1 /*
2 mediastreamer2 library - modular sound and video processing and streaming
3 Copyright (C) 2012  Belledonne Communications
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
7 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
8 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 GNU General Public License for more details.
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
17 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
18 */
20 #ifndef ice_h
21 #define ice_h
23 #include <mediastreamer2/mscommon.h>
24 #include <mediastreamer2/stun.h>
25 #include <ortp/ortp.h>
28 /**
29  * @file ice.h
30  * @brief mediastreamer2 ice.h include file
31  *
32  * This file provides the API to handle the ICE protocol defined in the RFC 5245.
33  */
36 /**
37  * The maximum number of check lists in an ICE session.
38  */
42 /**
43  * ICE agent role.
44  *
45  * See the terminology in paragraph 3 of the RFC 5245 for more details.
46  */
47 typedef enum {
48 	IR_Controlling,
49 	IR_Controlled
50 } IceRole;
52 /**
53  * ICE candidate type.
54  *
55  * See the terminology in paragraph 3 of the RFC 5245 for more details.
56  */
57 typedef enum {
58 	ICT_CandidateInvalid = -1,
59 	ICT_HostCandidate,
60 	ICT_ServerReflexiveCandidate,
61 	ICT_PeerReflexiveCandidate,
62 	ICT_RelayedCandidate,
63 	ICT_CandidateTypeMax
64 } IceCandidateType;
66 /**
67  * ICE candidate pair state.
68  *
69  * See paragraph 5.7.4 ("Computing states") of RFC 5245 for more details.
70  */
71 typedef enum {
72 	ICP_Waiting,
73 	ICP_InProgress,
74 	ICP_Succeeded,
75 	ICP_Failed,
76 	ICP_Frozen
77 } IceCandidatePairState;
79 /**
80  * ICE check list state.
81  *
82  * See paragraph 5.7.4 ("Computing states") of RFC 5245 for more details.
83  */
84 typedef enum {
85 	ICL_Running,
86 	ICL_Completed,
87 	ICL_Failed
88 } IceCheckListState;
90 /**
91  * ICE session state.
92  */
93 typedef enum {
94 	IS_Stopped,
95 	IS_Running,
96 	IS_Completed,
97 	IS_Failed
98 } IceSessionState;
100 struct _IceCheckList;
102 /**
103  * Structure representing an ICE session.
104  */
105 typedef struct _IceSession {
106 	struct _IceCheckList * streams[ICE_SESSION_MAX_CHECK_LISTS];	/**< Table of IceChecklist structure pointers. Each element represents a media stream */
107 	MSStunAuthRequestedCb stun_auth_requested_cb;	/**< Callback called when authentication is requested */
108 	void *stun_auth_requested_userdata;	/**< Userdata to pass to the STUN authentication requested callback */
109 	char *local_ufrag;	/**< Local username fragment for the session (assigned during the session creation) */
110 	char *local_pwd;	/**< Local password for the session (assigned during the session creation) */
111 	char *remote_ufrag;	/**< Remote username fragment for the session (provided via SDP by the peer) */
112 	char *remote_pwd;	/**< Remote password for the session (provided via SDP by the peer) */
113 	IceRole role;	/**< Role played by the agent for this session */
114 	IceSessionState state;	/**< State of the session */
115 	uint64_t tie_breaker;	/**< Random number used to resolve role conflicts (see paragraph 5.2 of the RFC 5245) */
116 	int32_t ta;	/**< Duration of timer for sending connectivity checks in ms */
117 	int event_value;	/** Value of the event to send */
118 	MSTimeSpec event_time;	/**< Time when an event must be sent */
119 	struct sockaddr_storage ss;	/**< STUN server address to use for the candidates gathering process */
120 	socklen_t ss_len;	/**< Length of the STUN server address to use for the candidates gathering process */
121 	MSTimeSpec gathering_start_ts;
122 	MSTimeSpec gathering_end_ts;
123 	IceCandidateType default_types[ICT_CandidateTypeMax];
124 	bool_t check_message_integrity; /*set to false for backward compatibility only*/
125 	bool_t send_event;	/**< Boolean value telling whether an event must be sent or not */
126 	uint8_t max_connectivity_checks;	/**< Configuration parameter to limit the number of connectivity checks performed by the agent (default is 100) */
127 	uint8_t keepalive_timeout;	/**< Configuration parameter to define the timeout between each keepalive packets (default is 15s) */
128 	bool_t forced_relay;	/**< Force use of relay by modifying the local and reflexive candidates */
129 	bool_t turn_enabled;	/**< TURN protocol enabled */
130 	bool_t short_turn_refresh;	/**< Short TURN refresh for tests */
131 } IceSession;
133 typedef struct _IceStunServerRequestTransaction {
134 	UInt96 transactionID;
135 	MSTimeSpec request_time;
136 	MSTimeSpec response_time;
137 } IceStunServerRequestTransaction;
139 typedef struct _IceStunServerRequest {
140 	struct _IceCheckList *cl;
141 	RtpTransport *rtptp;
142 	MSTurnContext *turn_context;
143 	struct addrinfo *source_ai;
144 	MSList *transactions;	/**< List of IceStunServerRequestTransaction structures. */
145 	MSTimeSpec next_transmission_time;
146 	MSStunAddress peer_address;
147 	uint16_t channel_number;
148 	uint16_t stun_method;
149 	uint8_t requested_address_family;
150 	bool_t gathering;
151 	bool_t responded;
152 	bool_t to_remove;
153 } IceStunServerRequest;
155 typedef struct _IceStunRequestRoundTripTime {
156 	int nb_responses;
157 	int sum;
158 } IceStunRequestRoundTripTime;
160 /**
161  * Structure representing an ICE transport address.
