1 // -*- tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
2 // vi: set et ts=4 sw=2 sts=2:
6 #include <cassert>
7 #include <functional>
8 #include <iterator>
9 #include <limits>
10 #include <vector>
12 #include <dune/common/fmatrix.hh>
13 #include <dune/common/fvector.hh>
14 #include <dune/common/typetraits.hh>
16 #include <dune/geometry/affinegeometry.hh>
17 #include <dune/geometry/referenceelements.hh>
18 #include <dune/geometry/type.hh>
20 namespace Dune
21 {
23   // MultiLinearGeometryTraits
24   // -------------------------
26   /** \brief default traits class for MultiLinearGeometry
27    *
28    *  The MultiLinearGeometry (and CachedMultiLinearGeometry) allow tweaking
29    *  some implementation details through a traits class.
30    *
31    *  This structure provides the default values.
32    *
33    *  \tparam  ct  coordinate type
34    */
35   template< class ct >
36   struct MultiLinearGeometryTraits
37   {
38     /** \brief helper structure containing some matrix routines
39      *
40      *  This helper allows exchanging the matrix inversion algorithms.
41      *  It must provide the following static methods:
42      *  \code
43      *  template< int m, int n >
44      *  static ctype sqrtDetAAT ( const FieldMatrix< ctype, m, n > &A );
45      *
46      *  template< int m, int n >
47      *  static ctype rightInvA ( const FieldMatrix< ctype, m, n > &A,
48      *                           FieldMatrix< ctype, n, m > &ret );
49      *
50      *  template< int m, int n >
51      *  static void xTRightInvA ( const FieldMatrix< ctype, m, n > &A,
52      *                            const FieldVector< ctype, n > &x,
53      *                            FieldVector< ctype, m > &y );
54      *  \endcode
55      */
56     typedef Impl::FieldMatrixHelper< ct > MatrixHelper;
58     /** \brief tolerance to numerical algorithms */
toleranceDune::MultiLinearGeometryTraits59     static ct tolerance () { return ct( 16 ) * std::numeric_limits< ct >::epsilon(); }
61     /** \brief template specifying the storage for the corners
62      *
63      *  Internally, the MultiLinearGeometry needs to store the corners of the
64      *  geometry.
65      *
66      *  The corner storage may be chosen depending on geometry dimension and
67      *  coordinate dimension. It is required to contain a type named Type, e.g.,
68      *  \code
69      *  template< int mydim, int cdim >
70      *  struct CornerStorage
71      *  {
72      *    typedef std::vector< FieldVector< ctype, cdim > > Type;
73      *  };
74      *  \endcode
75      *  By default, a std::vector of FieldVector is used.
76      *
77      *  Apart from being copy constructable and assignable, an \c const corner
78      *  storage object \c corners must support the expressions \c
79      *  begin(corners), \c end(corners), and subscription \c corners[i].  \c
80      *  begin() and \c end() are looked up via ADL and in namespace \c std:
81      *  \code
82      *  using std::begin;
83      *  using std::end;
84      *  // it is a const_iterator over the corners in Dune-ordering
85      *  auto it = begin(corners);
86      *  FieldVector<ctype, cdim> c0 = *it;
87      *  auto itend = end(corners);
88      *  while(it != itend) {
89      *    //...
90      *  }
91      *
92      *  // elements must be accessible by subscription, indexed in
93      *  // Dune-ordering
94      *  FieldVector<ctype, cdim> c1 = corners[1];
95      *  \endcode
96      *  This means that all of the following qualify: \c
97      *  FieldVector<ctype,cdim>[1<<mydim], \c
98      *  std::array<FieldVector<ctype,cdim>,(1<<mydim)>, \c
99      *  std::vector<FieldVector<ctype,cdim>>.
100      *
101      *  \note The expression \c end(corners) isn't actually used by the
102      *        implementation currently, but we require it anyway so we can add
103      *        runtime checks for the container size when we feel like it.
104      *
105      *  It is also possible to use a \c std::reference_wrapper of a suitable
106      *  container as the type for the corner storage.  The implementation
107      *  automatically calls \c corners.get() on internally stored \c
108      *  std::reference_wrapper objects before applying \c begin(), \c end(),
109      *  or subscription in that case.
110      *
111      *  \note Using \c std::reference_wrapper of some container as the corner
112      *        storage means that the geometry has no control over the lifetime
113      *        of or the access to that container.  When the lifetime of the
114      *        container ends, or the container itself or its elements are
115      *        modified, any geometry object that still references that
116      *        container becomes invalid.  The only valid operation on invalid
117      *        geometry objects are destruction and assignment from another
118      *        geometry.  If invalidation happens concurrently with some
119      *        operation (other than destruction or assignment) on the
120      *        geometry, that is a race.
