1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 Hong Jen Yee (PCMan) <pcman.tw@gmail.com>
3 *
4 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 *
9 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
13 *
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
15 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
16 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
17 *
18 */
20 #include "utilities.h"
21 #include "utilities_p.h"
22 #include <QApplication>
23 #include <QClipboard>
24 #include <QMimeData>
25 #include <QUrl>
26 #include <QList>
27 #include <QStringBuilder>
28 #include <QMessageBox>
29 #include <QStandardPaths>
30 #include "fileoperation.h"
31 #include <QEventLoop>
33 #include <pwd.h>
34 #include <grp.h>
35 #include <cstdlib>
36 #include <glib.h>
38 namespace Fm {
pathListFromUriList(const char * uriList)40 Fm::FilePathList pathListFromUriList(const char* uriList) {
41 Fm::FilePathList pathList;
42 char** uris = g_strsplit_set(uriList, "\r\n", -1);
43 for(char** uri = uris; *uri; ++uri) {
44 if(**uri != '\0') {
45 pathList.push_back(Fm::FilePath::fromUri(*uri));
46 }
47 }
48 g_strfreev(uris);
49 return pathList;
50 }
pathListToUriList(const Fm::FilePathList & paths)52 QByteArray pathListToUriList(const Fm::FilePathList& paths) {
53 QByteArray uriList;
54 for(auto& path: paths) {
55 uriList += path.uri().get();
56 uriList += "\r\n";
57 }
58 return uriList;
59 }
pathListFromQUrls(QList<QUrl> urls)61 Fm::FilePathList pathListFromQUrls(QList<QUrl> urls) {
62 Fm::FilePathList pathList;
63 for(auto it = urls.cbegin(); it != urls.cend(); ++it) {
64 auto path = Fm::FilePath::fromUri(it->toString().toUtf8().constData());
65 pathList.push_back(std::move(path));
66 }
67 return pathList;
68 }
pasteFilesFromClipboard(const Fm::FilePath & destPath,QWidget * parent)70 void pasteFilesFromClipboard(const Fm::FilePath& destPath, QWidget* parent) {
71 QClipboard* clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
72 const QMimeData* data = clipboard->mimeData();
73 Fm::FilePathList paths;
74 bool isCut = false;
76 if(data->hasFormat(QStringLiteral("x-special/gnome-copied-files"))) {
77 // Gnome, LXDE, and XFCE
78 QByteArray gnomeData = data->data(QStringLiteral("x-special/gnome-copied-files"));
79 char* pdata = gnomeData.data();
80 char* eol = strchr(pdata, '\n');
82 if(eol) {
83 *eol = '\0';
84 isCut = (strcmp(pdata, "cut") == 0 ? true : false);
85 paths = pathListFromUriList(eol + 1);
86 }
87 }
89 if(paths.empty() && data->hasUrls()) {
90 // The KDE way
91 paths = Fm::pathListFromQUrls(data->urls());
92 QByteArray cut = data->data(QStringLiteral("application/x-kde-cutselection"));
93 if(!cut.isEmpty() && QChar::fromLatin1(cut.at(0)) == QLatin1Char('1')) {
94 isCut = true;
95 }
96 }
98 if(!paths.empty()) {
99 if(isCut) {
100 FileOperation::moveFiles(paths, destPath, parent);
101 clipboard->clear(QClipboard::Clipboard);
102 }
103 else {
104 FileOperation::copyFiles(paths, destPath, parent);
105 }
106 }
107 }
copyFilesToClipboard(const Fm::FilePathList & files)109 void copyFilesToClipboard(const Fm::FilePathList& files) {
110 QClipboard* clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
111 QMimeData* data = new QMimeData();
112 auto urilist = pathListToUriList(files);
114 // Gnome, LXDE, and XFCE
115 // Note: the standard text/urilist format uses CRLF for line breaks, but gnome format uses LF only
116 data->setData(QStringLiteral("x-special/gnome-copied-files"), QByteArray("copy\n") + urilist.replace("\r\n", "\n"));
117 // The KDE way
118 data->setData(QStringLiteral("text/uri-list"), urilist);
