1 /*
2 Eris - Heavy-duty persistence for Lua 5.3.4 - Based on Pluto
3 Copyright (c) 2013-2015 by Florian Nuecke.
5 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
6 of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
7 in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
8 to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
9 copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
10 furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
12 The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
13 all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
22 */
24 /* Standard library headers. */
25 #include <assert.h>
26 #include <math.h>
27 #include <stdint.h>
28 #include <stdio.h>
29 #include <string.h>
31 /* Not using stdbool because Visual Studio lives in the past... */
32 #ifndef __cplusplus
33 typedef int bool;
34 #define false 0
35 #define true 1
36 #endif
38 /* Mark us as part of the Lua core to get access to what we need. */
39 #define LUA_CORE
41 /* Public Lua headers. */
42 #include "lapi.h"
43 #include "lua.h"
44 #include "lauxlib.h"
45 #include "lualib.h"
47 /* Internal Lua headers. */
48 #include "ldebug.h"
49 #include "ldo.h"
50 #include "lfunc.h"
51 #include "lobject.h"
52 #include "lstate.h"
53 #include "lstring.h"
54 #include "lzio.h"
56 /* Eris header. */
57 #include "eris.h"
59 /*
60 ** {===========================================================================
61 ** Default settings.
62 ** ============================================================================
63 */
65 /* Note that these are the default settings. They can be changed either from C
66  * by calling eris_g|set_setting() or from Lua using eris.settings(). */
68 /* The metatable key we use to allow customized persistence for tables and
69  * userdata. */
70 static const char *const kPersistKey = "__persist";
72 /* Whether to pass the IO object (reader/writer) to the special function
73  * defined in the metafield or not. This is disabled per default because it
74  * mey allow Lua scripts to do more than they should. Enable this as needed. */
75 static const bool kPassIOToPersist = false;
77 /* Whether to persist debug information such as line numbers and upvalue and
78  * local variable names. */
79 static const bool kWriteDebugInformation = true;
81 /* Generate a human readable "path" that is shown together with error messages
82  * to indicate where in the object the error occurred. For example:
83  * eris.persist({false, bad = setmetatable({}, {__persist = false})})
84  * Will produce: main:1: attempt to persist forbidden table (root.bad)
85  * This can be used for debugging, but is disabled per default due to the
86  * processing and memory overhead this introduces. */
87 static const bool kGeneratePath = false;
89 /* The maximum object complexity. This is the number of allowed recursions when
90  * persisting or unpersisting an object, for example for nested tables. This is
91  * used to avoid segfaults when writing or reading user data. */
92 static const lua_Unsigned kMaxComplexity = 10000;
94 /*
95 ** ============================================================================
96 ** Lua internals interfacing.
97 ** ============================================================================
98 */
100 /* Lua internals we use. We define these as macros to make it easier to swap
101  * them out, should the need ever arise. For example, the later Pluto versions
102  * copied these function to own files (presumably to allow building it as an
103  * extra shared library). These should be all functions we use that are not
104  * declared in lua.h or lauxlib.h. If there are some still directly in the code
105  * they were missed and should be replaced with a macro added here instead. */
106 /* I'm quite sure we won't ever want to do this, because Eris needs a slightly
107  * patched Lua version to be able to persist some of the library functions,
108  * anyway: it needs to put the continuation C functions in the perms table. */
109 /* ldebug.h */
110 #define eris_ci_func(ci)		(clLvalue((ci)->func))
111 /* ldo.h */
112 #define eris_savestack savestack
113 #define eris_restorestack restorestack
114 #define eris_reallocstack luaD_reallocstack
115 /* lfunc.h */
116 #define eris_newproto luaF_newproto
117 #define eris_newLclosure luaF_newLclosure
118 #define eris_initupvals luaF_initupvals
119 #define eris_findupval luaF_findupval
120 /* lmem.h */
121 #define eris_reallocvector luaM_reallocvector
122 /* lobject.h */
123 #define eris_ttnov ttnov
124 #define eris_clLvalue clLvalue
125 #define eris_setnilvalue setnilvalue
126 #define eris_setclLvalue setclLvalue
127 #define eris_setobj setobj
128 #define eris_setsvalue2n setsvalue2n
129 /* lstate.h */
130 #define eris_isLua isLua
131 #define eris_gch gch
132 #define eris_gco2uv gco2uv
133 #define eris_obj2gco obj2gco
134 #define eris_extendCI luaE_extendCI
135 /* lstring. h */
136 #define eris_newlstr luaS_newlstr
137 /* lzio.h */
138 #define eris_initbuffer luaZ_initbuffer
139 #define eris_buffer luaZ_buffer
140 #define eris_sizebuffer luaZ_sizebuffer
141 #define eris_bufflen luaZ_bufflen
142 #define eris_init luaZ_init
143 #define eris_read luaZ_read
145 /* These are required for cross-platform support, since the size of TValue may
146  * differ, so the byte offset used by savestack/restorestack in Lua it is not a
147  * valid measure. */
148 #define eris_savestackidx(L, p) ((p) - (L)->stack)
149 #define eris_restorestackidx(L, n) ((L)->stack + (n))
151 /* Enabled if we have a patched version of Lua (for accessing internals). */
152 #if 1
154 /* Functions in Lua libraries used to access C functions we need to add to the
155  * permanents table to fully support yielded coroutines. */
156 extern void eris_permbaselib(lua_State *L, int forUnpersist);
157 extern void eris_permcorolib(lua_State *L, int forUnpersist);
158 extern void eris_permloadlib(lua_State *L, int forUnpersist);
159 extern void eris_permiolib(lua_State *L, int forUnpersist);
160 extern void eris_permstrlib(lua_State *L, int forUnpersist);
162 /* Utility macro for populating the perms table with internal C functions. */
163 #define populateperms(L, forUnpersist) {\
164   eris_permbaselib(L, forUnpersist);\
165   eris_permcorolib(L, forUnpersist);\
166   eris_permloadlib(L, forUnpersist);\
167   eris_permiolib(L, forUnpersist);\
168   eris_permstrlib(L, forUnpersist);\
169 }
171 #else
173 /* Does nothing if we don't have a patched version of Lua. */
174 #define populateperms(L, forUnpersist) ((void)0)
176 #endif
178 /*
179 ** ============================================================================
180 ** Language strings for errors.
181 ** ============================================================================
182 */
184 #define ERIS_ERR_CFUNC "attempt to persist a light C function (%p)"
185 #define ERIS_ERR_COMPLEXITY "object too complex"
186 #define ERIS_ERR_HOOK "cannot persist yielded hooks"
187 #define ERIS_ERR_METATABLE "bad metatable, not nil or table"
188 #define ERIS_ERR_NOFUNC "attempt to persist unknown function type"
189 #define ERIS_ERR_READ "could not read data"
190 #define ERIS_ERR_SPER_FUNC "%s did not return a function"
191 #define ERIS_ERR_SPER_LOAD "bad unpersist function (%s expected, returned %s)"
192 #define ERIS_ERR_SPER_PROT "attempt to persist forbidden table"
193 #define ERIS_ERR_SPER_TYPE "%d not nil, boolean, or function"
194 #define ERIS_ERR_SPER_UFUNC "invalid restore function"
195 #define ERIS_ERR_SPER_UPERM "bad permanent value (%s expected, got %s)"
196 #define ERIS_ERR_SPER_UPERMNIL "bad permanent value (no value)"
197 #define ERIS_ERR_STACKBOUNDS "stack index out of bounds"
198 #define ERIS_ERR_TABLE "bad table value, got a nil value"
199 #define ERIS_ERR_THREAD "cannot persist currently running thread"
200 #define ERIS_ERR_THREADCI "invalid callinfo"
201 #define ERIS_ERR_THREADCTX "bad C continuation function"
202 #define ERIS_ERR_THREADERRF "invalid errfunc"
203 #define ERIS_ERR_THREADPC "saved program counter out of bounds"
204 #define ERIS_ERR_TRUNC_INT "int value would get truncated"
205 #define ERIS_ERR_TRUNC_SIZE "size_t value would get truncated"
206 #define ERIS_ERR_TYPE_FLOAT "unsupported lua_Number type"
207 #define ERIS_ERR_TYPE_INT "unsupported int type"
208 #define ERIS_ERR_TYPE_SIZE "unsupported size_t type"
209 #define ERIS_ERR_TYPEP "trying to persist unknown type %d"
210 #define ERIS_ERR_TYPEU "trying to unpersist unknown type %d"
211 #define ERIS_ERR_UCFUNC "bad C closure (C function expected, got %s)"
212 #define ERIS_ERR_UCFUNCNULL "bad C closure (C function expected, got null)"
213 #define ERIS_ERR_USERDATA "attempt to literally persist userdata"
214 #define ERIS_ERR_WRITE "could not write data"
215 #define ERIS_ERR_REF "invalid reference #%d. this usually means a special "\
216                       "persistence callback of a table referenced said table "\
217                       "(directly or indirectly via an upvalue)."
219 /*
220 ** ============================================================================
221 ** Constants, settings, types and forward declarations.
222 ** ============================================================================
223 */
225 /* The upvalue tag type was removed in Lua 5.3, but we still need it for
226  * special handling of upvalues, so we redeclare it for internal use. */
227 #define LUA_TUPVAL (LUA_TOTALTAGS + 1)
229 /* The "type" we write when we persist a value via a replacement from the
230  * permanents table. This is just an arbitrary number, but it must we lower
231  * than the reference offset (below) and outside the range Lua uses for its
232  * types (> LUA_TOTALTAGS). */
235 /* This is essentially the first reference we'll use. We do this to save one
236  * field in our persisted data: if the value is smaller than this, the object
237  * itself follows, otherwise we have a reference to an already unpersisted
238  * object. Note that in the reftable the actual entries are still stored
239  * starting at the first array index to have a sequence (when unpersisting). */
242 /* Avoids having to write the NULL all the time, plus makes it easier adding
243  * a custom error message should you ever decide you want one. */
244 #define eris_checkstack(L, n) luaL_checkstack(L, n, NULL)
246 /* Used for internal consistency checks, for debugging. These are true asserts
247  * in the sense that they should never fire, even for bad inputs. */
248 #if 0
249 #define eris_assert(c) assert(c)
250 #define eris_ifassert(e) e
251 #else
252 #define eris_assert(c) ((void)0)
253 #define eris_ifassert(e) ((void)0)
254 #endif
256 /* State information when persisting an object. */
257 typedef struct PersistInfo {
258   lua_Writer writer;
259   void *ud;
260   const char *metafield;
261   bool writeDebugInfo;
262 } PersistInfo;
264 /* State information when unpersisting an object. */
265 typedef struct UnpersistInfo {
266   ZIO zio;
267   size_t sizeof_int;
268   size_t sizeof_size_t;
269 } UnpersistInfo;
271 /* Info shared in persist and unpersist. */
272 typedef struct Info {
273   lua_State *L;
274   lua_Unsigned level;
275   int refcount; /* int because rawseti/rawgeti takes an int. */
276   lua_Unsigned maxComplexity;
277   bool generatePath;
278   bool passIOToPersist;
279   /* Which one it really is will always be clear from the context. */
280   union {
281     PersistInfo pi;
282     UnpersistInfo upi;
283   } u;
284 } Info;
286 /* Type names, used for error messages. */
287 static const char *const kTypenames[] = {
288   "nil", "boolean", "lightuserdata", "number", "string",
289   "table", "function", "userdata", "thread", "proto", "upval",
290   "deadkey", "permanent"
291 };
293 /* Setting names as used in eris.settings / eris_g|set_setting. Also, the
294  * addresses of these static variables are used as keys in the registry of Lua
295  * states to save the current values of the settings (as light userdata). */
296 static const char *const kSettingMetafield = "spkey";
297 static const char *const kSettingPassIOToPersist = "spio";
298 static const char *const kSettingGeneratePath = "path";
299 static const char *const kSettingWriteDebugInfo = "debug";
300 static const char *const kSettingMaxComplexity = "maxrec";
302 /* Header we prefix to persisted data for a quick check when unpersisting. */
303 static char const kHeader[] = { 'E', 'R', 'I', 'S' };
304 #define HEADER_LENGTH sizeof(kHeader)
306 /* Floating point number used to check compatibility of loaded data. */
307 static const lua_Number kHeaderNumber = (lua_Number)-1.234567890;
309 /* Stack indices of some internal values/tables, to avoid magic numbers. */
310 #define PERMIDX 1
311 #define REFTIDX 2
312 #define BUFFIDX 3
313 #define PATHIDX 4
315 /* Table indices for upvalue tables, keeping track of upvals to open. */
316 #define UVTOCL 1
317 #define UVTONU 2
318 #define UVTVAL 3
319 #define UVTREF 4
321 /* }======================================================================== */
323 /*
324 ** {===========================================================================
325 ** Utility functions.
326 ** ============================================================================
327 */
329 /* Pushes an object into the reference table when unpersisting. This creates an
330  * entry pointing from the id the object is referenced by to the object. */
331 static int
registerobject(Info * info)332 registerobject(Info *info) {                          /* perms reftbl ... obj */
333   const int reference = ++(info->refcount);
334   eris_checkstack(info->L, 1);
335   lua_pushvalue(info->L, -1);                     /* perms reftbl ... obj obj */
336   lua_rawseti(info->L, REFTIDX, reference);           /* perms reftbl ... obj */
337   return reference;
338 }
340 /** ======================================================================== */
342 /* Pushes a TString* onto the stack if it holds a value, nil if it is NULL. */
343 static void
pushtstring(lua_State * L,TString * ts)344 pushtstring(lua_State* L, TString *ts) {                               /* ... */
345   if (ts) {
346     eris_setsvalue2n(L, L->top, ts);
347     api_incr_top(L);                                              /* ... str */
348   }
349   else {
350     lua_pushnil(L);                                                /* ... nil */
351   }
352 }
354 /* Creates a copy of the string on top of the stack and sets it as the value
355  * of the specified TString**. */
356 static void
copytstring(lua_State * L,TString ** ts)357 copytstring(lua_State* L, TString **ts) {
358   size_t length;
359   const char *value = lua_tolstring(L, -1, &length);
360   *ts = eris_newlstr(L, value, length);
361 }
363 /** ======================================================================== */
365 /* Pushes the specified segment to the current path, if we're generating one.
