1# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5# TODO(dpranke): Rename this to 'expectations.py' to remove the 'parser'
6# part and make it a bit more generic. Consider if we can reword this to
7# also not talk about 'expectations' so much (i.e., to find a clearer way
8# to talk about them that doesn't have quite so much legacy baggage), but
9# that might not be possible.
11import itertools
12import re
13import logging
15from collections import OrderedDict
16from collections import defaultdict
18from typ import python_2_3_compat
19from typ.json_results import ResultType
22    'crash': ResultType.Crash,
23    'failure': ResultType.Failure,
24    'pass': ResultType.Pass,
25    'timeout': ResultType.Timeout,
26    'skip': ResultType.Skip
30    ResultType.Failure: 'Failure',
31    ResultType.Crash: 'Crash',
32    ResultType.Timeout: 'Timeout',
33    ResultType.Pass: 'Pass',
34    ResultType.Skip: 'Skip'
37_SLOW_TAG = 'Slow'
38_RETRY_ON_FAILURE_TAG = 'RetryOnFailure'
41class ConflictResolutionTypes(object):
42    UNION = 1
43    OVERRIDE = 2
46def _group_to_string(group):
47    msg = ', '.join(group)
48    k = msg.rfind(', ')
49    return msg[:k] + ' and ' + msg[k+2:] if k != -1 else msg
52def _default_tags_conflict(t1, t2):
53    return t1 != t2
56class ParseError(Exception):
58    def __init__(self, lineno, msg):
59        super(ParseError, self).__init__('%d: %s' % (lineno, msg))
62class Expectation(object):
63    def __init__(self, reason=None, test='*', tags=None, results=None, lineno=0,
64                 retry_on_failure=False, is_slow_test=False,
65                 conflict_resolution=ConflictResolutionTypes.UNION, raw_tags=None, raw_results=None,
66                 is_glob=False, trailing_comments=None):
67        """Constructor for expectations.
69        Args:
70          reason: String that indicates the reason for the expectation.
71          test: String indicating which test is being affected.
72          tags: List of tags that the expectation applies to. Tags are combined
73              using a logical and, i.e., all of the tags need to be present for
74              the expectation to apply. For example, if tags = ['Mac', 'Debug'],
75              then the test must be running with the 'Mac' and 'Debug' tags
76              set; just 'Mac', or 'Mac' and 'Release', would not qualify.
77          results: List of outcomes for test. Example: ['Skip', 'Pass']
78        """
79        tags = tags or []
80        self._is_default_pass = not results
81        results = results or {ResultType.Pass}
82        reason = reason or ''
83        trailing_comments = trailing_comments or ''
84        assert python_2_3_compat.is_str(reason)
85        assert python_2_3_compat.is_str(test)
86        self._reason = reason
87        self._test = test
88        self._tags = frozenset(tags)
89        self._results = frozenset(results)
90        self._lineno = lineno
91        self._raw_tags = raw_tags
92        self._raw_results = raw_results
93        self.should_retry_on_failure = retry_on_failure
94        self.is_slow_test = is_slow_test
95        self.conflict_resolution = conflict_resolution
96        self._is_glob = is_glob
97        self._trailing_comments = trailing_comments
99    def __eq__(self, other):
100        return (self.reason == other.reason and self.test == other.test
101                and self.should_retry_on_failure == other.should_retry_on_failure
102                and self.is_slow_test == other.is_slow_test
103                and self.tags == other.tags and self.results == other.results
104                and self.lineno == other.lineno
105                and self.trailing_comments == other.trailing_comments)
107    def _set_string_value(self):
108        """This method will create an expectation line in string form and set the
109        _string_value member variable to it. If the _raw_results lists and _raw_tags
110        list are not set then the _tags list and _results set will be used to set them.
111        Setting the _raw_results and _raw_tags list to the original lists through the constructor
112        during parsing stops unintended modifications to test expectations when rewriting files.
