3# python3 status: started
5# all about options (so may merge with afni_base)
7# do we want all of the
9import sys, os
10from afnipy import afni_base as BASE
11from afnipy import afni_util as UTIL
13# whine about execution as a main program
14if __name__ == '__main__':
15   import sys
16   print('** %s: not a main program' % sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1])
17   sys.exit(1)
19# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
20# history:              see: afni_history -program option_list.py
22#   07 May 2008 [rickr]:
23#     - added doc string and reformatted add_opt()
24#     - modified show()
25#     - added class functions get_string_opt, get_string_list,
26#       get_type_opt and get_type_list
28#   06 June 2008 [rickr]:
29#     - get_*_opt functions now return an error code along with the result
31#   06 Nov 2008 [rickr]:
32#     - added 'opt' param to get_type_opt and get_type_list
33#       (to skip find_)
35#   01 Dec 2008 [rickr]:
36#     - added 'opt' param to get_string_opt and get_string_list
37#     - initialized more parameters (to get_*) to make them optional
39#   03 Oct 2012 [rickr]:
40#     - add okdash parameter to option instances, to denote whether any
41#       parameters may have dashes
43#   27 Feb 2013 [rickr]:
44#     - added Ziad's apsearch options: -all_opts, -h_find, -h_view
46#   09 May 2014 [rickr]:
47#     - added find_opt_index, which allows for popping
49#   05 Feb 2020 [rickr]:
50#     - added -optlist_show_argv_array, which takes a parameter
52#   16 Mar 2020 [rickr]:
53#     - added apsearch options: -hweb, -h_web
54# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
56# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
57# This class provides functionality for processing lists of comopt elements.
58class OptionList:
59    def __init__(self, label):
60        self.label    = label
61        self.olist    = []      # list of comopt elements
62        self.trailers = 0       # for  read_options: no trailing args allowed
63                                # from read_options: say there were such args
64        self.show_count = 1     # display option count in show()
65        self.verb     = 1       # verbosity level
67        # terminal options
68        self.show_argv_array='' # show found arguments and exit (method name)
70        # parameters for terminal options
71        self.argv_array_types = ['arglist', 'dict', 'pretty', 'nested']
73    def add_opt(self, name, npar, deflist=[], acplist=[], req=0, setpar=0,  \
74                helpstr = "", okdash=1):
75        """add an option to the current OptionList
77                name    : option name, to be provided on command line
78                npar    : number of parameters
79                              > 0 --> require exactly that number
80                              < 0 --> require at least the positive number
81                deflist : default parmeter list (required, for now)
82                acplist : list of acceptable values
83                req     : flag: is this required?
84                setpar  : flag: set option parlist from deflist
85                okdash  : flag: if set, params are allowed to start with '-'
86        """
88        com = BASE.comopt(name, npar, deflist, acplist, helpstr)
89        com.required = req
90        com.okdash = okdash
91        if setpar: com.parlist = com.deflist
92        self.olist.append(com)
94    def sort(self):
95        """sort command option list by name"""
96        # cmp keywork has been removed in python3, use key instead
97        # self.olist.sort(cmp=compare_comopts)
98        self.olist.sort(key=comopts_key)
100    def show(self, mesg = '', verb = 0, show_count=-1):
101        if verb or mesg != '': print("%sOptionList: %s (len %d)" % \
102                                      (mesg, self.label, len(self.olist)))
103        # allow override of class
104        if show_count < 0: show_count = self.show_count
105        for index in range(len(self.olist)):
106            # possibly add short help string
107            if verb and self.olist[index].helpstr :
108                hs = ": %s" % self.olist[index].helpstr
109            elif self.olist[index].n_found > 0 :
110                hs = '  args found = %2d' % self.olist[index].n_found
111            else :
112                hs = ''
113            if show_count:
114               print("opt %02d: %-24s%s" % (index, self.olist[index].name, hs))
115            else:
116               print("    %-24s%s" % (self.olist[index].name, hs))
118    def show_as_array(self, mesg='', atype='pretty', verb=0):
119        """atype
120                    arglist     - forget opts, just show the option list
121                    dict        - show as a dictionary
122                    nested      - show as nested array
123                    pretty      - enumerated options with params
124        """
125        if verb or mesg != '': print("\n%sOptionList: %s (len %d)" % \
126                                     (mesg, self.label, len(self.olist)))
127        if atype == 'arglist':
128           print("%s" % [opt.name for opt in self.olist])
129        elif atype == 'dict':