366  * This supports formatting strings using Lua's formatting capabilities. */
367 static void
pushpath(Info * info,const char * fmt,...)368 pushpath(Info *info, const char* fmt, ...) {     /* perms reftbl var path ... */
369   if (!info->generatePath) {
370     return;
371   }
372   else {
373     va_list argp;
374     eris_checkstack(info->L, 1);
375     va_start(argp, fmt);
376     lua_pushvfstring(info->L, fmt, argp);    /* perms reftbl var path ... str */
377     va_end(argp);
378     lua_rawseti(info->L, PATHIDX, luaL_len(info->L, PATHIDX) + 1);
379   }                                              /* perms reftbl var path ... */
380 }
382 /* Pops the last added segment from the current path if we're generating one. */
383 static void
poppath(Info * info)384 poppath(Info *info) {                            /* perms reftbl var path ... */
385   if (!info->generatePath) {
386     return;
387   }
388   eris_checkstack(info->L, 1);
389   lua_pushnil(info->L);                      /* perms reftbl var path ... nil */
390   lua_rawseti(info->L, PATHIDX, luaL_len(info->L, PATHIDX));
391 }                                                /* perms reftbl var path ... */
393 /* Concatenates all current path segments into one string, pushes it and
394  * returns it. This is relatively inefficient, but it's for errors only and
395  * keeps the stack small, so it's better this way. */
396 static const char*
path(Info * info)397 path(Info *info) {                               /* perms reftbl var path ... */
398   if (!info->generatePath) {
399     return "";
400   }
401   eris_checkstack(info->L, 3);
402   lua_pushstring(info->L, "");               /* perms reftbl var path ... str */
403   lua_pushnil(info->L);                  /* perms reftbl var path ... str nil */
404   while (lua_next(info->L, PATHIDX)) {   /* perms reftbl var path ... str k v */
405     lua_insert(info->L, -2);             /* perms reftbl var path ... str v k */
406     lua_insert(info->L, -3);             /* perms reftbl var path ... k str v */
407     lua_concat(info->L, 2);                /* perms reftbl var path ... k str */
408     lua_insert(info->L, -2);               /* perms reftbl var path ... str k */
409   }                                          /* perms reftbl var path ... str */
410   return lua_tostring(info->L, -1);
411 }
413 /* Generates an error message with the appended path, if available. */
414 static int
eris_error(Info * info,const char * fmt,...)415 eris_error(Info *info, const char *fmt, ...) {                         /* ... */
416     va_list argp;
417     eris_checkstack(info->L, 5);
419     luaL_where(info->L, 1);                                     /* ... where */
420     va_start(argp, fmt);
421     lua_pushvfstring(info->L, fmt, argp);                    /* ... where str */
422     va_end(argp);
423     if (info->generatePath) {
424       lua_pushstring(info->L, " (");                    /* ... where str " (" */
425       path(info);                                 /* ...  where str " (" path */
426       lua_pushstring(info->L, ")");            /* ... where str " (" path ")" */
427       lua_concat(info->L, 5);                                      /* ... msg */
428     }
429     else {
430       lua_concat(info->L, 2);                                      /* ... msg */
431     }
432     return lua_error(info->L);
433 }
435 /** ======================================================================== */
437 /* Tries to get a setting from the registry. */
438 static bool
get_setting(lua_State * L,void * key)439 get_setting(lua_State *L, void *key) {                                 /* ... */
440   eris_checkstack(L, 1);
441   lua_pushlightuserdata(L, key);                                   /* ... key */
442   lua_gettable(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);                        /* ... value/nil */
443   if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) {                                          /* ... nil */
444     lua_pop(L, 1);                                                     /* ... */
445     return false;
446   }                                                              /* ... value */
447   return true;
448 }
450 /* Stores a setting in the registry (or removes it if the value is nil). */
451 static void
set_setting(lua_State * L,void * key)452 set_setting(lua_State *L, void *key) {                           /* ... value */
453   eris_checkstack(L, 2);
454   lua_pushlightuserdata(L, key);                             /* ... value key */
455   lua_insert(L, -2);                                         /* ... key value */
456   lua_settable(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX);                                  /* ... */
457 }
459 /* Used as a callback for luaL_opt to check boolean setting values. */
460 static bool
checkboolean(lua_State * L,int narg)461 checkboolean(lua_State *L, int narg) {                       /* ... bool? ... */
462   if (!lua_isboolean(L, narg)) {                                /* ... :( ... */
463     return luaL_argerror(L, narg, lua_pushfstring(L,
464       "boolean expected, got %s", lua_typename(L, lua_type(L, narg))));
465   }                                                           /* ... bool ... */
466   return lua_toboolean(L, narg);
467 }
469 /* }======================================================================== */
471 /*
472 ** {===========================================================================
473 ** Persist and unpersist.
474 ** ============================================================================
475 */
477 /* I have macros and I'm not afraid to use them! These are highly situational
478  * and assume an Info* named 'info' is available. */
480 /* Writes a raw memory block with the specified size. */
481 #define WRITE_RAW(value, size) {\
482   if (info->u.pi.writer(info->L, (value), (size), info->u.pi.ud)) \
483     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_WRITE); }
485 /* Writes a single value with the specified type. */
486 #define WRITE_VALUE(value, type) write_##type(info, value)
488 /* Writes a typed array with the specified length. */
489 #define WRITE(value, length, type) { \
490     int i; for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) WRITE_VALUE((value)[i], type); }
492 /** ======================================================================== */
494 /* Reads a raw block of memory with the specified size. */
495 #define READ_RAW(value, size) {\
496   if (eris_read(&info->u.upi.zio, (value), (size))) \
497     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_READ); }
499 /* Reads a single value with the specified type. */
500 #define READ_VALUE(type) read_##type(info)
502 /* Reads a typed array with the specified length. */
503 #define READ(value, length, type) { \
504     int i; for (i = 0; i < length; ++i) (value)[i] = READ_VALUE(type); }
506 /** ======================================================================== */
508 static void
write_uint8_t(Info * info,uint8_t value)509 write_uint8_t(Info *info, uint8_t value) {
510   WRITE_RAW(&value, sizeof(uint8_t));
511 }
513 static void
write_uint16_t(Info * info,uint16_t value)514 write_uint16_t(Info *info, uint16_t value) {
515   write_uint8_t(info, value);
516   write_uint8_t(info, value >> 8);
517 }
519 static void
write_uint32_t(Info * info,uint32_t value)520 write_uint32_t(Info *info, uint32_t value) {
521   write_uint8_t(info, value);
522   write_uint8_t(info, value >> 8);
523   write_uint8_t(info, value >> 16);
524   write_uint8_t(info, value >> 24);
525 }
527 static void
write_uint64_t(Info * info,uint64_t value)528 write_uint64_t(Info *info, uint64_t value) {
529   write_uint8_t(info, value);
530   write_uint8_t(info, value >> 8);
531   write_uint8_t(info, value >> 16);
532   write_uint8_t(info, value >> 24);
533   write_uint8_t(info, value >> 32);
534   write_uint8_t(info, value >> 40);
535   write_uint8_t(info, value >> 48);
536   write_uint8_t(info, value >> 56);
537 }
539 static void
write_int16_t(Info * info,int16_t value)540 write_int16_t(Info *info, int16_t value) {
541   write_uint16_t(info, (uint16_t)value);
542 }
544 static void
write_int32_t(Info * info,int32_t value)545 write_int32_t(Info *info, int32_t value) {
546   write_uint32_t(info, (uint32_t)value);
547 }
549 static void
write_int64_t(Info * info,int64_t value)550 write_int64_t(Info *info, int64_t value) {
551   write_uint64_t(info, (uint64_t)value);
552 }
554 static void
write_float32(Info * info,float value)555 write_float32(Info *info, float value) {
556   uint32_t rep;
557   memcpy(&rep, &value, sizeof(float));
558   write_uint32_t(info, rep);
559 }
561 static void
write_float64(Info * info,double value)562 write_float64(Info *info, double value) {
563   uint64_t rep;
564   memcpy(&rep, &value, sizeof(double));
565   write_uint64_t(info, rep);
566 }
568 /* Note regarding the following: any decent compiler should be able
569  * to reduce these to just the write call, since sizeof is constant. */
571 static void
write_int(Info * info,int value)572 write_int(Info *info, int value) {
573   if (sizeof(int) == sizeof(int16_t)) {
574     write_int16_t(info, value);
575   }
576   else if (sizeof(int) == sizeof(int32_t)) {
577     write_int32_t(info, value);
578   }
579   else if (sizeof(int) == sizeof(int64_t)) {
580     write_int64_t(info, value);
581   }
582   else {
583     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_TYPE_INT);
584   }
585 }
587 static void
write_size_t(Info * info,size_t value)588 write_size_t(Info *info, size_t value) {
589   if (sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(uint16_t)) {
590     write_uint16_t(info, value);
591   }
592   else if (sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
593     write_uint32_t(info, value);
594   }
595   else if (sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(uint64_t)) {
596     write_uint64_t(info, value);
597   }
598   else {
599     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_TYPE_SIZE);
600   }
601 }
603 static void
write_lua_Number(Info * info,lua_Number value)604 write_lua_Number(Info *info, lua_Number value) {
605   if (sizeof(lua_Number) == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
606     write_float32(info, value);
607   }
608   else if (sizeof(lua_Number) == sizeof(uint64_t)) {
609     write_float64(info, value);
610   }
611   else {
612     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_TYPE_FLOAT);
613   }
614 }
616 static void
write_lua_Integer(Info * info,lua_Integer value)617 write_lua_Integer(Info *info, lua_Integer value) {
618   if (sizeof(lua_Integer) == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
619     write_uint32_t(info, value);
620   }
621   else if (sizeof(lua_Integer) == sizeof(uint64_t)) {
622     write_uint64_t(info, value);
623   }
624   else {
625     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_TYPE_INT);
626   }
627 }
629 /* Note that Lua only ever uses 32 bits of the Instruction type, so we can
630  * assert that there will be no truncation, even if the underlying type has
631  * more bits (might be the case on some 64 bit systems). */
633 static void
write_Instruction(Info * info,Instruction value)634 write_Instruction(Info *info, Instruction value) {
635   if (sizeof(Instruction) == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
636     write_uint32_t(info, value);
637   }
638   else {
639     uint32_t pvalue = (uint32_t)value;
640     /* Lua only uses 32 bits for its instructions. */
641     eris_assert((Instruction)pvalue == value);
642     write_uint32_t(info, pvalue);
643   }
644 }
646 /** ======================================================================== */
648 static uint8_t
read_uint8_t(Info * info)649 read_uint8_t(Info *info) {
650   uint8_t value;
651   READ_RAW(&value, sizeof(uint8_t));
652   return value;
653 }
655 static uint16_t
read_uint16_t(Info * info)656 read_uint16_t(Info *info) {
657   return  (uint16_t)read_uint8_t(info) |
658          ((uint16_t)read_uint8_t(info) << 8);
659 }
661 static uint32_t
read_uint32_t(Info * info)662 read_uint32_t(Info *info) {
663   return  (uint32_t)read_uint8_t(info) |
664          ((uint32_t)read_uint8_t(info) << 8) |
665          ((uint32_t)read_uint8_t(info) << 16) |
666          ((uint32_t)read_uint8_t(info) << 24);
667 }
669 static uint64_t
read_uint64_t(Info * info)670 read_uint64_t(Info *info) {
671   return  (uint64_t)read_uint8_t(info) |
672          ((uint64_t)read_uint8_t(info) << 8) |
673          ((uint64_t)read_uint8_t(info) << 16) |
674          ((uint64_t)read_uint8_t(info) << 24) |
675          ((uint64_t)read_uint8_t(info) << 32) |
676          ((uint64_t)read_uint8_t(info) << 40) |
677          ((uint64_t)read_uint8_t(info) << 48) |
678          ((uint64_t)read_uint8_t(info) << 56);
679 }
681 static int16_t
read_int16_t(Info * info)682 read_int16_t(Info *info) {
683   return (int16_t)read_uint16_t(info);
684 }
686 static int32_t
read_int32_t(Info * info)687 read_int32_t(Info *info) {
688   return (int32_t)read_uint32_t(info);
689 }
691 static int64_t
read_int64_t(Info * info)692 read_int64_t(Info *info) {
693   return (int64_t)read_uint64_t(info);
694 }
696 static float
read_float32(Info * info)697 read_float32(Info *info) {
698   float value;
699   uint32_t rep = read_uint32_t(info);
700   memcpy(&value, &rep, sizeof(float));
701   return value;
702 }
704 static double
read_float64(Info * info)705 read_float64(Info *info) {
706   double value;
707   uint64_t rep = read_uint64_t(info);
708   memcpy(&value, &rep, sizeof(double));
709   return value;
710 }
712 /* Note regarding the following: unlike with writing the sizeof check will be
713  * impossible to optimize away, since it depends on the input; however, the
714  * truncation check may be optimized away in the case where the read data size
715  * equals the native one, so reading data written on the same machine should be
716  * reasonably quick. Doing a (rather rudimentary) benchmark this did not have
717  * any measurable impact on performance. */
719 static int
read_int(Info * info)720 read_int(Info *info) {
721   int value;
722   if (info->u.upi.sizeof_int == sizeof(int16_t)) {
723     int16_t pvalue = read_int16_t(info);
724     value = (int)pvalue;
725     if ((int32_t)value != pvalue) {
726       eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_TRUNC_INT);
727     }
728   }
729   else if (info->u.upi.sizeof_int == sizeof(int32_t)) {
730     int32_t pvalue = read_int32_t(info);
731     value = (int)pvalue;
732     if ((int32_t)value != pvalue) {
733       eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_TRUNC_INT);
734     }
735   }
736   else if (info->u.upi.sizeof_int == sizeof(int64_t)) {
737     int64_t pvalue = read_int64_t(info);
738     value = (int)pvalue;
739     if ((int64_t)value != pvalue) {
740       eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_TRUNC_INT);
741     }
742   }
743   else {
744     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_TYPE_INT);
745     value = 0; /* not reached */
746   }
747   return value;
748 }
750 static size_t
read_size_t(Info * info)751 read_size_t(Info *info) {
752   size_t value;
753   if (info->u.upi.sizeof_size_t == sizeof(uint16_t)) {
754     uint16_t pvalue = read_uint16_t(info);
755     value = (size_t)pvalue;
756     if ((uint32_t)value != pvalue) {
757       eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_TRUNC_SIZE);
758     }
759   }
760   else if (info->u.upi.sizeof_size_t == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
761     uint32_t pvalue = read_uint32_t(info);
762     value = (size_t)pvalue;
763     if ((uint32_t)value != pvalue) {
764       eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_TRUNC_SIZE);
765     }
766   }
767   else if (info->u.upi.sizeof_size_t == sizeof(uint64_t)) {
768     uint64_t pvalue = read_uint64_t(info);
769     value = (size_t)pvalue;
770     if ((uint64_t)value != pvalue) {
771       eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_TRUNC_SIZE);
772     }
773   }
774   else {
775     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_TYPE_SIZE);
776     value = 0; /* not reached */
777   }
778   return value;
779 }
781 static lua_Number
read_lua_Number(Info * info)782 read_lua_Number(Info *info) {
783   if (sizeof(lua_Number) == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
784     return read_float32(info);
785   }
786   else if (sizeof(lua_Number) == sizeof(uint64_t)) {
787     return read_float64(info);
788   }
789   else {
790     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_TYPE_FLOAT);
791     return 0; /* not reached */
792   }
793 }
795 static lua_Integer
read_lua_Integer(Info * info)796 read_lua_Integer(Info *info) {
797   if (sizeof(lua_Integer) == sizeof(uint32_t)) {
798     return (lua_Integer)read_uint32_t(info);
799   }
800   else if (sizeof(lua_Integer) == sizeof(uint64_t)) {
801     return (lua_Integer)read_uint64_t(info);
802   }
803   else {
804     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_TYPE_INT);
805     return 0; /* not reached */
806   }
807 }
809 static Instruction
read_Instruction(Info * info)810 read_Instruction(Info *info) {
811   return (Instruction)read_uint32_t(info);
812 }
814 /** ======================================================================== */
816 /* Forward declarations for recursively called top-level functions. */
817 static void persist_keyed(Info*, int type);
818 static void persist(Info*);
819 static void unpersist(Info*);
821 /*
822 ** ============================================================================
823 ** Simple types.