162  */
163 typedef struct _IceTransportAddress {
164 	char ip[64];
165 	int port;
166 	int family;
167 	// TODO: Handling of transport type: TCP, UDP...
168 } IceTransportAddress;
170 /**
171  * Structure representing an ICE candidate.
172  */
173 typedef struct _IceCandidate {
174 	char foundation[32];	/**< Foundation of the candidate (see paragraph 3 of the RFC 5245 for more details */
175 	IceTransportAddress taddr;	/**< Transport address of the candidate */
176 	IceCandidateType type;	/**< Type of the candidate */
177 	uint32_t priority;	/**< Priority of the candidate */
178 	uint16_t componentID;	/**< component ID between 1 and 256: usually 1 for RTP component and 2 for RTCP component */
179 	struct _IceCandidate *base;	/**< Pointer to the candidate that is the base of the current one */
180 	bool_t is_default;	/**< Boolean value telling whether this candidate is a default candidate or not */
181 } IceCandidate;
183 /**
184  * Structure representing an ICE candidate pair.
185  */
186 typedef struct _IceCandidatePair {
187 	IceCandidate *local;	/**< Pointer to the local candidate of the pair */
188 	IceCandidate *remote;	/**< Pointer to the remote candidate of the pair */
189 	IceCandidatePairState state;	/**< State of the candidate pair */
190 	uint64_t priority;	/**< Priority of the candidate pair */
191 	MSTimeSpec transmission_time;	/**< Time when the connectivity check for the candidate pair has been sent */
192 	int32_t rto;	/**< Duration of the retransmit timer for the connectivity check sent for the candidate pair in ms */
193 	uint8_t retransmissions;	/**< Number of retransmissions for the connectivity check sent for the candidate pair */
194 	IceRole role;	/**< Role of the agent when the connectivity check has been sent for the candidate pair */
195 	bool_t is_default;	/**< Boolean value telling whether this candidate pair is a default candidate pair or not */
196 	bool_t use_candidate;	/**< Boolean value telling if the USE-CANDIDATE attribute must be set for the connectivity checks send for the candidate pair */
197 	bool_t is_nominated;	/**< Boolean value telling whether this candidate pair is nominated or not */
198 	bool_t wait_transaction_timeout;	/**< Boolean value telling to create a new binding request on retransmission timeout */
199 	bool_t retry_with_dummy_message_integrity; /** use to tell to retry with dummy message integrity. Useful to keep backward compatibility with older version*/
200 	bool_t use_dummy_hmac; /*don't compute real hmac. used for backward compatibility*/
201 } IceCandidatePair;
203 /**
204  * Structure representing the foundation of an ICE candidate pair.
205  *
206  * It is the concatenation of the foundation of a local candidate and the foundation of a remote candidate.
207  */
208 typedef struct _IcePairFoundation {
209 	char local[32];	/**< Foundation of the local candidate */
210 	char remote[32];	/**< Foundation of the remote candidate */
211 } IcePairFoundation;
213 typedef struct _IceValidCandidatePair {
214 	IceCandidatePair *valid;	/**< Pointer to a valid candidate pair (it may be in the check list or not */
215 	IceCandidatePair *generated_from;	/**< Pointer to the candidate pair that generated the connectivity check producing the valid candidate pair */
216 	bool_t selected;	/**< Boolean value telling whether this valid candidate pair has been selected or not */
217 } IceValidCandidatePair;
219 typedef struct _IceTransaction {
220 	UInt96 transactionID;	/**< Transaction ID of the connectivity check sent for the candidate pair */
221 	IceCandidatePair *pair;	/**< A pointer to the candidate pair associated with the transaction. */
222 } IceTransaction;
224 /**
225  * Structure representing an ICE check list.