130           print("{")
131           for ind, opt in enumerate(self.olist):
132               print("  %-28s: %s," % ("'%s'"%opt.name, opt.parlist))
133           print("}")
134        elif atype == 'pretty':
135           for ind, opt in enumerate(self.olist):
136               print("%5s %-24s : %s" % ('[%d]'%ind, opt.name,
137                                         ' '.join(opt.parlist)))
138        elif atype == 'nested':
139           print("[")
140           for opt in self.olist:
141               print("  [%-25s %s]," % ("'%s',"%opt.name, opt.parlist))
142           print("]")
144    def find_opt(self, name, nth=1):    # find nth occurance of option name
145        """return nth comopt where name=name, else None"""
146        index = 0
147        for com in self.olist:
148            if com.name == name:
149                index += 1
150                if index == nth: return com
151        return None
153    def find_opt_index(self, name, nth=1): # same, but return the index
154        """return nth comopt index where name=name, else -1
155           same as find_opt, but return index
156        """
157        index = 0
158        cind = 0        # avoid enumerate, since python might be old?
159        for com in self.olist:
160            if com.name == name:
161                index += 1
162                if index == nth: return cind
163            cind += 1
164        return -1
166    def find_all_opts(self, name):
167        """return all comopts where name=name"""
168        olist = []
169        for com in self.olist:
170            if com.name == name:
171                olist.append(com)
172        return olist
174    def have_yes_opt(self, name, default=0, nth=1):
175        """return whether such an option exists and param[0] looks like 'yes'
177           default : default value to return if the option does not exist
178           nth     : parameter for matching 'find_opt'
179        """
180        opt = self.find_opt(name, nth=nth)
181        if opt == None: return default
182        if opt_is_yes(opt): return 1
183        return 0
185    def have_no_opt(self, name, default=0, nth=1):
186        """return whether such an option exists and param[0] looks like 'no'
188           default : default value to return if the option does not exist
189           nth : parameter for matching 'find_opt'
190        """
191        opt = self.find_opt(name, nth=nth)
192        if opt == None: return default
193        if opt_is_no(opt): return 1
194        return 0
196    def opt_has_arg(self, opt_name=None, opt=None, arg=''):
197        """is the given argument in opt.parlist
198           (if opt is passed, we don't need to find it)"""
200        if opt == None: opt = self.find_opt(opt_name)
201        if not opt or not opt.parlist or len(opt.parlist) < 1: return 0
202        return arg in opt.parlist
204    def count_opt(self, name):
205        """return number of comopts where name=name"""
206        count = 0
207        for com in self.olist:
208            if com.name == name: count += 1
209        return count
211    def del_opt(self, name, nth=1):     # delete nth occurance of option label
212        """delete nth comopt where name=name, else None"""
213        count = 0
214        for index in range(len(self.olist)):
215            if self.olist[index].name == name:
216                count += 1
217                if count == nth:
218                    del self.olist[index]
219                    return 1
221    def get_string_opt(self, opt_name=None, opt=None, default=None):
222        """return the option parameter string and err
223           (if opt is passed, we don't need to find it)
224           err = 0 on success, 1 on failure"""
226        if opt == None: opt = self.find_opt(opt_name)
227        if not opt or not opt.parlist: return default, 0
228        if not opt_name: opt_name = opt.name
229        if len(opt.parlist) != 1:
230            print("** expecting 1 parmeter for option '%s', have: %s" % \
231                  (opt_name, opt.parlist))
232            return default, 1
233        return opt.parlist[0], 0
235    def get_joined_strings(self, opt_name=None, opt=None, prefix=''):
236        """like get_string_list(), but join any list together and only
237           return a string
239           only apply 'prefix' if something is found"""
240        olist, rv = self.get_string_list(opt_name=opt_name, opt=opt)
241        if rv or olist == None: return ''
242        if len(olist) < 1:      return ''
244        # we have something
245        return prefix + ' '.join(UTIL.quotize_list(olist))
247    def get_string_list(self, opt_name=None, opt=None):
248        """return the option parameter string and an error code
249           (if opt is passed, we don't need to find it)"""
251        if opt == None: opt = self.find_opt(opt_name)
252        if not opt or not opt.parlist or len(opt.parlist) < 1: return None,0
253        return opt.parlist, 0
255    def get_type_opt(self, otype, opt_name='', opt=None, default=None):
256        """return the option param value converted to the given type, and err
257           (err = 0 on success, 1 on failure)