113        """
114        # If this instance is for a glob type expectation then do not escape
115        # the last asterisk
116        if self.is_glob:
117            assert len(self._test) and self._test[-1] == '*', (
118                'For Expectation instances for glob type expectations, the test value '
119                'must end in an asterisk')
120            pattern = self._test[:-1].replace('*', '\\*') + '*'
121        else:
122            pattern = self._test.replace('*', '\\*')
123        self._string_value = ''
124        if self._reason:
125            self._string_value += self._reason + ' '
126        if self.raw_tags:
127            self._string_value += '[ %s ] ' % ' '.join(self.raw_tags)
128        self._string_value += pattern + ' '
129        self._string_value += '[ %s ]' % ' '.join(self.raw_results)
130        if self._trailing_comments:
131            self._string_value += self._trailing_comments
133    def add_expectations(self, results, reason=None):
134        if reason:
135            self._reason = ' '.join(set(self._reason.split() + reason.split()))
136        if not results <= self._results:
137            self._results = frozenset(self._results | results)
138            self._raw_results = sorted(
139                [_RESULT_TAGS[t] for t in self._results])
141    @property
142    def raw_tags(self):
143        if not self._raw_tags:
144            self._raw_tags = {t[0].upper() + t[1:].lower() for t in self._tags}
145        return self._raw_tags
147    @property
148    def raw_results(self):
149        if not self._raw_results:
150            self._raw_results = {_RESULT_TAGS[t] for t in self._results}
151            if self.is_slow_test:
152                self._raw_results.add(_SLOW_TAG)
153            if self.should_retry_on_failure:
154                self._raw_results.add(_RETRY_ON_FAILURE_TAG)
155        return self._raw_results
157    def to_string(self):
158        self._set_string_value()
159        return self._string_value
161    @property
162    def is_default_pass(self):
163        return self._is_default_pass
165    @property
166    def reason(self):
167        return self._reason
169    @property
170    def test(self):
171        return self._test
173    @test.setter
174    def test(self, v):
175        if not len(v):
176            raise ValueError('Cannot set test to empty string')
177        if self.is_glob and v[-1] != '*':
178            raise ValueError(
179                'test value for glob type expectations must end with an asterisk')
180        self._test = v
182    @property
183    def tags(self):
184        return self._tags
186    @property
187    def results(self):
188        return self._results
190    @property
191    def lineno(self):
192        return self._lineno
194    @lineno.setter
195    def lineno(self, lineno):
196        self._lineno = lineno
198    @property
199    def is_glob(self):
200        return self._is_glob
202    @property
203    def trailing_comments(self):
204        return self._trailing_comments
207class TaggedTestListParser(object):
208    """Parses lists of tests and expectations for them.
210    This parser covers the 'tagged' test lists format in:
211        bit.ly/chromium-test-list-format
213    Takes raw expectations data as a string read from the expectation file
214    in the format:
216      # This is an example expectation file.
217      #
218      # tags: [
219      #   Mac Mac10.1 Mac10.2
220      #   Win Win8
221      # ]
222      # tags: [ Release Debug ]
224      crbug.com/123 [ Win ] benchmark/story [ Skip ]
225      ...
226    """
227    CONFLICTS_ALLOWED = '# conflicts_allowed: '
228    RESULT_TOKEN = '# results: ['
229    TAG_TOKEN = '# tags: ['
230    # The bug field (optional), including optional subproject.
231    BUG_PREFIX_REGEX = '(?:crbug.com/|skbug.com/|webkit.org/)'
232    _MATCH_STRING = r'^(?:(' + BUG_PREFIX_REGEX + '(?:[^/]*/)?\d+\s)*)'
233    _MATCH_STRING += r'(?:\[ (.+) \] )?'  # The label field (optional).
234    _MATCH_STRING += r'(\S+) '  # The test path field.
235    _MATCH_STRING += r'\[ ([^\[.]+) \]'  # The expectation field.
236    _MATCH_STRING += r'(\s+#.*)?$'  # End comment (optional).
237    MATCHER = re.compile(_MATCH_STRING)
239    def __init__(self, raw_data, conflict_resolution=ConflictResolutionTypes.UNION):
240        self.tag_sets = []
241        self.conflicts_allowed = False
242        self.expectations = []
243        self._allowed_results = set()
244        self._tag_to_tag_set = {}
245        self._conflict_resolution = conflict_resolution
246        self._parse_raw_expectation_data(raw_data)
248    def _parse_raw_expectation_data(self, raw_data):
249        lines = raw_data.splitlines()
250        lineno = 1
251        num_lines = len(lines)
252        tag_sets_intersection = set()
253        first_tag_line = None
254        while lineno <= num_lines:
255            line = lines[lineno - 1].strip()
256            if (line.startswith(self.TAG_TOKEN) or
257                line.startswith(self.RESULT_TOKEN)):
258                if line.startswith(self.TAG_TOKEN):
259                    token = self.TAG_TOKEN
260                else:
261                    token = self.RESULT_TOKEN
262                # Handle tags.