226  *
227  * Each media stream must be assigned a check list.
228  * Check lists are added to an ICE session using the ice_session_add_check_list() function.
229  */
230 typedef struct _IceCheckList {
231 	IceSession *session;	/**< Pointer to the ICE session */
232 	MSTurnContext *rtp_turn_context;	/**< TURN context for RTP socket */
233 	MSTurnContext *rtcp_turn_context;	/**< TURN context for RTCP socket */
234 	RtpSession *rtp_session;	/**< Pointer to the RTP session associated with this ICE check list */
235 	char *remote_ufrag;	/**< Remote username fragment for this check list (provided via SDP by the peer) */
236 	char *remote_pwd;	/**< Remote password for this check list (provided via SDP by the peer) */
237 	MSList *stun_server_requests;	/**< List of IceStunServerRequest structures */
238 	MSList *local_candidates;	/**< List of IceCandidate structures */
239 	MSList *remote_candidates;	/**< List of IceCandidate structures */
240 	MSList *pairs;	/**< List of IceCandidatePair structures */
241 	MSList *losing_pairs;	/**< List of IceCandidatePair structures */
242 	MSList *triggered_checks_queue;	/**< List of IceCandidatePair structures */
243 	MSList *check_list;	/**< List of IceCandidatePair structures */
244 	MSList *valid_list;	/**< List of IceValidCandidatePair structures */
245 	MSList *foundations;	/**< List of IcePairFoundation structures */
246 	MSList *local_componentIDs;	/**< List of uint16_t */
247 	MSList *remote_componentIDs;	/**< List of uint16_t */
248 	MSList *transaction_list;	/**< List of IceTransaction structures */
249 	IceCheckListState state;	/**< Global state of the ICE check list */
250 	MSTimeSpec ta_time;	/**< Time when the Ta timer has been processed for the last time */
251 	MSTimeSpec keepalive_time;	/**< Time when the last keepalive packet has been sent for this stream */
252 	uint32_t foundation_generator;	/**< Autoincremented integer to generate unique foundation values */
253 	bool_t mismatch;	/**< Boolean value telling whether there was a mismatch during the answer/offer process */
254 	bool_t gathering_candidates;	/**< Boolean value telling whether a candidate gathering process is running or not */
255 	bool_t gathering_finished;	/**< Boolean value telling whether the candidate gathering process has finished or not */
256 	bool_t nomination_delay_running;	/**< Boolean value telling whether the nomination process has been delayed or not */
257 	MSTimeSpec gathering_start_time;	/**< Time when the gathering process was started */
258 	MSTimeSpec nomination_delay_start_time;	/**< Time when the nomination process has been delayed */
259 	IceStunRequestRoundTripTime rtt;
260 } IceCheckList;
264 #ifdef __cplusplus
265 extern "C"{
266 #endif
268 /**
269  * Allocate a new ICE session.
270  *
271  * @return Pointer to the allocated session
272  *
273  * This must be performed for each media session that is to use ICE.
274  */
275 MS2_PUBLIC IceSession * ice_session_new(void);
278 /**
279  * Set the prefered type for default candidates, as defined in rfc5245#section-4.1.4.
280  * The type table can be terminated by the ICT_CandidateInvalid element, may it contain less elements
281  * than the number of types available.
282  **/
283 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_set_default_candidates_types(IceSession *session,
284 					const IceCandidateType types[ICT_CandidateTypeMax]);
285 /**
286  * Destroy a previously allocated ICE session.
287  *
288  * @param session The session to destroy.
289  *
290  * To be used when a media session using ICE is tore down.
291  */
292 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_destroy(IceSession *session);
294 /**
295  * Allocate a new ICE check list.
296  *
297  * @return Pointer to the allocated check list
298  *
299  * A check list must be allocated for each media stream of a media session and be added to an ICE session using the ice_session_add_check_list() function.
300  */
301 MS2_PUBLIC IceCheckList * ice_check_list_new(void);
303 /**
304  * Destroy a previously allocated ICE check list.
305  *
306  * @param cl The check list to destroy
307  */
308 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_check_list_destroy(IceCheckList *cl);
310 /**
311  * Tell whether ICE local candidates have been gathered for an ICE check list or not.