259           If the opt element is passed, we don't need to find it.
260        """
262        # if no opt was passed, try to find it
263        if opt == None: opt = self.find_opt(opt_name)
265        if not opt or not opt.parlist: return default, 0
266        if not opt_name: opt_name = opt.name
267        if len(opt.parlist) != 1:
268            print("** expectin 1 parameter for option '%s', have: %s" % \
269                  (opt_name, opt.parlist))
270            return default, 1
271        try: val = otype(opt.parlist[0])
272        except:
273            print("** cannot convert '%s' to %s" % (opt.parlist[0], otype))
274            return default, 1
276        return val, 0
278    def get_type_list(self, otype, opt_name='', length=0, len_name='',
279                      opt=None, verb=1):
280        """return a list of values of the given otype, and err
282            err will be set (1) if there is an error
284            otype     : expected conversion type
285            opt_name  : option name to find in opts list
286            length    : expected length of option parameters (or 1)
287                        (if length == 0, return whatever is found)
288            len_name  : name of option that would define expected length
289            opt       : optionally provide a comopt element
290            verb      : verbose level
292            Find opt_name in opts list.  Verify that the parlist values are of
293            the proper otype and that there are either 1 or 'length' of them.
294            If 1, duplicate it to length."""
296        if opt == None: opt = self.find_opt(opt_name)
297        if not opt or not opt.parlist: return None, 0
298        if not opt_name: opt_name = opt.name
299        olen = len(opt.parlist)
300        if length > 0 and olen != 1 and olen != length:
301            if verb:
302               print('** %s takes 1 or %s (%d) values, have %d: %s' % \
303                  (opt_name, len_name, length, olen, ', '.join(opt.parlist)))
304            return None, 1
305        try:
306            tlist = list(map(otype,opt.parlist))
307        except:
308            if verb: print("** %s takes only %ss, have: %s"  \
309                           % (opt_name,otype,opt.parlist))
310            return None, 1
311        if length > 0 and olen != length:     # expand the list
312            tlist = [tlist[0] for i in range(length)]
313            if verb > 1: print('++ expanding %s to list %s' % (opt_name, tlist))
314        elif verb > 1: print('-- have %s list %s' % (opt_name, tlist))
316        return tlist, 0        # return the list
318    def replace_opt(self, opt_name, vals):
319        """replace the parlist from the first instace of opt_name with vals
320           if not found, add a new option
321        """
323        opt = self.find_opt(opt_name)
324        if not opt:
325           setpar = len(vals)
326           self.add_opt(opt_name, len(vals), deflist=vals, setpar=setpar)
327           return
329        # make a copy, to be safe
330        if len(vals) == 0: opt.parlist = []
331        else:              opt.parlist = vals[:]
333        return
335    def append_to_opt(self, opt_name, vals):
336        """append the vals to parlist from the first instace of opt_name
337           if not found, add a new option
338        """
340        opt = self.find_opt(opt_name)
341        if not opt:
342           setpar = len(vals)
343           self.add_opt(opt_name, len(vals), deflist=vals, setpar=setpar)
344           return
346        # make a copy, to be safe
347        if len(vals) == 0: opt.parlist = vals[:]
348        else:              opt.parlist.extend(vals)
350        return
352    # rcr - improve this garbage
353    def check_special_opts(self, argv):
354        """process known '-optlist_* options' and other global_opts,
355           nuking them from argv
357           some options are terminal
358        """
360        # global options (some take a parameter)
361        global_opts = [ '-optlist_verbose', '-optlist_no_show_count',
362                        '-optlist_show_global_opts',
