2# way to run script example
3# python ~/afni/src/python_scripts/align_epi_anat.py \
4#   -anat anat+orig -epi epi_r1+orig -base_epi median -ex_mode dry_run
6# more examples
8# align_epi_anat.py -anat anat+orig -epi epi+orig -epi_base 5
10# align_epi_anat.py -anat sb23_mpra+orig -epi epi_r03+orig \
11#   -epi2anat -ex_mode dry_run -epi_base 6 -child_epi epi_r??+orig.HEAD \
12#   -anat2epi -epi2anat -tlrc_apar sb23_mpra_at+tlrc -suffix _alx2
14import sys
15import copy
16from time import asctime
18# AFNI modules
19from afnipy.afni_base import *
20from afnipy.afni_util import *
21from afnipy.option_list import *
22from afnipy.db_mod import *
23from afnipy import ask_me
25g_help_string = """
26    ===========================================================================
27    align_epi_anat.py     - align EPI to anatomical datasets or vice versa
29    This Python script computes the alignment between two datasets, typically
30    an EPI and an anatomical structural dataset, and applies the resulting
31    transformation to one or the other to bring them into alignment.
33    This script computes the transforms needed to align EPI and
34    anatomical datasets using a cost function designed for this purpose. The
35    script combines multiple transformations, thereby minimizing the amount of
36    interpolation applied to the data.
38    Basic Usage:
39      align_epi_anat.py -anat anat+orig -epi epi+orig -epi_base 5
41    The user must provide EPI and anatomical datasets and specify the EPI
42    sub-brick to use as a base in the alignment.
44    Internally, the script always aligns the anatomical to the EPI dataset,
45    and the resulting transformation is saved to a 1D file.
46    As a user option, the inverse of this transformation may be applied to the
47    EPI dataset in order to align it to the anatomical data instead.
49    This program generates several kinds of output in the form of datasets
50    and transformation matrices which can be applied to other datasets if
51    needed. Time-series volume registration, oblique data transformations and
52    Talairach (standard template) transformations will be combined as needed
53    and requested (with options to turn on and off each of the steps) in
54    order to create the aligned datasets.
56    **Note the intermediate datasets used to compute the alignment are **not**
57    saved unless one of the -save_xxx options is given. This includes
58    skull-stripped, slice timing corrected and volume registered datasets
59    without alignment. These intermediated datasets are normally deleted.
60    See the -save_xxx section below for more information on saving these
61    datasets for future use.
63    Depending upon selected options, the script's output contains the following:
64        Datasets:
65          ANAT_al+orig: A version of the anatomy that is aligned to the EPI
66          EPI_al+orig: A version of the EPI dataset aligned to the anatomy
67          EPI_tlrc_al+tlrc: A version of the EPI dataset aligned to a standard
68                       template
69        These transformations include slice timing correction and
70          time-series registration by default.
72        Transformation matrices:
73          ANAT_al_mat.aff12.1D: matrix to align anatomy to the EPI
74          EPI_al_mat.aff12.1D:  matrix to align EPI to anatomy
75                                   (inverse of above)
76          EPI_vr_al_mat.aff12.1D: matrix to volume register EPI
77          EPI_reg_al_mat.aff12.1D: matrix to volume register and align epi
78                                   to anatomy (combination of the two
79                                   previous matrices)
80          EPI_al_tlrc_mat.aff12.1D: matrix to volume register and align epi
81                                   to anatomy and put into standard space
83        Motion parameters from optional volume registration:
84          EPI_tsh_vr_motion.1D: motion parameters from EPI time-series
85                                registration (tsh included in name if slice
86                                timing correction is also included).
88    where the uppercase "ANAT" and "EPI" are replaced by the prefix names
89    of the input datasets, and the suffix can be changed from "_al" as a user
90    option.
92    You can use these transformation matrices later to align other datasets:
93         3dAllineate -cubic -1Dmatrix_apply epi_r1_al_mat.aff12.1D  \\
94                     -prefix epi_alman epi_r2+orig
97    The goodness of the alignment should always be assessed visually.
98    Superficially, most of 3dAllineate's cost functions, and those
99    of registration programs from other packages, will produce a plausible
100    alignment based upon a cursory examination but it may not be the best.
101    You need to examine the results carefully if alignment quality is crucial
102    for your analysis.
104    In the absence of a gold standard, and given the low contrast of EPI data,
105    it is difficult to judge alignment quality by just looking at the two
106    volumes. This is the case, even when you toggle quickly between one volume
107    and the next, by turning the color overlay off and using the 'u' key in the
108    slice viewer window. To aid with the assessment of alignment, you can use
109    the -AddEdge option or call the @AddEdge script directly. See the help for
110    @AddEdge for more information on that script.
112    The default options assume the epi and anat datasets start off fairly close,
113    as is normally the case when the epi dataset closely precedes or follows an
114    anatomical dataset acquisition. If the two data are acquired over separate
115    sessions, or accurate coordinate data is not available in the dataset header
116    (as sometimes occurs for oblique data), various options allow for larger
117    movement including "-cmass cmass", "-big_move","-giant_move",
118    "-ginormous_move", and -align_centers yes". Each of these options
119    is described below. If the datasets do not share the same
120    coordinate space at all, it may be useful to use the "-ginormous_move",
121    "-align_centers" options or run @Align_Centers script first.
123    Although this script has been developed primarily for aligning anatomical T1
124    data with EPI BOLD data, it has also been successfully applied for aligning
125    similar modality data together, including T1-SPGR to T1-SPGR, T1-FLAIR
126    to T1-SPGR, EPI to EPI, T1-SPGR at 7T to T1-SPGR at 3T, EPI-rat1 to
127    EPI-rat2, .... If this kind of alignment is required, the default cost
128    function, the Local Pearson Correlation (lpc), is not appropriate.
129    Other cost functions like lpa or nmi have been seen to work well for
130    intra-modality alignment, using the option "-cost lpa". Also see the the
131    dset1 and dset2 options below for functionally equivalent options to the
132    epi and anat options.
134    ---------------------------------------------
137    -epi dset   : name of EPI dataset
138    -anat dset  : name of structural dataset
139    -epi_base   : the epi base used in alignment
140                     (0/mean/median/max/subbrick#)
143    -help       : this help message
145    -anat2epi   : align anatomical to EPI dataset (default)
146    -epi2anat   : align EPI to anatomical dataset
148    The following options are equivalent to those epi/anat options above
149    except it is assumed the datasets will have similar modalities if
150    either dset1 or dset2 is specified, and the default cost function is
151    changed to 'lpa' instead of 'lpc'. This should reduce confusion when
152    aligning other types of datasets. Most other options that also have
153    names with anat and epi have corresponding dset1 and dset2 options
154    that are exactly equivalent.
156    -dset1      : name of dataset1
157    -dset2      : name of dataset2
158    -dset1to2   : align dataset1 to dataset2
159    -dset2to1   : align dataset2 to dataset1
162    -suffix ssss: append suffix 'sss' to the original anat/epi dataset to use
163                     in the resulting dataset names (default is "_al")
165    -child_epi dset1 dset2 ... : specify other EPI datasets to align.
166        Time series volume registration will be done to the same
167        base as the main parent EPI dataset.
168        Note if aligning anat to epi, you can still use the -save_vr option
169        to save the volume registered (motion corrected) datasets. See the
170        -save_xxx option section of this help for more information.
171    -child_dset2  equivalent to child_epi above
173    -child_anat dset1 dset2 ... : specify other anatomical datasets to align.
174        The same transformation that is computed for the parent anatomical
175        dataset is applied to each of the child datasets. This only makes
176        sense for anat2epi transformations. Skullstripping is not done for
177        the child anatomical dataset.
178    -child_dset1  equivalent to child_anat above
180    -AddEdge    : run @AddEdge script to create composite edge images of
181                  the base epi or anat dataset, the pre-aligned dataset and
182                  the aligned dataset. Datasets are placed in a separate
183                  directory named AddEdge. The @AddEdge can then be used
184                  without options to drive AFNI to show the epi and anat
185                  datasets with the edges enhanced. For the -anat2epi case
186                  (the default), the anat edges are shown in purple, and the
187                  epi edges are shown in cyan (light blue). For the -epi2anat
188                  case, the anat edges are shown in cyan, and the epi edges
189                  are purple. For both cases, overlapping edges are shown in
190                  dark purple.
192    -big_move   : indicates that large displacement is needed to align the
193                  two volumes. This option is off by default.
194    -giant_move : even larger movement required - uses cmass, two passes and
195                  very large angles and shifts. May miss finding the solution
196                  in the vastness of space, so use with caution
197    -ginormous_move : adds align_centers to giant_move. Useful for very far
198                  apart datasets
200    Notes on the big_move and giant_move options:
201        "big_move" allows for a two pass alignment in 3dAllineate.
202        The two-pass method is less likely to find a false minimum
203        cost for alignment because it does a number of coarse (blurred,
204        rigid body) alignments first and then follows the best of these
205        coarse alignments to the fine alignment stage. The big_move
206        option should be a relatively safe option, but it adds
207        processing time.
209        The giant_move option expands the search parameters in space
210        from 6 degrees and 10 mm to 45 degrees and 45 mm and adds in
211        a center of mass adjustment. The giant_move option will usually
212        work well too, but it adds significant time to the processing
213        and allows for the possibility of a very bad alignment.Another cost
214        functional is available that has worked well with noisy data, "lpc+ZZ".
215        For difficult data, consider that alternative.
217        If your data starts out fairly close (probably the typical case
218        for EPI and anatomical data), you can use the -big_move with
219        little problem. All these methods when used with the default
220        lpc cost function require good contrast in the EPI image so that
221        the CSF can be roughly identifiable.
223    -rigid_body   Limit transformation to translation and rotation,
224                  no scaling or shearing.
225    -rigid_equiv  Compute alignment with full affine 12 parameters, but
226                  use only the translation and rotation parameters. Useful
227                  for axialization/AC-PC alignment to a template
229    -partial_coverage: indicates that the EPI dataset covers only a part of
230                  the brain. Alignment will try to guess which direction should
231                  not be shifted If EPI slices are known to be a specific
232                  orientation, use one of these other partial_xxxx options.
233    -partial_axial
234    -partial_coronal
235    -partial_sagittal
237    -keep_rm_files : keep all temporary files (default is to remove them)
238    -prep_only  : do preprocessing steps only
239    -verb nn    : provide verbose messages during processing (default is 0)
240    -anat_has_skull yes/no: Anat is assumed to have skull ([yes]/no)
241    -epi_strip methodname :  method to mask brain in EPI data
242                   ([3dSkullStrip]/3dAutomask/None)
243    -volreg_method methodname: method to do time series volume registration
244                   (motion correction) of EPI data
245                   ([3dvolreg],3dWarpDrive,3dAllineate).
246                   3dvolreg is for 6 parameter (rigid-body)
247                   3dWarpDrive is for 12 parameter (general affine)
248                   3dAllineate - also 12 parameter with LPA cost function
250                   Note if aligning anat to epi, the volume registered EPI
251                   dataset is **not** saved unless you use the -save_vr
252                   option. See the -save_xxx option section of this help for
253                   more information.
255    -dset1_strip : skull stripping method for dataset1
256    -dset2_strip : skull stripping method for dataset2 (equivalent to epi_strip)
258    A template registered anatomical dataset such as a talairach-transformed
259       dataset may be additionally specified so that output data are
260       in template space. The advantage of specifying this transform here is
261       that all transformations are applied simultaneously, thereby minimizing
262       data interpolation.
264    -tlrc_apar ANAT+tlrc : structural dataset that has been aligned to
265                  a master template such as a tlrc dataset. If this option
266                  is supplied, then an epi+tlrc dataset will be created.
267                  The @auto_tlrc script may be used to create this
268                  "talairach anatomical parent". This option is only valid
269                  if aligning epi to anat.
272    Other options:
273    -ex_mode modename : execute mode (echo/dry_run/quiet/[script]).
274                     "dry_run" can be used to show the commands that
275                     would be executed without actually running them.
276                     "echo" shows the commands as they are executed.
277                     "quiet" doesn't display commands at all.
278                     "script" is like echo but doesn't show stdout, stderr
279                     header lines and "cd" lines.
280                     "dry_run" can be used to generate scripts which can be
281                     further customized beyond what may be available through
282                     the options of this program.
283    -Allineate_opts '-ssss  -sss' : options to use with 3dAllineate. Default
284                     options are
285                     "-weight_frac 1.0 -maxrot 6 -maxshf 10 -VERB -warp aff "
286    -volreg [on]/off : do volume registration on EPI dataset before alignment
287    -volreg_opts  '-ssss -sss' : options to use with 3dvolreg
288    -volreg_base basenum/type : the epi base used in time series volume
289                     registration.
290                     The default is to use the same base as the epi_base.
291                     If another subbrick or base type is used, an additional
292                     transformation will be computed between the volume
293                     registration and the epi_base
294                     (0/mean/median/max/subbrick#)
296                     Note if aligning anat to epi, the volume registered EPI
297                     dataset is **not** saved unless you use the -save_vr
298                     option. See the -save_xxx option section of this help for
299                     more information.
301    -tshift [on]/off : do time shifting of EPI dataset before alignment
302    -tshift_opts   : options to use with 3dTshift
303                     The script will determine if slice timing correction is
304                     necessary unless tshift is set to off.
306    -deoblique [on]/off : deoblique datasets before alignment
307    -deoblique_opts '-ssss -sss': options to use with 3dWarp deobliquing
308                     The script will try to determine if either EPI or anat data
309                     is oblique and do the initial transformation to align anat
310                     to epi data using the oblique transformation matrices
311                     in the dataset headers.
313    -master_epi  nnn : master grid resolution for aligned epi output
314    -master_tlrc nnn : master grid resolution for epi+tlrc output
315    -master_anat nnn : master grid resolution for aligned anatomical data output
316    -master_dset1 nnn : equivalent to master_anat above
317    -master_dset2 nnn : equivalent to master_epi above
318                     (SOURCE/BASE/MIN_DXYZ/dsetname/n.nn)
319                     Each of the 'master' options can be set to SOURCE,BASE,
320                     a specific master dataset, MIN_DXYZ or a specified cubic
321                     voxel size in mm.
323                     MIN_DXYZ uses the smallest voxel dimension as the basis
324                     for cubic output voxel resolution within the bounding box
325                     of the BASE dataset.
327                     SOURCE and BASE are used as in 3dAllineate help.
329                     The default value for master_epi and master_anat is SOURCE,
330                     that is the output resolution and coordinates should be
331                     the same as the input. This is appropriate for small
332                     movements.
334                     For cases where either dataset is oblique (and larger
335                     rotations can occur), the default becomes MIN_DXYZ.
337                     The default value for master_tlrc is MIN_DXYZ.
339                     "-master_dset1" and "-master_dset2" may be used as
340                     equivalent expressions for anat and epi output resolutions,
341                     respectively.
343   -check_flip : check if data may have been left/right flipped by aligning
344                     original and flipped versions and then comparing costs
345                     between the two. This option produces the L/R flipped
346                     and aligned anat/dset1 dataset. A warning is printed
347                     if the flipped data has a lower cost function value
348                     than the original dataset when both are aligned to the
349                     epi/dset2 dataset.
351                     This issue of left-right confusion can be caused
352                     by problems with DICOM files or pipelines
353                     that include Analyze format datasets. In these cases,
354                     the orientation information is lost, and left-right may
355                     be reversed. Other directions can also be confused, but
356                     A-P and I-S are usually obvious. Note this problem has
357                     appeared on several major publicly available databases.
358                     Even if other software packages may proceed without errors
359                     despite inconsistent, wrong or even missing coordinate
360                     and orientation information, this problem can be easily
361                     identified with this option.
363                     This option does not identify which of the two datasets
364                     need to be flipped. It only determines there is likely
365                     to be a problem with one or the other of the two input
366                     datasets. Importantly, we recommend properly visualizing
367                     the datasets in the afni GUI. Look for asymmetries in the
368                     two aligned anat/dset1 datasets, and see how they align
369                     with the epi/dset2 dataset. To better determine the left
370                     and right of each dataset, we recommend relying on tags
371                     like vitamin E or looking for surgical markers.
373   -flip_giant : apply giant_move options to flipped dataset alignment
374                     even if not using that option for original dataset
375                     alignment
377   -save_xxx options
378      Normally all intermediate datasets are deleted at the end of the script.
379      If aligning anat to epi, the volume registered EPI dataset, although
380      computed, is **not** saved unless you use the -save_vr option.
381      Similarly other intermediate datasets are not saved unless explicitly
382      requested with one of these options:
383      -save_Al_in       : save 3dAllineate input files
384      -save_tsh         : save tshifted epi
385      -save_vr          : save volume registered epi
386      -save_skullstrip  : save skull-stripped (not aligned)
387      -save_rep         : save representative tstat epi
388      -save_resample    : save resampled epi
389      -save_epi_ns      : save skull-stripped epi
390      -save_all         : save all the above datasets
392      Not included with -save_all (since parameters are required):
394      -save_orig_skullstrip PREFIX : save original skull-stripped dset
395      -save_script SCRIPT_NAME     : save shell command script to given file
397   Alternative cost functions and methods:
398     The default method used in this script is the LPC (Localized Pearson
399     Correlation) function. The 'lpc' cost function is computed by the
400     3dAllineate program. Other cost functionals are available and are
401     described briefly in the help for 3dAllineate. This script allows
402     the user to choose any cost function available in that program with
404     -cost xxx
406     Some cost functionals have proven to be useful for some situations.
407     Briefly, when aligning similar datasets (anat to anat), the 'lpa' method
408     usually provides good alignment. Instead of using a negative correlation,
409     as the 'lpc' method does, the 'lpa' cost functional uses the absolute value
410     of the local correlation, so both positive and negative correlations drive
411     the alignment. Occasionally the simplest least squares cost functional
412     will be useful (implemented with -ls).
414     If either of the input datasets has very little structural detail (less
415     than typical EPI), the mutual information methods provide a rough
416     alignment that gives alignment of mostly the contour of the datasets.
417     These are implemented with '-cost nmi' or '-cost mi'.
419     The lpa cost function looks for both high positive and negative
420     local Pearson correlation (LPA is an acronym in our program for the
421     absolute value of the local Pearson correlation). The LPC method looks
422     for negative correlation, essentially matching the dark CSF in T1 images
423     with the bright CSF in EPI images. The more negative the correlation the
424     more likely the CSF will overlay each other and carry the rest of the
425     volume along with it.
427     -multi_cost cf1 cf2 ...
428     Besides cost from specified cost function or default cost function,
429     also compute alignment using other cost functionals. For example, using
430     "-cost lpa -multi_cost ls nmi" will compute an alignment for the lpa, ls
431     and nmi cost functionals. See 3dAllineate's HELP for a full list of
432     available cost functionals. Use the AFNI GUI to view differences among
433     cost functionals.
435     -check_cost cf1 cf2 ...
436     Verify alignment against another cost functional. If there is a large
437     difference, a warning is printed. This does not mean the alignment is
438     bad, only that it is different.
440     -edge       :  use edge method
442     The Edge method
443     Finally, the "edge" method is a new method that is implemented not as a
444     cost functional but as a different algorithm altogether. Based on our
445     visualization methods for verifying alignment (as we do in AddEdge),
446     it uses a local approach like the LPA/C cost functionals, but it is
447     independent of the cost function.
449     This method has turned out to be useful in a variety of circumstances. It
450     has proven useful for data that changes dramatically over time like
451     manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI) and for some data that has other large
452     non-uniformities issues helping to compensate for those large contrasts.
454     The edge method prepares the image to be a local spatial variance version
455     of the original image. First both input datasets are automasked with the
456     outer voxel layers removed. The spatial variance is computed over that
457     mask. The optimal alignment is computed between the edge images. Strictly
458     speaking, the datasets are not "edges" but a kind of normalized 2D
459     gradient. The original datasets are then aligned using the transformation
460     computed by the edge image alignment. Internally within the script,
461     the gradient function is accomplished by the 3dLocalstat program using its
462     cvar option for coefficient of variation. The coefficient of variation is
463     computed as the standard deviation within the local neighborhood divided
464     by the mean. The local spatial variance ends up being similar to locally
465     normalized images of edges within the image.
