1 #include "defs.h"
2 #include "permfns.h"
4 extern char cent,sym,hgst,nop,nonb[],inf1[],inf2[],inf3[],outf1[],
5      outf2[];
6 extern short  mp,mexp,mb,mnpt,prime,
7        perm[],sv[],cp[],orb[],gbase[],hbase[],obase[],
8        nbase[],lorbg[],lorbn[],lorbh[],ntno[],reg[],endorno[],
9        ntorno[], tsv1[],tsv2[],tsv3[],genorb[],expcp[],
10        fp[],pno[],start[],space[],ipno[],
11        *pptr[],*svgptr[],*svhptr[],*svnptr[],*intorb[],
12        *horno[],*hlorb[],*expptr[],*imorno[],
13        *imlorb[],*orbperm[],*deftime[],*regsv[];
14 extern int sp,svsp;
16 extern short npt,npt1,nptd2,nbg,nbh,stg,sth,nf,nrego,nnth,lnth,nhorbs,ad1,
17       hgno,lexp,*norsh,*norsim,*defim,*orlist,*imhno,*inim,fsth,*adpt,*bindor,
18       *reginfo,*test;
19 short adno,gskno,nskno,orhct,ntct,ontct,oorhct,onf,
20       *sva,*ap,stn,*tp,*itp,nnps;
21 char  fail,bt,biggersylp,type[14];
23 extern FILE *ip,*op;
err(void)25 void err (void)  { fprintf(stderr,"Out of space. Increase PSP (or MP).\n");}
clrop(void)27 int  clrop (void)
28 /* Clears and updates orbit permutation info */
29 { short i,j,k,l;
30   for (i=1;i<=nhorbs;i++)
31   { l= *hlorb[i];
32     for (j=1;j<=l;j++)
33     { k=orbperm[i][j];
34       if (k!=0 && deftime[i][k]>=adno)
35       { deftime[i][k]=0; orbperm[i][j]=0; }
36     }
37   }
38   return(0);
39 }
bind(int pno)41 void bind (int pno)
42 /* Adds a permutation in H or a newly found one in N (=N(H)) to those
43    generating the orbit of gbase[gskno]. These orbit points need not be
44    considered as images of new elements.
45 */
46 { short i,j,k,l,m,n;
47   for (i=1;i<=npt;i++)
48   { j=pptr[pno][i]; k=bindor[i]; l=bindor[j];
49     if (k!=l)
50     { if (k>l) { m=k;k=l;l=m;}
51       for (n=1;n<=npt;n++) if (bindor[n]==l) bindor[n]=k;
52     }
53   }
54 }
56 int
setskno(void)57 setskno (void)
58 /* Preliminary processing done for a new value of gskno. */
59 { short i,j,k,n,*p;
60 /* if reg[adno]>0, we need not consider this as gskno */
61   while (reg[adno]>0)
62   { adno-=1; inim[gbase[adno]]=0; clrop(); }
63 /* Remember initial values of orhct and oorhct. These are recalled after we
64    find a new generator in N(H).
65 */
66   oorhct=orhct; ontct=ntct; *expcp=1; gskno=adno;
67 /* Set up info needed for running thro elements in search list. */
68   if (sym)
69   { bt=1;
70     for (i=1;bt;i++) if (inim[i]==0 && i!=gbase[adno]) { bt=0; expcp[1]=i; }
71     bt=1;
72     for (i=npt;bt;i--) if (inim[i]==0 && i!=gbase[adno])
73     { bt=0; start[adno+1]=i; }
74   }
75   else
76   { expcp[1]=start[adno]+1;
77     if (adno<=lexp)
78     { sva=svgptr[adno]; ap=adpt+adno; *ap=1;
79       while (sva[*ap]<=0) (*ap)++;
80       exprep(*ap,adno,sva);
81     }
82   }
83   *pno=0;
84   if (ntorno[adno] > 0)
85   { p=imlorb[orhct]; for (j=1;j<= *p;j++) p[j]=abs(p[j]); }
86 /* Initialize the "bound" orbit, using bind, as above, and add the relevant
87    elements of H to the generators of N.
