1 /*
2     Gri - A language for scientific graphics programming
3     Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Kelley
5     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7     the Free Software Foundation; version 3 of the License, or
8     (at your option) any later version.
10     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13     GNU General Public License for more details.
15     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16     with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17     51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
18 */
20 #include	<math.h>
21 #include	<string.h>
22 #include	"extern.hh"
23 #include	"image_ex.hh"
25 bool            mathCmd();
26 static bool     column_math(double *Ptr, unsigned int n, int operator_position = 1);
27 static bool     image_math(void);
28 static bool     grid_data_math(void);
29 extern void     highpass_image(void);
30 extern void     lowpass_image(void);
32 bool
mathCmd()33 mathCmd()
34 {
35 	if (_nword < 3) {
36 		err("Proper format: `.x. = 10.0', `.x. *= 2', or `.x. = { rpn ... }'");
37 		return false;
38 	}
39 	double          number, old_value = 0.0;
40 	// Variable
41 	if (is_var(_word[0])) {
42 		if (!getdnum(_word[2], &number))
43 			return false;
44 		if (word_is(1, "=")) {
45 			// `.variable. = .value.'
46 			PUT_VAR(_word[0], number);
47 		} else if (word_is(1, "+=")) {
48 			get_var(_word[0], &old_value);
49 			old_value += number;
50 			PUT_VAR(_word[0], old_value);
51 		} else if (word_is(1, "-=")) {
52 			get_var(_word[0], &old_value);
53 			old_value -= number;
54 			PUT_VAR(_word[0], old_value);
55 		} else if (word_is(1, "*=")) {
56 			get_var(_word[0], &old_value);
57 			old_value *= number;
58 			PUT_VAR(_word[0], old_value);
59 		} else if (word_is(1, "/=")) {
60 			get_var(_word[0], &old_value);
61 			old_value /= number;
62 			PUT_VAR(_word[0], old_value);
63 		} else if (word_is(1, "^=")) {
64 			get_var(_word[0], &old_value);
65 			old_value = pow(old_value, number);
66 			PUT_VAR(_word[0], old_value);
67 		} else if (word_is(1, "_=")) {
68 			get_var(_word[0], &old_value);
69 			if (number < 0.0) {
70 				err("Cannot do log to negative base");
71 				return false;
72 			}
73 			if (!gr_missing(old_value) && old_value > 0.0) {
74 				old_value = log(old_value) / log(number);
75 				PUT_VAR(_word[0], old_value);
76 			} else {
77 				PUT_VAR(_word[0], gr_currentmissingvalue());
78 			}
79 		} else {
80 			err("`\\", _word[1], "' is not a known operator for variables", "'\\");
81 			return false;
82 		}
83 	} else if (_nword > 3 && word_is(0, "grid") && word_is(1, "data")) {
84 		grid_data_math();
85 	} else if (_nword > 3 && word_is(0, "grid") && word_is(1, "x")) {
86 		if (_num_xmatrix_data)
87 			column_math(_xmatrix, _num_xmatrix_data, 2);
88 		else {
89 			warning("Can't do math on xmatrix with no data in it already.");
90 			return true;
91 		}
92 	} else if (_nword > 3 && word_is(0, "grid") && word_is(1, "y")) {
93 		if (_num_ymatrix_data)
94 			column_math(_ymatrix, _num_ymatrix_data, 2);
95 		else {
96 			warning("Can't do math on ymatrix with no data in it already.");
97 			return true;
98 		}
99 	} else if (word_is(0, "u")) {
100 		if (_colU.size())
101 			column_math(_colU.begin(), _colU.size());
102 		else {
103 			warning("Can't do math on u-column with no data in it already.");
104 			return true;
105 		}
106 	} else if (word_is(0, "v")) {
107 		if (_colV.size())
108 			column_math(_colV.begin(), _colV.size());
109 		else {