467     The "-edge" option is relatively insensitive to most of the cost functions
468     in 3dAllineate, so "lpa", "mi", "nmi" and even "ls" will usually work well.
469     The default is to use the lpa cost functional together with the edge
470     method.
472     The edge image is different in a couple ways from the LPA/C correlation.
473     First it is a different function, essentially only a standard deviation
474     over a neighborhood, and then normalized by the absolute value of the
475     mean - effectively a spatial variance (or square root of the variance).
476     The second difference is that while the LPA/C cost functions also operates
477     on local neighborhoods, those neighborhoods are 3-dimensional and set by
478     a neighborhood size set in mm. The shape of the neighborhoods are
479     dodecahedrons (12-side figures) that cover the volume. The edge method
480     instead computes the neighborhoods at each voxel, and the neighborhoods
481     are only two-dimensional - just the voxel and its 8 neighbors in x and y,
482     presumed to be in the same slice rather than across slices. That's for
483     both speed in computation and to remove effects of interpolation or false
484     edges across the relatively distant slices.
486     Although not as rigorously tested as the LPC method, this edge method
487     seems to give similar results most of the time. The method does have a few
488     disadvantages compared to the LPC/LPA methods. First, the AddEdge
489     visualization in this script does not support this well (effectively,
490     showing edges of edges). Second, the edge method does not provide
491     three-dimensional edge detection directly. Many times this is an advantage,
492     but if the data has particularly fine slicing in the z-direction, or the
493     data has been resampled, this method may not work as well. Also the method
494     uses an automask to reduce the data so that outside edges do not drive
495     the alignment. The five voxel layer was only empirically found to be
496     useful for this, but may, in fact, be problematic for small partial volumes
497     or for surface coil data where much of the data may be in the area that
498     is masked away.
500     The edge method makes no assumption about contrasts between images. Only
501     that edges of features will overlap - the same feature we use visually to
502     verify alignment. This makes it appropriate for both similar and differing
503     modality datasets.
505     Both the LPA/LPC and the edge methods require internal features to be
506     present and mostly corresponding in both input datasets. In some cases,
507     this correspondence is not available for aligning some kinds of data with
508     an anatomical references - low-contrast EPI data, radiopharmaceutical PET
509     data targeting specific function, derived parameters from modeling.
510     In these cases, fine alignment is not possible, but alternative cost
511     functions like mutual information or least squares can provide a rough
512     alignment of the contours.
514     -output_dir dirname : the default output will put the result in
515     the current directory even if the anat and epi datasets are in other
516     directories. If a directory is specified here, output data including
517     temporary output data will be placed in that directory. If a new directory
518     is specified, that directory will be created first.
520    Other obscure and experimental options that should only be handled with
521       care, lest they get out, are visible with -option_help.
523    Examples:
524      # align anat to sub-brick 5 of epi+orig. In addition, do slice timing
525      # correction on epi+orig and register all sub-bricks to sub-brick 5
526      # (Sample data files are in AFNI_data4/sb23 in sample class data)
527      # Note the intermediate file, the volume registered EPI dataset,
528      # is **not** saved unless the -save_vr option is also used.
529      # See the -save_xxx option section of this help for more information.
531      align_epi_anat.py -anat sb23_mpra+orig -epi epi_r03+orig     \\
532                        -epi_base 5
534      # Instead of aligning the anatomy to an epi, transform the epi
535      # to match the anatomy. Transform other epi run datasets to be
536      # in alignment with the first epi datasets and with the anatomical
537      # reference dataset. Note that all epi sub-bricks from all runs
538      # are transformed only once in the process, combining volume
539      # registration and alignment to the anatomical dataset in a single
540      # transformation matrix
542      align_epi_anat.py -anat sb23_mpra+orig -epi epi_r03+orig      \\
543                        -epi_base 5 -child_epi epi_r??+orig.HEAD    \\
544                        -epi2anat -suffix al2anat
546      # Bells and whistles:
547      # - create Talairach transformed epi datasets (still one transform)
548      # - do not execute, just show the commands that would be executed.
549      #   These commands can be saved in a script or modified.
550      # The Talairach transformation requires auto-Talairaching
551      # the anatomical dataset first (cf. @auto_tlrc script)
553      @auto_tlrc -base ~/abin/TT_N27+tlrc -input sb23_mpra+orig
554      align_epi_anat.py -anat sb23_mpra+orig -epi epi_r03+orig      \\
555                        -epi_base 6 -child_epi epi_r??+orig.HEAD    \\
556                        -ex_mode dry_run -epi2anat -suffix _altest  \\
557                        -tlrc_apar sb23_mpra_at+tlrc
560    Our HBM 2008 abstract describing the alignment tools is available here:
561      https://sscc.nimh.nih.gov/sscc/rwcox/abstracts
563    Reference:
564       If you find the EPI to Anat alignment capability useful, the paper to
565       cite is:
567       ZS Saad, DR Glen, G Chen, MS Beauchamp, R Desai and RW Cox.
568       A new method for improving functional-to-structural alignment using
569       local Pearson correlation. NeuroImage, 44:839-848, 2009.
570       http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.09.037
574#        Also, because input volumes are preprocessed before using 3dAllineate,
575#        the script outputs copies of the preprocessed volumes as they were used
576#        in 3dAllineate.
578#         EPI_epi_in_3dAl_al+orig : EPI volume for 3dAllineate's -base
579#         ANAT_epi_in_3dAl_al+orig: ANAT volume for 3dAllineate's -input
580#         EPI_wt_3dAl_al+orig     : weight volume for 3dAllineate's -weight
582#   -cost          : cost function used by 3dAllineate. Default is lpc, anything
583#                    else is inferior!
584#    -cmass cmass+ss: center of mass option for 3dAllineate
585#                     ('cmass+a','cmass+xy','nocmass',...) Default is cmass+a.
586#    -child_anat dset1 dset2 ... : specify other anatomical datasets to align.
587#        The anatomical data will be aligned first to the parent
588#                 structural dataset. If aligning to EPI data, then the
589#                 transformation of the parent anatomical to the EPI data will
590#                 be combined with the inter-structural transformation.
592#     -fresh      : remove any temporary files at start from a previous run
593#    Weighting mask options:
594#    A weighting mask is used in the alignment. The default weighting mask
595#    is the stripped epi dataset normalized from 0 to 1.
596#    -pow_mask n.n  : raise the epi masked dataset to a power before normalizing
597#                     (default is 1.0)
599#    -tlrc_epar epi_template_dset : EPI  dataset that has been aligned to
600#                  a master template such as a tlrc dataset If this option
601#                  is supplied, then an anat+tlrc dataset will be created.
605## BEGIN common functions across scripts (loosely of course)
606class RegWrap:
607   def __init__(self, label):
608      self.align_version = "1.62" # software version (update for changes)
609      self.label = label
610      self.valid_opts = None
611      self.user_opts = None
612      self.verb = 1    # a little talkative by default
613      self.save_script = '' # save completed script into given file
614      self.rewrite = 0 #Do not recreate existing volumes
615      self.oexec = "" #dry_run is an option
616      self.epi2anat = 0 # align epi to anat optionally
617      self.anat2epi = 1 # align anat to epi by default
618      self.rmrm = 1   # remove temporary files
619      self.prep_only = 0  # do preprocessing only
620      self.odir = os.getcwd()
621      self.align_centers = 0    # don't align centers
622      self.tshift_flag = 1  # do time shifting on EPI
623      self.volreg_flag = 0  # don't do volume registration on EPI by default
624      self.resample_flag = 1 # do resample
625      self.deoblique_flag = 1  # deoblique datasets first
626      self.deoblique_opt = "" # deobliquing/obliquing options
627      self.skullstrip_opt = "" # skullstripping options
628      self.epistrip_opt = "" # similar stripping/automask options for EPI/dset2
629      self.cmass = "nocmass" # no center of mass option for 3dAllineate
630      self.epi_base = None  # don't assume representative epi
631      self.reg_mat = "" # volume registration matrix 1D file
632      self.obl_a2e_mat = ""  # oblique anat to epi matrix
633      self.edge = 0        # don't use edges for alignment
634      self.edgelevels = 5  # number of outer layers to remove in edge method
635      self.cost = ''       # assign cost below
636      self.epi_dir = ''    # assign path from EPI (dset2) dataset's path
637      self.anat_dir = ''   # assign path from anat (dset1) dataset's path
638      self.output_dir = '' # user assigned path for anat and EPI
639      self.flip = 0        # don't test for left/right flipping
640      self.flip_giant = 0  # don't necessarily use giant_move for L-R flipping test
641      self.giant_move = 0  # don't use giant_move
642      self.supersize = 0   # don't use supersize
643      self.rigid_equiv = 0 # don't do rigid_body equivalent for alignment
645      # options for saving temporary datasets permanently
646      self.save_Al_in = 0  # don't save 3dAllineate input files
647      self.save_tsh = 0    # don't save tshifted epi
648      self.save_vr = 0     # don't save volume registered epi
649      self.save_skullstrip = 0 # don't save skullstripped (not aligned)
650      self.save_origstrip  = '' # prefix for simple skullstripped dset
651      self.save_rep = 0     # don't save representative tstat epi
652      self.save_resample = 0 # don't save resampled epi
653      self.save_epi_ns = 0  # don't save skull-stripped epi
655      self.master_epi_option = '-master SOURCE'
656      self.master_tlrc_option = '-master SOURCE'  # changed to min dimension below
657      self.master_anat_option = ''
659      self.dset1_generic_name = 'anat'
660      self.dset2_generic_name = 'epi'
662      return
664# box, bin and fat mask are not used for now
666   def init_opts(self):
668      self.valid_opts = OptionList('init_opts')
670      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-epi',  1, [], \
671               helpstr="EPI dataset to align or to which to align")
672      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-dset2',  1, [], \
673               helpstr="dataset to align or to which to align")
675      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-anat', 1, [], \
676               helpstr="Anatomical dataset to align or to which to align")
677      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-dset1', 1, [], \
678               helpstr="Dataset to align or to which to align")
680      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-keep_rm_files', 0, [], \
681               helpstr="Don't delete any of the temporary files created here")
682      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-prep_only', 0, [], \
683               helpstr="Do preprocessing steps only without alignment")
684      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-help', 0, [], \
685               helpstr="The main help describing this program with options")
686      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-limited_help', 0, [], \
687               helpstr="The main help without all available options")
688      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-option_help', 0, [], \
689               helpstr="Help for all available options")
690      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-version', 0, [], \
691               helpstr="Show version number and exit")
692      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-ver', 0, [], \
693               helpstr="Show version number and exit")
694      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-verb', 1, [], \
695               helpstr="Be verbose in messages and options" )
696      # 26 Nov 2012 [rickr]
697      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-save_script', 1, [], \
698               helpstr="save executed script in given file" )
700      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-align_centers', 1, ['no'], ['yes', 'no', 'on', 'off'],  \
701               helpstr="align centers of datasets based on spatial\n"      \
702                       "extents of the original volume")
703      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-anat_has_skull', 1, [], ['yes', 'no'],\
704               helpstr="Do not skullstrip anat dataset")
705      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-epi_strip', 1, [],           \
706                              ['3dSkullStrip', '3dAutomask', 'None'],      \
707               helpstr="Method to remove skull for EPI data")
708      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-dset1_strip', 1, [],           \
709                              ['3dSkullStrip', '3dAutomask', 'None'],      \
710               helpstr="Method to remove skull for dset1 data")
711      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-dset2_strip', 1, [],           \
712                              ['3dSkullStrip', '3dAutomask', 'None'],      \
713               helpstr="Method to remove skull for dset2 data")
715      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-volreg_method', 1, ['3dvolreg'], \
716                              ['3dvolreg', '3dWarpDrive', '3dAllineate'],  \
717                      helpstr="Time series volume registration method\n"   \
718                              "3dvolreg: rigid body least squares\n"       \
719                              "3dWarpDrive: 12 parameter least squares\n"  \
720                              "3dAllineate: 12 parameter LPA cost function\n")
721      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-ex_mode', 1, ['script'],                   \
722                              ['quiet', 'echo', 'dry_run', 'script'],      \
723                              helpstr="Command execution mode.\n"          \
724                                       "quiet: execute commands quietly\n" \
725                                       "echo: echo commands executed\n"    \
726                                       "dry_run: only echo commands\n" )
728      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-overwrite', 0, [],\
729                               helpstr="Overwrite existing files")
730      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-big_move', 0, [], \
731               helpstr="Large movement between epi and anat.\n"           \
732                       "Uses twopass option for 3dAllineate.\n"           \
733                       "Consider cmass options, giant_move,\n"            \
734                       "ginormous_move or -align_centers")
735      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-giant_move', 0, [], \
736               helpstr="Even larger movement between epi and anat.\n"     \
737                       "Uses twopass option for 3dAllineate.\n"           \
738                       "cmass options and wide angles and shifts")
739      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-ginormous_move', 0, [], \
740               helpstr="Adds align_centers to giant_move")
741      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-supersize', 0, [], \
742               helpstr="Large scaling difference - up to 50%")
745      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-rigid_body', 0, [], \
746               helpstr="Do only rigid body alignment - shifts and rotates")
747      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-rigid_equiv', 0, [], \
748               helpstr="Do only rigid body equivalent alignment - shifts and rotates")
750      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-partial_coverage', 0, [],                  \
751               helpstr="partial_xxxx options control center of mass adjustment")
752      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-partial_axial', 0, [])
753      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-partial_coronal', 0, [])
754      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-partial_sagittal', 0, [])
755      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-AddEdge', 0, [], helpstr=                  \
756                              "Run @AddEdge script to create double-edge images")
758      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-Allineate_opts', -1,                       \
759                             ["-weight_frac 1.0 -maxrot 6 -maxshf 10 -VERB"\
760                              " -warp aff -source_automask+4 "],\
761                               helpstr="Options passed to 3dAllineate.")
764      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-perc', 1, ['90'])
765#      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-fresh', 0, [])
766      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-suffix', 1,['_al'])
767      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-cost', 1,[])
768#      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-fat', 1, ['1'])
769      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-multi_cost', -1,[], \
770           helpstr = "can use multiple cost functionals (lpc,lpa,nmi,....\n" \
771               "See 3dAllineate -HELP for the full list\n")
772      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-check_cost', -1,[], \
773           helpstr = "Verify alignment against another method\n"
774               "Can use multiple cost functionals (lpc,lpa,nmi,....\n" \
775               "See 3dAllineate -HELP for the full list\n")
777      # transform anat to epi by default, but allow the other way
778      # the resulting transformation will be done at the end to include
779      #  any volreg and oblique transformations
780      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-epi2anat', 0, [], \
781               helpstr = "align EPI dataset to anat dataset")
782      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-anat2epi', 0, [], \
783               helpstr = "align anat dataset to EPI dataset (default)")
784      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-dset2to1', 0, [], \
785               helpstr = "align dset2 dataset to dset1 dataset")
786      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-dset1to2', 0, [], \
787               helpstr = "align dset1 dataset to dset2 dataset (default)")
789      # select base EPI dataset type
790      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-epi_base', 1, [], [],                  \
791              helpstr = "Base sub-brick to use for alignment\n"        \
792                        "Choose sub-brick number or statistic type\n"  \
793                        "Valid choices can be, for example, 0,5,mean")
794#                   ['0', 'sub-brick-n', 'mean', 'median', 'max'])
795      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-dset2_base', 1, [], [],                  \
796              helpstr = "Base sub-brick to use for alignment\n"        \
797                        "Choose sub-brick number or statistic type\n"  \
798                        "Valid choices can be, for example, 0,5,mean")
800      # select base EPI type for volume registration
801      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-volreg_base', 1, [], [],               \
802              helpstr = "Base to use for volume registration\n"        \
803                        "Choose sub-brick number or statistic type\n"  \
804                        "Valid choices can be, for example, 0,5,median")
806      # do volume registration of EPI as part of this whole mess
807      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-volreg', 1, [], ['on','off'])
808      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-volreg_opts', -1, ["-cubic"])
810      # do time shifting
811      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-tshift', 1, [], ['on','off'])
812      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-tshift_opts', -1, [])
814      # obliquity options
815      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-deoblique', 1, [], ['on','off'])
816      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-deoblique_opts', -1, [])
818      # resampling epi to anat
819      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-resample', 1, [], ['on', 'off'])
821      # turn off all pre-processing steps
822      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-prep_off', 0, [], \
823              helpstr = "turn off all pre-processing steps including\n" \
824                        "deoblique, tshift, volreg and resample")
825      # 3dAllineate cmass options
826      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-cmass', 1, [], [], \
827        helpstr = "choose center of mass options for 3dAllineate\n"
828         "Center of mass shifts the center of the datasets to match\n"
829         "by computing the weighted centers of each.\n"
830         "For partial data, this may be too far in one direction\n"
831         "See 3dAllineate help for details\n"
832         "Valid options include cmass+a, cmass+xy, nocmass\n"
833         "nocmass = no center of mass shift - default\n"
834         "cmass = center of mass shift - used with giant, ginormous_move\n"
835         "cmass+a = automatic center of mass for partial data\n"
836         "cmass+xy,xz,yz = automatic center of mass for partial\n"
837         "                 axial,coronal,sagittal\n"
838         "For partial data, it may be easier to select one\n"
839         " of the partial_... options above" )
841      # talairach transformed anatomical parent dataset
842      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-tlrc_apar', 1, [], \
843         helpstr="If this is set, the results will include +tlrc\n"
844                 "template transformed datasets for the epi aligned\n"
845                 "to the anatomical combined with this additional\n"
846                 "transformation to template of this parent dataset\n"
847                 "The result will be EPI_al+tlrc.HEAD\n")
849      # talairach transformed EPI parent dataset
850      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-tlrc_epar', 1, [], \
851         helpstr="Not available yet.\n"
852                 "If this is set, the results will include +tlrc\n"
853                 "template transformed datasets for the anatomical\n"
854                 "aligned to the epi combined with this additional\n"
855                 "transformation to template of this parent dataset\n"
856                 "The result will be ANAT_al+tlrc.HEAD\n")
858      # auto_talairach results
859      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-auto_tlrc', 0, [], \
860         helpstr="Not available yet.\n"
861                 "If this is set, the results will also be aligned\n"
862                 "to a template using the @auto_tlrc script.\n"
863                 "Transformations computed from that will be combined\n"
864                 "with the anat to epi transformations and epi to anat\n"
865                 "(and volreg) transformations\n"
866                 "Only one of the -tlrc_apar, -tlrc_epar or the \n"
867                 "-auto_tlrc options may be used\n")
868      # child epi datasets
869      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-child_epi', -1,[],\
870                               helpstr="Names of child EPI datasets")
871      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-child_dset2', -1,[],\
872                               helpstr="Names of children of dset2 datasets")
874      # child anat datasets
875      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-child_anat', -1,[],\
876                               helpstr="Names of child anatomical datasets")
877      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-child_dset1', -1,[],\
878                               helpstr="Names of children of dset1 datasets")
880      # master resampling options for alignment
881      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-master_epi', 1,[],\
882             helpstr="-master grid resolution for epi to anat alignment\n"
883                    "MIN_DXYZ uses the smallest dimension\n"
884                    "Other options are SOURCE and BASE as in 3dAllineate\n"
885                    "help. For cases where either dataset is oblique, the\n"
886                    "default becomes MIN_DXYZ")
887      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-master_dset2', 1,[],\
888             helpstr="-master grid resolution for epi to anat alignment\n"
889                    "MIN_DXYZ uses the smallest dimension\n"
890                    "Other options are SOURCE and BASE as in 3dAllineate\n"
891                    "help. For cases where either dataset is oblique, the\n"
892                    "default becomes MIN_DXYZ")
894      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-master_tlrc', 1,[],\
895             helpstr="-master grid resolution for epi to tlrc anat\n"
896                    "alignment\n"
897                    "MIN_DXYZ uses the smallest dimension\n"
898                    "Other options are SOURCE and BASE as in 3dAllineate\n"
899                    "help")
901      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-master_anat', 1,[],\
902             helpstr="-master grid resolution for anat to epi output\n"
903                    "MIN_DXYZ uses the smallest dimension\n"
904                    "Other options are SOURCE, BASE, 'n' mm or gridset")
905      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-master_dset1', 1,[],\
906             helpstr="-master grid resolution for dset1 to dset2 output\n"
907                    "MIN_DXYZ uses the smallest dimension\n"
908                    "Other options are SOURCE, BASE, 'n' mm or gridset")
910      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-master_anat_dxyz', -1,[],\
911             helpstr="-master grid resolution size (cubic only)\n")
912      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-master_dset1_dxyz', -1,[],\
913             helpstr="-master grid resolution size (cubic only)\n")
915      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-master_epi_dxyz', -1,[],\
916             helpstr="-master grid resolution (cubic only)\n")
917      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-master_dset2_dxyz', -1,[],\
918             helpstr="-master grid resolution (cubic only)\n")
920      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-master_tlrc_dxyz', -1,[],\
921             helpstr="-master grid resolution (cubic only)\n")
924      # apply pre/post-transformation matrice
925      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-pre_matrix', 1, [], \
926         helpstr="Apply an initial transformation from a 1D file (NB:\n"
927                 "not from a *.aff12.1D file); the *.1D file should\n"
928                 "contain a 3x4 matrix of numbers.\n"
929                 "For example, this file may be one generated by \n"
930                 "@Align_Centers, or if inverting a matrix, with:\n"
931                 "  cat_matvec mat.aff12.1D -I > mat_INV.1D\n"
932                 "The transformation will be applied to the\n"
933                 "anatomical data before aligning to the EPI\n"
934                 "instead of using the built-in obliquity matrices,\n"
935                 "if any")
936      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-post_matrix', 1, [], \
937         helpstr="Apply an additional transformation from a 1D file.\n"
938                 "This transformation will be applied to the anatomical\n"
939                 "data after alignment with the EPI. This will be\n"
940                 "applied similarly to the tlrc transformation and in\n"
941                 "place of it.\n"
942                 "Output datasets are kept in the 'orig' view")
943      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-skullstrip_opts', -1, [], \
944               helpstr="Alternate options for 3dSkullstrip.\n"
945                       "like -rat or -blur_fwhm 2")
946      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-dset1strip_opts', -1, [], \
947               helpstr="Alternate name for skullstrip_opts")
948      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-epistrip_opts', -1, [], \
949               helpstr="Alternate options for 3dSkullstrip/3dAutomask.\n"
950                       "like -rat or -blur_fwhm 2 or -peels 2")
951      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-dset2strip_opts', -1, [], \
952               helpstr="Alternate name for epistrip_opts")
953      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-feature_size', 1, [],\
954            helpstr="Minimal size in mm of structures in images to match.\n"\
955                    "Changes options for 3dAllineate for the coarse\n" \
956                    "blurring and lpc/lpa neighborhood sizes.May be useful\n" \
957                    "for rat brains, anat to anat and other\n" \
958                    "'non-standard' alignment")
959      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-rat_align', 0, [],\
960               helpstr="Set options appropriate for rat data - \n"
961                       "namely skullstrip and feature size options above.\n")
962      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-output_dir', 1,[],\
963             helpstr="Set directory for output datasets\n")
965      # create edge images
966      # do edge-based alignment
967      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-edge', 0, [],\
968               helpstr="Use internal edges to do alignment")
969      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-edge_erodelevel', 1, [],\
970               helpstr="Number of layers to remove for edge method")
972      self.valid_opts.trailers = 0   # do not allow unknown options
974      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-check_flip', 0, [], \
975               helpstr="Check if L/R flipping gives better results")
976      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-flip_giant', 0, [], \
977               helpstr="use giant_move on flipped data even if not used\n"\
978                       "on original data")
980      # saving optional output datasets
981      # save datasets used as input to 3dAllineate
982      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-save_Al_in', 0, [],    \
983               helpstr = "Save datasets used as input to 3dAllineate")
984      # save vr dataset
985      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-save_vr', 0, [],    \
986               helpstr = "Save motion-corrected epi dataset")
987      # save timeshifted dataset
988      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-save_tsh', 0, [],    \
989               helpstr = "Save time-series corrected dataset")
990      # save skullstripped anat before alignment
991      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-save_skullstrip', 0, [],    \
992               helpstr = "Save unaligned, skullstripped dataset")
993      # save skullstripped anat before alignment and without oblique xform
994      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-save_orig_skullstrip', 1, [],    \
995               helpstr = "Save simply skullstripped dataset")
996      # save skullstripped epi before alignment
997      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-save_epi_ns', 0, [],    \
998               helpstr = "Save unaligned, skullstripped EPI dataset")
999      # save representative epi tstat epi before alignment
1000      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-save_rep', 0, [],    \
1001               helpstr = "Save unaligned representative tstat EPI dataset")
1002      # save resampled epi dataset before alignment
1003      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-save_resample', 0, [],    \
1004               helpstr = "Save unaligned EPI dataset resampled to anat grid")
1006      # save all the optional datasets
1007      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-save_all', 0, [],    \
1008               helpstr = "Save all optional datasets")
1011      # weighting mask options
1012      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-pow_mask', 1, ['1.0'], \
1013               helpstr = "power for weighting 1 or 2")
1014      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-bin_mask', 1, ['no'], ['yes', 'no'], \
1015               helpstr = "convert weighting mask to 0 or 1 - Unused")
1016      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-box_mask', 1, ['no'], ['yes', 'no'], \
1017               helpstr = "Unused")
1019      self.valid_opts.add_opt('-mask', -1, ['vent'], \
1020               helpstr="Not available yet.\n"
1021                       "Mask to apply to data.")
