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26 #include "filecrumblabel.h"
28 #include <utils/hostosinfo.h>
30 #include <QDir>
31 #include <QUrl>
33 namespace Utils {
FileCrumbLabel(QWidget * parent)35 FileCrumbLabel::FileCrumbLabel(QWidget *parent)
36     : QLabel(parent)
37 {
38     setTextFormat(Qt::RichText);
39     setWordWrap(true);
40     connect(this, &QLabel::linkActivated, this, [this](const QString &url) {
41         emit pathClicked(FilePath::fromString(QUrl(url).toLocalFile()));
42     });
43     setPath(FilePath());
44 }
linkForPath(const FilePath & path,const QString & display)46 static QString linkForPath(const FilePath &path, const QString &display)
47 {
48     return "<a href=\""
49             + QUrl::fromLocalFile(path.toString()).toString(QUrl::FullyEncoded) + "\">"
50             + display + "</a>";
51 }
setPath(const FilePath & path)53 void FileCrumbLabel::setPath(const FilePath &path)
54 {
55     QStringList links;
56     FilePath current = path;
57     while (!current.isEmpty()) {
58         const QString fileName = current.fileName();
59         if (!fileName.isEmpty()) {
60             links.prepend(linkForPath(current, fileName));
61         } else if (HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost() && QDir(current.toString()).isRoot()) {
62             // Only on Windows add the drive letter, without the '/' at the end
63             QString display = current.toString();
64             if (display.endsWith('/'))
65                 display.chop(1);
66             links.prepend(linkForPath(current, display));
67         }
68         current = current.parentDir();
69     }
70     const auto pathSeparator = HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost() ? QLatin1String("&nbsp;\\ ")
71                                                            : QLatin1String("&nbsp;/ ");
72     const QString prefix = HostOsInfo::isWindowsHost() ? QString("\\ ") : QString("/ ");
73     setText(prefix + links.join(pathSeparator));
74 }
76 } // Utils