110 			warning("Can't do math on v-column with no data in it already.");
111 			return true;
112 		}
113 	} else if (word_is(0, "x")) {
114 		if (_colX.size())
115 			column_math(_colX.begin(), _colX.size());
116 		else {
117 			warning("Can't do math on x-column with no data in it already.");
118 			return true;
119 		}
120 	} else if (word_is(0, "y")) {
121 		if (_colY.size())
122 			column_math(_colY.begin(), _colY.size());
123 		else {
124 			warning("Can't do math on y-column with no data in it already.");
125 			return true;
126 		}
127 	} else if (word_is(0, "z")) {
128 		if (_colZ.size())
129 			column_math(_colZ.begin(), _colZ.size());
130 		else {
131 			warning("Can't do math on z-column with no data in it already.");
132 			return true;
133 		}
134 	} else if (word_is(0, "image")) {
135 		image_math();
136 	} else {
137 		err("Cannot do mathematical operation on unrecognized item `\\",
138 		    _word[0],
139 		    "'.",
140 		    "\\");
141 		return false;
142 	}
143 	return true;
144 }
146 static bool
column_math(double * Ptr,unsigned int n,int operator_position)147 column_math(double *Ptr, unsigned int n, int operator_position /*= 1*/)
148 {
149 	Require(n > 0, gr_Error("Trying to do column-math on non-existent column."));
150 	// Ensure enough space
151 	if      (word_is(0, "x"))	  {_colX.setDepth(n);      Ptr = _colX.begin();}
152 	else if (word_is(0, "y"))	  {_colY.setDepth(n);      Ptr = _colY.begin();}
153 	else if (word_is(0, "u"))	  {_colU.setDepth(n);      Ptr = _colU.begin();}
154 	else if (word_is(0, "v"))	  {_colV.setDepth(n);      Ptr = _colV.begin();}
155 	else if (word_is(0, "z"))	  {_colZ.setDepth(n);      Ptr = _colZ.begin();}
156 	else if (word_is(0, "WEIGHT"))    {_colWEIGHT.setDepth(n); Ptr = _colWEIGHT.begin();}
158 	// special case of `y = x...'
159 	if (_nword == 3 && word_is(0, "y") && word_is(1, "=") && word_is(2, "x")) {
160 		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++)
161 			_colY[i] = _colX[i];
162 		if (word_is(0, "y") && _need_y_axis && !_user_set_y_axis)
163 			create_y_scale();
164 		return true;
165 	}
167 	double          number;
168 	if (!getdnum(_word[operator_position + 1], &number))
169 		return false;
171 	// Special case of assignment
172 	if (word_is(operator_position, "=")) {
173 		// Make sure column can hold the data
174 		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++) {
175 			if (!gr_missing(*Ptr)) {
176 				*Ptr = number;
177 			}
178 		}
179 		if (word_is(0, "y") && _need_y_axis && !_user_set_y_axis)
180 			create_y_scale();
181 		return true;
182 	}
184 	// Do modification (OP=) cases
185 	if (word_is(operator_position, "+=")) {
186 		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++)
187 			if (!gr_missing(*Ptr))
188 				*Ptr += number;
189 	} else if (word_is(operator_position, "-=")) {
190 		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++)
191 			if (!gr_missing(*Ptr))
192 				*Ptr -= number;
193 	} else if (word_is(operator_position, "*=")) {
194 		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++)
195 			if (!gr_missing(*Ptr))
196 				*Ptr *= number;
197 	} else if (word_is(operator_position, "/=")) {
198 		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++)
199 			if (!gr_missing(*Ptr))
200 				*Ptr /= number;
201 	} else if (word_is(operator_position, "^=")) {
202 		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++)
203 			if (!gr_missing(*Ptr))
204 				*Ptr = pow(*Ptr, number);
205 	} else if (word_is(operator_position, "_=")) {
206 		if (number < 0.0) {
207 			err("Cannot do log to negative base");
