1 /*
2  * libZRTP SDK library, implements the ZRTP secure VoIP protocol.
3  * Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Philip R. Zimmermann.  All rights reserved.
4  * Contact: http://philzimmermann.com
5  * For licensing and other legal details, see the file zrtp_legal.c.
6  *
7  * Viktor Krykun <v.krikun at zfoneproject.com>
8  */
12 /**
13  * \file zrtp_iface.h
14  * \brief libzrtp product-dependent functions
15  */
17 #ifndef __ZRTP_IFACE_H__
18 #define __ZRTP_IFACE_H__
20 #include "zrtp_config.h"
21 #include "zrtp_base.h"
22 #include "zrtp_string.h"
23 #include "zrtp_error.h"
24 #include "zrtp_iface_system.h"
27 #if defined(__cplusplus)
28 extern "C"
29 {
30 #endif
32 /*======================================================================*/
33 /*    libzrtp interface: Cache                                          */
34 /*======================================================================*/
36 /*!
37  * \defgroup zrtp_iface_cache ZRTP Cache
38  * \ingroup zrtp_iface
39  *
40  * The secret cache implementation should have a two-layer structure: each pair of ZIDs should have
41  * a relevant pair of secrets (current and previous). In addition to the value of the secret, the
42  * cache should contain: verification flag, last usage time-stamp and cache TTL value.
43  *
44  * The simplest secret cache scheme implementation is:
45  * \code
46  * [local_ZID][remote_ZID][curr_cache][prev_cache][verified][used at][cache ttl]
47  * \endcode
48  * \warning
49  * Libzrtp doen't provide synchronization for cache read/write operation. Cache is not thread safe
50  * by default. Implementor must take care of synchronization inside his implementation.
51  *
52  * For more information see corresponding section \ref XXX. Samples can be found at \ref XXX
53  * (\c zrtp_iface_builtin.h, \c zrtp_iface_cache.c)
54  * \{
55  */
57 /**
58  * @brief Data types and functions related to shared secrets.
59  */
60 typedef struct zrtp_callback_cache_t
61 {
62 	/**
63 	 * \brief Cache initialization.
64 	 *
65 	 * libzrtp calls this function before start using cache routine at zrtp_init().
66 	 *
67 	 * \param zrtp - libzrtp global context;
68 	 * \sa zrtp_callback_cache_t#on_down()
69 	 */
70 	zrtp_status_t (*on_init)(zrtp_global_t* zrtp);
72 	/**
73 	 * \brief Cache deinitialization.
74 	 *
75 	 * libzrtp calls this function  when zrtp cache is no longer needed at zrtp_down().
76 	 * \sa zrtp_callback_cache_t#on_init()
77 	 */
78 	void (*on_down)();
80 	/**
81 	 * \brief Add/Update cache value
82 	 *
83 	 * Interface function for entering the retained secret to the cache. This function should
84 	 * guarantee permanent storage in the cache. The implementation algorithm is the following:
85 	 *  - if the entry associated with a given pair of ZIDs does not exist, the value should be
86 	 *    stored in cache.
87 	 *  - if the entry already exists, the current secret value becomes stored as the previous one.
88 	 *    The new value becomes stored as the current one. Besides rss->value a timestamp
89 	 *    (rss->lastused_at) and cache TTL(rss->ttl)  should be updated.
90 	 *
91 	 * \param one_zid - ZID of one side;
92 	 * \param another_zid - ZID of the other side;
93 	 * \param rss - a structure storing the value of the secret that needs to be saved.
94 	 * \return
95 	 * - zrtp_status_ok if operation is successful;
96 	 * - some error code from \ref zrtp_status_t in case of error.
97 	 * \sa zrtp_callback_cache_t#on_get
98 	 */
99 	zrtp_status_t (*on_put)( const zrtp_stringn_t* one_zid,
100 						     const zrtp_stringn_t* another_zid,
101 						 	 zrtp_shared_secret_t *rss);
103 	/**
104 	 * \brief Return secret cache associated with specified pair of ZIDs.
105 	 *
106 	 * This function should return the secret associated with the specified pair of ZIDs. In
107 	 * addition to the secret value, TTL (rss->ttl) and cache timestamp (rss->lastused_at) value
108 	 * should be also returned.
109 	 *
110 	 * \param one_zid - one side's ZID;
111 	 * \param another_zid - the other side's ZID;
112 	 * \param prev_requested - if this parameter value is 1, the function should return the previous
113 	 *    secret's value. If this parameter value is 0, the function should return the current
114 	 *    secret's value;
115 	 * \param rss - structure that needs to be filled in.