312  *
313  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
314  * @return TRUE if local candidates have been gathered for the check list, FALSE otherwise.
315  */
316 MS2_PUBLIC bool_t ice_check_list_candidates_gathered(const IceCheckList *cl);
318 /**
319  * Get the nth check list of an ICE session.
320  *
321  * @param session A pointer to a session
322  * @param n The number of the check list to access
323  * @return A pointer to the nth check list of the session if it exists, NULL otherwise
324  */
325 MS2_PUBLIC IceCheckList *ice_session_check_list(const IceSession *session, int n);
327 /**
328  * Get the local username fragment of an ICE session.
329  *
330  * @param session A pointer to a session
331  * @return A pointer to the local username fragment of the session
332  */
333 MS2_PUBLIC const char * ice_session_local_ufrag(const IceSession *session);
335 /**
336  * Get the local password of an ICE session.
337  *
338  * @param session A pointer to a session
339  * @return A pointer to the local password of the session
340  */
341 MS2_PUBLIC const char * ice_session_local_pwd(const IceSession *session);
343 /**
344  * Get the remote username fragment of an ICE session.
345  *
346  * @param session A pointer to a session
347  * @return A pointer to the remote username fragment of the session
348  */
349 MS2_PUBLIC const char * ice_session_remote_ufrag(const IceSession *session);
351 /**
352  * Get the remote password of an ICE session.
353  *
354  * @param session A pointer to a session
355  * @return A pointer to the remote password of the session
356  */
357 MS2_PUBLIC const char * ice_session_remote_pwd(const IceSession *session);
359 /**
360  * Get the state of an ICE session.
361  *
362  * @param session A pointer to a session
363  * @return The state of the session
364  */
365 MS2_PUBLIC IceSessionState ice_session_state(const IceSession *session);
367 /**
368  * Get the role of the agent for an ICE session.
369  *
370  * @param session A pointer to a session
371  * @return The role of the agent for the session
372  */
373 MS2_PUBLIC IceRole ice_session_role(const IceSession *session);
375 /**
376  * Set the role of the agent for an ICE session.
377  *
378  * @param session The session for which to set the role
379  * @param role The role to set the session to
380  */
381 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_set_role(IceSession *session, IceRole role);
383 /**
384  * Set the local credentials of an ICE session.
385  *
386  * This function SHOULD not be used. However, it is used by mediastream for testing purpose to
387  * apply the same credentials for local and remote agents because the SDP exchange is bypassed.
388  */
389 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_set_local_credentials(IceSession *session, const char *ufrag, const char *pwd);
391 /**
392  * Tell if remote credentials of an ICE session have changed or not.
393  *
394  * @param session A pointer to a session
395  * @param ufrag The new remote username fragment
396  * @param pwd The new remote password
397  * @return TRUE if the remote credentials of the session have changed, FALSE otherwise.
398  */
399 MS2_PUBLIC bool_t ice_session_remote_credentials_changed(IceSession *session, const char *ufrag, const char *pwd);
401 /**
402  * Set the remote credentials of an ICE session.
403  *
404  * @param session A pointer to a session
405  * @param ufrag The remote username fragment
406  * @param pwd The remote password
407  *
408  * This function is to be called once the remote credentials have been received via SDP.
409  */
410 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_set_remote_credentials(IceSession *session, const char *ufrag, const char *pwd);
412 /**
413  * get the remote ufrag of an ICE check list.
414  *
415  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
416  *
417  * This function is to be called once the remote credentials have been received via SDP.
418  */
419 MS2_PUBLIC const char* ice_check_list_get_remote_ufrag(const IceCheckList *cl);
421 /**
422  * get the remote pwd of an ICE check list.
423  *
424  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
425  *
426  * This function is to be called once the remote credentials have been received via SDP.
427  */
428 MS2_PUBLIC const char* ice_check_list_get_remote_pwd(const IceCheckList *cl);
430 /**
431  * Define the maximum number of connectivity checks that will be performed by the agent.
432  *
433  * @param session A pointer to a session
434  * @param max_connectivity_checks The maximum number of connectivity checks to perform
435  *
436  * This function is to be called just after the creation of the session, before any connectivity check is performed.
437  * The default number of connectivity checks is 100.
438  */
439 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_set_max_connectivity_checks(IceSession *session, uint8_t max_connectivity_checks);
441 /**
442  * Define the timeout between each keepalive packet in seconds.
443  *
444  * @param session A pointer to a session
445  * @param timeout The duration of the keepalive timeout in seconds
446  *
447  * The default keepalive timeout is set to 15 seconds.
