*iy)/m
326      IF( j > ntab .OR. j <  1 ) call upf_error('randy','j out of range',ABS(j)+1)
327      iy=ir(j)
328      randy=iy*rm
329      idum=mod(ia*idum+ic,m)
330      ir(j)=idum
331      !
332      RETURN
333      !
334   END FUNCTION randy
335  !
336  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
337  function compute_ap(l,li,lj,llx,ylm,mly)
338    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
339    !-  given an l and a li,lj pair compute ap(l,li,lj)
340    implicit none
341    !
342    ! first the I/O variables
343    !
344    integer :: &
345         llx,         &! the dimension of ylm and mly
346         l,li,lj       ! the arguments of the array ap
348    real(DP) :: &
349         compute_ap,  &! this function
350         ylm(llx,llx),&! the real spherical harmonics for array r
351         mly(llx,llx)  ! the inverse of ylm considered as a matrix
352    !
353    ! here the local variables
354    !
355    integer :: ir
357    compute_ap = 0.0_DP
358    do ir = 1,llx
359       compute_ap = compute_ap + mly(l,ir)*ylm(ir,li)*ylm(ir,lj)
360    end do
362    return
363  end function compute_ap
364  !
365  !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
366  SUBROUTINE deallocate_uspp()
367    !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
368    !
369    IF( ALLOCATED( nhtol ) )      DEALLOCATE( nhtol )
370    IF( ALLOCATED( indv ) )       DEALLOCATE( indv )
371    IF( ALLOCATED( nhtolm ) )     DEALLOCATE( nhtolm )
372    IF( ALLOCATED( nhtoj ) )      DEALLOCATE( nhtoj )
373    IF( ALLOCATED( indv_ijkb0 ) ) DEALLOCATE( indv_ijkb0 )
374    IF( ALLOCATED( ijtoh ) )      DEALLOCATE( ijtoh )
375    IF( ALLOCATED( vkb ) )        DEALLOCATE( vkb )
376    IF( ALLOCATED( becsum ) )     DEALLOCATE( becsum )
377    IF( ALLOCATED( ebecsum ) )    DEALLOCATE( ebecsum )
378    IF( ALLOCATED( qq_at ) )      DEALLOCATE( qq_at )
379    IF( ALLOCATED( qq_nt ) )      DEALLOCATE( qq_nt )
380    IF( ALLOCATED( dvan ) )       DEALLOCATE( dvan )
381    IF( ALLOCATED( deeq ) )       DEALLOCATE( deeq )
382    IF( ALLOCATED( qq_so ) )      DEALLOCATE( qq_so )
383    IF( ALLOCATED( dvan_so ) )    DEALLOCATE( dvan_so )
384    IF( ALLOCATED( deeq_nc ) )    DEALLOCATE( deeq_nc )
385    IF( ALLOCATED( beta ) )       DEALLOCATE( beta )
386    IF( ALLOCATED( dbeta ) )      DEALLOCATE( dbeta )
387    !
388  END SUBROUTINE deallocate_uspp
389  !
390END MODULE uspp