88  */
89   for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) bindor[i]=i; bindor[gbase[gskno]]=0;
90   for (i=stn;i!= -1;i=fp[i]) {bind(i); (*pno)++; pno[*pno]=i; n=i; }
91   k=ntno[adno];
92   if (k!=0)
93   { for (i=sth;i!= -1;i=fp[i]) if (pptr[i][npt1]==k)
94     { if (nf== -1) { err(); return(-1); }
95       for (j=1;j<=npt+npt1;j++) pptr[nf][j]=pptr[i][j];
96       pptr[nf][npt1]=nskno;
97       (*pno)++; pno[*pno]=nf;
98       if (stn== -1) stn=nf; else fp[n]=nf;
99       bind(nf); n=nf; nf=fp[nf];
100     } fp[n]= -1;
101   }
102   lorbn[nskno]=orbitsv(nbase[nskno],svnptr[nskno],0);
103   printf("gskno=%d, nskno=%d.\n",gskno,nskno); tp[npt1]=nskno;
104   return(0);
105 }
107 int
found(void)108 found (void)
109 /* Processing required on finding a new generator of N. */
110 { short i,j,k,*ptr,olo;
111   *pno=0;
112   for (i=stn;i!= -1;i=fp[i]) {(*pno)++; pno[*pno]=i; j=i; }
113   if (stn== -1) stn=onf; else fp[j]=onf;
114   (*pno)++; pno[*pno]=onf;
115   j= (ntorno[gskno]>0 || gskno>lnth) ? oorhct+1 : oorhct;
116   for (i=j;i<=orhct;i++)
117   { ptr=imlorb[i]; for (k=1;k<= *ptr;k++) ptr[k]=abs(ptr[k]);}
118   orhct=oorhct; ntct=ontct;
119   fp[onf]= -1; bind(onf);
120   if (nop)
121   { tp[npt+1]=1; printvec(tp,1); tp[npt+1]=nskno;}
122   olo=lorbn[nskno];
123   lorbn[nskno]=orbitsv(nbase[nskno],svnptr[nskno],0);
124   if (prime==0)  biggersylp=0;
125   else biggersylp =  ((lorbn[nskno]/olo)%prime == 0);
126   onf=nf; if (onf== -1) {err(); return(-1); }
127   nf=fp[nf]; tp=pptr[onf]; itp=tp+npt1;
128   for (i=1;i<gskno;i++) tp[gbase[i]]=gbase[i]; tp[npt1]=nskno;
129   *expcp=1; adno=gskno;
130   if (sym)
131   { for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) inim[i]=0; for (i=1;i<adno;i++) inim[gbase[i]]=1;}
132   if (cent) strcpy(type,"centralizer"); else strcpy(type,"normalizer");
133   printf("Found element in %s. lorb=%3d.\n",type,lorbn[nskno]);
134   nnps++;
135   return(0);
136 }
138 int
deforbperm(int bpt,int imbpt)139 deforbperm (int bpt, int imbpt)
140 /* Update orbit permutation information using fact that tp[bpt]=imbpt. */
141 { short i,x,y,z;
142   for (i=1;fail==0 && i<=orhct;i++)
143   { x=horno[i][bpt]; y=imorno[i][imbpt]; z=orbperm[i][x];
144     if (z==0)
145     { if (deftime[i][y]==0)
146       { if (hlorb[i][x]==abs(imlorb[i][y]))
147         { orbperm[i][x]=y; deftime[i][y]=adno; }
148         else fail=1;
149       } else fail=1;
150     } else if (z!=y) fail=1;
151   }
152 }
154 int
nprg2(void)155 nprg2 (void)
156 { short nbn,i,j,k,l,m,n,bpt,imbpt,ct,endo,*ptr;
157   char hornt,complete,advance,bt,orhad;
158   int quot;
159   nnps=0; stn= -1; nbn=0;
160 /* Compute a largest possible basis of N */
161   for (i=1;i<=nbg;i++) if (reg[i]<=0)
162   { nbn++;
163     if (nbn>mb)
164     { fprintf(stderr,"Too many N-base points. Increase MB.\n"); return(-1);}
165     nbase[nbn]=gbase[i];
166   }
167   printf("nbn=%d.\n",nbn);
168   k= (sym) ? mb : lexp+mb; quot=svsp/npt-k;
