1 /*
2     SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
3     SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2002-2021 Umbrello UML Modeller Authors <umbrello-devel@kde.org>
4 */
6 #ifndef UMLOBJECT_H
7 #define UMLOBJECT_H
9 #include "basictypes.h"
10 #include "icon_utils.h"
11 #include "umlpackagelist.h"
13 //qt includes
14 #include <QDomDocument>
15 #include <QDomElement>
16 #include <QObject>
17 #include <QPointer>
18 #include <QString>
19 #include <QXmlStreamWriter>
21 class UMLActor;
22 class UMLArtifact;
23 class UMLAssociation;
24 class UMLAttribute;
25 class UMLCanvasObject;
26 class UMLCategory;
27 class UMLCheckConstraint;
28 class UMLClassifier;
29 class UMLClassifierListItem;
30 class UMLClassifierSet;
31 class UMLComponent;
32 class UMLDatatype;
33 class UMLEntity;
34 class UMLEntityAttribute;
35 class UMLEntityConstraint;
36 class UMLEnum;
37 class UMLEnumLiteral;
38 class UMLFolder;
39 class UMLForeignKeyConstraint;
40 class UMLInstance;
41 class UMLInstanceAttribute;
42 class UMLNode;
43 class UMLOperation;
44 class UMLPackage;
45 class UMLPort;
46 class UMLRole;
47 class UMLStereotype;
48 class UMLTemplate;
49 class UMLUniqueConstraint;
50 class UMLUseCase;
51 class UMLObjectPrivate;
53 /**
54  * This class is the non-graphical version of @ref UMLWidget.  These are
55  * created and maintained in the class @ref UMLDoc.  This class holds all
56  * the generic information needed for all UML objects.
57  *
58  * @ref clone needs to be implemented by each child class.
59  *
60  * @ref saveToXMI1 saves the XMI attributes of each specific model class.
61  * It needs to be implemented by each child class.
62  * For creating the XMI element and saving the common XMI parts,
63  * it can use the save1() method.
64  *
65  * @short The base class for UML objects.
66  * @author Paul Hensgen <phensgen@techie.com>
67  * Bugs and comments to umbrello-devel@kde.org or https://bugs.kde.org
68  */
69 class UMLObject : public QObject
70 {
71     Q_OBJECT
72     Q_ENUMS(ObjectType)
74 public:
75     enum ObjectType
76     {
77         ot_Unknown = -1,
78         ot_UMLObject  = 100,
79         ot_Actor,
80         ot_UseCase,
81         ot_Package,
82         ot_Interface,
83         ot_Datatype,
84         ot_Enum,
85         ot_Class,
86         ot_Instance,
87         ot_Association,
88         ot_Attribute,
89         ot_Operation,
90         ot_EnumLiteral,
91         ot_Template,
92         ot_Component,
93         ot_Artifact,
94         ot_Node,
95         ot_Stereotype,
96         ot_Role,
97         ot_Entity,
98         ot_EntityAttribute,
99         ot_Folder,
100         ot_EntityConstraint,
101         ot_UniqueConstraint,
102         ot_ForeignKeyConstraint,
103         ot_CheckConstraint,
104         ot_Category,
105         ot_Port,
106         ot_InstanceAttribute,
107         ot_SubSystem  ///< no real object type
108     };
110     static QString toString(ObjectType ot);
111     static QString toI18nString(ObjectType t);
112     static Icon_Utils::IconType toIcon(ObjectType t);
114     explicit UMLObject(const UMLObject& other);
115     explicit UMLObject(UMLObject* parent, const QString& name, Uml::ID::Type id = Uml::ID::None);
116     explicit UMLObject(UMLObject* parent);
117     explicit UMLObject(const QString& name = QString(), Uml::ID::Type id = Uml::ID::None);
118     virtual ~UMLObject();
120     bool operator==(const UMLObject & rhs) const;
122     virtual void copyInto(UMLObject *lhs) const;
124     virtual UMLObject* clone() const;
126     virtual void setBaseType(ObjectType ot);
127     ObjectType baseType() const;
128     QLatin1String baseTypeStr() const;
130     virtual void setID(Uml::ID::Type NewID);
131     virtual Uml::ID::Type id() const;
133     QString doc() const;
134     bool hasDoc() const;
135     void setDoc(const QString &d);
137     void setVisibility(Uml::Visibility::Enum visibility);
138     void setVisibilityCmd(Uml::Visibility::Enum visibility);
139     Uml::Visibility::Enum visibility() const;
141     void setStereotype(const QString &_name);
142     void setStereotypeCmd(const QString &_name);
143     QString stereotype(bool includeAdornments = false) const;
145     void setUMLStereotype(UMLStereotype *stereo);
146     UMLStereotype *umlStereotype() const;
148     QStringList& tags();
150     QString package(const QString& separator = QString(),
151                     bool includeRoot = false) const;
153     UMLPackageList packages(bool includeRoot = false) const;
