4 /*
5  * atanks - obliterate each other with oversize weapons
6  * Copyright (C) 2003  Thomas Hudson
7  *
8  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
10  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
11  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * GNU General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
21  * */
24 #include "main.h"
25 #include "network.h"
26 #include "gfxData.h"
27 #include "text.h"
30 // As everything depends on environment.h, PLAYER, TANK and VIRTUAL_OBJECT
31 // Must be forwarded here, and included before the ENVIRONMENT definition
33 class TANK;
34 class PLAYER;
37 #ifndef HAS_DIRENT
38 #  if defined(ATANKS_IS_MSVC)
39 #    include "extern/dirent.h"
40 #  else
41 #    include <dirent.h>
42 #  endif // Linux
43 #  define HAS_DIRENT 1
44 #endif //HAS_DIRENT
48 #  define GRAVITY_DELAY 200
49 #  define MAX_GRAVITY_DELAY 3
50 #endif
52 #define SPRING_CHANGE 1.25
53 #define BOUNCE_CHANGE 0.90
55 #define GET_R(x) ((x & 0xff0000) >> 16)
56 #define GET_G(x) ((x & 0x00ff00) >> 8)
57 #define GET_B(x) ( x & 0x0000ff)
60 // Something from externs.h can not be used via include
61 // due to circular dependencies.
62 extern int32_t GREY;
63 extern int32_t GREEN;
65 // Defined in sound.cpp:
66 extern int32_t MAX_VOLUME_FACTOR;
69 /** @class ENVIRONMENT
70   * @brief Fixed values of the current environment the game takes place in.
71   *
72   * This class holds all values and the corresponding methods that define
73   * the gaming environment.
74   *
75   * This means that all values in here must be set on game round start and
76   * must not change until the game round ends.
77   *
78   * So basically this class consolidates everything set up with the options
79   * menu and by the game round initialization.
80   *
81   * Everything that can change between the game round start and the game round
82   * end has to be managed by GLOBALDATA.
83 **/
85 {
86 public:
88 	/* -----------------------------------
89 	 * --- Constructors and destructor ---
90 	 * -----------------------------------
91 	 */
92 	explicit ENVIRONMENT ();
96 	/* ----------------------
97 	 * --- Public methods ---
98 	 * ----------------------
99 	 */
100 	void     addGamePlayer      (PLAYER* player_);
101 	PLAYER*  createNewPlayer    (const char* player_name);
102 	void     creditWinners      (int32_t winner);
103 	void     decreaseVolume     ();
104 	void     deletePermPlayer   (PLAYER* player_);
105 	void     destroy            (); // Must be called before allegro shutdown
106 	void     find_config_dir    ();
107 	bool     find_data_dir      ();
108 	void     first_init         (); // Used for the first init after creation
109 	void     genItemsList       ();
110 	int32_t  getPlayerByName    (const char* player_name);
111 	void     increaseVolume     ();
112 	int32_t  ingamemenu         ();
113 	void     initialise         (); // Does a regular initialization
114 	bool     isItemAvailable    (int32_t itemNum);
115 	bool     loadBackgroundMusic();
116 	bool     loadBitmaps        ();
117 	bool     loadFonts          ();
118 	bool     loadGameFiles      ();
119 	void     load_from_file     (FILE *file);
120 	bool     loadSounds         ();
121 	void     load_text_files    ();
122 	void     newRound           ();
123 	void     removeGamePlayer   (PLAYER* player_);
124 	void     Reset_Options      ();
125 	bool     save_to_file       (FILE *file);
126 	bool     sendToClients      (const char* message); // send a short message to all network clients
127 	void     set_fps            (int32_t new_FPS);
128 	void     window_update      (int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t w, int32_t h);
131 	/* ----------------------
132 	 * --- Public members ---
133 	 * ----------------------
134 	 */
136 	PLAYER**     allPlayers             = nullptr;
137 	int32_t      availableItems[THINGS];
138 	SAMPLE*      background_music       = nullptr;
139 	char**       bitmap_filenames       = nullptr;
140 	int32_t      boxedMode              = BM_OFF;
141 	BITMAP**     button                 = nullptr;
142 	bool         campaign_mode          = false;
143 	double       campaign_rounds        = 0.;   // 20% of the total round number
144 	bool         check_for_updates      = true;
145 	int32_t      colourDepth            = 0;
146 	int32_t      colourTheme            = CT_CRISPY;  // land and sky gradiant theme
147 	char         configDir[PATH_MAX + 1];
148 	int32_t      current_wallType       = 0;
149 	int32_t      custom_background      = 0;
150 	char         dataDir[PATH_MAX + 1];
151 	int32_t      debris_level           = 1;
152 	bool         detailedLandscape      = false;
153 	bool         detailedSky            = false;
154 	bool         ditherGradients        = true;
155 	bool         divide_money           = false;
156 	bool         do_box_wrap            = false;
157 	bool         drawBackground         = true;
158 	bool         dynamicMenuBg          = true;
159 	bool         fadingText             = false;
160 	int32_t      falling_dirt_balls     = 0;
161 	int32_t      fog                    = 0;
162 	int32_t      fontHeight             = 0;  // Fixed in ctor, no calls to text_height(font) needed.
163 	double       FPS_mod                = 0.; // Pre-calculated, used in many places.