363                        '-optlist_show_valid_opts',
364                        '-optlist_show_argv_array',
365                        '-h_find', '-h_view', '-hview' ]
367        alen = len(argv)
369        if '-optlist_verbose' in argv:
370            ind = argv.index('-optlist_verbose')
371            self.verb = 4
372            argv[ind:ind+1] = []
373            print('++ optlist: setting verb to %d' % self.verb)
374        if '-optlist_no_show_count' in argv:
375            ind = argv.index('-optlist_no_show_count')
376            self.show_count = 0
377            argv[ind:ind+1] = []
378            if self.verb>1: print('++ optlist: clearing show_count')
380        # terminal options (all end in exit)
382        # terminal opts specific to this library
383        if '-optlist_show_global_opts' in argv:
384            global_opts.sort()
385            print("-- global OptionList options (%d):" % len(global_opts))
386            print("     %s\n" % '\n     '.join(global_opts))
387            sys.exit(0)
389        if '-optlist_show_valid_opts' in argv:
390            oname = '-optlist_show_valid_opts'
391            ind = argv.index(oname)
392            prog = os.path.basename(argv[0])
393            self.show(verb=1)
394            sys.exit(0)
396        if '-optlist_show_argv_array' in argv:
397            oname = '-optlist_show_argv_array'
398            ind = argv.index(oname)
399            # this takes one parameter, which must be in list
400            atype = ''
401            if alen >= ind+2:
402               atype = argv[ind+1]
403            if atype not in self.argv_array_types:
404               print("** %s: requires a parameter in %s" \
405                     % (oname, self.argv_array_types))
406               sys.exit(1)
407            argv[ind:ind+2] = []
408            self.show_argv_array = atype
410        # terminal general options
411        if '-h_find' in argv:
412            oname = '-h_find'
413            ind = argv.index(oname)
414            prog = os.path.basename(argv[0])
415            if ind == alen-1:
416               print('** global opt %s needs %s option as parameter' \
417                     % (oname, prog))
418               sys.exit(1)
419            cmd = 'apsearch -phelp %s -word %s' % (prog, argv[ind+1])
420            if self.verb>1: print('++ optlist: applying %s via: %s'%(oname,cmd))
421            BASE.simple_shell_exec(cmd)
422            sys.exit(0)
424        if '-h_view' in argv:
425            oname = '-h_view'
426            ind = argv.index(oname)
427            prog = os.path.basename(argv[0])
428            cmd = 'apsearch -view_prog_help %s' % prog
429            if self.verb>1: print('++ optlist: applying %s via: %s'%(oname,cmd))
430            BASE.simple_shell_exec(cmd)
431            sys.exit(0)
433        if '-hview' in argv:
434            oname = '-hview'
435            ind = argv.index(oname)
436            prog = os.path.basename(argv[0])
437            cmd = 'apsearch -view_prog_help %s' % prog
438            if self.verb>1: print('++ optlist: applying %s via: %s'%(oname,cmd))
439            BASE.simple_shell_exec(cmd)
440            sys.exit(0)
442        if   '-hweb'  in argv: oname = '-hweb'
443        elif '-h_web' in argv: oname = '-h_web'
444        else:                  oname = ''
445        if oname != '':
446            ind = argv.index(oname)
447            prog = os.path.basename(argv[0])
448            cmd = 'apsearch -web_prog_help %s' % prog
449            if self.verb>1: print('++ optlist: applying %s via: %s'%(oname,cmd))
450            BASE.simple_shell_exec(cmd)
451            sys.exit(0)
453        if self.verb > 1:
454            print('-- argv: orig len %d, new len %d' % (alen,len(argv)))
457# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
458# read_options:
459#   given an argument list, and OptionList of acceptable options,
460#   return an OptionList of found options, or None on failure
461def read_options(argv, oplist, verb = -1):
462    """Input an OptionList element, containing a list of options, required
463       or not, and return an OptionList of options as they are found.