155     bool setUMLPackage(UMLPackage* pPkg);
156     UMLPackage* umlPackage() const;
158     void setUMLParent(UMLObject* parent);
159     UMLObject* umlParent() const;
161     virtual void setName(const QString &strName);
162     virtual void setNameCmd(const QString &strName) ;
163     QString name() const;
165     virtual QString fullyQualifiedName(const QString& separator = QString(),
166                                        bool includeRoot = false) const;
168     void setAbstract(bool bAbstract);
169     bool isAbstract() const;
171     virtual bool showPropertiesDialog(QWidget* parent = 0);
173     virtual bool resolveRef();
175     virtual void saveToXMI1(QXmlStreamWriter& writer);
176     virtual bool loadFromXMI1(QDomElement & element);
178     bool loadStereotype(QDomElement & element);
180     void setStatic(bool bStatic);
181     bool isStatic() const;
183     virtual bool acceptAssociationType(Uml::AssociationType::Enum) const;  //:TODO: check if this is really needed here
185     void setSecondaryId(const QString& id);
186     QString secondaryId() const;
188     void setSecondaryFallback(const QString& id);
189     QString secondaryFallback() const;
191     void save1(const QString& tag, QXmlStreamWriter& writer);
193     friend QDebug operator<< (QDebug out, const UMLObject& obj);
isUMLActor()195     bool isUMLActor()                const { return baseType() == ot_Actor; }
isUMLArtifact()196     bool isUMLArtifact()             const { return baseType() == ot_Artifact; }
isUMLAssociation()197     bool isUMLAssociation()          const { return baseType() == ot_Association; }
isUMLAttribute()198     bool isUMLAttribute()            const { return baseType() == ot_Attribute; }
199     //bool isUMLCanvasObject()         const { return baseType() == ot_CanvasObject; }
isUMLCategory()200     bool isUMLCategory()             const { return baseType() == ot_Category; }
isUMLCheckConstraint()201     bool isUMLCheckConstraint()      const { return baseType() == ot_CheckConstraint; }
isUMLClassifier()202     bool isUMLClassifier()           const { return baseType() == ot_Class; }
isUMLComponent()203     bool isUMLComponent()            const { return baseType() == ot_Component; }
isUMLDatatype()204     bool isUMLDatatype()             const { return baseType() == ot_Datatype; }
isUMLEntity()205     bool isUMLEntity()               const { return baseType() == ot_Entity; }
isUMLEntityAttribute()206     bool isUMLEntityAttribute()      const { return baseType() == ot_EntityAttribute; }
isUMLEntityConstraint()207     bool isUMLEntityConstraint()     const { return baseType() == ot_EntityConstraint; }
isUMLEnum()208     bool isUMLEnum()                 const { return baseType() == ot_Enum; }
isUMLEnumLiteral()209     bool isUMLEnumLiteral()          const { return baseType() == ot_EnumLiteral; }
isUMLFolder()210     bool isUMLFolder()               const { return baseType() == ot_Folder; }
isUMLForeignKeyConstraint()211     bool isUMLForeignKeyConstraint() const { return baseType() == ot_ForeignKeyConstraint; }
isUMLInstance()212     bool isUMLInstance()             const { return baseType() == ot_Instance; }
isUMLInstanceAttribute()213     bool isUMLInstanceAttribute()    const { return baseType() == ot_InstanceAttribute; }
isUMLNode()214     bool isUMLNode()                 const { return baseType() == ot_Node; }
isUMLObject()215     bool isUMLObject()               const { return baseType() == ot_UMLObject; }
isUMLOperation()216     bool isUMLOperation()            const { return baseType() == ot_Operation; }
isUMLPackage()217     bool isUMLPackage()              const { return baseType() == ot_Package; }
isUMLPort()218     bool isUMLPort()                 const { return baseType() == ot_Port; }
isUMLRole()219     bool isUMLRole()                 const { return baseType() == ot_Role; }
isUMLStereotype()220     bool isUMLStereotype()           const { return baseType() == ot_Stereotype; }
isUMLTemplate()221     bool isUMLTemplate()             const { return baseType() == ot_Template; }
isUMLUniqueConstraint()222     bool isUMLUniqueConstraint()     const { return baseType() == ot_UniqueConstraint; }
isUMLUseCase()223     bool isUMLUseCase()              const { return baseType() == ot_UseCase; }
225     UMLActor                 * asUMLActor();
226     UMLArtifact              * asUMLArtifact();
227     UMLAssociation           * asUMLAssociation();