169   if ((sym==0) && *obase>nbn) m= *obase; else m=nbn;
170   if (quot<m)
171   { fprintf(stderr,"svsp too small. Increase SVSP.\n"); return(-1); }
172   ptr = (sym) ? sv-1 : sv+lexp*npt-1;
173   for (i=1;i<=m+mb;i++) {svnptr[i]=ptr; ptr+=npt; }
174   if (sym) for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) inim[i]=0;
176 /* During the main search, we attempt to construct a permutation tp, which we
177    hope will lie in N(H). For each base point in turn, bpt=gbase[adno], we
178    consider the image imbpt=tp[bpt], and subject it to various tests. If it
179    fails any test, then the flag fail becomes true, and this image is known to
180    be impossible, so we attempt to alter this image, without changing
181    tp[gbase[i]] for i<adno. If impossible, we backtrack, and reduce adno.
182    gskno is the G-base no for which we are currently searching in G[gskno], and
183    nskno the corresponding N-base no.o
184    orhct and ntct are approximately the values of orhno and ntno for the
185    current adno. First we initialize everything.
186 */
187   n=0; ntct=0; orhct=0;
188   for (i=1;i<nbg;i++)
189   { if (ntorno[i] > 0) orhct++; if (ntno[i]>0) ntct++;
190 /* regsv is used when we compute automorphism actions of tp on O, as described
191    in normp1.c
192 */
193     if (reg[i]<0 && ntno[i]>0)
194     {n++; /* for (j=1;j<=npt;j++) regsv[n][j]=svhptr[ntct][j]; */
195      regsv[n]=svhptr[ntct];
196     }
197     k=gbase[i];
198     for (j=1;j<=orhct;j++)
199     { l=horno[j][k];
200       if (deftime[j][l]==0) { orbperm[j][l]=l; deftime[j][l]=i; }
201     }
202     inim[k]=1;
203   }
204   if (ntorno[nbg] > 0 || cent) {orhct++; ntct++; }
205   adno=nbg; nskno=nbn;
206   onf=nf; nf=fp[nf];
207   if (onf== -1) {err(); return(-1); }
208   tp=pptr[onf]; itp=tp+npt1;
209   for (i=1;i<nbg;i++) tp[gbase[i]]=gbase[i]; tp[npt1]=nskno;
211   printf("\nBeginning main search.\n");
212   if (setskno()== -1) return(-1);
213   if (nop) { op=fopen(outf2,"w");fprintf(op,"                    \n"); }
214   complete=0;
215 /* The main search loop follows. */
216   while (complete==0)
217   { bpt=gbase[adno]; imbpt= (sym) ? expcp[*expcp] : expimage(bpt);
218     tp[bpt]=imbpt; hornt= (ntorno[adno]>0);
219     fail=0; advance=0; orhad=0;
220     if (adno==gskno) { if (bindor[imbpt]==0) fail=1; }
221 /* Fails since imbpt is already in image of N */
222     else if (hornt) { if (imlorb[orhct][imorno[orhct][imbpt]]<0) fail=1; }
223 /* Fails since this orbit has already been ruled out as a possible image. */
224     if (reg[adno]>0 && imbpt!=defim[adno]) fail=1;
225 /* defim[adno] is the value of tp[bpt] which is forced by earlier values of
226    tp, and automorphism information computed earlier from reginfo.
227 */
228     if (fail==0) deforbperm(bpt,imbpt);
229 /* If orbits are not permuted, deforbperm sets fail=1 */
230     if (fail==0 && ntorno[adno]<0)
231 /* Now if ntorno[adno]<0 we check that the image of O1  has kernel at least
232    as big as that of the image of O.