465       If verb is not passed, apply that of oplist.
467       return: an OptionList element, or None on a terminal error
468       note: options may occur more than once
469    """
471    OL = OptionList("read_options")
473    if verb < 0: verb = oplist.verb
475    alen = len(argv)
476    if alen == 0: return OL
478    # prepare a dictionary counting uses of each user option
479    namelist = {}
480    for co in oplist.olist:
481        if co.name in namelist:   # complain if input list contains repeats
482            print("** RO warning: option '%s' appears more than once"%co.name)
483        namelist[co.name] = 0
484    if verb > 1 : print("-d namelist: ", namelist)
486    # parse the input arguments:
487    #   for each arg, verify arg is option, then process params
488    #   so ac increments by 1+num_params each time
489    ac = 1
490    while ac < alen:
491        # -optlist_* : global options to be ignored
492        if argv[ac] in [ '-optlist_verbose', '-optlist_no_show_count' ]:
493            if oplist.verb > 1: print("-- found optlist opt '%s'" % argv[ac])
494            ac += 1
495            continue
497        com = oplist.find_opt(argv[ac])
498        if com:
499            namelist[argv[ac]] += 1     # increment dictionary count
500            if verb > 2: print("+d found option '%s'" % com.name)
501            if verb > 3: print("-d remaining args: %s" % argv[ac:-1])
503            # create new return option
504            newopt = BASE.comopt(com.name, com.n_exp, com.deflist)
505            newopt.i_name = ac          # current index into argv
506            newopt.acceptlist = com.acceptlist
507            newopt.required = com.required
508            ac += 1                     # now point to next argument
510            # create parlist of potential parameters
511            if newopt.n_exp > 0:    # try to insert that number of args
512                if newopt.n_exp <= alen - ac:
513                    if verb > 2: print("+d adding %d params" % newopt.n_exp)
514                    parlist = argv[ac:ac+newopt.n_exp]
515                else:   # too few args
516                    print("** error: arg #%d (%s) requires %d params" % \
517                          (ac-1, newopt.name, newopt.n_exp))
518                    return None
519            elif newopt.n_exp < 0:  # grab everything, and truncate later
520                if verb > 2: print("+d start with all %d params" % (alen-ac))
521                parlist = argv[ac:]
522            else: parlist = []      # n_exp == 0
524            # truncate parlist if it contains an option
525            for pc in range(len(parlist)):
526                if parlist[pc] in namelist: # then we have pc 'good' params
527                    parlist = parlist[:pc]
528                    if verb > 1: print("-d truncate %s after %d of %d" % \
529                                       (newopt.name, pc, len(parlist)))
530                    break;
532            # now check parlist against acceptlist
533            if newopt.acceptlist:
534                for par in parlist:
535                    # check against repr(list element), since par is a string
536                    # (search slowly for older versions of python)
537                    found = 0
538                    for accpar in newopt.acceptlist:
539                        if par == str(accpar): found = 1
540                    if not found:  # panic into error!  aaas yoooou wiiiiish...
541                        print("** option %s: param '%s' is not in: %s" % \
542                              (newopt.name, par, newopt.acceptlist))
543                        return None  # what else can we do?
545            # so do we still have enough parameters?
546            if newopt.n_exp < 0: nreq = abs(newopt.n_exp)
547            else:                nreq = newopt.n_exp
548            if len(parlist) < nreq:
549                print("** error: arg #%d (%s) requires %d params, found %d" % \
550                      (ac-1, newopt.name, nreq, len(parlist)))
551                return None
553            # we have a full parlist, possibly check for dashes now
554            if not com.okdash:
555               for par in parlist:
556                  if not par: continue  # check for empty param?  too anal?
557                  if par[0] == '-':
558                     print('** option %s has illegal dashed parameter: %s' \
559                           % (newopt.name, par))
560                     print('   --> maybe parameter is a mis-typed option?')