121      *
122      *  \tparam  mydim  geometry dimension
123      *  \tparam  cdim   coordinate dimension
124      */
125     template< int mydim, int cdim >
126     struct CornerStorage
127     {
128       typedef std::vector< FieldVector< ct, cdim > > Type;
129     };
131     /** \brief will there be only one geometry type for a dimension?
132      *
133      *  If there is only a single geometry type for a certain dimension,
134      *  <em>hasSingleGeometryType::v</em> can be set to true.
135      *  Supporting only one geometry type might yield a gain in performance.
136      *
137      *  If <em>hasSingleGeometryType::v</em> is set to true, an additional
138      *  parameter <em>topologyId</em> is required.
139      *  Here's an example:
140      *  \code
141      *  static const unsigned int topologyId = GeometryTypes::simplex(dim).id();
142      *  \endcode
143      */
144     template< int dim >
145     struct hasSingleGeometryType
146     {
147       static const bool v = false;
148       static const unsigned int topologyId = ~0u;
149     };
150   };
154   // MultiLinearGeometry
155   // -------------------
157   /** \brief generic geometry implementation based on corner coordinates
158    *
159    *  Based on the recursive definition of the reference elements, the
160    *  MultiLinearGeometry provides a generic implementation of a geometry given
161    *  the corner coordinates.
162    *
163    *  The geometric mapping is multilinear in the classical sense only in the
164    *  case of cubes; for simplices it is linear.
165    *  The name is still justified, because the mapping satisfies the important
166    *  property of begin linear along edges.
167    *
168    *  \tparam  ct      coordinate type
169    *  \tparam  mydim   geometry dimension
170    *  \tparam  cdim    coordinate dimension
171    *  \tparam  Traits  traits allowing to tweak some implementation details
172    *                   (optional)
173    *
174    *  The requirements on the traits are documented along with their default,
175    *  MultiLinearGeometryTraits.
176    */
177   template< class ct, int mydim, int cdim, class Traits = MultiLinearGeometryTraits< ct > >
178   class MultiLinearGeometry
179   {
180     typedef MultiLinearGeometry< ct, mydim, cdim, Traits > This;
182   public:
183     //! coordinate type
184     typedef ct ctype;
186     //! geometry dimension
187     static const int mydimension= mydim;
188     //! coordinate dimension
189     static const int coorddimension = cdim;
191     //! type of local coordinates
192     typedef FieldVector< ctype, mydimension > LocalCoordinate;
193     //! type of global coordinates
194     typedef FieldVector< ctype, coorddimension > GlobalCoordinate;
195     //! type of volume
196     typedef ctype Volume;
198     //! type of jacobian transposed
199     typedef FieldMatrix< ctype, mydimension, coorddimension > JacobianTransposed;
201     //! type of jacobian inverse transposed
202     class JacobianInverseTransposed;
204   protected:
206     typedef Dune::ReferenceElements< ctype, mydimension > ReferenceElements;
208   public:
210     //! type of reference element
211     typedef typename ReferenceElements::ReferenceElement ReferenceElement;
213   private:
214     static const bool hasSingleGeometryType = Traits::template hasSingleGeometryType< mydimension >::v;
216   protected:
217     typedef typename Traits::MatrixHelper MatrixHelper;
218     typedef typename std::conditional< hasSingleGeometryType, std::integral_constant< unsigned int, Traits::template hasSingleGeometryType< mydimension >::topologyId >, unsigned int >::type TopologyId;
220   public:
221     /** \brief constructor
222      *
223      *  \param[in]  refElement  reference element for the geometry
224      *  \param[in]  corners     corners to store internally
225      *
226      *  \note The type of corners is actually a template argument.
227      *        It is only required that the internal corner storage can be
228      *        constructed from this object.
229      */
230     template< class Corners >
MultiLinearGeometry(const ReferenceElement & refElement,const Corners & corners)231     MultiLinearGeometry ( const ReferenceElement &refElement,
232                           const Corners &corners )
233       : refElement_( refElement ),
234         corners_( corners )
235     {}
237     /** \brief constructor
238      *
239      *  \param[in]  gt          geometry type
240      *  \param[in]  corners     corners to store internally
241      *
242      *  \note The type of corners is actually a template argument.
243      *        It is only required that the internal corner storage can be
244      *        constructed from this object.