1025   def dry_run(self):
1026      if self.oexec != "dry_run":
1027         return 0
1028      else:
1029         return 1
1031   def apply_initial_opts(self, opt_list):
1032      opt1 = opt_list.find_opt('-version') # user only wants version
1033      opt2 = opt_list.find_opt('-ver')
1034      if ((opt1 != None) or (opt2 != None)):
1035         # ps.version()
1036         ps.ciao(0)   # terminate
1037      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-verb')    # set and use verb
1038      if opt != None: self.verb = int(opt.parlist[0])
1040      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-save_script') # save executed script
1041      if opt != None: self.save_script = opt.parlist[0]
1043      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-ex_mode')    # set execute mode
1044      if opt != None: self.oexec = opt.parlist[0]
1046      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-keep_rm_files')    # keep temp files
1047      if opt != None: self.rmrm = 0
1049      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-prep_only')    # preprocessing only
1050      if opt != None: self.prep_only = 1
1052      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-help')    # does the user want help?
1053      if opt != None:
1054         ps.self_help(2)   # always give full help now by default
1055         ps.ciao(0)  # terminate
1057      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-limited_help')  # less help?
1058      if opt != None:
1059         ps.self_help()
1060         ps.ciao(0)  # terminate
1062      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-option_help')  # help for options only
1063      if opt != None:
1064         ps.self_help(1)
1065         ps.ciao(0)  # terminate
1067      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-perc')    # set and use percentile for weight
1068      if opt != None: self.perc = float(opt.parlist[0])
1070      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-suffix')
1071      if opt != None:
1072          self.suffix = opt.parlist[0]
1073          if((opt=="") or (opt==" ")) :
1074            self.error_msg("Cannot have blank suffix")
1075            ps.ciao(1);
1077      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-cost')
1078      if opt != None: self.cost = opt.parlist[0]
1079      else: self.cost = ''
1081      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-pow_mask')
1082      if opt != None: self.sqmask = opt.parlist[0]
1084      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-box_mask')
1085      if opt != None: self.boxmask = opt.parlist[0]
1087      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-bin_mask')
1088      if opt != None: self.binmask = opt.parlist[0]
1090      if (opt_list.find_opt('-epi2anat') or
1091          opt_list.find_opt('-dset2to1') ):    # align epi to anat
1092         self.epi2anat = 1
1093         self.anat2epi = 0     # turn off anat to epi unless requested
1094         self.volreg_flag = 1  # turn on motion correction/volume registration
1095         if(opt_list.find_opt('-anat2epi') or
1096            opt_list.find_opt('-dset1to2')):    # align anat to epi
1097            self.anat2epi = 1
1099      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-prep_off')    # turn off all preprocessing steps
1100      if opt != None:
1101          self.deoblique_flag = 0
1102          self.tshift_flag = 0
1103          self.volreg_flag = 0
1104          self.resample_flag = 0
1105          self.info_msg( \
1106          "turning off deobliquing tshift, volume registration, resampling")
1107          # note - individual flags can be turned on, if desired
1109      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-deoblique')    # deoblique data
1110      if opt != None:
1111          if(opt.parlist[0]=='on'):
1112              self.deoblique_flag = 1
1113          elif(opt.parlist[0]=='off'):
1114              self.deoblique_flag = 0
1115          else:
1116              self.error_msg("deoblique option not on/off")
1117              self.ciao(1)
1119      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-tshift')    # do time shifting
1120      if opt != None:
1121          if(opt.parlist[0]=='on'):
1122              self.tshift_flag = 1
1123          elif(opt.parlist[0]=='off'):
1124              self.tshift_flag = 0
1125          else:
1126              self.error_msg("tshift option not on/off")
1127              self.ciao(1)
1129      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-volreg')    # do volume registration
1130      if opt != None:
1131          if(opt.parlist[0]=='on'):
1132              self.volreg_flag = 1
1133              self.info_msg("turning on volume registration")
1134          elif(opt.parlist[0]=='off'):
1135              self.volreg_flag = 0
1136              self.info_msg("turning off volume registration")
1137          else:
1138              self.error_msg("volreg option not on/off");
1139              self.ciao(1)
1141      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-resample')    # resample epi to anat
1142      if opt != None:
1143          if(opt.parlist[0]=='on'):
1144              self.resample_flag = 1
1145          elif(opt.parlist[0]=='off'):
1146              self.resample_flag = 0
1147              self.info_msg("turning off resampling")
1148          else:
1149              self.error_msg("resample option not on/off");
1150              self.ciao(1)
1152      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-check_flip')       # check for left/right flipping
1153      if opt != None:
1154         self.flip = 1
1155         self.save_epi_ns = 1                      # save EPI for QC, even if anat to epi
1157      # optional data to save
1158      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-save_Al_in')       # save 3dAllineate input datasets
1159      if opt != None: self.save_Al_in = 1
1160      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-save_tsh')         # save timeshifted data
1161      if opt != None: self.save_tsh = 1
1162      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-save_vr')          # save volume registered epi data
1163      if opt != None:
1164         self.save_vr = 1
1165         opt = opt_list.find_opt('-volreg')        # if volreg has not been set
1166         if opt == None:  self.volreg_flag = 1     # turn on volreg processing
1167      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-save_skullstrip')  # save unaligned skullstripped
1168      if opt != None: self.save_skullstrip = 1
1169      # save unaligned, unobliqued dataset
1170      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-save_orig_skullstrip')
1171      if opt != None:
1172         val, err = opt_list.get_string_opt('', opt=opt)
1173         if val == None or err:
1174            ps.self_help()
1175            ps.ciao(0)  # terminate
1176         self.save_origstrip = val
1177      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-save_epi_ns')      # save unaligned skullstripped epi
1178      if opt != None: self.save_epi_ns = 1
1179      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-save_rep')         # save unaligned representative epi
1180      if opt != None: self.save_rep = 1
1181      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-save_resample')    # save unaligned resampled epi
1182      if opt != None: self.save_resample = 1
1184      opt = opt_list.find_opt('-save_all')  # save all optional output datasets
1185      if ((opt != None) or self.prep_only):
1186         self.save_Al_in = 1      # save 3dAllineate input files
1187         self.save_tsh = 1        # save tshifted epi
1188         self.save_vr = 1         # save volume registered epi
1189         self.save_skullstrip = 1 # save skullstripped (not aligned)
1190         self.save_rep = 1        # save representative tstat epi
1191         self.save_resample = 1   # save resampled epi
1192         self.save_epi_ns = 1     # save skull-stripped epi
1196   def get_user_opts(self):
1197      self.valid_opts.check_special_opts(sys.argv) #ZSS March 2014
1198      self.user_opts = read_options(sys.argv, self.valid_opts)
1199      if self.user_opts == None: return 1 #bad
1200      # no options: apply -help
1201      if ( len(self.user_opts.olist) == 0 or \
1202           len(sys.argv) <= 1 ) :
1203         ps.self_help()
1204         ps.ciao(0)  # terminate
1205      if self.user_opts.trailers:
1206         opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('trailers')
1207         if not opt:
1208             print("** ERROR: seem to have trailers, but cannot find them!")
1209         else:
1210             print("** ERROR: have invalid trailing args: %s", opt.show())
1211         return 1  # failure
1213      # apply the user options
1214      if self.apply_initial_opts(self.user_opts): return 1
1216      if self.verb > 3:
1217         self.show('------ found options ------ ')
1219      return
1221   def show(self, mesg=""):
1222      print('%s: %s' % (mesg, self.label))
1223      if self.verb > 2: self.valid_opts.show('valid_opts: ')
1224      self.user_opts.show('user_opts: ')
1226   def info_msg(self, mesg=""):
1227       if(self.verb >= 1) :
1228          print("#++ %s" % mesg)
1230   def error_msg(self, mesg=""):
1231       print("#**ERROR %s" % mesg)
1233   def exists_msg(self, dsetname=""):
1234       print("** Dataset: %s already exists" % dsetname)
1235       print("** Not overwriting.")
1236       if(not ps.dry_run()):
1237           self.ciao(1)
1239   def ciao(self, i):
1240      if i > 0:
1241         print("** ERROR - script failed")
1242      elif i==0:
1243         print("")
1245      os.chdir(self.odir)
1247      if self.save_script:
1248         write_afni_com_history(self.save_script)
1250      # return status code
1251      sys.exit(i)
1253   # save the script command arguments to the dataset history
1254   def save_history(self, dset, exec_mode):
1255      self.info_msg("Saving history")  # sounds dramatic, doesn't it?
1256      cmdline = args_as_command(sys.argv, \
1257                 '3dNotes -h "', '" %s' % dset.input())
1258      com = shell_com(  "%s\n" % cmdline, exec_mode)
1259      com.run()
1261   # show help
1262   # if help_level is 1, then show options help only
1263   # if help_level is 2, then show main help and options help
1264   def self_help(self, help_level=0):
1265      if(help_level!=1) :
1266         print(g_help_string)
1267      if(help_level):
1268         print("A full list of options for %s:\n" % ps.label)
1269         for opt in self.valid_opts.olist:
1270            print("   %-20s" % (opt.name ))
1271            if (opt.helpstr != ''):
1272               print("   %-20s   %s" % \
1273                  ("   use:", opt.helpstr.replace("\n","\n   %-20s   "%' ')))
1274            if (opt.acceptlist):
1275               print("   %-20s   %s" % \
1276                  ("   allowed:" , str.join(', ', opt.acceptlist)))
1277            if (opt.deflist):
1278               print("   %-20s   %s" % \
1279                  ("   default:",str.join(' ', opt.deflist)))
1280      return 1
1282   # remove all the temporary files for epi and anat base names
1283   def cleanup(self, rmold=0):
1284      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-epi')
1285      if opt == None :
1286         opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-dset2')
1287      e = afni_name(opt.parlist[0])
1288      e.to_afni(new_view=dset_view(e.ppve()))
1289      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-anat')
1290      if opt == None :
1291         opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-dset1')
1292      a = afni_name(opt.parlist[0])
1293      a.to_afni(new_view=dset_view(a.ppve()))
1295      self.fresh_start( \
1296          ("%s" % (e.out_prefix())), \
1297          ("%s" % (a.out_prefix())), rmold = rmold, \
1298          epipath = ps.output_dir, anatpath = ps.output_dir)
1299      return 1
1301   def version(self):
1302      self.info_msg("align_epi_anat version: %s" % self.align_version)
1304   # copy dataset 1 to dataset 2
1305   # show message and check if dset1 is the same as dset2
1306   # return non-zero error if can not copy
1307   def copy_dset(self, dset1, dset2, message, exec_mode):
1308      self.info_msg(message)
1309      if(dset1.input()==dset2.input()):
1310         print("# copy is not necessary")
1311         return 0
1312#      if((os.path.islink(dset1.p())) or (os.path.islink(dset2.p()))):
1313      if(dset1.real_input() == dset2.real_input()):
1314         print("# copy is not necessary")
1315         return 0
1316      ds1 = dset1.real_input()
1317      ds2 = dset2.real_input()
1318      ds1s = ds1.replace('/./','/')
1319      ds2s = ds2.replace('/./','/')
1320      if(ds1s == ds2s):
1321          print("# copy is not necessary - both paths are same")
1322          return 0
1323      print("copying from dataset %s to %s" % (dset1.input(), dset2.input()))
1324      dset2.delete(exec_mode)
1325      com = shell_com(  \
1326            "3dcopy %s %s" % (dset1.input(), dset2.out_prefix()), exec_mode)
1327      com.run()
1328      if ((not dset2.exist())and (exec_mode!='dry_run')):
1329         print("** ERROR: Could not rename %s\n" % dset1.input())
1330         return 1
1331      return 0
1335## BEGIN script specific functions
1336   def process_input(self):
1337      #Do the default test on all options entered.
1338      #NOTE that default options that take no parameters will not go
1339      #through test, but that is no big deal
1340      for opt in self.user_opts.olist:
1341         if (opt.test() == None): ps.ciao(1)
1343      # skull stripping is on by default for anat/dset1
1344      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-anat_has_skull')
1345      if opt != None and opt.parlist[0] == 'no':
1346          ps.skullstrip = 0
1347      else:
1348          ps.skullstrip = 1
1349          ps.skullstrip_method = '3dSkullStrip'
1350          opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-dset1_strip')
1351          if(opt!=None):
1352              ps.skullstrip_method = opt.parlist[0]
1353              if(ps.skullstrip_method=='None'):
1354                  ps.skullstrip = 0
1356      # skull stripping is on by default for epi / dset2
1357      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-epi_strip')
1358      if opt != None :
1359          ps.epi_strip_method = opt.parlist[0]
1360      else:
1361          ps.epi_strip_method = '3dSkullStrip'
1362          opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-dset2_strip')
1363          if(opt!=None):
1364              ps.epi_strip_method = opt.parlist[0]
1366      #Allineate extras
1367      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-Allineate_opts')
1368      if opt != None:
1369         ps.AlOpt = str.join(' ', opt.parlist)
1370      else:
1371         ps.AlOpt = ''
1373      # rigid body alignment
1374      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-rigid_body')
1375      if opt != None:
1376         ps.AlOpt = ps.AlOpt.replace('-warp aff', '-warp shift_rotate')
1378      # rigid body alignment
1379      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-rigid_equiv')
1380      if opt != None:
1381         ps.rigid_equiv = 1
1383      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-feature_size')
1384      if opt != None:
1385         featuresize = float(opt.parlist[0])
1386         blursize = 2.0 * featuresize
1387         aljoin = '-twoblur %f -blok "RHDD(%f)"' % (blursize, featuresize)
1388         ps.AlOpt = "%s %s" % (ps.AlOpt, aljoin)
1389      else:
1390         featuresize = 0.0
1392      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-rat_align')
1393      if opt != None:
1394         if featuresize == 0.0 :
1395            featuresize = 0.5
1396            blursize = 1.0
1397            aljoin = '-twoblur %f -blok "RHDD(%f)"' % (blursize, featuresize)
1398            ps.AlOpt = "%s %s" % (ps.AlOpt, aljoin)
1399         ps.skullstrip_opt = "-rat"
1401      #big_move?
1402      opt1 = self.user_opts.find_opt('-big_move')
1403      #giant_move?