119 // data->setData(QStringLiteral("application/x-kde-cutselection"), QByteArrayLiteral("0"));
120 clipboard->setMimeData(data);
121 }
cutFilesToClipboard(const Fm::FilePathList & files)123 void cutFilesToClipboard(const Fm::FilePathList& files) {
124 QClipboard* clipboard = QApplication::clipboard();
125 QMimeData* data = new QMimeData();
126 auto urilist = pathListToUriList(files);
128 // Gnome, LXDE, and XFCE
129 // Note: the standard text/urilist format uses CRLF for line breaks, but gnome format uses LF only
130 data->setData(QStringLiteral("x-special/gnome-copied-files"), QByteArray("cut\n") + urilist.replace("\r\n", "\n"));
131 // The KDE way
132 data->setData(QStringLiteral("text/uri-list"), urilist);
133 data->setData(QStringLiteral("application/x-kde-cutselection"), QByteArrayLiteral("1"));
134 clipboard->setMimeData(data);
135 }
changeFileName(const Fm::FilePath & filePath,const QString & newName,QWidget * parent,bool showMessage)137 bool changeFileName(const Fm::FilePath& filePath, const QString& newName, QWidget* parent, bool showMessage) {
138 // NOTE: g_file_set_display_name() is used instead of g_file_move() because,
139 // otherwise, renaming will not be possible in places like google-drive:///.
140 Fm::GErrorPtr err;
141 GFilePtr gfile{g_file_set_display_name(filePath.gfile().get(),
142 newName.toLocal8Bit().constData(),
143 nullptr, /* make this cancellable later. */
144 &err)};
145 if(gfile == nullptr) {
146 if (showMessage){
147 QMessageBox::critical(parent ? parent->window() : nullptr, QObject::tr("Error"), err.message());
148 }
149 return false;
150 }
152 // reload the containing folder if it is in use but does not have a file monitor
153 auto folder = Fm::Folder::findByPath(filePath.parent());
154 if(folder && folder->isValid() && folder->isLoaded() && !folder->hasFileMonitor()) {
155 folder->reload();
156 }
158 return true;
159 }
renameFile(std::shared_ptr<const Fm::FileInfo> file,QWidget * parent)161 bool renameFile(std::shared_ptr<const Fm::FileInfo> file, QWidget* parent) {
162 FilenameDialog dlg(parent ? parent->window() : nullptr);
163 dlg.setWindowTitle(QObject::tr("Rename File"));
164 dlg.setLabelText(QObject::tr("Please enter a new name:"));
165 // NOTE: "Edit name" seems the best way to handle non-UTF8 filename encoding.
166 auto old_name = QString::fromUtf8(g_file_info_get_edit_name(file->gFileInfo().get()));
167 if(old_name.isEmpty()) {
168 old_name = QString::fromStdString(file->name());
169 }
170 dlg.setTextValue(old_name);
172 if(file->isDir()) { // select filename extension for directories
173 dlg.setSelectExtension(true);
174 }
176 if(dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) {
177 return false; // stop multiple renaming
178 }
180 QString new_name = dlg.textValue();
181 if(new_name == old_name) {
182 return true; // let multiple renaming continue
183 }
184 changeFileName(file->path(), new_name, parent);
185 return true;
186 }
setDefaultAppForType(const Fm::GAppInfoPtr app,std::shared_ptr<const Fm::MimeType> mimeType)188 void setDefaultAppForType(const Fm::GAppInfoPtr app, std::shared_ptr<const Fm::MimeType> mimeType) {
189 // NOTE: "g_app_info_set_as_default_for_type()" writes to "~/.config/mimeapps.list"
190 // but we want to set the default app only for the current DE (e.g., LXQt).
191 // More importantly, if the DE-specific list already exists and contains some
192 // default apps, it will have priority over "~/.config/mimeapps.list" and so,
193 // "g_app_info_set_as_default_for_type()" could not change those apps.