245      */
246     template< class Corners >
MultiLinearGeometry(Dune::GeometryType gt,const Corners & corners)247     MultiLinearGeometry ( Dune::GeometryType gt,
248                           const Corners &corners )
249       : refElement_( ReferenceElements::general( gt ) ),
250         corners_( corners )
251     {}
253     /** \brief is this mapping affine? */
affine() const254     bool affine () const
255     {
256       JacobianTransposed jt;
257       return affine( jt );
258     }
260     /** \brief obtain the name of the reference element */
type() const261     Dune::GeometryType type () const { return GeometryType( toUnsignedInt(topologyId()), mydimension ); }
263     /** \brief obtain number of corners of the corresponding reference element */
corners() const264     int corners () const { return refElement().size( mydimension ); }
266     /** \brief obtain coordinates of the i-th corner */
corner(int i) const267     GlobalCoordinate corner ( int i ) const
268     {
269       assert( (i >= 0) && (i < corners()) );
270       return std::cref(corners_).get()[ i ];
271     }
273     /** \brief obtain the centroid of the mapping's image */
center() const274     GlobalCoordinate center () const { return global( refElement().position( 0, 0 ) ); }
276     /** \brief evaluate the mapping
277      *
278      *  \param[in]  local  local coordinate to map
279      *
280      *  \returns corresponding global coordinate
281      */
global(const LocalCoordinate & local) const282     GlobalCoordinate global ( const LocalCoordinate &local ) const
283     {
284       using std::begin;
286       auto cit = begin(std::cref(corners_).get());
287       GlobalCoordinate y;
288       global< false >( topologyId(), std::integral_constant< int, mydimension >(), cit, ctype( 1 ), local, ctype( 1 ), y );
289       return y;
290     }
292     /** \brief evaluate the inverse mapping
293      *
294      *  \param[in] globalCoord global coordinate to map
295      *
296      *  \return corresponding local coordinate
297      *
298      *  \note For given global coordinate y the returned local coordinate x that minimizes
299      *  the following function over the local coordinate space spanned by the reference element.
300      *  \code
301      *  (global( x ) - y).two_norm()
302      *  \endcode
303      */
local(const GlobalCoordinate & globalCoord) const304     LocalCoordinate local ( const GlobalCoordinate &globalCoord ) const
305     {
306       const ctype tolerance = Traits::tolerance();
307       LocalCoordinate x = refElement().position( 0, 0 );
308       LocalCoordinate dx;
309       const bool affineMapping = this->affine();
310       do
311       {
312         // Newton's method: DF^n dx^n = F^n, x^{n+1} -= dx^n
313         const GlobalCoordinate dglobal = (*this).global( x ) - globalCoord;
314         const bool invertible =
315           MatrixHelper::template xTRightInvA< mydimension, coorddimension >( jacobianTransposed( x ), dglobal, dx );
316         if( ! invertible )
317           return LocalCoordinate( std::numeric_limits< ctype > :: max() );
319         // update x with correction
320         x -= dx;
322         // for affine mappings only one iteration is needed
323         if ( affineMapping ) break;
324       } while( dx.two_norm2() > tolerance );
325       return x;
326     }
328     /** \brief obtain the integration element
329      *
330      *  If the Jacobian of the mapping is denoted by $J(x)$, the integration
331      *  integration element \f$\mu(x)\f$ is given by
332      *  \f[ \mu(x) = \sqrt{|\det (J^T(x) J(x))|}.\f]
333      *
334      *  \param[in]  local  local coordinate to evaluate the integration element in
335      *
336      *  \returns the integration element \f$\mu(x)\f$.
337      *
338      *  \note For affine mappings, it is more efficient to call
339      *        jacobianInverseTransposed before integrationElement, if both
340      *        are required.
341      */
integrationElement(const LocalCoordinate & local) const342     ctype integrationElement ( const LocalCoordinate &local ) const
343     {
344       return MatrixHelper::template sqrtDetAAT< mydimension, coorddimension >( jacobianTransposed( local ) );
345     }
347     /** \brief obtain the volume of the mapping's image
348      *
349      *  \note The current implementation just returns
350      *  \code
351      *  integrationElement( refElement().position( 0, 0 ) ) * refElement().volume()
352      *  \endcode
353      *  which is wrong for n-linear surface maps and other nonlinear maps.
354      */
volume() const355     Volume volume () const
356     {
357       return integrationElement( refElement().position( 0, 0 ) ) * refElement().volume();
358     }
360     /** \brief obtain the transposed of the Jacobian
361      *
362      *  \param[in]  local  local coordinate to evaluate Jacobian in
363      *
364      *  \returns a reference to the transposed of the Jacobian
365      *
366      *  \note The returned reference is reused on the next call to
367      *        JacobianTransposed, destroying the previous value.