448  */
449 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_set_keepalive_timeout(IceSession *session, uint8_t timeout);
451 /**
452  * Get the number of check lists in an ICE session.
453  *
454  * @param session A pointer to a session
455  * @return The number of check lists in the ICE session
456  */
457 MS2_PUBLIC int ice_session_nb_check_lists(IceSession *session);
459 /**
460  * Tell whether an ICE session has at least one completed check list.
461  *
462  * @param session A pointer to a session
463  * @return TRUE if the session has at least one completed check list, FALSE otherwise
464  */
465 MS2_PUBLIC bool_t ice_session_has_completed_check_list(const IceSession *session);
467 /**
468  * Add an ICE check list to an ICE session.
469  *
470  * @param session The session that is assigned the check list
471  * @param cl The check list to assign to the session
472  * @param idx The index of the check list to add
473  */
474 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_add_check_list(IceSession *session, IceCheckList *cl, unsigned int idx);
476 /**
477  * Remove an ICE check list from an ICE session.
478  *
479  * @param session The session from which to remove the check list
480  * @param cl The check list to remove from the session
481  */
482 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_remove_check_list(IceSession *session, IceCheckList *cl);
484 /**
485  * Remove an ICE check list from an ICE session given its index.
486  *
487  * @param session The session from which to remove the check list
488  * @param idx The index of the check list in the ICE session
489  */
490 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_remove_check_list_from_idx(IceSession *session, unsigned int idx);
492 /**
493  * Tell whether ICE local candidates have been gathered for an ICE session or not.
494  *
495  * @param session A pointer to a session
496  * @return TRUE if local candidates have been gathered for the session, FALSE otherwise.
497  */
498 MS2_PUBLIC bool_t ice_session_candidates_gathered(const IceSession *session);
500 /**
501  * Gather ICE local candidates for an ICE session.
502  *
503  * @param session A pointer to a session
504  * @param ss The STUN server address
505  * @param ss_len The length of the STUN server address
506  * @return TRUE if the gathering is in progress, FALSE if no gathering is happening.
507  */
508 MS2_PUBLIC bool_t ice_session_gather_candidates(IceSession *session, const struct sockaddr * ss, socklen_t ss_len);
510 /**
511  * Tell the duration of the gathering process for an ICE session in ms.
512  *
513  * @param session A pointer to a session
514  * @return -1 if gathering has not been run, the duration of the gathering process in ms otherwise.
515  */
516 MS2_PUBLIC int ice_session_gathering_duration(IceSession *session);
518 /**
519  * Enable forced relay for tests.
520  * The local and reflexive candidates are changed so that these paths do not work to force the use of the relay.
521  * @param session A pointer to a session.
522  * @param enable A boolean value telling whether to force relay or not.
523  */
524 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_enable_forced_relay(IceSession *session, bool_t enable);
526 /**
527  * Enable short TURN refresh for tests.
528  * This changes the delay to send allocation refresh, create permission, and channel bind requests.
529  * @param session A pointer to a session
530  * @param enable A boolean value telling whether to use short turn refresh.
531  */
532 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_enable_short_turn_refresh(IceSession *session, bool_t enable);
534 /**
535  * Enable TURN protol.
536  * @param session A pointer to a session
537  * @param enable A boolean value telling whether to enable TURN protocol or not.
538  */
539 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_enable_turn(IceSession *session, bool_t enable);
541 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_set_stun_auth_requested_cb(IceSession *session, MSStunAuthRequestedCb cb, void *userdata);
543 /**
544  * Tell the average round trip time during the gathering process for an ICE session in ms.
545  *
546  * @param session A pointer to a session
547  * @return -1 if gathering has not been run, the average round trip time in ms otherwise.
548  */
549 MS2_PUBLIC int ice_session_average_gathering_round_trip_time(IceSession *session);
551 /**
552  * Select ICE candidates that will be used and notified in the SDP.
553  *
554  * @param session A pointer to a session
555  *
556  * This function is to be used by the Controlling agent when ICE processing has finished.
557  */
558 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_select_candidates(IceSession *session);
560 /**
561  * Restart an ICE session.
562  *
563  * @param session A pointer to a session
564  * @param role The role of the agent after the session restart
565  */
566 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_restart(IceSession *session, IceRole role);
568 /**
569  * Reset an ICE session.
570  * It has the same effect as a session restart but also clears the local candidates.
571  *
572  * @param session A pointer to a session
573  * @param role The role of the agent after the session restart
574  */
575 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_reset(IceSession *session, IceRole role);
577 /**
578  * Get the state of an ICE check list.
