1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3import sys
4import apsw
5import shlex
6import os
7import csv
8import re
9import textwrap
10import time
11import codecs
12import base64
14if sys.platform == "win32":
15    _win_colour = False
16    try:
17        import colorama
18        colorama.init()
19        del colorama
20        _win_colour = True
21    except:  # there are several failure reasons, ignore them all
22        pass
25class Shell(object):
26    """Implements a SQLite shell
28    :param stdin: Where to read input from (default sys.stdin)
29    :param stdout: Where to send output (default sys.stdout)
30    :param stderr: Where to send errors (default sys.stderr)
31    :param encoding: Default encoding for files opened/created by the
32      Shell.  If you want stdin/out/err to use a particular encoding
33      then you need to provide them `already configured <http://docs.python.org/library/codecs.html#codecs.open>`__ that way.
34    :param args: This should be program arguments only (ie if
35      passing in sys.argv do not include sys.argv[0] which is the
36      program name.  You can also pass in None and then call
37      :meth:`process_args` if you want to catch any errors
38      in handling the arguments yourself.
39    :param db: A existing :class:`Connection` you wish to use
41    The commands and behaviour are modelled after the `interactive
42    shell <https://sqlite.org/sqlite.html>`__ that is part of
43    SQLite.
45    You can inherit from this class to embed in your own code and user
46    interface.  Internally everything is handled as unicode.
47    Conversions only happen at the point of input or output which you
48    can override in your own code.
50    Errors and diagnostics are only ever sent to error output
51    (self.stderr) and never to the regular output (self.stdout).  This
52    means using shell output is always easy and consistent.
54    Shell commands begin with a dot (eg .help).  They are implemented
55    as a method named after the command (eg command_help).  The method
56    is passed one parameter which is the list of arguments to the
57    command.
59    Output modes are implemented by functions named after the mode (eg
60    output_column).
62    When you request help the help information is automatically
63    generated from the docstrings for the command and output
64    functions.
66    You should not use a Shell object concurrently from multiple
67    threads.  It is one huge set of state information which would
68    become inconsistent if used simultaneously, and then give baffling
69    errors.  It is safe to call methods one at a time from different
70    threads.  ie it doesn't care what thread calls methods as long as
71    you don't call more than one concurrently.
72    """
73    class Error(Exception):
74        """Class raised on errors.  The expectation is that the error
75        will be displayed by the shell as text so there are no
76        specific subclasses as the distinctions between different
77        types of errors doesn't matter."""
78        pass
80    def __init__(self, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, encoding="utf8", args=None, db=None):
81        """Create instance, set defaults and do argument processing."""
82        super(Shell, self).__init__()
83        # The parameter doc has to be in main class doc as sphinx
84        # ignores any described here
85        self.exceptions = False
86        self.history_file = "~/.sqlite_history"
87        self._db = None
88        self.dbfilename = None
89        if db:
90            self.db = db, db.filename
91        else:
92            self.db = None, None
93        self.prompt = "sqlite> "
94        self.moreprompt = "    ..> "
95        self.separator = "|"
96        self.bail = False
97        self.echo = False
98        self.timer = False
99        self.header = False
100        self.nullvalue = ""
101        self.output = self.output_list
102        self._output_table = self._fmt_sql_identifier("table")
103        self.widths = []
104        # do we truncate output in list mode?  (explain doesn't, regular does)
105        self.truncate = True
106        # a stack of previous outputs. turning on explain saves previous, off restores
107        self._output_stack = []
109        # other stuff
110        self.set_encoding(encoding)
111        if stdin is None: stdin = sys.stdin
112        if stdout is None: stdout = sys.stdout
113        if stderr is None: stderr = sys.stderr
114        self.stdin = stdin
115        self.stdout = stdout
116        self._original_stdout = stdout
117        self.stderr = stderr
118        # we don't become interactive until the command line args are
119        # successfully parsed and acted upon
120        self.interactive = None
121        # current colouring object
122        self.command_colour()  # set to default
123        self._using_readline = False
124        self._input_stack = []
125        self.input_line_number = 0
126        self.push_input()
127        self.push_output()
128        self._input_descriptions = []
130        if args:
131            try:
132                self.process_args(args)
133            except:
134                if len(self._input_descriptions):
135                    self._input_descriptions.append("Processing command line arguments")
136                self.handle_exception()
137                raise
139        if self.interactive is None:
140            self.interactive = getattr(self.stdin, "isatty", False) and self.stdin.isatty() and getattr(
141                self.stdout, "isatty", False) and self.stdout.isatty()
143    def _ensure_db(self):
144        "The database isn't opened until first use.  This function ensures it is now open."
145        if not self._db:
146            if not self.dbfilename:
147                self.dbfilename = ":memory:"
148            self._db = apsw.Connection(self.dbfilename,
149                                       flags=apsw.SQLITE_OPEN_URI | apsw.SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE
150                                       | apsw.SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE)
151        return self._db
153    def _set_db(self, newv):
154        "Sets the open database (or None) and filename"
155        (db, dbfilename) = newv
156        if self._db:
157            self._db.close(True)
158            self._db = None
159        self._db = db
160        self.dbfilename = dbfilename
162    db = property(_ensure_db, _set_db, None, "The current :class:`Connection`")
164    def process_args(self, args):
165        """Process command line options specified in args.  It is safe to
166        call this multiple times.  We try to be compatible with SQLite shell
167        argument parsing.
169        :param args: A list of string options.  Do not include the
170           program as args[0]
172        :returns: A tuple of (databasefilename, initfiles,
173           sqlncommands).  This is provided for informational purposes
174           only - they have already been acted upon.  An example use
175           is that the SQLite shell does not enter the main interactive
176           loop if any sql/commands were provided.
178        The first non-option is the database file name.  Each
179        remaining non-option is treated as a complete input (ie it
180        isn't joined with others looking for a trailing semi-colon).
182        The SQLite shell uses single dash in front of options.  We
183        allow both single and double dashes.  When an unrecognized
184        argument is encountered then
185        :meth:`process_unknown_args` is called.
186        """
187        # we don't use optparse as we need to use single dashes for
188        # options - all hand parsed
189        if not args:
190            return None, [], []
192        # are options still valid?
193        options = True
194        # have we seen the database name?
195        havedbname = False
196        # List of init files to read
197        inits = []
198        # List of sql/dot commands
199        sqls = []
201        while args:
202            if not options or not args[0].startswith("-"):
203                options = False
204                if not havedbname:
205                    # grab new database
206                    self.db = None, args[0]
207                    havedbname = True
208                else:
209                    sqls.append(args[0])
210                args = args[1:]
211                continue
213            # remove initial single or double dash
214            args[0] = args[0][1:]
215            if args[0].startswith("-"):
216                args[0] = args[0][1:]
218            if args[0] == "init":
219                if len(args) < 2:
220                    raise self.Error("You need to specify a filename after -init")
221                inits.append(args[1])
222                args = args[2:]
223                continue
225            if args[0] == "header" or args[0] == "noheader":
226                self.header = args[0] == "header"
227                args = args[1:]
228                continue
230            if args[0] in ("echo", "bail", "interactive"):
231                setattr(self, args[0], True)
232                args = args[1:]
233                continue
235            if args[0] == "batch":
236                self.interactive = False
237                args = args[1:]
238                continue
240            if args[0] in ("separator", "nullvalue", "encoding"):
241                if len(args) < 2:
242                    raise self.Error("You need to specify a value after -" + args[0])
243                getattr(self, "command_" + args[0])([args[1]])
244                args = args[2:]
245                continue
247            if args[0] == "version":
248                self.write(self.stdout, apsw.sqlitelibversion() + "\n")
249                # A pretty gnarly thing to do
250                sys.exit(0)
252            if args[0] == "help":
253                self.write(self.stderr, self.usage())
254                sys.exit(0)
256            if args[0] in ("no-colour", "no-color", "nocolour", "nocolor"):
257                self.colour_scheme = "off"
258                self._out_colour()
259                args = args[1:]
260                continue
262            # only remaining known args are output modes
263            if getattr(self, "output_" + args[0], None):
264                self.command_mode(args[:1])
265                args = args[1:]
266                continue
268            newargs = self.process_unknown_args(args)
269            if newargs is None:
270                raise self.Error("Unrecognized argument '" + args[0] + "'")
271            args = newargs
273        for f in inits:
274            self.command_read([f])
276        for s in sqls:
277            self.process_complete_line(s)
279        return self.dbfilename, inits, sqls
281    def process_unknown_args(self, args):
282        """This is called when :meth:`process_args` encounters an
283        argument it doesn't understand.  Override this method if you
284        want to be able to understand additional command line arguments.
286        :param args: A list of the remaining arguments.  The initial one will
287           have had the leading dashes removed (eg if it was --foo on the command
288           line then args[0] will be "foo"
289        :returns: None if you don't recognize the argument either.  Otherwise
290           return the list of remaining arguments after you have processed
291           yours.
292        """
293        return None
295    def usage(self):
296        "Returns the usage message.  Make sure it is newline terminated"
298        msg = """
299Usage: program [OPTIONS] FILENAME [SQL|CMD] [SQL|CMD]...
300FILENAME is the name of a SQLite database. A new database is
301created if the file does not exist.
302OPTIONS include:
303   -init filename       read/process named file
304   -echo                print commands before execution
305   -[no]header          turn headers on or off
306   -bail                stop after hitting an error
307   -interactive         force interactive I/O
308   -batch               force batch I/O
309   -column              set output mode to 'column'
310   -csv                 set output mode to 'csv'
311   -html                set output mode to 'html'
312   -line                set output mode to 'line'
313   -list                set output mode to 'list'
314   -python              set output mode to 'python'
315   -separator 'x'       set output field separator (|)
316   -nullvalue 'text'    set text string for NULL values
317   -version             show SQLite version
318   -encoding 'name'     the encoding to use for files
319                        opened via .import, .read & .output
320   -nocolour            disables colour output to screen
322        return msg.lstrip()
324    ###
325    ### Value formatting routines.  They take a value and return a
326    ### text formatting of them.  Mostly used by the various output's
327    ### but also by random other pieces of code.
328    ###
330    _binary_type = eval(("buffer", "bytes")[sys.version_info >= (3, 0)])
331    _basestring = eval(("basestring", "str")[sys.version_info >= (3, 0)])
333    # bytes that are ok in C strings - no need for quoting
334    _printable = [
335        ord(x) for x in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789~!@#$%^&*()`_-+={}[]:;,.<>/?|"
336    ]
338    def _fmt_c_string(self, v):
339        "Format as a C string including surrounding double quotes"
340        if isinstance(v, self._basestring):
341            op = ['"']
342            for c in v:
343                if c == "\\":
344                    op.append("\\\\")
345                elif c == "\r":
346                    op.append("\\r")
347                elif c == "\n":
348                    op.append("\\n")
349                elif c == "\t":
350                    op.append("\\t")
351                elif ord(c) not in self._printable:
352                    op.append("\\" + c)
353                else:
354                    op.append(c)
355            op.append('"')
356            return "".join(op)
357        elif v is None:
358            return '"' + self.nullvalue + '"'
359        elif isinstance(v, self._binary_type):
360            if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
361                o = lambda x: ord(x)
362                fromc = lambda x: x
363            else:
364                o = lambda x: x
365                fromc = lambda x: chr(x)
366            res = ['"']
367            for c in v:
368                if o(c) in self._printable:
369                    res.append(fromc(c))
370                else:
371                    res.append("\\x%02X" % (o(c), ))
372            res.append('"')
373            return "".join(res)
374        else:
375            # number of some kind
376            return '"%s"' % (v, )
378    def _fmt_html_col(self, v):
379        "Format as HTML (mainly escaping &/</>"
380        return self._fmt_text_col(v).\
381           replace("&", "&amp;"). \
382           replace(">", "&gt;"). \
383           replace("<", "&lt;"). \
384           replace("'", "&apos;"). \
385           replace('"', "&quot;")
387    def _fmt_json_value(self, v):
388        "Format a value."
389        if isinstance(v, self._basestring):
390            # we assume utf8 so only some characters need to be escaed
391            op = ['"']
392            for c in v:
393                if c == "\\":
394                    op.append("\\\\")
395                elif c == "\r":
396                    op.append("\\r")
397                elif c == "\n":
398                    op.append("\\n")
399                elif c == "\t":
400                    op.append("\\t")
401                elif c == "/":  # yes you have to escape forward slash for some reason
402                    op.append("\\/")
403                elif c == '"':
404                    op.append("\\" + c)
405                elif c == "\\b":
406                    op.append("\\b")
407                elif c == "\\f":
408                    op.append("\\f")
409                else:
410                    # It isn't clear when \u sequences *must* be used.
411                    # Assuming not needed due to utf8 output which
412                    # corresponds to what rfc4627 implies.
413                    op.append(c)
414            op.append('"')
415            return "".join(op)
416        elif v is None:
417            return 'null'
418        elif isinstance(v, self._binary_type):
419            if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
420                o = base64.encodestring(v)
421            else:
422                o = base64.encodebytes(v).decode("ascii")
423            if o[-1] == "\n":
424                o = o[:-1]
425            return '"' + o + '"'
426        else:
427            # number of some kind
428            return '%s' % (v, )
430    def _fmt_python(self, v):
431        "Format as python literal"
432        if v is None:
433            return "None"
434        elif isinstance(v, self._basestring):
435            return repr(v)
436        elif isinstance(v, self._binary_type):
437            if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
438                res = ["buffer(\""]
439                for i in v:
440                    if ord(i) in self._printable:
441                        res.append(i)
442                    else:
443                        res.append("\\x%02X" % (ord(i), ))
444                res.append("\")")
445                return "".join(res)
446            else:
447                res = ['b"']
448                for i in v:
449                    if i in self._printable:
450                        res.append(chr(i))
451                    else:
452                        res.append("\\x%02X" % (i, ))
453                res.append('"')
454                return "".join(res)
455        else:
456            return "%s" % (v, )
458    def _fmt_sql_identifier(self, v):
459        "Return the identifier quoted in SQL syntax if needed (eg table and column names)"
460        if not len(v):  # yes sqlite does allow zero length identifiers
461            return '""'
462        nonalnum = re.sub("[A-Za-z_0-9]+", "", v)
463        if len(nonalnum) == 0:
464            if v.upper() not in self._sqlite_reserved:
465                # Ok providing it doesn't start with a digit
466                if v[0] not in "0123456789":
467                    return v
468        # double quote it unless there are any double quotes in it
469        if '"' in nonalnum:
470            return "[%s]" % (v, )
471        return '"%s"' % (v, )
473    def _fmt_text_col(self, v):
474        "Regular text formatting"
475        if v is None:
476            return self.nullvalue
477        elif isinstance(v, self._basestring):
478            return v
479        elif isinstance(v, self._binary_type):
480            # sqlite gives back raw bytes!