368      */
jacobianTransposed(const LocalCoordinate & local) const369     JacobianTransposed jacobianTransposed ( const LocalCoordinate &local ) const
370     {
371       using std::begin;
373       JacobianTransposed jt;
374       auto cit = begin(std::cref(corners_).get());
375       jacobianTransposed< false >( topologyId(), std::integral_constant< int, mydimension >(), cit, ctype( 1 ), local, ctype( 1 ), jt );
376       return jt;
377     }
379     /** \brief obtain the transposed of the Jacobian's inverse
380      *
381      *  The Jacobian's inverse is defined as a pseudo-inverse. If we denote
382      *  the Jacobian by \f$J(x)\f$, the following condition holds:
383      *  \f[J^{-1}(x) J(x) = I.\f]
384      */
385     JacobianInverseTransposed jacobianInverseTransposed ( const LocalCoordinate &local ) const;
referenceElement(const MultiLinearGeometry & geometry)387     friend ReferenceElement referenceElement ( const MultiLinearGeometry &geometry )
388     {
389       return geometry.refElement();
390     }
392   protected:
refElement() const394     ReferenceElement refElement () const
395     {
396       return refElement_;
397     }
topologyId() const399     TopologyId topologyId () const
400     {
401       return topologyId( std::integral_constant< bool, hasSingleGeometryType >() );
402     }
404     template< bool add, int dim, class CornerIterator >
405     static void global ( TopologyId topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim >,
406                          CornerIterator &cit, const ctype &df, const LocalCoordinate &x,
407                          const ctype &rf, GlobalCoordinate &y );
408     template< bool add, class CornerIterator >
409     static void global ( TopologyId topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, 0 >,
410                          CornerIterator &cit, const ctype &df, const LocalCoordinate &x,
411                          const ctype &rf, GlobalCoordinate &y );
413     template< bool add, int rows, int dim, class CornerIterator >
414     static void jacobianTransposed ( TopologyId topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim >,
415                                      CornerIterator &cit, const ctype &df, const LocalCoordinate &x,
416                                      const ctype &rf, FieldMatrix< ctype, rows, cdim > &jt );
417     template< bool add, int rows, class CornerIterator >
418     static void jacobianTransposed ( TopologyId topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, 0 >,
419                                      CornerIterator &cit, const ctype &df, const LocalCoordinate &x,
420                                      const ctype &rf, FieldMatrix< ctype, rows, cdim > &jt );
422     template< int dim, class CornerIterator >
423     static bool affine ( TopologyId topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim >, CornerIterator &cit, JacobianTransposed &jt );
424     template< class CornerIterator >
425     static bool affine ( TopologyId topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, 0 >, CornerIterator &cit, JacobianTransposed &jt );
affine(JacobianTransposed & jacobianT) const427     bool affine ( JacobianTransposed &jacobianT ) const
428     {
429       using std::begin;
431       auto cit = begin(std::cref(corners_).get());
432       return affine( topologyId(), std::integral_constant< int, mydimension >(), cit, jacobianT );
433     }
435   private:
436     // The following methods are needed to convert the return type of topologyId to
437     // unsigned int with g++-4.4. It has problems casting integral_constant to the
438     // integral type.
toUnsignedInt(unsigned int i)439     static unsigned int toUnsignedInt(unsigned int i) { return i; }
440     template<unsigned int v>
toUnsignedInt(std::integral_constant<unsigned int,v>)441     static unsigned int toUnsignedInt(std::integral_constant<unsigned int,v> ) { return v; }
topologyId(std::integral_constant<bool,true>) const442     TopologyId topologyId ( std::integral_constant< bool, true > ) const { return TopologyId(); }
topologyId(std::integral_constant<bool,false>) const443     unsigned int topologyId ( std::integral_constant< bool, false > ) const { return refElement().type().id(); }
445     ReferenceElement refElement_;
446     typename Traits::template CornerStorage< mydimension, coorddimension >::Type corners_;
447   };
451   // MultiLinearGeometry::JacobianInverseTransposed
452   // ----------------------------------------------
454   template< class ct, int mydim, int cdim, class Traits >
455   class MultiLinearGeometry< ct, mydim, cdim, Traits >::JacobianInverseTransposed
456     : public FieldMatrix< ctype, coorddimension, mydimension >
457   {
458     typedef FieldMatrix< ctype, coorddimension, mydimension > Base;
460   public:
setup(const JacobianTransposed & jt)461     void setup ( const JacobianTransposed &jt )
462     {
463       detInv_ = MatrixHelper::template rightInvA< mydimension, coorddimension >( jt, static_cast< Base & >( *this ) );
464     }
setupDeterminant(const JacobianTransposed & jt)466     void setupDeterminant ( const JacobianTransposed &jt )
467     {
468       detInv_ = MatrixHelper::template sqrtDetAAT< mydimension, coorddimension >( jt );
469     }
det() const471     ctype det () const { return ctype( 1 ) / detInv_; }
detInv() const472     ctype detInv () const { return detInv_; }
474   private:
475     ctype detInv_;
476   };
480   /** \brief Implement a MultiLinearGeometry with additional caching
481    *
482    * This class implements the same interface and functionality as MultiLinearGeometry.