263                if self.expectations:
264                    raise ParseError(lineno,
265                                     'Tag found after first expectation.')
266                if not first_tag_line:
267                    first_tag_line = lineno
268                right_bracket = line.find(']')
269                if right_bracket == -1:
270                    # multi-line tag set
271                    tag_set = set(
272                        [t.lower() for t in line[len(token):].split()])
273                    lineno += 1
274                    while lineno <= num_lines and right_bracket == -1:
275                        line = lines[lineno - 1].strip()
276                        if line[0] != '#':
277                            raise ParseError(
278                                lineno,
279                                'Multi-line tag set missing leading "#"')
280                        right_bracket = line.find(']')
281                        if right_bracket == -1:
282                            tag_set.update(
283                                [t.lower() for t in line[1:].split()])
284                            lineno += 1
285                        else:
286                            tag_set.update(
287                                [t.lower()
288                                 for t in line[1:right_bracket].split()])
289                            if line[right_bracket+1:]:
290                                raise ParseError(
291                                    lineno,
292                                    'Nothing is allowed after a closing tag '
293                                    'bracket')
294                else:
295                    if line[right_bracket+1:]:
296                        raise ParseError(
297                            lineno,
298                            'Nothing is allowed after a closing tag '
299                            'bracket')
300                    tag_set = set(
301                        [t.lower()
302                         for t in line[len(token):right_bracket].split()])
303                if token == self.TAG_TOKEN:
304                    tag_sets_intersection.update(
305                        (t for t in tag_set if t in self._tag_to_tag_set))
306                    self.tag_sets.append(tag_set)
307                    self._tag_to_tag_set.update(
308                        {tg: id(tag_set) for tg in tag_set})
309                else:
310                    self._allowed_results.update(tag_set)
311            elif line.startswith(self.CONFLICTS_ALLOWED):
312                bool_value = line[len(self.CONFLICTS_ALLOWED):].lower()
313                if bool_value not in ('true', 'false'):
314                    raise ParseError(
315                        lineno,
316                        ("Unrecognized value '%s' given for conflicts_allowed "
317                         "descriptor" %
318                         bool_value))
319                self.conflicts_allowed = bool_value == 'true'
320            elif line.startswith('#') or not line:
321                # Ignore, it is just a comment or empty.
322                lineno += 1
323                continue
324            elif not tag_sets_intersection:
325                self.expectations.append(
326                    self._parse_expectation_line(lineno, line))
327            else:
328                break
329            lineno += 1
330        if tag_sets_intersection:
331            is_multiple_tags = len(tag_sets_intersection) > 1
332            tag_tags = 'tags' if is_multiple_tags else 'tag'
333            was_were = 'were' if is_multiple_tags else 'was'
334            error_msg = 'The {0} {1} {2} found in multiple tag sets'.format(
335                tag_tags, _group_to_string(
336                    sorted(list(tag_sets_intersection))), was_were)
337            raise ParseError(first_tag_line, error_msg)
339    def _parse_expectation_line(self, lineno, line):
340        match = self.MATCHER.match(line)
341        if not match:
342            raise ParseError(lineno, 'Syntax error: %s' % line)
344        reason, raw_tags, test, raw_results, trailing_comments = match.groups()
346        # TODO(rmhasan): Find a better regex to capture the reasons. The '*' in
347        # the reasons regex only allows us to get the last bug. We need to write
348        # the below code to get the full list of reasons.