116 	 * \return
117 	 *  - zrtp_status_ok - if operation is successful;
118 	 *  - zrtp_status_fail - if the secret cannot be found;
119 	 *  - some error code from zrtp_status_t if an error occurred.
120 	 * \sa zrtp_callback_cache_t#on_put
121 	 */
122 	zrtp_status_t (*on_get)( const zrtp_stringn_t* one_zid,
123 							 const zrtp_stringn_t* another_zid,
124 							 zrtp_shared_secret_t *rss,
125 							 int prev_requested);
127 	/**
128 	 * \brief Set/clear cache verification flag
129 	 *
130 	 * This function should set the secret verification flag associated with a pair of ZIDs.
131 	 * \warning
132 	 *   For internal use only. To change the verification flag from the user space use the
133 	 *   zrtp_verified_set() function.
134 	 *
135 	 * \param one_zid - first ZID for cache identification;
136 	 * \param another_zid - second ZID for cache identification;
137 	 * \param verified - verification flag (value can be 0 or 1).
138 	 * \return
139 	 *  - zrtp_status_ok if flag is successfully modified;
140 	 *  - zrtp_status_fail if the secret cannot be found;
141 	 *  - some other error code from \ref zrtp_status_t if another error occurred.
142 	 */
143 	zrtp_status_t (*on_set_verified)( const zrtp_stringn_t* one_zid,
144 									  const zrtp_stringn_t* another_zid,
145 									  uint32_t verified);
147 	/**
148 	 * \brief Return cache verification flag
149 	 *
150 	 * This function return the secret verification flag associated with a pair of ZIDs.
151 	 *
152 	 * \param one_zid - first ZID for cache identification;
153 	 * \param another_zid - second ZID for cache identification;
154 	 * \param verified - verification flag to be filled in
155 	 * \return
156 	 *  - zrtp_status_ok if flag is successfully returned;
157 	 *  - zrtp_status_fail if the secret cannot be found;
158 	 *  - some other error code from \ref zrtp_status_t if another error occurred.
159 	 */
160 	zrtp_status_t (*on_get_verified)( const zrtp_stringn_t* one_zid,
161 									  const zrtp_stringn_t* another_zid,
162 									  uint32_t* verified);
164 	/**
165 	 * \brief Should set Secure Since cache aparemeter to current date and time
166 	 *
167 	 * This function is optional and may be ommited.
168 	 *
169 	 * \param one_zid - first ZID for cache identification;
170 	 * \param another_zid - second ZID for cache identification;
171 	 * \return
172 	 *  - zrtp_status_ok if the oprtation finished sucessfully.
173 	 *  - some other error code from \ref zrtp_status_t if another error occurred.
174 	 */
175 	zrtp_status_t (*on_reset_since)( const zrtp_stringn_t* one_zid,
176 									 const zrtp_stringn_t* another_zid);
178 	/**
179 	 *  \brief Add/Update cache value for MiTM endpoint
180 	 *
181 	 * This function is analogy to zrtp_callback_cache_t#on_put but for MiTM endpoint.
182 	 * \todo Add more detail description
183 	 * \sa zrtp_callback_cache_t#on_put zrtp_callback_cache_t#on_get_mitm
184 	 */
185 	zrtp_status_t (*on_put_mitm)( const zrtp_stringn_t* one_zid,
186 								  const zrtp_stringn_t* another_zid,
187 								  zrtp_shared_secret_t *rss);
189 	/**
190 	 * \brief Return secret cache for MiTM endpoint
191 	 *
192 	 * This function is analogy to zrtp_callback_cache_t#on_get but for MiTM endpoint.
193 	 * \todo Add more detail description
194 	 * \sa zrtp_callback_cache_t#on_get zrtp_callback_cache_t#on_put_mitm
195 	 */
196 	zrtp_status_t (*on_get_mitm)( const zrtp_stringn_t* one_zid,
197 								  const zrtp_stringn_t* another_zid,
198 								  zrtp_shared_secret_t *rss);
200 	/**
201 	 * \brief Return Preshared calls counter
202 	 *
203 	 * This function should return the preshared calls counter associated with a pair of ZIDs.
204 	 *
205 	 * \param one_zid - first ZID for cache identification;
206 	 * \param another_zid - second ZID for cache identification;
207 	 * \param counter - preshared calls counter to be filled in
208 	 * \return
209 	 *  - zrtp_status_ok if counter is successfully returned;
210 	 *  - zrtp_status_fail if the secret cannot be found;
211 	 *  - some other error code from \ref zrtp_status_t if another error occurred.