208 			return false;
209 		}
210 		double lbase = log(number);
211 		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++)
212 			if (!gr_missing(*Ptr) && *Ptr > 0.0)
213 				*Ptr = log(*Ptr) / lbase;
214 			else
215 				*Ptr = gr_currentmissingvalue();
216 	} else {
217 		err("`\\", _word[operator_position], "' not a known operator", "'\\");
218 		return false;
219 	}
220 	if (word_is(0, "x") && _need_x_axis && !_user_set_x_axis)
221 		create_x_scale();
222 	if (word_is(0, "y") && _need_y_axis && !_user_set_y_axis)
223 		create_y_scale();
224 	return true;
225 }
227 static bool
grid_data_math()228 grid_data_math()
229 {
230 	if (_nword < 4) {
231 		err("No number for operation.");
232 		return false;
233 	}
234 	if (!_grid_exists) {
235 		err("First `read grid data'");
236 		return false;
237 	}
238 	double          number;
239 	if (!getdnum(_word[3], &number)) {
240 		err("Can't read number");
241 		return false;
242 	}
243 	unsigned int row, col;
244 	if (word_is(2, "=")) {
245 		for (col = 0; col < _num_xmatrix_data; col++) {
246 			for (row = 0; row < _num_ymatrix_data; row++) {
247 				_f_xy(col, row) = number;
248 				_legit_xy(col, row) = true;
249 			}
250 		}
251 		_f_min = _f_max = number;
252 		return true;
253 	} else if (word_is(2, "+=")) {
254 		for (col = 0; col < _num_xmatrix_data; col++)
255 			for (row = 0; row < _num_ymatrix_data; row++)
256 				_f_xy(col, row) += number;
257 		_f_min += number;
258 		_f_max += number;
259 		return true;
260 	} else if (word_is(2, "-=")) {
261 		for (col = 0; col < _num_xmatrix_data; col++)
262 			for (row = 0; row < _num_ymatrix_data; row++)
263 				_f_xy(col, row) -= number;
264 		_f_min -= number;
265 		_f_max -= number;
266 		return true;
267 	} else if (word_is(2, "*=")) {
268 		for (col = 0; col < _num_xmatrix_data; col++)
269 			for (row = 0; row < _num_ymatrix_data; row++)
270 				_f_xy(col, row) *= number;
271 		_f_min *= number;
272 		_f_max *= number;
273 		return true;
274 	} else if (word_is(2, "/=")) {
275 		if (number == 0.0) {
276 			warning("Can't divide by zero");
277 			return true;
278 		}
279 		for (col = 0; col < _num_xmatrix_data; col++)
280 			for (row = 0; row < _num_ymatrix_data; row++)
281 				_f_xy(col, row) /= number;
282 		_f_min /= number;
283 		_f_max /= number;
284 		return true;
285 	} else if (word_is(2, "^=")) {
286 		for (col = 0; col < _num_xmatrix_data; col++)
287 			for (row = 0; row < _num_ymatrix_data; row++)
288 				_f_xy(col, row) = pow(_f_xy(col, row), number);
289 		matrix_limits(&_f_min, &_f_max);
290 		return true;
291 	} else if (word_is(2, "_=")) {
292 		if (number < 0.0) {
293 			err("Cannot do log to negative base");
294 			return false;
295 		}
296 		double lbase = log(number);
297 		for (col = 0; col < _num_xmatrix_data; col++)
298 			for (row = 0; row < _num_ymatrix_data; row++)
299 				if (!gr_missing(_f_xy(col, row)) && _f_xy(col, row) > 0.0)
300 					_f_xy(col, row) = log(_f_xy(col, row)) / lbase;
301 				else
302 					_f_xy(col, row) = gr_currentmissingvalue();
303 		matrix_limits(&_f_min, &_f_max);
304 		return true;
305 	} else {
306 		err("`grid data' given unknown operator `\\", _word[2], ";", "\\");
307 		return false;
308 	}
309 }
311 // `image [grayscale|colorscale] OPERATOR OPERAND'
312 static bool
image_math()313 image_math()
314 {
315 	unsigned int n;
316 	unsigned char  *Ptr;
317 	double          number, number_scaled=0.0;
318 	switch (_nword) {
319 	case 3:
320 		// `image OPERATOR OPERAND'
321 		if (word_is(1, "=")) {
322 			if (word_is(2, "highpass"))
323 				highpass_image();