481            return "<Binary data>"
482        else:
483            return "%s" % (v, )
485    ###
486    ### The various output routines.  They are always called with the
487    ### header irrespective of the setting allowing for some per query
488    ### setup. (see output_column for example).  The doc strings are
489    ### used to generate help.
490    ###
492    def output_column(self, header, line):
493        """
494        Items left aligned in space padded columns.  They are
495        truncated if they do not fit. If the width hasn't been
496        specified for a column then 10 is used unless the column name
497        (header) is longer in which case that width is used.  Use the
498        .width command to change column sizes.
499        """
500        # as an optimization we calculate self._actualwidths which is
501        # reset for each query
502        if header:
504            def gw(n):
505                if n < len(self.widths) and self.widths[n] != 0:
506                    return self.widths[n]
507                # if width is not present or 0 then autosize
508                text = self._fmt_text_col(line[n])
509                return max(len(text), 10)
511            widths = [gw(i) for i in range(len(line))]
513            if self.truncate:
514                self._actualwidths = ["%" + ("-%d.%ds", "%d.%ds")[w < 0] % (abs(w), abs(w)) for w in widths]
515            else:
516                self._actualwidths = ["%" + ("-%ds", "%ds")[w < 0] % (abs(w), ) for w in widths]
518            if self.header:
519                # output the headers
520                c = self.colour
521                cols = [
522                    c.header + (self._actualwidths[i] % (self._fmt_text_col(line[i]), )) + c.header_
523                    for i in range(len(line))
524                ]
525                # sqlite shell uses two spaces between columns
526                self.write(self.stdout, "  ".join(cols) + "\n")
527                if c is self._colours["off"]:
528                    self.output_column(False, ["-" * abs(widths[i]) for i in range(len(widths))])
529            return
530        cols = [
531            self.colour.colour_value(line[i], self._actualwidths[i] % (self._fmt_text_col(line[i]), ))
532            for i in range(len(line))
533        ]
534        # sqlite shell uses two spaces between columns
535        self.write(self.stdout, "  ".join(cols) + "\n")
537    output_columns = output_column
539    def output_csv(self, header, line):
540        """
541        Items in csv format (comma separated).  Use tabs mode for tab
542        separated.  You can use the .separator command to use a
543        different one after switching mode.  A separator of comma uses
544        double quotes for quoting while other separators do not do any
545        quoting.  The Python csv library used for this only supports
546        single character separators.
547        """
549        # we use self._csv for the work, setup when header is
550        # supplied. _csv is a tuple of a StringIO and the csv.writer
551        # instance.
553        # Sigh
554        if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
555            fixdata = lambda x: x.encode("utf8")
556        else:
557            fixdata = lambda x: x
559        if header:
560            if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
561                import StringIO as io
562            else:
563                import io
564            s = io.StringIO()
565            kwargs = {}
566            if self.separator == ",":
567                kwargs["dialect"] = "excel"
568            elif self.separator == "\t":
569                kwargs["dialect"] = "excel-tab"
570            else:
571                kwargs["quoting"] = csv.QUOTE_NONE
572                kwargs["delimiter"] = fixdata(self.separator)
573                kwargs["doublequote"] = False
574                # csv module is bug ridden junk - I already say no
575                # quoting so it still looks for the quotechar and then
576                # gets upset that it can't be quoted.  Which bit of no
577                # quoting was ambiguous?
578                kwargs["quotechar"] = "\x00"
580            writer = csv.writer(s, **kwargs)
581            self._csv = (s, writer)
582            if self.header:
583                self.output_csv(None, line)
584            return
586        if header is None:
587            c = self.colour
588            line = [c.header + fixdata(self._fmt_text_col(l)) + c.header_ for l in line]
589        else:
590            fmt = lambda x: self.colour.colour_value(x, fixdata(self._fmt_text_col(x)))
591            line = [fmt(l) for l in line]
592        self._csv[1].writerow(line)
593        t = self._csv[0].getvalue()
594        if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
595            t = t.decode("utf8")
596        # csv lib always does DOS eol
597        assert (t.endswith("\r\n"))
598        t = t[:-2]
599        # should not be other eol irregularities
600        assert (not t.endswith("\r") and not t.endswith("\n"))
601        self.write(self.stdout, t + "\n")
602        self._csv[0].truncate(0)
603        self._csv[0].seek(0)
605    def output_html(self, header, line):
606        "HTML table style"
607        if header:
608            if not self.header:
609                return
610            fmt = lambda x: self.colour.header + self._fmt_html_col(x) + self.colour.header_
611        else:
612            fmt = lambda x: self.colour.colour_value(x, self._fmt_html_col(x))
613        line = [fmt(l) for l in line]
614        out = ["<TR>"]
615        for l in line:
616            out.append(("<TD>", "<TH>")[header])
617            out.append(l)
618            out.append(("</TD>\n", "</TH>\n")[header])
619        out.append("</TR>\n")
620        self.write(self.stdout, "".join(out))
622    def output_insert(self, header, line):
623        """
624        Lines as SQL insert statements.  The table name is "table"
625        unless you specified a different one as the second parameter
626        to the .mode command.
627        """
628        if header:
629            return
630        fmt = lambda x: self.colour.colour_value(x, apsw.format_sql_value(x))
631        out = "INSERT INTO " + self._output_table + " VALUES(" + ",".join([fmt(l) for l in line]) + ");\n"
632        self.write(self.stdout, out)
634    def output_json(self, header, line):
635        """
636        Each line as a JSON object with a trailing comma.  Blobs are
637        output as base64 encoded strings.  You should be using UTF8
638        output encoding.
639        """
640        if header:
641            self._output_json_cols = line
642            return
643        fmt = lambda x: self.colour.colour_value(x, self._fmt_json_value(x))
644        out = ["%s: %s" % (self._fmt_json_value(k), fmt(line[i])) for i, k in enumerate(self._output_json_cols)]
645        self.write(self.stdout, "{ " + ", ".join(out) + "},\n")
647    def output_line(self, header, line):
648        """
649        One value per line in the form 'column = value' with a blank
650        line between rows.
651        """
652        if header:
653            w = 5
654            for l in line:
655                if len(l) > w:
656                    w = len(l)
657            self._line_info = (w, line)
658            return
659        fmt = lambda x: self.colour.colour_value(x, self._fmt_text_col(x))
660        w = self._line_info[0]
661        for i in range(len(line)):
662            self.write(self.stdout, "%*s = %s\n" % (w, self._line_info[1][i], fmt(line[i])))
663        self.write(self.stdout, "\n")
665    output_lines = output_line
667    def output_list(self, header, line):
668        "All items on one line with separator"
669        if header:
670            if not self.header:
671                return
672            c = self.colour
673            fmt = lambda x: c.header + x + c.header_
674        else:
675            fmt = lambda x: self.colour.colour_value(x, self._fmt_text_col(x))
676        self.write(self.stdout, self.separator.join([fmt(x) for x in line]) + "\n")
678    def output_python(self, header, line):
679        "Tuples in Python source form for each row"
680        if header:
681            if not self.header:
682                return
683            c = self.colour
684            fmt = lambda x: c.header + self._fmt_python(x) + c.header_
685        else:
686            fmt = lambda x: self.colour.colour_value(x, self._fmt_python(x))
687        self.write(self.stdout, '(' + ", ".join([fmt(l) for l in line]) + "),\n")
689    def output_tcl(self, header, line):
690        "Outputs TCL/C style strings using current separator"
691        # In theory you could paste the output into your source ...
692        if header:
693            if not self.header:
694                return
695            c = self.colour
696            fmt = lambda x: c.header + self._fmt_c_string(x) + c.header_
697        else:
698            fmt = lambda x: self.colour.colour_value(x, self._fmt_c_string(x))
699        self.write(self.stdout, self.separator.join([fmt(l) for l in line]) + "\n")
701    def _output_summary(self, summary):
702        # internal routine to output a summary line or two
703        self.write(self.stdout, self.colour.summary + summary + self.colour.summary_)
705    ###
706    ### Various routines
707    ###
709    def cmdloop(self, intro=None):
710        """Runs the main interactive command loop.
712        :param intro: Initial text banner to display instead of the
713           default.  Make sure you newline terminate it.
714        """
715        if intro is None:
716            intro = """
717SQLite version %s (APSW %s)
718Enter ".help" for instructions
719Enter SQL statements terminated with a ";"
720""" % (apsw.sqlitelibversion(), apsw.apswversion())
721            intro = intro.lstrip()
722        if self.interactive and intro:
723            if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
724                intro = unicode(intro)
725            c = self.colour
726            self.write(self.stdout, c.intro + intro + c.intro_)
728        using_readline = False
729        try:
730            if self.interactive and self.stdin is sys.stdin:
731                import readline
732                old_completer = readline.get_completer()
733                readline.set_completer(self.complete)
734                readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
735                using_readline = True
736                try:
737                    readline.read_history_file(os.path.expanduser(self.history_file))
738                except:
739                    # We only expect IOError here but if the history
740                    # file does not exist and this code has been
741                    # compiled into the module it is possible to get
742                    # an IOError that doesn't match the IOError from
743                    # Python parse time resulting in an IOError
744                    # exception being raised.  Consequently we just
745                    # catch all exceptions.
746                    pass
747        except ImportError:
748            pass
750        try:
751            while True:
752                self._input_descriptions = []
753                if using_readline:
754                    # we drop completion cache because it contains
755                    # table and column names which could have changed
756                    # with last executed SQL
757                    self._completion_cache = None
758                    self._using_readline = True
759                try:
760                    command = self.getcompleteline()
761                    if command is None:  # EOF
762                        return
763                    self.process_complete_line(command)
764                except:
765                    self._append_input_description()
766                    try:
767                        self.handle_exception()
768                    except UnicodeDecodeError:
769                        self.handle_exception()
770        finally:
771            if using_readline:
772                readline.set_completer(old_completer)
773                readline.set_history_length(256)
774                readline.write_history_file(os.path.expanduser(self.history_file))
776    def handle_exception(self):
777        """Handles the current exception, printing a message to stderr as appropriate.
778        It will reraise the exception if necessary (eg if bail is true)"""
779        eclass, eval, etb = sys.exc_info()  # py2&3 compatible way of doing this
780        if isinstance(eval, SystemExit):
781            eval._handle_exception_saw_this = True
782            raise
784        self._out_colour()
785        self.write(self.stderr, self.colour.error)
787        if isinstance(eval, KeyboardInterrupt):
788            self.handle_interrupt()
789            text = "Interrupted"
790        else:
791            text = str(eval)
793        if not text.endswith("\n"):
794            text = text + "\n"
796        if len(self._input_descriptions):
797            for i in range(len(self._input_descriptions)):
798                if i == 0:
799                    pref = "At "
800                else:
801                    pref = " " * i + "From "
802                self.write(self.stderr, pref + self._input_descriptions[i] + "\n")
804        self.write(self.stderr, text)
805        if self.exceptions:
806            stack = []
807            while etb:
808                stack.append(etb.tb_frame)
809                etb = etb.tb_next
811            for frame in stack:
812                self.write(
813                    self.stderr,
814                    "\nFrame %s in %s at line %d\n" % (frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno))
815                vars = list(frame.f_locals.items())
816                vars.sort()
817                for k, v in vars:
818                    try:
819                        v = repr(v)[:80]
820                    except:
821                        v = "<Unable to convert to string>"
822                    self.write(self.stderr, "%10s = %s\n" % (k, v))
823            self.write(self.stderr, "\n%s: %s\n" % (eclass, repr(eval)))
825        self.write(self.stderr, self.colour.error_)
827        eval._handle_exception_saw_this = True
828        if self.bail:
829            raise
831    def process_sql(self, sql, bindings=None, internal=False, summary=None):
832        """Processes SQL text consisting of one or more statements
834        :param sql: SQL to execute
836        :param bindings: bindings for the *sql*
838        :param internal: If True then this is an internal execution
839          (eg the .tables or .database command).  When executing
840          internal sql timings are not shown nor is the SQL echoed.
842        :param summary: If not None then should be a tuple of two
843          items.  If the ``sql`` returns any data then the first item
844          is printed before the first row, and the second item is
845          printed after the last row.  An example usage is the .find
846          command which shows table names.
847        """
848        cur = self.db.cursor()
849        # we need to know when each new statement is executed
850        state = {'newsql': True, 'timing': None}
852        def et(cur, sql, bindings):
853            state['newsql'] = True
854            # if time reporting, do so now
855            if not internal and self.timer:
856                if state['timing']:
857                    self.display_timing(state['timing'], self.get_resource_usage())
858            # print statement if echo is on
859            if not internal and self.echo:
860                # ? should we strip leading and trailing whitespace? backslash quote stuff?