1404      opt2 = self.user_opts.find_opt('-giant_move')
1405      #ginormous move?
1406      opt3 = self.user_opts.find_opt('-ginormous_move')
1407      if(not (opt1 or opt2 or opt3)):
1408         ps.AlOpt = "%s -onepass " % ps.AlOpt
1409      else:
1410         # resampling has the potential to cut off data
1411         # the cmass flag is used by 3dAllineate to align the center of mass
1412         # first and then resamples
1413         self.resample_flag = 0
1415      if(opt1):
1416         ps.AlOpt = "%s -twopass " % ps.AlOpt
1418      if(opt2 or opt3):
1419         if featuresize  == 0.0 :
1420            fsize = 1
1421         else:
1422            fsize = featuresize
1424         ps.AlOpt =  \
1425         "%s -twobest 11 -twopass -VERB -maxrot 45 -maxshf 40 " \
1426         "-fineblur %s -source_automask+2" % (ps.AlOpt, fsize)
1427         ps.cmass = "cmass"
1428         ps.giant_move = 1
1429      else :
1430         ps.giant_move = 0
1431      if(opt3): # ginormous option
1432         ps.align_centers = 1
1434      #supersize - allow for large scale changes
1435      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-supersize')
1436      if(opt):
1437         ps.AlOpt =  \
1438         "%s -maxscl 1.5" % ps.AlOpt
1440      #giant_move?
1441      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-flip_giant')
1442      if(opt): ps.flip_giant = 1;
1444      #add edges
1445      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-AddEdge')
1446      if opt == None:
1447         ps.AddEdge = 0
1448      else:
1449         ps.AddEdge = 1
1452      #get anat and epi
1454      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-epi')
1455      if opt == None:
1456         opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-dset2')
1457         if opt == None:
1458            print("** ERROR: Must use -epi or -dset2 option\n")
1459            return 0
1460         if self.cost == '':
1461            self.cost = 'lpa'   # make default cost lpa for dset1/2 terminology
1462         self.dset_prep_off()
1463         self.epi_base = "0"      # align to 0th sub-brick
1464         self.dset1_generic_name = 'dset1'
1465         self.dset2_generic_name = 'dset2'
1467      e = afni_name(opt.parlist[0])
1468      ps.epi = e
1469      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-anat')
1470      if opt == None:
1471         opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-dset1')
1472         if opt == None:
1473            print("** ERROR: Must use -anat or -dset1 options\n")
1474            ps.ciao(1)
1475         if self.cost == '':
1476            self.cost = 'lpa'   # make default cost lpa for dset1/2 terminology
1477         self.dset_prep_off()   # assume no motion correction, slice timing correction,...
1478         self.epi_base = "0"      # align to 0th sub-brick
1479         self.dset1_generic_name = 'dset1'
1480         self.dset2_generic_name = 'dset2'
1482      a = ps.anat0 = afni_name(opt.parlist[0])
1484      # if cost has not been set by using dset1/2 or cost options
1485      if self.cost == '' :
1486         self.cost = 'lpc'      # set default cost to lpc
1488#      if ps.user_opts.find_opt('-fresh'):
1489#         ps.fresh_start(e.out_prefix(), a.out_prefix())
1491      #epi input
1492      if not e.exist():
1493         print( "** ERROR: Could not find epi / dset2 dataset\n   %s "
1494             % e.input())
1495         ps.ciao(1)
1497      #anat input
1498      if not a.exist():
1499         print("** ERROR: Could not find anat / dset1 dataset\n   %s "
1500             % a.input())
1501         ps.ciao(1)
1503      #get 3dTshift options
1504      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-tshift_opts')
1505      if opt != None:
1506         ps.tshift_opt = str.join(' ', opt.parlist)
1507      else:
1508         ps.tshift_opt = '-cubic'
1510      #get 3dvolreg options
1511      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-volreg_opts')
1512      if opt != None:
1513         ps.reg_opt = str.join(' ', opt.parlist)
1514      else:
1515         ps.reg_opt = ''
1517      #get 3dSkullstrip options
1518      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-skullstrip_opts')
1519      if opt != None:
1520         ps.skullstrip_opt = str.join(' ',opt.parlist)
1522      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-dset1strip_opts')
1523      if opt != None:
1524         ps.skullstrip_opt = str.join(' ',opt.parlist)
1526      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-epistrip_opts')
1527      if opt != None:
1528         ps.epistrip_opt = str.join(' ',opt.parlist)
1530      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-dset2strip_opts')
1531      if opt != None:
1532         ps.epistrip_opt = str.join(' ',opt.parlist)
1534      #get epi base type for alignment (specific sub-brick/median/mean)
1535      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-epi_base')
1536      if opt == None:
1537         opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-dset2_base')
1538         if opt == None:
1539            if(self.epi_base==None):
1540               ps.error_msg("Must use -epi_base or -dset2_base options")
1541               ps.ciao(1)
1542         else:
1543            ps.epi_base = opt.parlist[0]
1544      else:
1545         ps.epi_base = opt.parlist[0]
1547      #get volreg_base (matches epi_base by default)
1548      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-volreg_base')
1549      if opt != None:
1550         self.volreg_flag = 1
1551         ps.volreg_base = opt.parlist[0]
1552      else:
1553         ps.volreg_base = ps.epi_base
1555# may not need this and only the epi_base parameter instead
1556      #get 3dTstat options
1557      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-tstat_opts')
1558      if opt != None:
1559         ps.tstat_opt = str.join(' ', opt.parlist)
1560      else:
1561         ps.tstat_opt = ''
1563      #check for various center of mass options
1564      optc = self.user_opts.find_opt('-cmass')
1565      if optc == None :
1566         #if no cmass option entered, partial coverage?
1567         cmass_opts = 0
1568         opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-partial_coverage')
1569         if opt != None:
1570            ps.cmass = 'cmass+a'
1571            cmass_opts += 1
1572         opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-partial_axial')
1573         if opt != None:
1574            ps.cmass = 'cmass+xy'
1575            cmass_opts += 1
1576         opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-partial_coronal')
1577         if opt != None:
1578            ps.cmass = 'cmass+xz'
1579            cmass_opts += 1
1580         opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-partial_sagittal')
1581         if opt != None:
1582            ps.cmass = 'cmass+yz'
1583            cmass_opts += 1
1584         if cmass_opts > 1:
1585            self.error_msg("Can only use a single partial_xxx coverage option")
1586      else:
1587         ps.cmass = optc.parlist[0]
1589      #get talairached anatomical dataset
1590      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-tlrc_apar')
1591      if opt != None:
1592         anat_tlrc = afni_name(opt.parlist[0])
1593         ps.tlrc_apar = anat_tlrc
1594         if not anat_tlrc.exist():
1595            self.error_msg("Could not find anat talairach template dataset\n" \
1596                  "  %s " %  anat_tlrc.out_prefix())
1597         else:
1598            self.info_msg("Talairach transformed anatomical: %s" % \
1599                        (anat_tlrc.input()))
1600         if not ps.epi2anat:
1601            self.error_msg("No talairach transformation performed unless aligning epi2anat")
1602      else :
1603         ps.tlrc_apar = ""
1604      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-tlrc_epar')
1605      if opt != None:
1606         at = afni_name(opt.parlist[0])
1607         ps.tlrc_epar = at
1608         if not at.exist():
1609            self.error_msg("Could not find epi talairach template dataset\n %s "
1610                  % at.input())
1611      else :
1612         ps.tlrc_epar = ""
1615      #get pre-transformation matrix
1616      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-pre_matrix')
1617      if opt != None:
1618         ps.pre_matrix = opt.parlist[0]
1619      else :
1620         ps.pre_matrix = ""
1622      #align_centers to get pre-transformation matrix
1623      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-align_centers')
1624      if opt != None:  # shouldn't happen, defaults to no
1625         if((opt.parlist[0]=='yes') or (opt.parlist[0]=='on')):
1626             ps.align_centers = 1
1627             self.info_msg("turning on align_centers")
1628             if ps.pre_matrix != "" :
1629                self.error_msg(
1630                 "Can not use both align_centers and pre-matrix transformations")
1632      #get post-transformation matrix
1633      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-post_matrix')
1634      if opt != None:
1635         ps.post_matrix = opt.parlist[0]
1636      else :
1637         ps.post_matrix = ""
1639      # check on the children
1640      ps.child_epis = self.user_opts.find_opt('-child_epi')
1641      if (ps.child_epis == None):
1642          ps.child_epis = self.user_opts.find_opt('-child_dset2')
1644      if ps.child_epis != None:
1645         self.info_msg("-child_epi or child_dset2 option given")
1646         if (not ps.epi2anat) :
1647            if (self.save_Al_in or self.save_tsh or self.save_vr or self.save_rep or
1648                self.save_resample or self.save_epi_ns):
1649                self.info_msg(
1650                 "Child epis / dset2 will be processed although not aligning\n"
1651                 "epi to anat datasets with -epi2anat / -dset2to1 because a\n"
1652                 "save preprocessing option such as -save_vr is selected")
1653                for child_epi_name in ps.child_epis.parlist:
1654                   child_epi = afni_name(child_epi_name)
1655                   # it's 11:00, do you know where your children are?
1656                   if not child_epi.exist():
1657                      self.error_msg("Could not find child epi/dset2 %s\n"
1658                            % child_epi.input())
1659                   else:
1660                      self.info_msg("Found child epi/dset2 %s\n"
1661                            % child_epi.input())
1663            else :
1664                self.error_msg(
1665                  "Child epis / dset2 are not processed unless aligning epi\n"
1666                  "to anat datasets with -epi2anat / -dset2to1 or a save\n"
1667                  "preprocessing option such as -save_vr is also selected")
1668                ps.child_epis = None
1670      ps.child_anats = self.user_opts.find_opt('-child_anat')
1671      if ps.child_anats == None:
1672         ps.child_anats = self.user_opts.find_opt('-child_dset1')
1674      if ps.child_anats != None:
1675         self.info_msg("-child_anat option given")
1676         if (not ps.anat2epi) :
1677            self.error_msg(
1678                 "child anat datasets are not processed unless aligning anat\n"
1679                 "to epi or dset1to2 datasets")
1680            ps.child_anats = None
1681         else :
1682            for child_anat_name in ps.child_anats.parlist:
1683               child_anat = afni_name(child_anat_name)
1684               # it's 11:00, do you know where your children are?
1685               if not child_anat.exist():
1686                  self.error_msg("Could not find child anat / dset1\n %s "
1687                        % child_anat.input())
1688               else:
1689                  self.info_msg(
1690                    "Found child anat / dset1 %s\n" % child_anat.input())
1692      # output resolution options
1693      # EPI output bounding box and voxel size
1694      min_d =  self.min_dim_dset(ps.epi)
1695      mast_dxyz = "" # set default output
1696      mast_dset = "SOURCE"
1697      if ps.giant_move == 1 :
1698         mast_dset = "BASE"
1699         mast_dxyz = '-mast_dxyz %f' % min_d
1701      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-master_epi')  # epi to anat resolution
1702      if opt == None:
1703          opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-master_dset2')  # dset2to1 resolution
1705      if opt != None:
1706          if(opt.parlist[0]!='MIN_DXYZ'):
1707              if(isFloat(opt.parlist[0])):
1708                 min_d = float(opt.parlist[0])
1709                 mast_dxyz = '-mast_dxyz %f' % min_d
1710              else:
1711                 mast_dset = opt.parlist[0]
1712                 if(opt.parlist[0]!='BASE') and (opt.parlist[0]!='SOURCE'):
1713                    mast_dxyz = ''
1714                 else:
1715                    if(opt.parlist[0]=='SOURCE'):
1716                       mast_dxyz = ''
1717                    else:   # for BASE, resample by default to min.dimension too
1718                       mast_dxyz = '-mast_dxyz %f' % min_d
1721      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-master_epi_dxyz')
1722      if opt == None:
1723         opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-master_dset2_dxyz')
1724      if opt != None:
1725         if(isFloat(opt.parlist[0])):
1726            mast_dxyz = '-mast_dxyz %s' % opt.parlist[0]
1727         else:
1728            self.info_msg("****Can not use dxyz setting. Use numbers only***")
1729            self.info_msg("Using default minimum dimension spacing")
1731      # set up 3dAllineate output grid - master dataset for bounding box and
1732      #  grid resolution
1733      if((mast_dset=="SOURCE") and ps.align_centers):
1734         self.master_epi_option = "%s" % mast_dxyz
1735         self.master_epi_3dAl_center = 1
1736      else:
1737         self.master_epi_option = \
1738            "-master %s %s" % (mast_dset, mast_dxyz)
1739         self.master_epi_3dAl_center = 0
1740      self.master_epi_dset = mast_dset
1742      # output resolution options
1743      # EPI output in TLRC dataset's bounding box
1744      # voxel size is minimum dimension of EPI by default
1745      min_d =  self.min_dim_dset(ps.epi)
1746      mast_dxyz = '-mast_dxyz %f' % min_d
1747      mast_dset = "BASE"
1748      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-master_tlrc')  # epi to tlrc resolution
1750      if opt != None:
1751          if(opt.parlist[0]!='MIN_DXYZ'):
1752              if(isFloat(opt.parlist[0])):
1753                 min_d = float(opt.parlist[0])
1754                 mast_dxyz = '-mast_dxyz %f' % min_d
1755              else:
1756                 mast_dset = opt.parlist[0]
1757                 if(opt.parlist[0]!='BASE') and (opt.parlist[0]!='SOURCE'):
1758                    mast_dxyz = ''
1759                 else:
1760                    if(opt.parlist[0]=='SOURCE'):
1761                       mast_dxyz = ''
1762                    else:   # for BASE, resample by default to min.dimension too
1763                       mast_dxyz = '-mast_dxyz %f' % min_d
1765      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-master_tlrc_dxyz')
1766      if opt != None:
1767         if(isFloat(opt.parlist[0])):
1768            mast_dxyz = '-mast_dxyz %s' % opt.parlist[0]
1769         else:
1770            self.info_msg("****Can not use dxyz setting. Use numbers only***")
1771            self.info_msg("Using default minimum dimension spacing")
1773      # set up 3dAllineate output grid - master dataset for bounding box and
1774      #  grid resolution
1775      self.master_tlrc_option = \
1776          "-master %s %s" % (mast_dset, mast_dxyz)
1777      self.master_tlrc_dset = mast_dset
1779      # anat oblique and 3dAllineate output resolution and bounding box
1780      min_d =  self.min_dim_dset(ps.anat0)
1781      mast_dxyz = ""    # set default output is same as original
1782      mast_dset = "SOURCE"
1783      if ps.giant_move:
1784         mast_dset = "BASE"
1785         mast_dxyz = '-mast_dxyz %f' % min_d
1787      self.master_anat_option = "-newgrid %f" % min_d
1788#      self.info_msg("Spacing for anat to EPI deobliquing is %f mm" % min_d)
1790      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-master_anat')
1791      if  opt == None:
1792         opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-master_dset1')
1794      if opt != None:
1795          if(opt.parlist[0]!='MIN_DXYZ'):
1796              if(isFloat(opt.parlist[0])):
1797                 min_d = float(opt.parlist[0])
1798                 self.master_anat_option = "-newgrid %f" % min_d
1799                 mast_dxyz = '-mast_dxyz %f' % min_d
1800                 self.info_msg("Spacing for %s to %s obliquing is %f mm" % \
1801                 (self.dset1_generic_name,self.dset2_generic_name, min_d))
1802              else: # master is not a voxel size, but a dataset
1803                 mast_dset = opt.parlist[0]
1804                 # master is a specific dataset name
1805                 if(opt.parlist[0]!='BASE') and (opt.parlist[0]!='SOURCE'):
1806                    self.master_anat_option = "-gridset %s" % opt.parlist[0]
1807                    mast_dxyz = ''
1808                 # master is 'SOURCE' or 'BASE'
1809                 else:
1810                    self.info_msg("****master anat option is %s"
1811                                   % opt.parlist[0])
1812                    self.info_msg(
1813                    "****Can not apply BASE or SOURCE as master "
1814                    "for deobliquing. Using default min dim spacing");
1815                    if(opt.parlist[0]=='SOURCE'):
1816                       mast_dxyz = ''
1817                    else:
1818                       mast_dxyz = '-mast_dxyz %f' % min_d
1820      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-master_anat_dxyz')
1821      if opt == None:
1822         opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-master_dset1_dxyz')
1823      if opt != None:
1824         if(isFloat(opt.parlist[0])):
1825            mast_dxyz = '-mast_dxyz %s' % opt.parlist[0]
1826         else:
1827            self.info_msg("****Can not use dxyz setting. Use numbers only***")
1828            self.info_msg("Using default min dim spacing")
1830      # set up 3dAllineate output grid - master dataset for bounding box and
1831      #  grid resolution
1832      if((mast_dset=="SOURCE") and ps.align_centers):
1833         self.master_anat_3dAl_option = "%s" % mast_dxyz
1834         self.master_anat_3dAl_center = 1
1835      else:
1836         self.master_anat_3dAl_option = \
1837            "-master %s %s" % (mast_dset, mast_dxyz)
1838         self.master_anat_3dAl_center = 0
1839      self.master_anat_dset = mast_dset
1841      #get deobliquing options
1842      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-deoblique_opts')
1843      if opt != None:
1844         ps.deoblique_opt = str.join(' ',opt.parlist)
1845      else:
1846         ps.deoblique_opt = ''
1848      # user says it's okay to overwrite existing files
1849      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-overwrite')
1850      if opt != None:
1851         ps.rewrite = 1
1853      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-edge')  # use internal edges to drive alignment
1854      if (opt != None):
1855         self.edge = 1
1856         opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-edge_erodelevel')
1857         if opt == None:
1858            ps.erodelevel = 5
1859         else:
1860            ps.erodelevel = opt.parlist[0]
1862         # the cost function is not as important here because the preprocessing
1863         # steps accomodate for dataset differences - least squares,
1864         # mutual information or local pearson correlation are all good choices
1865         opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-cost')
1866         if opt == None: self.cost = 'lpa'  # local Pearson absolute correlation
1867         if(featuresize==0):            # set feature size if not already set
1868            featuresize = 0.5
1869            blursize = 2.0 * featuresize
1870            aljoin = '-twoblur %f -blok "RHDD(%f)"' % (blursize, featuresize)
1871            ps.AlOpt = "%s %s" % (ps.AlOpt, aljoin)
1873      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-check_cost')
1874      if opt != None:
1876          self.checkcost = str.join(' ', opt.parlist)
1877      else:
1878          self.checkcost = ""
1880      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-multi_cost')
1881      if opt != None:
1882          self.multicost = opt.parlist
1883      else:
1884          self.multicost = []
1885      self.multicost.append(self.cost)         # only the original cost
1886      for mcost in self.multicost:
1887          self.info_msg("Multi-cost is %s" % mcost)
1890      opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-output_dir') # set alternative output directory
1891      if opt != None:
1892         self.output_dir = opt.parlist[0]
1893         # end with a slash
1894         self.output_dir = "%s/" % os.path.realpath(self.output_dir)
1895         print("# User has selected a new output directory %s" % self.output_dir)
1896         com = shell_com(("mkdir %s" % self.output_dir), self.oexec)
1897         com.run()
1898         print("cd %s" % self.output_dir)
1899         if(not self.dry_run()):
1900            os.chdir(self.output_dir)
1901      else :
1902         self.output_dir = "./"  # just the current directory
1903      self.anat_dir = self.output_dir
1904      self.epi_dir = self.output_dir
1906      # all inputs look okay  - this goes after all inputs. ##########
1907      return 1
1909   # turn off all preprocessing steps
1910   def prep_off(self) :
1911       self.deoblique_flag = 0
1912       self.tshift_flag = 0
1913       self.volreg_flag = 0
1914       self.resample_flag = 0
1915       self.info_msg("turning off deobliquing tshift, volume registration, resampling")
1916       return
1918   # turn off most preprocessing steps - keep deobliquing though
1919   def dset_prep_off(self) :
1920       self.tshift_flag = 0
1921       self.volreg_flag = 0
1922       self.resample_flag = 0
1923       self.info_msg("turning off tshift, volume registration, resampling")
1924       return
1927   # find smallest dimension of dataset in x,y,z
1928   def min_dim_dset(self, dset=None) :
1929       com = shell_com(  \
1930                "3dAttribute DELTA %s" % dset.input(), ps.oexec,capture=1)
1931       com.run()
1932       if  ps.dry_run():
1933          return (1.234567)
1935       # new purty python way (donated by rick)
1936       min_dx = min([abs(float(com.val(0,i))) for i in range(3)])
1938       # old non-pythonesque way
1939       if 0:
1940          min_dx = 1000.0       # some high number to start
1941          i = 0
1942          while i < 3 :    # find the smallest of the 3 dimensions
1943             dx = abs(float(com.val(0,i)))
1944             if (dx<min_dx):
1945                 min_dx = dx
1946             i += 1
1949       if(min_dx==0.0):
1950           min_dx = 1.0
1951       return (min_dx)
1954   # determine if dataset has time shifts in slices
1955   def tshiftable_dset( self, dset=None) :
1956       com = shell_com(  \
1957                "3dAttribute TAXIS_OFFSETS %s" % dset.input(), ps.oexec,capture=1)
1958       com.run()
1959       if  ps.dry_run():
1960           return (1)
1961       if(len(com.so)): status = 1
1962       else: status = 0
1963       return (status)
1965   # determine if dataset is oblique
1966   def oblique_dset( self, dset=None) :
1967      com = shell_com(  \
1968        "3dinfo %s | \grep 'Data Axes Tilt:'|\grep 'Oblique'" % dset.input(),\
1969          ps.oexec,capture=1)
1970      com.run()
1971      if  ps.dry_run():
1972          return (1)   # default for dry run is to assume oblique
1973      if(len(com.so)):
1974#        print("length of so is %d" % len(com.so))
1975#        oblstr = com.val(len(com.so),4)
1976#        if(oblstr=="Oblique"):
1977           self.info_msg( "Dataset %s is ***oblique****" % dset.input())
1978           return (1)
1979      self.info_msg( "Dataset %s is not oblique" % dset.input())
1980      return (0)  # if here, then not oblique
1983   # parse 1D file of multiple costs for a particular cost
1984   # the data are arranged like this
1985   ## 3dAllineate -allcostX1D results:
1986   ##  ___ ls   ___  ___ sp   ___  ___ mi   ___  ___ crM  ___  ___ nmi  ___  ___ je   ___  ___ hel  ___  ___ crA  ___  ___ crU  ___  ___ lss  ___  ___ lpc  ___  ___ lpa  ___  ___ lpc+ ___  ___ ncd  ___
1987   #      0.778644     0.410080    -0.108398     0.778821     0.989730    10.462562    -0.018096     0.882749     0.862151     0.221356    -0.009732     0.990268     0.522726     0.999801
1989   def get_cost(self, costfilename ,costfunction):
1990      # lpc+ZZ (or lpc+zz) evaluated at end of alignment as lpc
1991      if costfunction.lower() == "lpc+zz" :
1992          costfunction = "lpc"
1994      try:
1995         costfile = open(costfilename,'r')
1996         # ignore first line. That should just say "3dAllineate -allcostX1D results"
1997         costfile.readline()
1998         # read the list of costnames in the second line
1999         costnames = costfile.readline()
2000         # remove the underscores and the leading ##
2001         costnamelist = [(x) for x in costnames.split() if x != "___" and x != "#" and x != "##" ]
2002         # read the list of cost values
2003         costlist = costfile.readline()
2004         # convert into list structure
2005         costs = costlist.split()
2006         costfile.close()
2007         # make dictionary of names and costs
2008         costdict = dict(list(zip(costnamelist, costs)))
2010         # be sure cost function is in the dictionary
2011         if not costfunction in costnamelist:
2012            print("** Error processing cost list file %s" % costfilename)
2013            print("   cost '%s' not found in dict\n" \
2014                  " : %s" % (costfunction, costdict))
2016         # get cost value from dictionary (error handling if it doesn't exist in list)
2017         costvalue = float(costdict[costfunction])
2018         return (costvalue)
2019      except:
2020         print("ERROR: error reading cost list file")
2022      # find the cost name and then the corresponding value
2023      # for i, name in enumerate(costnamelist):
2024      #   if name == costfunction:
2025      #      costvalue = costs[i]
2026      #      return costvalue
2027      return (1000)
2031# align the anatomical data to the epi data using 3dAllineate
2032# this is the real meat of the program
2033# note for some of the reasoning:
2034# the output dataset is the result of the alignment of the anatomical to the EPI
2035# This is the default and the preferred output for several reasons despite
2036# its not being standard to the usual processing in the past
2037# First, this does not require the EPI data to be resampled other than volume
2038# registration
2039# For medium to large differences of alignment, the EPI data resampled to its
2040# original grid may lose effective resolution. This is caused by the typical
2041# large difference in slice thickness relative to the EPI x,y voxel size within
2042# slice resolution.