824 ** ============================================================================
825 */
827 static void
p_boolean(Info * info)828 p_boolean(Info *info) {                                           /* ... bool */
829   WRITE_VALUE(lua_toboolean(info->L, -1), uint8_t);
830 }
832 static void
u_boolean(Info * info)833 u_boolean(Info *info) {                                                /* ... */
834   eris_checkstack(info->L, 1);
835   lua_pushboolean(info->L, READ_VALUE(uint8_t));                  /* ... bool */
837   eris_assert(lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TBOOLEAN);
838 }
840 /** ======================================================================== */
842 static void
p_pointer(Info * info)843 p_pointer(Info *info) {                                         /* ... ludata */
844   WRITE_VALUE((size_t)lua_touserdata(info->L, -1), size_t);
845 }
847 static void
u_pointer(Info * info)848 u_pointer(Info *info) {                                                /* ... */
849   eris_checkstack(info->L, 1);
850   lua_pushlightuserdata(info->L, (void*)READ_VALUE(size_t));    /* ... ludata */
852   eris_assert(lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA);
853 }
855 /** ======================================================================== */
857 static void
p_number(Info * info)858 p_number(Info *info) {                                             /* ... num */
859   if (lua_isinteger(info->L, -1)) {
860     WRITE_VALUE(true, uint8_t);
861     WRITE_VALUE(lua_tointeger(info->L, -1), lua_Integer);
862   }
863   else {
864     WRITE_VALUE(false, uint8_t);
865     WRITE_VALUE(lua_tonumber(info->L, -1), lua_Number);
866   }
867 }
869 static void
u_number(Info * info)870 u_number(Info *info) {                                                 /* ... */
871   eris_checkstack(info->L, 1);
872   if (READ_VALUE(uint8_t)) {
873     lua_pushinteger(info->L, READ_VALUE(lua_Integer));
874   }
875   else {
876     lua_pushnumber(info->L, READ_VALUE(lua_Number));               /* ... num */
877   }
879   eris_assert(lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER);
880 }
882 /** ======================================================================== */
884 static void
p_string(Info * info)885 p_string(Info *info) {                                             /* ... str */
886   size_t length;
887   const char *value = lua_tolstring(info->L, -1, &length);
888   WRITE_VALUE(length, size_t);
889   WRITE_RAW(value, length);
890 }
892 static void
u_string(Info * info)893 u_string(Info *info) {                                                 /* ... */
894   eris_checkstack(info->L, 2);
895   {
896     /* TODO Can we avoid this copy somehow? (Without it getting too nasty) */
897     const size_t length = READ_VALUE(size_t);
898     char *value = (char*)lua_newuserdata(info->L, length * sizeof(char)); /* ... tmp */
899     READ_RAW(value, length);
900     lua_pushlstring(info->L, value, length);                   /* ... tmp str */
901     lua_replace(info->L, -2);                                      /* ... str */
902   }
903   registerobject(info);
905   eris_assert(lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TSTRING);
906 }
908 /*
909 ** ============================================================================
910 ** Tables and userdata.
911 ** ============================================================================
912 */
914 static void
p_metatable(Info * info)915 p_metatable(Info *info) {                                          /* ... obj */
916   eris_checkstack(info->L, 1);
917   pushpath(info, "@metatable");
918   if (!lua_getmetatable(info->L, -1)) {                        /* ... obj mt? */
919     lua_pushnil(info->L);                                      /* ... obj nil */
920   }                                                         /* ... obj mt/nil */
921   persist(info);                                            /* ... obj mt/nil */
922   lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                             /* ... obj */
923   poppath(info);
924 }
926 static void
u_metatable(Info * info)927 u_metatable(Info *info) {                                          /* ... tbl */
928   eris_checkstack(info->L, 1);
929   pushpath(info, "@metatable");
930   unpersist(info);                                         /* ... tbl mt/nil? */
931   if (lua_istable(info->L, -1)) {                               /* ... tbl mt */
932     lua_setmetatable(info->L, -2);                                 /* ... tbl */
933   }
934   else if (lua_isnil(info->L, -1)) {                           /* ... tbl nil */
935     lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                           /* ... tbl */
936   }
937   else {                                                            /* tbl :( */
938     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_METATABLE);
939   }
940   poppath(info);
941 }
943 /** ======================================================================== */
945 static void
p_literaltable(Info * info)946 p_literaltable(Info *info) {                                       /* ... tbl */
947   eris_checkstack(info->L, 3);
949   /* Persist all key / value pairs. */
950   lua_pushnil(info->L);                                        /* ... tbl nil */
951   while (lua_next(info->L, -2)) {                              /* ... tbl k v */
952     lua_pushvalue(info->L, -2);                              /* ... tbl k v k */
954     if (info->generatePath) {
955       if (lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TSTRING) {
956         const char *key = lua_tostring(info->L, -1);
957         pushpath(info, ".%s", key);
958       }
959       else {
960         const char *key = luaL_tolstring(info->L, -1, NULL);
961         pushpath(info, "[%s]", key);
962         lua_pop(info->L, 1);
963       }
964     }
966     persist(info);                                           /* ... tbl k v k */
967     lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                       /* ... tbl k v */
968     persist(info);                                             /* ... tbl k v */
969     lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                         /* ... tbl k */
971     poppath(info);
972   }                                                                /* ... tbl */
974   /* Terminate list. */
975   lua_pushnil(info->L);                                        /* ... tbl nil */
976   persist(info);                                               /* ... tbl nil */
977   lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                             /* ... tbl */
979   p_metatable(info);
980 }
982 static void
u_literaltable(Info * info)983 u_literaltable(Info *info) {                                           /* ... */
984   eris_checkstack(info->L, 3);
986   lua_newtable(info->L);                                           /* ... tbl */
988   /* Preregister table for handling of cycles (keys, values or metatable). */
989   registerobject(info);
991   /* Unpersist all key / value pairs. */
992   for (;;) {
993     pushpath(info, "@key");
994     unpersist(info);                                       /* ... tbl key/nil */
995     poppath(info);
996     if (lua_isnil(info->L, -1)) {                              /* ... tbl nil */
997       lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                         /* ... tbl */
998       break;
999     }                                                          /* ... tbl key */
1001     if (info->generatePath) {
1002       if (lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TSTRING) {
1003         const char *key = lua_tostring(info->L, -1);
1004         pushpath(info, ".%s", key);
1005       }
1006       else {
1007         const char *key = luaL_tolstring(info->L, -1, NULL);
1008         pushpath(info, "[%s]", key);
1009         lua_pop(info->L, 1);
1010       }
1011     }
1013     unpersist(info);                                    /* ... tbl key value? */
1014     if (!lua_isnil(info->L, -1)) {                       /* ... tbl key value */
1015       lua_rawset(info->L, -3);                                     /* ... tbl */
1016     }
1017     else {
1018       eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_TABLE);
1019     }
1021     poppath(info);
1022   }
1024   u_metatable(info);                                               /* ... tbl */
1025 }
1027 /** ======================================================================== */
1029 static void
p_literaluserdata(Info * info)1030 p_literaluserdata(Info *info) {                                  /* ... udata */
1031   const size_t size = lua_rawlen(info->L, -1);
1032   const void *value = lua_touserdata(info->L, -1);
1033   WRITE_VALUE(size, size_t);
1034   WRITE_RAW(value, size);
1035   p_metatable(info);                                             /* ... udata */
1036 }
1038 static void
u_literaluserdata(Info * info)1039 u_literaluserdata(Info *info) {                                        /* ... */
1040   eris_checkstack(info->L, 1);
1041   {
1042     size_t size = READ_VALUE(size_t);
1043     void *value = lua_newuserdata(info->L, size);                /* ... udata */
1044     READ_RAW(value, size);                                       /* ... udata */
1045   }
1046   registerobject(info);
1047   u_metatable(info);
1048 }
1050 /** ======================================================================== */
1052 typedef void (*Callback) (Info*);
1054 static void
p_special(Info * info,Callback literal)1055 p_special(Info *info, Callback literal) {                          /* ... obj */
1056   int allow = (lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TTABLE);
1057   eris_checkstack(info->L, 4);
1059   /* Check whether we should persist literally, or via the metafunction. */
1060   if (lua_getmetatable(info->L, -1)) {                          /* ... obj mt */
1061     lua_pushstring(info->L, info->u.pi.metafield);         /* ... obj mt pkey */
1062     lua_rawget(info->L, -2);                           /* ... obj mt persist? */
1063     switch (lua_type(info->L, -1)) {
1064       /* No entry, act according to default. */
1065       case LUA_TNIL:                                        /* ... obj mt nil */
1066         lua_pop(info->L, 2);                                       /* ... obj */
1067         break;
1069       /* Boolean value, tells us whether allowed or not. */
1070       case LUA_TBOOLEAN:                                   /* ... obj mt bool */
1071         allow = lua_toboolean(info->L, -1);
1072         lua_pop(info->L, 2);                                       /* ... obj */
1073         break;
1075       /* Function value, call it and don't persist literally. */
1076       case LUA_TFUNCTION:                                  /* ... obj mt func */
1077         lua_replace(info->L, -2);                             /* ... obj func */
1078         lua_pushvalue(info->L, -2);                       /* ... obj func obj */
1080         if (info->passIOToPersist) {
1081           lua_pushlightuserdata(info->L, (void*)info->u.pi.writer);
1082                                                    /* ... obj func obj writer */
1083           lua_pushlightuserdata(info->L, info->u.pi.ud);
1084                                                 /* ... obj func obj writer ud */
1085           lua_call(info->L, 3, 1);                           /* ... obj func? */
1086         }
1087         else {
1088           lua_call(info->L, 1, 1);                           /* ... obj func? */
1089         }
1090         if (!lua_isfunction(info->L, -1)) {                     /* ... obj :( */
1091           eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_SPER_FUNC, info->u.pi.metafield);
1092         }                                                     /* ... obj func */
1094         /* Special persistence, call this function when unpersisting. */
1095         WRITE_VALUE(true, uint8_t);
1096         persist(info);                                        /* ... obj func */
1097         lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                       /* ... obj */
1098         return;
1099       default:                                               /* ... obj mt :( */
1100         eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_SPER_TYPE, info->u.pi.metafield);
1101         return; /* not reached */
1102     }
1103   }
1105   if (allow) {
1106     /* Not special but literally persisted object. */
1107     WRITE_VALUE(false, uint8_t);
1108     literal(info);                                                 /* ... obj */
1109   }
1110   else if (lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TTABLE) {
1111     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_SPER_PROT);
1112   }
1113   else {
1114     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_USERDATA);
1115   }
1116 }
1118 static void
u_special(Info * info,int type,Callback literal)1119 u_special(Info *info, int type, Callback literal) {                    /* ... */
1120   eris_checkstack(info->L, 2);
1121   if (READ_VALUE(uint8_t)) {
1122     int reference;
1123     /* Reserve entry in the reftable before unpersisting the function to keep
1124      * the reference order intact. We can set this to nil at first, because
1125      * there's no way the special function would access this. */
1126     lua_pushnil(info->L);                                          /* ... nil */
1127     reference = registerobject(info);
1128     lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                               /* ... */
1129     /* Increment reference counter by one to compensate for the increment when
1130      * persisting a special object. */
1131     unpersist(info);                                           /* ... spfunc? */
1132     if (!lua_isfunction(info->L, -1)) {                             /* ... :( */
1133       eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_SPER_UFUNC);
1134     }                                                           /* ... spfunc */
1136     if (info->passIOToPersist) {
1137       lua_pushlightuserdata(info->L, &info->u.upi.zio);     /* ... spfunc zio */
1138       lua_call(info->L, 1, 1);                                    /* ... obj? */
1139     } else {
1140       lua_call(info->L, 0, 1);                                    /* ... obj? */
1141     }
1143     if (lua_type(info->L, -1) != type) {                            /* ... :( */
1144       const char *want = kTypenames[type];
1145       const char *have = kTypenames[lua_type(info->L, -1)];
1146       eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_SPER_LOAD, want, have);
1147     }                                                              /* ... obj */
1149     /* Update the reftable entry. */
1150     lua_pushvalue(info->L, -1);                                /* ... obj obj */
1151     lua_rawseti(info->L, 2, reference);                            /* ... obj */
1152   }
1153   else {
1154     literal(info);                                                 /* ... obj */
1155   }
1156 }
1158 /** ======================================================================== */
1160 static void
p_table(Info * info)1161 p_table(Info *info) {                                              /* ... tbl */
1162   p_special(info, p_literaltable);                                 /* ... tbl */
1163 }
1165 static void
u_table(Info * info)1166 u_table(Info *info) {                                                  /* ... */
1167   u_special(info, LUA_TTABLE, u_literaltable);                     /* ... tbl */
1169   eris_assert(lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TTABLE);
1170 }
1172 /** ======================================================================== */
1174 static void
p_userdata(Info * info)1175 p_userdata(Info *info) {                            /* perms reftbl ... udata */
1176   p_special(info, p_literaluserdata);
1177 }
1179 static void
u_userdata(Info * info)1180 u_userdata(Info *info) {                                               /* ... */
1181   u_special(info, LUA_TUSERDATA, u_literaluserdata);             /* ... udata */
1183   eris_assert(lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TUSERDATA);
1184 }
1186 /*
1187 ** ============================================================================
1188 ** Closures and threads.