212 	 */
213 	zrtp_status_t (*on_presh_counter_get)( const zrtp_stringn_t* one_zid,
214 										   const zrtp_stringn_t* another_zid,
215 										   uint32_t* counter);
217 	/**
218 	 * \brief Increase/reset Preshared streams counter made between two endpoints (ZIDs)
219 	 *
220 	 * This function should set the preshared calls counter associated with a pair of ZIDs.
221 	 * Function is optional and should be implemented if your prodict uses Preshared keys exchange.
222 	 *
223 	 * \param one_zid - first ZID for;
224 	 * \param another_zid - second ZID;
225 	 * \param counter - Preshared calls counter.
226 	 * \return
227 	 *  - zrtp_status_ok if the counter is successfully modified;
228 	 *  - zrtp_status_fail if the secret cannot be found;
229 	 *  - some other error code from \ref zrtp_status_t if another error occurred.
230 	 */
231 	zrtp_status_t (*on_presh_counter_set)( const zrtp_stringn_t* one_zid,
232 										   const zrtp_stringn_t* another_zid,
233 										   uint32_t counter);
234 } zrtp_callback_cache_t;
237 /** \} */
239 /*======================================================================*/
240 /*    libzrtp interface: Scheduler                                      */
241 /*======================================================================*/
243 /**
244  * \defgroup zrtp_iface_scheduler ZRTP Delay Calls
245  * \ingroup zrtp_iface
246  *
247  * Algorithm used in the scheduled call module is described in detail in section \ref XXX of the
248  * developer's guide documentation. Technical details of this function's implementation follows.
249  *
250  * For more information see corresponding section \ref XXX. Samples can be found at \ref XXX
251  * (\c zrtp_iface_builtin.h, \c zrtp_iface_scheduler.c)
252  * \{
253  */
255 /** \brief ZRTP Delays Calls signature. */
256 typedef void (*zrtp_call_callback_t)(zrtp_stream_t*, zrtp_retry_task_t*);
258 /**
259  * @brief Delay Call wrapper
260  */
261 struct zrtp_retry_task_t
262 {
263 	/** \brief Task action callback */
264 	zrtp_call_callback_t	callback;
266 	/** \brief Timeout before call in milliseconds */
267 	zrtp_time_t				timeout;
269 	/**
270 	 * \brief User data pointer.
271 	 *
272 	 * Pointer to the user data. This pointer can be used for fast access to some additional data
273 	 * attached to this task by the user application.
274 	 */
275 	void*					usr_data;
278 	// TODO: hide these elements
279 	/**
280 	 * \brief Task activity flag.
281 	 *
282 	 * Libzrtp unsets this flag on task canceling. It prevents the scheduler engine from re-adding
283 	 * an already canceled task. Callback handlers skip passive tasks.
284 	 * \note
285 	 * For internal use only. Don't' modify this field in implementation.
286 	 */
287 	uint8_t					_is_enabled;
289 	/**
290 	 * \brief Number of task retries.
291 	 *
292 	 * Every handler that attempts the task increases it by one. When the limit is reached the
293 	 * scheduler should stop retries and performs a specified action - generally raises an error.
294 	 * \note
295 	 * For internal use only. Don't' modify this field in implementation.
296 	 */
297 	uint32_t				_retrys;
299 	/**
300 	 * \brief Task Busy flag.
301 	 *
302 	 * Built-in cache implementation uses this flag to protect task from being removed during the
303 	 * callback.
304 	 *
305 	 * Default cache implementation "locks" this flag before call zrtp_retry_task#callback
306 	 * and "unlocks" when the call is performed. zrtp_callback_scheduler_t#on_wait_call_later exits
307 	 * when there are no callbacks in progress - no tasks with \c _is_busy enabled.
308 	 */
309 	uint8_t					_is_busy;
310 };
312 /**
313  * @brief Delay Calls callbacks
314  */
315 typedef struct zrtp_callback_scheduler_t
316 {
317 	/**
318 	 * \brief Delay Calls initialization.
319 	 *
320 	 * libzrtp calls this function before start using scheduler routine at zrtp_init().
321 	 *
322 	 * \param zrtp - libzrtp global context;
323 	 * \sa zrtp_callback_scheduler_t#on_down()
324 	 */
325 	zrtp_status_t (*on_init)(zrtp_global_t* zrtp);
327 	/**
328 	 * \brief Delay Calls deinitialization.