233 */
234     { n= -ntorno[adno]-1; m= (n==0) ? 0 : ntorno[n];
235       if (m>0)
236       { l=imorno[m][imbpt]; ct=0;
237         for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) if (imorno[m][i]==l) {ct++; orlist[ct]=i;}
238         i=sth;
239         while (pptr[i][npt1]>ntct)
240         { for (j=1;j<=ct;j++) {k=orlist[j]; if (pptr[i][k]!=k) fail=1; }
241           i=fp[i];
242         }
243       }
244     }
245     if (fail==0 && hornt)
246 /* In case adno corresponds to an H-base point, we now change the hbase[adno]
247    to imbpt, and compute stabilizer orbits, as imorno,imlorb. If these do
248    not correspond to the originals in H, then fail becomes true.
249    Eventually they will be the images of the H orbits.
250 */
251     { if (intbase(imbpt,ntct,&sth,&nbh,hbase,lorbh,svhptr)== -1) return(-1);
252       if (orhct<nhorbs)
253       { orhct++; orhad=1; *pno=0; i=sth;
254         while (pptr[i][npt1]>ntct) { (*pno)++; pno[*pno]=i; i=fp[i]; }
255         allorbs(test,imorno[orhct]);   ptr=hlorb[orhct];
256         if (*ptr != *test) {fail=1; orhct--; }
257         else
258         { for (j=1;j<=nptd2;j++) {norsh[j]=0; norsim[j]=0; }
259           l=0; m=0;
260           for (j=1;j<= *ptr;j++)
261           { if (*(ptr+j)>nptd2) l= *(ptr+j); else norsh[*(ptr+j)]++;
262             if (*(test+j)>nptd2) m= *(test+j); else norsim[*(test+j)]++;
263           }
264           fail = (l!=m);
265           for (i=1;fail==0 && i<=nptd2;i++) fail= (norsh[i]!=norsim[i]);
266           if (fail) orhct--;
267           else for (i=0;i<= *test;i++) imlorb[orhct][i]=test[i];
268         }
269       }
270       if (fail==0 && reg[adno]<0)
271 /* If reg[adno]<0, we compute the corresponding F in the image, which must
272    have the same size as the original F.
273 */
274       { n=ntorno[adno]; m=imorno[n][imbpt]; ct=0; l= -reg[adno+1];
275         bt= (n==nhorbs);
276         for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) if (imorno[n][i]==m)
277         if (bt || imlorb[n+1][imorno[n+1][i]]==1) { ct++;orlist[ct]=i; }
278         if (ct!=l) fail=1;
279    /*   *pno=0; bt= (fail==0); i=sth;
280         while (bt)
281         { if (i== -1) bt=0; else
282           { j=pptr[i][npt1]; if (j>=ntct) {(*pno)++; pno[*pno]=i; }
283             else if (j<ntct) bt=0; i=fp[i];
284           }
285         }
286         if (fail==0) { i= -reg[adno]; orbitsv(imbpt,regsv[i],0); }
287     */
288         if (fail && orhad) orhct--;
289       }
290     }
291     if (fail==0 && (endo=endorno[adno])>0)
292 /* if adno completes the orbit O, we compute the images of the relevant section
293    of H on O, using the copies of the generators of H that we made at the end
294    of nprg1(). These will be used to compute the images on corresponding orbits
295    O1.
296 */
297     { if (sym==0) for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) tp[i]=expimage(i);
298       i=fsth;
299       while (pptr[i][npt1]>ntct) i=fp[i];
300       while (i!= -1)
301       { *cp=0;
302         for (j=endo;fail==0 && j<=adno;j++)
303         { l=ntno[j]; m=image(tp[pptr[i][gbase[j]]]);
304           if (l>0) { if (svhptr[l][m]!=0) addsv(m,svhptr[l]); else fail=1; }
305           else if (m!=tp[gbase[j]]) fail=1;
306         }
307         if (fail) i= -1; else
308         { k=i+1;
309           for (j=1;j<=npt;j++) pptr[k][j]=backimage(j);
310           i=fp[i];
311           if (i!= -1 && pptr[i][npt1]<ntno[endo]) i= -1;
312         }
313       }
314       if (fail && orhad) orhct--;
315     }
316     if (fail==0)
317 /* tp has passed all tests for this adno, so we increase adno. If adno=nbg,
318    we are ready to compute tp in full, and see if it really lies in N(H).