2043# Secondly, the anatomical data is usually higher resolution and relatively
2044# isotropic in voxel dimensions
2045# Thirdly, the anatomical dataset is typically used for structural reference
2046# while the EPI voxel values matter for the analysis. Slight blurring of the
2047# anatomical data is relatively unimportant
2048# Fourthly, the anatomical dataset's higher resolution allows for finer
2049# structural alignment (versus downsampling the anatomical to match the EPI)
2050# One could get around these various issues by using the inverse transform as
2051# done in the epi2anat method and then resampling the output grid to a finer
2052# resolution, but this will not usually be necessary.
2054   def align_anat2epi(  self, e=None, a=None, m=None, \
2055                        alopt=" -onepass -weight_frac 1.0 -maxrot 6 " \
2056                               "-maxshf 10 -VERB -warp aff ",\
2057                        suf = "_alnd_epi", costfunction = "lpc"):
2058                        #m is the weight brick
2059      self.info_msg( "Aligning %s data to %s data" % \
2060           (ps.dset1_generic_name, ps.dset2_generic_name ))
2061      # for oblique data or pre and post transformed data, save anat to epi transformation
2062      #   matrix in separate temporary 1D file
2063      if((ps.obl_a2e_mat!="") or (ps.pre_matrix!="")) or (ps.edge):
2064         o = a.new("%s_temp%s" % (a.out_prefix(), suf))
2065         self.anat_mat = "%s%s%s_e2a_only_mat.aff12.1D" %  \
2066            (o.p(), ps.anat0.out_prefix(), suf)
2067      else:
2068         # save transformation matrix with original anatomical name,suf,...
2069         self.anat_mat = "%s%s%s_mat.aff12.1D" %  (a.p(), ps.anat0.out_prefix(),suf)
2070         if (ps.anat2epi) or (ps.flip):
2071            o = a.new("%s%s" % (ps.anat0.out_prefix(), suf)) # save the permanent data
2072         else:
2073            o = a.new("__tt_%s%s" % (ps.anat0.out_prefix(), suf)) # save temporary copy
2075      ow = a.new("%s%s_wtal" % (a.out_prefix(), suf))
2076      of = a.new("%s_flip%s" % (ps.anat0.out_prefix(), suf))
2077      olr = a.new("__tt_%s_lr%s" % (ps.anat0.out_prefix(), suf))
2079      if(self.master_anat_dset=='BASE'):
2080          o.view = e.view
2081          ow.view = e.view
2082          of.view = e.view
2083          olr.view = e.view
2084      else:
2085          if(self.master_anat_dset=='SOURCE'):
2086             o.view = a.view
2087             ow.view = a.view
2088             of.view = a.view
2089             olr.view = a.view
2090          else:
2091             manat = afni_name(self.master_anat_dset)
2092             o.view = manat.view
2093             ow.view = manat.view
2094             of.view = manat.view
2095             olr.view = manat.view
2097      anatview = o.view
2099      if (not o.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()):
2100         o.delete(ps.oexec)
2101         ow.delete(ps.oexec)
2102         if m:
2103            wtopt = "-wtprefix %s%s -weight %s" % (ow.p(), ow.out_prefix(), m.input())
2104         else:
2105            wtopt = "-wtprefix %s%s " % (ow.p(),ow.out_prefix())
2106         if(ps.cmass==""):
2107            cmass = ""
2108         else:
2109            cmass = "-%s" % ps.cmass
2110         if(ps.checkcost==""):
2111            checkstr = ""
2112         else:
2113            checkstr = "-check %s" % ps.checkcost
2114         com = shell_com(  \
2115            "3dAllineate -%s "  # costfunction       \
2116             "%s "              # weighting          \
2117             "-source %s "        \
2118             "-prefix %s%s -base %s "                  \
2119             "%s "  # center of mass options (cmass) \
2120             "-1Dmatrix_save %s "                    \
2121             "%s %s %s "  # master grid, other 3dAllineate options \
2122                       #   (may be user specified)   \
2123             % (costfunction, wtopt, a.input(), o.p(), o.out_prefix(), \
2124               e.input(), cmass, self.anat_mat, self.master_anat_3dAl_option, \
2125               alopt, checkstr ), \
2126               ps.oexec)
2127         # if this fails, notify the user
2128         if com.run():
2129            print("** 3dAllineate failure")
2130            return None, None
2131         e2a_mat = self.anat_mat
2133         if (ps.flip):
2134            com = shell_com( \
2135               "3dLRflip -prefix %s%s -overwrite %s" % \
2136               (olr.p(), olr.out_prefix(),a.input()), ps.oexec)
2137            com.run()
2138            if((ps.flip_giant) and not(ps.giant_move)):
2139               alopt =  \
2140               "%s -twobest 11 -twopass -VERB -maxrot 45 -maxshf 40 " \
2141               "-source_automask+2" % (ps.AlOpt)
2142               ps.cmass = "cmass"
2143            # flips don't need weight
2144            if m:
2145               wtopt = "-weight %s" % (m.input())
2146            else:
2147               wtopt = ""
2149            # save transformation matrix with original anatomical name,suf,...
2150            self.flip_mat = "%s%s_flip_%s_mat.aff12.1D" % \
2151                  (a.p(), ps.anat0.out_prefix(),suf)
2153            com = shell_com( \
2154               "3dAllineate -%s "  # costfunction       \
2155               "%s "              # weighting          \
2156               "-source %s "        \
2157               "-prefix %s%s -base %s "                  \
2158               "%s "  # center of mass options (cmass) \
2159               "-1Dmatrix_save %s "                    \
2160               "%s %s %s "  # master grid, other 3dAllineate options \
2161                         #   (may be user specified)   \
2162               % (costfunction, wtopt, olr.input(), of.p(), of.out_prefix(), \
2163                 e.input(), cmass, self.flip_mat, self.master_anat_3dAl_option, \
2164                 alopt, checkstr ), \
2165                 ps.oexec)
2166            com.run()
2168            com = shell_com( \
2169               "3dAllineate -allcostX1D IDENTITY __tt_lr_noflipcosts.1D "       \
2170               "%s "              # weighting          \
2171               "-source %s "        \
2172               "-base %s "                  \
2173               "%s "  # center of mass options (cmass) \
2174               "%s %s %s "  # master grid, other 3dAllineate options \
2175               % (wtopt, o.input(), e.input(), cmass, \
2176                  self.master_anat_3dAl_option, alopt, checkstr ), \
2177                 ps.oexec)
2178            com.run()
2179            com = shell_com( \
2180               "3dAllineate -allcostX1D IDENTITY __tt_lr_flipcosts.1D "       \
2181               "%s "              # weighting          \
2182               "-source %s "                           \
2183               "-base %s "                             \
2184               "%s "  # center of mass options (cmass) \
2185               "%s %s %s "  # master grid, other 3dAllineate options \
2186               % (wtopt, of.input(), e.input(), cmass, \
2187                  self.master_anat_3dAl_option, alopt, checkstr ), \
2188                 ps.oexec)
2189            com.run()
2191            noflipcost = self.get_cost("__tt_lr_noflipcosts.1D",costfunction)
2192            print("No flip cost is %f for %s cost function" % (noflipcost, costfunction))
2193            flipcost = self.get_cost("__tt_lr_flipcosts.1D",costfunction)
2194            print("Flip cost is %f for %s cost function" % (flipcost, costfunction))
2195            outname = 'aea_checkflip_results.txt'
2196            try:
2197                f = open(outname, 'w')
2198                f.write("flip_cost_orig : %f\n" % noflipcost)
2199                f.write("flip_cost_flipped : %f\n" % flipcost)
2200                f.write("flip_cost_func : %s\n" % costfunction)
2201                f.write("flip_base: %s\n" %  e.pv())
2202                f.write("flip_dset_orig : %s\n" % o.pv())
2203                f.write("flip_dset_flipped : %s\n" % of.pv())
2204                if(flipcost < noflipcost):
2205                   print("WARNING: ************ flipped data aligns better than original data\n" \
2206                         "Check for left - right flipping in the GUI ************************")
2207                   f.write("flip_guess : DO_FLIP\n")
2208                else:
2209                   f.write("flip_guess : NO_FLIP\n")
2210                   print("Data does not need flipping")
2211                f.close()
2212            except:
2213                print("WARNING: Could not write to flip text file")
2215         # if rigid_equiv, then save only rigid equivalent alignment
2216         # extract with cat_matvec
2217         if(ps.rigid_equiv):
2218            self.info_msg( \
2219                "Reducing alignment transformation to rigid equivalent")
2220            com = shell_com(  \
2221                  "cat_matvec -ONELINE %s -P > __tt_temp.1D ; sleep 1; \
2222                  mv __tt_temp.1D %s" % \
2223                  (self.anat_mat,self.anat_mat), ps.oexec)
2224            com.run();
2226         # if not doing alignment for anat2epi, just return now,
2227         # and use the xform matrix later
2228         if (not(ps.anat2epi)):
2229            return o, ow
2231         if((ps.obl_a2e_mat!="")  or ps.edge ) :
2232            # save the permanent data
2233            o = afni_name("%s%s%s%s" % \
2234               (ps.anat_dir, ps.anat0.out_prefix(), suf,ps.anat0.view))
2235            if (not o.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()):
2236               o.delete(ps.oexec)
2237            else:
2238               self.exists_msg(o.input())
2240            # for oblique and edge data,
2241            # need to apply matrix to skullstripped anat
2242            if(ps.obl_a2e_mat!=""):
2243               # overall transformation A to E is (E2A^-1 PreShift/Oblique)
2244               # 1Dmatrix_apply takes E to A as input so inverse
2245               #    E to A = Obl^-1 E2A
2246               obl_mat = "%s -I" % ps.obl_a2e_mat
2247               e2a_mat = "%s%s%s_mat.aff12.1D" %  (a.p(), ps.anat0.out_prefix(),suf)
2248               # combine transformations
2249               # earliest transformation is last as input to cat_matvec
2250               com = shell_com(  \
2251                     "cat_matvec -ONELINE %s %s > %s" % \
2252                     (self.anat_mat, obl_mat, e2a_mat), ps.oexec)
2253               com.run();
2254               self.info_msg( \
2255                   "Combining %s to %s and oblique transformations" %  \
2256                   (ps.dset1_generic_name, ps.dset2_generic_name ))
2258            else:   # just apply the matrix to the original data (edges)
2259               self.info_msg( "Applying transformation to skullstripped %s" % \
2260                ps.anat_ns0.input())
2261               e2a_mat = "%s%s%s_mat.aff12.1D" %  (a.p(), ps.anat0.out_prefix(),suf)
2262               # input to cat_matvec
2263               com = shell_com( "mv %s %s" % (self.anat_mat, e2a_mat), ps.oexec)
2264               com.run();
2266               self.info_msg( \
2267                   "renaming e2a transformation matrix is standard matrix (no obliquity)" )
2268               self.anat_mat = e2a_mat
2270            com = shell_com(  \
2271                  "3dAllineate -base %s -1Dmatrix_apply %s " \
2272                  "-prefix %s%s -input %s  %s %s"   %  \
2273                  ( e.input(), e2a_mat, o.p(),o.out_prefix(),\
2274                    ps.anat_ns0.input(),\
2275                    self.master_anat_3dAl_option, alopt ), ps.oexec)
2277            com.run()
2278      else:
2279         self.exists_msg(o.input())
2280      # process the children
2281      if ps.child_anats != None:
2282         if (ps.anat2epi):
2283            for child_anat_name in ps.child_anats.parlist:
2284               child_anat = afni_name(child_anat_name)
2286               # skip the parent if it's included
2287               if(child_anat.input()==ps.anat0.input()) :
2288                  child_anat_out = afni_name("%s%s_child%s%s" % \
2289                    (child_anat.p(),child_anat.prefix,suf,child_anat.view))
2290               else:
2291                  child_anat_out=afni_name("%s%s%s%s" % \
2292                    (child_anat.p(),child_anat.prefix,suf,child_anat.view))
2294               child_anat_out.view = anatview     # child_anat.view
2295               self.info_msg("Processing child %s: %s" % \
2296                  (ps.dset1_generic_name, child_anat.ppv()))
2297               if (ps.rewrite) :
2298                  overwritestr = "-overwrite"
2299                  child_anat_out.delete(ps.oexec)
2300               else :
2301                  overwritestr = ""
2302               com = shell_com(  \
2303                     "3dAllineate -base %s -1Dmatrix_apply %s "          \
2304                     "-prefix %s%s -input %s  %s %s %s"   %              \
2305                     ( e.input(), e2a_mat,                          \
2306                       child_anat_out.p(), child_anat_out.out_prefix(),    \
2307                       child_anat.input(),                 \
2308                       self.master_anat_3dAl_option, alopt, overwritestr), \
2309                       ps.oexec)
2311               com.run()
2313      return o, ow
2315# Some notes on this alignment matrix mechanics are sorely needed
2316#  because it gets somewhat involved and takes a good deal of time to explain
2317#  and to understand all the possible combinations of cases.
2318#  Let's first define a series of "spaces" or coordinate systems where
2319#  datasets are in alignment with that particular space's original dataset.
2321#  ac = AnatCard (the usual original anatomical dataset without any obliquity
2322#                     transformation applied, in what we call cardinal or cardinalized space )
2323#  ao = AnatReal (the deobliqued version of the above transformed by its
2324#                     IJK_TO_DICOM_REAL transformation matrix)
2325#  ec = EPICard  (similar to AnatCard but the EPI cardinalized dataset, our starting dset)
2326#  eo = EPIReal  (similar to AnatReal but the deobliqued EPI dataset)
2328# The usual case we calculate is the transformation from A_ac to A_ec for the anatomical dataset
2329#   or the reverse E_ec to E_ac for the epi dataset where the "subscript" signifies the space
2330# Each transformation is computed for a specific space:
2331#  A2E = A_ec2E_ec_base = the transformation computed by 3dAllineate to transform the anatomical in
2332#                     the EPI's cardinal space to be in alignment with the EPI base sub-brick
2333#  E_ec_base = the EPI in its own cardinalized space. This is the sub-brick used by 3dAllineate
2334#               and the one used for 3dAllineate and the one used as a reference for 3dvolreg
2336# The "oblique" transformation of the anatomical dataset that transforms the original cardinalized
2337#  anatomical dataset to the EPI's cardinalized space is done inside 3dWarp as
2338#  Obl = A_ac2A_ec = (T_eo T_ec^-1)^-1 (T_ao T_ac^-1)
2341# The time-series motion correction volume registration can be described as a transformation
2342#  of the EPI sub-bricks to the EPI base sub-brick transformation
2343#  VR = E_ec_i2E_ec_base
2345# An additional initial shift or pre-transformation on the original anatomical dataset
2346#  (such as produced by @Align_Centers)
2347#  In this implementation, we'll treat this transformation as a substitute for the oblique
2348#  transformation A_ac2A_ec
2350# One may also choose an additional post-transformation matrix like the one produced by
2351# 3dTagalign usually instead of a tlrc transformation. In this case, the tlrc transformation
2352# would be defined by the post transformation matrix instead of the Warp transformation
2353# in the tlrc_apar dataset's header.