861                if bindings:
862                    self.write(self.stderr, "%s [%s]\n" % (sql, bindings))
863                else:
864                    self.write(self.stderr, sql + "\n")
865            # save resource from beginning of command (ie don't include echo time above)
866            if not internal and self.timer:
867                state['timing'] = self.get_resource_usage()
868            return True
870        cur.setexectrace(et)
871        # processing loop
872        try:
873            for row in cur.execute(sql, bindings):
874                if state['newsql']:
875                    # summary line?
876                    if summary:
877                        self._output_summary(summary[0])
878                    # output a header always
879                    cols = [h for h, d in cur.getdescription()]
880                    self.output(True, cols)
881                    state['newsql'] = False
882                self.output(False, row)
883            if not state['newsql'] and summary:
884                self._output_summary(summary[1])
885        except:
886            # If echo is on and the sql to execute is a syntax error
887            # then the exec tracer won't have seen it so it won't be
888            # printed and the user will be wondering exactly what sql
889            # had the error.  We look in the traceback and deduce if
890            # the error was happening in a prepare or not.  Also we
891            # need to ignore the case where SQLITE_SCHEMA happened and
892            # a reprepare is being done since the exec tracer will
893            # have been called in that situation.
894            if not internal and self.echo:
895                tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
896                last = None
897                while tb:
898                    last = tb.tb_frame
899                    tb = tb.tb_next
901                if last and last.f_code.co_name=="sqlite3_prepare" \
902                   and last.f_code.co_filename.endswith("statementcache.c") \
903                   and "sql" in last.f_locals:
904                    self.write(self.stderr, last.f_locals["sql"] + "\n")
905            raise
907        if not internal and self.timer:
908            self.display_timing(state['timing'], self.get_resource_usage())
910    def process_command(self, cmd):
911        """Processes a dot command.  It is split into parts using the
912        `shlex.split
913        <http://docs.python.org/library/shlex.html#shlex.split>`__
914        function which is roughly the same method used by Unix/POSIX
915        shells.
916        """
917        if self.echo:
918            self.write(self.stderr, cmd + "\n")
919        # broken with unicode on Python 2!!!
920        if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
921            cmd = cmd.encode("utf8")
922            cmd = [c.decode("utf8") for c in shlex.split(cmd)]
923        else:
924            cmd = shlex.split(cmd)
925        assert cmd[0][0] == "."
926        cmd[0] = cmd[0][1:]
927        fn = getattr(self, "command_" + cmd[0], None)
928        if not fn:
929            raise self.Error("Unknown command \"%s\".  Enter \".help\" for help" % (cmd[0], ))
930        res = fn(cmd[1:])
932    ###
933    ### Commands start here
934    ###
936    def _boolean_command(self, name, cmd):
937        "Parse and verify boolean parameter"
938        if len(cmd) != 1 or cmd[0].lower() not in ("on", "off"):
939            raise self.Error(name + " expected ON or OFF")
940        return cmd[0].lower() == "on"
942    # Note that doc text is used for generating help output.
944    def command_backup(self, cmd):
945        """backup ?DB? FILE: Backup DB (default "main") to FILE
947        Copies the contents of the current database to FILE
948        overwriting whatever was in FILE.  If you have attached databases
949        then you can specify their name instead of the default of "main".
951        The backup is done at the page level - SQLite copies the pages
952        as is.  There is no round trip through SQL code.
953        """
954        dbname = "main"
955        if len(cmd) == 1:
956            fname = cmd[0]
957        elif len(cmd) == 2:
958            dbname = cmd[0]
959            fname = cmd[1]
960        else:
961            raise self.Error("Backup takes one or two parameters")
962        out = apsw.Connection(fname)
963        b = out.backup("main", self.db, dbname)
964        try:
965            while not b.done:
966                b.step()
967        finally:
968            b.finish()
969            out.close()
971    def command_bail(self, cmd):
972        """bail ON|OFF: Stop after hitting an error (default OFF)
974        If an error is encountered while processing commands or SQL
975        then exit.  (Note this is different than SQLite shell which
976        only exits for errors in SQL.)
977        """
978        self.bail = self._boolean_command("bail", cmd)
980    def command_colour(self, cmd=[]):
981        """colour SCHEME: Selects a colour scheme
983        Residents of both countries that have not adopted the metric
984        system may also spell this command without a 'u'.  If using a
985        colour terminal in interactive mode then output is
986        automatically coloured to make it more readable.  Use 'off' to
987        turn off colour, and no name or 'default' for the default.
988        """
989        if len(cmd) > 1:
990            raise self.Error("Too many colour schemes")
991        c = cmd and cmd[0] or "default"
992        if c not in self._colours:
993            raise self.Error("No such colour scheme: " + c)
994        self.colour_scheme = c
995        self._out_colour()
997    command_color = command_colour
999    def command_databases(self, cmd):
1000        """databases: Lists names and files of attached databases
1002        """
1003        if len(cmd):
1004            raise self.Error("databases command doesn't take any parameters")
1005        self.push_output()
1006        self.header = True
1007        self.output = self.output_column
1008        self.truncate = False
1009        self.widths = [3, 15, 58]
1010        try:
1011            self.process_sql("pragma database_list", internal=True)
1012        finally:
1013            self.pop_output()
1015    def command_dump(self, cmd):
1016        """dump ?TABLE? [TABLE...]: Dumps all or specified tables in SQL text format
1018        The table name is treated as like pattern so you can use % as
1019        a wildcard.  You can use dump to make a text based backup of
1020        the database.  It is also useful for comparing differences or
1021        making the data available to other databases.  Indices and
1022        triggers for the table(s) are also dumped.  Finally views
1023        matching the table pattern name are dumped (it isn't possible
1024        to work out which views access which table and views can
1025        access multiple tables anyway).
1027        Note that if you are dumping virtual tables such as used by
1028        the FTS3 module then they may use other tables to store
1029        information.  For example if you create a FTS3 table named
1030        *recipes* then it also creates *recipes_content*,
1031        *recipes_segdir* etc.  Consequently to dump this example
1032        correctly use::
1034           .dump recipes recipes_%
1036        If the database is empty or no tables/views match then there
1037        is no output.
1038        """
1039        # Simple tables are easy to dump.  More complicated is dealing
1040        # with virtual tables, foreign keys etc.
1042        # Lock the database while doing the dump so nothing changes
1043        # under our feet
1044        self.process_sql("BEGIN IMMEDIATE", internal=True)
1046        # Used in comment() - see issue 142
1047        outputstrtype = str
1048        if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
1049            outputstrtype = unicode
1051        # Python 2.3 can end up with nonsense like "en_us" so we fall
1052        # back to ascii in that case
1053        outputstrencoding = getattr(self.stdout, "encoding", "ascii")
1054        try:
1055            codecs.lookup(outputstrencoding)
1056        except:
1057            outputstrencoding = "ascii"
1059        def unicodify(s):
1060            if not isinstance(s, outputstrtype):
1061                # See issue 142 - it may not be in an expected encoding
1062                return s.decode(outputstrencoding, "replace")
1063            return s
1065        try:
1066            # first pass -see if virtual tables or foreign keys are in
1067            # use.  If they are we emit pragmas to deal with them, but
1068            # prefer not to emit them
1069            v = {"virtuals": False, "foreigns": False}
1071            def check(name, sql):
1072                if name.lower().startswith("sqlite_"):
1073                    return False
1074                sql = sql.lower()
1075                if re.match(r"^\s*create\s+virtual\s+.*", sql):
1076                    v["virtuals"] = True
1077                # pragma table_info doesn't tell us if foreign keys
1078                # are involved so we guess if any the various strings are
1079                # in the sql somewhere
1080                if re.match(r".*\b(foreign\s*key|references)\b.*", sql):
1081                    v["foreigns"] = True
1082                return True
1084            if len(cmd) == 0:
1085                cmd = ["%"]
1087            tables = []
1088            for pattern in cmd:
1089                for name, sql in self.db.cursor().execute(
1090                        "SELECT name,sql FROM sqlite_master "
1091                        "WHERE sql NOT NULL AND type IN ('table','view') "
1092                        "AND tbl_name LIKE ?1", (pattern, )):
1093                    if check(name, sql) and name not in tables:
1094                        tables.append(name)
1096            if not tables:
1097                return
1099            # will we need to analyze anything later?
1100            analyze_needed = []
1101            for stat in self.db.cursor().execute(
1102                    "select name from sqlite_master where sql not null and type='table' and tbl_name like 'sqlite_stat%'"
1103            ):
1104                for name in tables:
1105                    if len(self.db.cursor().execute(
1106                            "select * from " + self._fmt_sql_identifier(stat[0]) + " WHERE tbl=?",
1107                        (name, )).fetchall()):
1108                        if name not in analyze_needed:
1109                            analyze_needed.append(name)
1110            analyze_needed.sort()
1112            def blank():
1113                self.write(self.stdout, "\n")
1115            def comment(s):
1116                s = unicodify(s)
1117                self.write(self.stdout, textwrap.fill(s, 78, initial_indent="-- ", subsequent_indent="-- ") + "\n")
1119            pats = ", ".join([(x, "(All)")[x == "%"] for x in cmd])
1120            comment("SQLite dump (by APSW %s)" % (apsw.apswversion(), ))
1121            comment("SQLite version " + apsw.sqlitelibversion())
1122            comment("Date: " + unicodify(time.strftime("%c")))
1123            comment("Tables like: " + pats)
1124            comment("Database: " + self.db.filename)
1125            try:
1126                import getpass
1127                import socket
1128                comment("User: %s @ %s" % (unicodify(getpass.getuser()), unicodify(socket.gethostname())))
1129            except ImportError:
1130                pass
1131            blank()
1133            comment("The values of various per-database settings")
1134            self.write(self.stdout,
1135                       "PRAGMA page_size=" + str(self.db.cursor().execute("pragma page_size").fetchall()[0][0]) + ";\n")
1136            comment("PRAGMA encoding='" + self.db.cursor().execute("pragma encoding").fetchall()[0][0] + "';\n")
1137            vac = {0: "NONE", 1: "FULL", 2: "INCREMENTAL"}
1138            vacvalue = self.db.cursor().execute("pragma auto_vacuum").fetchall()[0][0]
1139            comment("PRAGMA auto_vacuum=" + vac.get(vacvalue, str(vacvalue)) + ";\n")
1140            comment("PRAGMA max_page_count=" + str(self.db.cursor().execute("pragma max_page_count").fetchall()[0][0]) +
1141                    ";\n")
1142            blank()
1144            # different python versions have different requirements
1145            # about specifying cmp to sort routine so we use this
1146            # portable workaround with a decorated list instead
1147            dectables = [(x.lower(), x) for x in tables]
1148            dectables.sort()
1149            tables = [y for x, y in dectables]
1151            virtuals = v["virtuals"]
1152            foreigns = v["foreigns"]
1154            if virtuals:
1155                comment("This pragma is needed to restore virtual tables")
1156                self.write(self.stdout, "PRAGMA writable_schema=ON;\n")
1157            if foreigns:
1158                comment("This pragma turns off checking of foreign keys "
1159                        "as tables would be inconsistent while restoring.  It was introduced "
1160                        "in SQLite 3.6.19.")
1161                self.write(self.stdout, "PRAGMA foreign_keys=OFF;\n")
1163            if virtuals or foreigns:
1164                blank()
1166            self.write(self.stdout, "BEGIN TRANSACTION;\n")
1167            blank()
1169            def sqldef(s):
1170                # return formatted sql watching out for embedded
1171                # comments at the end forcing trailing ; onto next
1172                # line https://sqlite.org/src/info/c04a8b8a4f
1173                if "--" in s.split("\n")[-1]:
1174                    nl = "\n"
1175                else:
1176                    nl = ""
1177                return s + nl + ";\n"
1179            # do the table dumping loops
1180            oldtable = self._output_table
1181            try:
1182                self.push_output()
1183                self.output = self.output_insert
1184                # Dump the table
1185                for table in tables:
1186                    for sql in self.db.cursor().execute("SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE name=?1 AND type='table'",
1187                                                        (table, )):
1188                        comment("Table  " + table)
1189                        # Special treatment for virtual tables - they
1190                        # get called back on drops and creates and
1191                        # could thwart us so we have to manipulate
1192                        # sqlite_master directly
1193                        if sql[0].lower().split()[:3] == ["create", "virtual", "table"]:
1194                            self.write(
1195                                self.stdout, "DELETE FROM sqlite_master WHERE name=" + apsw.format_sql_value(table) +
1196                                " AND type='table';\n")
1197                            self.write(
1198                                self.stdout,
1199                                "INSERT INTO sqlite_master(type,name,tbl_name,rootpage,sql) VALUES('table',%s,%s,0,%s);\n"
1200                                % (apsw.format_sql_value(table), apsw.format_sql_value(table),
1201                                   apsw.format_sql_value(sql[0])))
1202                        else:
1203                            self.write(self.stdout, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + self._fmt_sql_identifier(table) + ";\n")
1204                            self.write(self.stdout, sqldef(sql[0]))
1205                            self._output_table = self._fmt_sql_identifier(table)
1206                            self.process_sql("select * from " + self._fmt_sql_identifier(table), internal=True)
1207                        # Now any indices or triggers
1208                        first = True
1209                        for name, sql in self.db.cursor().execute(
1210                                "SELECT name,sql FROM sqlite_master "
1211                                "WHERE sql NOT NULL AND type IN ('index', 'trigger') "
1212                                "AND tbl_name=?1 AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%' "
1213                                "ORDER BY lower(name)", (table, )):
1214                            if first:
1215                                comment("Triggers and indices on  " + table)
1216                                first = False
1217                            self.write(self.stdout, sqldef(sql))
1218                        blank()
1219                # Views done last.  They have to be done in the same order as they are in sqlite_master
1220                # as they could refer to each other
1221                first = True
1222                for name, sql in self.db.cursor().execute("SELECT name,sql FROM sqlite_master "
1223                                                          "WHERE sql NOT NULL AND type='view' "
1224                                                          "AND name IN ( " +
1225                                                          ",".join([apsw.format_sql_value(i)
1226                                                                    for i in tables]) + ") ORDER BY _ROWID_"):
1227                    if first:
1228                        comment("Views")
1229                        first = False
1230                    self.write(self.stdout, "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS %s;\n" % (self._fmt_sql_identifier(name), ))
1231                    self.write(self.stdout, sqldef(sql))
1232                if not first:
1233                    blank()
1235                # sqlite sequence
1236                # does it exist
1237                if len(self.db.cursor().execute("select * from sqlite_master where name='sqlite_sequence'").fetchall()):
1238                    first = True
1239                    for t in tables:
1240                        v = self.db.cursor().execute("select seq from main.sqlite_sequence where name=?1",
1241                                                     (t, )).fetchall()
1242                        if len(v):
1243                            assert len(v) == 1
1244                            if first:
1245                                comment("For primary key autoincrements the next id "
1246                                        "to use is stored in sqlite_sequence")
1247                                first = False
1248                            self.write(
1249                                self.stdout,
1250                                'DELETE FROM main.sqlite_sequence WHERE name=%s;\n' % (apsw.format_sql_value(t), ))
1251                            self.write(
1252                                self.stdout, 'INSERT INTO main.sqlite_sequence VALUES (%s, %s);\n' %
1253                                (apsw.format_sql_value(t), v[0][0]))
1254                    if not first:
1255                        blank()
1256            finally:
1257                self.pop_output()
1258                self._output_table = oldtable
1260            # analyze
1261            if analyze_needed:
1262                comment("You had used the analyze command on these tables before.  Rerun for this new data.")