195 if(app == nullptr || mimeType == nullptr) {
196 return;
197 }
199 // first find the DE's mimeapps list file
200 QByteArray mimeappsList = "mimeapps.list";
201 QList<QByteArray> desktopsList = qgetenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP").toLower().split(':');
202 if(!desktopsList.isEmpty()) {
203 mimeappsList = desktopsList.at(0) + "-" + mimeappsList;
204 }
205 QString configDir = QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::ConfigLocation);
206 auto mimeappsListPath = CStrPtr(g_build_filename(configDir.toUtf8().constData(),
207 mimeappsList.constData(),
208 nullptr));
210 // set the default app in the DE's mimeapps list
211 const char* desktop_id = g_app_info_get_id(app.get());
212 GKeyFile* kf = g_key_file_new();
213 g_key_file_load_from_file(kf, mimeappsListPath.get(), G_KEY_FILE_NONE, nullptr);
214 g_key_file_set_string(kf, "Default Applications", mimeType->name(), desktop_id);
215 g_key_file_save_to_file(kf, mimeappsListPath.get(), nullptr);
216 g_key_file_free(kf);
217 }
219 // templateFile is a file path used as a template of the new file.
createFileOrFolder(CreateFileType type,FilePath parentDir,const TemplateItem * templ,QWidget * parent)220 void createFileOrFolder(CreateFileType type, FilePath parentDir, const TemplateItem* templ, QWidget* parent) {
221 QString defaultNewName;
222 QString prompt;
223 QString dialogTitle = type == CreateNewFolder ? QObject::tr("Create Folder")
224 : QObject::tr("Create File");
226 switch(type) {
227 case CreateNewTextFile:
228 prompt = QObject::tr("Please enter a new file name:");
229 defaultNewName = QObject::tr("New text file");
230 break;
232 case CreateNewFolder:
233 prompt = QObject::tr("Please enter a new folder name:");
234 defaultNewName = QObject::tr("New folder");
235 break;
237 case CreateWithTemplate: {
238 auto mime = templ->mimeType();
239 prompt = QObject::tr("Enter a name for the new %1:").arg(QString::fromUtf8(mime->desc()));
240 defaultNewName = QString::fromStdString(templ->name());
241 }
242 break;
243 }
245 _retry:
246 // ask the user to input a file name
247 bool ok;
248 QString new_name = QInputDialog::getText(parent ? parent->window() : nullptr,
249 dialogTitle,
250 prompt,
251 QLineEdit::Normal,
252 defaultNewName,
253 &ok);
255 if(!ok) {
256 return;
257 }
259 auto dest = parentDir.child(new_name.toLocal8Bit().data());
260 Fm::GErrorPtr err;
261 switch(type) {
262 case CreateNewTextFile: {
263 Fm::GFileOutputStreamPtr f{g_file_create(dest.gfile().get(), G_FILE_CREATE_NONE, nullptr, &err), false};
264 if(f) {
265 g_output_stream_close(G_OUTPUT_STREAM(f.get()), nullptr, nullptr);
266 }
267 break;
268 }
269 case CreateNewFolder:
270 g_file_make_directory(dest.gfile().get(), nullptr, &err);
271 break;
272 case CreateWithTemplate:
273 // copy the template file to its destination
274 FileOperation::copyFile(templ->filePath(), dest, parent);
275 break;
276 }
277 if(err) {
278 if(err.domain() == G_IO_ERROR && err.code() == G_IO_ERROR_EXISTS) {
279 err.reset();
280 goto _retry;
281 }
283 QMessageBox::critical(parent ? parent->window() : nullptr, QObject::tr("Error"), err.message());
284 }
285 else { // reload the containing folder if it is in use but does not have a file monitor
286 auto folder = Fm::Folder::findByPath(parentDir);
287 if(folder && folder->isValid() && folder->isLoaded() && !folder->hasFileMonitor()) {