2355# Both the pre and  post transformation matrices could potentially be applied
2356# many different ways, but until there's a need for something different, let's use it only as
2357# a substitute for the obliquity and tlrc warp transformation matrices,respectively.
2359# There are the complications that the 1Dmatrix_save and 1Dmatrix_apply use the reverse of what
2360# you might expect, but at least they're consistent. The matrices that come from those options
2361# (used by both 3dvolreg and 3dAllineate) are the transformation of base to source
2362# (output to input). So each of these transformations is the inverse of the transformation
2363# performed or how to get back to where you were. In this program, there are two usages
2364#   3dvolreg saves the VR^-1 transformation (Ebase->Eiec)
2365#   3dAllineate saves the E2A transformation (A2E^-1 or E_ec2A_ac)
2366# Applying also uses the same format of base to source,
2367#  so needs to be inverted from source to base
2368# A linear algebra reminder here is the inverse of the product of matrices is equal to
2369#  the reverse order with each matrix inverted
2370# (A B)^-1 = B^-1 A^-1
2371# Also the order of operations is first transformation is on right, then proceeds to left
2372#   before inverting for 1Dmatrix_apply
2374# So the usual case (-anat2epi without any extra shift) is A_ac to A_ec
2375#   and may include oblique transformation
2376# Case 1: A_ac to E_ec
2377#  A_ac  (A_ac2A_ec) A_ec (A_ec2E_ec_base) A_ec_base = A_ec2E_ec A_ac2A_ec
2378#        = A2E Obl
2379# matrix_apply (inverse) = Obl^-1 E2A
2380#    E2A is the output of 3dAllineate of A2E
2382# Case 2: E_ec to A_ac (-epi2anat)
2383#  may also include obliquity and volume registration
2384#  E_ec_i _E_ec_i2E_ec_base_ E_ec_base _A_ec2E_ec^-1_ A_ec _A_ac2A_ec^-1_ A_ac
2385#    = A_ac2A_ec^-1  A_ec2E_ec^-1 E_ec_i2E_ec_base
2386#    = Obl^-1 A2E^-1 VR
2387# matrix_apply (inverse) = VR^-1 A2E Obl = VR^-1 E2A^-1 Obl
2388#    E2A is the output of 3dAllineate of A2E, VR^-1 is output of 3dvolreg
2391# Case 3: E_ec_i to A_at (-epi2anat -tlrc_apar ...)
2392# talairach transformation of follower EPI to talairach anat)
2393#  E_ec_i (E_ec_i2E_ec_base) E_ec_base (A_ec2E_ec^-1) A_ec (A_ac2A_ec^-1) A_ac (A_ac2A_at) A_at
2394#    = A_ac2A_at A_ac2A_ec^-1  A_ec2E_ec^-1 E_ec_i2E_ec_base
2395#    = Tlrc Obl^-1 A2E^-1 VR
2396# matrix_apply (inverse) = VR^-1 A2E Obl Tlrc^-1 = VR^-1 E2A^-1 Obl Tlrc^-1
2397#    E2A is the output of 3dAllineate of A2E, VR^-1 is output of 3dvolreg
2401   # align the epi to the anatomical but do it using the inverse
2402   # transformation of the alignment of anat to epi
2403   def align_epi2anat(  self, e=None, a=None, \
2404        alopt="",\
2405        suf = "_alnd_anat"):
2406      # tlrc space output null by default
2407      t = []
2408      self.info_msg(" Applying alignment for %s to %s" % (ps.dset2_generic_name, ps.dset1_generic_name))
2410      o = e.new("%s%s" % (self.epi_afniformat.out_prefix(), suf))
2411      o.path = ps.output_dir
2412#      o = afni_name("%s%s" % (self.epi.out_prefix(), suf)) # was e.out_prefix() here
2413      if(self.master_epi_dset == 'SOURCE'):
2414          o.view = "%s" % e.view
2415          if(not(o.view)) :
2416                 o.view = dset_view(self.master_epi_dset)
2417#          self.info_msg("o.view is SOURCE VIEW %s\n" % o.view)
2418      else:
2419          if(self.master_epi_dset == 'BASE'):
2420             o.view = "%s" % a.view
2421             if(not(o.view)) :
2422                 o.view = dset_view(a.ppve())
2423#             self.info_msg("o.view is BASE VIEW %s\n" % o.view)
2425          else:
2426             mepi = afni_name(self.master_epi_dset)
2427             o.view = mepi.view
2428             if(not(o.view)) :
2429                 o.view = dset_view(self.master_epi_dset)
2430#             self.info_msg("o.view is OTHER VIEW %s\n" % o.view)
2432#      self.info_msg("o.view is %s\n" % o.view)
2433      if(not(o.view)) :
2434          o.view = '+orig'
2435      eview = "%s" % o.view
2436#      o.view = '+orig'
2438      # allow overwrite in AFNI commands
2439      if (ps.rewrite) :
2440         owrite = "-overwrite"
2441      else:
2442         owrite = ""
2444      if (not o.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()):
2445         o.delete(ps.oexec)
2446         o.view = eview
2447         # anat_mat = "%s%s_mat.aff12.1D" %  (ps.anat0.out_prefix(),suf)
2448         epi_mat = "%s%s%s_mat.aff12.1D" %  (o.p(), self.epi_afniformat.out_prefix(),suf)
2449         self.info_msg("Inverting %s to %s matrix" % \
2450                    (ps.dset1_generic_name, ps.dset2_generic_name ))
2452         if(ps.obl_a2e_mat!="") :
2453            oblique_mat = "%s" % ps.obl_a2e_mat
2454         else :
2455            oblique_mat = ""
2457         com = shell_com(  \
2458                  "cat_matvec -ONELINE %s %s -I > %s" % \
2459                  ( oblique_mat, ps.anat_mat,  epi_mat), ps.oexec)
2460         com.run();
2462         # concatenate volume registration from epi data
2463         if(ps.volreg_flag):
2464            self.info_msg("Concatenating volreg and %s " \
2465                          "to %s transformations" % \
2466                         (ps.dset2_generic_name, ps.dset1_generic_name ))
2468            epi_mat = "%s%s%s_reg_mat.aff12.1D" % (o.p(), self.epi_afniformat.out_prefix(), suf)
2469            com = shell_com(  \
2470                     "cat_matvec -ONELINE %s %s -I %s > %s" % \
2471                     (oblique_mat, ps.anat_mat, self.reg_mat, epi_mat), ps.oexec)
2472            com.run();
2475         self.info_msg( "Applying transformation of %s to %s" % \
2476                        (ps.dset2_generic_name, ps.dset1_generic_name ))
2477         com = shell_com(  \
2478               "3dAllineate -base %s -1Dmatrix_apply %s " \
2479               "-prefix %s%s -input %s  %s %s %s"   %  \
2480               ( a.input(), epi_mat, o.p(), o.out_prefix(), e.input(),\
2481                 self.master_epi_option, alopt, owrite), ps.oexec)
2483         com.run()
2485         # mark as not oblique if deobliqued
2486         if(oblique_mat!="") :
2487            o.view = eview
2488            com = shell_com ("3drefit -deoblique %s" % (o.input()), ps.oexec)
2489            com.run()
2492#         if (not o.exist() and not ps.dry_run()):
2493#            self.error_msg("Could not apply transformation to epi data")
2494#            return None
2496         # concatenate talairach or post transformation
2497         if((ps.tlrc_apar != "") or (ps.post_matrix !="")):
2499            self.info_msg( "Concatenating talairach/post, volume registration," \
2500                           " %s to %s transformations" % \
2501                           (ps.dset2_generic_name, ps.dset1_generic_name ))
2504            if(ps.post_matrix != ""):
2505                anat_tlrc_mat = ps.post_matrix
2506                epi_mat = "%s%s%s_post_mat.aff12.1D" % (o.p(),self.epi_afniformat.out_prefix(), suf)
2508            if(ps.tlrc_apar != ""): # tlrc parent trumps post_matrix
2509               com = shell_com(  \
2510                        "3dAttribute WARP_TYPE %s" % \
2511                         ps.tlrc_apar.input(), ps.oexec, capture=1)
2512               com.run();
2513               if(com.status != 0) :
2514                  self.error_msg("Warp type not defined for this dataset: %s" % \
2515                            ps.tlrc_apar.input())
2516                  return o,t
2518               tlrc_type = int(com.val(0,0))
2519               if(tlrc_type != 0) :
2520                  self.error_msg("Can not compute transformations for manually"
2521                            " talairached data")
2522                  return o,t
2524               anat_tlrc_mat = "%s::WARP_DATA" % (ps.tlrc_apar.input())
2525               epi_mat = "%s%s%s_tlrc_mat.aff12.1D" % (o.p(),self.epi_afniformat.out_prefix(), suf)
2527            # note registration matrix, reg_mat, can be blank and ignored
2528            com = shell_com(  \
2529                   "cat_matvec -ONELINE %s -I %s %s -I %s  > %s" % \
2530                   (anat_tlrc_mat, oblique_mat, ps.anat_mat, self.reg_mat, \
2531                     epi_mat), ps.oexec)
2532            com.run();
2534            if(ps.tlrc_apar!=""):
2535               tlrc_dset = afni_name("%s_tlrc%s+tlrc" % (self.epi_afniformat.prefix, suf))
2536               tlrc_dset.path = o.p()
2537               # tlrc_dset.view = ps.tlrc_apar.view  '+tlrc'
2538               if(self.master_tlrc_dset=='SOURCE'):
2539                   tlrc_dset.view = e.view
2540               else:
2541                   if(self.master_tlrc_dset=='BASE'):
2542                      tlrc_dset.view = ps.tlrc_apar.view
2543                   else:
2544                      mtlrc = afni_name(self.master_tlrc_dset)
2545                      tlrc_dset.view = mtlrc.view
2547               if tlrc_dset.exist():
2548                  tlrc_dset.delete(ps.oexec)
2549               atlrcpost = tlrc_dset
2550               self.info_msg(  \
2551                  "Applying transformation of %s to %s tlrc parent" % \
2552                   (ps.dset2_generic_name, ps.dset1_generic_name ))
2554               com = shell_com( \
2555                 "3dAllineate -base %s -1Dmatrix_apply %s " \
2556                 "-prefix %s%s -input %s -verb %s %s %s" % \
2557                 ( ps.tlrc_apar.input(), epi_mat, atlrcpost.p(), atlrcpost.prefix,e.input(),\
2558                   ps.master_tlrc_option, alopt, owrite), ps.oexec)
2560            else:
2561               tlrc_orig_dset = afni_name("%s%s_post%s" % (self.epi_afniformat.out_prefix(), suf))
2562               tlrc_orig_dset = o.p()
2563               tlrc_orig_dset.view = '+orig'
2564               base_dset = a
2565               if(self.master_tlrc_dset=='SOURCE'):
2566                   tlrc_orig_dset.view = e.view
2567               else:
2568                   if(self.master_tlrc_dset=='BASE'):
2569                      tlrc_orig_dset.view = a.view
2570                   else:
2571                      mtlrc = afni_name(self.master_tlrc_dset)
2572                      tlrc_orig_dset.view = mtlrc.view
2573                      base_dset = mtlrc
2575               if tlrc_orig_dset.exist():
2576                  tlrc_orig_dset.delete(ps.oexec)
2577               atlrcpost = tlrc_orig_dset
2578               self.info_msg("Applying post transformation matrix to %s" % \
2579                              ps.dset2_generic_name)
2581               com = shell_com( \
2582                 "3dAllineate -base %s -1Dmatrix_apply %s " \
2583                 "-prefix %s%s -input %s -verb %s %s %s" % \
2584                 ( base_dset.input(), epi_mat, atlrcpost.p(), atlrcpost.input(), e.input(),\
2585                   ps.master_tlrc_option, alopt, owrite), ps.oexec)
2587            com.run()
2589            # remove obliquity from output
2590            if(atlrcpost.type == 'BRIK'):
2591              # force +tlrc output for master SOURCE option - 3dAllineate saves this as +orig
2592              if((ps.master_tlrc_dset=="SOURCE") and (ps.tlrc_apar!="")):
2593                 com = shell_com ("3drefit -deoblique -view tlrc %s%s+orig" %     \
2594                        ( atlrcpost.p(), atlrcpost.prefix), ps.oexec)
2595                 com.run()
2596              else:
2597                 if(oblique_mat!=""):
2598                    com = shell_com ("3drefit -deoblique %s%s+tlrc" %  \
2599                      (atlrcpost.p(), atlrcpost.prefix), ps.oexec)
2600                    com.run()
2601            t = atlrcpost
2602      else:
2603         self.exists_msg(o.input())
2605#          if (not o.exist() and not ps.dry_run()):
2606#             self.error_msg("Could not apply tlrc transformation to epi data")
2607#             return None
2610      return o,t
2612   # reduce EPI dataset to a single representative sub-brick
2613   def tstat_epi(self, e=None, tstat_opt="", prefix = "temp_ts"  ):
2614      o = afni_name(prefix)
2615      o.to_afni(new_view=dset_view(o.ppve()))
2616      if (not o.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()):
2617         o.delete(ps.oexec)
2618         # if more than 1 sub-brick
2619         if (ps.dry_run() or \
2620            ((not ps.dry_run() and dset_dims(e.input())[3] > 1))):
2621         # could be: if number choose bucket else use that as stat
2622         # choose a statistic as representative
2623            self.info_msg("Creating representative %s sub-brick" % \
2624              ps.dset2_generic_name)
2626            # if an integer, choose a single sub-brick
2627            if(ps.epi_base.isdigit()):
2628            # if an integer, choose a single sub-brick
2629               com = shell_com(  \
2630               "3dbucket -prefix %s %s'[%s]'" % \
2631               (o.pp(), e.input(), ps.epi_base) , ps.oexec)
2632            else:
2633               if((ps.epi_base=='median') or (ps.epi_base=='max') or \
2634               (ps.epi_base=='mean')):
2635                  com = shell_com(  \
2636                  "3dTstat -%s -prefix %s %s" % \
2637                  (ps.epi_base, o.pp(), e.input()), ps.oexec)
2638               else:
2639                  self.info_msg(
2640                    "using 0th sub-brick - assuming epi_base is dataset name" )
2641                  com = shell_com( "3dbucket -prefix %s %s'[0]'" %  \
2642                    (o.pp(), e.input()), ps.oexec)
2643         else:   # choose a single sub-brick (sub-brick 0)
2644            self.info_msg("using 0th sub-brick because only one found")
2645            com = shell_com( "3dbucket -prefix %s %s'[0]'" %  \
2646              (o.pp(), e.input()), ps.oexec)
2647         com.run();
2648         if (not o.exist() and not ps.dry_run()):
2649            o.show
2650            print("** ERROR: Could not 3dTstat epi")
2651            return None
2652      else:
2653         self.exists_msg(o.input())
2655      return o
2657   # create edge dataset of internal brain structure edges
2658   def edge_dset(self, e=None, prefix = "temp_edge", binarize=0,erodelevel=2):
2659      o = afni_name(prefix)
2660      o.view = e.view
2661      m = afni_name("%s_edge_mask" % o.prefix)
2662      m.view = e.view
2664      if (not m.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()):
2665         m.delete(ps.oexec)
2666         self.info_msg("Creating edge dataset")
2667         com = shell_com("3dAutomask -overwrite -erode %s -prefix %s %s" \
2668                         % (erodelevel, m.prefix, e.input()), ps.oexec)
2669         com.run()
2671         if(binarize):
2672            lprefix = "%s_edge_cvar" % o.prefix
2673         else:
2674            lprefix = o.prefix
2676         com = shell_com(                                                  \
2677                         "3dLocalstat -overwrite -mask %s"                 \
2678                         " -nbhd 'RECT(-2,-2,-1)'"                          \
2679                         " -stat cvar -prefix %s %s" %                     \
2680                         (m.ppv(), lprefix, e.input()), ps.oexec)
2681         com.run();
2683         if(binarize):
2684            com = shell_com( \
2685              "3dhistog -omit 0 -max 1 -nbins 1000 %s_edge_cvar%s "     \
2686                            " > %s_edge_histo.1D" % (prefix, o.view, prefix), ps.oexec)
2687            com.run()
2689            com = shell_com("3dTstat -argmax -prefix %s_edge_histomax "    \
2690                            "%s_edge_histo.1D'[1]'\\' " %                  \
2691                            (prefix, prefix), ps.oexec)
2692            com.run()
2694            com = shell_com("1dcat %s_edge_histomax.1D" %                  \
2695                             prefix, ps.oexec, capture=1)
2696            com.run()
2698            if(ps.dry_run()): edgeindex = 123
2699            else:  edgeindex = int(com.val(0,0))
2701            com = shell_com("1dcat %s_edge_histo.1D'[0]{%d}'" %            \
2702                  (prefix, edgeindex), ps.oexec, capture=1)
2703            com.run()
2705            if(ps.dry_run()): edgevalue = 0.0123
2706            else:  edgevalue = float(com.val(0,0))
2708            # threshold anatomical and EPI edge data
2709            self.info_msg("Thresholding edges at %f" % edgevalue)
2710            com = shell_com( \
2711                '3dcalc -a %s_edge_cvar%s -overwrite -expr "step(a-%f)"' \
2712                ' -prefix %s' % (prefix, o.view, edgevalue, o.out_prefix()), ps.oexec)
2713            com.run()
2715         if (not o.exist() and not ps.dry_run()):
2716            print("** ERROR: Could not create edge dataset %s" % o.ppv())
2717            return None
2718      else:
2719         self.exists_msg(o.input())
2722      return o
2725   # deoblique epi dataset
2726   def deoblique_epi(self, e=None, deoblique_opt="", prefix="temp_deob"):
2727      o = e.new(prefix)
2728      if (not o.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()):
2729         o.delete(ps.oexec)
2730         self.info_msg( "Deobliquing")
2731         com = shell_com(  \
2732               "3dWarp -deoblique -prefix %s%s %s %s "   %  \
2733               ( o.p(),o.out_prefix(), deoblique_opt, e.input()), ps.oexec)
2734         com.run();
2735         if (not o.exist() and not ps.dry_run()):
2736            print("** ERROR: Could not deoblique epi data\n")
2737            return None
2738      else:
2739         self.exists_msg(o.input())
2741      return o
2743   # oblique anat to epi dataset
2744   # even if neither is really oblique, this shouldn't hurt.