349        if reason:
350            reason = reason.strip()
351            index = line.find(reason)
352            reason = line[:index] + reason
354        tags = [raw_tag.lower() for raw_tag in raw_tags.split()] if raw_tags else []
355        tag_set_ids = set()
357        for i in range(len(test)-1):
358            if test[i] == '*' and ((i > 0 and test[i-1] != '\\') or i == 0):
359                raise ParseError(lineno,
360                    'Invalid glob, \'*\' can only be at the end of the pattern')
362        for t in tags:
363            if not t in  self._tag_to_tag_set:
364                raise ParseError(lineno, 'Unknown tag "%s"' % t)
365            else:
366                tag_set_ids.add(self._tag_to_tag_set[t])
368        if len(tag_set_ids) != len(tags):
369            error_msg = ('The tag group contains tags that are '
370                         'part of the same tag set')
371            tags_by_tag_set_id = defaultdict(list)
372            for t in tags:
373              tags_by_tag_set_id[self._tag_to_tag_set[t]].append(t)
374            for tag_intersection in tags_by_tag_set_id.values():
375                error_msg += ('\n  - Tags %s are part of the same tag set' %
376                              _group_to_string(sorted(tag_intersection)))
377            raise ParseError(lineno, error_msg)
379        results = []
380        retry_on_failure = False
381        is_slow_test = False
382        for r in raw_results.split():
383            r = r.lower()
384            if r not in self._allowed_results:
385                raise ParseError(lineno, 'Unknown result type "%s"' % r)
386            try:
387                # The test expectations may contain expected results and
388                # the RetryOnFailure tag
389                if r in  _EXPECTATION_MAP:
390                    results.append(_EXPECTATION_MAP[r])
391                elif r == 'retryonfailure':
392                    retry_on_failure = True
393                elif r == 'slow':
394                    is_slow_test = True
395                else:
396                    raise KeyError
397            except KeyError:
398                raise ParseError(lineno, 'Unknown result type "%s"' % r)
400        # remove escapes for asterisks
401        is_glob = not test.endswith('\\*') and test.endswith('*')
402        test = test.replace('\\*', '*')
403        if raw_tags:
404            raw_tags = raw_tags.split()
405        if raw_results:
406            raw_results = raw_results.split()
407        # Tags from tag groups will be stored in lower case in the Expectation
408        # instance. These tags will be compared to the tags passed in to
409        # the Runner instance which are also stored in lower case.
410        return Expectation(
411            reason, test, tags, results, lineno, retry_on_failure, is_slow_test,
412            self._conflict_resolution, raw_tags=raw_tags, raw_results=raw_results,
413            is_glob=is_glob, trailing_comments=trailing_comments)
416class TestExpectations(object):
418    def __init__(self, tags=None, ignored_tags=None):
419        self.tag_sets = []
420        self.ignored_tags = set(ignored_tags or [])
421        self.set_tags(tags or [])
422        # Expectations may either refer to individual tests, or globs of
423        # tests. Each test (or glob) may have multiple sets of tags and
424        # expected results, so we store these in dicts ordered by the string
425        # for ease of retrieve. glob_exps use an OrderedDict rather than
426        # a regular dict for reasons given below.
427        self.individual_exps = OrderedDict()
428        self.glob_exps = OrderedDict()
429        self._tags_conflict = _default_tags_conflict
431    def set_tags(self, tags, raise_ex_for_bad_tags=False):
432        self.validate_condition_tags(tags, raise_ex_for_bad_tags)
433        self._tags = [tag.lower() for tag in tags]
435    def add_tags(self, new_tags, raise_ex_for_bad_tags=False):
436        self.validate_condition_tags(new_tags, raise_ex_for_bad_tags)
437        self._tags = list(
438            set(self._tags) | set([tag.lower() for tag in new_tags]))
440    @property
441    def tags(self):
442        return self._tags[:]
444    def validate_condition_tags(self, tags, raise_ex_for_bad_tags):
445        # This function will be used to validate if each tag in the tags list
446        # is declared in a test expectations file. This validation will make
447        # sure that the tags written in the test expectations files match tags
448        # that are generated by the test runner.
449        def _pluralize_unknown(missing):
450            if len(missing) > 1:
451                return ('s %s ' % ', '.join(missing[:-1]) + 'and %s ' % missing[-1] + 'are',
452                        'have', 's are')
453            else:
454                return (' %s ' % missing[0] + 'is', 'has', ' is')
455        tags = [t.lower() for t in tags]
456        unknown_tags = sorted([
457            t for t in tags
458            if self.tag_sets and all(
459                    t not in tag_set and t not in self.ignored_tags
460                    for tag_set in self.tag_sets)])
461        if unknown_tags:
462            msg = (
463                'Tag%s not declared in the expectations file and %s not been '
464                'explicitly ignored by the test. There may have been a typo in '
465                'the expectations file. Please make sure the aforementioned '
466                'tag%s declared at the top of the expectations file.' %
467                _pluralize_unknown(unknown_tags))
468            if raise_ex_for_bad_tags:
469                raise ValueError(msg)
470            else:
471                logging.warning(msg)
473    def parse_tagged_list(self, raw_data, file_name='',
474                          tags_conflict=_default_tags_conflict,
475                          conflict_resolution=ConflictResolutionTypes.UNION):
476        ret = 0
477        self.file_name = file_name
478        try:
479            parser = TaggedTestListParser(raw_data, conflict_resolution)
480        except ParseError as e:
481            return 1, str(e)
482        self.tag_sets = parser.tag_sets
483        self._tags_conflict = tags_conflict
484        # TODO(crbug.com/83560) - Add support for multiple policies
485        # for supporting multiple matching lines, e.g., allow/union,
486        # reject, etc. Right now, you effectively just get a union.