1189 ** ============================================================================
1190 */
1192 /* We track the actual upvalues themselves by pushing their "id" (meaning a
1193  * pointer to them) as lightuserdata to the reftable. This is safe because
1194  * lightuserdata will not normally end up in there, because simple value types
1195  * are always persisted directly (because that'll be just as large, memory-
1196  * wise as when pointing to the first instance). Same for protos. */
1198 static void
p_proto(Info * info)1199 p_proto(Info *info) {                                            /* ... proto */
1200   int i;
1201   const Proto *p = (Proto*)lua_touserdata(info->L, -1);
1202   eris_checkstack(info->L, 3);
1204   /* Write general information. */
1205   WRITE_VALUE(p->linedefined, int);
1206   WRITE_VALUE(p->lastlinedefined, int);
1207   WRITE_VALUE(p->numparams, uint8_t);
1208   WRITE_VALUE(p->is_vararg, uint8_t);
1209   WRITE_VALUE(p->maxstacksize, uint8_t);
1211   /* Write byte code. */
1212   WRITE_VALUE(p->sizecode, int);
1213   WRITE(p->code, p->sizecode, Instruction);
1215   /* Write constants. */
1216   WRITE_VALUE(p->sizek, int);
1217   pushpath(info, ".constants");
1218   for (i = 0; i < p->sizek; ++i) {
1219     pushpath(info, "[%d]", i);
1220     eris_setobj(info->L, info->L->top++, &p->k[i]);      /* ... lcl proto obj */
1221     persist(info);                                       /* ... lcl proto obj */
1222     lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                     /* ... lcl proto */
1223     poppath(info);
1224   }
1225   poppath(info);
1227   /* Write child protos. */
1228   WRITE_VALUE(p->sizep, int);
1229   pushpath(info, ".protos");
1230   for (i = 0; i < p->sizep; ++i) {
1231     pushpath(info, "[%d]", i);
1232     lua_pushlightuserdata(info->L, p->p[i]);           /* ... lcl proto proto */
1233     lua_pushvalue(info->L, -1);                  /* ... lcl proto proto proto */
1234     persist_keyed(info, LUA_TPROTO);                   /* ... lcl proto proto */
1235     lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                     /* ... lcl proto */
1236     poppath(info);
1237   }
1238   poppath(info);
1240   /* Write upvalues. */
1241   WRITE_VALUE(p->sizeupvalues, int);
1242   for (i = 0; i < p->sizeupvalues; ++i) {
1243     WRITE_VALUE(p->upvalues[i].instack, uint8_t);
1244     WRITE_VALUE(p->upvalues[i].idx, uint8_t);
1245   }
1247   /* If we don't have to persist debug information skip the rest. */
1248   WRITE_VALUE(info->u.pi.writeDebugInfo, uint8_t);
1249   if (!info->u.pi.writeDebugInfo) {
1250     return;
1251   }
1253   /* Write function source code. */
1254   pushtstring(info->L, p->source);                    /* ... lcl proto source */
1255   persist(info);                                      /* ... lcl proto source */
1256   lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                       /* ... lcl proto */
1258   /* Write line information. */
1259   WRITE_VALUE(p->sizelineinfo, int);
1260   WRITE(p->lineinfo, p->sizelineinfo, int);
1262   /* Write locals info. */
1263   WRITE_VALUE(p->sizelocvars, int);
1264   pushpath(info, ".locvars");
1265   for (i = 0; i < p->sizelocvars; ++i) {
1266     pushpath(info, "[%d]", i);
1267     WRITE_VALUE(p->locvars[i].startpc, int);
1268     WRITE_VALUE(p->locvars[i].endpc, int);
1269     pushtstring(info->L, p->locvars[i].varname);     /* ... lcl proto varname */
1270     persist(info);                                   /* ... lcl proto varname */
1271     lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                     /* ... lcl proto */
1272     poppath(info);
1273   }
1274   poppath(info);
1276   /* Write upvalue names. */
1277   pushpath(info, ".upvalnames");
1278   for (i = 0; i < p->sizeupvalues; ++i) {
1279     pushpath(info, "[%d]", i);
1280     pushtstring(info->L, p->upvalues[i].name);          /* ... lcl proto name */
1281     persist(info);                                      /* ... lcl proto name */
1282     lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                     /* ... lcl proto */
1283     poppath(info);
1284   }
1285   poppath(info);
1286 }
1288 static void
u_proto(Info * info)1289 u_proto(Info *info) {                                            /* ... proto */
1290   int i, n;
1291   Proto *p = (Proto*)lua_touserdata(info->L, -1);
1292   eris_assert(p);
1294   eris_checkstack(info->L, 2);
1296   /* Preregister proto for handling of cycles (probably impossible, but
1297    * maybe via the constants of the proto... not worth taking the risk). */
1298   registerobject(info);
1300   /* Read general information. */
1301   p->linedefined = READ_VALUE(int);
1302   p->lastlinedefined = READ_VALUE(int);
1303   p->numparams = READ_VALUE(uint8_t);
1304   p->is_vararg = READ_VALUE(uint8_t);
1305   p->maxstacksize = READ_VALUE(uint8_t);
1307   /* Read byte code. */
1308   p->sizecode = READ_VALUE(int);
1309   eris_reallocvector(info->L, p->code, 0, p->sizecode, Instruction);
1310   READ(p->code, p->sizecode, Instruction);
1312   /* Read constants. */
1313   p->sizek = READ_VALUE(int);
1314   eris_reallocvector(info->L, p->k, 0, p->sizek, TValue);
1315   /* Set all values to nil to avoid confusing the GC. */
1316   for (i = 0, n = p->sizek; i < n; ++i) {
1317     eris_setnilvalue(&p->k[i]);
1318   }
1319   pushpath(info, ".constants");
1320   for (i = 0, n = p->sizek; i < n; ++i) {
1321     pushpath(info, "[%d]", i);
1322     unpersist(info);                                         /* ... proto obj */
1323     eris_setobj(info->L, &p->k[i], info->L->top - 1);
1324     lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                         /* ... proto */
1325     poppath(info);
1326   }
1327   poppath(info);
1329   /* Read child protos. */
1330   p->sizep = READ_VALUE(int);
1331   eris_reallocvector(info->L, p->p, 0, p->sizep, Proto*);
1332   /* Null all entries to avoid confusing the GC. */
1333   memset(p->p, 0, p->sizep * sizeof(Proto*));
1334   pushpath(info, ".protos");
1335   for (i = 0, n = p->sizep; i < n; ++i) {
1336     Proto *cp;
1337     pushpath(info, "[%d]", i);
1338     p->p[i] = eris_newproto(info->L);
1339     lua_pushlightuserdata(info->L, (void*)p->p[i]);              /* ... proto nproto */
1340     unpersist(info);                        /* ... proto nproto nproto/oproto */
1341     cp = (Proto*)lua_touserdata(info->L, -1);
1342     if (cp != p->p[i]) {                           /* ... proto nproto oproto */
1343       /* Just overwrite it, GC will clean this up. */
1344       p->p[i] = cp;
1345     }
1346     lua_pop(info->L, 2);                                         /* ... proto */
1347     poppath(info);
1348   }
1349   poppath(info);
1351   /* Read upvalues. */
1352   p->sizeupvalues = READ_VALUE(int);
1353   eris_reallocvector(info->L, p->upvalues, 0, p->sizeupvalues, Upvaldesc);
1354   for (i = 0, n = p->sizeupvalues; i < n; ++i) {
1355     p->upvalues[i].name = NULL;
1356     p->upvalues[i].instack = READ_VALUE(uint8_t);
1357     p->upvalues[i].idx = READ_VALUE(uint8_t);
1358   }
1360   /* Read debug information if any is present. */
1361   if (!READ_VALUE(uint8_t)) {
1362     return;
1363   }
1365   /* Read function source code. */
1366   unpersist(info);                                           /* ... proto str */
1367   copytstring(info->L, &p->source);
1368   lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                           /* ... proto */
1370   /* Read line information. */
1371   p->sizelineinfo = READ_VALUE(int);
1372   eris_reallocvector(info->L, p->lineinfo, 0, p->sizelineinfo, int);
1373   READ(p->lineinfo, p->sizelineinfo, int);
1375   /* Read locals info. */
1376   p->sizelocvars = READ_VALUE(int);
1377   eris_reallocvector(info->L, p->locvars, 0, p->sizelocvars, LocVar);
1378   /* Null the variable names to avoid confusing the GC. */
1379   for (i = 0, n = p->sizelocvars; i < n; ++i) {
1380     p->locvars[i].varname = NULL;
1381   }
1382   pushpath(info, ".locvars");
1383   for (i = 0, n = p->sizelocvars; i < n; ++i) {
1384     pushpath(info, "[%d]", i);
1385     p->locvars[i].startpc = READ_VALUE(int);
1386     p->locvars[i].endpc = READ_VALUE(int);
1387     unpersist(info);                                         /* ... proto str */
1388     copytstring(info->L, &p->locvars[i].varname);
1389     lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                         /* ... proto */
1390     poppath(info);
1391   }
1392   poppath(info);
1394   /* Read upvalue names. */
1395   pushpath(info, ".upvalnames");
1396   for (i = 0, n = p->sizeupvalues; i < n; ++i) {
1397     pushpath(info, "[%d]", i);
1398     unpersist(info);                                         /* ... proto str */
1399     copytstring(info->L, &p->upvalues[i].name);
1400     lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                         /* ... proto */
1401     poppath(info);
1402   }
1403   poppath(info);
1404   lua_pushvalue(info->L, -1);                              /* ... proto proto */
1406   eris_assert(lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA);
1407 }
1409 /** ======================================================================== */
1411 static void
p_upval(Info * info)1412 p_upval(Info *info) {                                              /* ... obj */
1413   persist(info);                                                   /* ... obj */
1414 }
1416 static void
u_upval(Info * info)1417 u_upval(Info *info) {                                                  /* ... */
1418   eris_checkstack(info->L, 2);
1420   /* Create the table we use to store the stack location to the upval (1+2),
1421    * the value of the upval (3) and any references to the upvalue's value (4+).
1422    * References are stored as two entries each, the actual closure holding the
1423    * upvalue, and the index of the upvalue in that closure. */
1424   lua_createtable(info->L, 5, 0);                                  /* ... tbl */
1425   registerobject(info);
1426   unpersist(info);                                             /* ... tbl obj */
1427   lua_rawseti(info->L, -2, UVTVAL);                                /* ... tbl */
1429   eris_assert(lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TTABLE);
1430 }
1432 /** ======================================================================== */
1434 /* For Lua closures we write the upvalue ID, which is usually the memory
1435  * address at which it is stored. This is used to tell which upvalues are
1436  * identical when unpersisting. */
1437 /* In either case we store the upvale *values*, i.e. the actual objects they
1438  * point to. As in Pluto, we will restore any upvalues of Lua closures as
1439  * closed as first, i.e. the upvalue will store the TValue itself. When
1440  * loading a thread containing the upvalue (meaning it's the actual owner of
1441  * the upvalue) we open it, i.e. we point it to the thread's upvalue list.