483    * However, it additionally implements caching for various results.
484    *
485    *  \tparam  ct      coordinate type
486    *  \tparam  mydim   geometry dimension
487    *  \tparam  cdim    coordinate dimension
488    *  \tparam  Traits  traits allowing to tweak some implementation details
489    *                   (optional)
490    *
491    */
492   template< class ct, int mydim, int cdim, class Traits = MultiLinearGeometryTraits< ct > >
493   class CachedMultiLinearGeometry
494     : public MultiLinearGeometry< ct, mydim, cdim, Traits >
495   {
496     typedef CachedMultiLinearGeometry< ct, mydim, cdim, Traits > This;
497     typedef MultiLinearGeometry< ct, mydim, cdim, Traits > Base;
499   protected:
500     typedef typename Base::MatrixHelper MatrixHelper;
502   public:
503     typedef typename Base::ReferenceElement ReferenceElement;
505     typedef typename Base::ctype ctype;
507     using Base::mydimension;
508     using Base::coorddimension;
510     typedef typename Base::LocalCoordinate LocalCoordinate;
511     typedef typename Base::GlobalCoordinate GlobalCoordinate;
512     typedef typename Base::Volume Volume;
514     typedef typename Base::JacobianTransposed JacobianTransposed;
515     typedef typename Base::JacobianInverseTransposed JacobianInverseTransposed;
517     template< class CornerStorage >
CachedMultiLinearGeometry(const ReferenceElement & referenceElement,const CornerStorage & cornerStorage)518     CachedMultiLinearGeometry ( const ReferenceElement &referenceElement, const CornerStorage &cornerStorage )
519       : Base( referenceElement, cornerStorage ),
520         affine_( Base::affine( jacobianTransposed_ ) ),
521         jacobianInverseTransposedComputed_( false ),
522         integrationElementComputed_( false )
523     {}
525     template< class CornerStorage >
CachedMultiLinearGeometry(Dune::GeometryType gt,const CornerStorage & cornerStorage)526     CachedMultiLinearGeometry ( Dune::GeometryType gt, const CornerStorage &cornerStorage )
527       : Base( gt, cornerStorage ),
528         affine_( Base::affine( jacobianTransposed_ ) ),
529         jacobianInverseTransposedComputed_( false ),
530         integrationElementComputed_( false )
531     {}
533     /** \brief is this mapping affine? */
affine() const534     bool affine () const { return affine_; }
536     using Base::corner;
538     /** \brief obtain the centroid of the mapping's image */
center() const539     GlobalCoordinate center () const { return global( refElement().position( 0, 0 ) ); }
541     /** \brief evaluate the mapping
542      *
543      *  \param[in]  local  local coordinate to map
544      *
545      *  \returns corresponding global coordinate
546      */
global(const LocalCoordinate & local) const547     GlobalCoordinate global ( const LocalCoordinate &local ) const
548     {
549       if( affine() )
550       {
551         GlobalCoordinate global( corner( 0 ) );
552         jacobianTransposed_.umtv( local, global );
553         return global;
554       }
555       else
556         return Base::global( local );
557     }
559     /** \brief evaluate the inverse mapping
560      *
561      *  \param[in]  global  global coordinate to map
562      *
563      *  \return corresponding local coordinate
564      *
565      *  \note For given global coordinate y the returned local coordinate x that minimizes
566      *  the following function over the local coordinate space spanned by the reference element.
567      *  \code
568      *  (global( x ) - y).two_norm()
569      *  \endcode
570      */
local(const GlobalCoordinate & global) const571     LocalCoordinate local ( const GlobalCoordinate &global ) const
572     {
573       if( affine() )
574       {
575         LocalCoordinate local;
576         if( jacobianInverseTransposedComputed_ )
577           jacobianInverseTransposed_.mtv( global - corner( 0 ), local );
578         else
579           MatrixHelper::template xTRightInvA< mydimension, coorddimension >( jacobianTransposed_, global - corner( 0 ), local );
580         return local;
581       }
582       else
583         return Base::local( global );
584     }
586     /** \brief obtain the integration element
587      *
588      *  If the Jacobian of the mapping is denoted by $J(x)$, the integration
589      *  integration element \f$\mu(x)\f$ is given by
590      *  \f[ \mu(x) = \sqrt{|\det (J^T(x) J(x))|}.\f]
591      *
592      *  \param[in]  local  local coordinate to evaluate the integration element in
593      *
594      *  \returns the integration element \f$\mu(x)\f$.