579  *
580  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
581  * @return The check list state
582  */
583 MS2_PUBLIC IceCheckListState ice_check_list_state(const IceCheckList *cl);
585 /**
586  * Set the state of an ICE check list.
587  *
588  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
589  * @param state The new state of the check list
590  */
591 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_check_list_set_state(IceCheckList *cl, IceCheckListState state);
592 /**
593  * Humanly readable IceCheckListState
594  *
595  * @param state The state of the check list
596  * @return a humanly readable IceCheckListState.
597  */
598 MS2_PUBLIC const char* ice_check_list_state_to_string(const IceCheckListState state);
599 /**
600  * Assign an RTP session to an ICE check list.
601  *
602  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
603  * @param rtp_session A pointer to the RTP session to assign to the check list
604  */
605 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_check_list_set_rtp_session(IceCheckList *cl, RtpSession *rtp_session);
607 /**
608  * Get the local username fragment of an ICE check list.
609  *
610  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
611  * @return A pointer to the local username fragment of the check list
612  */
613 MS2_PUBLIC const char * ice_check_list_local_ufrag(const IceCheckList *cl);
615 /**
616  * Get the local password of an ICE check list.
617  *
618  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
619  * @return A pointer to the local password of the check list
620  */
621 MS2_PUBLIC const char * ice_check_list_local_pwd(const IceCheckList *cl);
623 /**
624  * Get the remote username fragment of an ICE check list.
625  *
626  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
627  * @return A pointer to the remote username fragment of the check list
628  */
629 MS2_PUBLIC const char * ice_check_list_remote_ufrag(const IceCheckList *cl);
631 /**
632  * Get the remote password of an ICE check list.
633  *
634  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
635  * @return A pointer to the remote password of the check list
636  */
637 MS2_PUBLIC const char * ice_check_list_remote_pwd(const IceCheckList *cl);
639 /**
640  * Get the mismatch property of an ICE check list.
641  *
642  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
643  * @return TRUE if there was a mismatch for the check list, FALSE otherwise
644  */
645 MS2_PUBLIC bool_t ice_check_list_is_mismatch(const IceCheckList *cl);
647 /**
648  * Tell if remote credentials of an ICE check list have changed or not.
649  *
650  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
651  * @param ufrag The new remote username fragment
652  * @param pwd The new remote password
653  * @return TRUE if the remote credentials of the check list have changed, FALSE otherwise.
654  */
655 MS2_PUBLIC bool_t ice_check_list_remote_credentials_changed(IceCheckList *cl, const char *ufrag, const char *pwd);
657 /**
658  * Set the remote credentials of an ICE check list.
659  *
660  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
661  * @param ufrag The remote username fragment
662  * @param pwd The remote password
663  *
664  * This function is to be called once the remote credentials have been received via SDP.
665  */
666 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_check_list_set_remote_credentials(IceCheckList *cl, const char *ufrag, const char *pwd);
668 /**
669  * Get the default local candidate for an ICE check list.
670  *
671  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
672  * @param rtp_candidate A pointer to store the RTP default local candidate
673  * @param rtcp_candidate A pointer to store the RTCP default local candidate
674  * @return TRUE if the information have been successfully retrieved, FALSE otherwise
675  */
676 MS2_PUBLIC bool_t ice_check_list_default_local_candidate(const IceCheckList *cl, IceCandidate **rtp_candidate, IceCandidate **rtcp_candidate);
678 /**
679  * Get the selected valid local candidate for an ICE check list.
680  *
681  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
682  * @param rtp_candidate A pointer to store the RTP valid local candidate
683  * @param rtcp_candidate A pointer to store the RTCP valid local candidate
684  * @return TRUE if the information have been successfully retrieved, FALSE otherwise
685  */
686 MS2_PUBLIC bool_t ice_check_list_selected_valid_local_candidate(const IceCheckList *cl, IceCandidate **rtp_candidate, IceCandidate **rtcp_candidate);
688 /**
689  * Get the selected valid remote candidate for an ICE check list.
690  *
691  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
692  * @param rtp_candidate A pointer to store the RTP valid remote candidate
693  * @param rtcp_candidate A pointer to store the RTCP valid remote candidate
694  * @return TRUE if the information have been successfully retrieved, FALSE otherwise
695  */
696 MS2_PUBLIC bool_t ice_check_list_selected_valid_remote_candidate(const IceCheckList *cl, IceCandidate **rtp_candidate, IceCandidate **rtcp_candidate);
698 /**
699  * Get the type of the selected valid candidate for an ICE check list.