319 */
320     { inim[imbpt]=1; adno++;
321       if (adno<=nbg)
322       { advance=1;
323         if (reg[adno]>0)
324 /* if reg[adno]>0 we can compute defim[gbase[adno]] using info already computed,
325    and stored in reginfo.
326 */
327         { n=reg[adno]; m=reginfo[n];
328           if (m>0)
329 /* Case 1:  gbase[adno] in set F in orbit O.  */
330           { l= -reg[m]; n++; ct=reginfo[n]; *cp=0;
331             for (i=1;i<=ct;i++) {n++; addsv(tp[reginfo[n]],regsv[l]);}
332             defim[adno]=image(tp[gbase[m]]);
333           }
334           else
335 /* Case 2:  gbase[adno] in an orbit O1.  */
336           { n++; *cp=reginfo[n];
337             for (k=1;k<= *cp;k++) cp[k]=reginfo[n+(*cp)+1-k];
338             defim[adno]=image(tp[-m]);
339           }
340         }
341         if (sym)
342         { bt=1;
343           for (i=npt;bt;i--) if (inim[i]==0) {start[adno+1]=i;bt=0;}
344           bt=1;
345           if (reg[adno]>0)
346           { k=defim[adno];
347             if (inim[k]) { adno--; if (orhad) orhct--; advance=0; fail=1;}
348             else {(*expcp)++; expcp[*expcp]=k; }
349           }
350           else for (i=1;bt;i++) if (inim[i]==0)
351           { (*expcp)++; expcp[*expcp]=i; bt=0; }
352         }
353       }
354       else
355 /* Compute tp, checking with deforbperm as we go.  */
356       { for (i=1; fail==0 && i<=npt;i++)  if (nonb[i])
357         { if (sym)
358           { for (k=1;k<=npt;k++) if (inim[k]==0) {j=k; tp[i]=k; } }
359           else {j=expimage(i); tp[i]=j; }
360           deforbperm(i,j);
361         }
362         if (fail==0)
363         { invert(tp,itp);
364 /* See if it lies in N(H)  (or C(H))  */
365           i = (hgst) ? 0 : sth;
366           while (i!= -1 && fail==0)
367           { if (cent)
368             { for (j=1;fail==0 && j<=npt;j++)
369               if (tp[pptr[i][itp[j]]] != pptr[i][j]) fail=1;
370             } else
371             { *cp=0; for (j=1;fail==0 && j<=nbg;j++)
372               { k=image(tp[pptr[i][gbase[j]]]);  l=ntno[j];
373                 if (l!=0)
374                 { if (svhptr[l][k]!=0)  addsv(k,svhptr[l]); else fail=1; }
375                 else if (k!=tp[gbase[j]]) fail=1;
376               }
377             }
378             if (hgst) {i++; if (i==hgno) i= -1;} else i=fp[i];
379           }
380         }
381         if (fail) adno--;
382         else
383         { if (found()== -1) return(-1);
384           if (biggersylp) {ad1=gskno; break;}
385         }
386       }
387     }
388     if (advance)
389 /* Change tp, changing image at current value of adno if possible. */
390     { if (ntno[adno]>0) ntct++; if (adno<=lexp) adpt[adno]=0; }
391     else
392     { bt=1;
393       while (bt)
394       { imbpt=tp[gbase[adno]];
395         if (fail) { m=ntorno[adno]; if (m>0) n=imorno[orhct][imbpt]; }
396         if (reg[adno]<=0  || defim[adno]!=imbpt)
397         if (sym==0)
398         { if (expcp[*expcp]<=start[adno])
399           { (*expcp)++; expcp[*expcp]=start[adno]+1; bt=0; }
400           else if (adno>lexp && expcp[*expcp]<start[adno+1])