2745   # if a pre-transformation matrix is defined, apply it here
2746   def oblique_anat2epi(self,a=None,e=None,oblique_opt="",suffix="_ob"):
2747      o = a.new("%s%s" % (a.out_prefix(), suffix))
2749      if(self.pre_matrix!=""):
2750         # use pre-shift transformation matrix instead
2751         self.obl_a2e_mat = self.pre_matrix
2752         warp_str = "3dWarp -verb -matvec_in2out %s -prefix %s%s %s %s %s " \
2753                  % (self.pre_matrix, o.p(), o.out_prefix(),                \
2754                  self.master_anat_option, oblique_opt,                     \
2755                  a.input())
2756      else:
2757         if(ps.align_centers):
2758            # use shift transformation of centers between grids as initial
2759            # transformation. @Align_Centers (3drefit) instead of 3dWarp
2760            copy_cmd = "3dcopy %s %s%s" % (a.input(), o.p(), o.out_prefix())
2761            warp_str = "%s; @Align_Centers -base %s -dset %s -no_cp" %     \
2762              (copy_cmd, e.input(), o.input())
2763         else:
2764            # get obliquity matrix from 3dWarp output and oblique anat to epi
2765            # tempmat = "__tt_%s_obla2e_mat.1D" % a.out_prefix()
2766            self.obl_a2e_mat = "%s%s_obla2e_mat.1D" % (a.p(), a.out_prefix())
2767            self.info_msg( "Matching obliquity of %s to %s" %                 \
2768                       (ps.dset1_generic_name, ps.dset2_generic_name ))
2770            warp_str = "3dWarp -verb -card2oblique %s -prefix %s%s %s %s %s " \
2771                     "  | \grep  -A 4 '# mat44 Obliquity Transformation ::'"  \
2772                     "  > %s"                                                 \
2773                    % (e.input(), o.p(), o.out_prefix(),                      \
2774                     self.master_anat_option, oblique_opt,                    \
2775                     a.input(), self.obl_a2e_mat)
2777      if (not o.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()):
2778         o.delete(ps.oexec)
2779         com = shell_com( warp_str, ps.oexec)
2780         com.run();
2781         if (not o.exist() and not ps.dry_run()):
2782            print("** ERROR: Could not oblique/shift anat to epi data\n")
2783            return None
2784      else:
2785         self.exists_msg(o.input())
2787      if(ps.align_centers):
2788         # align_centers saves the shift transformation, but
2789         # we use the opposite direction for obliquity, so invert
2790         # the shift transformation too and use that like the
2791         # obliquity matrix in later concatenations
2792         self.obl_a2e_mat = "%s%s_shft_I.1D" % (a.p(), a.out_prefix())
2793         catcom = "cat_matvec %s%s_shft.1D -I > %s" %  \
2794             (o.p(),o.out_prefix(), self.obl_a2e_mat)
2795         com = shell_com( catcom, ps.oexec)
2796         com.run();
2797         if(self.master_anat_3dAl_center == 1):
2798             self.info_msg("Using align_centered %s as anatomical master" % \
2799                 o.prefix)
2800             self.master_anat_3dAl_option = "-master %s %s" %    \
2801                 (o.input(), self.master_anat_3dAl_option)
2802         if(self.master_epi_3dAl_center == 1):
2803            tempshft = e.new("%s_shft%s" % (e.out_prefix(), suffix))
2805            copy_cmd = "3dcopy %s %s%s" % \
2806                 (e.input(), tempshft.p(), tempshft.out_prefix())
2807            warp_str = "%s; @Align_Centers -base %s -dset %s -no_cp" %     \
2808                 (copy_cmd, e.input(), tempshft.input())
2810            if (not tempshft.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()):
2811               tempshft.delete(ps.oexec)
2812               com = shell_com( warp_str, ps.oexec)
2813               com.run();
2814               if (not tempshft.exist() and not ps.dry_run()):
2815                  print("** ERROR: Could not oblique/shift anat to epi data\n")
2816                  return None
2817            else:
2818               self.exists_msg(tempshft.input())
2819            self.info_msg("Using align_centered %s as epi master" % \
2820                 tempshft.prefix)
2821            self.master_epi_option = "-master %s %s" %    \
2822                 (tempshft.input(), self.master_epi_option)
2824      return o
2827   # do time shifting of EPI dataset
2828   def tshift_epi(  self, e=None, tshift_opt="-cubic", prefix="temp_tsh"):
2829      o = afni_name(prefix)
2831      if (not o.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()):
2832         o.delete(ps.oexec)
2833         self.info_msg( "Correcting for slice timing")
2834         com = shell_com(  \
2835               "3dTshift -prefix %s %s %s "   %  \
2836               ( o.pp(), tshift_opt, e.input()), ps.oexec)
2837         com.run();
2838         if (not o.exist() and not ps.dry_run()):
2839            print("** ERROR: Could not do time shifting of epi data\n")
2840            return e
2841      else:
2842         self.exists_msg(o.input())
2844      return o
2847   # do volume registration of EPI dataset
2848   def register_epi(self, e=None, reg_opt="-quintic", prefix="temp_vr", \
2849                      motion_prefix = "temp_vr", childflag=0):
2850      o = afni_name(prefix)
2852      if (not o.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()):
2853         o.delete(ps.oexec)
2854         # save the volreg output to file names based on original epi name
2855         #  (not temporary __tt_ names)
2856         self.mot_1D = "%s_motion.1D" % (motion_prefix)    # motion parameters output
2857         self.reg_mat = "%s%s_mat.aff12.1D" % (o.p(), o.out_prefix())  # volreg transformation matrix
2858         self.info_msg( "Volume registration for %s data" % \
2859                    ps.dset2_generic_name)
2861         # user option for which registration program (3dvolreg,3dWarpDrive,...)
2862         opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-volreg_method')
2863         if opt != None:
2864            vrcom = opt.parlist[0]
2865         else:
2866            vrcom = '3dvolreg'
2868         if (vrcom == '3dWarpDrive'):
2869            vrcom = '3dWarpDrive -affine_general'
2870         if (vrcom == '3dAllineate'):
2871            vrcom = '3dAllineate -cost lpa -automask -source_automask'
2872         # find base for registration
2873         # could be: if number just use that as base
2874         # if((ps.volreg_base=='median') or (ps.volreg_base=='max')
2875         #   or (ps.volreg_base=='mean')):
2876         # choose a statistic as representative
2877         # if an integer, choose a single sub-brick
2878         if(childflag) :   # or (vrcom != "3dvolreg") :
2879            base = "%s'[%s]'"  %  (ps.epi.input(), ps.volreg_base)
2880         elif(ps.volreg_base.isdigit()):
2881            base = "%s" % ps.volreg_base
2882            if(vrcom != '3dvolreg'):
2883                 base = "%s'[%s]'"  %  (ps.epi.input(), ps.volreg_base)
2885         # otherwise median, mean or max
2886         else:
2887           # if more than 1 sub-brick, compute stat, otherwise use 0th
2888           if 0:  # (dset_dims(e.ppve())[3] < 2 ):
2889              self.info_msg("Not enough sub-bricks to compute %s" % \
2890                             ps.volreg_base)
2891              base = "0"
2892           else:
2893              ots = e.new("%s_ts_tempalpha" % o.out_prefix())
2894              base = "%s'[0]'" % ots.input()
2895              if (not ots.exist() or ps.rewrite):
2896                 ots.delete(ps.oexec)
2898              # compute stats, volreg, then recompute stats
2899              com = shell_com(  \
2900                "3dTstat -%s -prefix %s%s %s" % \
2901                (ps.volreg_base, ots.p(), ots.out_prefix(), e.input()), ps.oexec)
2902              com.run()
2904              if(not ots.exist() and not ps.dry_run()):
2905                 self.error_msg("Could not create intermediate data" \
2906                                "for time series registration")
2907                 ps.ciao(1)
2909              ovr_alpha = e.new("%s_vr_tempalpha" % o.out_prefix())
2911              if((vrcom != '3dvolreg') and (ps.volreg_base.isdigit())):
2912                 base = "%s'[%s]'"  %  (ps.epi.input(), ps.volreg_base)
2913              com = shell_com(                                       \
2914                    "%s -prefix %s%s -base %s %s %s "  %               \
2915                ( vrcom, ovr_alpha.p(), ovr_alpha.out_prefix(), base,               \
2916                  reg_opt, e.input()), ps.oexec)
2917              com.run()
2919              ots = e.new("%s_vrt" % o.out_prefix())
2920              base = "%s'[0]'" % ots.input()
2921              if (not ots.exist() or ps.rewrite):
2922                 ots.delete(ps.oexec)
2924                 com = shell_com(  \
2925                   "3dTstat -%s -prefix %s%s %s" % \
2926                   (ps.volreg_base, ots.p(), ots.out_prefix(), ovr_alpha.input()), \
2927                   ps.oexec)
2928                 com.run()
2930              if(not ots.exist() and not ps.dry_run()):
2931                 self.error_msg("Could not create intermediate data" \
2932                                "for time series registration")
2933                 ps.ciao(1)
2935         com = shell_com(                                      \
2936               "%s -1Dfile %s -1Dmatrix_save %s "              \
2937               "-prefix %s%s -base %s %s %s "  %                 \
2938           ( vrcom, self.mot_1D, self.reg_mat, o.p(), o.out_prefix(), base, \
2939             reg_opt, e.input()), ps.oexec)
2940         com.run()
2942         if (not o.exist() and not ps.dry_run()):
2943            self.error_msg( "Could not do volume registration")
2944            return None
2945      else:
2946         self.exists_msg(o.input())
2948      return o
2950   # resample EPI data to match higher resolution anatomical data
2951   def resample_epi(  self, e=None, resample_opt="", prefix="temp_rs", \
2952        subbrick=""):
2953      o = afni_name(prefix)
2954      if (not o.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()):
2955         o.delete(ps.oexec)
2956         self.info_msg( "resampling %s to match %s data" % \
2957           (ps.dset2_generic_name, ps.dset1_generic_name ))
2959         if (subbrick == ""):
2960             sb = ""
2961         else:
2962             if(subbrick.isdigit()):
2963                sb = "[%s]" % subbrick
2964             else:
2965                sb = "[0]"
2967         com = shell_com(  \
2968               "3dresample -master %s -prefix %s -inset %s'%s' -rmode Cu" \
2969                % (ps.anat_ns.ppv(), o.pp(), e.input(),sb), ps.oexec)
2970         com.run()
2971         if (not o.exist() and not ps.dry_run()):
2972            print("** ERROR: Could not resample\n")
2973            return None
2974      else:
2975         self.exists_msg(o.input())
2977      return o
2979   # remove skull or outside brain area
2980   def skullstrip_data(self, e=None, use_ss='3dSkullStrip', \
2981       skullstrip_opt="", prefix = "temp_ns"):
2982      self.info_msg( "removing skull or area outside brain")
2983      if (use_ss == '3dSkullStrip'):     #skullstrip epi
2984         n = afni_name(prefix)
2985         if (not n.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()):
2986            n.delete(ps.oexec)
2987            com = shell_com(  \
2988                  "3dSkullStrip -orig_vol %s -input %s -prefix %s" \
2989                  % (skullstrip_opt, e.input(), n.pp()) , ps.oexec)
2990            com.run()
2991            if (not n.exist() and not ps.dry_run()):
2992               print("** ERROR: Could not strip skull\n")
2993               return None
2994         else:
2995            self.exists_msg(n.input())
2996      elif use_ss == '3dAutomask': #Automask epi
2997         n = afni_name(prefix)
2998         j = afni_name("%s__tt_am_%s" % (n.p(),n.pve()))
2999         if (not n.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()):
3000            n.delete(ps.oexec)
3001            com = shell_com(  \
3002                  "3dAutomask %s -apply_prefix %s %s" \
3003                  % ( skullstrip_opt,  n.pp(), e.input()), ps.oexec)
3004            com.run()
3005            if (not n.exist() and not ps.dry_run()):
3006               print("** ERROR: Could not strip skull with automask\n")
3007               return None
3008            j.delete(ps.oexec)
3009         else:
3010            self.exists_msg(n.input())
3011      else:
3012         n = e;
3013      return n
3015   # create weighting volume for matching (upper 10% by default)
3016   def create_weight(self, e, sq=1.0, box='no', \
3017                     binit = 'no', perci = -1.0, \
3018                     fati = -1, suf="_wt"):
3019   #e is a preprocessed epi, no skull
3020   # box, bin and fat mask are not used
3021      a = ps.anat_ns
3023      o = afni_name("%s%s%s%s" % (ps.output_dir,e.out_prefix(), suf,e.view))
3024      if perci < 0:
3025         perci = 90.0;
3026      self.info_msg( "Computing weight mask")
3027      com_str = "3dBrickStat -automask -percentile %f 1 %f %s" \
3028                        % (perci, perci, e.input())
3029      if(not ps.dry_run()):
3030         com = shell_com( com_str, ps.oexec, capture=1)
3031         com.run()
3032         th = float(com.val(0,1))
3033         self.info_msg( "Applying threshold of %f on %s" % (th, e.input()))
3034      else:
3035         com = shell_com( com_str, "dry_run")
3036         com.run()
3037         th = -999
3038         self.info_msg( "Would be applying threshold for real run here")
3040      if sq == 1.0:
3041         com = shell_com(
3042               "3dcalc -datum float -prefix %s%s "\
3043               "-a %s -expr 'min(1,(a/%f))'" \
3044               % (o.p(), o.out_prefix(), e.input(), th), ps.oexec)
3045      else:
3046         com = shell_com(
3047               "3dcalc -datum float -prefix %s%s -a "\
3048               "%s -expr 'min(1,(a/%f))**%f'" \
3049               % (o.p(), o.out_prefix(), e.input(), th, sq), ps.oexec)
3051      if (not o.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()):
3052         o.delete(ps.oexec)
3053         com.run()
3054      else:
3055         self.exists_msg(o.input())
3057      if (not o.exist() and not ps.dry_run()):
3058         print("** ERROR: Could not create weight dset\n")
3059         return None
3061      return o
3064   # Create double edge images for later viewing
3065   def add_edges(self, d1, d2, d3, d1name, d2name, d3name, listlog = ""):
3066      # specified examinelist for output name or use default in @AddEdge
3067      if (listlog == ""):
3068         aelistlog = ""
3069      else :
3070         aelistlog = "-examinelist %s" % listlog
3072      if (d1name==""):
3073         d1AE = afni_name("%s%s" % (d1.prefix,d1.view))
3074      else:
3075         d1AE = afni_name("%s%s" % (d1name,d1.view))
3077      if (d2name==""):
3078         d2AE = afni_name("%s%s" % (d2.prefix,d2.view))
3079      else:
3080         d2AE = afni_name("%s%s" % (d2name,d2.view))
3082      if (d3name==""):
3083         d3AE = afni_name("%s%s" % (d3.prefix,d3.view))
3084      else:
3085         d3AE = afni_name("%s%s" % (d3name,d3.view))
3087      com = shell_com(("mkdir %sAddEdge"% ps.output_dir), ps.oexec)
3088      com.run()
3090      com = shell_com( \
3091        "3dcopy -overwrite %s %sAddEdge/%s" % \
3092        (d1.input(), ps.output_dir, d1AE.prefix), ps.oexec)
3093      com.run()
3094      com = shell_com( \
3095        "3dcopy -overwrite %s %sAddEdge/%s" % \
3096        (d2.input(), ps.output_dir, d2AE.prefix), ps.oexec)
3097      com.run()
3098      com = shell_com( \
3099        "3dcopy -overwrite %s %sAddEdge/%s" % \
3100        (d3.input(), ps.output_dir, d3AE.prefix), ps.oexec)
3101      com.run()
3103      # changed .input to .shortinput           3 Feb 2012 [rickr,dglen]
3104      com = shell_com(
3105            "cd %sAddEdge; @AddEdge -no_deoblique %s %s %s %s; cd - " \
3106            % (ps.output_dir,aelistlog, d1AE.shortinput(), d2AE.shortinput(),\
3107            d3AE.shortinput()), ps.oexec)
3108      com.run()
3110   # do the preprocessing of the EPI data
3111   def process_epi(self, use_ss='3dSkullStrip', childflag=0):
3112      basesuff = ""
3113      if self.epi_dir == '':
3114         basepath = self.epi.p()
3115      else:
3116         basepath = self.epi_dir
3118      if(self.epi.type == 'NIFTI'):
3119         #copy original epi to a temporary file
3120         o = afni_name("%s__tt_%s%s" % \
3121                     (basepath, self.epi.out_prefix(),self.epi.view))
3122         o.to_afni(new_view=dset_view(self.epi.ppve()))
3124         self.info_msg("Copying NIFTI EPI input to AFNI format")
3125         if (not o.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()):
3126            com = shell_com( "3dcopy %s %s%s" % \
3127              (self.epi.input(), o.p(), o.pv()), ps.oexec)
3128            com.run();
3129         basename = o.out_prefix()
3130         baseviewext = "%s%s" % (o.view, o.extension)
3131         basepathname = "%s%s" % (basepath, basename)
3132         tempbasepathname = basepathname
3133         #make filename output without .nii.gz
3134         self.epi_afniformat = afni_name("%s%s%s" % \
3135                     (basepath, self.epi.out_prefix(),self.epi.view))
3136         self.epi_afniformat.to_afni(new_view=dset_view(self.epi.ppve()))
3137      else:
3138         o = self.epi;
3139         basename = o.out_prefix()
3140         baseviewext = "%s%s" % (o.view, o.extension)
3141         basepathname = "%s%s" % (basepath, basename)
3142         tempbasepathname = "%s__tt_%s" % (basepath, basename)
3143         self.epi_afniformat = self.epi
3145#      if Childflag:    # no temporary files for children with exceptions below
3146#         prepre = ""
3147#      else:
3148#         prepre = "__tt_"
3149#      suff = ps.suffix
3151      # time shift epi data, prepend a prefix
3152      if(self.tshift_flag):
3153         if(self.tshiftable_dset(o)) :
3154            basesuff = "%s_tsh" % basesuff
3155            if(ps.save_tsh):
3156                prefix = "%s%s%s" % (basepathname,basesuff,baseviewext)
3157            else:
3158                prefix = "%s%s%s" \
3159                % (tempbasepathname,basesuff,baseviewext)
3160            o = self.tshift_epi( o, ps.tshift_opt, prefix=prefix)
3161         else:
3162            self.info_msg("Can not do time shifting of slices. "
3163                          "Data is already time shifted")
3164      # if timeshifting was done, this will be the final epi dataset
3165      # and then the concatenated volreg, 3dAllineate transformations will be
3166      # applied
3167      tshift_o = o
3168      # do volume registration
3169      if(self.volreg_flag):
3170         if(ps.dry_run() or \
3171           (not ps.dry_run() and (dset_dims(o.input())[3] > 1))) :
3172             basesuff = "%s_vr" % basesuff
3173             if(ps.save_vr):
3174                prefix = "%s%s%s%s" % (basepath,self.epi_afniformat.out_prefix(),basesuff,baseviewext)
3175#                prefix = "%s%s%s" % (basepathname,basesuff,baseviewext)
3176             else:
3177                prefix = "%s%s%s" \
3178                % (tempbasepathname,basesuff,baseviewext)
3179             # if aligning epi to anat or saving volreg output, save motion parameters
3180             # if(ps.epi2anat):
3181             motion_prefix = "%s%s%s" % (basepath,self.epi_afniformat.out_prefix(),basesuff)
3182#             motion_prefix = "%s%s%s" % (basepath,basename,basesuff)
3183             # else:
3184             #   motion_prefix = prefix
3185             o = self.register_epi( o, ps.reg_opt, prefix, motion_prefix,
3186                                    childflag=childflag)
3187         else:
3188            self.info_msg("Skipping time series volume registration. "
3189                          "Must have more than a single sub-brick.")