700  *
701  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
702  * @return The type of the selected valid candidate
703  */
704 MS2_PUBLIC IceCandidateType ice_check_list_selected_valid_candidate_type(const IceCheckList *cl);
706 /**
707  * Check if an ICE check list can be set in the Completed state after handling losing pairs.
708  *
709  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
710  */
711 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_check_list_check_completed(IceCheckList *cl);
713 /**
714  * Get the candidate type as a string.
715  *
716  * @param candidate A pointer to a candidate
717  * @return A pointer to the candidate type as a string
718  */
719 MS2_PUBLIC const char * ice_candidate_type(const IceCandidate *candidate);
721 /**
722  * Add a local candidate to an ICE check list.
723  *
724  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
725  * @param type The type of the local candidate to add as a string (must be one of: "host", "srflx", "prflx" or "relay")
726  * @param family The address family of the local candidate (AF_INET or AF_INET6)
727  * @param ip The IP address of the local candidate as a string (eg.
728  * @param port The port of the local candidate
729  * @param componentID The component ID of the local candidate (usually 1 for RTP and 2 for RTCP)
730  * @param base A pointer to the base candidate of the candidate to add.
731  *
732  * This function is to be called when gathering local candidates.
733  */
734 MS2_PUBLIC IceCandidate * ice_add_local_candidate(IceCheckList *cl, const char *type, int family, const char *ip, int port, uint16_t componentID, IceCandidate *base);
736 /**
737  * Add a remote candidate to an ICE check list.
738  *
739  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
740  * @param type The type of the remote candidate to add as a string (must be one of: "host", "srflx", "prflx" or "relay")
741  * @param family The address family of the remote candidate (AF_INET or AF_INET6)
742  * @param ip The IP address of the remote candidate as a string (eg.
743  * @param port The port of the remote candidate
744  * @param componentID The component ID of the remote candidate (usually 1 for RTP and 2 for RTCP)
745  * @param priority The priority of the remote candidate
746  * @param foundation The foundation of the remote candidate
747  * @param is_default Boolean value telling whether the remote candidate is a default candidate or not
748  *
749  * This function is to be called once the remote candidate list has been received via SDP.
750  */
751 MS2_PUBLIC IceCandidate * ice_add_remote_candidate(IceCheckList *cl, const char *type, int family, const char *ip, int port, uint16_t componentID, uint32_t priority, const char * const foundation, bool_t is_default);
753 /**
754  * Add a losing pair to an ICE check list.
755  *
756  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
757  * @param componentID The component ID of the candidates of the pair to add
758  * @param family The address family of the candidates (AF_INET or AF_INET6)
759  * @param local_addr The address of the local candidate of the pair to add
760  * @param local_port The port of the local candidate of the pair to add
761  * @param remote_addr The address of the remote candidate of the pair to add
762  * @param remote_port The port of the remote candidate of the pair to add
763  *
764  * This function is to be called when a RE-INVITE with an SDP containing a remote-candidates attribute is received.
765  */
766 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_add_losing_pair(IceCheckList *cl, uint16_t componentID, int local_family, const char *local_addr, int local_port, int remote_family, const char *remote_addr, int remote_port);
768 /**
769  * Get the number of losing candidate pairs for an ICE session.
770  *
771  * @param session A pointer to a session
772  * @return The number of losing candidate pairs for the session.
773  */
774 MS2_PUBLIC int ice_session_nb_losing_pairs(const IceSession *session);
776 /**
777  * Unselect the previously selected valid pairs.
778  *
779  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
780  *
781  * This function is to be used to use the pairs given by the remote controlling agent instead of the pairs we found ourselves.
782  */
783 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_check_list_unselect_valid_pairs(IceCheckList *cl);
785 /**
786  * Set the base for the local server reflexive candidates of an ICE session.
787  *
788  * This function SHOULD not be used. However, it is used by mediastream for testing purpose to
789  * work around the fact that it does not use candidates gathering.
790  * It is to be called automatically when the gathering process finishes.
791  */
792 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_set_base_for_srflx_candidates(IceSession *session);
794 /**
795  * Remove local and remote RTCP candidates from an ICE check list.
796  *
797  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
798  *
799  * This function MUST be called before calling ice_session_start_connectivity_checks(). It is useful when using rtcp-mux.
800  */
801 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_check_list_remove_rtcp_candidates(IceCheckList *cl);
803 /**
804  * Compute the foundations of the local candidates of an ICE session.
805  *
806  * @param session A pointer to a session
807  *
808  * This function is to be called at the end of the local candidates gathering process, before sending
809  * the SDP to the remote agent.