1263                for n in analyze_needed:
1264                    self.write(self.stdout, "ANALYZE " + self._fmt_sql_identifier(n) + ";\n")
1265                blank()
1267            # user version pragma
1268            uv = self.db.cursor().execute("pragma user_version").fetchall()[0][0]
1269            if uv:
1270                comment(
1271                    "Your database may need this.  It is sometimes used to keep track of the schema version (eg Firefox does this)."
1272                )
1273                self.write(self.stdout, "pragma user_version=%d;" % (uv, ))
1274                blank()
1276            # Save it all
1277            self.write(self.stdout, "COMMIT TRANSACTION;\n")
1279            # cleanup pragmas
1280            if foreigns:
1281                blank()
1282                comment("Restoring foreign key checking back on.  Note that SQLite 3.6.19 is off by default")
1283                self.write(self.stdout, "PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON;\n")
1284            if virtuals:
1285                blank()
1286                comment("Restoring writable schema back to default")
1287                self.write(self.stdout, "PRAGMA writable_schema=OFF;\n")
1288                # schema reread
1289                blank()
1290                comment("We need to force SQLite to reread the schema because otherwise it doesn't know that "
1291                        "the virtual tables we inserted directly into sqlite_master exist.  See "
1292                        "last comments of https://sqlite.org/cvstrac/tktview?tn=3425")
1293                self.write(self.stdout, "BEGIN;\nCREATE TABLE no_such_table(x,y,z);\nROLLBACK;\n")
1295        finally:
1296            self.process_sql("END", internal=True)
1298    def command_echo(self, cmd):
1299        """echo ON|OFF: If ON then each SQL statement or command is printed before execution (default OFF)
1301        The SQL statement or command is sent to error output so that
1302        it is not intermingled with regular output.
1303        """
1304        self.echo = self._boolean_command("echo", cmd)
1306    def set_encoding(self, enc):
1307        """Saves *enc* as the default encoding, after verifying that
1308        it is valid.  You can also include :error to specify error
1309        handling - eg 'cp437:replace'
1311        Raises an exception on invalid encoding or error
1312        """
1313        enc = enc.split(":", 1)
1314        if len(enc) > 1:
1315            enc, errors = enc
1316        else:
1317            enc = enc[0]
1318            errors = None
1319        try:
1320            codecs.lookup(enc)
1321        except LookupError:
1322            raise self.Error("No known encoding '%s'" % (enc, ))
1323        try:
1324            if errors is not None:
1325                codecs.lookup_error(errors)
1326        except LookupError:
1327            raise self.Error("No known codec error handler '%s'" % (errors, ))
1328        self.encoding = enc, errors
1330    def command_encoding(self, cmd):
1331        """encoding ENCODING: Set the encoding used for new files opened via .output and imports
1333        SQLite and APSW work internally using Unicode and characters.
1334        Files however are a sequence of bytes.  An encoding describes
1335        how to convert between bytes and characters.  The default
1336        encoding is utf8 and that is generally the best value to use
1337        when other programs give you a choice.
1339        You can also specify an error handler.  For example
1340        'cp437:replace' will use code page 437 and any Unicode
1341        codepoints not present in cp437 will be replaced (typically
1342        with something like a question mark).  Other error handlers
1343        include 'ignore', 'strict' (default) and 'xmlcharrefreplace'.
1345        For the default input/output/error streams on startup the
1346        shell defers to Python's detection of encoding.  For example
1347        on Windows it asks what code page is in use and on Unix it
1348        looks at the LC_CTYPE environment variable.  You can set the
1349        PYTHONIOENCODING environment variable to override this
1350        detection.
1352        This command affects files opened after setting the encoding
1353        as well as imports.
1355        See the online APSW documentation for more details.
1356        """
1357        if len(cmd) != 1:
1358            raise self.Error("Encoding takes one argument")
1359        self.set_encoding(cmd[0])
1361    def command_exceptions(self, cmd):
1362        """exceptions ON|OFF: If ON then detailed tracebacks are shown on exceptions (default OFF)
1364        Normally when an exception occurs the error string only is
1365        displayed.  However it is sometimes useful to get a full
1366        traceback.  An example would be when you are developing
1367        virtual tables and using the shell to exercise them.  In
1368        addition to displaying each stack frame, the local variables
1369        within each frame are also displayed.
1370        """
1371        self.exceptions = self._boolean_command("exceptions", cmd)
1373    def command_exit(self, cmd):
1374        """exit:Exit this program"""
1375        if len(cmd):
1376            raise self.Error("Exit doesn't take any parameters")
1377        sys.exit(0)
1379    def command_quit(self, cmd):
1380        """quit:Exit this program"""
1381        if len(cmd):
1382            raise self.Error("Quit doesn't take any parameters")
1383        sys.exit(0)
1385    def command_explain(self, cmd):
1386        """explain ON|OFF: Set output mode suitable for explain (default OFF)
1388        Explain shows the underlying SQLite virtual machine code for a
1389        statement.  You need to prefix the SQL with explain.  For example:
1391           explain select * from table;
1393        This output mode formats the explain output nicely.  If you do
1394        '.explain OFF' then the output mode and settings in place when
1395        you did '.explain ON' are restored.
1396        """
1397        if len(cmd) == 0 or self._boolean_command("explain", cmd):
1398            self.push_output()
1399            self.header = True
1400            self.widths = [4, 13, 4, 4, 4, 13, 2, 13]
1401            self.truncate = False
1402            self.output = self.output_column
1403        else:
1404            self.pop_output()
1406    def command_find(self, cmd):
1407        """find what ?TABLE?: Searches all columns of all tables for a value
1409        The find command helps you locate data across your database
1410        for example to find a string or any references to an id.
1412        You can specify a like pattern to limit the search to a subset
1413        of tables (eg specifying 'CUSTOMER%' for all tables beginning
1414        with CUSTOMER).
1416        The what value will be treated as a string and/or integer if
1417        possible.  If what contains % or _ then it is also treated as
1418        a like pattern.
1420        This command will take a long time to execute needing to read
1421        all of the relevant tables.
1422        """
1423        if len(cmd) < 1 or len(cmd) > 2:
1424            raise self.Error("At least one argument required and at most two accepted")
1425        tablefilter = "%"
1426        if len(cmd) == 2:
1427            tablefilter = cmd[1]
1428        querytemplate = []
1429        queryparams = []
1431        def qp():  # binding for current queryparams
1432            return "?" + str(len(queryparams))
1434        s = cmd[0]
1435        if '%' in s or '_' in s:
1436            queryparams.append(s)
1437            querytemplate.append("%s LIKE " + qp())
1438        queryparams.append(s)
1439        querytemplate.append("%s = " + qp())
1440        try:
1441            i = int(s)
1442            queryparams.append(i)
1443            querytemplate.append("%s = " + qp())
1444        except ValueError:
1445            pass
1446        querytemplate = " OR ".join(querytemplate)
1447        for (table, ) in self.db.cursor().execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name LIKE ?1",
1448                                                  (tablefilter, )):
1449            t = self._fmt_sql_identifier(table)
1450            query = "SELECT * from %s WHERE " % (t, )
1451            colq = []
1452            for _, column, _, _, _, _ in self.db.cursor().execute("pragma table_info(%s)" % (t, )):
1453                colq.append(querytemplate % ((self._fmt_sql_identifier(column), ) * len(queryparams)))
1454            query = query + " OR ".join(colq)
1455            self.process_sql(query, queryparams, internal=True, summary=("Table " + table + "\n", "\n"))
1457    def command_header(self, cmd):
1458        """header(s) ON|OFF: Display the column names in output (default OFF)
1460        """
1461        self.header = self._boolean_command("header", cmd)
1463    command_headers = command_header
1465    _help_info = None
1467    def command_help(self, cmd):
1468        """help ?COMMAND?: Shows list of commands and their usage.  If COMMAND is specified then shows detail about that COMMAND.  ('.help all' will show detailed help about all commands.)
1469        """
1470        if not self._help_info:
1471            # buildup help database
1472            self._help_info = {}
1473            for c in dir(self):
1474                if not c.startswith("command_"):
1475                    continue
1476                # help is 3 parts
1477                # - the syntax string (eg backup ?dbname? filename)
1478                # - the one liner description (eg saves database to filename)
1479                # - the multi-liner detailed description
1480                # We grab this from the doc string for the function in the form
1481                #   syntax: one liner\nmulti\nliner
1482                d = getattr(self, c).__doc__
1483                assert d, c + " command must have documentation"
1484                c = c[len("command_"):]
1485                if c in ("headers", "color"): continue
1486                while d[0] == "\n":
1487                    d = d[1:]
1488                parts = d.split("\n", 1)
1489                firstline = parts[0].strip().split(":", 1)
1490                assert len(firstline) == 2, c + " command must have usage: description doc"
1491                if len(parts) == 1 or len(parts[1].strip()) == 0:  # work around textwrap bug
1492                    multi = ""
1493                else:
1494                    multi = textwrap.dedent(parts[1])
1495                if c == "mode":
1496                    if not self._output_modes:
1497                        self._cache_output_modes()
1498                    firstline[1] = firstline[1] + " " + " ".join(self._output_modes)
1499                    multi = multi + "\n\n" + "\n\n".join(self._output_modes_detail)
1500                if c == "colour":
1501                    colours = list(self._colours.keys())
1502                    colours.sort()
1503                    firstline[1] = firstline[1] + " from " + ", ".join(colours)
1504                if len(multi.strip()) == 0:  # All whitespace
1505                    multi = None
1506                else:
1507                    multi = multi.strip("\n")
1508                    # we need to keep \n\n as a newline but turn all others into spaces
1509                    multi = multi.replace("\n\n", "\x00")
1510                    multi = multi.replace("\n", " ")
1511                    multi = multi.replace("\x00", "\n\n")
1512                    multi = multi.split("\n\n")
1513                self._help_info[c] = ('.' + firstline[0].strip(), firstline[1].strip(), multi)
1515        self.write(self.stderr, "\n")
1517        tw = self._terminal_width()
1518        if tw < 32:
1519            tw = 32
1520        if len(cmd) == 0:
1521            commands = list(self._help_info.keys())
1522            commands.sort()
1523            w = 0
1524            for command in commands:
1525                if len(self._help_info[command][0]) > w:
1526                    w = len(self._help_info[command][0])
1527            out = []
1528            for command in commands:
1529                hi = self._help_info[command]
1530                # usage string
1531                out.append(hi[0])
1532                # space padding (including 2 for between columns)
1533                out.append(" " * (2 + w - len(hi[0])))
1534                # usage message wrapped if need be
1535                out.append(("\n" + " " * (2 + w)).join(textwrap.wrap(hi[1], tw - w - 2)))
1536                # newline
1537                out.append("\n")
1538            self.write(self.stderr, "".join(out))
1539        else:
1540            if cmd[0] == "all":
1541                cmd = list(self._help_info.keys())
1542                cmd.sort()
1543            w = 0
1544            for command in self._help_info:
1545                if len(self._help_info[command][0]) > w:
1546                    w = len(self._help_info[command][0])
1548            for command in cmd:
1549                if command == "headers": command = "header"
1550                if command not in self._help_info:
1551                    raise self.Error("No such command \"%s\"" % (command, ))
1552                out = []
1553                hi = self._help_info[command]
1554                # usage string
1555                out.append(hi[0])
1556                # space padding (2)
1557                out.append(" " * (2 + w - len(hi[0])))
1558                # usage message wrapped if need be
1559                out.append(("\n" + " " * (2 + w)).join(textwrap.wrap(hi[1], tw - w - 2)) + "\n")
1560                if hi[2]:
1561                    # newlines
1562                    out.append("\n")
1563                    # detailed message
1564                    for i, para in enumerate(hi[2]):
1565                        out.append(textwrap.fill(para, tw) + "\n")
1566                        if i < len(hi[2]) - 1:
1567                            out.append("\n")
1568                # if not first one then print separator header
1569                if command != cmd[0]:
1570                    self.write(self.stderr, "\n" + "=" * tw + "\n")
1571                self.write(self.stderr, "".join(out))
1572        self.write(self.stderr, "\n")
1574    def command_import(self, cmd):
1575        """import FILE TABLE: Imports separated data from FILE into TABLE
1577        Reads data from the file into the named table using the
1578        current separator and encoding.  For example if the separator
1579        is currently a comma then the file should be CSV (comma
1580        separated values).
