1 //*******************************************************************
2 // Copyright (C) 2000 ImageLinks Inc.
3 //
4 // License:  See top level LICENSE.txt file.
5 //
6 // Author: Garrett Potts
7 //
8 // Description: A brief description of the contents of the file.
9 //
10 //*************************************************************************
11 // $Id: ossimConnectableContainerInterface.h 15766 2009-10-20 12:37:09Z gpotts $
12 #ifndef ossimConnectableContainerInterface_HEADER
13 #define ossimConnectableContainerInterface_HEADER
15 #include <ossim/base/ossimConstants.h>
16 #include <ossim/base/ossimRtti.h>
17 #include <ossim/base/ossimId.h>
18 #include <ossim/base/ossimConnectableObject.h>
19 #include <vector>
21 class ossimString;
23 class OSSIMDLLEXPORT ossimConnectableContainerInterface
24 {
25 public:
ossimConnectableContainerInterface(ossimObject * obj)26    ossimConnectableContainerInterface(ossimObject* obj):theBaseObject(obj){}
~ossimConnectableContainerInterface()27    virtual ~ossimConnectableContainerInterface(){theBaseObject=NULL;}
29    /*!
30     * Will find all objects of the past in type.  Use the RTTI type info.  An optional
31     * recurse flag will say if there is another container then recurse it to
32     * find the type you are looking for else it just looks within its immediate
33     * children
34     *
35     * Example: passing STATIC_TYPE_INFO(ossimImageRenderer) as an argument will
36     *          look for all ossimImageRenderer's and return the list.
37     */
38    virtual ossimConnectableObject::ConnectableObjectList findAllObjectsOfType(const RTTItypeid& typeInfo,
39                                                                               bool recurse=true)=0;
40    virtual ossimConnectableObject::ConnectableObjectList findAllObjectsOfType(const ossimString& className,
41                                                                               bool recurse=true)=0;
43    /*!
44     * Will find the firt object of the past in type.  Use the RTTI type info.An optional
45     * recurse flag will say if there is another container then recurse it to
46     * find the type you are looking for else it just looks within its immediate
47     * children
48     *
49     * Example: passing STATIC_TYPE_INFO(ossimImageRenderer) as an argument will
50     *          look for the first ossimImageRenderer and return that object.
51     */
52    virtual ossimConnectableObject* findFirstObjectOfType(const RTTItypeid& typeInfo,
53                                                          bool recurse=true)=0;
55    virtual ossimConnectableObject* findFirstObjectOfType(const ossimString& className,
56                                                          bool recurse=true)=0;
58    /*!
59     * will search for the object given an id.  If recurse is true it will recurse
60     * to other containers.
61     */
62    virtual ossimConnectableObject* findObject(const ossimId& id,
63                                               bool recurse=true)=0;
65    virtual ossimConnectableObject* findObject(const ossimConnectableObject* obj,
66                                               bool recurse=true)=0;
67    /*!
68     * Will cycle through all sources setting their ids. the idLast wlil be updated
69     * so we can recurse into other containers.
70     */
71    virtual void makeUniqueIds()=0;
73    /*!
74     * Returns the number of objects within this container and all child containers.
75     */
76    virtual ossim_uint32 getNumberOfObjects(bool recurse=true)const=0;
79    /*!
80     * Will add an object to the container and then set the added objects owner
81     * to this.
82     */
83    virtual bool addChild(ossimConnectableObject* attachableObject)=0;
85    /*!
86     * Will remove the child from the container.  Changes the owner of the
87     * child to be NULL;
88     */
89    virtual bool removeChild(ossimConnectableObject* object)=0;
91    /*!
92     * Gives access to the this point of the base object that everyone derives
93     * from.
94     */
getObject()95    ossimObject*       getObject(){return theBaseObject;}
getObject()96    const ossimObject* getObject()const{return theBaseObject;}
98    /**
99     * @param index Index of object to get.
100     *
101     * @see getNumberOfObjects(false) to get the number of objects inside
102     * the container.
103     *
104     * @return Container's object at that index or NULL if out of range.
105     *
106     * @note This does not recurse into other containers.
107     */
108    virtual ossimConnectableObject* getConnectableObject(ossim_uint32 index)=0;
110    void deleteAllChildren();
111    virtual void getChildren(std::vector<ossimConnectableObject*>& children,
112                             bool immediateChildrenOnlyFlag)=0;
113 protected:
114    ossimObject* theBaseObject;
116 };
118 #endif