561                     return None
563            # success!  insert the remaining list
564            newopt.parlist = parlist
565            newopt.n_found = len(parlist)
567        else:   # we seem to be done with expected arguments
568            # there should not be any options in this final list
569            for arg in argv[ac:]:
570                if arg in namelist:
571                    print("** error: option %s follows unknown arg #%d (%s)" % \
572                          (arg, ac, argv[ac]))
573                    return None
575            if not oplist.trailers :   # then trailers are not allowed
576                print("** error: unknown trailing arguments : %s" % argv[ac:])
577                return None
579            # insert remaining args as trailers
580            newopt = BASE.comopt('trailers', -1, [])
581            newopt.n_found = alen - ac
582            newopt.parlist = argv[ac:]
583            OL.trailers = 1   # flag to calling function
584            if verb > 2: print("-- found trailing args: %s" % newopt.parlist)
586        OL.olist.append(newopt) # insert newopt into our return list
587        ac += newopt.n_found    # and increment the argument counter
589    # now we have processed all of argv
590    # any unused comopt that has a deflist can be used (else error)
592    for co in oplist.olist:
593        if namelist[co.name] == 0:  # may still be okay
594            if co.required:
595                print("** error: missing option %s" % co.name)
596                return None
597            elif len(co.deflist) > 0:  # use it
598                newopt = BASE.comopt(co.name, len(co.deflist), co.deflist)
599                newopt.parlist = newopt.deflist
600                # leave n_found at -1, so calling function knows
601                OL.olist.append(newopt) # insert newopt into our return list
602                if verb > 2: print("++ applying default opt '%s', args: %s" % \
603                                   (co.name, newopt.deflist))
605    if verb > 1 : OL.show("-d all found options: ")
606    if verb > 3 : print("-d final optlist with counts: ", namelist)
608    # check for terminal options in oplist
609    if oplist.show_argv_array != '':
610       OL.show_as_array("-- show_argv_array: found options",
611                        atype=oplist.show_argv_array)
612       sys.exit(0)
614    return OL
616def opt_is_yes(opt):
617    """return 1 if and only if option has yes/Yes/YES for oplist[0]"""
619    if opt == None: return 0
621    rv = 0
622    try:
623        val = opt.parlist[0]
624        if val == 'yes' or val == 'Yes' or val == 'YES' \
625                        or val == 'Y'   or val == 'y': rv = 1
626    except: pass
628    return rv
630def opt_is_no(opt):
631    """return 1 if and only if option has no/No/NO for oplist[0]"""
633    if opt == None: return 0
635    rv = 0
636    try:
637        val = opt.parlist[0]
638        if val == 'no' or val == 'No' or val == 'NO' \
639                       or val == 'N'  or val == 'n': rv = 1
640    except: pass
642    return rv
644def opt_is_val(opt, optval):
645    """return 1 if and only if opt.oplist[0] == optval"""
647    if opt == None: return 0
649    rv = 0
650    try:
651        if opt.parlist[0] == optval: rv = 1
652    except: pass
654    return rv
656def comopts_key(copt):
657    """function to be called on each comopts struct for use
658       in sort(key=), since the cmp parameter is gone in python3
660       return name field, as that is comparable for sort()
661    """
662    return copt.name
664def compare_comopts(c1, c2):
665    """comparison function for use in sort()
666     return -1, 0, 1 for c1 compared with c2
667    """
668    if c1.name < c2.name: return -1
669    if c1.name > c2.name: return  1
670    return 0
672def test_comopts():
674    okopts = OptionList('for_input')
675    okopts.add_opt('-a',      1, ['4'       ]               )
676    okopts.add_opt('-dsets', -1, [          ]               )
677    okopts.add_opt('-debug',  1, ['0'       ],     list(range(4)) )
678    okopts.add_opt('-c',      2, ['21', '24']               )
679    okopts.add_opt('-d',     -1, [          ]               )
680    okopts.add_opt('-e',     -2, ['21', '24', '265']        )
681    okopts.trailers = 1 # allow trailing args
683    okopts.show('------ possible input options ------ ')
685    found_opts = read_options(sys.argv, okopts)
687    if found_opts: found_opts.show('------ found options ------ ')
689# if __name__ == '__main__':
690#     test_comopts()