487        glob_exps = []
488        for exp in parser.expectations:
489            if exp.is_glob:
490                glob_exps.append(exp)
491            else:
492                self.individual_exps.setdefault(exp.test, []).append(exp)
494        # Each glob may also have multiple matching lines. By ordering the
495        # globs by decreasing length, this allows us to find the most
496        # specific glob by a simple linear search in expected_results_for().
497        glob_exps.sort(key=lambda exp: len(exp.test), reverse=True)
498        for exp in glob_exps:
499            self.glob_exps.setdefault(exp.test, []).append(exp)
501        errors = ''
502        if not parser.conflicts_allowed:
503            errors = self.check_test_expectations_patterns_for_conflicts()
504            ret = 1 if errors else 0
505        return ret, errors
507    def merge_test_expectations(self, other):
508        # Merges another TestExpectation instance into this instance.
509        # It will merge the other instance's and this instance's
510        # individual_exps and glob_exps dictionaries.
511        self.add_tags(other.tags)
512        for pattern, exps in other.individual_exps.items():
513            self.individual_exps.setdefault(pattern, []).extend(exps)
514        for pattern, exps in other.glob_exps.items():
515            self.glob_exps.setdefault(pattern, []).extend(exps)
516        # resort the glob patterns by length in self.glob_exps ordered
517        # dictionary
518        glob_exps = self.glob_exps
519        self.glob_exps = OrderedDict()
520        for pattern, exps in sorted(
521              glob_exps.items(), key=lambda item: len(item[0]), reverse=True):
522            self.glob_exps[pattern] = exps
524    def expectations_for(self, test):
525        # Returns an Expectation.
526        #
527        # A given test may have multiple expectations, each with different
528        # sets of tags that apply and different expected results, e.g.:
529        #
530        #  [ Mac ] TestFoo.test_bar [ Skip ]
531        #  [ Debug Win ] TestFoo.test_bar [ Pass Failure ]
532        #
533        # To determine the expected results for a test, we have to loop over
534        # all of the failures matching a test, find the ones whose tags are
535        # a subset of the ones in effect, and  return the union of all of the
536        # results. For example, if the runner is running with {Debug, Mac, Mac10.12}
537        # then lines with no tags, {Mac}, or {Debug, Mac} would all match, but
538        # {Debug, Win} would not. We also have to set the should_retry_on_failure
539        # boolean variable to True if any of the expectations have the
540        # should_retry_on_failure flag set to true
541        #
542        # The longest matching test string (name or glob) has priority.
543        self._results = set()
544        self._reasons = set()
545        self._exp_tags = set()
546        self._should_retry_on_failure = False
547        self._is_slow_test = False
548        self._trailing_comments = str()
550        def _update_expected_results(exp):
551            if exp.tags.issubset(self._tags):
552                if exp.conflict_resolution == ConflictResolutionTypes.UNION:
553                    if not exp.is_default_pass:
554                        self._results.update(exp.results)
555                    self._should_retry_on_failure |= exp.should_retry_on_failure
556                    self._is_slow_test |= exp.is_slow_test
557                    self._exp_tags.update(exp.tags)
558                    if exp.trailing_comments:
559                        self._trailing_comments += exp.trailing_comments + '\n'
560                    if exp.reason:
561                        self._reasons.update([exp.reason])
562                else:
563                    self._results = set(exp.results)
564                    self._should_retry_on_failure = exp.should_retry_on_failure
565                    self._is_slow_test = exp.is_slow_test
566                    self._exp_tags = set(exp.tags)
567                    self._trailing_comments = exp.trailing_comments
568                    if exp.reason:
569                        self._reasons = {exp.reason}
571        # First, check for an exact match on the test name.
