1 // Copyright Maciej Sobczak 2008-2019.
2 // This file is part of YAMI4.
3 //
4 // YAMI4 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7 // (at your option) any later version.
8 //
9 // YAMI4 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // GNU General Public License for more details.
13 //
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 // along with YAMI4.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 #include "channel_descriptor.h"
21 #include <cstddef>
23 /// Namespace devoted for everything related to YAMI4.
24 namespace yami
25 {
27 /// Namespace defining the YAMI4-core communication module.
28 namespace core
29 {
31 /// General type for reporting success and error states.
32 enum result
33 {
34     ok,               ///< Operation completed successfully.
35     no_such_name,     ///< The given name was not found.
36     bad_type,         ///< The expected type is different than the actual.
37     no_such_index,    ///< Index out of range.
38     no_memory,        ///< Not enough memory.
39     nesting_too_deep, ///< The nesting of parameters is too deep.
40     not_enough_space, ///< There is not enough space in the buffer.
41     no_entries,       ///< There are no entries.
42     unexpected_value, ///< The given value was not recognized.
43     bad_protocol,     ///< The connection protocol is incorrect.
44     io_error,         ///< Unable to perform the I/O operation.
45     timed_out,        ///< The requested operation timed out.
46     channel_closed,   ///< The operation was not possible due to EOF.
47     bad_state         ///< The given object is in the wrong state.
48 };
50 /// Type of function callback for incoming message dispatch.
51 /// @param hint Arbitrary (any) argument provided at the time
52 ///        when the callback was installed.
53 /// @param source Name of the originating channel.
54 /// @param header_buffers Array of pointers to data buffers that can be used
55 ///        to deserialize the message header.
56 /// @param header_buffer_sizes Array of sizes of header data buffers.
57 /// @param num_of_header_buffers Number of elements in the
58 ///        <code>header_buffers</code> and <code>header_buffer_sizes</code>
59 ///        arrays.
60 /// @param body_buffers Array of pointers to data buffers that can be used
61 ///        to deserialize the message body.
62 /// @param body_buffer_sizes Array of sizes of body data buffers.
63 /// @param num_of_body_buffers Number of elements in the
64 ///        <code>body_buffers</code> and <code>body_buffer_sizes</code>
65 ///        arrays.
66 ///
67 /// <b>Note</b>: The arguments to this callback can be directly used with
68 /// the <code>deserialize</code> function of the <code>parameters</code>
69 /// class.
70 extern "C" typedef void (*incoming_message_dispatch_function)(
71     void * hint,
72     const char * source,
73     const char * header_buffers[],
74     std::size_t header_buffer_sizes[],
75     std::size_t num_of_header_buffers,
76     const char * body_buffers[],
77     std::size_t body_buffer_sizes[],
78     std::size_t num_of_body_buffers);
80 /// Type of function callback (hook) for new incoming connection.
81 /// This function sees the new channel already in the proper state
82 /// and can use it (in particular it can close it).
83 /// @param hint Arbitrary (any) argument provided at the time
84 ///        when the callback was installed.
85 /// @param source The source (remote) name of the newly created channel.
86 /// @param index Index for the channel descriptor.
87 /// @param sequence_number Sequence number for the channel descriptor.
88 /// @return <code>true</code> if the connection is accepted and
89 ///         <code>false</code> otherwise.
90 extern "C" typedef void (*new_incoming_connection_function)(
91     void * hint,
92     const char * source,
93     std::size_t index, std::size_t sequence_number);
95 /// Type of function callback (hook) for closing connection.
96 /// @param hint Arbitrary (any) argument provided at the time
97 ///        when the callback was installed.
98 /// @param name The name of the closing channel.
99 /// @param reason The reason for closing the connection, this is either
100 ///        <code>channel_closed</code> for regular end-of-stream condition
101 ///        or an appropriate error value that was reported while operating
102 ///        on the given channel.
103 extern "C" typedef void (*closed_connection_function)(
104     void * hint,
105     const char * name, result reason);
107 /// Type of function callback for outgoing message progress report.
108 /// If both size values are zero, it means that there was an
109 /// error while sending the message -
110 /// the message itself will be abandoned and channel will be closed.
111 /// @param hint Arbitrary (any) argument provided at the time
112 ///        when the callback was installed.
113 /// @param sent_bytes The number of bytes accumulated from the beginning
114 ///        of the message that have been sent.
115 /// @param total_byte_count The overall size of the message.
116 ///
117 /// <b>Note</b>: When <code>sent_bytes</code> and
118 /// <code>total_byte_count</code> are equal it means that the whole message
119 /// has been sent; if they are both zero it indicates that there was an error
120 /// and the message was abandoned.
121 extern "C" typedef void (*message_progress_function)(
122     void * hint,
123     std::size_t sent_bytes,
124     std::size_t total_byte_count);
126 /// Type of internal event notification.
127 enum event_notification
128 {
129     agent_closed,              // (NULL, 0)
130     listener_added,            // (target, 0)
131     listener_removed,          // (target, 0)
132     incoming_connection_open,  // (target, 0)
133     outgoing_connection_open,  // (target, 0)
134     connection_closed,         // (target, 0)
135     connection_error,          // (target, 0)
136     message_sent,              // (target, bytes)
137     message_received           // (target, bytes)
138 };
140 /// Type of function callback for internal event notifications (logging).
141 /// Depending on the event type, some callback parameters are used.
142 extern "C" typedef void (*event_notification_function)(
143     void * hint,
144     event_notification e,
145     const char * str,
146     std::size_t size);
148 /// Type of function callback for internal I/O error logging.
149 extern "C" typedef void (*io_error_function)(
150     void * hint,
151     int error_code,
152     const char * description);
154 } // namespace core
156 } // namespace yami