1442  * For C closures, upvalues are always closed. */
1443 static void
p_closure(Info * info)1444 p_closure(Info *info) {                              /* perms reftbl ... func */
1445   int nup;
1446   eris_checkstack(info->L, 2);
1447   switch (ttype(info->L->top - 1)) {
1448     case LUA_TLCF: /* light C function */
1449       /* We cannot persist these, they have to be handled via the permtable. */
1450       eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_CFUNC, lua_tocfunction(info->L, -1));
1451       return; /* not reached */
1452     case LUA_TCCL: /* C closure */ {                  /* perms reftbl ... ccl */
1453       CClosure *cl = clCvalue(info->L->top - 1);
1454       /* Mark it as a C closure. */
1455       WRITE_VALUE(true, uint8_t);
1456       /* Write the upvalue count first, since we have to know it when creating
1457        * a new closure when unpersisting. */
1458       WRITE_VALUE(cl->nupvalues, uint8_t);
1460       /* We can only persist these if the underlying C function is in the
1461        * permtable. So we try to persist it first as a light C function. If it
1462        * isn't in the permtable that'll cause an error (in the case above). */
1463       lua_pushcfunction(info->L, lua_tocfunction(info->L, -1));
1464                                                 /* perms reftbl ... ccl cfunc */
1465       persist(info);                            /* perms reftbl ... ccl cfunc */
1466       lua_pop(info->L, 1);                            /* perms reftbl ... ccl */
1468       /* Persist the upvalues. Since for C closures all upvalues are always
1469        * closed we can just write the actual values. */
1470       pushpath(info, ".upvalues");
1471       for (nup = 1; nup <= cl->nupvalues; ++nup) {
1472         pushpath(info, "[%d]", nup);
1473         lua_getupvalue(info->L, -1, nup);         /* perms reftbl ... ccl obj */
1474         persist(info);                            /* perms reftbl ... ccl obj */
1475         lua_pop(info->L, 1);                          /* perms reftbl ... ccl */
1476         poppath(info);
1477       }
1478       poppath(info);
1479       break;
1480     }
1481     case LUA_TLCL: /* Lua function */ {               /* perms reftbl ... lcl */
1482       LClosure *cl = eris_clLvalue(info->L->top - 1);
1483       /* Mark it as a Lua closure. */
1484       WRITE_VALUE(false, uint8_t);
1485       /* Write the upvalue count first, since we have to know it when creating
1486        * a new closure when unpersisting. */
1487       WRITE_VALUE(cl->nupvalues, uint8_t);
1489       /* Persist the function's prototype. Pass the proto as a parameter to
1490        * p_proto so that it can access it and register it in the ref table. */
1491       pushpath(info, ".proto");
1492       lua_pushlightuserdata(info->L, cl->p);    /* perms reftbl ... lcl proto */
1493       lua_pushvalue(info->L, -1);         /* perms reftbl ... lcl proto proto */
1494       persist_keyed(info, LUA_TPROTO);          /* perms reftbl ... lcl proto */
1495       lua_pop(info->L, 1);                            /* perms reftbl ... lcl */
1496       poppath(info);
1498       /* Persist the upvalues. We pretend to write these as their own type,
1499        * to get proper identity preservation. We also pass them as a parameter
1500        * to p_upval so it can register the upvalue in the reference table. */
1501       pushpath(info, ".upvalues");
1502       for (nup = 1; nup <= cl->nupvalues; ++nup) {
1503         const char *name = lua_getupvalue(info->L, -1, nup);
1504                                                   /* perms reftbl ... lcl obj */
1505         pushpath(info, ".%s", name);
1506         lua_pushlightuserdata(info->L, lua_upvalueid(info->L, -2, nup));
1507                                                /* perms reftbl ... lcl obj id */
1508         persist_keyed(info, LUA_TUPVAL);          /* perms reftbl ... lcl obj */
1509         lua_pop(info->L, 1);                         /* perms reftble ... lcl */
1510         poppath(info);
1511       }
1512       poppath(info);
1513       break;
1514     }
1515     default:
1516       eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_NOFUNC);
1517       return; /* not reached */
1518   }
1519 }
1521 static void
u_closure(Info * info)1522 u_closure(Info *info) {                                                /* ... */
1523   int nup;
1524   bool isCClosure = READ_VALUE(uint8_t);
1525   lu_byte nups = READ_VALUE(uint8_t);
1526   if (isCClosure) {
1527     lua_CFunction f;
1529     /* Reserve reference for the closure to avoid light C function or its
1530      * perm table key going first. */
1531     const int reference = ++(info->refcount);
1533     /* nups is guaranteed to be >= 1, otherwise it'd be a light C function. */
1534     eris_checkstack(info->L, nups < 2 ? 2 : nups);
1536     /* Read the C function from the permanents table. */
1537     unpersist(info);                                             /* ... cfunc */
1538     if (!lua_iscfunction(info->L, -1)) {
1539       eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_UCFUNC, kTypenames[lua_type(info->L, -1)]);
1540     }
1541     f = lua_tocfunction(info->L, -1);
1542     if (!f) {
1543       eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_UCFUNCNULL);
1544     }
1545     lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                               /* ... */
1547     /* Now this is a little roundabout, but we want to create the closure
1548      * before unpersisting the actual upvalues to avoid cycles. So we have to
1549      * create it with all nil first, then fill the upvalues in afterwards. */
1550     for (nup = 1; nup <= nups; ++nup) {
1551       lua_pushnil(info->L);                        /* ... nil[1] ... nil[nup] */
1552     }
1553     lua_pushcclosure(info->L, f, nups);                            /* ... ccl */
1555     /* Create the entry in the reftable. */
1556     lua_pushvalue(info->L, -1);                   /* perms reftbl ... ccl ccl */
1557     lua_rawseti(info->L, REFTIDX, reference);         /* perms reftbl ... ccl */
1559     /* Unpersist actual upvalues. */
1560     pushpath(info, ".upvalues");
1561     for (nup = 1; nup <= nups; ++nup) {
1562       pushpath(info, "[%d]", nup);
1563       unpersist(info);                                         /* ... ccl obj */
1564       lua_setupvalue(info->L, -2, nup);                            /* ... ccl */
1565       poppath(info);
1566     }
1567     poppath(info);
1568   }
1569   else {
1570     LClosure *cl;
1571     Proto *p;
1573     eris_checkstack(info->L, 4);
1575     /* Create closure and anchor it on the stack (avoid collection via GC). */
1576     cl = eris_newLclosure(info->L, nups);
1577     eris_setclLvalue(info->L, info->L->top, cl);                   /* ... lcl */
1578     api_incr_top(info->L);
1580     /* Preregister closure for handling of cycles (upvalues). */
1581     registerobject(info);
1583     /* Read prototype. In general, we create protos (and upvalues) before
1584      * trying to read them and pass a pointer to the instance along to the
1585      * unpersist function. This way the instance is safely hooked up to an
1586      * object, so we don't have to worry about it getting GCed. */
1587     pushpath(info, ".proto");
1588     cl->p = eris_newproto(info->L);
1589     /* Push the proto into which to unpersist as a parameter to u_proto. */
1590     lua_pushlightuserdata(info->L, cl->p);                /* ... lcl nproto */
1591     unpersist(info);                          /* ... lcl nproto nproto/oproto */
1592     eris_assert(lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA);
1593     /* The proto we have now may differ, if we already unpersisted it before.
1594      * In that case we now have a reference to the originally unpersisted
1595      * proto so we'll use that. */
1596     p = (Proto*)lua_touserdata(info->L, -1);
1597     if (p != cl->p) {                              /* ... lcl nproto oproto */
1598       /* Just overwrite the old one, GC will clean this up. */
1599       cl->p = p;
1600     }
1601     lua_pop(info->L, 2);                                           /* ... lcl */
1602     eris_assert(cl->nupvalues == cl->p->sizeupvalues);
1603     eris_initupvals(info->L, cl); /* Init to all closed, fill in later. */
1604     poppath(info);
1606     /* Unpersist all upvalues. */
1607     pushpath(info, ".upvalues");
1608     for (nup = 1; nup <= nups; ++nup) {
1609       UpVal **uv = &cl->upvals[nup - 1];
1610       /* Get the actual name of the upvalue, if possible. */
1611       if (p->upvalues[nup - 1].name) {
1612         pushpath(info, "[%s]", getstr(p->upvalues[nup - 1].name));
1613       }
1614       else {
1615         pushpath(info, "[%d]", nup);
1616       }
1617       unpersist(info);                                         /* ... lcl tbl */
1618       eris_assert(lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TTABLE);
1619       lua_rawgeti(info->L, -1, UVTOCL);               /* ... lcl tbl olcl/nil */
1620       if (lua_isnil(info->L, -1)) {                        /* ... lcl tbl nil */
1621         lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                   /* ... lcl tbl */
1622         lua_pushvalue(info->L, -2);                        /* ... lcl tbl lcl */
1623         lua_rawseti(info->L, -2, UVTOCL);                      /* ... lcl tbl */
1624         lua_pushinteger(info->L, nup);                     /* ... lcl tbl nup */
1625         lua_rawseti(info->L, -2, UVTONU);                      /* ... lcl tbl */
1626       }
1627       else {                                              /* ... lcl tbl olcl */
1628         int onup;
1629         eris_assert(lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION);
1630         lua_rawgeti(info->L, -2, UVTONU);            /* ... lcl tbl olcl onup */
1631         eris_assert(lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TNUMBER);
1632         onup = lua_tointeger(info->L, -1);
1633         lua_pop(info->L, 1);                              /* ... lcl tbl olcl */
1634         lua_upvaluejoin(info->L, -3, nup, -1, onup);
1635         lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                   /* ... lcl tbl */
1636       }
1638       /* Set the upvalue's actual value and add our reference to the upvalue to
1639        * the list, for reference patching if we have to open the upvalue in
1640        * u_thread. Either is only necessary if the upvalue is still closed. */
1641       if (!upisopen(*uv)) {
1642         int i;
1643         /* Always update the value of the upvalue's value for closed upvalues,
1644          * even if we re-used one - if we had a cycle, it might have been
1645          * incorrectly initialized to nil before (or rather, not yet set). */
1646         lua_rawgeti(info->L, -1, UVTVAL);                  /* ... lcl tbl obj */
1647         eris_setobj(info->L, &(*uv)->u.value, info->L->top - 1);
1648         lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                   /* ... lcl tbl */
1650         lua_pushinteger(info->L, nup);                     /* ... lcl tbl nup */
1651         lua_pushvalue(info->L, -3);                    /* ... lcl tbl nup lcl */
1652         if (luaL_len(info->L, -3) >= UVTVAL) {
1653           /* Got a valid sequence (value already set), insert at the end. */
1654           i = luaL_len(info->L, -3);
1655           lua_rawseti(info->L, -3, i + 1);                 /* ... lcl tbl nup */
1656           lua_rawseti(info->L, -2, i + 2);                     /* ... lcl tbl */
1657         }
1658         else {                                         /* ... lcl tbl nup lcl */
1659           /* Find where to insert. This can happen if we have cycles, in which
1660            * case the table is not fully initialized at this point, i.e. the
1661            * value is not in it, yet (we work around that by always setting it,
1662            * as seen above). */
1663           for (i = UVTREF;; i += 2) {
1664             lua_rawgeti(info->L, -3, i);       /* ... lcl tbl nup lcl lcl/nil */
1665             if (lua_isnil(info->L, -1)) {          /* ... lcl tbl nup lcl nil */
1666               lua_pop(info->L, 1);                     /* ... lcl tbl nup lcl */
1667               lua_rawseti(info->L, -3, i);                 /* ... lcl tbl nup */
1668               lua_rawseti(info->L, -2, i + 1);                 /* ... lcl tbl */
1669               break;
1670             }
1671             else {
1672               lua_pop(info->L, 1);                     /* ... lcl tbl nup lcl */
1673             }
1674           }                                                    /* ... lcl tbl */
1675         }
1676       }
1678       lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                         /* ... lcl */
1679       poppath(info);
1680     }
1681     poppath(info);
1683     /* save it in cache for reuse, see lvm.c:416 */
1684     if (!isblack(p))
1685       p->cache = cl;
1686   }
1688   eris_assert(lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION);
1689 }
1691 /** ======================================================================== */
1693 static void
p_thread(Info * info)1694 p_thread(Info *info) {                                          /* ... thread */
1695   lua_State* thread = lua_tothread(info->L, -1);
1696   size_t level = 0, total = thread->top - thread->stack;
1697   CallInfo *ci;
1698   UpVal *uv;
1700   eris_checkstack(info->L, 2);
1702   /* We cannot persist any running threads, because by definition we *are* that
1703    * running thread. And we use the stack. So yeah, really not a good idea. */
1704   if (thread == info->L) {
1705     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_THREAD);
1706     return; /* not reached */
1707   }
1709   /* Persist the stack. Save the total size and used space first. */
1710   WRITE_VALUE(thread->stacksize, int);
1711   WRITE_VALUE(total, size_t);
1713   /* The Lua stack looks like this:
1714    * stack ... top ... stack_last
1715    * Where stack <= top <= stack_last, and "top" actually being the first free
1716    * element, i.e. there's nothing stored there. So we stop one below that. */
1717   pushpath(info, ".stack");
1718   lua_pushnil(info->L);                                     /* ... thread nil */
1719   /* Since the thread's stack may be re-allocated in the meantime, we cannot
1720    * use pointer arithmetic here (i.e. o = thread->stack; ...; ++o). Instead we
1721    * have to keep track of our position in the stack directly (which we do for
1722    * the path info anyway) and compute the actual address each time.
1723    */
1724   for (; level < total; ++level) {
1725     pushpath(info, "[%d]", level);
1726     eris_setobj(info->L, info->L->top - 1, thread->stack + level);
1727                                                             /* ... thread obj */
1728     persist(info);                                          /* ... thread obj */
1729     poppath(info);
1730   }
1731   lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                          /* ... thread */
1732   poppath(info);
1734   /* If the thread isn't running this must be the default value, which is 1. */
1735   eris_assert(thread->nny == 1);
1737   /* Error jump info should only be set while thread is running. */
1738   eris_assert(thread->errorJmp == NULL);
1740   /* thread->oldpc always seems to be uninitialized, at least gdb always shows
1741    * it as 0xbaadf00d when I set a breakpoint here. */
1743   /* Write general information. */
1744   WRITE_VALUE(thread->status, uint8_t);
1745   WRITE_VALUE(eris_savestackidx(thread,
1746     eris_restorestack(thread, thread->errfunc)), size_t);
1747   /* These are only used while a thread is being executed or can be deduced:
1748   WRITE_VALUE(thread->nCcalls, uint16_t);
1749   WRITE_VALUE(thread->allowhook, uint8_t); */
1751   /* Hooks are not supported, bloody can of worms, those.