329 	 *
330 	 * libzrtp calls this function  when zrtp scheduler is no longer needed at zrtp_down().
331 	 * \sa zrtp_callback_scheduler_t#on_init()
332 	 */
333 	void (*on_down)();
335 	/**
336 	 * \brief Interface for performing delay call
337 	 *
338 	 * This function should add delay call request (\c task) to the processing queue. When the
339 	 * zrtp_retry_task_t#timeout is expired, scheduler should call zrtp_retry_task_t#callback and
340 	 * remove tasks from the processing queue.
341 	 *
342 	 * \param stream - stream context for processing the callback function;
343 	 * \param task - task structure that should be processed.
344 	 * \sa zrtp_callback_scheduler_t#on_cancel_call_later
345 	 */
346 	void (*on_call_later)(zrtp_stream_t *stream, zrtp_retry_task_t* task);
348 	/**
349 	 * \brief Interface for canceling a delay calls
350 	 *
351 	 * This function cancels delay call if it still in the processing queue. The algorithm is the
352 	 * following:
353 	 *  - If there is a specified task for a specified stream, this task should be deleted.
354 	 *  - If the \c task parameter is equal to NULL - ALL tasks for the specified stream must be
355 	 *    terminated and removed from the queue.
356 	 *
357 	 * \param ctx - stream context for the operation;
358 	 * \param task - delayed call wrapper structure.
359 	 * \sa zrtp_callback_scheduler_t#on_call_later
360 	 */
361 	void (*on_cancel_call_later)(zrtp_stream_t* ctx, zrtp_retry_task_t* task);
363 	/**
364 	 * \brief Interface for waiting for scheduling tasks is finished
365 	 *
366 	 * This function is called by libzrtp when the state-mamchine is in a position to destroy ZRTP
367 	 * session and all incapsulated streams. Allocated for the stream memory may be cleared and
368 	 * released. If after this operation, scheduler perform time-out call it will bring system to
369 	 * crash.
370 	 *
371 	 * The scheduler implementation must guarantee that any delay call for the \c stream will not be
372 	 * performed after on_wait_call_later().
373 	 *
374 	 * \param stream - stream context for the operation;
375 	 * \sa zrtp_callback_scheduler_t#on_call_later.
376 	 */
377 	void (*on_wait_call_later)(zrtp_stream_t* stream);
378 } zrtp_callback_scheduler_t;
380 /** \} */
382 /*======================================================================*/
383 /*    libzrtp interface: Protocol                                       */
384 /*======================================================================*/
386 /**
387  * \defgroup zrtp_iface_proto ZRTP Protocol Feedback
388  * \ingroup zrtp_iface
389  *
390  * This section defines ZRTP protcol events. Detail description of ZRTP state-machine is defined in
391  * \ref XXX.
392  * \{
393  */
395 /**
396  * \brief ZRTP Protocol events
397  *
398  * For additional information see \ref XXX
399  */
400 typedef enum zrtp_protocol_event_t
401 {
402 	/** \brief Just a stub for error detection. */
405 	/** \brief Switching to CLEAR state */
408 	/** \brief Switching to INITIATING_SECURE state */
411 	/** \brief Switching to PENDING_SECURE state */
414 	/** \brief Switching to PENDING_CLEAR state */
417 	/**
418 	 * \brief Switching to NO_ZRTP state.
419 	 *
420 	 * Hello packet undelivered - no ZRTP endpoint and other end
421 	 */
424 	/**
425 	 * \brief First N Hello packet undelivered - probably, no ZRTP endpoint and other end
426 	 *
427 	 * Libzrtp raises this event after few Hello have been send without receiving response from the
428 	 * remote endpoint. User application may use this event to stop Securing ritual if connection
429 	 * lag is important.
430 	 *
431 	 * Developer should take into account that delays in Hello receiving may be conditioned by
432 	 * interruptions in media channel
433 	 *
434 	 * \warning Don't handle this event unless necessary
435 	 */
438 	/**
439 	 * \brief MiTM Enrollment with MiTM endpoint
440 	 *
441 	 * Informs the Client-side endpoint of receiving a registration invitation from the MiTM.
442 	 * Libzrtp raises this event after switching to the Secure state (ZRTP_EVENT_IS_SECURE). The
443 	 * user may accept the invitation using a zrtp_register_with_trusted_mitm() call.
444 	 */
447 	/**
448 	 * \brief New user has registered to the MitM
449 	 *
450 	 * Informs MitM of the registration of a new user. Libzrtp raises this event when a user calls
451 	 * the special registration number and has switched to the secure state.