401           { expcp[*expcp]++; bt=0; }
402           if (adno<=lexp)
403           { sva=svgptr[adno]; ap=adpt+adno; (*ap)++;
404             while (sva[*ap]<=0 && *ap<=npt) (*ap)++;
405             if (*ap<=npt) {bt=0; exprep(*ap,adno,sva); } else bt=1;
406           }
407         }
408         else if (expcp[*expcp]<start[adno+1])
409         { j=expcp[*expcp]; inim[j]=0;
410           for (i=j+1;bt;i++)
411           if (inim[i]==0 && (adno!=gskno || i!=gbase[adno]))
412           { expcp[*expcp]=i; bt=0; }
413         }
414         if (bt)
415         { j=ntorno[adno];
416           if (j>0)
417           { ptr=imlorb[orhct];
418             for (k=1;k<= *ptr;k++) ptr[k]=abs(ptr[k]); ntct--;
419           }
420           if (sym) { inim[expcp[*expcp]]=0; (*expcp)--; }
421           else if (expcp[*expcp]>start[adno]) (*expcp)--;
422           adno--;
423           if (adno==0) bt=0;
424           else
425           { if (ntorno[adno]>0 && adno!=lnth) orhct--;
426             if (*expcp==0) bt=0;
427           }
428         }
429       }
430       clrop();
431       if (*expcp==0)
432       { if (adno<ad1) {complete=1; printf("Algorithm complete.\n");}
433         else
434         { inim[gbase[adno]]=0; nskno--;
435           if (setskno()== -1) return(-1);
436         }
437       }
438       else if (fail)
439       { if (adno==gskno)
440         { k=bindor[imbpt];
441           for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) if (bindor[i]==k) bindor[i]=0;
442         }
443         else if (m>0) imlorb[m][n]= -abs(imlorb[m][n]);
444       }
445     }
446   }   /* Main search loop  */
448 /* End of search. Add any remaining generators to N, change back to old
449    base if necessary, and output.
450 */
451   if (cent==0)
452   { *pno=0;
453     for (i=stn;i!= -1;i=fp[i]) {(*pno)++; pno[*pno]=i; n=i;}
454     for (m=ad1-1;m>=1;m--)
455     { k=ntno[m];
456       if (k!=0)
457       { for (i=sth;i!= -1;i=fp[i]) if (pptr[i][npt1]==k)
458         { if (nf== -1) {err(); return(-1); }
459           for (j=1;j<=npt+npt1;j++) pptr[nf][j]=pptr[i][j]; pptr[nf][npt1]=m;
460           (*pno)++; pno[*pno]=nf;
461           if (stn== -1) stn=nf; else fp[n]=nf;
462           n=nf; nf=fp[nf];
463         } fp[n]= -1;
464       }
465       lorbn[m]=orbitsv(nbase[m],svnptr[m],0);
466     }
467   }
468   if (nop)
469   { fclose(op);
470     if (nnps==0) unlink(outf2);
471     else
472     { op=fopen(outf2,"r+"); fprintf(op,"%4d%4d%4d%4d",npt,nnps,0,0);
473       fclose(op);
474     }
475   }
476   if (sym==0) for (i=1;i<= *obase;i++)
477   if (intbase(obase[i],i,&stn,&nbn,nbase,lorbn,svnptr) == -1) return(-1);
478   bt=1;
479   for (i=1;i<=nbn;i++) if (lorbg[i]!=lorbn[i]) {bt=0; break;}
480   *pno=0;
481   for (i=stn;i!= -1;i=fp[i]) {(*pno)++; pno[*pno]=i; }
482   if (*pno==0) {printf("Group is trivial.\n"); return(-1); }
483   op=fopen(outf1,"w");
484   fprintf(op,"%4d%4d%4d%4d\n",npt,*pno,nbn,3);
485   printbaselo(nbn,nbase,lorbn); printpsv(nbn,pno,svnptr);
486   fclose(op);
487   return(0);
488 }