1 /*
2  * Tools for dealing with save game previews.
3  */
8 #include <vector>
9 #include <string>
11 #include <boost/serialization/version.hpp>
13 #include <GG/Clr.h>
15 #include "MultiplayerCommon.h"
16 #include "Export.h"
17 #include "Serialize.h"
18 #include "Directories.h"
20 /** Contains preview information about a savegame.
21   * Stored the beginning of a savefile for quick access. */
22 struct FO_COMMON_API SaveGamePreviewData {
23     SaveGamePreviewData();      /// Initialize with unknown markers.
25     bool Valid() const;         /// Checks that this is a valid preview
26     void SetBinary(bool bin = true);         /// Sets the description string appropriate for a binary or XML save file header
28     static const short  PREVIEW_PRESENT_MARKER = 0xDA;  /// A marker for the presence of the header
29     short               magic_number;                   /// This should always contain PREVIEW_PRESENT_MARKER
31     std::string         description;                    /// Bit of text explaining what this file contains as human-readable text
32     std::string         freeorion_version;              /// By what version of FreeOrion was this save generated
34     std::string         main_player_name;               /// The name of the hosting player, or the single human player in single player games
35     std::string         main_player_empire_name;        /// The name of the empire of the main player
36     GG::Clr             main_player_empire_colour;      /// The colour of the empire of the main player
37     int                 current_turn;                   /// The turn the game as saved one
38     std::string         save_time;                      /// The time the game was saved as ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD"T"HH:MM:SS±HH:MM or Z
39     short               number_of_empires;              /// The number of empires in the game
40     short               number_of_human_players;        /// The number of human players in the game
42     std::string         save_format_marker = "";        /// What format was used for this save?
43     unsigned int        uncompressed_text_size = 0;     /// How many bytes capacity does the uncompressed save text take up? (ie. the part that was / will be compressed with zlib for compressed xml format saves)
44     unsigned int        compressed_text_size = 0;       /// How many bytes capacity does the compressed save text take up?
46     template <typename Archive>
47     void serialize(Archive& ar, unsigned int version);
48 };
50 BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(SaveGamePreviewData, 4);
52 extern template FO_COMMON_API void SaveGamePreviewData::serialize<freeorion_bin_oarchive>(freeorion_bin_oarchive&, unsigned int);
53 extern template FO_COMMON_API void SaveGamePreviewData::serialize<freeorion_bin_iarchive>(freeorion_bin_iarchive&, unsigned int);
54 extern template FO_COMMON_API void SaveGamePreviewData::serialize<freeorion_xml_oarchive>(freeorion_xml_oarchive&, unsigned int);
55 extern template FO_COMMON_API void SaveGamePreviewData::serialize<freeorion_xml_iarchive>(freeorion_xml_iarchive&, unsigned int);
57 /** Stores all aggregated information about a save file */
58 struct FO_COMMON_API FullPreview {
59     std::string         filename;
60     SaveGamePreviewData preview;
61     GalaxySetupData     galaxy;
62 private:
63     friend class boost::serialization::access;
64     template <typename Archive>
65     void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version);
66 };
68 /** The preview information the server sends to the client. */
69 struct FO_COMMON_API PreviewInformation {
70     std::vector<std::string>    subdirectories; /// A list of all subfolders of the save game directory, in the format /name1/child1/grandchild
71     std::string                 folder;         /// The directory whose previews are being listed now
72     std::vector<FullPreview>    previews;       /// The previews of the saves in this folder
73 private:
74     friend class boost::serialization::access;
75     template <typename Archive>
76     void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version);
77 };
79 /// Attempts to load headers of a save file.
80 /// Returns true on success, false if header data could not be loaded
81 /// @param path Filename to load headers of
82 FO_COMMON_API bool SaveFileWithValidHeader(const boost::filesystem::path& path);
84 /// Get the value of column name in this preview
85 /// @param full FullPreview to match for column @p name
86 /// \param name The name of the column
87 /// \param thin If true, tries to make the value less wide
88 FO_COMMON_API std::string ColumnInPreview(const FullPreview& full, const std::string& name, bool thin = true);
90 /// Load previews from files
91 /// \param path Directory where to look for files
92 /// \param extension File name extension to filter by
93 /// \param [out] previews The previews will be put here
94 FO_COMMON_API void LoadSaveGamePreviews(const boost::filesystem::path& path, const std::string& extension,
95                                         std::vector<FullPreview>& previews);