228     UMLAttribute             * asUMLAttribute();
229     UMLCanvasObject          * asUMLCanvasObject();
230     UMLCategory              * asUMLCategory();
231     UMLCheckConstraint       * asUMLCheckConstraint();
232     UMLClassifier            * asUMLClassifier();
233     UMLClassifierListItem    * asUMLClassifierListItem();
234     UMLClassifierSet         * asUMLClassifierSet();
235     UMLComponent             * asUMLComponent();
236     UMLDatatype              * asUMLDatatype();
237     UMLEntity                * asUMLEntity();
238     UMLEntityAttribute       * asUMLEntityAttribute();
239     UMLEntityConstraint      * asUMLEntityConstraint();
240     UMLEnum                  * asUMLEnum();
241     UMLEnumLiteral           * asUMLEnumLiteral();
242     UMLFolder                * asUMLFolder();
243     UMLForeignKeyConstraint  * asUMLForeignKeyConstraint();
244     UMLInstance              * asUMLInstance();
245     UMLInstanceAttribute     * asUMLInstanceAttribute();
246     UMLNode                  * asUMLNode();
247     UMLObject                * asUMLObject();
248     UMLOperation             * asUMLOperation();
249     UMLPackage               * asUMLPackage();
250     UMLPort                  * asUMLPort();
251     UMLRole                  * asUMLRole();
252     UMLStereotype            * asUMLStereotype();
253     UMLTemplate              * asUMLTemplate();
254     UMLUniqueConstraint      * asUMLUniqueConstraint();
255     UMLUseCase               * asUMLUseCase();
257 public slots:
258     void emitModified();
260 signals:
261     void modified();
263 protected:
264     void init();
266     void maybeSignalObjectCreated();
268     void save1end(QXmlStreamWriter& writer);
270     virtual bool load1(QDomElement& element);
272     Uml::ID::Type          m_nId;          ///< object's id
273     QString                m_Doc;          ///< object's documentation
274     QPointer<UMLStereotype> m_pStereotype;  ///< stereotype of the object if applicable
275     QString                m_name;         ///< objects name
276     ObjectType             m_BaseType;     ///< objects type
277     Uml::Visibility::Enum  m_visibility;   ///< objects visibility
278     bool                   m_bAbstract;    ///< state of whether the object is abstract or not
279     bool                   m_bStatic;      ///< flag for instance scope
280     bool                   m_bInPaste;     ///< caller sets this true when in paste operation
281     bool        m_bCreationWasSignalled;   ///< auxiliary to maybeSignalObjectCreated()
282     QPointer<UMLObject>    m_pSecondary;   ///< pointer to an associated object
283                                            ///< Only a few of the classes inheriting from UMLObject use this.
284                                            ///< However, it needs to be here because of inheritance graph
285                                            ///< disjunctness.
286     QString                m_SecondaryId;  ///< xmi.id of the secondary object for intermediate use during
287                                            ///< loading. The secondary ID is resolved to the m_pSecondary
288                                            ///< in the course of resolveRef() at the end of loading.
289     QString           m_SecondaryFallback; ///< Last-chance backup for when m_SecondaryId is not found.
290                                            ///< Used by Rose import: MDL files specify both a "quidu"
291                                            ///< (which corresponds to m_SecondaryId) and the human readable
292                                            ///< fully qualified target name of a reference.
293                                            ///< In case the quidu is not found, the human readable name is
294                                            ///< used which we store in m_SecondaryFallback.
295     QStringList m_TaggedValues;            ///< Concrete values of UMLStereotype::AttributeDefs if a
296                                            ///< stereotype is applied and has attributes.
297                                            ///< The order of elements is the same as in
298                                            ///< UMLStereotype::AttributeDefs.
299                                            ///< At most N_STEREOATTRS are used (see dialogs/n_stereoattrs.h)
300     UMLObjectPrivate *m_d;                 ///< private data
301     friend class ObjectsModel;
302 };
304 #endif