324 			else if (word_is(2, "lowpass"))
325 				lowpass_image();
326 			else {
327 				err("`image =' what?");
328 				return false;
329 			}
330 			return true;
331 		}
332 		if (!getdnum(_word[2], &number))
333 			return false;
334 		if (!_image.storage_exists) {
335 			err("First `read image' or `convert grid to image'");
336 			return false;
337 		}
338 		// Convert to image units
339 		number_scaled *= 255.0 / (_image255 - _image0);
340 		Ptr = _image.image;
341 		n = _image.ras_length;
342 		if (word_is(1, "+=")) {
343 			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++)
344 				*Ptr = int(*Ptr + number_scaled);
345 		} else if (word_is(1, "-=")) {
346 			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++)
347 				*Ptr = int(*Ptr - number_scaled);
348 		} else if (word_is(1, "*=")) {
349 		        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++)
350 				*Ptr = int(*Ptr * number);
351 		} else if (word_is(1, "/=")) {
352 			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++)
353 				*Ptr = int(*Ptr / number);
354 		} else if (word_is(1, "^=")) {
355 			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++)
356 				*Ptr = int(pow(double(*Ptr), number));
357 		} else if (word_is(1, "_=")) {
358 			if (number < 0.0) {
359 				err("Cannot do log to negative base");
360 				return false;
361 			}
362 			double lbase = log(number);
363 			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++)
364 				if (!gr_missing(*Ptr) && *Ptr > 0)
365 					*Ptr = int(log(double(*Ptr)) / lbase);
366 				else
367 					*Ptr = 0;	// BUG -- should be something else
368 		} else {
369 			err("Cannot use operator `\\", _word[1], "' on images.", "'\\");
370 			return false;
371 		}
372 		break;
373 	case 4:
374 		if (word_is(1, "colorscale") || word_is(1, "colourscale")) {
375 			n = 3 * 256;
376 		} else if (word_is(1, "greyscale") || word_is(1, "grayscale")) {
377 			n = 256;
378 		} else {
379 			err("Second word must be `colorscale', `colourscale', `grayscale' or `greyscale'");
380 			return false;
381 		}
382 		if (!getdnum(_word[3], &number))
383 			return false;
384 		Ptr = _imageTransform;
385 		if (word_is(2, "+=")) {
386 			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++) {
387 				*Ptr = (int) (255.0 * (double(*Ptr) / 255.0 + number));
388 			}
389 		} else if (word_is(2, "-=")) {
390 			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++) {
391 				*Ptr = (int) (255.0 * (double(*Ptr) / 255.0 - number));
392 			}
393 		} else if (word_is(2, "*=")) {
394 		        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++) {
395 			        *Ptr = (int) (255.0 * (double(*Ptr) / 255.0 * number));
396 			}
397 		} else if (word_is(2, "/=")) {
398 			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++) {
399 				*Ptr = (int) (255.0 * (double(*Ptr) / 255.0 / number));
400 			}
401 		} else if (word_is(2, "^=")) {
402 			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++) {
403 				*Ptr = (int) (255.0 * pow(double(*Ptr) / 255.0, number));
404 			}
405 		} else if (word_is(2, "_=")) {
406 			if (number < 0.0) {
407 				err("Cannot do log to negative base");
408 				return false;
409 			}
410 			double lbase = log(number);
411 			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; i++, Ptr++)
412 				*Ptr = int(255.0 * log(double(*Ptr) / 255.0) / lbase);
413 		} else {
414 			err("Cannot use operator `\\", _word[2], "' on image colorscale|grayscale", "'\\");
415 			return false;
416 		}
417 		break;
418 	default:
420 		return false;
421 	}
422 	return true;
423 }