3190            self.reg_mat = "" # children can be skipped too
3192      volreg_o = o
3194      # if just processing child epi datasets, just go home
3195      #   and skip reduction, resampling, skullstripping
3196      if(childflag):
3197         return tshift_o, volreg_o, volreg_o
3199      # reduce epi to a single representative sub-brick
3200      basesuff = "%s_ts" % basesuff
3201      if(ps.save_rep):
3202          prefix = "%s%s%s%s" % (basepath,basename,basesuff,baseviewext)
3203      else:
3204          prefix = "%s%s%s" \
3205          % (tempbasepathname,basesuff,baseviewext)
3207      o = self.tstat_epi(o, ps.tstat_opt, prefix)
3209      # resample epi to match anat
3210      if(self.resample_flag) :
3211         basesuff = "%s_rs" % basesuff
3212         if(ps.save_resample):
3213            prefix = "%s%s%s%s" % (basepath,basename,basesuff,baseviewext)
3214         else:
3215            prefix = "%s%s%s" \
3216            % (tempbasepathname,basesuff,baseviewext)
3218         e = self.resample_epi( o,"", prefix)
3219      else:
3220         e = o  # no need to resample
3222      # remove outside brain or skull
3223      basesuff = "%s_ns" % basesuff
3224      if(self.save_epi_ns) :
3225         prefix = "%s%s%s" % (basepathname,basesuff,baseviewext)
3226      else:
3227         prefix = "%s%s%s" \
3228         % (tempbasepathname,basesuff,baseviewext)
3230      skullstrip_o = self.skullstrip_data( e, use_ss, ps.epistrip_opt, prefix)
3232      # use edges to align optionally
3233      if(ps.edge) :
3234         basesuff = "%s_edge" % (basesuff)
3235         if(ps.save_rep):
3236            prefix = "%s%s%s" % (basepathname,basesuff,baseviewext)
3237         else:
3238            prefix = "%s%s%s" % (tempbasepathname,basesuff,baseviewext)
3240         skullstrip_o = self.edge_dset(skullstrip_o, prefix, binarize=0,
3241            erodelevel=ps.erodelevel)
3243      return  tshift_o, volreg_o, skullstrip_o
3245   # do the preprocessing of the anatomical data
3246   def process_anat(self):
3247      if self.anat_dir == '':
3248         basepath = self.anat0.p()
3249      else:
3250         basepath = self.anat_dir
3252      self.anat0_master = self.anat0
3254      #copy original anat to a temporary file
3255      if(not ps.flip):
3256         self.anat = afni_name("%s__tt_%s%s" % \
3257                  (basepath, self.anat0.out_prefix(),self.anat0.view))
3258      else:
3259         self.anat = afni_name("%s%s_unflipped%s" % \
3260                  (basepath, self.anat0.out_prefix(),self.anat0.view))
3262      self.anat.to_afni(new_view=dset_view(self.anat.ppve()))
3264      if (not self.anat.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()):
3265         com = shell_com( "3dcopy %s %s%s" % \
3266           (self.anat0.input(), self.anat.p(), self.anat.pv()), ps.oexec)
3267         com.run();
3268         if (not self.anat.exist() and not ps.dry_run()):
3269            print("** ERROR: Could not copy anat (%d)" % self.anat.exist())
3270            ps.ciao(1)
3271      else:
3272         self.exists_msg(self.anat.input())
3274      # now that we have the data in AFNI format, use the AFNI format copy names
3275      self.anat0 = afni_name("%s%s%s" % \
3276                  (basepath, self.anat0.out_prefix(),self.anat0.view))
3278      self.anat0.to_afni(new_view=dset_view(self.anat.ppve()))
3280      a = self.anat;
3282      #do we need to strip ?
3283      if(ps.skullstrip):
3284         #don't use same type of input.
3285         n = afni_name("%s%s_ns%s" % (a.p(), a.out_prefix(),self.anat.view))
3286         if (not n.exist() or ps.rewrite or ps.dry_run()):
3287            n.delete(ps.oexec)
3288            self.info_msg( "Removing skull from %s data" % \
3289                       ps.dset1_generic_name)
3291            if(ps.skullstrip_method=="3dSkullStrip"):
3292               com = shell_com(  \
3293                  "%s -orig_vol %s -input %s -prefix %s%s" \
3294                  % (ps.skullstrip_method, ps.skullstrip_opt, a.input(), \
3295                  n.p(),n.out_prefix()), ps.oexec)
3296            else:
3297               com = shell_com(  \
3298                  "%s %s -apply_prefix %s%s %s" \
3299                  % (ps.skullstrip_method, ps.skullstrip_opt, n.p(), \
3300                  n.out_prefix(), a.input()),ps.oexec)
3302            com.run()
3303            if (not n.exist() and not ps.dry_run()):
3304               print("** ERROR: Could not strip skull\n")
3305               return None
3306         else:
3307            self.exists_msg(o.input())
3308      else:
3309         n = a
3311      ps.anat_ns0 = n    # pre-obliquing or edging skullstripped anat
3313      # match obliquity of anat to epi data
3314      if(self.deoblique_flag or ps.align_centers):
3315         # if either anat or epi is oblique or
3316         #   there is a pre-transformation matrix,
3317         #   move anat to match epi
3318         if((self.oblique_dset(n)) or (self.oblique_dset(ps.epi)) \
3319             or (self.pre_matrix!="") or ps.align_centers) :
3320            # set default output spacing if not already set with user options
3321            opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-master_anat')
3322            if opt == None:
3323                min_d =  self.min_dim_dset(ps.anat_ns0)
3324                self.master_3dAl_option = "-mast_dxyz %f" % min_d
3325                self.info_msg(
3326                  "Spacing for %s to oblique %s alignment is %f" %
3327                   (self.dset1_generic_name, self.dset2_generic_name, min_d))
3329            n = self.oblique_anat2epi(n, ps.epi, ps.deoblique_opt)
3331      # use edges to match optionally
3332      if(self.edge):
3333         prefix = "%s%s_edge%s" % (a.p(),a.out_prefix(), a.view)
3334         n = self.edge_dset(n, prefix,binarize=0, erodelevel=ps.erodelevel)
3336      #do we need to shift?
3337#      optc = self.user_opts.find_opt('-align_centers')
3338#      if optc != None and optc.parlist[0] == 'yes':
3340#         com = shell_com(  \
3341#               "@Align_Centers -cm -base %s -dset %s" \
3342#               % (ps.epi.ppve(), n.ppve() ) , ps.oexec)
3343#         com.run()
3344#         a_shft = n.new("%s_shft" % n.out_prefix(),"+orig")
3345#         if (not a_shft.exist() and not ps.dry_run()):
3346#            print "** ERROR: Could not shift anat (%d)" % a_shft.exist()
3347#            return None
3348#         ps.anat_ns = a_shft
3349#      else:
3350      ps.anat_ns = n;
3351      return 1
3353   # create final output files (non-temporary names)
3354   def create_output(self, aae, w, eaa, eaat, suf, epi_in=None, anat_in=None):
3356      #Create a properly named version of anatomy aligned to  EPI
3357      opt = ps.user_opts.find_opt('-anat')
3358      if opt == None :
3359         opt = self.user_opts.find_opt('-dset1')
3360      ain = afni_name(opt.parlist[0])
3361      opt = ps.user_opts.find_opt('-epi')
3362      if opt == None:
3363         opt = ps.user_opts.find_opt('-dset2')
3365      ein = afni_name(opt.parlist[0])
3367      # save skull stripped anat before alignment
3368      # Yikes! Rick noticed the saved skullstrip was the obliqued one
3369      # and not the original. Should be original ps.anat_ns0, not ps.anat_ns
3370      if(ps.skullstrip and ps.save_skullstrip):
3371         ao_ns = afni_name("%s%s_ns%s" % (ps.anat_ns0.p(),ain.prefix,ain.view))
3372         self.copy_dset( ps.anat_ns0, ao_ns,
3373          "Creating final output: skullstripped %s data" % \
3374                          self.dset1_generic_name, ps.oexec)
3376      # maybe save pre-obliqued skull stripped anat before alignment
3377      # 3 Aug 2011 [rickr]
3378      if(ps.skullstrip and ps.save_origstrip):
3379         ao_ons = afni_name("%s%s%s%s" % (ps.anat_ns0.p(), ain.prefix, ps.save_origstrip,ain.view))
3380         self.copy_dset( ps.anat_ns0, ao_ons,
3381          "Creating final output: skullstripped original %s data" % \
3382                          self.dset1_generic_name, ps.oexec)
3384      # save anatomy aligned to epi
3385      if (aae):
3386         # save aligned anatomy
3387         o = afni_name("%s%s%s%s" % (aae.p(),ain.prefix, suf,aae.view))
3388         o.view = aae.view
3389         self.copy_dset( aae, o,
3390          "Creating final output: %s data aligned to %s" % \
3391               (self.dset1_generic_name, self.dset2_generic_name) , ps.oexec)
3392         self.save_history(o,ps.oexec)
3394         if (ps.save_tsh):
3395            # save the timeshifted EPI data
3396            if (self.epi_ts and self.tshift_flag) :
3397               eo = afni_name("%s%s_tshft%s" % \
3398                  (self.epi_ts.p(),ein.prefix,self.epi_ts.view))
3399               self.copy_dset( self.epi_ts, eo,
3400                "Creating final output: time-shifted %s" % \
3401                          self.dset2_generic_name, ps.oexec)
3403         # save the volume registered EPI data
3404         if (ps.save_vr):
3405            if (self.epi_vr and self.volreg_flag):
3406               eo = afni_name("%s%s_vr%s" %
3407                    (self.epi_vr.p(),ein.prefix,self.epi_vr.view))
3408               self.copy_dset( self.epi_vr, eo,
3409                 "Creating final output: time series volume-registered %s" % \
3410                          self.dset2_generic_name, ps.oexec)
3412      # save Allineate input datasets
3413      if(ps.save_Al_in):
3414         # save weight used in 3dAllineate
3415         if w:
3416            ow = afni_name("%s%s_wt_in_3dAl%s%s" % \
3417            (w.p(),ein.prefix,suf,w.view))
3418            self.copy_dset( w, ow,
3419             "Creating final output: weighting data", ps.oexec)
3421         #save a version of the epi as it went into 3dAllineate
3422         if epi_in:
3423            eo = afni_name("%s%s_epi_in_3dAl%s%s" % \
3424            (epi_in.p(),ein.prefix, suf,epi_in.view))
3425            self.copy_dset( epi_in, eo,     \
3426             "Creating final output: "
3427             "%s representative data as used by 3dAllineate" % \
3428                          self.dset2_generic_name, ps.oexec)
3430         #save a version of the anat as it went into 3dAllineate
3431         if anat_in:
3432            ao = afni_name("%s%s_anat_in_3dAl%s%s" % \
3433            (ps.anat_ns0.p(), ain.prefix, suf, anat_in.view))
3434            self.copy_dset( anat_in, ao,
3435            "Creating final output: %s data as used by 3dAllineate" % \
3436                          self.dset1_generic_name, ps.oexec)
3438      #Now create a version of the epi that is aligned to the anatomy
3439      if (eaa):
3440         #save the epi aligned to anat
3441         o = afni_name("%s%s%s%s" % \
3442         (eaa.p(), ein.prefix, suf,eaa.view))
3443         self.copy_dset( eaa, o,
3444          "Creating final output: %s data aligned to %s" % \
3445                   (self.dset2_generic_name, self.dset1_generic_name), ps.oexec)
3446         self.save_history(o,ps.oexec)
3447      #And a version of the epi that is aligned to the anatomy in standard space
3448      if (eaat):
3449         #save the epi aligned to anat in standard space
3450         #put note in header with command line
3451         self.save_history(eaat,ps.oexec)
3453      return
3455   # remove all the temporary files from a previous run
3456   # remove old results too optionally
3457   def fresh_start(self, epref="", apref="", rmold = 0, epipath="", anatpath="" ):
3458      self.info_msg("Removing all the temporary files")
3459      epref = epref.strip()
3460      apref = apref.strip()
3461      if epref == "" and apref == "":
3462         com = shell_com(  "\\rm -f %s__tt_*" % ps.output_dir, ps.oexec)
3463         com.run()
3464      else:
3465         if epref != "":
3466            com = shell_com(  "\\rm -f %s__tt_%s*" % (epipath, epref), ps.oexec)
3467            com.run()
3468            if(rmold):
3469               com = shell_com( "\\rm -f %s%s*%s*" % (epipath, epref, ps.suffix), \
3470                ps.oexec)
3471               com.run()
3473         if apref != "":
3474            com = shell_com(  "\\rm -f %s__tt_%s*" % (anatpath, apref), ps.oexec)
3475            com.run()
3476            if(rmold):
3477               com = shell_com( "\\rm -f %s%s*%s*" % (anatpath, apref, ps.suffix), \
3478                  ps.oexec)
3479               com.run()
3481      return
3484   # process children EPI as for parent but
3485   #   no alignment of anat to EPI and no representative EPI
3486   # Do time shifting, time series volume registration
3487   def process_child_epi(self, childepi) :
3488      # do preprocessing of epi
3489      # do time shifting, volume registration of child epi data
3490      #   if requested; otherwise, just keep the input epi
3491      if(childepi.input()==ps.epi.input()) : # skip the parent if it's included
3492         return                              #   in child list
3493      child = copy.copy(ps)
3495      child.epi = childepi
3497      self.info_msg("Parent %s:  Child: %s" %
3498          (ps.epi.input(), child.epi.input()))
3500      child.epi_ts, child.epi_vr, child.epi_ns = \
3501          child.process_epi(childflag=1)
3502      if (not child.epi_ns):
3503         child.ciao(1)
3505      e = child.epi_ns
3506      a = ps.anat0_master       # use parent anat
3508      if(ps.prep_only):  # if preprocessing only, exit now
3509         return
3511      if (ps.epi2anat) :   # does the user want the epi aligned to the anat
3512         # compute transformation just from applying inverse
3513         child.epi_alnd = \
3514            child.align_epi2anat(child.epi_ts, a, ps.AlOpt, suf=ps.suffix)
3515         if (not child.epi_alnd):
3516            ps.ciao(1)
3517      else:
3518         child.epi_alnd = ''
3521# Main:
3522if __name__ == '__main__':
3525   ps = RegWrap('align_epi_anat.py')
3526   ps.init_opts()
3527   ps.version()
3528   rv = ps.get_user_opts()
3529   if (rv != None): ps.ciao(1)
3531   #process and check input params
3532   if(not (ps.process_input())):
3533      ps.ciao(1)
3535   # get rid of any previous temporary data
3536   ps.cleanup()
3539   #Now process anatomy and epi
3540   if (not ps.process_anat()):
3541      ps.ciao(1)
3542   # do preprocessing of epi
3543   # final epi2anat option may use timeshifted data as basis
3544   ps.epi_ts, ps.epi_vr, ps.epi_ns = \
3545      ps.process_epi(use_ss=ps.epi_strip_method)
3546      # (ps.user_opts.find_opt('-epi_strip').parlist[0]))
3547   if (not ps.epi_ns):
3548      ps.ciao(1)
3550   e = ps.epi_ns
3551   ps.epi_alnd_tlrc = None
3553   #Create a weight for final pass
3554   if(not(ps.edge)):
3555      ps.epi_wt = \
3556         ps.create_weight( e, float(ps.sqmask), ps.boxmask, \
3557                        ps.binmask, ps.perc, -1, suf = "_wt")
3558   else: ps.epi_wt = e  # use binary edge image for weight too
3560   if(ps.prep_only):  # if preprocessing only, exit now
3561      ps.ciao(0)
3563   #Do alignment to that pesky little epi
3564   for mcost in ps.multicost:
3565      if (mcost==ps.cost):
3566         suff = ps.suffix
3567      else:
3568         suff = "%s_%s" % (ps.suffix, mcost)
3570      a = ps.anat_ns
3572      ps.anat_alnd, ps.anat_alndwt = \
3573         ps.align_anat2epi(e, a, ps.epi_wt, ps.AlOpt, suff, mcost)
3574      if (not ps.anat_alnd):
3575         ps.ciao(1)
3576      if (ps.epi2anat) :   # does the user want the epi aligned to the anat
3577         # compute transformation just from applying inverse
3578         a = ps.anat0_master      # especially important for oblique datasets
3579         ps.epi_alnd, ps.epi_alnd_tlrc = \
3580            ps.align_epi2anat(ps.epi_ts, a, ps.AlOpt, suf=suff)
3581         if (not ps.epi_alnd):
3582            ps.ciao(1)
3583      else:
3584         ps.epi_alnd = ''
3586      if (not ps.anat2epi):
3587         ps.anat_alnd = ''
3589      if(ps.AddEdge):
3590         if(ps.output_dir=="./"):
3591            com = shell_com("\\rm -f AddEdge/*", ps.oexec)
3592         else:
3593            com = shell_com("cd %s; \\rm -f AddEdge/*" % ps.output_dir, ps.oexec)
3595         com.run()
3596         # @AddEdge requires single sub-brick, resampled data (grids must match)
3597         #  and skullstripped data to avoid extracranial and cranial edges
3598         #  so using data as it went into 3dAllineate here
3599         # check if resampling is turned off, and do that here
3600         # for epi2anat, resample epi_alnd to anat
3601         # if skullstripping is off, we'll have to assume it's already done
3603         # Note 3dAllineate does not require resampling. This script
3604         # provides an option to avoid resampling.
3605         # If @AddEdge does require resampling though, so do it now if it hasn't been done yet
3606         if(ps.resample_flag):
3607            ein_rs = e
3608         else:
3609            baseviewext = "%s%s" % (ps.epi.view, ps.epi.extension)
3610            ein_rs = ps.resample_epi(e, "","%s__tt_%s_rs_in%s" % \
3611              (ps.output_dir, ps.epi.out_prefix(),baseviewext))
3613         if (ps.epi2anat and ps.anat2epi):
3614            listlog_a2e = "a2e_examine_list.log"
3615            listlog_e2a = "e2a_examine_list.log"
3616         else :
3617            listlog_a2e = ""
3618            listlog_e2a = ""
3621         if (ps.epi2anat):    # if aligning epi to anatomical
3622            # for the edge image, we need a dataset at the resolution of the
3623            # anatomical and the specific epi sub-brick we used as the epi_base
3624            # Use 3dAllineate to create the resampled, skullstripped EPI
3625            # from the same representative sub-brick used to align anat to epi
3627            if((ps.output_dir == "./") or (ps.output_dir == " ")):
3628               outdir = ps.epi.p()
3629            else:
3630               outdir = ps.output_dir
3632            ps.epi_addedge = e.new("__tt_%s_addedge" % ps.epi.out_prefix())
3633            epi_mat = "%s%s%s_mat.aff12.1D" % \
3634                      (outdir, ps.epi.out_prefix(), ps.suffix)
3635            if((ps.volreg_flag) and (ps.epi_base.isdigit())):
3636               epi_mat = "%s%s%s_reg_mat.aff12.1D{%s}" % \
3637                (outdir, ps.epi.out_prefix(), suff, ps.epi_base)
3639              # epi_mat  = "%s{%s}" % (epi_mat, ps.epi_base)
3641            ps.info_msg( "Applying transformation for %s to %s for @AddEdge" % \
3642              (ps.dset2_generic_name, ps.dset1_generic_name ))
3644            com = shell_com(  \
3645               "3dAllineate -base %s -1Dmatrix_apply '%s' " \
3646               "-prefix %s%s -input %s  -master BASE"   %   \
3647               ( ps.anat0.input(), epi_mat, outdir,  \
3648                 ps.epi_addedge.out_prefix(),               \
3649                 ein_rs.input()), ps.oexec)
3650            com.run()
3651            ps.add_edges(ps.anat_ns, ein_rs, ps.epi_addedge,\
3652                     "%s_ns" % (ps.anat0.out_prefix()),     \
3653                     "%s_ns" % (ps.epi.out_prefix()),       \
3654                     "%s%s" % (ps.epi.out_prefix(), suff ), \
3655                      listlog = listlog_e2a)
3657         if (ps.anat2epi):
3658            ps.add_edges(ein_rs, ps.anat_ns, ps.anat_alnd,  \
3659                         "%s_ns" % ps.epi.out_prefix(),     \
3660                         "%s_ns" % ps.anat0.out_prefix(),   \
3661                         "%s%s" % (ps.anat0.out_prefix(), suff), \
3662                         listlog = listlog_a2e)
3665      #Create final results
3666      ps.create_output(ps.anat_alnd, ps.anat_alndwt, ps.epi_alnd, ps.epi_alnd_tlrc, \
3667           "%s" % suff, e, a)
3669      # process the children
3670      if ps.child_epis != None:
3671         for child_epi_name in ps.child_epis.parlist:
3672            child_epi = afni_name(child_epi_name)
3673            ps.process_child_epi(child_epi)
3674            if (ps.rmrm):  # cleanup after the children, remove any extra files
3675               ps.fresh_start(child_epi.out_prefix(), apref="", rmold=0,\
3676                  epipath=("%s" % ps.output_dir) )
3678   #cleanup after the parents too?
3679   if (ps.rmrm):
3680      ps.cleanup()
3683   print("\n# Finished alignment successfully")
3684   if(ps.AddEdge):
3685      print("To view edges produced by @AddEdge, type:")
3686      print("cd AddEdge")
3687      if (0):  #ZSS  @AddEdge now launches AFNI
3688         print("afni -niml -yesplugouts &")
3690      if (ps.epi2anat and ps.anat2epi):
3691         print("@AddEdge -examinelist %s" % listlog_a2e)
3692         print("@AddEdge -examinelist %s" % listlog_e2a)
3693      else:
3694         print("@AddEdge")
3696   ps.ciao(0)