164 	int32_t      frames_per_second      = 0;
165 	int32_t      full_screen            = FULL_SCREEN_FALSE;
166 	char         game_name[GAMENAMELEN + 1];
167 	sGfxData     gfxData;
168 	double       gravity                = 0.15;
169 	int32_t      halfHeight             = DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2;
170 	int32_t      halfWidth              = DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH / 2;
171 	double       interest               = 1.25;
172 	int32_t      itemtechLevel          = 5;
173 	bool         isBoxed                = false;
174 	bool         isGameLoaded           = true;
175 	int32_t      landSlideDelay         = MAX_GRAVITY_DELAY;
176 	int32_t      landSlideType          = SLIDE_GRAVITY;
177 	int32_t      landType               = LAND_RANDOM;
178 	eLanguages   language               = EL_ENGLISH;
179 	int32_t      lightning              = 0;
180 	bool         loadGame               = false;
181 	FONT*        main_font              = nullptr;
182 	int32_t      maxFireTime            = 0;
183 	int32_t      maxNumTanks            = 0;
184 	double       maxVelocity            = 0.;
185 	int32_t      max_screen_updates     = 64;
186 	int32_t      menuBeginY             = 0;
187 	int32_t      menuEndY               = 0;
188 	int32_t      meteors                = 0;
189 	BITMAP**     misc                   = nullptr;
190 	BITMAP**     missile                = nullptr;
191 	int32_t      mouseclock             = 0;
192 	bool         nameAboveTank          = true;
193 	bool         network_enabled        = false;
194 	int32_t      network_port           = DEFAULT_NETWORK_PORT;
195 	double       nextCampaignRound      = 0; // When AI players will be raised next
196 	int32_t      numAvailable           = 0;
197 	int32_t      numGamePlayers         = 0;
198 	int32_t      numHumanPlayers        = 0;
199 	int32_t      numPermanentPlayers    = 0;
200 	int32_t      number_of_bitmaps      = 0;
201 	bool         osMouse                = true; // whether we should use the OS or custom mouse
202 	bool         play_music             = true;
203 	PLAYER**     players                = nullptr;
204 	PLAYER*      playerOrder[MAXPLAYERS];
205 	uint32_t     rounds                 = 5;
206 	int32_t      satellite              = 0;
207 	uint32_t     saved_gameindex        = 0;
208 	const char** saved_game_list        = nullptr;
209 	uint32_t     saved_game_list_size   = 0;
210 	int32_t      scoreHitUnit           = 75;
211 	int32_t      scoreRoundWinBonus     = 10000;
212 	int32_t      scoreSelfHit           = 25;
213 	int32_t      scoreTeamHit           = 10;
214 	int32_t      scoreUnitDestroyBonus  = 5000;
215 	int32_t      scoreUnitSelfDestroy   = 2500;
216 	int32_t      screenHeight           = DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGHT;
217 	int32_t      screenWidth            = DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH;
218 	double       sellpercent            = 0.80;
219 	char         server_name[129];
220 	char         server_port[129];
221 	bool         shadowedText           = true;
222 	bool         showAIFeedback         = true;
223 	bool         showFPS                = false;
224 	int32_t      skipComputerPlay       = SKIP_HUMANS_DEAD;
225 	BITMAP*      sky                    = nullptr;
226 	double       slope[360][2];
227 	int32_t      sound_driver           = SD_AUTODETECT;
228 	bool         sound_enabled          = true;
229 	SAMPLE**     sounds                 = nullptr;
230 	int32_t      startmoney             = 15000;
231 	BITMAP**     stock                  = nullptr;
232 	bool         swayingText            = true;
233 	BITMAP**     tank                   = nullptr;
234 	BITMAP**     tankgun                = nullptr;
235 	int32_t      temp_screenHeight      = 0; // 0 to detect command line arguments
236 	int32_t      temp_screenWidth       = 0; // versus loaded configuration.
237 	int32_t      time_to_fall           = 0; // amount of time dirt will hover
238 	BITMAP**     title                  = nullptr;
239 	int32_t      turntype               = TURN_RANDOM;
240 	double       viscosity              = 0.5;
241 	int32_t      violent_death          = 0;
242 	int32_t      voices                 = 0;
243 	int32_t      volley_delay           = 10; // Delay factor for volley shots, 5-50
244 	int32_t      volume_factor          = MAX_VOLUME_FACTOR;
245 	int32_t      wallColour             = GREEN;
246 	int32_t      wallType               = WALL_RUBBER;
247 	int32_t      weapontechLevel        = 5;
248 	BOX          window;
249 	int32_t      windstrength           = 8;
250 	int32_t      windvariation          = 1;
252 	// Text structures holding (translated) lines of in game text
253 	TEXTBLOCK* gloat        = nullptr;
254 	TEXTBLOCK* ingame       = nullptr;
255 	TEXTBLOCK* instructions = nullptr;
256 	TEXTBLOCK* panic        = nullptr;
257 	TEXTBLOCK* kamikaze     = nullptr;
258 	TEXTBLOCK* retaliation  = nullptr;
259 	TEXTBLOCK* revenge      = nullptr;
260 	TEXTBLOCK* suicide      = nullptr;
261 	TEXTBLOCK* war_quotes   = nullptr;
264 private:
266 	/* -----------------------
267 	 * --- Private methods ---
268 	 * -----------------------
269 	 */
272 	/* -----------------------
273 	 * --- Private members ---
274 	 * -----------------------
275 	 */
277 	DIR* music_dir = nullptr;
278 };
281 #define HAS_ENVIRONMENT 1
283 #endif