1582        All values read in are supplied to SQLite as strings.  If you
1583        want SQLite to treat them as other types then declare your
1584        columns appropriately.  For example declaring a column 'REAL'
1585        will result in the values being stored as floating point if
1586        they can be safely converted.  See this page for more details:
1588          https://sqlite.org/datatype3.html
1590        Another alternative is to create a tempory table, insert the
1591        values into that and then use casting.
1593          CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE import(a,b,c);
1595          .import filename import
1597          CREATE TABLE final AS SELECT cast(a as BLOB), cast(b as INTEGER), cast(c as CHAR) from import;
1599          DROP TABLE import;
1601        You can also get more sophisticated using the SQL CASE
1602        operator.  For example this will turn zero length strings into
1603        null:
1605          SELECT CASE col WHEN '' THEN null ELSE col END FROM ...
1606        """
1607        if len(cmd) != 2:
1608            raise self.Error("import takes two parameters")
1610        try:
1611            final = None
1612            # start transaction so database can't be changed
1613            # underneath us
1614            self.db.cursor().execute("BEGIN IMMEDIATE")
1615            final = "ROLLBACK"
1617            # how many columns?
1618            ncols = len(self.db.cursor().execute("pragma table_info(" + self._fmt_sql_identifier(cmd[1]) +
1619                                                 ")").fetchall())
1620            if ncols < 1:
1621                raise self.Error("No such table '%s'" % (cmd[1], ))
1623            cur = self.db.cursor()
1624            sql = "insert into %s values(%s)" % (self._fmt_sql_identifier(cmd[1]), ",".join("?" * ncols))
1626            kwargs = {}
1627            if self.separator == ",":
1628                kwargs["dialect"] = "excel"
1629            elif self.separator == "\t":
1630                kwargs["dialect"] = "excel-tab"
1631            else:
1632                kwargs["quoting"] = csv.QUOTE_NONE
1633                kwargs["delimiter"] = self.separator
1634                kwargs["doublequote"] = False
1635                kwargs["quotechar"] = "\x00"
1636            row = 1
1637            for line in self._csvin_wrapper(cmd[0], kwargs):
1638                if len(line) != ncols:
1639                    raise self.Error("row %d has %d columns but should have %d" % (row, len(line), ncols))
1640                try:
1641                    cur.execute(sql, line)
1642                except:
1643                    self.write(self.stderr, "Error inserting row %d" % (row, ))
1644                    raise
1645                row += 1
1646            self.db.cursor().execute("COMMIT")
1648        except:
1649            if final:
1650                self.db.cursor().execute(final)
1651            raise
1653    def _csvin_wrapper(self, filename, dialect):
1654        # Returns a csv reader that works around python bugs and uses
1655        # dialect dict to configure reader
1657        # Very easy for python 3
1658        if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
1659            thefile = codecs.open(filename, "r", self.encoding[0])
1660            for line in csv.reader(thefile, **dialect.copy()):
1661                yield line
1662            thefile.close()
1663            return
1665        ###
1666        ### csv module is not good at unicode so we have to
1667        ### indirect unless utf8 is in use
1668        ###
1669        if self.encoding[0].lower() == "utf8":  # no need for tempfile
1670            thefile = open(filename, "rb")
1671        else:
1672            import tempfile
1673            thefile = tempfile.TemporaryFile(prefix="apsw_import")
1674            thefile.write(codecs.open(filename, "r", self.encoding[0]).read().encode("utf8"))
1675            # move back to beginning
1676            thefile.seek(0, 0)
1678        # Ensure all values are utf8 not unicode
1679        for k, v in dialect.items():
1680            if isinstance(v, unicode):
1681                dialect[k] = v.encode("utf8")
1682        for line in csv.reader(thefile, **dialect):
1683            # back to unicode again
1684            yield [x.decode("utf8") for x in line]
1685        thefile.close()
1687    def command_autoimport(self, cmd):
1688        """autoimport FILENAME ?TABLE?: Imports filename creating a table and automatically working out separators and data types (alternative to .import command)
1690        The import command requires that you precisely pre-setup the
1691        table and schema, and set the data separators (eg commas or
1692        tabs).  In many cases this information can be automatically
1693        deduced from the file contents which is what this command
1694        does.  There must be at least two columns and two rows.
1696        If the table is not specified then the basename of the file
1697        will be used.
1699        Additionally the type of the contents of each column is also
1700        deduced - for example if it is a number or date.  Empty values
1701        are turned into nulls.  Dates are normalized into YYYY-MM-DD
1702        format and DateTime are normalized into ISO8601 format to
1703        allow easy sorting and searching.  4 digit years must be used
1704        to detect dates.  US (swapped day and month) versus rest of
1705        the world is also detected providing there is at least one
1706        value that resolves the ambiguity.
1708        Care is taken to ensure that columns looking like numbers are
1709        only treated as numbers if they do not have unnecessary
1710        leading zeroes or plus signs.  This is to avoid treating phone
1711        numbers and similar number like strings as integers.
1713        This command can take quite some time on large files as they
1714        are effectively imported twice.  The first time is to
1715        determine the format and the types for each column while the
1716        second pass actually imports the data.
1717        """
1718        if len(cmd) < 1 or len(cmd) > 2:
1719            raise self.Error("Expected one or two parameters")
1720        if not os.path.exists(cmd[0]):
1721            raise self.Error("File \"%s\" does not exist" % (cmd[0], ))
1722        if len(cmd) == 2:
1723            tablename = cmd[1]
1724        else:
1725            tablename = None
1726        try:
1727            final = None
1728            c = self.db.cursor()
1729            c.execute("BEGIN IMMEDIATE")
1730            final = "ROLLBACK"
1732            if not tablename:
1733                tablename = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(cmd[0]))[0]
1735            if c.execute("pragma table_info(%s)" % (self._fmt_sql_identifier(tablename), )).fetchall():
1736                raise self.Error("Table \"%s\" already exists" % (tablename, ))
1738            # The types we support deducing
1739            def DateUS(v):  # US formatted date with wrong ordering of day and month
1740                return DateWorld(v, switchdm=True)
1742            def DateWorld(v, switchdm=False):  # Sensibly formatted date as used anywhere else in the world
1743                y, m, d = self._getdate(v)
1744                if switchdm: m, d = d, m
1745                if m < 1 or m > 12 or d < 1 or d > 31:
1746                    raise ValueError
1747                return "%d-%02d-%02d" % (y, m, d)
1749            def DateTimeUS(v):  # US date and time
1750                return DateTimeWorld(v, switchdm=True)
1752            def DateTimeWorld(v, switchdm=False):  # Sensible date and time
1753                y, m, d, h, M, s = self._getdatetime(v)
1754                if switchdm: m, d = d, m
1755                if m < 1 or m > 12 or d < 1 or d > 31 or h < 0 or h > 23 or M < 0 or M > 59 or s < 0 or s > 65:
1756                    raise ValueError
1757                return "%d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d" % (y, m, d, h, M, s)
1759            def Number(v):  # we really don't want phone numbers etc to match
1760                # Python's float & int constructors allow whitespace which we don't
1761                if re.search(r"\s", v):
1762                    raise ValueError
1763                if v == "0": return 0
1764                if v[0] == "+":  # idd prefix
1765                    raise ValueError
1766                if re.match("^[0-9]+$", v):
1767                    if v[0] == "0": raise ValueError  # also a phone number
1768                    return int(v)
1769                if v[0] == "0" and not v.startswith("0."):  # deceptive not a number
1770                    raise ValueError
1771                return float(v)
1773            # Work out the file format
1774            formats = [{"dialect": "excel"}, {"dialect": "excel-tab"}]
1775            seps = ["|", ";", ":"]
1776            if self.separator not in seps:
1777                seps.append(self.separator)
1778            for sep in seps:
1779                formats.append({"quoting": csv.QUOTE_NONE, "delimiter": sep, "doublequote": False, "quotechar": "\x00"})
1780            possibles = []
1781            errors = []
1782            encodingissue = False
1783            # format is copy() on every use.  This appears bizarre and
1784            # unnecessary.  However Python 2.3 and 2.4 somehow manage
1785            # to empty it if not copied.
1786            for format in formats:
1787                ncols = -1
1788                lines = 0
1789                try:
1790                    for line in self._csvin_wrapper(cmd[0], format.copy()):
1791                        if lines == 0:
1792                            lines = 1
1793                            ncols = len(line)
1794                            # data type guess setup
1795                            datas = []
1796                            for i in range(ncols):
1797                                datas.append([DateUS, DateWorld, DateTimeUS, DateTimeWorld, Number])
1798                            allblanks = [True] * ncols
1799                            continue
1800                        if len(line) != ncols:
1801                            raise ValueError("Expected %d columns - got %d" % (ncols, len(line)))
1802                        lines += 1
1803                        for i in range(ncols):
1804                            if not line[i]:
1805                                continue
1806                            allblanks[i] = False
1807                            if not datas[i]:
1808                                continue
1809                            # remove datas that give ValueError
1810                            d = []
1811                            for dd in datas[i]:
1812                                try:
1813                                    dd(line[i])
1814                                    d.append(dd)
1815                                except ValueError:
1816                                    pass
1817                            datas[i] = d
1818                    if ncols > 1 and lines > 1:
1819                        # if a particular column was allblank then clear datas for it
1820                        for i in range(ncols):
1821                            if allblanks[i]:
1822                                datas[i] = []
1823                        possibles.append((format.copy(), ncols, lines, datas))
1824                except UnicodeDecodeError:
1825                    encodingissue = True
1826                except:
1827                    s = str(sys.exc_info()[1])
1828                    if s not in errors:
1829                        errors.append(s)
1831            if len(possibles) == 0:
1832                if encodingissue:
1833                    raise self.Error(
1834                        "The file is probably not in the current encoding \"%s\" and didn't match a known file format" %
1835                        (self.encoding[0], ))
1836                v = "File doesn't appear to match a known type."
1837                if len(errors):
1838                    v += "  Errors reported:\n" + "\n".join(["  " + e for e in errors])
1839                raise self.Error(v)
1840            if len(possibles) > 1:
1841                raise self.Error("File matches more than one type!")
1842            format, ncols, lines, datas = possibles[0]
1843            fmt = format.get("dialect", None)
1844            if fmt is None:
1845                fmt = "(delimited by \"%s\")" % (format["delimiter"], )
1846            self.write(self.stdout, "Detected Format %s  Columns %d  Rows %d\n" % (fmt, ncols, lines))
1847            # Header row
1848            reader = self._csvin_wrapper(cmd[0], format)
1849            for header in reader:
1850                break
1851            # Check schema
1852            identity = lambda x: x
1853            for i in range(ncols):
1854                if len(datas[i]) > 1:
1855                    raise self.Error("Column #%d \"%s\" has ambiguous data format - %s" %
1856                                     (i + 1, header[i], ", ".join([d.__name__ for d in datas[i]])))
1857                if datas[i]:
1858                    datas[i] = datas[i][0]
1859                else:
1860                    datas[i] = identity
1861            # Make the table
1862            sql = "CREATE TABLE %s(%s)" % (self._fmt_sql_identifier(tablename), ", ".join(
1863                [self._fmt_sql_identifier(h) for h in header]))
1864            c.execute(sql)
1865            # prep work for each row
1866            sql = "INSERT INTO %s VALUES(%s)" % (self._fmt_sql_identifier(tablename), ",".join(["?"] * ncols))
1867            for line in reader:
1868                vals = []
1869                for i in range(ncols):
1870                    l = line[i]
1871                    if not l:
1872                        vals.append(None)
1873                    else:
1874                        vals.append(datas[i](l))
1875                c.execute(sql, vals)
1877            c.execute("COMMIT")
1878            self.write(self.stdout, "Auto-import into table \"%s\" complete\n" % (tablename, ))
1879        except:
1880            if final:
1881                self.db.cursor().execute(final)
1882            raise
1884    def _getdate(self, v):
1885        # Returns a tuple of 3 items y,m,d from string v
1886        m = re.match(r"^([0-9]+)[^0-9]([0-9]+)[^0-9]([0-9]+)$", v)
1887        if not m:
1888            raise ValueError
1889        y, m, d = int(m.group(1)), int(m.group(2)), int(m.group(3))
1890        if d > 1000:  # swap order
1891            y, m, d = d, m, y
1892        if y < 1000 or y > 9999:
1893            raise ValueError
1894        return y, m, d
1896    def _getdatetime(self, v):
1897        # must be at least HH:MM
1898        m = re.match(r"^([0-9]+)[^0-9]([0-9]+)[^0-9]([0-9]+)[^0-9]+([0-9]+)[^0-9]([0-9]+)([^0-9]([0-9]+))?$", v)
1899        if not m:
1900            raise ValueError
1901        items = list(m.group(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7))
1902        for i in range(len(items)):
1903            if items[i] is None:
1904                items[i] = 0
1905        items = [int(i) for i in items]
1906        if items[2] > 1000:
1907            items = [items[2], items[1], items[0]] + items[3:]
1908        if items[0] < 1000 or items[0] > 9999:
1909            raise ValueError
1910        return items
1912    def command_indices(self, cmd):
1913        """indices TABLE: Lists all indices on table TABLE
1915        """
1916        if len(cmd) != 1:
1917            raise self.Error("indices takes one table name")
1918        self.push_output()
1919        self.header = False
1920        self.output = self.output_list
1921        try:
1922            self.process_sql(
1923                "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name LIKE ?1 "
1924                "UNION ALL SELECT name FROM sqlite_temp_master WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name LIKE "
1925                "?1 ORDER by name",
1926                cmd,
1927                internal=True)
1928        finally:
1929            self.pop_output()
1931    def command_load(self, cmd):
1932        """load FILE ?ENTRY?: Loads a SQLite extension library
1934        Note: Extension loading may not be enabled in the SQLite
1935        library version you are using.