810  */
811 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_compute_candidates_foundations(IceSession *session);
813 /**
814  * Eliminate the redundant candidates of an ICE session.
815  *
816  * @param session A pointer to a session
817  *
818  * This function is to be called at the end of the local candidates gathering process, before sending
819  * the SDP to the remote agent.
820  */
821 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_eliminate_redundant_candidates(IceSession *session);
823 /**
824  * Choose the default candidates of an ICE session.
825  *
826  * @param session A pointer to a session
827  *
828  * This function is to be called at the end of the local candidates gathering process, before sending
829  * the SDP to the remote agent.
830  */
831 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_choose_default_candidates(IceSession *session);
833 /**
834  * Choose the default remote candidates of an ICE session.
835  *
836  * This function SHOULD not be used. Instead, the default remote candidates MUST be defined as default
837  * when creating them with ice_add_remote_candidate().
838  * However, this function is used by mediastream for testing purpose.
839  */
840 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_choose_default_remote_candidates(IceSession *session);
842 /**
843  * Pair the local and the remote candidates for an ICE session and start sending connectivity checks.
844  *
845  * @param session A pointer to a session
846  */
847 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_start_connectivity_checks(IceSession *session);
849 /**
850  * Check whether all the ICE check lists of the session includes a default candidate for each component ID in its remote candidates list.
851  *
852  * @param session A pointer to a session
853  */
854 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_check_mismatch(IceSession *session);
857 /**
858  * Disable/enable strong message integrity check. Used for backward compatibility only
859  * default value is enabled
860  * @param session A pointer to a session
861  * @param enable value
862  *
863  */
864 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_session_enable_message_integrity_check(IceSession *session,bool_t enable);
866 /**
867  * Core ICE check list processing.
868  *
869  * This function is called from the audiostream or the videostream and is NOT to be called by the user.
870  */
871 void ice_check_list_process(IceCheckList* cl, RtpSession* rtp_session);
873 /**
874  * Handle a STUN packet that has been received.
875  *
876  * This function is called from the audiostream or the videostream and is NOT to be called by the user.
877  */
878 void ice_handle_stun_packet(IceCheckList* cl, RtpSession* rtp_session, const OrtpEventData* evt_data);
880 /**
881  * Get the remote address, RTP port and RTCP port to use to send the stream once the ICE process has finished successfully.
882  *
883  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
884  * @param rtp_addr A pointer to the buffer to use to store the remote RTP address
885  * @param rtp_port A pointer to the location to store the RTP port to
886  * @param rtcp_addr A pointer to the buffer to use to store the remote RTCP address
887  * @param rtcp_port A pointer to the location to store the RTCP port to
888  * @param addr_len The size of the buffer to use to store the remote addresses
889  *
890  * This function will usually be called from within the success callback defined while creating the ICE check list with ice_check_list_new().
891  */
892 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_get_remote_addr_and_ports_from_valid_pairs(const IceCheckList *cl, char *rtp_addr, int *rtp_port, char *rtcp_addr, int *rtcp_port, int addr_len);
894 /**
895  * Print the route used to send the stream if the ICE process has finished successfully.
896  *
897  * @param cl A pointer to a check list
898  * @param message A message to print before the route
899  */
900 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_check_list_print_route(const IceCheckList *cl, const char *message);
902 /**
903  * Dump an ICE session in the traces (debug function).
904  */
905 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_dump_session(const IceSession *session);
907 /**
908  * Dump the candidates of an ICE check list in the traces (debug function).
909  */
910 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_dump_candidates(const IceCheckList *cl);
912 /**
913  * Dump the candidate pairs of an ICE check list in the traces (debug function).
914  */
915 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_dump_candidate_pairs(const IceCheckList *cl);
917 /**
918  * Dump the valid list of an ICE check list in the traces (debug function).
919  */
920 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_dump_valid_list(const IceCheckList *cl);
922 /**
923  * Dump the list of candidate pair foundations of an ICE check list in the traces (debug function).
924  */
925 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_dump_candidate_pairs_foundations(const IceCheckList *cl);
927 /**
928  * Dump the list of component IDs of an ICE check list in the traces (debug function).
929  */
930 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_dump_componentIDs(const IceCheckList *cl);
932 /**
933  * Dump an ICE check list in the traces (debug function).
934  */
935 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_dump_check_list(const IceCheckList *cl);
937 /**
938  * Dump the triggered checks queue of an ICE check list in the traces (debug function).
939  */
940 MS2_PUBLIC void ice_dump_triggered_checks_queue(const IceCheckList *cl);
943 #ifdef __cplusplus
944 }
945 #endif
947 #endif