595      *
596      *  \note For affine mappings, it is more efficient to call
597      *        jacobianInverseTransposed before integrationElement, if both
598      *        are required.
599      */
integrationElement(const LocalCoordinate & local) const600     ctype integrationElement ( const LocalCoordinate &local ) const
601     {
602       if( affine() )
603       {
604         if( !integrationElementComputed_ )
605         {
606           jacobianInverseTransposed_.setupDeterminant( jacobianTransposed_ );
607           integrationElementComputed_ = true;
608         }
609         return jacobianInverseTransposed_.detInv();
610       }
611       else
612         return Base::integrationElement( local );
613     }
615     /** \brief obtain the volume of the mapping's image */
volume() const616     Volume volume () const
617     {
618       if( affine() )
619         return integrationElement( refElement().position( 0, 0 ) ) * refElement().volume();
620       else
621         return Base::volume();
622     }
624     /** \brief obtain the transposed of the Jacobian
625      *
626      *  \param[in]  local  local coordinate to evaluate Jacobian in
627      *
628      *  \returns a reference to the transposed of the Jacobian
629      *
630      *  \note The returned reference is reused on the next call to
631      *        JacobianTransposed, destroying the previous value.
632      */
jacobianTransposed(const LocalCoordinate & local) const633     JacobianTransposed jacobianTransposed ( const LocalCoordinate &local ) const
634     {
635       if( affine() )
636         return jacobianTransposed_;
637       else
638         return Base::jacobianTransposed( local );
639     }
641     /** \brief obtain the transposed of the Jacobian's inverse
642      *
643      *  The Jacobian's inverse is defined as a pseudo-inverse. If we denote
644      *  the Jacobian by \f$J(x)\f$, the following condition holds:
645      *  \f[J^{-1}(x) J(x) = I.\f]
646      */
jacobianInverseTransposed(const LocalCoordinate & local) const647     JacobianInverseTransposed jacobianInverseTransposed ( const LocalCoordinate &local ) const
648     {
649       if( affine() )
650       {
651         if( !jacobianInverseTransposedComputed_ )
652         {
653           jacobianInverseTransposed_.setup( jacobianTransposed_ );
654           jacobianInverseTransposedComputed_ = true;
655           integrationElementComputed_ = true;
656         }
657         return jacobianInverseTransposed_;
658       }
659       else
660         return Base::jacobianInverseTransposed( local );
661     }
663   protected:
664     using Base::refElement;
666   private:
667     mutable JacobianTransposed jacobianTransposed_;
668     mutable JacobianInverseTransposed jacobianInverseTransposed_;
670     mutable bool affine_ : 1;
672     mutable bool jacobianInverseTransposedComputed_ : 1;
673     mutable bool integrationElementComputed_ : 1;
674   };
678   // Implementation of MultiLinearGeometry
679   // -------------------------------------
681   template< class ct, int mydim, int cdim, class Traits >
682   inline typename MultiLinearGeometry< ct, mydim, cdim, Traits >::JacobianInverseTransposed
jacobianInverseTransposed(const LocalCoordinate & local) const683   MultiLinearGeometry< ct, mydim, cdim, Traits >::jacobianInverseTransposed ( const LocalCoordinate &local ) const
684   {
685     JacobianInverseTransposed jit;
686     jit.setup( jacobianTransposed( local ) );
687     return jit;
688   }
691   template< class ct, int mydim, int cdim, class Traits >
692   template< bool add, int dim, class CornerIterator >
693   inline void MultiLinearGeometry< ct, mydim, cdim, Traits >
global(TopologyId topologyId,std::integral_constant<int,dim>,CornerIterator & cit,const ctype & df,const LocalCoordinate & x,const ctype & rf,GlobalCoordinate & y)694   ::global ( TopologyId topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim >,
695              CornerIterator &cit, const ctype &df, const LocalCoordinate &x,
696              const ctype &rf, GlobalCoordinate &y )
697   {
698     const ctype xn = df*x[ dim-1 ];
699     const ctype cxn = ctype( 1 ) - xn;
701     if( Impl::isPrism( toUnsignedInt(topologyId), mydimension, mydimension-dim ) )
702     {
703       // apply (1-xn) times mapping for bottom
704       global< add >( topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim-1 >(), cit, df, x, rf*cxn, y );
705       // apply xn times mapping for top
706       global< true >( topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim-1 >(), cit, df, x, rf*xn, y );
707     }
708     else
709     {
710       assert( Impl::isPyramid( toUnsignedInt(topologyId), mydimension, mydimension-dim ) );