1937        Extensions are an easy way to add new functions and
1938        functionality.  For a useful extension look at the bottom of
1939        https://sqlite.org/contrib
1941        By default sqlite3_extension_init is called in the library but
1942        you can specify an alternate entry point.
1944        If you get an error about the extension not being found you
1945        may need to explicitly specify the directory.  For example if
1946        it is in the current directory then use:
1948          .load ./extension.so
1949        """
1950        if len(cmd) < 1 or len(cmd) > 2:
1951            raise self.Error("load takes one or two parameters")
1952        try:
1953            self.db.enableloadextension(True)
1954        except:
1955            raise self.Error("Extension loading is not supported")
1957        self.db.loadextension(*cmd)
1959    _output_modes = None
1961    def command_mode(self, cmd):
1962        """mode MODE ?TABLE?: Sets output mode to one of"""
1963        if len(cmd) in (1, 2):
1964            w = cmd[0]
1965            if w == "tabs":
1966                w = "list"
1967            m = getattr(self, "output_" + w, None)
1968            if w != "insert":
1969                if len(cmd) == 2:
1970                    raise self.Error("Output mode %s doesn't take parameters" % (cmd[0]))
1971            if m:
1972                self.output = m
1973                # set some defaults
1974                self.truncate = True
1975                if cmd[0] == "csv":
1976                    self.separator = ","
1977                elif cmd[0] == "tabs":
1978                    self.separator = "\t"
1979                else:
1980                    pass
1981                    #self.separator=self._output_stack[0]["separator"]
1982                if w == "insert":
1983                    if len(cmd) == 2:
1984                        self._output_table = cmd[1]
1985                    else:
1986                        self._output_table = "table"
1987                    self._output_table = self._fmt_sql_identifier(self._output_table)
1988                return
1989        if not self._output_modes:
1990            self._cache_output_modes()
1991        raise self.Error("Expected a valid output mode: " + ", ".join(self._output_modes))
1993    # needed so command completion and help can use it
1994    def _cache_output_modes(self):
1995        modes = [m[len("output_"):] for m in dir(self) if m.startswith("output_")]
1996        modes.append("tabs")
1997        modes.sort()
1998        self._output_modes = modes
2000        detail = []
2002        for m in modes:
2003            if m == 'tabs': continue
2004            d = getattr(self, "output_" + m).__doc__
2005            assert d, "output mode " + m + " needs doc"
2006            d = d.replace("\n", " ").strip()
2007            while "  " in d:
2008                d = d.replace("  ", " ")
2009            detail.append(m + ": " + d)
2010        self._output_modes_detail = detail
2012    def command_nullvalue(self, cmd):
2013        """nullvalue STRING: Print STRING in place of null values
2015        This affects textual output modes like column and list and
2016        sets how SQL null values are shown.  The default is a zero
2017        length string.  Insert mode and dumps are not affected by this
2018        setting.  You can use double quotes to supply a zero length
2019        string.  For example:
2021          .nullvalue ""         # the default
2022          .nullvalue <NULL>     # rather obvious
2023          .nullvalue " \\t "     # A tab surrounded by spaces
2024        """
2025        if len(cmd) != 1:
2026            raise self.Error("nullvalue takes exactly one parameter")
2027        self.nullvalue = self.fixup_backslashes(cmd[0])
2029    def command_open(self, cmd):
2030        """open ?OPTIONS? ?FILE?: Closes existing database and opens a different one
2032        Options are: --new which deletes the file if it already exists
2034        If FILE is omitted then a memory database is opened
2035        """
2036        new = False
2037        dbname = None
2038        c = cmd
2039        while c:
2040            p = c.pop(0)
2041            if p.startswith("--"):
2042                if p == "--new":
2043                    new = True
2044                    continue
2045                raise self.Error("Unknown open param: " + p)
2046            if dbname:
2047                raise self.Error("Too many arguments: " + p)
2048            dbname = p
2050        if new and dbname:
2051            # close it first in case re-opening existing.  windows doesn't
2052            # allow deleting open files, tag alongs cause problems etc
2053            # hence retry and sleeps
2054            self.db = (None, None)
2055            for suffix in "", "-journal", "-wal", "-shm":
2056                fn = dbname + suffix
2057                for retry in range(1, 5):
2058                    try:
2059                        os.remove(fn)
2060                        break
2061                    except OSError:
2062                        if not os.path.isfile(fn):
2063                            break
2064                        # under windows tag alongs can delay being able to
2065                        # delete after we have closed the file
2066                        import gc
2067                        gc.collect(2)
2068                        time.sleep(.05 * retry)
2069                else:
2070                    os.rename(fn, fn + "-DELETEME")
2072        self.db = (None, dbname)
2074    def command_output(self, cmd):
2075        """output FILENAME: Send output to FILENAME (or stdout)
2077        If the FILENAME is stdout then output is sent to standard
2078        output from when the shell was started.  The file is opened
2079        using the current encoding (change with .encoding command).
2080        """
2081        # Flush everything
2082        self.stdout.flush()
2083        self.stderr.flush()
2084        if hasattr(self.stdin, "flush"):
2085            try:
2086                self.stdin.flush()
2087            except IOError:  # see issue 117
2088                pass
2090        # we will also close stdout but only do so once we have a
2091        # replacement so that stdout is always valid
2093        if len(cmd) != 1:
2094            raise self.Error("You must specify a filename")
2096        try:
2097            fname = cmd[0]
2098            if fname == "stdout":
2099                old = None
2100                if self.stdout != self._original_stdout:
2101                    old = self.stdout
2102                self.stdout = self._original_stdout
2103                if old is not None:  # done here in case close raises exception
2104                    old.close()
2105                return
2107            newf = codecs.open(fname, "w", self.encoding[0], self.encoding[1])
2108            old = None
2109            if self.stdout != self._original_stdout:
2110                old = self.stdout
2111            self.stdout = newf
2112            if old is not None:
2113                old.close()
2114        finally:
2115            self._out_colour()
2117    def command_print(self, cmd):
2118        """print STRING: print the literal STRING
2120        If more than one argument is supplied then they are printed
2121        space separated.  You can use backslash escapes such as \\n
2122        and \\t.
2123        """
2124        self.write(self.stdout, " ".join([self.fixup_backslashes(i) for i in cmd]) + "\n")
2126    def command_prompt(self, cmd):
2127        """prompt MAIN ?CONTINUE?: Changes the prompts for first line and continuation lines
2129        The default is to print 'sqlite> ' for the main prompt where
2130        you can enter a dot command or a SQL statement.  If the SQL
2131        statement is complete (eg not ; terminated) then you are
2132        prompted for more using the continuation prompt which defaults
2133        to ' ..> '.  Example:
2135          .prompt "Yes, Master> " "More, Master> "
2137        You can use backslash escapes such as \\n and \\t.
2138        """
2139        if len(cmd) < 1 or len(cmd) > 2:
2140            raise self.Error("prompt takes one or two arguments")
2141        self.prompt = self.fixup_backslashes(cmd[0])
2142        if len(cmd) == 2:
2143            self.moreprompt = self.fixup_backslashes(cmd[1])
2145    def command_read(self, cmd):
2146        """read FILENAME: Processes SQL and commands in FILENAME (or Python if FILENAME ends with .py)
2148        Treats the specified file as input (a mixture or SQL and/or
2149        dot commands).  If the filename ends in .py then it is treated
2150        as Python code instead.
2152        For Python code the symbol 'shell' refers to the instance of
2153        the shell and 'apsw' is the apsw module.
2154        """
2155        if len(cmd) != 1:
2156            raise self.Error("read takes a single filename")
2157        if cmd[0].lower().endswith(".py"):
2158            g = {}
2159            g.update({'apsw': apsw, 'shell': self})
2160            if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
2161                execfile(cmd[0], g, g)
2162            else:
2163                # compile step is needed to associate name with code
2164                f=open(cmd[0])
2165                try:
2166                    exec(compile(f.read(), cmd[0], 'exec'), g, g)
2167                finally:
2168                    f.close()
2169        else:
2170            f = codecs.open(cmd[0], "r", self.encoding[0])
2171            try:
2172                try:
2173                    self.push_input()
2174                    self.stdin = f
2175                    self.interactive = False
2176                    self.input_line_number = 0
2177                    while True:
2178                        line = self.getcompleteline()
2179                        if line is None:
2180                            break
2181                        self.process_complete_line(line)
2182                except:
2183                    eval = sys.exc_info()[1]
2184                    if not isinstance(eval, SystemExit):
2185                        self._append_input_description()
2186                    raise
2188            finally:
2189                self.pop_input()
2190                f.close()
2192    def command_restore(self, cmd):
2193        """restore ?DB? FILE: Restore database from FILE into DB (default "main")
2195        Copies the contents of FILE to the current database (default "main").
2196        The backup is done at the page level - SQLite copies the pages as
2197        is.  There is no round trip through SQL code.
2198        """
2199        dbname = "main"
2200        if len(cmd) == 1:
2201            fname = cmd[0]
2202        elif len(cmd) == 2:
2203            dbname = cmd[0]
2204            fname = cmd[1]
2205        else:
2206            raise self.Error("Restore takes one or two parameters")
2207        input = apsw.Connection(fname)
2208        b = self.db.backup(dbname, input, "main")
2209        try:
2210            while not b.done:
2211                b.step()
2212        finally:
2213            b.finish()
2214            input.close()
2216    def command_schema(self, cmd):
2217        """schema ?TABLE? [TABLE...]: Shows SQL for table
2219        If you give one or more tables then their schema is listed
2220        (including indices).  If you don't specify any then all
2221        schemas are listed. TABLE is a like pattern so you can % for
2222        wildcards.
2223        """
2224        self.push_output()
2225        self.output = self.output_list
2226        self.header = False
2227        try:
2228            if len(cmd) == 0:
2229                cmd = ['%']
2230            for n in cmd:
2231                self.process_sql(
2232                    "SELECT sql||';' FROM "
2233                    "(SELECT sql sql, type type, tbl_name tbl_name, name name "
2234                    "FROM sqlite_master UNION ALL "
2235                    "SELECT sql, type, tbl_name, name FROM sqlite_temp_master) "
2236                    "WHERE tbl_name LIKE ?1 AND type!='meta' AND sql NOTNULL AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%' "
2237                    "ORDER BY substr(type,2,1), name", (n, ),
2238                    internal=True)
2239        finally:
2240            self.pop_output()
2242    def command_separator(self, cmd):
2243        """separator STRING: Change separator for output mode and .import
2245        You can use quotes and backslashes.  For example to set the
2246        separator to space tab space you can use:
2248          .separator " \\t "
2250        The setting is automatically changed when you switch to csv or
2251        tabs output mode.  You should also set it before doing an
2252        import (ie , for CSV and \\t for TSV).
2253        """
2254        if len(cmd) != 1:
2255            raise self.Error("separator takes exactly one parameter")
2256        self.separator = self.fixup_backslashes(cmd[0])
2258    _shows = ("echo", "explain", "headers", "mode", "nullvalue", "output", "separator", "width", "exceptions",
2259              "encoding")
2261    def command_show(self, cmd):
2262        """show: Show the current values for various settings."""
2263        if len(cmd) > 1:
2264            raise self.Error("show takes at most one parameter")
2265        if len(cmd):
2266            what = cmd[0]
2267            if what not in self._shows:
2268                raise self.Error("Unknown show: '%s'" % (what, ))
2269        else:
2270            what = None
2272        outs = []
2273        for i in self._shows:
2274            k = i
2275            if what and i != what:
2276                continue
2277            # boolean settings
2278            if i in ("echo", "headers", "exceptions"):
2279                if i == "headers": i = "header"
2280                v = "off"
2281                if getattr(self, i):
2282                    v = "on"
2283            elif i == "explain":
2284                # we cheat by looking at truncate setting!
2285                v = "on"
2286                if self.truncate:
2287                    v = "off"
2288            elif i in ("nullvalue", "separator"):
2289                v = self._fmt_c_string(getattr(self, i))
2290            elif i == "mode":
2291                if not self._output_modes:
2292                    self._cache_output_modes()
2293                for v in self._output_modes:
2294                    if self.output == getattr(self, "output_" + v):
2295                        break
2296                else:
2297                    assert False, "Bug: didn't find output mode"
2298            elif i == "output":
2299                if self.stdout is self._original_stdout:
2300                    v = "stdout"
2301                else:
2302                    v = getattr(self.stdout, "name", "<unknown stdout>")
2303            elif i == "width":
2304                v = " ".join(["%d" % (i, ) for i in self.widths])
2305            elif i == "encoding":
2306                v = self.encoding[0]
2307                if self.encoding[1]:
2308                    v += " (Errors " + self.encoding[1] + ")"
2309            else:
2310                assert False, "Bug: unknown show handling"
2311            outs.append((k, v))
2313        # find width of k column
2314        l = 0
2315        for k, v in outs:
2316            if len(k) > l:
2317                l = len(k)
2319        for k, v in outs:
2320            self.write(self.stderr, "%*.*s: %s\n" % (l, l, k, v))
2322    def command_tables(self, cmd):
2323        """tables ?PATTERN?: Lists names of tables matching LIKE pattern
2325        This also returns views.
2326        """
2327        self.push_output()
2328        self.output = self.output_list
2329        self.header = False
2330        try:
2331            if len(cmd) == 0:
2332                cmd = ['%']
2334            # The SQLite shell code filters out sqlite_ prefixes if
2335            # you specified an argument else leaves them in.  It also
2336            # has a hand coded output mode that does space separation
2337            # plus wrapping at 80 columns.
