1 #ifndef Header_Latex_Editor_View_Config
2 #define Header_Latex_Editor_View_Config
4 //having the configuration in a single file allows to change it,
5 //without having a relationship between completer and configmanager
6 //so modifying one doesn't lead to a recompilation of the other
8 class QString;
10 class LatexEditorViewConfig
11 {
12 public:
13 	bool parenmatch, parenComplete;
14 	bool autoindent, weakindent;
15 	bool replaceIndentTabs;
16 	bool replaceTextTabs;
17 	bool removeTrailingWsOnSave;
18 	bool showWhitespace;
19 	int tabStop;
20 	int showlinemultiples;
21 	int cursorSurroundLines;
22 	bool boldCursor;
23 	bool centerDocumentInEditor;
24 	bool folding, showlinestate, showcursorstate, realtimeChecking;
25 	bool inlineSpellChecking, inlineCitationChecking, inlineReferenceChecking, inlineSyntaxChecking, inlineGrammarChecking, inlinePackageChecking;
26 	bool inlineCheckNonTeXFiles;
27 	bool hideNonTextSpellingErrors, hideNonTextGrammarErrors;
28 	QString fontFamily;
29 	int fontSize;
30 	int lineSpacingPercent;
31 	int lineWidth;
32 	bool closeSearchAndReplace;
33 	bool useLineForSearch, searchOnlyInSelection;
34 	static QString translateEditOperation(int key);
35 	static QList<int> possibleEditOperations();
36 	bool allowDragAndDrop;
37 	bool mouseWheelZoom, smoothScrolling, verticalOverScroll;
39 	bool hackAutoChoose, hackDisableFixedPitch, hackDisableWidthCache, hackDisableLineCache, hackDisableAccentWorkaround, hackQImageCache;
40 	int hackRenderingMode; //0: normal, 1: qt (missing), 2: single letter
41 	bool showPlaceholders;
42 	int wordwrap; // 0 off, 1 soft wrap, 2 soft wrap fixed line width, 3 hard wrap fixed line width
43 	bool toolTipPreview;
44 	bool toolTipHelp;
45 	bool imageToolTip;
46 	int maxImageTooltipWidth;
47 	bool texdocHelpInInternalViewer;
48 	bool monitorFilesForExternalChanges;
49 	bool silentReload;
50 	bool useQSaveFile;
52 	bool autoInsertLRM, visualColumnMode, switchLanguagesDirection, switchLanguagesMath;
54 	bool overwriteOpeningBracketFollowedByPlaceholder;
55 	bool overwriteClosingBracketFollowingPlaceholder;
56 	bool doubleClickSelectionIncludeLeadingBackslash;
57 	int tripleClickSelectionIndex;
58 	int contextMenuSpellcheckingEntryLocation;
59 	int contextMenuKeyboardModifiers;  // actually this is a Qt::KeyboardModifiers flag (but we don't want to import the whole qt namespace here)
61 	bool fullCompilePreview;
63     QString regExpTodoComment;
65 	void settingsChanged();
67 private:
68 	QString lastFontFamily;
69 	int lastFontSize;
70 };
72 #endif