1752   WRITE_VALUE(thread->hookmask, uint8_t);
1753   WRITE_VALUE(thread->basehookcount, int);
1754   WRITE_VALUE(thread->hookcount, int); */
1756   if (thread->hook) {
1757     /* TODO Warn that hooks are not persisted? */
1758   }
1760   /* Write call information (stack frames). In 5.2 CallInfo is stored in a
1761    * linked list that originates in thead.base_ci. Upon initialization the
1762    * thread.ci is set to thread.base_ci. During thread calls this is extended
1763    * and always represents the tail of the callstack, though not necessarily of
1764    * the linked list (which can be longer if the callstack was deeper earlier,
1765    * but shrunk due to returns). */
1766   pushpath(info, ".callinfo");
1767   level = 0;
1768   eris_assert(&thread->base_ci != thread->ci->next);
1769   for (ci = &thread->base_ci; ci != thread->ci->next; ci = ci->next) {
1770     pushpath(info, "[%d]", level++);
1771     WRITE_VALUE(eris_savestackidx(thread, ci->func), size_t);
1772     WRITE_VALUE(eris_savestackidx(thread, ci->top), size_t);
1773     WRITE_VALUE(ci->nresults, int16_t);
1774     WRITE_VALUE(ci->callstatus, uint8_t);
1775     if (ci->callstatus) {
1776       /* CallInfo.extra is used in two contexts: if L->status == LUA_YIELD and
1777        * CallInfo is the one stored as L->ci, in which case ci->extra refers to
1778        * the original value of L->ci->func, and when we have a yieldable pcall
1779        * (ci->callstatus & CIST_YPCALL) where ci->extra holds the stack level
1780        * of the function being called (see lua_pcallk). We save the ci->extra
1781        * for L->ci after the loop, because we won't know which one it is when
1782        * unpersisting. */
1783       if (ci->callstatus & CIST_YPCALL) {
1784         WRITE_VALUE(eris_savestackidx(thread,
1785           eris_restorestack(thread, ci->extra)), size_t);
1786       }
1788       eris_assert(eris_isLua(ci) || (ci->callstatus & CIST_TAIL) == 0);
1789       if (ci->callstatus & CIST_HOOKYIELD) {
1790         eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_HOOK);
1791       }
1793       if (eris_isLua(ci)) {
1794         const LClosure *lcl = eris_ci_func(ci);
1795         WRITE_VALUE(eris_savestackidx(thread, ci->u.l.base), size_t);
1796         WRITE_VALUE(ci->u.l.savedpc - lcl->p->code, size_t);
1797       }
1798       else {
1799         /* These are only used while a thread is being executed:
1800         WRITE_VALUE(ci->u.c.old_errfunc, ptrdiff_t); */
1801         if (thread->status == LUA_YIELD && ci->u.c.k) {
1802           WRITE_VALUE(true, uint8_t);
1803           WRITE_VALUE(ci->u.c.ctx, int);
1804           /* NOTE Ugly hack. We have to push the continuation function as a C
1805            * function to properly track it in our ref table. It's never called,
1806            * so we can get away with this. */
1807           lua_pushcfunction(info->L, (lua_CFunction)ci->u.c.k);
1808                                                              /* ... thread func */
1809           persist(info);                                 /* ... thread func/nil */
1810           lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                    /* ... thread */
1811         }
1812         else {
1813           WRITE_VALUE(false, uint8_t);
1814         }
1815       }
1816     }
1818     /* Write whether there's more to come. */
1819     WRITE_VALUE(ci->next == thread->ci->next, uint8_t);
1821     poppath(info);
1822   }
1823   /** See comment on ci->extra in loop. */
1824   if (thread->status == LUA_YIELD) {
1825     WRITE_VALUE(eris_savestackidx(thread,
1826         eris_restorestack(thread, thread->ci->extra)), size_t);
1827   }
1828   poppath(info);
1830   pushpath(info, ".openupval");
1831   lua_pushnil(info->L);                                     /* ... thread nil */
1832   level = 0;
1833   for (uv = thread->openupval;
1834        uv != NULL;
1835        uv = uv->u.open.next)
1836   {
1837     pushpath(info, "[%d]", level++);
1838     WRITE_VALUE(eris_savestackidx(thread, uv->v) + 1, size_t);
1839     eris_setobj(info->L, info->L->top - 1, uv->v);          /* ... thread obj */
1840     lua_pushlightuserdata(info->L, uv);                  /* ... thread obj id */
1841     persist_keyed(info, LUA_TUPVAL);                        /* ... thread obj */
1842     poppath(info);
1843   }
1844   WRITE_VALUE(0, size_t);
1845   lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                          /* ... thread */
1846   poppath(info);
1847 }
1849 /* Used in u_thread to validate read stack positions. */
1850 #define validate(stackpos, inclmax) \
1851   if ((stackpos) < thread->stack || stackpos > (inclmax)) { \
1852     (stackpos) = thread->stack; \
1853     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_STACKBOUNDS); }
1855 /* I had so hoped to get by without any 'hacks', but I surrender. We mark the
1856  * thread as incomplete to avoid the GC messing with it while we're building
1857  * it. Otherwise it may try to shrink its stack. We do this by setting its
1858  * stack field to null for every call that may trigger a GC run, since that
1859  * field is what's used to determine whether threads should be shrunk. See
1860  * lgc.c:699. Some of the locks could probably be joined (since nothing
1861  * inbetween requires the stack field to be valid), but I prefer to keep the
1862  * "invalid" blocks as small as possible to make it clearer. Also, locking and
1863  * unlocking are really just variable assignments, so they're really cheap. */
1864 #define LOCK(L) (L->stack = NULL)
1865 #define UNLOCK(L) (L->stack = stack)
1867 static void
u_thread(Info * info)1868 u_thread(Info *info) {                                                 /* ... */
1869   lua_State* thread;
1870   size_t level;
1871   StkId stack, o;
1873   eris_checkstack(info->L, 3);
1875   thread = lua_newthread(info->L);                              /* ... thread */
1876   registerobject(info);
1878   /* Unpersist the stack. Read size first and adjust accordingly. */
1879   eris_reallocstack(thread, READ_VALUE(int));
1880   stack = thread->stack; /* After the realloc in case the address changes. */
1881   thread->top = thread->stack + READ_VALUE(size_t);
1882   validate(thread->top, thread->stack_last);
1884   /* Read the elements one by one. */
1885   LOCK(thread);
1886   pushpath(info, ".stack");
1887   UNLOCK(thread);
1888   level = 0;
1889   for (o = stack; o < thread->top; ++o) {
1890     LOCK(thread);
1891     pushpath(info, "[%d]", level++);
1892     unpersist(info);                                        /* ... thread obj */
1893     UNLOCK(thread);
1894     eris_setobj(thread, o, info->L->top - 1);
1895     lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                        /* ... thread */
1896     LOCK(thread);
1897     poppath(info);
1898     UNLOCK(thread);
1899   }
1900   LOCK(thread);
1901   poppath(info);
1902   UNLOCK(thread);
1904   /* As in p_thread, just to make sure. */
1905   eris_assert(thread->nny == 1);
1906   eris_assert(thread->errorJmp == NULL);
1907   eris_assert(thread->hook == NULL);
1909   /* See comment in persist. */
1910   thread->oldpc = NULL;
1912   /* Read general information. */
1913   thread->status = READ_VALUE(uint8_t);
1914   thread->errfunc = eris_savestack(thread,
1915     eris_restorestackidx(thread, READ_VALUE(size_t)));
1916   if (thread->errfunc) {
1917     o = eris_restorestack(thread, thread->errfunc);
1918     validate(o, thread->top);
1919     if (eris_ttnov(o) != LUA_TFUNCTION) {
1920       eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_THREADERRF);
1921     }
1922   }
1923   /* These are only used while a thread is being executed or can be deduced:
1924   thread->nCcalls = READ_VALUE(uint16_t);
1925   thread->allowhook = READ_VALUE(uint8_t); */
1926   eris_assert(thread->allowhook == 1);
1928   /* Not supported.
1929   thread->hookmask = READ_VALUE(uint8_t);
1930   thread->basehookcount = READ_VALUE(int);
1931   thread->hookcount = READ_VALUE(int); */
1933   /* Read call information (stack frames). */
1934   LOCK(thread);
1935   pushpath(info, ".callinfo");
1936   UNLOCK(thread);
1937   thread->ci = &thread->base_ci;
1938   level = 0;
1939   for (;;) {
1940     LOCK(thread);
1941     pushpath(info, "[%d]", level++);
1942     UNLOCK(thread);
1943     thread->ci->func = eris_restorestackidx(thread, READ_VALUE(size_t));
1944     validate(thread->ci->func, thread->top - 1);
1945     thread->ci->top = eris_restorestackidx(thread, READ_VALUE(size_t));
1946     validate(thread->ci->top, thread->stack_last);
1947     thread->ci->nresults = READ_VALUE(int16_t);
1948     thread->ci->callstatus = READ_VALUE(uint8_t);
1949     if (thread->ci->callstatus) {
1950       /** See comment in p_thread. */
1951       if (thread->ci->callstatus & CIST_YPCALL) {
1952         thread->ci->extra = eris_savestack(thread,
1953           eris_restorestackidx(thread, READ_VALUE(size_t)));
1954         o = eris_restorestack(thread, thread->ci->extra);
1955         validate(o, thread->top);
1956         if (eris_ttnov(o) != LUA_TFUNCTION) {
1957           eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_THREADCI);
1958         }
1959       }
1961       if (eris_isLua(thread->ci)) {
1962         LClosure *lcl = eris_ci_func(thread->ci);
1963         thread->ci->u.l.base = eris_restorestackidx(thread, READ_VALUE(size_t));
1964         validate(thread->ci->u.l.base, thread->top);
1965         thread->ci->u.l.savedpc = lcl->p->code + READ_VALUE(size_t);
1966         if (thread->ci->u.l.savedpc < lcl->p->code ||
1967             thread->ci->u.l.savedpc > lcl->p->code + lcl->p->sizecode)
1968         {
1969           thread->ci->u.l.savedpc = lcl->p->code; /* Just to be safe. */
1970           eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_THREADPC);
1971         }
1972       }
1973       else {
1974         /* These are only used while a thread is being executed:
1975         thread->ci->u.c.old_errfunc = READ_VALUE(ptrdiff_t); */
1976         thread->ci->u.c.old_errfunc = 0;
1978         if (thread->status == LUA_YIELD && READ_VALUE(uint8_t)) {
1979           thread->ci->u.c.ctx = READ_VALUE(int);
1980           LOCK(thread);
1981           unpersist(info);                                  /* ... thread func? */
1982           UNLOCK(thread);
1983           if (lua_iscfunction(info->L, -1)) {                /* ... thread func */
1984             /* NOTE Ugly hack. See p_thread. */
1985             thread->ci->u.c.k = (lua_KFunction)lua_tocfunction(info->L, -1);
1986           }
1987           else {
1988             eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_THREADCTX);
1989             return; /* not reached */
1990           }
1991           lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                    /* ... thread */
1992         }
1993         else {
1994           thread->ci->u.c.ctx = 0;
1995           thread->ci->u.c.k = NULL;
1996         }
1997       }
1998       LOCK(thread);
1999       poppath(info);
2000       UNLOCK(thread);
2001     }
2002     else {
2003       thread->ci->u.c.k = NULL;
2004       thread->ci->u.c.old_errfunc = 0;
2005       thread->ci->u.c.ctx = 0;
2006     }
2008     /* Read in value for check for next iteration. */
2009     if (READ_VALUE(uint8_t)) {
2010       break;
2011     }
2012     else {
2013       thread->ci = eris_extendCI(thread);
2014     }
2015   }
2016   if (thread->status == LUA_YIELD) {
2017     thread->ci->extra = eris_savestack(thread,
2018       eris_restorestackidx(thread, READ_VALUE(size_t)));
2019     o = eris_restorestack(thread, thread->ci->extra);
2020     validate(o, thread->top);
2021     if (eris_ttnov(o) != LUA_TFUNCTION) {
2022       eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_THREADCI);
2023     }
2024   }
2025   LOCK(thread);
2026   poppath(info);
2027   UNLOCK(thread);
2029   /* Get from context: only zero for dead threads, otherwise one. */
2030   thread->nCcalls = thread->status != LUA_OK || lua_gettop(thread) != 0;
2032   /* Proceed to open upvalues. These upvalues will already exist due to the
2033    * functions using them having been unpersisted (they'll usually be in the
2034    * stack of the thread). For this reason we store all previous references to
2035    * the upvalue in a table that is returned when we try to unpersist an
2036    * upvalue, so that we can adjust these references in here. */
2037   LOCK(thread);
2038   pushpath(info, ".openupval");
2039   UNLOCK(thread);
2040   level = 0;
2041   for (;;) {
2042     UpVal *nuv;
2043     StkId stk;
2044     /* Get the position of the upvalue on the stack. As a special value we pass
2045      * zero to indicate there are no more upvalues. */
2046     const size_t offset = READ_VALUE(size_t);
2047     if (offset == 0) {
2048       break;
2049     }
2050     LOCK(thread);
2051     pushpath(info, "[%d]", level);
2052     UNLOCK(thread);
2053     stk = eris_restorestackidx(thread, offset - 1);
2054     validate(stk, thread->top - 1);
2055     LOCK(thread);
2056     unpersist(info);                                        /* ... thread tbl */
2057     UNLOCK(thread);
2058     eris_assert(lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TTABLE);
2060     /* Create the open upvalue either way. */
2061     LOCK(thread);
2062     nuv = eris_findupval(thread, stk);
2063     UNLOCK(thread);
2065     /* Then check if we need to patch some references. */
2066     lua_rawgeti(info->L, -1, UVTREF);               /* ... thread tbl lcl/nil */
2067     if (!lua_isnil(info->L, -1)) {                      /* ... thread tbl lcl */
2068       int i, n;
2069       eris_assert(lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TFUNCTION);
2070       /* Already exists, replace it. To do this we have to patch all the
2071        * references to the already existing one, which we added to the table in
2072        * u_closure. */
2073       lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                  /* ... thread tbl */
2074       for (i = UVTREF, n = luaL_len(info->L, -1); i <= n; i += 2) {
2075         LClosure *cl;
2076         int nup;
2077         lua_rawgeti(info->L, -1, i);                    /* ... thread tbl lcl */
2078         cl = eris_clLvalue(info->L->top - 1);
2079         lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                /* ... thread tbl */
2080         lua_rawgeti(info->L, -1, i + 1);                /* ... thread tbl nup */
2081         nup = lua_tointeger(info->L, -1);
2082         lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                /* ... thread tbl */
2083         /* Open the upvalue by pointing to the stack and register in GC. */
2084         cl->upvals[nup - 1] = nuv;
2085         cl->upvals[nup - 1]->refcount++;
2086       }
2087     }
2088     else {                                              /* ... thread tbl nil */
2089       eris_assert(lua_isnil(info->L, -1));
2090       lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                  /* ... thread tbl */
2091     }
2093     /* Store open upvalue in table for future references. */
2094     LOCK(thread);
2095     lua_pop(info->L, 1);                                        /* ... thread */
2096     poppath(info);
2097     UNLOCK(thread);
2098   }
2099   poppath(info);
2101   eris_assert(lua_type(info->L, -1) == LUA_TTHREAD);
2102 }
2104 #undef UNLOCK
2105 #undef LOCK
2107 #undef validate
2109 /*
2110 ** ============================================================================
2111 ** Top-level delegator.