2338            for n in cmd:
2339                self.process_sql(
2340                    "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master "
2341                    "WHERE type IN ('table', 'view') AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%' "
2342                    "AND name like ?1 "
2343                    "UNION ALL "
2344                    "SELECT name FROM sqlite_temp_master "
2345                    "WHERE type IN ('table', 'view') AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%' "
2346                    "ORDER BY 1", (n, ),
2347                    internal=True)
2348        finally:
2349            self.pop_output()
2351    def command_timeout(self, cmd):
2352        """timeout MS: Try opening locked tables for MS milliseconds
2354        If a database is locked by another process SQLite will keep
2355        retrying.  This sets how many thousandths of a second it will
2356        keep trying for.  If you supply zero or a negative number then
2357        all busy handlers are disabled.
2358        """
2359        if len(cmd) != 1:
2360            raise self.Error("timeout takes a number")
2361        try:
2362            t = int(cmd[0])
2363        except:
2364            raise self.Error("%s is not a number" % (cmd[0], ))
2365        self.db.setbusytimeout(t)
2367    def command_timer(self, cmd):
2368        """timer ON|OFF: Control printing of time and resource usage after each query
2370        The values displayed are in seconds when shown as floating
2371        point or an absolute count.  Only items that have changed
2372        since starting the query are shown.  On non-Windows platforms
2373        considerably more information can be shown.
2374        """
2375        if self._boolean_command("timer", cmd):
2376            try:
2377                self.get_resource_usage()
2378            except:
2379                raise self.Error("Timing not supported by this Python version/platform")
2380            self.timer = True
2381        else:
2382            self.timer = False
2384    def command_width(self, cmd):
2385        """width NUM NUM ...: Set the column widths for "column" mode
2387        In "column" output mode, each column is a fixed width with values truncated to
2388        fit.  Specify new widths using this command.  Use a negative number
2389        to right justify and zero for default column width.
2390        """
2391        if len(cmd) == 0:
2392            raise self.Error("You need to specify some widths!")
2393        w = []
2394        for i in cmd:
2395            try:
2396                w.append(int(i))
2397            except:
2398                raise self.Error("'%s' is not a valid number" % (i, ))
2399        self.widths = w
2401    def _terminal_width(self):
2402        """Works out the terminal width which is used for word wrapping
2403        some output (eg .help)"""
2404        try:
2405            if sys.platform == "win32":
2406                import ctypes, struct
2407                h = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(-12)  # -12 is stderr
2408                buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(22)
2409                if ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(h, buf):
2410                    _, _, _, _, _, left, top, right, bottom, _, _ = struct.unpack("hhhhHhhhhhh", buf.raw)
2411                    return right - left
2412                raise Exception()
2413            else:
2414                # posix
2415                import struct, fcntl, termios
2416                s = struct.pack('HHHH', 0, 0, 0, 0)
2417                x = fcntl.ioctl(2, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, s)
2418                return struct.unpack('HHHH', x)[1]
2419        except:
2420            try:
2421                v = int(os.getenv("COLUMNS"))
2422                if v < 10:
2423                    return 80
2424                return v
2425            except:
2426                return 80
2428    def push_output(self):
2429        """Saves the current output settings onto a stack.  See
2430        :meth:`pop_output` for more details as to why you would use
2431        this."""
2432        o = {}
2433        for k in "separator", "header", "nullvalue", "output", "widths", "truncate":
2434            o[k] = getattr(self, k)
2435        self._output_stack.append(o)
2437    def pop_output(self):
2438        """Restores most recently pushed output.  There are many
2439        output parameters such as nullvalue, mode
2440        (list/tcl/html/insert etc), column widths, header etc.  If you
2441        temporarily need to change some settings then
2442        :meth:`push_output`, change the settings and then pop the old
2443        ones back.
2445        A simple example is implementing a command like .dump.  Push
2446        the current output, change the mode to insert so we get SQL
2447        inserts printed and then pop to go back to what was there
2448        before.
2450        """
2451        # first item should always be present
2452        assert len(self._output_stack)
2453        if len(self._output_stack) == 1:
2454            o = self._output_stack[0]
2455        else:
2456            o = self._output_stack.pop()
2457        for k, v in o.items():
2458            setattr(self, k, v)
2460    def _append_input_description(self):
2461        """When displaying an error in :meth:`handle_exception` we
2462        want to give context such as when the commands being executed
2463        came from a .read command (which in turn could execute another
2464        .read).
2465        """
2466        if self.interactive:
2467            return
2468        res = []
2469        res.append("Line %d" % (self.input_line_number, ))
2470        res.append(": " + getattr(self.stdin, "name", "<stdin>"))
2471        self._input_descriptions.append(" ".join(res))
2473    def fixup_backslashes(self, s):
2474        """Implements the various backlash sequences in s such as
2475        turning backslash t into a tab.
2477        This function is needed because shlex does not do it for us.
2478        """
2479        if "\\" not in s: return s
2480        # See the resolve_backslashes function in SQLite shell source
2481        res = []
2482        i = 0
2483        while i < len(s):
2484            if s[i] != "\\":
2485                res.append(s[i])
2486                i += 1
2487                continue
2488            i += 1
2489            if i >= len(s):
2490                raise self.Error("Backslash with nothing following")
2491            c = s[i]
2492            res.append({"\\": "\\", "r": "\r", "n": "\n", "t": "\t"}.get(c, None))
2493            i += 1  # advance again
2494            if res[-1] is None:
2495                raise self.Error("Unknown backslash sequence \\" + c)
2496        return "".join(res)
2498    if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
2500        def write(self, dest, text):
2501            """Writes text to dest.  dest will typically be one of self.stdout or self.stderr."""
2502            # ensure text is unicode to catch codeset issues here
2503            if type(text) != unicode:
2504                text = unicode(text)
2505            try:
2506                dest.write(text)
2507            except UnicodeEncodeError:
2508                ev = sys.exc_info()[1]
2509                # See issue108 and try to work around it
2510                if ev.args[0]=="ascii" and dest.encoding and ev.args[0]!=dest.encoding and hasattr(dest, "fileno") and \
2511                   isinstance(dest.fileno(), int) and dest.fileno()>=0:
2512                    args = [
2513                        dest.encoding,
2514                    ]
2515                    if dest.errors:
2516                        args.append(dest.errors)
2517                    dest.write(text.encode(*args))
2518                else:
2519                    raise
2521        _raw_input = raw_input
2522    else:
2524        def write(self, dest, text):
2525            "Writes text to dest.  dest will typically be one of self.stdout or self.stderr."
2526            dest.write(text)
2528        _raw_input = input
2530    def getline(self, prompt=""):
2531        """Returns a single line of input (may be incomplete SQL) from self.stdin.
2533        If EOF is reached then return None.  Do not include trailing
2534        newline in return.
2535        """
2536        self.stdout.flush()
2537        self.stderr.flush()
2538        try:
2539            if self.interactive:
2540                if self.stdin is sys.stdin:
2541                    c = self.colour.prompt, self.colour.prompt_
2542                    if self._using_readline and sys.platform != "win32":
2543                        # these are needed so that readline knows they are non-printing characters
2544                        c = "\x01" + c[0] + "\x02", "\x01" + c[1] + "\x02",
2545                    line = self._raw_input(c[0] + prompt + c[1]) + "\n"  # raw_input excludes newline
2546                else:
2547                    self.write(self.stdout, prompt)
2548                    line = self.stdin.readline()  # includes newline unless last line of file doesn't have one
2549            else:
2550                line = self.stdin.readline()  # includes newline unless last line of file doesn't have one
2551            self.input_line_number += 1
2552            if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
2553                if type(line) != unicode:
2554                    enc = getattr(self.stdin, "encoding", self.encoding[0])
2555                    if not enc: enc = self.encoding[0]
2556                    line = line.decode(enc)
2557        except EOFError:
2558            return None
2559        if len(line) == 0:  # always a \n on the end normally so this is EOF
2560            return None
2561        if line[-1] == "\n":
2562            line = line[:-1]
2563        return line
2565    def getcompleteline(self):
2566        """Returns a complete input.
2568        For dot commands it will be one line.  For SQL statements it
2569        will be as many as is necessary to have a
2570        :meth:`~apsw.complete` statement (ie semicolon terminated).
2571        Returns None on end of file."""
2572        try:
2573            self._completion_first = True
2574            command = self.getline(self.prompt)
2575            if command is None:
2576                return None
2577            if len(command.strip()) == 0:
2578                return ""
2579            if command[0] == "?": command = ".help " + command[1:]
2580            # incomplete SQL?
2581            while command[0] != "." and not apsw.complete(command):
2582                self._completion_first = False
2583                line = self.getline(self.moreprompt)
2584                if line is None:  # unexpected eof
2585                    raise self.Error("Incomplete SQL (line %d of %s): %s\n" %
2586                                     (self.input_line_number, getattr(self.stdin, "name", "<stdin>"), command))
2587                if line in ("go", "/"):
2588                    break
2589                command = command + "\n" + line
2590            return command
2591        except KeyboardInterrupt:
2592            self.handle_interrupt()
2593            return ""
2595    def handle_interrupt(self):
2596        """Deal with keyboard interrupt (typically Control-C).  It
2597        will :meth:`~Connection.interrupt` the database and print"^C" if interactive."""
2598        self.db.interrupt()
2599        if not self.bail and self.interactive:
2600            self.write(self.stderr, "^C\n")
2601            return
2602        raise
2604    def process_complete_line(self, command):
2605        """Given some text will call the appropriate method to process
2606        it (eg :meth:`process_sql` or :meth:`process_command`)"""
2607        try:
2608            if len(command.strip()) == 0:
2609                return
2610            if command[0] == ".":
2611                self.process_command(command)
2612            else:
2613                self.process_sql(command)
2614        except KeyboardInterrupt:
2615            self.handle_interrupt()
2617    def push_input(self):
2618        """Saves the current input parameters to a stack.  See :meth:`pop_input`."""
2619        d = {}
2620        for i in "interactive", "stdin", "input_line_number":
2621            d[i] = getattr(self, i)
2622        self._input_stack.append(d)
2624    def pop_input(self):
2625        """Restore most recently pushed input parameters (interactive,
2626        self.stdin, linenumber etc).  Use this if implementing a
2627        command like read.  Push the current input, read the file and
2628        then pop the input to go back to before.
2629        """
2630        assert (len(self._input_stack)) > 1
2631        d = self._input_stack.pop()
2632        for k, v in d.items():
2633            setattr(self, k, v)
2635    def complete(self, token, state):
2636        """Return a possible completion for readline
2638        This function is called with state starting at zero to get the
2639        first completion, then one/two/three etc until you return None.  The best
2640        implementation is to generate the list when state==0, save it,
2641        and provide members on each increase.
2643        The default implementation extracts the current full input
2644        from readline and then calls :meth:`complete_command` or
2645        :meth:`complete_sql` as appropriate saving the results for
2646        subsequent calls.
2647        """
2648        if state == 0:
2649            import readline
2650            # the whole line
2651            line = readline.get_line_buffer()
2652            # beginning and end(+1) of the token in line
2653            beg = readline.get_begidx()
2654            end = readline.get_endidx()
2655            # Are we matching a command?