452 	 */
455 	/**
456 	 * \brief New user has already registered with the MiTM
457 	 *
458 	 * Notifies the MiTM of an attempt to register from a user that is already registered. In this
459 	 * case a new MiTM secret will not be generated and the user may be informed by voice prompt.
460 	 * Libzrtp raises this event from the SECURE state.
461 	 */
464 	/**
465 	 * \brief User has cancelled registration
466 	 *
467 	 * Libzrtp may raise this event during regular calls when it discovers that the user has removed
468 	 * its MiTM secret. This event informs the MiTM that the SAS can no longer be transferred to
469 	 * this user.
470 	 */
473 	/**
474 	 * \brief SAS value and/or rendering scheme was updated
475 	 *
476 	 * LibZRTP raises this event when the SAS value is transferred from the trusted MiTM. The value
477 	 * is rendered automatically according to the rendering scheme specified by the trusted MiTM.
478 	 * (it may be different than that of the previous one).
479 	 *
480 	 * On receiving this event, the Client application should replace the old SAS with the new one
481 	 * and ask the user to verify it. This event is called from the Secure state only.
482 	 */
485 	/**
486 	 * \brief SAS transfer was accepted by the remote side
487 	 *
488 	 * Libzrtp raises this event to inform the Server-side about accepting the change of SAS value
489 	 * and/or rendering scheme by the remote client. This event is called from the Secure state
490 	 * only.
491 	 */
494 	/**
495 	 * \brief Swishing to SECURE state
496 	 *
497 	 * Duplicates zrtp_callback_event_t#on_zrtp_secure for more thin adjustments.
498 	 */
501 	/**
502 	 * \brief Swishing to SECURE state is finished.
503 	 *
504 	 * Equal to ZRTP_EVENT_IS_SECURE but called when the Securing process is completely finished:
505 	 * new RS secret is generate, cache flags updated and etc. Can be used in extended application
506 	 * for more thin adjustments.
507 	 */
510 	/**
511 	  * \brief Indicates DRM restriction. Stream can't go Secure.
512 	  *
513 	  * Libzrtp generate this event if DRM rules don't allow to switch to Secure mode:
514 	  * - A passive endpoint never sends a Commit message. Semi-active endpoint does not send a
515 	  *   Commit to a passive endpoint
516 	  * - A passive phone, if acting as a SIP initiator r ejects all commit packets from everyone.
517 	  * - A passive phone rejects all commit messages from a PBX.
518 	  */
523 } zrtp_protocol_event_t;
525 /**
526  * \brief ZRTP Protocol Errors and Warnings
527  *
528  * For additional information see \ref XXX
529  */
530 typedef enum zrtp_security_event_t
531 {
532 	/**
533 	 * \brief Switching to ERROR state
534 	 *
535 	 * The exact error code can be found at zrtp_stream_info_t#last_error. Use zrtp_log_error2str()
536 	 * to get error description in text mode.
537 	 */
540 	/**
541 	 * \brief Hello Hash is different from that received in signaling.
542 	 *
543 	 * In accordance with sec. 8.1 of the ZRTP RFC, libzrtp provides the ability to prevent DOS
544 	 * attacks. libzrtp can detect an attack in which the hash of the remote Hello was received
545 	 * through signaling and added to the ZRTP context (zrtp_signaling_hash_set()).
546 	 *
547 	 * When the hash of the incoming Hello doesn't match the hash from signaling, the
548 	 * ZRTP_EVENT_WRONG_SIGNALING_HASH event is raised and the connection MAY be terminated
549 	 * manually.
550 	 */
553 	/**
554 	 * \brief Hmac of the received packet is different from the hmac value earlier received.
555 	 *
556 	 * If the Hello hash is sent through protected signaling, libzrtp provides the ability to
557 	 * prevent protocol packets from modification and even eliminates comparing the SAS. To do this,
558 	 * libzrtp compares the message Hmac with the Hmac received in the previous message.
559 	 *
560 	 * If the Hmacs don't match, the ZRTP_EVENT_WRONG_MESSAGE_HMAC event is raised and the
561 	 * connection MAY be terminated manually.
562 	 */
565 	/**
566 	 * \brief Retain secret was found in the cache but it doesn't match with the remote one
567 	 *
568 	 * The library rises this event when non-expired secret have been found in the cache but
569 	 * value of the secret doesn't match with the remote side secret. Such situation may happen
570 	 * in case of MiTM attack or when remote side lost it's cache.