288 folder->reload();
289 }
290 }
291 }
uidFromName(QString name)293 uid_t uidFromName(QString name) {
294 uid_t ret;
295 if(name.isEmpty()) {
296 return INVALID_UID;
297 }
298 if(name.at(0).digitValue() != -1) {
299 ret = uid_t(name.toUInt());
300 }
301 else {
302 struct passwd* pw = getpwnam(name.toLatin1().constData());
303 // FIXME: use getpwnam_r instead later to make it reentrant
304 ret = pw ? pw->pw_uid : INVALID_UID;
305 }
307 return ret;
308 }
uidToName(uid_t uid)310 QString uidToName(uid_t uid) {
311 QString ret;
312 struct passwd* pw = getpwuid(uid);
314 if(pw) {
315 ret = QString::fromUtf8(pw->pw_name);
316 }
317 else {
318 ret = QString::number(uid);
319 }
321 return ret;
322 }
gidFromName(QString name)324 gid_t gidFromName(QString name) {
325 gid_t ret;
326 if(name.isEmpty()) {
327 return INVALID_GID;
328 }
329 if(name.at(0).digitValue() != -1) {
330 ret = gid_t(name.toUInt());
331 }
332 else {
333 // FIXME: use getgrnam_r instead later to make it reentrant
334 struct group* grp = getgrnam(name.toLatin1().constData());
335 ret = grp ? grp->gr_gid : INVALID_GID;
336 }
338 return ret;
339 }
gidToName(gid_t gid)341 QString gidToName(gid_t gid) {
342 QString ret;
343 struct group* grp = getgrgid(gid);
345 if(grp) {
346 ret = QString::fromUtf8(grp->gr_name);
347 }
348 else {
349 ret = QString::number(gid);
350 }
352 return ret;
353 }
execModelessDialog(QDialog * dlg)355 int execModelessDialog(QDialog* dlg) {
356 // FIXME: this does much less than QDialog::exec(). Will this work flawlessly?
357 QEventLoop loop;
358 QObject::connect(dlg, &QDialog::finished, &loop, &QEventLoop::quit);
359 // DialogExec does not seem to be documented in the Qt API doc?
360 // However, in the source code of QDialog::exec(), it's used so let's use it too.
361 dlg->show();
362 (void)loop.exec(QEventLoop::DialogExec);
363 return dlg->result();
364 }
366 // check if GVFS can support this uri scheme (lower case)
367 // NOTE: this does not work reliably due to some problems in gio/gvfs and causes bug lxqt/lxqt#512
368 // https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt/issues/512
369 // Use uriExists() whenever possible.
isUriSchemeSupported(const char * uriScheme)370 bool isUriSchemeSupported(const char* uriScheme) {
371 const gchar* const* schemes = g_vfs_get_supported_uri_schemes(g_vfs_get_default());
372 if(Q_UNLIKELY(schemes == nullptr)) {
373 return false;
374 }
375 for(const gchar * const* scheme = schemes; *scheme; ++scheme)
376 if(strcmp(uriScheme, *scheme) == 0) {
377 return true;
378 }
379 return false;
380 }
382 // check if the URI exists.
383 // NOTE: this is a blocking call possibly involving I/O.
384 // So it's better to use it in limited cases, like checking trash:// or computer://.
385 // Avoid calling this on a slow filesystem.
386 // Checking "network:///" is very slow, for example.
uriExists(const char * uri)387 bool uriExists(const char* uri) {
388 GFile* gf = g_file_new_for_uri(uri);
389 bool ret = (bool)g_file_query_exists(gf, nullptr);
390 g_object_unref(gf);
391 return ret;
392 }
formatFileSize(uint64_t size,bool useSI)394 QString formatFileSize(uint64_t size, bool useSI) {
395 Fm::CStrPtr str{g_format_size_full(size, useSI ? G_FORMAT_SIZE_DEFAULT : G_FORMAT_SIZE_IEC_UNITS)};
396 return QString(QString::fromUtf8(str.get()));
397 }
399 } // namespace Fm