572        for exp in self.individual_exps.get(test, []):
573            _update_expected_results(exp)
575        if self._results or self._is_slow_test or self._should_retry_on_failure:
576            return Expectation(
577                    test=test, results=self._results, tags=self._exp_tags,
578                    retry_on_failure=self._should_retry_on_failure,
579                    is_slow_test=self._is_slow_test, reason=' '.join(self._reasons),
580                    trailing_comments=self._trailing_comments)
582        # If we didn't find an exact match, check for matching globs. Match by
583        # the most specific (i.e., longest) glob first. Because self.globs_exps
584        # is ordered by length, this is a simple linear search
585        for glob, exps in self.glob_exps.items():
586            glob = glob[:-1]
587            if test.startswith(glob):
588                for exp in exps:
589                    _update_expected_results(exp)
590                # if *any* of the exps matched, results will be non-empty,
591                # and we're done. If not, keep looking through ever-shorter
592                # globs.
593                if self._results or self._is_slow_test or self._should_retry_on_failure:
594                    return Expectation(
595                            test=test, results=self._results, tags=self._exp_tags,
596                            retry_on_failure=self._should_retry_on_failure,
597                            is_slow_test=self._is_slow_test, reason=' '.join(self._reasons),
598                            trailing_comments=self._trailing_comments)
600        # Nothing matched, so by default, the test is expected to pass.
601        return Expectation(test=test)
603    def tag_sets_conflict(self, s1, s2):
604        # Tag sets s1 and s2 have no conflict when there exists a tag in s1
605        # and tag in s2 that are from the same tag declaration set and do not
606        # conflict with each other.
607        for tag_set in self.tag_sets:
608            for t1, t2 in itertools.product(s1, s2):
609                if (t1 in tag_set and t2 in tag_set and
610                    self._tags_conflict(t1, t2)):
611                    return False
612        return True
614    def check_test_expectations_patterns_for_conflicts(self):
615        # This function makes sure that any test expectations that have the same
616        # pattern do not conflict with each other. Test expectations conflict
617        # if their tag sets do not have conflicting tags. Tags conflict when
618        # they belong to the same tag declaration set. For example an
619        # expectations file may have a tag declaration set for operating systems
620        # which might look like [ win linux]. A test expectation that has the
621        # linux tag will not conflict with an expectation that has the win tag.
622        error_msg = ''
623        patterns_to_exps = dict(self.individual_exps)
624        patterns_to_exps.update(self.glob_exps)
625        for pattern, exps in patterns_to_exps.items():
626            conflicts_exist = False
627            for e1, e2 in itertools.combinations(exps, 2):
628                if self.tag_sets_conflict(e1.tags, e2.tags):
629                    if not conflicts_exist:
630                        error_msg += (
631                            '\nFound conflicts for pattern %s%s:\n' %
632                            (pattern,
633                             (' in %s' %
634                              self.file_name if self.file_name else '')))
635                    conflicts_exist = True
636                    error_msg += ('  line %d conflicts with line %d\n' %
637                                  (e1.lineno, e2.lineno))
638        return error_msg
640    def check_for_broken_expectations(self, test_names):
641        # It returns a list expectations that do not apply to any test names in
642        # the test_names list.
643        #
644        # args:
645        # test_names: list of test names that are used to find test expectations
646        # that do not apply to any of test names in the list.
647        broken_exps = []
648        test_names = set(test_names)
649        for pattern, exps in self.individual_exps.items():
650            if pattern not in test_names:
651                broken_exps.extend(exps)
653        # look for broken glob expectations
654        # first create a trie of test names
655        trie = {}
656        broken_glob_exps = []
657        for test in test_names:
658            _trie = trie.setdefault(test[0], {})
659            for l in test[1:]:
660                _trie = _trie.setdefault(l, {})
661            _trie.setdefault('\0', {})
663        # look for globs that do not match any test names and append their
664        # expectations to glob_broken_exps
665        for pattern, exps in self.glob_exps.items():
666            _trie = trie
667            for i, l in enumerate(pattern):
668                if l == '*' and i == len(pattern) - 1:
669                    break
670                if l not in _trie:
671                    broken_glob_exps.extend(exps)
672                    break
673                _trie = _trie[l]
674        return broken_exps + broken_glob_exps