711       // apply (1-xn) times mapping for bottom (with argument x/(1-xn))
712       if( cxn > Traits::tolerance() || cxn < -Traits::tolerance() )
713         global< add >( topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim-1 >(), cit, df/cxn, x, rf*cxn, y );
714       else
715         global< add >( topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim-1 >(), cit, df, x, ctype( 0 ), y );
716       // apply xn times the tip
717       y.axpy( rf*xn, *cit );
718       ++cit;
719     }
720   }
722   template< class ct, int mydim, int cdim, class Traits >
723   template< bool add, class CornerIterator >
724   inline void MultiLinearGeometry< ct, mydim, cdim, Traits >
global(TopologyId,std::integral_constant<int,0>,CornerIterator & cit,const ctype &,const LocalCoordinate &,const ctype & rf,GlobalCoordinate & y)725   ::global ( TopologyId, std::integral_constant< int, 0 >,
726              CornerIterator &cit, const ctype &, const LocalCoordinate &,
727              const ctype &rf, GlobalCoordinate &y )
728   {
729     const GlobalCoordinate &origin = *cit;
730     ++cit;
731     for( int i = 0; i < coorddimension; ++i )
732       y[ i ] = (add ? y[ i ] + rf*origin[ i ] : rf*origin[ i ]);
733   }
736   template< class ct, int mydim, int cdim, class Traits >
737   template< bool add, int rows, int dim, class CornerIterator >
738   inline void MultiLinearGeometry< ct, mydim, cdim, Traits >
jacobianTransposed(TopologyId topologyId,std::integral_constant<int,dim>,CornerIterator & cit,const ctype & df,const LocalCoordinate & x,const ctype & rf,FieldMatrix<ctype,rows,cdim> & jt)739   ::jacobianTransposed ( TopologyId topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim >,
740                          CornerIterator &cit, const ctype &df, const LocalCoordinate &x,
741                          const ctype &rf, FieldMatrix< ctype, rows, cdim > &jt )
742   {
743     assert( rows >= dim );
745     const ctype xn = df*x[ dim-1 ];
746     const ctype cxn = ctype( 1 ) - xn;
748     auto cit2( cit );
749     if( Impl::isPrism( toUnsignedInt(topologyId), mydimension, mydimension-dim ) )
750     {
751       // apply (1-xn) times Jacobian for bottom
752       jacobianTransposed< add >( topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim-1 >(), cit2, df, x, rf*cxn, jt );
753       // apply xn times Jacobian for top
754       jacobianTransposed< true >( topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim-1 >(), cit2, df, x, rf*xn, jt );
755       // compute last row as difference between top value and bottom value
756       global< add >( topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim-1 >(), cit, df, x, -rf, jt[ dim-1 ] );
757       global< true >( topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim-1 >(), cit, df, x, rf, jt[ dim-1 ] );
758     }
759     else
760     {
761       assert( Impl::isPyramid( toUnsignedInt(topologyId), mydimension, mydimension-dim ) );
762       /*
763        * In the pyramid case, we need a transformation Tb: B -> R^n for the
764        * base B \subset R^{n-1}. The pyramid transformation is then defined as
765        *   T: P \subset R^n  -> R^n
766        *      (x, xn)        |-> (1-xn) Tb(x*) + xn t  (x \in R^{n-1}, xn \in R)
767        * with the tip of the pyramid mapped to t and x* = x/(1-xn)
768        * the projection of (x,xn) onto the base.
769        *
770        * For the Jacobi matrix DT we get
771        *   DT = ( A | b )
772        * with A = DTb(x*)   (n x n-1 matrix)
773        *  and b = dT/dxn    (n-dim column vector).
774        * Furthermore
775        *   b = -Tb(x*) + t + \sum_i dTb/dx_i(x^*) x_i/(1-xn)
776        *
777        * Note that both A and b are not defined in the pyramid tip (x=0, xn=1)!
778        * Indeed for B the unit square, Tb mapping B to the quadrilateral given
779        * by the vertices (0,0,0), (2,0,0), (0,1,0), (1,1,0) and t=(0,0,1), we get
780        *
781        *   T(x,y,xn) = ( x(2-y/(1-xn)), y, xn )
782        *               / 2-y/(1-xn)  -x   0 \
783        *  DT(x,y,xn) = |    0         1   0 |
784        *               \    0         0   1 /
785        * which is not continuous for xn -> 1, choose for example
786        *   x=0,    y=1-xn, xn -> 1   --> DT -> diag(1,1,1)
787        *   x=1-xn, y=0,    xn -> 1   --> DT -> diag(2,1,1)
788        *
789        * However, for Tb affine-linear, Tb(y) = My + y0, DTb = M:
790        *   A = M
791        *   b = -M x* - y0 + t + \sum_i M_i x_i/(1-xn)
792        *     = -M x* - y0 + t + M x*
793        *     = -y0 + t
794        * which is continuous for xn -> 1. Note that this b is also given by
795        *   b = -Tb(0) + t + \sum_i dTb/dx_i(0) x_i/1
796        * that is replacing x* by 1 and 1-xn by 1 in the formular above.