2656            try:
2657                if self._completion_first and line.startswith("."):
2658                    self.completions = self.complete_command(line, token, beg, end)
2659                else:
2660                    self.completions = self.complete_sql(line, token, beg, end)
2661            except:
2662                # Readline swallows any exceptions we raise.  We
2663                # shouldn't be raising any so this is to catch that
2664                import traceback
2665                traceback.print_exc()
2666                raise
2668        if state > len(self.completions):
2669            return None
2670        return self.completions[state]
2672    # Taken from https://sqlite.org/lang_keywords.html
2686    WHERE WITH WITHOUT""".split()
2688    _sqlite_keywords.extend(getattr(apsw, "keywords", []))
2690    # reserved words need to be quoted.  Only a subset of the above are reserved
2691    # but what the heck
2692    _sqlite_reserved = _sqlite_keywords
2693    # add a space after each of them except functions which get parentheses
2694    _sqlite_keywords = [x + (" ", "(")[x in ("VALUES", "CAST")] for x in _sqlite_keywords]
2696    _sqlite_special_names = """_ROWID_ OID ROWID SQLITE_MASTER
2697           SQLITE_SEQUENCE""".split()
2699    _sqlite_functions = """abs( changes() char( coalesce( glob( ifnull( hex( instr(
2700           last_insert_rowid() length( like( likelihood( likely(
2701           load_extension( lower( ltrim( max( min( nullif( printf(
2702           quote( random() randomblob( replace( round( rtrim( soundex(
2703           sqlite_compileoption_get( sqlite_compileoption_used(
2704           sqlite_source_id() sqlite_version() substr( total_changes()
2705           trim( typeof( unlikely( unicode( upper( zeroblob( date(
2706           time( datetime( julianday( strftime( avg( count(
2707           group_concat( sum( total(""".split()
2709    _pragmas_bool = ("yes", "true", "on", "no", "false", "off")
2710    _pragmas = {
2711        "application_id": None,
2712        "auto_vacuum=": ("NONE", "FULL", "INCREMENTAL"),
2713        "automatic_index=": _pragmas_bool,
2714        "busy_timeout=": None,
2715        "cache_size=": None,
2716        "case_sensitive_like=": _pragmas_bool,
2717        "cache_spill=": _pragmas_bool,
2718        "cell_size_check=": _pragmas_bool,
2719        "checkpoint_fullfsync=": _pragmas_bool,
2720        "collation_list": None,
2721        "compile_options": None,
2722        "data_version": None,
2723        "database_list": None,
2724        "defer_foreign_keys=": _pragmas_bool,
2725        "encoding=": None,
2726        # ('"UTF-8"', '"UTF-16"', '"UTF-16le"', '"UTF16-16be"'),
2727        # too hard to get " to be part of token just in this special case
2728        "foreign_key_check": None,
2729        "foreign_key_list(": None,
2730        "foreign_keys": _pragmas_bool,
2731        "freelist_count": None,
2732        "fullfsync=": _pragmas_bool,
2733        "ignore_check_constraints": _pragmas_bool,
2734        "incremental_vacuum(": None,
2735        "index_info(": None,
2736        "index_list(": None,
2737        "index_xinfo(": None,
2738        "integrity_check": None,
2739        "journal_mode=": ("DELETE", "TRUNCATE", "PERSIST", "MEMORY", "OFF", "WAL"),
2740        "journal_size_limit=": None,
2741        "legacy_file_format=": _pragmas_bool,
2742        "locking_mode=": ("NORMAL", "EXCLUSIVE"),
2743        "max_page_count=": None,
2744        "mmap_size=": None,
2745        "optimize(": None,
2746        "page_count;": None,
2747        "page_size=": None,
2748        "query_only=": _pragmas_bool,
2749        "quick_check": None,
2750        "read_uncommitted=": _pragmas_bool,
2751        "recursive_triggers=": _pragmas_bool,
2752        "reverse_unordered_selects=": _pragmas_bool,
2753        "schema_version": None,
2754        "secure_delete=": _pragmas_bool,
2755        "shrink_memory": None,
2756        "soft_heap_limit=": None,
2757        "synchronous=": ("OFF", "NORMAL", "FULL"),
2758        "table_info(": None,
2759        "temp_store=": ("DEFAULT", "FILE", "MEMORY"),
2760        "threads=": None,
2761        "user_version=": None,
2762        "wal_autocheckpoint=": None,
2763        "wal_checkpoint": None,
2764        "writable_schema": _pragmas_bool,
2765    }
2767    def _get_prev_tokens(self, line, end):
2768        "Returns the tokens prior to pos end in the line"
2769        return re.findall(r'"?\w+"?', line[:end])
2771    def complete_sql(self, line, token, beg, end):
2772        """Provide some completions for SQL
2774        :param line: The current complete input line
2775        :param token: The word readline is looking for matches
2776        :param beg: Integer offset of token in line
2777        :param end: Integer end of token in line
2778        :return: A list of completions, or an empty list if none
2779        """
2780        if self._completion_cache is None:
2781            cur = self.db.cursor()
2782            collations = [row[1] for row in cur.execute("pragma collation_list")]
2783            databases = [row[1] for row in cur.execute("pragma database_list")]
2784            other = []
2785            for db in databases:
2786                if db == "temp":
2787                    master = "sqlite_temp_master"
2788                else:
2789                    master = "[%s].sqlite_master" % (db, )
2790                for row in cur.execute("select * from " + master).fetchall():
2791                    for col in (1, 2):
2792                        if row[col] not in other and not row[col].startswith("sqlite_"):
2793                            other.append(row[col])
2794                    if row[0] == "table":
2795                        try:
2796                            for table in cur.execute("pragma [%s].table_info([%s])" % (
2797                                    db,
2798                                    row[1],
2799                            )).fetchall():
2800                                if table[1] not in other:
2801                                    other.append(table[1])
2802                                for item in table[2].split():
2803                                    if item not in other:
2804                                        other.append(item)
2805                        except apsw.SQLError:
2806                            # See https://github.com/rogerbinns/apsw/issues/86
2807                            pass
2808                functions = {}
2809                for row in cur.execute("pragma function_list"):
2810                    name = row[0]
2811                    narg = row[4]
2812                    functions[name] = max(narg, functions.get(name, -1))
2814                def fmtfunc(name, nargs):
2815                    if nargs == 0:
2816                        return name + "()"
2817                    return name + "("
2819                func_list = [fmtfunc(name, narg) for name, narg in functions.items()]
2821            self._completion_cache = [
2822                self._sqlite_keywords, func_list, self._sqlite_special_names, collations, databases, other
2823            ]
2824            for i in range(len(self._completion_cache)):
2825                self._completion_cache[i].sort()
2827        # be somewhat sensible about pragmas
2828        if "pragma " in line.lower():
2829            t = self._get_prev_tokens(line.lower(), end)
2831            # pragma foo = bar
2832            if len(t) > 2 and t[-3] == "pragma":
2833                # t[-2] should be a valid one
2834                for p in self._pragmas:
2835                    if p.replace("=", "") == t[-2]:
2836                        vals = self._pragmas[p]
2837                        if not vals:
2838                            return []
2839                        return [x + ";" for x in vals if x.startswith(token)]
2840            # at equals?
2841            if len(t) > 1 and t[-2] == "pragma" and line[:end].replace(" ", "").endswith("="):
2842                for p in self._pragmas:
2843                    if p.replace("=", "") == t[-1]:
2844                        vals = self._pragmas[p]
2845                        if not vals:
2846                            return []
2847                        return vals
2848            # pragma foo
2849            if len(t) > 1 and t[-2] == "pragma":
2850                res = [x for x in self._pragmas.keys() if x.startswith(token)]
2851                res.sort()
2852                return res
2854            # pragma
2855            if len(t) and t[-1] == "pragma":
2856                res = list(self._pragmas.keys())
2857                res.sort()
2858                return res
2860        # This is currently not context sensitive (eg it doesn't look
2861        # to see if last token was 'FROM' and hence next should only
2862        # be table names.  That is a SMOP like pragmas above
2863        res = []
2864        ut = token.upper()
2865        for corpus in self._completion_cache:
2866            for word in corpus:
2867                if word.upper().startswith(ut):
2868                    # potential match - now match case
2869                    if word.startswith(token):  # exact
2870                        if word not in res:
2871                            res.append(word)
2872                    elif word.lower().startswith(token):  # lower
2873                        if word.lower() not in res:
2874                            res.append(word.lower())
2875                    elif word.upper().startswith(token):  # upper
2876                        if word.upper() not in res:
2877                            res.append(word.upper())
2878                    else:
2879                        # match letter by letter otherwise readline mangles what was typed in
2880                        w = token + word[len(token):]
2881                        if w not in res:
2882                            res.append(w)
2883        return res
2885    _builtin_commands = None
2887    def complete_command(self, line, token, beg, end):
2888        """Provide some completions for dot commands
2890        :param line: The current complete input line
2891        :param token: The word readline is looking for matches
2892        :param beg: Integer offset of token in line
2893        :param end: Integer end of token in line
2894        :return: A list of completions, or an empty list if none
2895        """
2896        if not self._builtin_commands:
2897            self._builtin_commands = [
2898                "." + x[len("command_"):] for x in dir(self) if x.startswith("command_") and x != "command_headers"
2899            ]
2900        if beg == 0:
2901            # some commands don't need a space because they take no
2902            # params but who cares?
2903            return [x + " " for x in self._builtin_commands if x.startswith(token)]
2904        return None
2906    def get_resource_usage(self):
2907        """Return a dict of various numbers (ints or floats).  The
2908        .timer command shows the difference between before and after
2909        results of what this returns by calling :meth:`display_timing`"""
2910        if sys.platform == "win32":
2911            import ctypes, time, platform
2912            ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetProcessTimes.argtypes = [
2913                platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit' and ctypes.c_int64 or ctypes.c_int32, ctypes.c_void_p,
2914                ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p
2915            ]
2917            # All 4 out params have to be present.  FILETIME is really
2918            # just a 64 bit quantity in 100 nanosecond granularity
2919            dummy = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
2920            utime = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
2921            stime = ctypes.c_ulonglong()
2922            rc = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetProcessTimes(
2923                ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetCurrentProcess(),
2924                ctypes.byref(dummy),  # creation time
2925                ctypes.byref(dummy),  # exit time
2926                ctypes.byref(stime),
2927                ctypes.byref(utime))
2928            if rc:
2929                return {
2930                    'Wall clock': time.time(),
2931                    'User time': float(utime.value) / 10000000,
2932                    'System time': float(stime.value) / 10000000
2933                }
2934            return {}
2935        else:
2936            import resource, time
2937            r = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)
2938            res = {'Wall clock': time.time()}
2939            for i, desc in (
2940                ("utime", "User time"),
2941                ("stime", "System time"),
2942                ("maxrss", "Max rss"),
2943                ("idrss", "Memory"),
2944                ("isrss", "Stack"),
2945                ("ixrss", "Shared Memory"),
2946                ("minflt", "PF (no I/O)"),
2947                ("majflt", "PF (I/O)"),
2948                ("inblock", "Blocks in"),
2949                ("oublock", "Blocks out"),
2950                ("nsignals", "Signals"),
2951                ("nvcsw", "Voluntary context switches"),
2952                ("nivcsw", "Involunary context switches"),
2953                ("msgrcv", "Messages received"),
2954                ("msgsnd", "Messages sent"),
2955                ("nswap", "Swaps"),
2956            ):
2957                f = "ru_" + i
2958                if hasattr(r, f):
2959                    res[desc] = getattr(r, f)
2960            return res
2962    def display_timing(self, b4, after):
2963        """Writes the difference between b4 and after to self.stderr.
2964        The data is dictionaries returned from
2965        :meth:`get_resource_usage`."""
2966        v = list(b4.keys())
2967        for i in after:
2968            if i not in v:
2969                v.append(i)
2970        v.sort()
2971        for k in v:
2972            if k in b4 and k in after:
2973                one = b4[k]
2974                two = after[k]
2975                val = two - one
2976                if val:
2977                    if type(val) == float:
2978                        self.write(self.stderr, "+ %s: %.4f\n" % (k, val))
2979                    else:
2980                        self.write(self.stderr, "+ %s: %d\n" % (k, val))
2982    ### Colour support
2984    def _out_colour(self):
2985        # Sets up color for output.  Input being interactive doesn't
2986        # matter.  This method needs to be called on all changes to
2987        # output.
2988        if getattr(self.stdout, "isatty", False) and self.stdout.isatty():
2989            self.colour = self._colours[self.colour_scheme]
2990        else:
2991            self.colour = self._colours["off"]
2993    # This class returns an empty string for all undefined attributes
2994    # so that it doesn't matter if a colour scheme leaves something
2995    # out.
2996    class _colourscheme:
2997        def __init__(self, **kwargs):
2998            for k, v in kwargs.items():
2999                setattr(self, k, v)
3001        def __nonzero__(self):
3002            return True
3004        def __str__(self):
3005            return "_colourscheme(" + str(self.__dict__) + ")"
3007        def __getattr__(self, k):
3008            return ""
3010        def colour_value(self, val, formatted):
3011            c = self.colour
3012            if val is None:
3013                return self.vnull + formatted + self.vnull_
3014            if isinstance(val, Shell._basestring):
3015                return self.vstring + formatted + self.vstring_
3016            if isinstance(val, Shell._binary_type):
3017                return self.vblob + formatted + self.vblob_
3018            # must be a number - we don't distinguish between float/int
3019            return self.vnumber + formatted + self.vnumber_
3021    # The colour definitions - the convention is the name to turn
3022    # something on and the name with an underscore suffix to turn it
3023    # off
3024    d = _colourscheme(**dict([(v, "\x1b[" + str(n) + "m") for n, v in {
3025        0: "reset",
3026        1: "bold",
3027        4: "underline",
3028        22: "bold_",
3029        24: "underline_",
3030        7: "inverse",
3031        27: "inverse_",
3032        30: "fg_black",
3033        31: "fg_red",
3034        32: "fg_green",
3035        33: "fg_yellow",
3036        34: "fg_blue",
3037        35: "fg_magenta",
3038        36: "fg_cyan",
3039        37: "fg_white",
3040        39: "fg_",
3041        40: "bg_black",
3042        41: "bg_red",
3043        42: "bg_green",
3044        43: "bg_yellow",
3045        44: "bg_blue",
3046        45: "bg_magenta",
3047        46: "bg_cyan",
3048        47: "bg_white",
3049        49: "bg_"
3050    }.items()]))
3052    _colours = {"off": _colourscheme(colour_value=lambda x, y: y)}
3054    _colours["default"] = _colourscheme(prompt=d.bold,
3055                                        prompt_=d.bold_,
3056                                        error=d.fg_red + d.bold,
3057                                        error_=d.bold_ + d.fg_,
3058                                        intro=d.fg_blue + d.bold,
3059                                        intro_=d.bold_ + d.fg_,
3060                                        summary=d.fg_blue + d.bold,
3061                                        summary_=d.bold_ + d.fg_,
3062                                        header=sys.platform == "win32" and d.inverse or d.underline,
3063                                        header_=sys.platform == "win32" and d.inverse_ or d.underline_,
3064                                        vnull=d.fg_red,
3065                                        vnull_=d.fg_,
3066                                        vstring=d.fg_yellow,
3067                                        vstring_=d.fg_,
3068                                        vblob=d.fg_blue,
3069                                        vblob_=d.fg_,
3070                                        vnumber=d.fg_magenta,
3071                                        vnumber_=d.fg_)
3072    if sys.platform == "win32":
3073        if not _win_colour:
3074            for k in _colours:
3075                _colours[k] = _colours["off"]
3076    # unpollute namespace
3077    del d
3078    del _colourscheme
3079    try:
3080        del n
3081        del x
3082        del v
3083    except:
3084        pass
3087def main():
3088    # Docstring must start on second line so dedenting works correctly
3089    """
3090    Call this to run the interactive shell.  It automatically passes
3091    in sys.argv[1:] and exits Python when done.
3093    """
3094    try:
3095        s = Shell()
3096        _, _, cmds = s.process_args(sys.argv[1:])
3097        if len(cmds) == 0:
3098            s.cmdloop()
3099    except:
3100        v = sys.exc_info()[1]
3101        if getattr(v, "_handle_exception_saw_this", False):
3102            pass
3103        else:
3104            # Where did this exception come from?
3105            import traceback
3106            traceback.print_exc()
3107        sys.exit(1)
3110if __name__ == '__main__':
3111    main()