2112 ** ============================================================================
2113 */
2115 static void
persist_typed(Info * info,int type)2116 persist_typed(Info *info, int type) {                 /* perms reftbl ... obj */
2117   eris_ifassert(const int top = lua_gettop(info->L));
2118   if (info->level >= info->maxComplexity) {
2119     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_COMPLEXITY);
2120   }
2121   ++info->level;
2123   WRITE_VALUE(type, int);
2124   switch(type) {
2125     case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
2126       p_boolean(info);
2127       break;
2129       p_pointer(info);
2130       break;
2131     case LUA_TNUMBER:
2132       p_number(info);
2133       break;
2134     case LUA_TSTRING:
2135       p_string(info);
2136       break;
2137     case LUA_TTABLE:
2138       p_table(info);
2139       break;
2140     case LUA_TFUNCTION:
2141       p_closure(info);
2142       break;
2143     case LUA_TUSERDATA:
2144       p_userdata(info);
2145       break;
2146     case LUA_TTHREAD:
2147       p_thread(info);
2148       break;
2149     case LUA_TPROTO:
2150       p_proto(info);
2151       break;
2152     case LUA_TUPVAL:
2153       p_upval(info);
2154       break;
2155     default:
2156       eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_TYPEP, type);
2157   }                                                   /* perms reftbl ... obj */
2159   --info->level;
2160   eris_assert(top == lua_gettop(info->L));
2161 }
2163 /* Second-level delegating persist function, used for cases when persisting
2164  * data that's stored in the reftable with a key that is not the data itself,
2165  * namely upvalues and protos. */
2166 static void
persist_keyed(Info * info,int type)2167 persist_keyed(Info *info, int type) {          /* perms reftbl ... obj refkey */
2168   eris_checkstack(info->L, 2);
2170   /* Keep a copy of the key for pushing it to the reftable, if necessary. */
2171   lua_pushvalue(info->L, -1);           /* perms reftbl ... obj refkey refkey */
2173   /* If the object has already been written, write a reference to it. */
2174   lua_rawget(info->L, REFTIDX);           /* perms reftbl ... obj refkey ref? */
2175   if (!lua_isnil(info->L, -1)) {           /* perms reftbl ... obj refkey ref */
2176     const int reference = lua_tointeger(info->L, -1);
2177     WRITE_VALUE(reference + ERIS_REFERENCE_OFFSET, int);
2178     lua_pop(info->L, 2);                              /* perms reftbl ... obj */
2179     return;
2180   }                                        /* perms reftbl ... obj refkey nil */
2181   lua_pop(info->L, 1);                         /* perms reftbl ... obj refkey */
2183   /* Copy the refkey for the perms check below. */
2184   lua_pushvalue(info->L, -1);           /* perms reftbl ... obj refkey refkey */
2186   /* Put the value in the reference table. This creates an entry pointing from
2187    * the object (or its key) to the id the object is referenced by. */
2188   lua_pushinteger(info->L, ++(info->refcount));
2189                                     /* perms reftbl ... obj refkey refkey ref */
2190   lua_rawset(info->L, REFTIDX);                /* perms reftbl ... obj refkey */
2192   /* At this point, we'll give the permanents table a chance to play. */
2193   lua_gettable(info->L, PERMIDX);            /* perms reftbl ... obj permkey? */
2194   if (!lua_isnil(info->L, -1)) {              /* perms reftbl ... obj permkey */
2195     type = lua_type(info->L, -2);
2196     /* Prepend permanent "type" so that we know it's a permtable key. This will
2197      * trigger u_permanent when unpersisting. Also write the original type, so
2198      * that we can verify what we get in the permtable when unpersisting is of
2199      * the same kind we had when persisting. */
2201     WRITE_VALUE(type, uint8_t);
2202     persist(info);                            /* perms reftbl ... obj permkey */
2203     lua_pop(info->L, 1);                              /* perms reftbl ... obj */
2204   }
2205   else {                                          /* perms reftbl ... obj nil */
2206     /* No entry in the permtable for this object, persist it directly. */
2207     lua_pop(info->L, 1);                              /* perms reftbl ... obj */
2208     persist_typed(info, type);                        /* perms reftbl ... obj */
2209   }                                                   /* perms reftbl ... obj */
2210 }
2212 /* Top-level delegating persist function. */
2213 static void
persist(Info * info)2214 persist(Info *info) {                                 /* perms reftbl ... obj */
2215   /* Grab the object's type. */
2216   const int type = lua_type(info->L, -1);
2218   /* If the object is nil, only write its type. */
2219   if (type == LUA_TNIL) {
2220     WRITE_VALUE(type, int);
2221   }
2222   /* Write simple values directly, because writing a "reference" would take up
2223    * just as much space and we can save ourselves work this way. */
2224   else if (type == LUA_TBOOLEAN ||
2225            type == LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA ||
2226            type == LUA_TNUMBER)
2227   {
2228     persist_typed(info, type);                        /* perms reftbl ... obj */
2229   }
2230   /* For all non-simple values we keep a record in the reftable, so that we
2231    * keep references alive across persisting and unpersisting an object. This
2232    * has the nice side-effect of saving some space. */
2233   else {
2234     eris_checkstack(info->L, 1);
2235     lua_pushvalue(info->L, -1);                   /* perms reftbl ... obj obj */
2236     persist_keyed(info, type);                        /* perms reftbl ... obj */
2237   }
2238 }
2240 /** ======================================================================== */
2242 static void
u_permanent(Info * info)2243 u_permanent(Info *info) {                                 /* perms reftbl ... */
2244   const int type = READ_VALUE(uint8_t);
2245   /* Reserve reference to avoid the key going first. */
2246   const int reference = ++(info->refcount);
2247   eris_checkstack(info->L, 1);
2248   unpersist(info);                                /* perms reftbl ... permkey */
2249   lua_gettable(info->L, PERMIDX);                    /* perms reftbl ... obj? */
2250   if (lua_isnil(info->L, -1)) {                       /* perms reftbl ... nil */
2251     /* Since we may need permanent values to rebuild other structures, namely
2252      * closures and threads, we cannot allow perms to fail unpersisting. */
2253     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_SPER_UPERMNIL);
2254   }
2255   else if (lua_type(info->L, -1) != type) {            /* perms reftbl ... :( */
2256     /* For the same reason that we cannot allow nil we must also require the
2257      * unpersisted value to be of the correct type. */
2258     const char *want = kTypenames[type];
2259     const char *have = kTypenames[lua_type(info->L, -1)];
2260     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_SPER_UPERM, want, have);
2261   }                                                   /* perms reftbl ... obj */
2262   /* Create the entry in the reftable. */
2263   lua_pushvalue(info->L, -1);                     /* perms reftbl ... obj obj */
2264   lua_rawseti(info->L, REFTIDX, reference);           /* perms reftbl ... obj */
2265 }
2267 static void
unpersist(Info * info)2268 unpersist(Info *info) {                                   /* perms reftbl ... */
2269   eris_ifassert(const int top = lua_gettop(info->L));
2270   if (info->level >= info->maxComplexity) {
2271     eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_COMPLEXITY);
2272   }
2273   ++info->level;
2275   eris_checkstack(info->L, 1);
2276   {
2277     const int typeOrReference = READ_VALUE(int);
2278     if (typeOrReference > ERIS_REFERENCE_OFFSET) {
2279       const int reference = typeOrReference - ERIS_REFERENCE_OFFSET;
2280       lua_rawgeti(info->L, REFTIDX, reference);   /* perms reftbl ud ... obj? */
2281       if (lua_isnil(info->L, -1)) {                 /* perms reftbl ud ... :( */
2282         eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_REF, reference);
2283       }                                            /* perms reftbl ud ... obj */
2284     }
2285     else {
2286       const int type = typeOrReference;
2287       switch (type) {
2288         case LUA_TNIL:
2289           lua_pushnil(info->L);
2290           break;
2291         case LUA_TBOOLEAN:
2292           u_boolean(info);
2293           break;
2294         case LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA:
2295           u_pointer(info);
2296           break;
2297         case LUA_TNUMBER:
2298           u_number(info);
2299           break;
2300         case LUA_TSTRING:
2301           u_string(info);
2302           break;
2303         case LUA_TTABLE:
2304           u_table(info);
2305           break;
2306         case LUA_TFUNCTION:
2307           u_closure(info);
2308           break;
2309         case LUA_TUSERDATA:
2310           u_userdata(info);
2311           break;
2312         case LUA_TTHREAD:
2313           u_thread(info);
2314           break;
2315         case LUA_TPROTO:
2316           u_proto(info);
2317           break;
2318         case LUA_TUPVAL:
2319           u_upval(info);
2320           break;
2321         case ERIS_PERMANENT:
2322           u_permanent(info);
2323           break;
2324         default:
2325           eris_error(info, ERIS_ERR_TYPEU, type);
2326       }                                              /* perms reftbl ... obj? */
2327     }
2328   }
2330   --info->level;
2331   eris_assert(top + 1 == lua_gettop(info->L));
2332 }
2334 /* }======================================================================== */
2336 /*
2337 ** {===========================================================================
2338 ** Writer and reader implementation for library calls.
2339 ** ============================================================================
2340 */
2342 /* Implementation note: we use the MBuffer struct, but we don't use the built-
2343  * in reallocation functions since we'll keep our working copy on the stack, to
2344  * allow for proper collection if we have to throw an error. This is very much
2345  * what the auxlib does with its buffer functionality. Which we don't use since
2346  * we cannot guarantee stack balance inbetween calls to luaL_add*. */
2348 static int
writer(lua_State * L,const void * p,size_t sz,void * ud)2349 writer(lua_State *L, const void *p, size_t sz, void *ud) {
2350                                                /* perms reftbl buff path? ... */
2351   const char *value = (const char*)p;
2352   Mbuffer *buff = (Mbuffer*)ud;
2353   const size_t size = eris_bufflen(buff);
2354   const size_t capacity = eris_sizebuffer(buff);
2355   if (capacity - size < sz) {
2356     size_t newcapacity = capacity * 2; /* overflow checked below */
2357     if (newcapacity - size < sz) {
2358       newcapacity = capacity + sz; /* overflow checked below */
2359     }
2360     if (newcapacity <= capacity) {
2361       /* Overflow in capacity, buffer size limit reached. */
2362       return 1;
2363     } else {
2364       char *newbuff;
2365       eris_checkstack(L, 1);
2366       newbuff = (char*)lua_newuserdata(L, newcapacity * sizeof(char));
2367                                          /* perms reftbl buff path? ... nbuff */
2368       memcpy(newbuff, eris_buffer(buff), eris_bufflen(buff)); // NOLINT
2369       lua_replace(L, BUFFIDX);                /* perms reftbl nbuff path? ... */
2370       eris_buffer(buff) = newbuff;
2371       eris_sizebuffer(buff) = newcapacity;
2372     }
2373   }
2374   memcpy(&eris_buffer(buff)[eris_bufflen(buff)], value, sz);
2375   eris_bufflen(buff) += sz;
2376   return 0;
2377 }
2379 /** ======================================================================== */
2381 /* Readonly, interface compatible with MBuffer macros. */
2382 typedef struct RBuffer {
2383   const char *buffer;
2384   size_t n;
2385   size_t buffsize;
2386 } RBuffer;
2388 static const char*
reader(lua_State * L,void * ud,size_t * sz)2389 reader(lua_State *L, void *ud, size_t *sz) {
2390   RBuffer *buff = (RBuffer*)ud;
2391   (void) L; /* unused */
2392   if (eris_bufflen(buff) == 0) {
2393     return NULL;
2394   }
2395   *sz = eris_bufflen(buff);
2396   eris_bufflen(buff) = 0;
2397   return eris_buffer(buff);
2398 }
2400 /* }======================================================================== */
2402 /*
2403 ** {===========================================================================
2404 ** Library functions.