797        *
798        * For xn -> 1, we can thus set x*=0, "1-xn"=1 (or anything != 0) and get
799        * the right result in case Tb is affine-linear.
800        */
802       /* The second case effectively results in x* = 0 */
803       ctype dfcxn = (cxn > Traits::tolerance() || cxn < -Traits::tolerance()) ? ctype(df / cxn) : ctype(0);
805       // initialize last row
806       // b =  -Tb(x*)
807       // (b = -Tb(0) = -y0 in case xn -> 1 and Tb affine-linear)
808       global< add >( topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim-1 >(), cit, dfcxn, x, -rf, jt[ dim-1 ] );
809       // b += t
810       jt[ dim-1 ].axpy( rf, *cit );
811       ++cit;
812       // apply Jacobian for bottom (with argument x/(1-xn)) and correct last row
813       if( add )
814       {
815         FieldMatrix< ctype, dim-1, coorddimension > jt2;
816         // jt2 = dTb/dx_i(x*)
817         jacobianTransposed< false >( topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim-1 >(), cit2, dfcxn, x, rf, jt2 );
818         // A = dTb/dx_i(x*)                      (jt[j], j=0..dim-1)
819         // b += \sum_i dTb/dx_i(x*) x_i/(1-xn)   (jt[dim-1])
820         // (b += 0 in case xn -> 1)
821         for( int j = 0; j < dim-1; ++j )
822         {
823           jt[ j ] += jt2[ j ];
824           jt[ dim-1 ].axpy( dfcxn*x[ j ], jt2[ j ] );
825         }
826       }
827       else
828       {
829         // jt = dTb/dx_i(x*)
830         jacobianTransposed< false >( topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim-1 >(), cit2, dfcxn, x, rf, jt );
831         // b += \sum_i dTb/dx_i(x*) x_i/(1-xn)
832         for( int j = 0; j < dim-1; ++j )
833           jt[ dim-1 ].axpy( dfcxn*x[ j ], jt[ j ] );
834       }
835     }
836   }
838   template< class ct, int mydim, int cdim, class Traits >
839   template< bool add, int rows, class CornerIterator >
840   inline void MultiLinearGeometry< ct, mydim, cdim, Traits >
jacobianTransposed(TopologyId,std::integral_constant<int,0>,CornerIterator & cit,const ctype &,const LocalCoordinate &,const ctype &,FieldMatrix<ctype,rows,cdim> &)841   ::jacobianTransposed ( TopologyId, std::integral_constant< int, 0 >,
842                          CornerIterator &cit, const ctype &, const LocalCoordinate &,
843                          const ctype &, FieldMatrix< ctype, rows, cdim > & )
844   {
845     ++cit;
846   }
850   template< class ct, int mydim, int cdim, class Traits >
851   template< int dim, class CornerIterator >
852   inline bool MultiLinearGeometry< ct, mydim, cdim, Traits >
affine(TopologyId topologyId,std::integral_constant<int,dim>,CornerIterator & cit,JacobianTransposed & jt)853   ::affine ( TopologyId topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim >, CornerIterator &cit, JacobianTransposed &jt )
854   {
855     const GlobalCoordinate &orgBottom = *cit;
856     if( !affine( topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim-1 >(), cit, jt ) )
857       return false;
858     const GlobalCoordinate &orgTop = *cit;
860     if( Impl::isPrism( toUnsignedInt(topologyId), mydimension, mydimension-dim ) )
861     {
862       JacobianTransposed jtTop;
863       if( !affine( topologyId, std::integral_constant< int, dim-1 >(), cit, jtTop ) )
864         return false;
866       // check whether both jacobians are identical
867       ctype norm( 0 );
868       for( int i = 0; i < dim-1; ++i )
869         norm += (jtTop[ i ] - jt[ i ]).two_norm2();
870       if( norm >= Traits::tolerance() )
871         return false;
872     }
873     else
874       ++cit;
875     jt[ dim-1 ] = orgTop - orgBottom;
876     return true;
877   }
879   template< class ct, int mydim, int cdim, class Traits >
880   template< class CornerIterator >
881   inline bool MultiLinearGeometry< ct, mydim, cdim, Traits >
affine(TopologyId,std::integral_constant<int,0>,CornerIterator & cit,JacobianTransposed &)882   ::affine ( TopologyId, std::integral_constant< int, 0 >, CornerIterator &cit, JacobianTransposed & )
883   {
884     ++cit;
885     return true;
886   }
888 } // namespace Dune