571 	 *
572 	 * Recommended behavior: the application should notify user about the situation and ask him to
573 	 * verify the SAS. If SAS is different - it indicates the attack.
574 	 */
576 } zrtp_security_event_t;
578 /**
579  * \brief Callbacks definitions
580  *
581  * This section lists callback functions informing the user about the protocol status. These
582  * callbacks must be defined in the user application.
583  */
584 typedef struct zrtp_callback_event_t
585 {
586 	/**
587 	 * \brief ZRTP Protocol events notification.
588 	 *
589 	 * Informs about switching between the protocol states and other events. Provides more flexible
590 	 * control over the protocol then on_zrtp_secure and on_zrtp_not_secure.
591 	 *
592 	 * \param event - type of event;
593 	 * \param stream - ZRTP stream context.
594 	 */
595 	void (*on_zrtp_protocol_event)(zrtp_stream_t *stream, zrtp_protocol_event_t event);
597 	/**
598 	 * \brief ZRTP Security events notification
599 	 *
600 	 * Informs about ZRTP security events: MiTM attacks, cache desynchronization and
601 	 * others.
602 	 * \warning MUST be handled in the target application to provide high security level.
603 	 *
604 	 * \param event - type of event;
605 	 * \param stream - ZRTP stream context.
606 	 */
607 	void (*on_zrtp_security_event)(zrtp_stream_t *stream, zrtp_security_event_t event);
609 	/**
610 	 * \brief Indicates switching to SECURE state.
611 	 *
612 	 * Pair of events: \c on_zrtp_secure and \c on_zrtp_not_secure represent simplified event
613 	 * handling mechanism comparing to \c on_zrtp_protocol_event. libzrtp calls this event when the
614 	 * call is SECURE and media is encrypted.
615 	 *
616 	 * SAS Verification is required on this event.
617 	 *
618 	 * \param stream - ZRTP stream context.
619 	 */
620 	void (*on_zrtp_secure)(zrtp_stream_t *stream);
622 	/**
623 	 * \brief Indicates switching to NOT SECURE state.
624 	 *
625 	 * This event duplicates some protocol and security events to simplify libzrtp usage. It may be
626 	 * used in applications which don't require detail information about ZRTP protocol.
627 	 *
628 	 * If Error appeared - the exact error code can be found at zrtp_stream_info_t#last_error. Use
629 	 * zrtp_log_error2str() to get error description in text mode.
630 	 *
631 	 * \param stream - ZRTP stream context.
632 	 */
633 	void (*on_zrtp_not_secure)(zrtp_stream_t *stream);
634 } zrtp_callback_event_t;
636 /** \} */
638 /*======================================================================*/
639 /*    libzrtp interface: Misc                                           */
640 /*======================================================================*/
642 /**
643  * \defgroup zrtp_iface_misc Miscellaneous functions
644  * \ingroup zrtp_iface
645  * \{
646  */
648 /**
649  * \brief Miscellaneous Functions
650  */
651 typedef struct zrtp_callback_misc_t
652 {
653 	/**
654 	 * \brief RTP packet sending function
655 	 *
656 	 * This function pushes an outgoing ZRTP packet to the network. Correct building of IP and UPD
657 	 * headers is the developer's responsibility.
658 	 *
659 	 * \param stream - ZRTP stream context;
660 	 * \param packet - buffer storing the ZRTP packet to send;
661 	 * \param length - size of the ZRTP packet.
662 	 * \return
663 	 *  - number of bytes sent if successful;
664 	 *  - -1 if error occurred.
665 	 */
666 	int (*on_send_packet)(const zrtp_stream_t* stream, char* packet, unsigned int length);
667 } zrtp_callback_misc_t;
669 /** \} */
671 /**
672  * \brief ZRTP feedback interface and application dependent routine
673  * \ingroup zrtp_iface
674  */
675 typedef struct zrtp_callback_t
676 {
677 	/** \brief ZRTP Protocol Feedback */
678 	zrtp_callback_event_t		event_cb;
679 	/** \brief ZRTP Delay Calls routine */
680 	zrtp_callback_scheduler_t	sched_cb;
681 	/** \brief ZRTP Cache */
682 	zrtp_callback_cache_t		cache_cb;
683 	/** \brief Miscellaneous functions */
684 	zrtp_callback_misc_t		misc_cb;
685 } zrtp_callback_t;
688 #if defined(__cplusplus)
689 }
690 #endif
692 #endif /*__ZRTP_IFACE_H__*/