2405 ** ============================================================================
2406 */
2408 static void
p_header(Info * info)2409 p_header(Info *info) {
2411   WRITE_VALUE(sizeof(lua_Number), uint8_t);
2412   WRITE_VALUE(kHeaderNumber, lua_Number);
2413   WRITE_VALUE(sizeof(lua_Integer), uint8_t);
2414   WRITE_VALUE(sizeof(int), uint8_t);
2415   WRITE_VALUE(sizeof(size_t), uint8_t);
2416 }
2418 static void
u_header(Info * info)2419 u_header(Info *info) {
2420   char header[HEADER_LENGTH];
2421   uint8_t number_size;
2422   READ_RAW(header, HEADER_LENGTH);
2423   if (strncmp(kHeader, header, HEADER_LENGTH)) {
2424     luaL_error(info->L, "invalid data");
2425   }
2426   number_size = READ_VALUE(uint8_t);
2427   if (number_size == 0) {
2428     /* Old 64-bit versions of eris wrote '\0' and then three random bytes. */
2429     /* We skip them here for backwards compatibility. */
2430     char throw_away[3];
2431     READ_RAW(throw_away, 3);
2433     number_size = READ_VALUE(uint8_t);
2434   }
2435   if (number_size != sizeof(lua_Number)) {
2436     luaL_error(info->L, "incompatible floating point type");
2437   }
2438   /* In this case we really do want floating point equality. */
2439   if (READ_VALUE(lua_Number) != kHeaderNumber) {
2440     luaL_error(info->L, "incompatible floating point representation");
2441   }
2442   if (READ_VALUE(uint8_t) != sizeof(lua_Integer)) {
2443     luaL_error(info->L, "incompatible integer type");
2444   }
2445   info->u.upi.sizeof_int = READ_VALUE(uint8_t);
2446   info->u.upi.sizeof_size_t = READ_VALUE(uint8_t);
2447 }
2449 static void
unchecked_persist(lua_State * L,lua_Writer writer,void * ud)2450 unchecked_persist(lua_State *L, lua_Writer writer, void *ud) {
2451   Info info;                                            /* perms buff rootobj */
2452   info.L = L;
2453   info.level = 0;
2454   info.refcount = 0;
2455   info.maxComplexity = kMaxComplexity;
2456   info.passIOToPersist = kPassIOToPersist;
2457   info.generatePath = kGeneratePath;
2458   info.u.pi.writer = writer;
2459   info.u.pi.ud = ud;
2460   info.u.pi.metafield = kPersistKey;
2461   info.u.pi.writeDebugInfo = kWriteDebugInformation;
2463   eris_checkstack(L, 3);
2465   if (get_setting(L, (void*)&kSettingMaxComplexity)) {
2466                                                   /* perms buff rootobj value */
2467     info.maxComplexity = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
2468     lua_pop(L, 1);                                      /* perms buff rootobj */
2469   }
2470   if (get_setting(L, (void*)&kSettingGeneratePath)) {
2471                                                   /* perms buff rootobj value */
2472     info.generatePath = lua_toboolean(L, -1);
2473     lua_pop(L, 1);                                      /* perms buff rootobj */
2474   }
2475   if (get_setting(L, (void*)&kSettingPassIOToPersist)) {
2476                                                   /* perms buff rootobj value */
2477     info.passIOToPersist = lua_toboolean(L, -1);
2478     lua_pop(L, 1);                                      /* perms buff rootobj */
2479   }
2480   if (get_setting(L, (void*)&kSettingMetafield)) {/* perms buff rootobj value */
2481     info.u.pi.metafield = lua_tostring(L, -1);
2482     lua_pop(L, 1);                                      /* perms buff rootobj */
2483   }
2484   if (get_setting(L, (void*)&kSettingWriteDebugInfo)) {
2485                                                   /* perms buff rootobj value */
2486     info.u.pi.writeDebugInfo = lua_toboolean(L, -1);
2487     lua_pop(L, 1);                                      /* perms buff rootobj */
2488   }
2490   lua_newtable(L);                               /* perms buff rootobj reftbl */
2491   lua_insert(L, REFTIDX);                        /* perms reftbl buff rootobj */
2492   if (info.generatePath) {
2493     lua_newtable(L);                        /* perms reftbl buff rootobj path */
2494     lua_insert(L, PATHIDX);                 /* perms reftbl buff path rootobj */
2495     pushpath(&info, "root");
2496   }
2498   /* Populate perms table with Lua internals. */
2499   lua_pushvalue(L, PERMIDX);         /* perms reftbl buff path? rootobj perms */
2500   populateperms(L, false);
2501   lua_pop(L, 1);                           /* perms reftbl buff path? rootobj */
2503   p_header(&info);
2504   persist(&info);                          /* perms reftbl buff path? rootobj */
2506   if (info.generatePath) {                  /* perms reftbl buff path rootobj */
2507     lua_remove(L, PATHIDX);                      /* perms reftbl buff rootobj */
2508   }                                              /* perms reftbl buff rootobj */
2509   lua_remove(L, REFTIDX);                               /* perms buff rootobj */
2510 }
2512 static void
unchecked_unpersist(lua_State * L,lua_Reader reader,void * ud)2513 unchecked_unpersist(lua_State *L, lua_Reader reader, void *ud) {/* perms str? */
2514   Info info;
2515   info.L = L;
2516   info.level = 0;
2517   info.refcount = 0;
2518   info.maxComplexity = kMaxComplexity;
2519   info.generatePath = kGeneratePath;
2520   info.passIOToPersist = kPassIOToPersist;
2521   eris_init(L, &info.u.upi.zio, reader, ud);
2523   eris_checkstack(L, 3);
2525   if (get_setting(L, (void*)&kSettingMaxComplexity)) {
2526                                                   /* perms buff rootobj value */
2527     info.maxComplexity = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
2528     lua_pop(L, 1);                                      /* perms buff rootobj */
2529   }
2530   if (get_setting(L, (void*)&kSettingGeneratePath)) {
2531                                                  /* perms buff? rootobj value */
2532     info.generatePath = lua_toboolean(L, -1);
2533     lua_pop(L, 1);                                     /* perms buff? rootobj */
2534   }
2535   if (get_setting(L, (void*)&kSettingPassIOToPersist)) {  /* perms str? value */
2536     info.passIOToPersist = lua_toboolean(L, -1);
2537     lua_pop(L, 1);                                              /* perms str? */
2538   }
2540   lua_newtable(L);                                       /* perms str? reftbl */
2541   lua_insert(L, REFTIDX);                                /* perms reftbl str? */
2542   if (info.generatePath) {
2543     /* Make sure the path is always at index 4, so that it's the same for
2544      * persist and unpersist. */
2545     lua_pushnil(L);                                  /* perms reftbl str? nil */
2546     lua_insert(L, BUFFIDX);                          /* perms reftbl nil str? */
2547     lua_newtable(L);                            /* perms reftbl nil str? path */
2548     lua_insert(L, PATHIDX);                     /* perms reftbl nil path str? */
2549     pushpath(&info, "root");
2550   }
2552   /* Populate perms table with Lua internals. */
2553   lua_pushvalue(L, PERMIDX);            /* perms reftbl nil? path? str? perms */
2554   populateperms(L, true);
2555   lua_pop(L, 1);                              /* perms reftbl nil? path? str? */
2557   u_header(&info);
2558   unpersist(&info);                   /* perms reftbl nil? path? str? rootobj */
2559   if (info.generatePath) {              /* perms reftbl nil path str? rootobj */
2560     lua_remove(L, PATHIDX);                  /* perms reftbl nil str? rootobj */
2561     lua_remove(L, BUFFIDX);                      /* perms reftbl str? rootobj */
2562   }                                              /* perms reftbl str? rootobj */
2563   lua_remove(L, REFTIDX);                               /* perms str? rootobj */
2564 }
2566 /** ======================================================================== */
2568 static int
l_persist(lua_State * L)2569 l_persist(lua_State *L) {                             /* perms? rootobj? ...? */
2570   Mbuffer buff;
2572   /* See if we have anything at all. */
2573   luaL_checkany(L, 1);
2575   /* If we only have one object we assume it is the root object and that there
2576    * is no perms table, so we create an empty one for internal use. */
2577   if (lua_gettop(L) == 1) {                                        /* rootobj */
2578     eris_checkstack(L, 1);
2579     lua_newtable(L);                                         /* rootobj perms */
2580     lua_insert(L, PERMIDX);                                  /* perms rootobj */
2581   }
2582   else {
2583     luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);                  /* perms rootobj? ...? */
2584     luaL_checkany(L, 2);                                /* perms rootobj ...? */
2585     lua_settop(L, 2);                                        /* perms rootobj */
2586   }
2587   eris_checkstack(L, 1);
2588   lua_pushnil(L);                                       /* perms rootobj buff */
2589   lua_insert(L, 2);                                     /* perms buff rootobj */
2591   eris_initbuffer(L, &buff);
2592   eris_bufflen(&buff) = 0; /* Not initialized by initbuffer... */
2594   unchecked_persist(L, writer, &buff);                  /* perms buff rootobj */
2596   /* Copy the buffer as the result string before removing it, to avoid the data
2597    * being garbage collected. */
2598   lua_pushlstring(L, eris_buffer(&buff), eris_bufflen(&buff));
2599                                                     /* perms buff rootobj str */
2601   return 1;
2602 }
2604 static int
l_unpersist(lua_State * L)2605 l_unpersist(lua_State *L) {                               /* perms? str? ...? */
2606   RBuffer buff;
2608   /* See if we have anything at all. */
2609   luaL_checkany(L, 1);
2611   /* If we only have one object we assume it is the root object and that there
2612    * is no perms table, so we create an empty one for internal use. */
2613   if (lua_gettop(L) == 1) {                                           /* str? */
2614     eris_checkstack(L, 1);
2615     lua_newtable(L);                                            /* str? perms */
2616     lua_insert(L, PERMIDX);                                     /* perms str? */
2617   }
2618   else {
2619     luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);                      /* perms str? ...? */
2620   }
2621   eris_buffer(&buff) = luaL_checklstring(L, 2, &eris_bufflen(&buff));
2622   eris_sizebuffer(&buff) = eris_bufflen(&buff);             /* perms str ...? */
2623   lua_settop(L, 2);                                              /* perms str */
2625   unchecked_unpersist(L, reader, &buff);                 /* perms str rootobj */
2627   return 1;
2628 }
2630 #define IS(s) strncmp(s, name, length < sizeof(s) ? length : sizeof(s)) == 0
2632 static int
l_settings(lua_State * L)2633 l_settings(lua_State *L) {                                /* name value? ...? */
2634   size_t length;
2635   const char *name = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &length);
2636   if (lua_isnone(L, 2)) {                                        /* name ...? */
2637     lua_settop(L, 1);                                                 /* name */
2638     /* Get the current setting value and return it. */
2639     if (IS(kSettingMetafield)) {
2640       if (!get_setting(L, (void*)&kSettingMetafield)) {
2641         lua_pushstring(L, kPersistKey);
2642       }
2643     }
2644     else if (IS(kSettingPassIOToPersist)) {
2645       if (!get_setting(L, (void*)&kSettingPassIOToPersist)) {
2646         lua_pushboolean(L, kPassIOToPersist);
2647       }
2648     }
2649     else if (IS(kSettingWriteDebugInfo)) {
2650       if (!get_setting(L, (void*)&kSettingWriteDebugInfo)) {
2651         lua_pushboolean(L, kWriteDebugInformation);
2652       }
2653     }
2654     else if (IS(kSettingGeneratePath)) {
2655       if (!get_setting(L, (void*)&kSettingGeneratePath)) {
2656         lua_pushboolean(L, kGeneratePath);
2657       }
2658     }
2659     else if (IS(kSettingMaxComplexity)) {
2660       if (!get_setting(L, (void*)&kSettingMaxComplexity)) {
2661         lua_pushinteger(L, kMaxComplexity);
2662       }
2663     }
2664     else {
2665       return luaL_argerror(L, 1, "no such setting");
2666     }                                                           /* name value */
2667     return 1;
2668   }
2669   else {                                                   /* name value ...? */
2670     lua_settop(L, 2);                                           /* name value */
2671     /* Set a new value for the setting. */
2672     if (IS(kSettingMetafield)) {
2673       luaL_optstring(L, 2, NULL);
2674       set_setting(L, (void*)&kSettingMetafield);
2675     }
2676     else if (IS(kSettingPassIOToPersist)) {
2677       luaL_opt(L, checkboolean, 2, false);
2678       set_setting(L, (void*)&kSettingPassIOToPersist);
2679     }
2680     else if (IS(kSettingWriteDebugInfo)) {
2681       luaL_opt(L, checkboolean, 2, false);
2682       set_setting(L, (void*)&kSettingWriteDebugInfo);
2683     }
2684     else if (IS(kSettingGeneratePath)) {
2685       luaL_opt(L, checkboolean, 2, false);
2686       set_setting(L, (void*)&kSettingGeneratePath);
2687     }
2688     else if (IS(kSettingMaxComplexity)) {
2689       luaL_optinteger(L, 2, 0);
2690       set_setting(L, (void*)&kSettingMaxComplexity);
2691     }
2692     else {
2693       return luaL_argerror(L, 1, "no such setting");
2694     }                                                                 /* name */
2695     return 0;
2696   }
2697 }
2699 #undef IS
2701 /** ======================================================================== */
2703 static luaL_Reg erislib[] = {
2704   { "persist", l_persist },
2705   { "unpersist", l_unpersist },
2706   { "settings", l_settings },
2707   { NULL, NULL }
2708 };
luaopen_eris(lua_State * L)2710 LUA_API int luaopen_eris(lua_State *L) {
2711   luaL_newlib(L, erislib);
2712   return 1;
2713 }
2715 /* }======================================================================== */
2717 /*
2718 ** {===========================================================================
2719 ** Public API functions.
2720 ** ============================================================================
2721 */
2723 LUA_API void
eris_dump(lua_State * L,lua_Writer writer,void * ud)2724 eris_dump(lua_State *L, lua_Writer writer, void *ud) {     /* perms? rootobj? */
2725   if (lua_gettop(L) > 2) {
2726     luaL_error(L, "too many arguments");
2727   }
2728   luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);                         /* perms rootobj? */
2729   luaL_checkany(L, 2);                                       /* perms rootobj */
2730   lua_pushnil(L);                                        /* perms rootobj nil */
2731   lua_insert(L, -2);                                     /* perms nil rootobj */
2732   unchecked_persist(L, writer, ud);                      /* perms nil rootobj */
2733   lua_remove(L, -2);                                         /* perms rootobj */
2734 }
2736 LUA_API void
eris_undump(lua_State * L,lua_Reader reader,void * ud)2737 eris_undump(lua_State *L, lua_Reader reader, void *ud) {            /* perms? */
2738   if (lua_gettop(L) > 1) {
2739     luaL_error(L, "too many arguments");
2740   }
2741   luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TTABLE);                                  /* perms */
2742   unchecked_unpersist(L, reader, ud);                        /* perms rootobj */
2743 }
2745 /** ======================================================================== */
2747 LUA_API void
eris_persist(lua_State * L,int perms,int value)2748 eris_persist(lua_State *L, int perms, int value) {                    /* ...? */
2749   perms = lua_absindex(L, perms);
2750   value = lua_absindex(L, value);
2751   eris_checkstack(L, 3);
2752   lua_pushcfunction(L, l_persist);                           /* ... l_persist */
2753   lua_pushvalue(L, perms);                             /* ... l_persist perms */
2754   lua_pushvalue(L, value);                     /* ... l_persist perms rootobj */
2755   lua_call(L, 2, 1);                                               /* ... str */
2756 }
2758 LUA_API void
eris_unpersist(lua_State * L,int perms,int value)2759 eris_unpersist(lua_State *L, int perms, int value) {                   /* ... */
2760   perms = lua_absindex(L, perms);
2761   value = lua_absindex(L, value);
2762   eris_checkstack(L, 3);
2763   lua_pushcfunction(L, l_unpersist);                       /* ... l_unpersist */
2764   lua_pushvalue(L, perms);                           /* ... l_unpersist perms */
2765   lua_pushvalue(L, value);                       /* ... l_unpersist perms str */
2766   lua_call(L, 2, 1);                                           /* ... rootobj */
2767 }
2769 LUA_API void
eris_get_setting(lua_State * L,const char * name)2770 eris_get_setting(lua_State *L, const char *name) {                     /* ... */
2771   eris_checkstack(L, 2);
2772   lua_pushcfunction(L, l_settings);                         /* ... l_settings */
2773   lua_pushstring(L, name);                             /* ... l_settings name */
2774   lua_call(L, 1, 1);                                             /* ... value */
2775 }
2777 LUA_API void
eris_set_setting(lua_State * L,const char * name,int value)2778 eris_set_setting(lua_State *L, const char *name, int value) {          /* ... */
2779   value = lua_absindex(L, value);
2780   eris_checkstack(L, 3);
2781   lua_pushcfunction(L, l_settings);                         /* ... l_settings */
2782   lua_pushstring(L, name);                             /* ... l_settings name */
2783   lua_pushvalue(L, value);                       /* ... l_settings name value */
2784   lua_call(L, 2, 0);                                                   /* ... */
2785 }
2787 /* }======================================================================== */